Group building games. Games to unite the children's team of teenagers in the camp: fun and moving

dating games

For acquaintance of children of primary school age, the game "Ball" is suitable. The leader holds the ball in his hands and says:
colorful ball
Jumping along the path
Along the path, along the path
From birch to aspen,
From the aspen - turn -
Straight to Sasha in the garden! (name of one of the players.)
With the last words, the host throws the ball up. The participants whose name was called must catch the ball. The one who caught becomes the leader. If the name of a participant who is not in the game is called, then the leader catches the ball and makes the next throw.

The group is given cards divided into squares. In each square, some quality of a person is written, for example: “I like to sing”, “I have a dog”, “I play volleyball”. Everyone must find people with these characteristics and write their names on their card so that all the cells are filled.
The exercise should include those qualities that are important to the teacher: interest in core activities (“I love the theater”), hobby groups (“I love reading science fiction”), etc.

Telephone trust
The game "Helpline" will help the collective acquaintance of students. Participants sit in pairs, boys opposite girls. The girls whisper their names to the boys sitting with them in a pair. After that, the boy sitting in the front row quietly tells the neighbor the name of his partner, so that the other boys do not hear. The second player tells the third the name of the first girl and the name of the one sitting opposite him, and so on.
The last boy must say out loud the names of all the girls. If the name is called correctly, then the girl gets up, if not, then the girl remains seated. After that, the girls learn the names of the boys and call them. The team with the most accuracy wins.


All participants stand in a circle. The host approaches any player and says: “Hello, I am a locomotive! What is your name?". The participant calls his name, and the "locomotive" repeats it. Who introduced himself, joins the "locomotive". Then, with each new participant, all players take turns repeating the name of the new one.

The king walked through the forest

The king walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest.
Found myself a princess, princess, princess.
Let's jump with you, jump, jump,
And kicking legs, kicking, kicking.
And clap, clap, clap.
And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp.
Let's spin, spin, spin.
Let's make friends, make friends, make friends!

(we perform actions according to the text; at the end we shake hands, call the name, jump).

Team building games

op panki

The players form a circle. The participants of the game are counted in order up to 4. Everyone remembers their number. The host calls any two numbers. The guys whose numbers were called say “Op-panki!” and quickly swap places with each other. The host tries to take the place of one of them. If he manages to do this, the latecomer becomes the leader.

desired color

At the leader's command, it is necessary to touch a certain color, and you cannot touch this color on yourself and on the leader. The game is “on the fly”, that is, the last one who touches leaves, however, you can touch the colors on those who do not play.

Guess who's not.

All participants close their eyes. At this time, the host touches one player, and he silently leaves the room. (at this time you can make some noise). At the leader's signal, everyone opens their eyes and looks who is not there. Whoever first called the name of the absentee becomes the leader.

Red, blue, green

The players form a circle or line up. The leader (counselor) attaches a sheet of a certain color to each back. On a signal, all participants must line up in columns: red - in one column, blue - in another, etc. Other colors can be used. You can complicate the task: build in complete silence.

Eyes to eyes

Participants sit in a circle so that everyone can be clearly seen, hands are placed under the buttocks. Silently, without using facial expressions, you need to find a mate with your eyes alone (you can’t “negotiate” with neighbors and with those who sit through one). At the leader's signal, everyone stands up and approaches their pair. Most likely, not everyone will be able to “agree with their eyes” right away, so the exercise is repeated, but at the same time, the participants sit down in other places in the circle. The game continues until everyone has their own pair.

tree-dog house

The exercise is performed in pairs. Each pair receives one felt-tip pen or one brush with paints, one drawing paper. Both participants are blindfolded. Each pair, working with only one tool, must draw a house - a tree - a dog. In this case, the players should not talk to each other.

Leadership games

write the beast

Everyone writes some animal on a piece of paper, without showing it to anyone. After all the animals are written, everyone takes turns reading them. After that, it is proposed, without communicating with each other, to write some animal again. Final goal: everyone should have the same beast (this should be explained after the first round). Allows you to identify the opposition, obvious and shadow leaders.


The guys line up in a column one by one in the back of the head to each other, putting their hands on their shoulders. The guide explains the rules:

2. Everyone, except the one standing last, has their eyes closed.

3. The last one is the train driver.

4. Clap on the left (right) shoulder - turn left (right).

5. Cotton on both shoulders - forward.

6. Cotton on both shoulders double - back.

7. Clap on both shoulders with a shot - stop.

The driver's task is to guide the train several turns. After that, the last one to become - ahead of everyone and repeat. Leaders are judged by their ability to manage.


Participants work in pairs. It is necessary to play roles - two people go along the road through the field: one in front, the other two checks behind. The second participant is the "shadow" of the first. The "shadow" must repeat exactly all the movements of the first participant, who either picks a flower on the side of the road, or bends over a beautiful pebble, then jumps on one leg, then stops and looks from under his arm, etc.


A circle is drawn. Children stand in a circle. They are encouraged to close their eyes, buzz and move in any direction. Then the command "Stop!" and everyone stays where they are. Those who stand in the center of the circle or closer to the center of the circle are leaders in terms of their capabilities. Those who stand on the line of the circle have the traits of a leader, but for a number of reasons they may or may not be leaders (they do not always strive for this). Those behind the circle don't aspire to be leaders. Who stands very far from the circle, lonely people.


Host: "You have 4 types of movements: hands up, crouch, converge in the center, disperse along the walls. Your task is to make the maximum number of people do the same thing."

Careful observation of the group allows you to find out who falls out, who is the leader, who obeys.

Favorable team climate is an important indicator of a successful work process.
The work process and the result of joint work directly depend on psychological comfort, therefore the task of the manager is to organize high-quality interaction among employees.

You can create a favorable atmosphere with the help of.

Goals and methods of team building training (team building, team building)

Each person has an individual character and point of view, perceiving the workflow in his own way. For productive production, an effective interaction of personal characteristics is necessary, therefore the main goal of the training is to identify the valuable qualities of employees and their implementation in the overall working mechanism.

The tasks of the organizer and moderator are:
- creation of informal connections and interpersonal sympathies;
– assistance to participants in choosing a comfortable position in the team;
- formation of the ability to act together and solve current problems together;
— establishing the optimal level of psychological and emotional compatibility in the team.

Trainings are held in different formats. These can be sports and intellectual competitions, business games, general creativity (consciousness of collages, videos, competitions) or events with a collective outing.

Lesson plan.
1. Familiarization of employees with the purpose and task of the training.
2. Discussion of group norms (non-disclosure of the process outside the team, sincerity, respect for other participants, freedom of speech and choice).
3. Exercise.
4. Results. At the end, the results are summed up (impressions, opinions about the training, wishes).

Example #1

Target: stress relief

Exercise: the leader sets the score according to the number of participants. It is necessary to count alternately, but without saying a word.

if both team members call the number together, the game starts over;
talking is prohibited;
allowed to use facial expressions, gestures.
the task becomes more difficult - all participants are asked to play with their eyes closed.

Result: during the exercise, employees are forced to anticipate each other's actions, pay attention to non-verbal appeals, manners of colleagues. At the end of the task, the players discuss the results and the main problems hindering the completion of the task.

Example #2

Target: Establishing contact

Exercise: The facilitator chooses a song, the words of which are known to all participants of the training. Each participant takes turns saying the next word in the song following the previous participant in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. In case of failure or mistake in the word of one of the participants, the game starts over.

Example #3

Target: Team Building

Exercise: all participants are built in a circle, close their eyes. It should be built in any given figure (square, triangle, and others).

Result: As a rule, the performance of the task is accompanied by fuss and disputes. This happens until the leader of the game is revealed, who will place the participants. After the task is completed, employees must answer the question of whether they are sure that the figure is even. You can’t open your eyes until the whole team is convinced of victory. At the end of the game, a discussion is arranged, the main goal of which is to find out options for a faster and better completion of the test.

Example #4

Target: Building communication in a group

Exercise: Participants sit in a circle. The facilitator approaches one of the participants and passes an imaginary object into the hands of the participant (with a gesture) and informs the direction of the transfer (clockwise or counterclockwise). Each participant must pass the item to the next player. At the leader's signal, "Stop. Who has the item now? The participant must raise their hand. The item cannot be a physical item, only an imaginary transmission.


In the first round, the host launches one cat object in a clockwise direction. At the “stop” signal, the participants who have a “cat” raise their hand. In the first round, there are always no problems. And the facilitator makes sure everyone understands the rules.

Two items. Starts by launching two objects (a cat and a puppy) in different directions and from different participants.

The fun begins when the facilitator launches several items in different directions and from different participants. At the moment when the items are found in one player, confusion begins, what was passed to whom and whether it is true. After the stop signal, in most cases, players cannot reliably tell who has what item.

The bottleneck is the participant, to whom the items come from different directions and he must distribute them correctly to the neighbors on the right and left.
Between rounds, the facilitator allows time for the group to discuss transfer interactions, using other means of communication so as not to lose items.
And the game starts again, with the gradual addition of the number of items.

Result: As a rule, the game is accompanied by laughter and humor. During the breaks between rounds, the participants vigorously discuss how they should interact so as not to lose the transfer order and items. The facilitator evaluates the involvement of participants in solving the problem and identifies leaders in the group. At the end, the host asks the participants about the game, the difficulties and how you solved them.

Example #5

Target: Increasing confidence

Exercise: Participants are divided into teams of 5-6 people. Each of their groups should turn away and fall into the hands of colleagues. Rules:
team members must hold the falling person;
when falling, it is necessary to cross your arms over your chest so as not to hit anyone;
“Accepting” a colleague should not be in the palm of your hand, but on your forearms, holding each other’s wrists with clasped hands.
You can fall from a height (for example, from a windowsill) or just lean back. The exercise evokes a lot of emotions and impressions, which are shared by all participants at the end of the game.
After the training, colleagues discuss observations and strategies for completing tasks, evaluate their own and others' work in a team. During the process, everyone has the right to refuse to participate in the game, declaring this to the whole team.

Example #6

Target: close acquaintance

Exercise: Colleagues line up in order of height. At the command of the leader, everyone is rebuilt in the given order. The movements are carried out silently.

The change takes place according to the following parameters:
by the first letter of the name, surname or patronymic (in alphabetical order);
by hair color (from light shade to darker);
by month of birth;
according to the age.

Result: team members learn to interact and understand, learn more about each other. Employees find similarities with colleagues, which contributes to the development of personal liking.

Example #7

Target: Common cause
Task: all participants of the training are divided into two and hold hands with a partner. With free hands (one of the couple has a left hand, and the other has a right hand), it is necessary to pack gifts: wrap them in paper, tie a bow. Competition for speed and quality of execution.
Result: to win the game, partners must understand each other from a half-word, gesture, look. Competitive spirit improves relationships and promotes team building.

Example #8

Target: Creativity

Exercise: the organizer prepares the necessary attributes in advance - drawing paper, pictures, stickers, pieces of fabric and other items that can be used to decorate the picture. All participants of the training gather around the table and create a common work on a given topic (“Friendly team”, “One for all ...”, “Workdays”).

Result: joint creativity helps to unite, realize their abilities, demonstrate skills and talents to colleagues. Participants need to listen to each other, look for compromise solutions to create a coherent and harmonious picture.
During training, employees must treat all members of the group with respect. It is unacceptable to interrupt and insult colleagues, make fun of someone else's opinion, mention participants in the third person.

Expected outcome of the training

The determination of the current situation in the team is carried out on the basis of observations of the participants during the training and the test. Such a study is conducted anonymously, employees are invited to objectively assess the indicators of the psychological atmosphere (friendliness, productivity, hostility, and others).

Based on the data obtained, the main problems of the group are determined and subsequent classes are formed, aimed at correcting the “weak points” of the team.

A competent and delicate approach will help unite employees and form mutual understanding between them in a short time.

As a result, it is expected:
— optimization of relations within the team;
- developing the ability to work together;
- the possibility of a competent way out of conflict situations;
— high efficiency of each employee and department;
- productive workflow.

The results of the program can be assessed by repeated research (observations of a psychologist, personal opinion of the participants).

Order a free consultation on organizing and conducting trainings on team building, communications, management, sales for staff

Rope course. We bring to your attention a series of specially designed exercises that will help make friends with children, teach them to feel and understand everyone.

And this course is called rope course. Why? Because the main idea is all together, as if connected by one rope. In addition, the rope will come in handy in some exercises. So, stock up not only with a rope, but also with patience, and most importantly, desire!
The rope course is a series of specially prepared lessons, psychophysical exercises for small groups, as well as individual lessons. This program was developed by the American company Barron Adventures.

In the course of the course, an atmosphere of creative search is created, the possibilities of making non-standard decisions are being worked out, mutual assistance and support in the team is increased. On the example of fascinating, but rather complex exercises, the group learns to solve a common problem, develop tactics and a strategy for solving it. By participating in the "Ropes course", the guys begin to overcome barriers in communication, get to know each other better, thanks to this, a natural and quick rallying of the group occurs. The analysis of each exercise gives the guys the opportunity to understand how the task was completed, a decision was made, who took an active position and how it affected result.Think about what could have been done differently and better next time, how to overcome difficulties in life in a more effective way. "The ropes course is a peer-to-peer learning program in which participants learn everything from their own experience, according to their actions. The main goals of the rope course are teamwork and leadership. But at the same time, we can add that it gives:
. group strategy development;
. creativity;
. self-expression;
. effective leadership;
. self confidence;
. solution of problems;
. overcoming oneself.

The group that passes the test should not exceed 12 people.
2. Exercises are performed under the guidance of a counselor who is well acquainted with the "course.
3. Time to prepare the task is not limited.
4. The task is considered completed if everyone accurately copes with the task. If at least one participant makes a mistake, the group returns to its original position.
And yet, in no case do not forget that the course can only be conducted in a warm, friendly atmosphere. And it depends only on you, dear colleagues! Good luck!

Participants form a circle and join hands, with the hands of one person should be linked with the hands of different people. Task: without disengaging the hands, unravel the knot and form a circle.
* This exercise provides an opportunity for everyone to participate in strategy development.

"Electrical circuit".
The team is divided into pairs. Partners sit opposite each other, where they connect their hands and feet, thus forming an electrical circuit through which current flows through the clasped hands and feet. The task of the participants is to stand up without breaking the electrical circuit. Now combine two pairs with each other to make an electrical circuit consisting of four people. The task remains the same - to stand together without breaking the chain. When this stage is successfully completed, combine the groups again to form an electrical circuit consisting of 8 people. In the end, you will get an electrical circuit formed by all the participants that must rise.
The two main conditions for this exercise are: 1) the electric current must flow freely through a closed electrical circuit formed by clasped hands and feet; 2) at each stage, the participants must take off from the ground at the same time.
Tip for the counselor: do not forget to support the children, because it is very difficult for them!

"Big Mac".
Organize a big circle. Divide the team into pairs and ask each pair to choose a phrase from two words that are traditionally used together (for example, one partner says: "Big" - the other: "Poppy"; one: "Nuts" - the other: "Butter", etc. d.). Then explain that, according to the rules of the game, you need to close your eyes and not open them until the end of the event, and, in addition, you can only say your chosen word. Now the leader shuffles the team so that the partners are far from each other. Partners with closed eyes, shouting out their word, find each other. Once the couple is reunited, move them out of the way of those with their eyes still closed. Upon completion of the task, each pair tells all participants their phrase.
For this exercise, the platform plays a very important role, which should be large.

"Seated Circle"
The team forms a tight circle (shoulders touching). After that, ask the children to turn 90 degrees to the right. Task: You need to slowly kneel down to each other and touch the shoulder of the person behind you with your hand.
End this exercise on a high note by laughing and clapping to everyone.

"Push ups".
Break into groups of 4 people. Your task is to push yourself off the ground so that only your hands rest on it, and hold out for at least 5 seconds.
*Hint to counselor: It is best to do push-ups if the group lies face down on the ground so that a square is formed, the sides of which are formed by the bodies (the legs of one lie on the back of a neighbor).
The counselor needs to ask the children if they have back problems? In this exercise, these children can be used as judges.

"All aboard."
Equipment: any designated area (banquette, chair, bar).
The task of the participants: to fit the whole team on a medium-sized area. You need to remove both feet from the ground, and hold for at least five seconds. The second stage: you need to do the same on a smaller area.

Equipment: any beam (a tree lying on the ground, a gymnastic beam, etc.).
The team lines up on the log. Starting with the first person, the team crosses to the opposite end of the log. The result should be the same line, in the same order.
* Hint for the counselor: it is better to arrange the team, alternating boys and girls.

Equipment: trolls - a small plank, bar or other auxiliary item.
Mark two parallel lines at a distance of at least three meters from each other. The task of the team is to cross from one line to another without touching the ground, using trolls.

"Walk of the Blind".
Have each participant cover their eyes with a bandage. When all eyes are closed, tell the guys that we are going on a journey through the inviolable land that our eyes cannot touch. Ask them to place their right hand on the shoulder of the person in front. Slowly start your journey along the chosen route, including climbing stumps, hills, crawling under low overhanging trees and branches, squeezing between trees, etc. Finish in some tight (but safe!) place.
*Hint to counselor: This exercise should be done in complete silence. You should choose a sign to indicate danger (shaking, clapping on the shoulder, etc.).

Equipment: a "web" woven from ropes in advance. The number of cells must match the number of participants. The goal is to get the whole team across the web from one side to the other without touching any of its parts. If you touch the web, the whole team comes back and starts the exercise again. If any of you crossed over to the other side, then he cannot return, bypassing the web, and help the team. Each cell can only be used once.

Equipment: rope, bucket of water. The “pendulum” is prepared in advance (the rope is attached to the support).
The task is to get the whole team across the designated line without touching the ground. In addition, each team member needs to move a container of water without spilling a single drop.
Mandatory insurance!

"Electric Fence"
Equipment: rope, pole (board, stick, etc.).
The challenge is to get the entire team across an imaginary electrical wall without touching any visible or imaginary part of it. If anyone touches the wall, the whole team comes back and starts the exercise again.
* Tip for the leader: the pole can be used by the whole team or the last participant.

"Trust is a foul."
Form a team in two lines so that both groups are facing each other. Ask to take off watches, rings, bracelets, stretch your arms forward, bend them at the elbows (90 degree angle). Hands alternate with each other, forming a "cradle" for the falling. The palms are turned upwards and in no case are they linked to each other, or to the hands of a neighbor on the side or opposite. The belayer's knees are slightly bent. The leader stands in a line to the place where the greatest weight of the falling person will fall and, no matter what happens, do not remove his hands during the fall of the participant. Put strong guys next to you. As the queue progresses, you can change the order of the line so that each participant experiences a moment of capture, but keep the strong ones in the middle.
If you have a big strong team, you can be the leader of the fall (out of line), but if you feel that the team needs you for the safety of the fall, ask the guys to choose the leader (Maestro) themselves.
Prepare the Maestro so that he can check the falling one.
. The torso and legs should be absolutely straight, like a string;
. Hands - crossed on the chest and clasped in the castle;
. The head is slightly thrown back;
. Ask them to remove their glasses and remove items from their pockets.
Words that must be said before the fall:
1) FALLER: "Are the spotters ready?"
2) BEAMERS: "Belayers are ready"
3) MAESTRO: "Fall."
After landing, shake your comrade in your arms - show affection.


The players stand in a circle and randomly throw the ball to each other. The throw must be accompanied by a compliment to the person to whom the ball is thrown.

The bigger the ball, the better - it makes people open up.


The players stand in a circle with their eyes closed, after which the leader, touching his shoulder, appoints two or three of them as sorcerers. Then everyone opens their eyes and begins to make a chaotic movement, shaking hands with each other. Each of the sorcerers can (but is not obliged!) When shaking hands, bewitch the player to whom he shakes hands, imperceptibly scratching his palm. Bewitched, having made two more handshakes with someone, he goes to the corner for the bewitched (leaves the game). The task of the non-sorcerers playing, looking at each other, is to expose all the sorcerers, the task of those, in turn, to bewitch everyone.


The players stand in a circle, alternating by gender (that is, a boy-girl-boy-girl, and so on), in the center is the leader. The players rhythmically clap their hands and say the following words in chorus: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, Arameya-Zufiya, show me! And once! And two! And three! ”, At this time, the leader, closing his eyes and pointing forward with his hands, rotates in place, when the text ends, he stops and opens his eyes. The representative of the opposite sex closest in the direction of rotation to the place shown by him also goes to the center, where they stand back to back. Then everyone else clap their hands again, saying in chorus: “And once! And two! And three!". On the count of three, those standing in the center turn their heads to the sides. If they looked in different directions, then the driver kisses (usually on the cheek), the one who left, if in one direction, they shake hands. After that, the driver stands in a circle, and the one who leaves becomes the driver.

There is also a version of the game in which for the representatives of the stronger sex, spinning in the center, the words "Aram-shim-shim, ..." are replaced by "Wider, wider, wider circle! He has seven hundred girlfriends! This one, this one, this one, this one, and this one’s beloved!”, although in general it doesn’t matter.

When playing the game at a younger age, it makes sense to replace kisses with scary faces that the two in the center make each other, and at an older age you can kiss on the lips.

Who is into what

Two commands:
1.For 1 min. Show proverb. Your team guesses.
2. Draw on the topic. (Drink). Your team guesses.
3. Compose a story with a rope. Each team is given 2 keywords. One of which must be the last.
4. Topic: "…". Guess as many words as possible (in 1 minute) that a player from his team has previously said

Search for pieces of paper at the stage

Papers are cut in advance. Then they hide on the floor of the building: in the suitcase, in the corridor, in the wards, in the shower, in the 5th meal room, on the dryer. Then the children are divided into two teams and look for these pieces of paper, each on its own side. The team that finds the most papers wins.

think, tell

Task: Act out the conversation of the characters:

100 dollars and one penny,
a gold earring and a holey sock,
rusty nail and heel,
dirty dish and toilet soap,
old newspaper and planer.

Share by feature

One person goes out the door, meanwhile the group agrees on what basis to divide and diverge into two groups (for example, those who have laces and those who do not). The task of the person entering is to guess on what basis the group is divided into two parts.

Count up to ten

“Now, at the signal “begin,” you will close your eyes, lower your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say “one”, another person will say “two”, a third will say “three”, and so on… However, there is one rule in the game: only one person must say the word. If two votes say "four", the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words.” did the group manage to do it? If yes, how? If it didn't work, then why? What hindered? Who took an active part, who remained silent?

sculptural portrait

One of the participants is called (or chosen by the group - this is even more interesting, because it shows whose opinion and vision, whose feedback the members of the group want to receive first of all) to be the “sculptor”, who will immortalize the group in “monumental sculpture”. Each character of the sculptural group should have its own role, its own function. The sculpture of the group should somehow be “embodied in stone”, and maybe in some other material, which will help highlight the role of each. “You are a sculptor. So embody what you see, how you feel us. We will be your material - the sculpture will consist of us. Put us in different poses, mold and “carve” anything out of us. And then tell what you wanted to say with your work.” The sculptor starts to work. “Sculptures” in this case can turn out to be different: it all depends on what situation has developed in the group and how the participant sees it. For example, the leader can be put on a chair, at his feet build the participants who unconditionally follow him with their eyes raised to him, someone may be behind the chair on the periphery of the sculptural group and, with fingers in the form of binoculars attached to their eyes, etc. Then follows sculptor's comment. He talks about what he had in mind, giving this or that participant an appropriate pose, choosing for him certain roles in which they were seen. Several of these “sculptural portraits” may be made by different participants.


Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got confused, and it turned out one big "confusion", you can imagine that the whole group has turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgently necessary to determine where his head is and where his tail is. (“Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?” asks the presenter). When the beast has oriented where its right and where its left is, it must learn to move in all directions, including backwards. And then, the beast must run, and maybe even “eat” someone that got along the way.

Talking things.

Can you imagine talking things? Have you ever had the feeling that the objects around you seemed to want to tell you something? Imagine that some object has learned to speak. What would he say about you? Choose three items from this list and write down everything that each of them could say about you. Write the names of the following items on the board: Toothbrush, bus, coat; shoes, wardrobe, hairbrush; ballpoint pen, mirror, dining table; bed, TV, plate; bicycle, radio, Russian language textbook; soap, desk, lamp; soccer ball, soft toy, pet. You are given approximately 20 minutes for the children to draw three drawings depicting these objects. Then, on behalf of each subject, the child must compose a story about himself and write it down. Now break into groups of four and show each other your drawings and stories. Ask others what they think about this. What subjects have you chosen for yourself? What did you like the most about what the objects said about you? Did the items reveal any of your weaknesses? Whose stories were the most interesting for you? What would the table at which the teacher sits say about you?
Various variations are possible.


This game should be played by both sexes in equal numbers. Representatives of one sex, for example, girls secretly from the representatives of the other “divide” them among themselves, that is, each girl guesses one of the young people (only one and they should not intersect!) Then both groups sit on benches opposite each other and guessed in turn trying to figure out who made them. This is done as follows: a young man approaches the girl he is supposed to and (slightly!) Stomps his foot in front of her, if he guessed it, the girl claps her hands, and they both go on a “romantic journey”, that is, they leave the game. Otherwise, the girl stamps her foot in response and the young man, returning to his place, again waits for his turn. This continues until there is only one, never met couple. All the rest come up with some (preferably funny and kind) task for them, which they perform to the general laughter.


Representatives of the same sex (for example, girls) sit in a circle on chairs facing inward, one seat is free. Representatives of the opposite sex, for example, young people stand behind the backs of chairs, one at a time behind a chair (including an empty one) and hold their hands at their sides. One of the participants who is standing behind an empty chair is trying to lure someone from those sitting to his chair by winking at him (in our example, at her). When one of those sitting tries to run away to a free chair, the task of the one who stands behind him is to prevent him from doing this, that is, to carefully catch and not let him go.

Aigul Khaliullina
Team building training "We are one team"

Team building training"We one team"

Target: team building and building an effective team interaction.


Build trust in collective;

Development of responsibility and contribution of each participant in solving common problems;

Formation of a favorable psychological climate in the group;

Awareness by each participant of his role, functions in the group;

Developing the ability to work team;

Psychologist: hello! The purpose of our training is team building and building an effective team interaction. Rallying is an opportunity for commands become a single whole for the achievement of specific goals and objectives. After all, how good it is when your friend understands and supports you, to hear and help when this help is needed, and to understand each other even without words. Close-knit team achieves many peaks and victories.

Explanation of the rules of the “game” and conditions.

These include: manifestation of activity, speak exclusively from oneself, listen to each other without interrupting, do not discuss outside training ongoing exercises, each participant has the right to interrupt the lesson and leave training by personally informing team.

An exercise "Please"

Target: Cheer up, and tune in to further exercises.

Exercise progress:

Option 1. All participants in the game, together with the leader, become in a circle. The host says that he will show different movements (physical education, dance, comic, and the players should repeat them only if he adds the word to the show "please". Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Option 2. The game goes the same as in the first option, but only the one who makes a mistake goes to the middle and performs some task, for example, smile, jump on one leg, etc. Note: to stipulate from the very beginning that this is a comic exercise and should not be taken seriously (take offense).

The game "Through the Ring"

Target: improved coordination of joint actions in collective.

Exercise progress:

A hoop with a diameter of 1 meter is made in advance. The participants of the game stand in a line and hold hands. The person standing first in line holds a hoop in his hand. The task of the participants is to pass through the hoop without opening their hands. At the end, the hoop should be on the opposite edge of the line. D

Recognize the drawing (how well do you know each other)

Goals: help participants get to know each other better; create motivation to work together. Attributes: markers; sheets of paper; move exercises: Trainer asks the participants question: “How long have you been working together and how well do you know each other?”

After the participants' answers, the following instruction: “Draw, please, for 5 (10) minutes of your portrait in this team how you see yourself in it, so that to tell: "That's me". Drawings do not need to be signed.

After completion of work trainer collects drawings in a common pack. Then he takes each drawing out of the pack, attaches it to the board (you can put the drawing in a circle before this so that everyone can take a closer look at it) and discusses it with the group on the following issues:

What is this person like?

Who could it be? Participants guess the author of the drawing. After the group found out who the author of the drawing was, trainer asks him to tell something more about himself (at the request of the participant) .

An exercise "Shapes"

Target: This game is team building. During this game, you can track many points that are important for team building training. For example, member roles, group dynamics, etc.

Exercise progress:

You will need a rope with a length of 1 m * the number of participants.

Instruction: For the next exercise, you need the whole group to stand in a circle. Take the rope in your hands and stand so that the correct circle is formed. Now close your eyes and without opening them, build a square. Only verbal communication can be used. When you consider that the task is completed, let me know. Mission completed?

Open your eyes. Do you think you succeeded in completing the task?

We listen to the answers, but do not comment on them.

Now I will offer you to build another figure under the same conditions. Can you build it in a shorter time? Good. I suggest repeating the experiment. We close our eyes. Your task is to build an equilateral triangle.

Summing up the exercise:

Are you satisfied with the result of the group?

What factors influenced the success of the task?

Which of these factors could you influence?

What conclusions will you draw from the exercise?

The game "Merry Account"

The goal is to withdraw internal stress and psychological discomfort.

Exercise progress:

The leader calls any number, not exceeding the number of participants in the group. According to this number (e.g. 5) must synchronously rise, without saying a word 5 people. The exercise forces participants to anticipate each other's thoughts and actions. Draws increased attention to gestures, attitudes and mannerisms. Discussion. Why was it not immediately possible to complete the task and what helped to achieve the result?

An exercise "Talking Hands"

Target: emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants.

Exercise progress: Participants form two circle: internal and external standing facing each other. The host gives commands, which participants perform silently in the resulting pair. After that by team the leading outer circle moves to the right by a step.

Variants of instructions formed couples:

1. Say hello with your hands.

2. Fight with your hands.

3. Make peace with your hands.

4. Show support with your hands.

5. Feel sorry for your hands.

6. Express joy.

7. Wish good luck.

8. Say goodbye with your hands.

Psychological sense exercises: there is an emotional and psychological rapprochement of participants due to bodily contact. Between them, mutual understanding improves, the skill of non-verbal communication develops. Discussion: What was easy, what was difficult? Who found it difficult to silently convey information? Who is easy? Did they pay attention to the information from the partner or did they think more about how to convey the information themselves? What do you think this exercise was aimed at?

An exercise "Gift"

Target: positive ending training, reflection.

Time: 3-5 minutes.

Description of the exercise: Leading: “Let's think about what we could give your group to make interaction in it even more effective, and relations in it more united? Let's say what each of us gives to the group. For example, I give you optimism and mutual trust.” Further, each of the participants expresses what he would like to give to the group. "Let's reward ourselves for a successful swim with applause!"

Psychological sense exercises: Ritual to complete training beautiful and on a positive emotional note.

Discussion: "Our training came to an end. I want to ask you, what new did you learn today? What did you find useful for yourself and for the group? Well, all the gifts have been presented, the games have been completed, the words have been spoken. All of you were active, worked harmoniously in team. Do not forget that you are a single whole, each of you is an important and necessary, unique part of this whole! Together you are strong! Thank you all for participating!”

The more favorable the environment and microclimate in the team, the higher the indicators of its effectiveness and success. Psychological comfort directly affects the entire work process and its results. For this reason, the establishment of high-quality interaction between team members is the direct responsibility of any leader and leader. Team building games in this case will serve as one of the most effective methods. The fourth lesson is entirely devoted to them. In the following, we will introduce you to many simple games, but first we will say a few words about the basic goals of any such events.

Goals of team building games

Each person can be called an individual, because he has his own character, opinion and perception of the work process. In order for the work to be argued and productive, it is necessary to correctly build the interaction of the above-mentioned personal characteristics of people. Based on this, the main goal of team building games is to determine the most valuable qualities of each team member and implement them into the working mechanism.

In parallel with this, team unity exercises also perform several related functions:

  • Help team members to find the most comfortable position for themselves in it
  • Reveal interpersonal likes and establish informal connections
  • Build teamwork and problem solving skills
  • Optimize the level of emotional and psychological compatibility of players

Any trainings, exercises and games for team building can be held in different formats, representing creative, business, intellectual or sports competitions. It is also important that they can be carried out both locally (i.e. in the office) and with the whole team going somewhere - to a recreation center, to a sanatorium or sports club, to nature, etc.

Teambuilding is a structured process. This means that the holding of team building events is subject to a certain algorithm. Simply put, they should be carried out as follows (this sequence applies to any team building event):

  • The facilitator introduces the participants to the goals and objectives of the event
  • The host voices the group norms for the event (this should include sincerity, respect, the desire for trust and emancipation, freedom of opinion, speech and choice, non-disclosure of process features outside the team, etc.)
  • An exercise, game or set of activities is being carried out
  • The results are collectively discussed and the results are summed up (participants share their emotions, impressions and opinions, voice suggestions and wishes)

Just to clarify, if you decide to do one or two exercises for your team, the office where you work may well be suitable for this. But if you have the task of conducting a large-scale training with many games, it is best to go out of town or rent a large auditorium or conference room. The games and exercises themselves are suitable for both large and small teams, but as each game is described, if necessary, we will give small explanations. For convenience, we have also divided the games into those that are more suitable for playing in the office and on the road.

Office games for team building and team building

Relieve stress

The game, as the name implies, is aimed at intense loads. The facilitator gives the participants the task to count in order of priority, but without any agreements. Please note: if two people call a number at the same time, the game starts over. It is forbidden to talk, but you can use gestures and facial expressions. To complicate the game, you can give the task to keep score with your eyes closed. The essence of the game is that team members anticipate each other's actions, pay attention to non-verbal cues and establish an emotional connection with each other.

Let's sing a song

The facilitator gives the participants the task to stand close to each other. Then, together with the team, he chooses a song whose words everyone knows. After that, the players take turns clockwise or counterclockwise to say the words of the song in the correct order. If the song breaks or someone makes a mistake, the game should start over. The task is to sing the song to the end.

Getting to know each other better

The facilitator gives the task to the participants to stand in a row in height. Then he gives the command to silently rebuild in the established sequence. The task can be to line up in alphabetical order (by the first letter of the first or last name), by day or month of birth, by age or by hair color (from light to dark or vice versa). This team building game allows team members to get to know each other better, improves non-verbal communication and non-verbal comprehension.

We create together

A great example of a team building game. The host prepares the attributes for the game in advance and independently: drawing paper, stickers, applications, pictures, photographs, fabric, markers, paints - everything with which you can create a colorful and beautiful collage or picture. Then all participants gather together around a large table, and the facilitator gives the task to create a picture or collage on a specific topic, for example, “Our team”, “Workdays”, “Teaching is hard” or “The best team”. Such joint creativity promotes rallying, disclosure and realization of abilities, demonstration of talents, knowledge and skills. In addition to this, players are constantly communicating and interacting with each other, listening, voicing their ideas, finding compromise solutions.

Preparing gifts

The team is divided into pairs. In a pair, one partner takes one hand of the second partner with one hand, so that each has one free hand. The host, having prepared boxes of various sizes, wrapping paper and ribbons in advance, instructs the players to start the game. The bottom line is that each couple should pack a gift: close the box, wrap it in paper, tie it with ribbon. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins. This exercise perfectly develops the ability to understand each other without words, to catch and read non-verbal gestures, to achieve one goal together.

Drawing in the office

A wonderful team building exercise that everyone can do: both those who can draw and those who cannot. We have already considered one of its varieties (“We create together”). A large team can split into subgroups to keep the competitive spirit (but this is not necessary). Participants themselves prepare the tools for work (paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, drawing paper or even easels, etc.) and begin to create their own work of art together. You can make funny drawings, paint serious paintings or reproduce famous canvases. The host can also arrange competitions for several teams, and according to the results, distribute the 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and present the corresponding prizes.

Draw blindly

Another kind of team building game where you need to draw. It can be used both as a comic one-time event and as part of a large training. Although to a greater extent the exercise is suitable for office performance. The facilitator prepares in advance a large sheet of drawing paper, a felt-tip pen or a marker. The team is divided into pairs. Assistants blindfold the players. The facilitator gives the task to draw some kind of object (from a simple one, like a square, to a complex one, like some kind of animal). Participants together take one tool with their hands (you can also draw in turn, so that each continues the picture of the other) and begin to draw a given object. This fun and casual game is great for practicing non-verbal comprehension and bringing people closer to each other.

We do everything in sync

A very simple but entertaining team building game. During the game, everyone can stay at their jobs. The facilitator gives the task to the players in turn to perform some action, for example, sit down, stretch out their arms, turn their heads, raise one leg, take a pen, etc. The task of the rest is to perform the same action synchronously with the first player. Synchronicity here is an indicator of how people in a team feel each other, how they understand each other without words. At the same time, everyone's mood rises, because sometimes the group performance of some action looks very comical, and there are a lot of inventors in teams.

We get the prize

A wonderful team game, taking place in the form of a comic competition. The leader gives the participants the task to stand around the table, in the center of which lies the prize. The players take each other's thumb, acting as a joystick, and immediately close their eyes. But the last player in the chain leaves his eyes open. It is he who, controlling the movement of his neighbor's finger, must transfer the impulse to the first in the chain. The first in the chain, without opening his eyes and understanding what movement needs to be done, must get the prize. The host acts as an independent judge. The presented exercise stimulates the players' desire to achieve a common goal and learn to understand each other.

clap together

A simple and fun team building game. The host gives the participants the task to arrange themselves in a circle and appoints the player from whom the game begins. At the signal, everyone should clap their hands as quickly as possible. Nothing complicated, but this game is good for developing sensitivity, understanding of non-verbal signals and team spirit.

Away games for team building and team building

Create a Shape

The facilitator gives the participants the task to sit in a circle. The distance must be sufficient for free movement (for this reason, this game is suitable for large teams). At the signal of the leader, the participant, without saying anything, chooses one of his colleagues and takes exactly 15 steps towards him. After that, without saying anything again, he explains to the partner what figure he wants to portray (square, circle, house, crescent, etc.). Then they create this figure together. Such a team building exercise perfectly trains the ability to work in pairs, understand the other without words, use. Also, this game helps managers to identify leaders and followers, active and passive players.

Transferring the item

Another game in which team building is the main goal. Players must sit in a circle. Then the facilitator approaches the first participant and gives him an imaginary object with a gesture, and also indicates the direction of its transfer. Anything can act as an object, for example, a monkey.

The first player passes the monkey to the second, and so on. round. At one point, the host says “Stop!”, And asks who has the monkey. At first everything seems simple, but then the game becomes more complicated, because. it consists of at least three rounds.

At the end of the first round, the facilitator makes sure that everyone understands the rules and begins the second round. Two imaginary objects appear here already: a monkey and a parrot are launched in a circle. They are launched from different participants and move in different directions. Then everything goes according to the same scenario: “Stop! Who has a monkey and a parrot? Now the participants will start to get confused. Next comes the third round. The host launches three items - a monkey, a parrot and a coconut - again in different directions and from different players.

The most interesting moment comes when the items go to one player, and he must understand what he has in his hands and to whom what needs to be transferred. After another "Stop!" In most cases, no one understands who has what.

This game improves the interaction of people and the quality of their communication. Everyone laughs and laughs - the mood rises and tension is relieved. Between rounds, you can discuss how best to transfer items without confusing them and without losing the order. Among other things, the exercise allows you to highlight the leaders in the group and establish their ability.

Conquering the rock

A good team building game. The facilitator should prepare a long bench (several small benches or a large log) and instruct the players to line up on it, tightly clinging to each other (in principle, a similar exercise can be performed against a wall). Two options follow: in the first, the participants are calculated in order, and the leader indicates a new sequence of numbers in which everyone should line up. The second option - the players, starting from the first, move along the "rock" in order to stand up again in the same order. The task of the participants is not to step on the floor, not to fall off the "cliff", not to talk. If someone falls down or talks, they either drop out or the game starts all over again.

We play headball

This is a sports exercise that is best included in some sort of field training. Develops the ability to work in pairs. The leader instructs pairs of players to lie on their stomachs opposite each other, then puts a ball between their heads. Players must rise to their feet, holding the ball with their heads and not dropping it. If the ball falls before the participants get up, the couple starts trying again. The first pair to stand up wins.

Tie a knot

A simple and exciting game, the essence of which is that the participants must tie a knot using only one common rope (or rope), without letting go of it. A rather comical exercise that uplifts the mood, liberates people and brings them closer to each other. If the team is large, it can be split into two or more smaller ones. For variety, one team can tie the knot and the other team can untie it.

Playing Silver Cobra

This wonderful team building game is more like a quest. Given that it requires a large space, it is better to carry it out in nature or in a large room. The game is based on the ancient Brazilian legend of the silver cobra. In legend, it was described as a weapon, but in reality, a cobra is a group of people - strong and powerful, while one person is powerless and weak.

At least 25-30 minutes should be given to the game, and from 10 to 15 people can participate in it. The host gives the task to the participants to stand in a circle and put their hands on the shoulders of the neighbor standing in front - the resulting figure is the same cobra. Participants close their eyes and feel the backs of their nearest neighbors with their hands, trying to remember their feelings.

Then, on command, everyone disperses around the room or clearing and walks with their eyes closed for a minute. It is advisable that everyone keep their hands straight in front of them to avoid accidental collisions with each other. After that, the leader gives a signal, according to which the participants again become in a circle. The task is to recall the sensations of the back of the person who stood in front at the beginning, and build the same sequence. This good game helps to relax, laugh and recharge with positive, get to know colleagues better, change the environment, learn how to get out of difficult situations and trust your feelings. And, of course, it makes the team more friendly and holistic.

We arrange a photo marathon

The meaning of this teambuilding game is as follows: the team is divided into small subgroups (from 2 to 5 people) and the host gives each of them lists of places or things that need to be photographed. So, the task may be to capture the interior of a cafe or theater, a monument, a pigeon or a dog, a specific street or bridge, some building or even a person - anything can be used. To complicate the task, you can give the task to photograph several objects at the same time. For example, take a photo with a signboard with the name of the company, a balloon, a cat and a chocolate bar. Such tasks help people to work together, learn, get to know each other better and open up. In addition, pleasant emotions and curious photographs will remain in memory.

Looking for treasure

This team building game can be played both independently and with the help of specialized institutions. In the first case, the leader hides several tasks somewhere in the city in advance and gives hints to the participants in advance. They, in turn, look for these places and perform the assigned tasks. In the second case, you need to contact the quest room, of which you can find a lot today. The topic can be initially discussed with the players, or you can make a surprise. However, quest rooms offer not only to look for treasures, but also to overcome all sorts of obstacles, solve terrible puzzles, get out of closed spaces, etc. Naturally, for the passage of the quest, a prize must be awarded without fail. The effect of completing quests is beyond praise: the development of intuition, deduction and, the establishment of trusting relationships and the formation of a team community, the disclosure of creative potential and the manifestation of individual skills and abilities.

We play animals

To play this team building game, you need to prepare in advance - make a lot of cards with the names of family members of various animals. For example, “Dad Elephant”, “Mom Elephant”, “Daughter Elephant”, “Son Elephant”, “Grandmother Elephant”, “Grandfather Elephant”, etc. The variety of "fauna" also depends on the number of people in the team. In general, the more players and types of animals, the better. The host divides the team into several small groups of 5-6 people, distributes cards to everyone and the participants get to know them. At the leader's signal, the players disperse around the territory. Everyone must find their family by making sounds corresponding to "their" animals. As soon as all the families have gathered, the leader gives a signal and the players sit on chairs or stumps, but sit on top of each other in order of seniority: grandfather-grandmother-father-mother-son-daughter, etc. The team that completes the task correctly the fastest wins. This exercise is a great teamwork exercise and an opportunity to get to know each other better.

Building a figure

The facilitator gives the participants the task to stand in a circle, close their eyes and line up in a specific shape, for example, in a rectangle, triangle or rhombus. Almost always in the process of this game there is team building and fuss, but as the task is completed, one leader is determined who will put people in the right order. Once the figure is ready, the participants discuss whether the figure is even or not (eyes still closed). You can open your eyes only when everyone decides that the figure is even. The exercise can be made more difficult by setting a time limit for the task in advance. It is best to play this game in a large room or in nature.

Increasing trust

The team is divided into several groups of 5-6 people (if the team is small, you can not share). Each player takes turns turning away from the others and falling back to be caught by them. Catching a player is a must. Those who catch must cross their arms, holding each other's wrists, and those who fall must cross their arms over their chest. The game can be complicated if a person falls from a height, for example, from a chair, stump or window sill. But it is still recommended to play this game on the road in order to avoid injuries. As a result of the exercise, colleagues will trust each other more. At the end of the game, you can discuss the behavior of all participants together.

The games we have considered are quite enough to diversify team life, rally the team and increase the efficiency of its work. But in addition to them, you can use some unusual ways.

Unusual ways of team building

Based on the descriptions, you yourself will be able to determine how and where it is better to carry out these events. We offer you five unusual ways to rally a team, but if you wish, you can find or invent much more yourself.

Product study

An excellent game not only for team building, but also for raising the level of professionalism. Suitable for organizations that are engaged in the implementation of a product. The bottom line is that each team member studies the product being sold in detail and in detail by the appointed time. On the indicated day, a large meeting is held, at which all participants, speaking in turn, talk about what they have learned, describing all the advantages and features of the product or service. Along with the formation of team spirit, this is just an exercise. At the end of the game, everyone can share their impressions, advantages and disadvantages of the performances of their colleagues.

steam room

This team building technique has gained immense popularity in Japan. It consists in the fact that the whole team (both management and ordinary employees) go to the bathhouse together. Men go with men, women go with women, but if, for example, you go to the sauna and take your bathing accessories with you, you can go together. Such an “exercise” immerses the team in a relaxing atmosphere, promotes pleasant and relaxed friendly communication, forms trusting relationships and brings team members closer.

The zombie apocalypse

The team building game presented today is very popular in the corporate culture of American companies. It is quite costly in terms of finances, but it's worth it. In fact, the game is a mixture of quest, paintball and carnival. The organizers rent an abandoned house or other building, negotiate with professional actors who will play the role of zombies. Employees are issued equipment and weapons for paintball. The task of the team is to get out of the building alive, defeat (outsmart or "kill") the zombies and come to the aid of humanity. By the way, such rallying trainings are also relevant for the US military, because. they not only train survival skills, but also help to identify leaders and outsiders, unite the team and form a common goal.


Such team building training immerses people in an informal setting and allows them to get to know each other better. To conduct the exercise, you need to find a vineyard for rent and hire a consultant. In a few hours, team members will have time to study the features and methods of making wine, crush grapes and come up with a name for their own drink. A few months later (when the wine is ready) the owners of the vineyard deliver the wine made by the team to the office. As a result, the participants enjoy the fruits of teamwork, share their emotions and impressions of the drink, become more friendly and united.

A dark room

As a leader and manager, you must observe and study all team members in the process of conducting team building exercises, games and trainings. The results can be discussed together with the participants. So, you can discuss what the atmosphere is like in the team, how friendly people are with each other, how productively tasks are solved and goals are achieved. Based on the findings, team problems can be identified and an action plan can be drawn up to correct and eliminate them.

The systematic and regular holding of such events allows:

  • Increase the productivity of interpersonal and professional communication
  • Increase the efficiency of individual team members and the team as a whole
  • Develop group work skills
  • Optimize relationships within the team
  • Develop skills in finding solutions to difficult and non-standard problems

The games and exercises we have considered do not exhaust the whole variety of team building methods. Today there are a huge number of thematic sites and literature dedicated to team building, where you can find more than a dozen interesting tasks. Having the goal of forming an effective and friendly team and using a creative approach for this, you can reach truly unprecedented heights and create a team that will be able to move any mountains.

And, continuing the conversation about team building methods, we want to tell you about one more thing that is very popular today. It's called "The Rope Course". We did not describe it in this lesson, because. it has a lot of its own subtleties and features. We will describe this course, its nuances and components (games, tasks and exercises) in detail in the next lesson.

Do you want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

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