Can appendicitis be prevented? Proper nutrition for the prevention of appendicitis. Causes of the disease

The appendix is ​​a vermiform appendix of the caecum. If it becomes inflamed, then they talk about a disease called "appendicitis" - something that parents of young children are very afraid of, and what first of all comes to mind with pain in the abdomen. But recently, there are more and more reports that appendicitis is not a reason to go to the surgeon's table. And more and more often the townsfolk begin to argue, but was the operation really necessary? Could one tablet be enough? MedAboutMe figured out how approaches to the treatment of appendicitis have changed and whether it is possible to persuade a doctor not to operate on a child with such a diagnosis.

The first mention of appendicitis and attempts to treat it is associated with the name of Avicenna, who was able to correctly diagnose the ruler of Bukhara and even remove the inflamed process. Perhaps the patient of the legendary Arab doctor even survived, despite the lack of antibiotics - miracles happen in the world. But for many more centuries, doctors all over the world turned out to be not so insightful and took appendicitis for inflammation of the muscles, caecum or uterus and tried to treat it. conservative way i.e. without surgery. The patient was given enemas, gastric lavage, and an opium tincture, which allowed him to die without suffering pain.

Only in the 19th century did doctors become firmly convinced that the main cause of pain in the right iliac region is an inflamed appendix. Interestingly, in 1839, when the symptoms of acute appendicitis were already described, surgical solution problems was still considered a last resort with dubious effect. It is not surprising: humanity did not have any painkillers or antibiotics at that time.

With the advent of general anesthesia in 1846, abdominal surgery became safer. But the doctors did not immediately remove the process itself. Initially abdominal cavity The patient was opened and pus was cleaned out from the abscesses of the right iliac fossa. And only in the early 1880s, there were reports of the successful removal of an inflamed appendix, first in France and then in Canada.

In 1886, Reginald Fitz made a report in which he introduced the term "appendicitis" into the medical vocabulary, described in detail the clinic of the disease and urged colleagues to treat it by removing the inflamed appendix. And from that moment on, surgery became the main method of treatment, since without it, mortality averaged 67%.

In Russia, the first appendectomy was performed in 1890 in St. Petersburg by Professor A.A. Troyanov. Even recognizing the removal of the process as the only way to treat appendicitis, doctors still for a long time adhered to the tactics of waiting, proceeding to the operation only after complications developed. It took Russian doctors 20 years to start “cutting to hell without waiting for peritonitis,” as the heroine of the film “Pokrovsky Gates” said. And only in 1933, the decision was finally made on emergency hospitalization and operation in all terms from the onset of the disease.

With the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s, abdominal surgery became even safer, and the pendulum swung the other way. Surgeons became afraid to miss the rupture of the inflamed appendix and sent patients to the operating table with the slightest signs of appendicitis, adhering to the motto: "If in doubt - operate!". Analysis of the removed processes showed that, according to various sources, 30-60% of them were not inflamed. Young women especially suffered: although, according to statistics, they have appendicitis a little less often than men, they fell under the surgeon's scalpel more often. Such operations, done "just in case", increased the frequency of development adhesive processes in the abdominal cavity, which adversely affected the health of patients.

Fortunately for patients with abdominal pain, in the 1960s, surgeons began using laparoscopy - diagnostic method, known to doctors since the beginning of the century, but until then considered a technology of gastroenterologists. Over time, laparoscopy began to be used not only for diagnosis, but also for the removal of an inflamed appendix.

Gradually, new diagnostic methods appeared, for example, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. Its use is complicated by the presence of air in the intestine, which hides deeply located formations. But today, special sensors and techniques have been developed to cope with this problem.

And most exact method Today is X-ray computed tomography (CT), the diagnostic value of which reaches 96%. And since the advent of CT and the accumulation of the result histological analyzes removed appendixes, the doctors again doubted: is it really necessary to immediately put the patient under the knife?

In the medical scientific literature, articles began to appear on the use of expectant tactics: to remove inflammation and then operate, after 1-3 months, in the so-called "cold period". Economically, this is more beneficial for health care, even though a CT scan is a very expensive procedure. It is not surprising that the next step is conservative therapy, that is, the refusal of surgery and the treatment of appendicitis with antibiotics. Of course, only with uncomplicated acute appendicitis and in cases where this does not endanger the life of the patient.

The pendulum of history returns to its original place. Like 100 years ago, the doctor thinks about how to avoid surgery. But the reasons for this have changed. Once the operation was the patient's last chance for life, and now it is becoming an additional risk factor against the background of the presence of modern methods diagnosis and effective antibiotics.

Every year in the West, reports are published about regular observations of patients operated on in an emergency mode, and of those who were treated only with antibiotics.

  • In 2012, researchers from the Nottingham Center for Digestive Diseases published data on the observation of 900 adult patients diagnosed with "uncomplicated acute appendicitis". 430 of them were operated on and 470 were treated with antibiotics. From the group antibiotic therapy 63% were cured, the rest - still got the operation. But as a result, in the group that was treated with antibiotics, the incidence of complications was 31% lower than among patients immediately operated on.
  • In the same year, Swedish surgeons shared their findings in this area. According to their observations, the risk of recurrence of the disease with antibiotic therapy over the next year is 10-15%. In general, 80% of those who can be referred for antibiotic treatment, rather than surgery, are completely cured. Swedish doctors also emphasize reduced risk the development of complications in the choice of antibiotic therapy, where possible.
  • In 2015, Finnish scientists at Turku University Hospital randomly assigned 530 patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis. 274 of them were operated on, 1 person died, and the rest (99.6%) recovered successfully. The other 256 patients were treated with antibiotics. They were monitored throughout the year. Of these, 72.7% recovered and more and did not remember appendicitis. 27.3% of patients still needed surgical intervention during the first year after treatment. Tellingly, no complications were found in the “late appendectomy after antibiotic therapy” group.

The situation with children is not nearly as rosy as with adults. Experiment on a child who is potentially sick deadly disease, no one wants. Moreover, children's organisms are characterized by unpredictable reactions. In 2017, a study was published that analyzed data on antibiotic therapy for 413 children with appendicitis (instead of surgery) - this is all that scientists were able to collect after analyzing articles over a 10-year period. It should be noted that the conclusions of the researchers are very optimistic: the frequency of recurrence of the disease was only 14%. Now scientists are preparing to conduct large-scale observations on the use of antibiotic therapy in children diagnosed with uncomplicated acute appendicitis.

Practice shows that yes, it is possible, but not for everyone. You can't exactly call this method mass. For its implementation, several conditions must be met.

  • First of all, there can be no talk of any self-treatment at home with a diagnosis of appendicitis. Even 100 years ago, this disease claimed the lives of the vast majority of those who had the misfortune to encounter it. Therefore, a person with suspected appendicitis is subject to hospitalization.
  • Doctors conclude that with uncomplicated acute appendicitis, it is possible to prescribe antibiotics for early stages therapy. If the patient's condition does not improve, then a planned appendectomy should be scheduled.
  • An important condition to make a decision on the possibility of postponing the operation, it is diagnostics using the method of computed tomography. Only on the basis of its results, you can not rush into the operation. We add that CT is an expensive method, that is, it will not be possible to widely use it for diagnosis in case of any abdominal pain.
  • Any complications are a threat to the patient, and therefore do not allow to cancel the operation.
  • We cannot yet talk about canceling the operation if the patient is a child or a pregnant woman, since there are too few data on these groups of patients.

In Russia, there are standards for the treatment of acute appendicitis, according to which the cancellation of a surgical operation is not provided. Today, domestic surgeons are actively discussing the idea of ​​antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated acute appendicitis. But the official decision of the issue is still far away. This means that suspected appendicitis is a reason for immediate hospitalization. And confirmation of the diagnosis by tests in the hospital is a reason for the operation. The patient has no choice. And appendectomy is still the "gold standard" treatment for appendicitis.

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Prevention of appendicitis involves the implementation of many rules that will help not only to relieve unpleasant symptoms diseases, but also to prevent their occurrence. Appendicitis is understood to be quite serious illness during which inflammation occurs appendix blind gut. The disease can develop at any age and affect both women and men. With delayed treatment of appendicitis, there is big risk death of the patient.

Symptoms such as strong pain in the abdomen, which eventually migrates to its right side. The pain syndrome may intensify while walking or coughing. The patient begins to complain of loss of appetite, high body temperature, severe nausea and even vomiting. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help.

What rules must be followed?

Preventive measures in the first place should be aimed at preventing the development of appendicitis. To do this, you must adhere to several important rules:

  1. It is very important to prevent constipation. The thing is that they contribute to the death of the microflora of the entire large intestine and appendix. They are replaced by pathogenic bacteria that provoke the development inflammatory process. In order to avoid constipation, you should drink 1 glass of clean water before each meal (30 minutes before meals). Thus, the stomach and intestines will be ready for eating.
  2. Doctors say that the most common cause the appearance of the above ailment are various infections. That is why it is very important to carefully monitor the condition of your body. Must adhere daily elementary rules hygiene: wash hands before eating, after visiting the bathroom, wash vegetables and fruits. Also, do not forget to visit doctors from time to time, who will help to fix the development of any infectious disease in time.
  3. You can prevent the appearance of appendicitis if you start every morning with light gymnastics. Not complicated physical exercises adjust the intestines to a working mood and make the appendix perform its protective functions.
  4. Do not abruptly get out of bed. Lying down, you can pull in and relax the abdominal muscles 8-10 times. Such movements can be performed if there is no time or desire to conduct full-fledged gymnastics.

Few people know, but you can improve the blood supply to the appendix and speed up the movement of food through the intestines with the help of abdominal massage, which must be done every time after eating. Massage movements are quite simple. It is necessary to move the fingertips around the navel for several minutes, clockwise.

Under no circumstances should antibiotics be overused.

Uncontrolled intake of such medicines can significantly reduce immunity. In addition, antibiotics kill all the "inhabitants" of the microflora (both harmful and beneficial), which creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria that causes inflammation.

In no case should a hot heating pad be applied to the stomach. This will only aggravate the situation and accelerate the inflammatory process.

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Appendicitis and proper nutrition

Prevention of appendicitis also involves proper nutrition. You should limit the consumption of hard-to-digest meat dishes. Try to eat as much food as possible high content vegetable fiber. Such food favorably affects the work of the intestines and promotes reproduction. beneficial microflora, which protects the mucosa from the appearance of inflammatory processes. Doctors recommend including in your daily diet cereals, wholemeal bread, fresh fruits and vegetables, seaweed.

People who cannot imagine their life without meat dishes need to remember next rule: meat and fish are best combined with food containing a lot of fiber. The latter activates the production of gastric juice, which contributes to a more intensive process of digestion. Due to this, constipation is extremely rare. Vegetables are considered an ideal side dish for fish and meat.

Experts warn that you can not use the same vegetable oil twice. The thing is that overcooked fat promotes the reproduction of putrefactive microflora in the caecum. This, in turn, becomes a common cause of appendicitis and colitis. Also, do not get carried away with berries with seeds and seeds. Such products lead to the fact that over time, the remnants of undigested solid food begin to accumulate in the appendix, which can cause microtrauma. And those, in turn, become the cause of the development of appendicitis.

To prevent the development of appendicitis, you should drink as much as possible vegetable juices. The most useful are cucumber, carrot and beetroot juice. They can be drunk both separately and mixed with each other. Thus, you can prepare a very healthy vitamin cocktail.

No less effective is the infusion of fenugreek seeds. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon of plant seeds must be poured into 1 liter of water and boiled over medium heat for 30-40 minutes. This tool will help in a timely manner to clean the appendix from undigested residues food.

If appendicitis has already appeared and is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, then you can reduce discomfort with the help of green peas.

Appendicitis is the most common abdominal disease affecting all age groups. The cause is an inflammatory process in the appendix. To get rid of the inflamed appendix, it is necessary to do a surgical operation. Prevention can help prevent the development of acute appendicitis.

The main causes of the disease:

  1. Blockage of the passage of the appendicular process.
  2. Constipation (chronic).
  3. Inflammation blood vessels appendicular process.
  4. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The first symptoms of appendicitis are manifested by pain in the center of the peritoneum, which are later localized to the right lower abdomen. Depending on the location of the appendix, pain can spread to the umbilical part, upper abdomen, kidneys, lower back. The disease is not treatable, a surgical operation to remove the inflamed appendix (appendectomy) is necessary. Prevention of appendicitis will help to avoid the development of the disease.

  1. Balanced diet, the use of a large amount of fiber (cabbage, legumes, carrots, cucumbers).
  2. Refusal of harmful fatty and fried foods, fast food.
  3. Do not swallow parts of products that lead to difficulty in digestion (husks from seeds, fruit and berry bones, thick hard peel of vegetables and fruits).
  4. Annually consult a gastroenterologist (the doctor will be able to determine the enlargement of the appendix in adults and children in time).
  5. Observe personal hygiene standards (wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, avoid suspicious-looking eateries).
  1. After antibiotic treatment, it is necessary to conduct a course of preparations containing live lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in order to cleanse the digestive system of aggressive components (in pharmacy network fairly large range).
  2. Do not drink alcohol (aggressive components irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the penetration of harmful bacteria).
  3. Strengthen and maintain immunity (inflammation of the appendix occurs against the background of intestinal infections).
  4. Massage the abdominal cavity in a specialized institution or independently (blood circulation and the digestive process are stimulated).

The memo is relevant for use not only in adults, but also in children. Compliance with elementary rules will help prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the body.

Children's prevention

In children before reaching two years of age the syndrome of acute appendicitis is extremely rare (up to 5%). This trend is developing due to special nutrition (food is crushed, extremely balanced) and better job digestive system(defecation is complete, nothing clogs the lumen of the appendicular process).

So that the baby does not have inflammation of the appendix, you should:

  • Conduct preventive measures to strengthen immunity. In childhood, infections and inflammation are more difficult to tolerate. It is impossible to diagnose many diseases in the early stages, complications may begin, which will lead to the development of acute appendicitis.
  • Make sure that children do not swallow hard-to-digest parts of products (bones, seeds, peel, husk).
  • Forbid babies to eat a lot of sweets and overeat (problems with defecation, dysbacteriosis, helminths may develop).

When complaining of abdominal pain, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician and a gastroenterologist (sometimes an examination by a surgeon is required).

Memo for pregnant women

It is extremely difficult for pregnant women to independently understand that discomfort in the abdominal cavity may be related to the symptoms of acute appendicitis. During gestation, the peritoneum is stretched, microcracks appear, which leads to pain. In advanced form, the disease flows into peritonitis, which is dangerous for both mother and baby.

During pregnancy, the appendix can become inflamed due to:

  1. Problems with defecation. The developing fetus puts pressure on the intestines, the hormones produced slow down the digestive processes, which leads to the accumulation of a large amount of feces.
  2. Decreased immunity. The woman's body shares immunity with the child, the work of the lymph system is reduced.
  3. position changes internal organs. The enlarged uterus displaces other organs of the abdominal cavity, the appendicular process bends, which leads to blockage of the passage.

For prevention, pregnant women are advised to eat more often, in small portions, to consume more products with a laxative effect, cleansing. You can clean the intestines with enemas or by eating plums, beets, prunes. It is important to drink kefir at night - it will relieve heartburn and relax the intestinal walls.

Preventive measures are strictly required. The consequences of appendicitis are extremely dangerous, peritonitis may develop, there will be premature birth and etc.

Preventive nutrition

Here are some simple habits that can help reduce your chances of developing appendicitis:

  1. Thorough chewing of food.
  2. Eating should be done slowly.
  3. Divide the food into 4-5 small portions per day.
  4. Set a time frame for eating.
  5. In the evening, eat no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime (at night, intestinal motility slows down).
  6. Snacks should include fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.

Reminder of products for the daily diet:

  • Apples, pears (pears should be eaten in small quantities, as they “strengthen”);
  • cabbage, cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes, carrots;
  • legumes;
  • Fresh berries and dried fruits;
  • Buckwheat, oatmeal.

It is also useful to use linseed oil in order to prevent constipation, to cleanse the intestines in adults and children from 3 years of age.

Folk recipes for prevention

Infusion of tarragon (tarragon)

A tablespoon of dry tarragon (or 2 tbsp fresh) pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. Drink within 3 days before meals. Pregnant women and children are contraindicated.

Infusion of hoof

1 st. l. dry hoof leaves pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Take a quarter cup 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of the cuff

25 g of a cuff, 15 g of dry strawberry leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 30-40 minutes, strain. Consume 2-3 times a day.

Milk with cumin

Add a pinch of cumin to a glass of milk, boil for 1-2 minutes. Drink warm, for 2-3 days in the evening, a glass before meals.

white clover infusion

10 g dried white clover pour 50 ml of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. Take 3 times a day. The course is not more than 4 days. Prohibited for pregnant women and children.

vegetable juice

100 g carrots, 50 g cucumber, 50 g beets. Take for 10 days on an empty stomach. Perfectly cleans the intestines. For children from 6 to 14 years old, reduce the portion by 2-3 times.

It should be remembered that folk remedies focused solely on prevention! It is strictly forbidden to treat appendicitis at home using these recipes. At the first symptoms of inflammation of the appendix, urgent surgical intervention is required. The earlier the operation is performed, the less complications for the body.

Appendicitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the small curved process that ends in the caecum - the "appendix". The reason for its appearance is a blockage of the lumen in this part of the intestine due to wrong image life, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or blockages with small indigestible food residues and other negative factors. Appendicitis in adults and children is treated only surgically: extraction of the affected area.

1. Pain. It starts to hurt, usually just above the navel, then goes to the right iliac region (Kocher's symptom). It is more difficult to recognize appendicitis during pregnancy by the location of painful sensations, since in future mothers, due to the fact that the organs have shifted somewhat under the pressure of the fetus, pain will occur in the region of the right lower hypochondrium. Appendicitis in children is difficult to diagnose by pain: the child will say that the whole stomach hurts. Adults can describe where they feel discomfort and make it easier for the doctor to make a diagnosis.

2. Violation of the processes of digestion. Children may complain of a feeling of fullness.

3. Elevated temperature body.

4. Shortness of breath, rapid pulse, stable heat, dry tongue.

In women during pregnancy, due to changes and rearrangements in the body associated with the fetus, the symptoms and signs of the disease can be dimly expressed, and therefore mistaken for any other inflammatory disease gastrointestinal tract. For an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to ultrasound procedure. In order to avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is necessary to engage in the prevention of appendicitis.

Disease Prevention Measures

In modern medical booklets and memos, unfortunately, one can find very little information about measures to prevent the disease. However, as in the case of any disease, it is easier to prevent it by observing simple manipulations aimed at improving the whole body, than then stubbornly recovering from operations or, in the worst case scenario, forcing the doctor to deal with the complications that have arisen against the background of inflammation.

Prevention of acute appendicitis in children, adults and women during pregnancy is to follow the following simple rules:

1. You need to carefully monitor your health, pay attention to the symptoms of any diseases, deteriorating health, work digestive tract. Failures in the body systems can occur under the influence of a pathogenic infection. Visits to the doctor should not be postponed if health begins to fail and neglect annual full examinations to monitor the condition of your body. Diagnosis of diseases in children and adults in their early forms help protect against serious threats.

2. Compliance with the diet, the exclusion of snacks and overeating at night. While eating, nothing should distract from the thorough grinding of food with your teeth.

3. It is necessary to adhere to the established medical standards personal hygiene and indoors. Get rid of pathogenic infections frequent airing, regular cleaning of living rooms from dust and dirt, thorough washing of hands before eating will help.

4. The amount of harmful, fatty foods, fast food, indigestible food is minimized. Exclude frequent use sweets, alcohol, sunflower seeds and white bread.

5. With appendicitis, children and adults should not use oil left over from the previous cooking in the pan for frying. Several times burnt fat is very harmful to the intestines.

6. Follow the rules for taking medications for long-term treatment. Many of them, such as antibiotics, adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. To minimize the risk, along with them take a course of prebiotic and probiotic agents (Bifiform, Linex), which protect internal environment intestines.

7. Regular walks and stay on fresh air at least an hour a day will favorably affect general condition organism.

8. Parents can give children a gentle massage of the abdomen, which consists of light pressure and stroking in a clockwise direction. This method of prevention is not applicable to pregnant women and patients suffering from chronic diseases digestive system.

9. Gymnastics and physical therapy will help not only keep yourself in shape, but also strengthen the protective functions of the body of a child and an adult. Can be performed special exercise against appendicitis: lie on your back on the floor, take a deep breath, tighten and pull in your stomach, hold for 5-7 seconds and exhale slowly, relaxing the abdominal muscles.

Nutrition Features

Any educational memo indicates that proper, normalized nutrition is the best prevention of appendicitis. A diet for stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract includes a large number of vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products and cereals. They contain fiber useful for the intestines, help digestion and metabolism.

Products that fight appendicitis:

  • Leaf salad.
  • Carrot.
  • Berries.
  • Plums.
  • Peaches, apricots.
  • Dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots).
  • Any kind of cabbage.
  • Porridges cooked in milk and water from oatmeal and buckwheat.
  • Apples and pears.
  • Dairy products (kefir, yogurt, bifidok).

It will be useful to follow such a diet not only for adults, but also for a child, since it contains foods rich in vitamins and minerals for general strengthening immunity. Women during pregnancy should choose for themselves the food that does not cause toxicosis.

Folk remedies

If you can’t strictly follow a diet, then you can use proven tips to get rid of the threat of appendicitis. Before using them, you should consult your doctor:

1. The use of fruit and vegetable juices, such as carrots, cucumbers and beets 2:1:1. This mixture will effectively cleanse the body within 10 days.

2. Infusion of tarragon (tarragon). Once a month, for 4 days, take a glass of tarragon herb infusion before meals. The method is contraindicated in pregnant women.

3. Adding flaxseed to cereals and salads, taking flaxseed oil.

Remember that it is not difficult to avoid the appearance of the disease. The main thing is to follow simple rules designed to keep your gut healthy.

Prevention of appendicitis - a set of measures to maximally delay and prevent the occurrence of this unpleasant disease, which is inflammatory.

If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from appendicitis, then check out this article, which contains information of interest to you.

More about appendicitis

The inflammatory process that develops in the appendix of the caecum can bring a lot of harm to health.

Causes of appendicitis:

  • improper eating behavior;
  • unbalanced diet rich in fatty foods;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • various chronic diseases located in the gastrointestinal tract.

Inflammation of appendicitis cannot be removed with the help of special medicines. The only way to get rid of appendicitis is through surgery.

To prevent the appearance of appendicitis, you should regularly monitor your own health, play sports, eat potentially healthy food and timely treat any pathologies that may affect the occurrence of inflammation.

Do not neglect visits to the clinic. It is best to have a complete physical examination at least twice a year.

In addition, to prevent appendicitis, new eating habits should be acquired, such as: long and thorough chewing of food before swallowing, and slow, rather than hasty absorption of food.

Large pieces of solid foods can be poorly digested in the stomach and, traveling through intestinal system, clog the channel connecting the appendix with the caecum to which it is attached, provoking the appearance of appendicitis.

Problems with digestion of food can affect the occurrence of appendicitis.

If you are taking any medications that destructive action on the gastrointestinal tract (for example, antibiotics), then in parallel with taking such medications, you should drink prebiotics (Linex, Bifiform, etc.), which restore the balance of microflora.

This rule applies to both adults and children.

To train your body's digestive system to work like a clock and reduce the risk of appendicitis, you should stick to a specific eating schedule.

You need to have breakfast no later than an hour after getting up (around six to eight in the morning), have lunch at noon, and have dinner no later than seven in the evening.

Between main meals, you should have snacks consisting of foods rich in fiber: apples, carrots, grapefruits, avocados, legumes, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Fiber "trains" the digestive system, normalizing its peristalsis, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from accumulated residues in it undigested food and reduces the risk of appendicitis.

You can also strengthen the body's defenses with the help of regular sports activities. It is best not to be zealous and choose for yourself the type of sports pastime that will bring you joy: walking, physiotherapy, yoga, fitness, etc.

Measures to prevent appendicitis

The diet described in this paragraph of the article is a good prevention of appendicitis. The main purpose of such a diet is to stabilize the digestive processes and normalize the functioning of the organs and systems of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • buckwheat and oatmeal;
  • dairy products;
  • cabbage;
  • leaf salad;
  • carrot;
  • various berries, both fresh and frozen (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc.);
  • peaches;
  • apples, pears (with skin);
  • dried fruits.

This food is saturated useful vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, which was already mentioned above.

Try to shape your diet in such a way that at least one product from the list is present in your diet. daily menu. This will make the prevention of appendicitis more successful.

If you want to increase the effectiveness of the diet and reduce the risk of appendicitis, then reduce the intake of the following foods:

  1. fatty and fried foods;
  2. smoked meats and salinity;
  3. nuts, seeds (especially with a peel).

Prevention of acute appendicitis involves the use of freshly squeezed juices from beets, carrots and cucumbers.

They can be prepared and taken both separately and together, mixing in equal proportions and drinking on an empty stomach for ten days. It is necessary to carry out treatment with juices every three to four months.

In addition, flax seed added to salads, cereals and pastries will help to increase the usefulness of food and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you don't like the taste of seeds but appreciate unique properties flax, you can drink a spoonful of cold-pressed flaxseed oil every morning an hour before meals.

It is believed that to prevent inflammation of the appendix, you should drink an infusion prepared on the basis of tarragon. Drink this drink should be courses for three days every month.

After reviewing this paragraph of the article, you were able to understand that such a diet is not strict and is suitable for both adults and children.

Remember that appendicitis does not occur on its own, but is the result of various negative processes occurring in the body.

Prevent inflammation of the appendix in order to delay or eliminate the occurrence of the disease as much as possible.

Inflammation of appendicitis is a process that affects the appendix. This element belongs to the caecum and is referred to in medicine as the "appendix". The symptoms of the disease vary somewhat, it is determined by the form and individual characteristics patient. Allocate chronic and acute inflammation of appendicitis in children and adults. The first option in the last few years is much less common than before. As a rule, the reason is that acute inflammation proceeded with complications, due to which removal was impossible.

acute form

With this type of disease, several stages are distinguished. One stage eventually passes into another, if there was no intervention from the doctors. They talk about:

  • catarrhal stage. Inflammation of appendicitis at this stage usually affects only the mucosa of the appendix.
  • surface form. In this case, progress is observed relative to catarrhal, which leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the organ. By examining the lumen of the process, you can see leukocytes and blood.
  • Phlegmonous stage. It is characterized by inflammation that affects all layers of the tissues of the body. Destructive processes are affected, including the outer shell of the appendix.
  • Phlegmonous-ulcerative. This form is characterized by ulceration of the mucosal surface that protects the organ from the outside.
  • Gangrenous. This stage is characterized by necrosis of the process wall. Often there is a breakthrough of tissues, causing the contents of the appendix to pour into the abdominal cavity, which provokes peritonitis. With the development of appendicitis to this stage, the probability of death is high.

Time does not endure

As a rule, inflammation of the appendix goes through all the steps described earlier in just 48 hours. Acute inflammation appendicitis is a dangerous disease that does not tolerate delay.

At the first sign, it is urgent to visit a surgeon. If the disease has reached the phlegmonous stage, the risk of complications increases.

Pain as the first signal

Highlighting the signs of inflammation of appendicitis, pain is mentioned first of all. It appears in the area near the navel. Feels dull, does not go away with time, constant. Sometimes the stomach hurts from above, approximately to the middle. Less often, painful sensations cover the abdomen completely. Sometimes the pain is felt on the right in the iliac region.

Strengthening of unpleasant sensations occurs when a person walks, bends over. Pursued by sharp discomfort when coughing and laughing. It hurts a lot to sneeze. But the elderly are characterized by the absence of pain.

Please note that with an atypical location of the appendix pain syndrome can be felt in an unpredictable place. Sometimes it hurts on the right under the ribs, near the pubis or in the region of the kidneys, ureters. Painful sensations may radiate to the hips or lower back. In some cases, it is noted that pain is felt in the external genitalia. An undefined area on the left side of the body may hurt.

A few hours after the initial appearance of the pain syndrome, sensations shift towards the appendix. These signs of inflammation of appendicitis in women are very important: if you suddenly stop feeling pain, there is a high probability that the disease will go into a gangrenous form, which is associated with death nerve endings in the affected area. You can’t pull: you need to urgently call a doctor!

Nausea and vomiting is also appendicitis

Particular signs of inflammation of appendicitis in adult men and women are vomiting and nausea that accompany the pain syndrome. Please note: before the onset of pain, such sensations are not observed. If nausea first appeared, and only then the pain came, it is likely that the matter is not in the inflamed appendix, but in another pathology, which the doctor will definitely be able to diagnose.

You should also know that in most cases, vomiting occurs only once. Why is this characteristic inflammation of appendicitis? Symptoms in adults suggest that this is a reflex rejection of toxins by the body.

Language and temperature

The characteristic symptoms of inflammation of appendicitis in women and men include changes in the tongue. At the beginning of the disease, it is usually moist and covered with a thin white coating. As appendicitis progresses, the tongue becomes dry. This shows that inflammation of the peritoneum has begun.

The temperature usually rises insignificantly. How to determine the inflammation of appendicitis, focusing on it? Remember that patients usually have a temperature of 37 to 38 degrees. It remains unchanged for a long time. AT rare cases fixed rise above 38 degrees. But if the body temperature has risen even higher, it is safe to say that the inflammatory process is progressing in earnest.

What else to pay attention to?

Characteristic signs of inflammation of appendicitis, suggesting the disease, include stools, although this is more typical for older people. Constipation noted. If the appendix is ​​near loops of the small intestine, diarrhea is more likely. For this reason, cases of erroneous hospitalization of the patient in the infectious diseases departments are not uncommon.

Due to the severe condition of the body, sleep is disturbed. General discomfort greatly affects a person's feeling of his body, pursues a state of fatigue, lethargy, indifference.

Appetite in acute appendicitis usually disappears completely.

Chronic form

Statistics show that this form develops very rarely, no more than one percent of all cases of inflammation of the appendix. Inflammation after appendicitis is manifested by pain on the right in the iliac region. Feelings are dull. Localization of pain is valid for a typically located organ.

How to determine the inflammation of appendicitis if the disease has become chronic? There is only one option: to visit a doctor who will conduct full complex diagnostics. The study usually includes:

  • laparoscopy;
  • tomography.

easy to confuse

Chronic appendicitis in its manifestations is close to a number of diseases, including:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • ulcer;
  • chronic form of cholecystitis.

Chronic inflammation of appendicitis can be suspected if you regularly suffer from soreness that increases when a person moves the body (bends, turns). When the disease worsens, the temperature rises slightly, the general manifestations are similar to the acute form.

What is dangerous?

Chronic appendicitis is dangerous primarily because it can cause peritonitis. If a disease is suspected, it is necessary to urgently visit a doctor in order to assess exactly how serious the patient's condition is.

In general, practice shows that it is timely appeal to the doctor saves lives. Having tightened up with an ambulance call, you can best case“reward” yourself with very unpleasant moments of sharp pain, at worst, a fatal outcome awaits.

That also happens!

One of the most famous cases of treatment of appendicitis in modern medicine occurred at a Soviet station in Antarctica, where doctor Leonid Rogozov was among the permanent staff. During his stay at the station, due to obvious symptoms, the specialist diagnosed himself with inflammation of appendicitis in an acute form.

At first there were attempts to apply conservative methods treatment: resorted to ice, antibiotics and fasting. But this practice did not show results. There were no other doctors at the station at the time. The doctor decided to independently perform the operation on himself and immediately began to do so.

During the operation, the mechanical engineer of the research station held the mirror, a meteorologist was involved - he gave the tools. The doctor operated on himself for almost two hours. The result was successful. Just a week later, the physician was able to perform his regular functions again. The example of this operation is one of the most famous in our world, demonstrating human courage and readiness to fight any difficulties.

And if in ordinary life?

Of course, the stories about incidents at the Arctic stations are curious to everyone and everyone, but in ordinary life, in everyday life, everything is much simpler. With signs of appendicitis, there is no need to show miracles of courage and become a hero, you just need to use medical help in a timely manner. Who to contact if you suspect appendicitis?

First call " ambulance". As a rule, by the time a person realizes that he needs the help of a doctor, it is already too late to go to the clinic himself - the pain that accompanies every movement is too strong, and even a slight cough. Calling for an ambulance medical care, sick quickly, already in his bed at home, gets primary diagnosis.

The next stage is the examination of the patient by a therapist in a hospital setting. Here, under the supervision of an anesthesiologist, accurate diagnosis and it is determined what the stage of the disease is, and what measures need to be taken. In some cases, inflammation of the appendix is ​​accompanied by severe pathologies that develop against the background of the disease of the appendix. Then you will have to involve specialized doctors in the treatment. The most difficult cases of inflammation of the appendix, accompanied by:

  • recent myocardial infarction;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus.

Children are a special case

As a rule, diagnosing inflammation of the appendix in young children is characterized by increased complexity. The child cannot explain clearly and distinctly what exactly hurts him and where. In some cases, inflammation develops in such early age that the baby is not even able to speak yet. How to suspect the disease in this case?

Usually with the development of the appendix Small child cries a lot, worries, as if showing his stomach to others. But if adults try to touch, he protests and only cries and screams even louder. The disease develops gradually, the symptoms increase over time.

During the day, a sick child squats down and bursts into crying without any prerequisites. At night, children often wake up from pain. The development of the disease manifests itself as vomiting and nausea. If in adults this is a one-time phenomenon, then in young children it is repeated many times. Doctors say that this is a reflex reaction of the body to toxins, the release of which accompanies the inflammatory process.

Elderly people have their own characteristics

As for older people, their inflammation of appendicitis occurs with a number of characteristic features that complicate the diagnosis of the disease. First of all, it is a weak pain syndrome, which is often absent altogether. Because of this, the definition of appendicitis occurs with a significant delay.

You can suspect something was wrong by the missing appetite and the tension inherent in the muscles on the right, in the iliac region. You can feel it by palpation of a part of the body. However, it is not recommended to examine the body on your own, as you can harm yourself. Also, in the elderly, various atypical manifestations of appendicitis are observed, which science has not yet been able to systematize. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a doctor for any doubtful signs, to undergo an examination and a full range of studies. This will determine whether the appendix has become inflamed, as well as identify comorbidities.

The human body is a perfect self-regulating system that, under normal conditions, that is, without the presence of a disease, works like a Swiss watch. However, in some cases, the functioning of the body is disturbed, in connection with which conditions may arise, life threatening. For example, the appendix, or appendix of the caecum, which makes a significant contribution to immune defense, can become inflamed, in connection with which there is a so-called appendicitis. This pathology will be discussed in this article. You will learn what appendicitis is and what preventive measures will help to avoid it.

Functions of the appendix

To understand why the appendix becomes inflamed (appendicitis is a consequence of its inflammation), you need to learn about its structure and functions.

For a long time, the appendix was considered an atavism. Doctors believed that the organ would lose its digestive function and was needed only when human ancestors ate mainly plant foods, which the appendix helped to digest. The real functions of the appendix were discovered almost by accident. To prevent appendicitis in infants, they began to massively remove the process of the caecum. It was believed that this simple operation very easy to tolerate at an early age. However, the development of the unfortunate babies was very slow, they did not digest food well and often suffered from infectious diseases.

Anatomy and Physiology

Thus, the appendix plays a huge role in immunity: the lymphatic tissue of this organ protects against inflammatory processes. In addition, the appendix acts as a reservoir for intestinal microflora. If all the bacteria that inhabit the intestine die, then it will be populated by the "inhabitants" of the caecum of the caecum.

The appendix is ​​located on back wall intestines. It has a cylindrical shape. The size of the process varies between 6-12 centimeters. What is appendicitis? This is an inflammation of this very appendix. Why is this happening? Can appendicitis be prevented? This will be discussed further.

Causes of the disease

So what causes the appendix to become inflamed? Appendicitis can be caused by various reasons:

  • Bacteria that are brought into the process from the focus of inflammation by the bloodstream.
  • Blockage of the mouth of the appendix with feces.
  • The presence in the body of helminths (ascaris or pinworms).
  • Violation of the diet. It is noted that what more people eats fatty meat, the higher the likelihood of developing the disease.
  • anatomical features. In some people, the process has a number of bends, the presence of which leads to congestion.
  • Blockage of the arteries that feed the process.

At risk are people who have bad habits, abuse tobacco and alcohol. The hereditary nature of the disease has also been proven. Of course, appendicitis itself is not inherited, but a predisposition to it.


Appendicitis is a pathology from which it is impossible to completely protect yourself. However, there simple recommendations, which minimize the likelihood of developing this disease:

  • Do not start inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Do not use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. Antibiotics are detrimental to normal microflora.
  • Lead active image life. Physical activity important for normal blood supply to the abdominal organs.
  • Get regular medical checkups.

Proper nutrition is the best disease prevention

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from appendicitis. However, if you carefully monitor your diet, you can minimize the likelihood of developing this disease:

  • Avoid constipation. Constipation causes the death of microorganisms that colonize the intestines. And as a result, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply, which can cause inflammation of the appendix. To prevent constipation, drink a glass half an hour before meals. warm water: This will prepare the gastrointestinal tract for eating.
  • Eat as many fiber-rich foods as possible. Fiber improves digestion and reliably protects the organs of the digestive system from inflammatory processes. There is a lot of fiber in whole grain bread, as well as in fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Always eat protein along with fiber-rich foods: this will facilitate the digestion of food and prevent putrefactive processes in the intestines.
  • Drink plenty of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Do not eat too many seeds and berries with stones. Sometimes pieces of undigested food get into the appendix. They injure the walls of the appendix, as a result of which inflammation develops.
  • Do not reuse frying oil. This is very unhealthy: you can "earn" not only appendicitis, but also colitis.


The main measures to prevent appendicitis still include daily morning exercises for the stomach. It is very simple to do it: before getting out of bed, take a deep breath. As you exhale, draw in your stomach, trying to strain your abdominal muscles as much as possible. Count to five, relax your stomach and inhale. You need to repeat this exercise 10 times. Thus, you will improve intestinal motility and prepare the digestive system to receive the first portion of food of the day.

Also, intestinal motility is improved by cycling and swimming, as well as race walking and running. Women should pay attention to belly dancing: regular oriental dance classes help get rid of digestive problems.

Self-massage to improve peristalsis

How else can you prevent inflammation? Appendicitis can be avoided by doing light massage belly. This will improve the blood supply to the appendix. Massage is done as follows: lie on your back, relax your abs, bend your legs slightly. Place your right hand in the center of your abdomen and start doing circular motions fingertips clockwise. Start with a small amplitude, gradually increasing it. You need to stroke the stomach for 3-4 minutes.

If you have not eaten at home and do not have the opportunity to lie down, just stroke your stomach after eating, moving your hand clockwise.

Prevention of appendicitis: folk remedies

If you want to avoid appendicitis, use the following recipes:

  • Take 15 grams of white steppe root, fill the raw material with 150 ml of alcohol and infuse for a week in a dark place. As soon as you feel the first symptoms of digestive disorders, take a couple of drops of infusion every two hours. The product can be diluted a small amount warm water.
  • Take 100 grams of common cuff herb and 40 grams of strawberry and blackberry leaves. 4 tablespoons of crushed leaves pour 750 ml of boiling water. The broth should simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. You need to drink the remedy one teaspoon every one and a half hours.

Avoid stress

Prevention of appendicitis will be effective if stress is avoided. Of course, inflammation of the appendix does not count. psychosomatic illness. However frequent stress can lead to poor digestion, and this, in turn, increases the risk of inflammation of the appendix. In addition, many people "seize" negative emotions, while choosing far from the most healthy foods such as chocolate or fast food. It is advisable to learn how to cope with stress without the help of junk food, but in more constructive ways.

Psychologists who study the relationship between consciousness and health recommend giving yourself time to rest and not worrying about trifles to prevent appendicitis. It is very important to regularly take time for yourself and your favorite activities.

These are the main preventive measures. Appendicitis is an insidious disease that can begin at any moment. Only people who have already removed the appendix are insured against it. When abdominal pain occurs, one should not panic: due to the development modern medicine The operation to remove appendicitis is considered one of the most sparing for the patient's body.

In medicine, the term "acute appendicitis" refers to the development of an inflammatory process in the appendix of the caecum. The disease can occur in people of any age and gender. The only method its treatment is surgery. At untimely appeal for medical help, the appendix in most cases bursts, as a result of which complications can develop, leading to lethal outcome. If you suspect inflammation of the appendix, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Development mechanism

In the human body, the appendix is ​​located in the right iliac region. It is a kind of continuation of the caecum, its length is about 8 cm. It can be located in the abdominal cavity in different ways, and therefore a thorough diagnosis must be carried out before its removal.

For a long time, doctors were convinced that the appendix does not perform any vital functions in the body, which was explained by the preservation of the patient's previous level of health after its removal. But in the process of numerous studies, it was found that the appendix is ​​part of immune system and is responsible for the production of hormones that improve intestinal motility. Nevertheless, its absence does not affect the patient's health due to the launch of compensatory processes.

Despite this, inflammation of the appendix can even lead to death. This is due to the rapid development of the process, in which pronounced morphological changes occur in it, accompanied by the appearance of pronounced symptoms.

In surgery, acute appendicitis is usually divided into several stages:

  1. Initial. This stage is characterized by the absence of any changes in the process. Another name for it is appendicular colic.
  2. catarrhal. At this stage, reddening of the mucous membrane occurs, it swells. In the process of diagnosis, the doctor may detect sores. The patient does not feel severe symptoms, many do not have them at all. When applying to the hospital at the catarrhal stage, in most cases it is possible to avoid postoperative complications.
  3. Phlegmonous. characterized by rapid development pathological process, which covers almost the entire process. Acute phlegmonous appendicitis occurs, as a rule, one day after the onset of inflammation. There is a thickening of the walls of the appendix, the vessels expand, the organ itself increases significantly in size. Often, acute phlegmonous appendicitis is accompanied by the formation of pathological foci filled with pus. In such cases, the integrity of the walls of the process is violated, through the holes its contents penetrate into the abdominal cavity. The operation carried out on this stage, often leads to complications in the form of suppuration of the wound.
  4. Gangrenous. A feature of this stage is its rapid development. There is a blockage of blood vessels by blood clots, the tissues begin to die and decompose, the intestinal walls are covered with purulent plaque. In the absence of qualified medical care at this stage, extensive peritonitis develops, leading to death.

There have been cases when acute appendicitis ends with recovery without treatment, but they are rare. In this regard, it is necessary to contact a specialist or call an ambulance team when the first warning signs.

AT International classification diseases (ICD), acute appendicitis was assigned the code K35.

The reasons

Pathology develops due to the vital activity of infectious agents and provoking factors. Pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the appendix both from the intestines and from more distant foci (in this case, they are carried by blood or lymphatic fluid).

In most cases, the development of acute appendicitis is provoked by the following pathogens:

  • viruses;
  • salmonella;
  • coli;
  • enterococci;
  • klebsiella;
  • staphylococci.

The occurrence of inflammation is influenced not only by the vital activity of pathogens, but also by many provoking factors. These include:

  • intestinal pathologies in the acute stage;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • violation of the process of motility;
  • anomalies in the structure of the appendix;
  • a large number of fecal stones in the process;
  • decrease in the degree of blood circulation;
  • narrowing of the lumen by foreign objects;
  • blood clots;
  • vasospasm;
  • unbalanced nutrition, diets;
  • defects in the body's defense system;
  • prolonged exposure to stress;
  • adverse environmental conditions;
  • intoxication.

Thus, the launch of the inflammatory process occurs in the presence of general, local and social factors.


Acute appendicitis is always accompanied by pain. On the very early stage they are paroxysmal. There are no other signs of an inflammatory process. Initially, discomfort can be localized in the navel or solar plexus. Gradually, they shift to the right iliac region. In addition, the pain may radiate to the rectum and lower back. Other areas of response are also possible.

The nature of pain in acute appendicitis is constant, it does not stop and intensifies during coughing and sneezing. The sensations become less pronounced if you take a position lying on your back and bend your knees.

In addition, the symptoms of acute appendicitis are the following conditions:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bloating;
  • belching;
  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • plaque on the tongue (first wet, then dry).

It is necessary to consult a doctor if the above symptoms appear. Approximately on the third day, the disease passes into a late stage, characterized by the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby tissues and organs, as well as a rupture of the appendix. Self-recovery is a rarity; in such cases, the acute form of the pathology becomes chronic.


If you suspect an attack of acute appendicitis, you must call an ambulance or go to the clinic yourself. For an accurate diagnosis, consultation with a therapist and surgeon is required.

During the reception, the doctor conducts the primary diagnosis of acute appendicitis, including:

  1. Interview. The specialist must provide information on all the symptoms present, indicate the time of their occurrence and severity.
  2. Inspection. The doctor evaluates the condition of the surface of the tongue, measures body temperature and arterial pressure performs palpation.

Then the patient needs to donate blood and urine for analysis. Research is carried out by express methods. To exclude others possible pathologies the doctor directs the patient to X-ray and ultrasound. When confirming the presence of acute appendicitis, surgical intervention is indicated.

Operative methods of treatment

In most cases, the removal of the appendix is ​​performed urgently. A planned appendectomy is performed if the inflammation is chronic.

The state of agony in the patient is the only contraindication to the operation. Acute appendicitis in such cases is not advisable to treat. If the patient has serious illnesses, doctors use conservative methods of therapy so that his body can endure surgery.

The duration of the operation is 50-60 minutes, while preparatory stage takes no more than 2 hours. During this time, an examination is carried out, a cleansing enema is placed, a catheter is inserted into the bladder, hair is shaved in the desired area. At varicose veins limb veins are bandaged.

After implementation the above activities The patient is taken to the operating room, where he is given anesthesia. The choice of the method of anesthesia depends on the age of the person, the presence of other pathologies, the weight of his body, the degree of nervous excitement. As a rule, in children, the elderly and pregnant women, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Surgical intervention is carried out in one of the following ways:

  1. Classic.
  2. Laparoscopic.

The algorithm for performing a standard operation for acute appendicitis includes the following steps:

  1. Providing access to the process. The surgeon makes an incision in the right iliac region with a scalpel. After dissection skin and adipose tissue the doctor penetrates into the abdominal cavity. Then he finds out if there are obstacles in the form of adhesions. Loose adhesions are separated with fingers, dense ones are cut with a scalpel.
  2. Bringing out the necessary part of the caecum. The doctor removes it by gently pulling on the wall of the organ.
  3. Removal of the appendix. The doctor performs ligation of blood vessels. Then a clamp is applied to the base of the appendix, after which the appendix is ​​sutured and removed. The stump obtained after cutting off is immersed in the intestine. The final stage of removal is suturing. These steps can also be performed in reverse order. The choice of technique depends on the localization of the appendix.
  4. Wound suturing. It is done in layers. In most cases, the surgeon closes the wound tightly. Drainage is indicated only in cases where the inflammatory process has spread to nearby tissues or purulent contents are found in the abdominal cavity.

A more gentle method of appendectomy is laparoscopic. It is less traumatic and easier to tolerate by patients with severe diseases of the internal organs. Laparoscopy is not performed on late stage acute appendicitis, with peritonitis and some pathologies. This is due to the fact that with this method it is impossible to fully examine the abdominal cavity and carry out a thorough sanitation.

Laparoscopic surgery is performed as follows:

  • The surgeon makes an incision 2-3 cm long in the navel. Enters the hole carbon dioxide(this is necessary to improve visibility), a laparoscope is also inserted into it. The doctor examines the abdominal cavity. If there is even the slightest doubt about the safety this method the specialist removes the instrument and proceeds to the classic appendectomy.
  • The doctor makes 2 more incisions - in the right hypochondrium and in the pubic area. Tools are inserted into the resulting holes. With their help, the doctor captures the appendix, ligates the vessels, excised the process and removes it from the abdominal cavity.
  • The surgeon performs sanitation, if necessary, installs a drainage system. The final step is suturing the incisions.

In the absence of complications, the patient is taken to the ward. In other cases, he is transferred to the intensive care unit.

Possible Complications

In the first 24 hours after surgery, the patient is worried about pain, and body temperature may rise. it normal states, which are a consequence surgical treatment acute appendicitis. A feature of pain is its localization exclusively in the area of ​​tissue dissection. If it is felt in other places, medical attention is required.

In any case, after an appendectomy, doctors constantly monitor the patient's condition. This is due to the frequent occurrence various complications. Acute appendicitis is a pathology in which exudate can form in the focus of inflammation, as a result of which the risk of suppuration in the area of ​​tissue dissection increases. According to statistics, it occurs in every fifth patient.

In addition, the following complications may develop after an appendectomy:

  • peritonitis;
  • divergence of seams;
  • bleeding in the abdominal cavity;
  • adhesive disease;
  • thromboembolism;
  • abscess;
  • sepsis.

To reduce the risk of negative consequences it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the doctor and, if alarming signs appear, contact him immediately.

Features of the postoperative period

Patient care is carried out in accordance with a special document - clinical guidelines. Acute appendicitis is a pathology, after surgical treatment of which the patient must be in the hospital for 2 to 4 days. Average duration stay can be increased in complicated forms of the disease.

The recovery period is individual for each person. Young patients return to their usual way of life in about 1.5-2 weeks, for children and the elderly this period increases to 1 month.

The first day after the appendectomy is considered the most important. During this period, the patient is forbidden to eat and drink liquids in large quantities. It is allowed to offer him every half an hour 2-3 teaspoons of still mineral water. During the same period, it is necessary to strictly observe bed rest. After 24 hours, the attending physician decides whether the patient can get up and move independently.

While the patient is in the hospital special treatment is not required, all efforts are aimed at restoring the body after surgery. In the absence of complications, the patient is discharged after a few days.

During the rehabilitation period, each person must observe the following rules:

  1. In the first 7 days after the appendectomy, it is necessary to wear a bandage. For the next few months, it should be worn during any physical activity.
  2. Walk outdoors daily.
  3. Do not lift heavy objects for the first 3 months after surgery.
  4. Do not play sports that involve high-intensity physical activity, do not swim before the formation of the scar.
  5. To not allow sexual contact the first 2 weeks after the operation.

The fact that high-intensity physical activity is banned for several months does not mean that the patient should sedentary image life. Hypodynamia is no less dangerous - against its background, constipation, congestion develop, atrophy muscle. 2-3 days after the operation, you should regularly perform simple exercises.

Nutrition Features

The regimen and diet must be adjusted after the treatment of acute appendicitis. AT postoperative period diet plays essential role. Patients after appendectomy are assigned table number 5.

The basic principles of this diet:

  • You need to eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions (no more than 200 g).
  • The first 3 days the consistency of food should be puree. In the same period, it is necessary to exclude products that increase gas formation.
  • It is forbidden to eat too cold or hot dishes.
  • The basis of the menu should be boiled or steamed foods. It is necessary to drink enough fluids (water without gas, fruit drinks, compotes, herbal tea).

You can return to your usual diet and diet 2 months after the operation. The transition process should be gradual.

What to do if you suspect an attack

In case of non-compliance certain rules behavior increases the risk of developing complications of acute appendicitis. To reduce the likelihood of their occurrence, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Prior to her arrival:

  • Put the patient to bed, he is allowed to take any position in which the severity of pain becomes less.
  • Apply a cold heating pad to the affected area. This will help slow down the development of the inflammatory process. It is forbidden to warm the diseased area, this leads to a rupture of the appendix.
  • Offer the person some water every half an hour.

Simultaneously with the implementation of the above activities, it is necessary to collect things that the patient will need in the hospital. It is not recommended to give a person painkillers - they distort the clinical picture.


Inflammation of the appendix of the caecum is currently not uncommon. In surgery, acute appendicitis is divided into several forms, each of which has a specific symptomatology. If you suspect inflammation of the appendix, it is recommended to call an ambulance team. Timely surgical intervention significantly reduces the risk of developing various complications. The ICD code for acute appendicitis is K35.

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