White gum around the tooth. Inflammation of the gums and their treatment. What to do if the gums are swollen

According to statistics given by dentists of the world, every 2nd person on Earth suffers from problems in oral cavity. The most common problem is inflammation of the mouth. The pain that occurs when chewing food, getting cold, hot, sour, sweet, causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. If the front gum turns red and you do not see a dentist in time, gum disease can lead to irreversible consequences, as a result of which a person loses his teeth and acquires a lot of other troubles.

Symptoms of inflammation of the gums with a photo

It is almost impossible to independently determine the inflammation of the gums near the tooth on initial stage(see photo), as the disease is asymptomatic. As gum disease develops, the following symptoms may appear:

If you experience any of the symptoms, you should immediately contact your dentist. The doctor will conduct a series of examinations, put correct diagnosis and appoint treatment course and after therapeutic prophylaxis.

Causes of the problem

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Any pain is an inflammatory process in the body, toothache is no exception. There are a number of reasons why inflammation occurs near the gums, bringing suffering and discomfort:

  • development of gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease;
  • incorrectly installed seals;
  • a wisdom tooth is cut;
  • teething in a newborn baby.

gum disease


Gingivitis as the first stage of the disease. Signs of gingivitis are the appearance of plaque and the formation of tartar, the gums are white and swollen around the tooth. Often, with this disease, a person develops bad smell from mouth. When cleaning the oral cavity, the gum hurts, and bleeding occurs.

Worth remembering! Self-medication will not lead to positive results. It is necessary to consult with your doctor.

Turning in time to dental clinic the doctor prescribes a course affordable therapy(approximate list of drugs):

  • therapeutic toothpaste Paradontax, Lakalut-active;
  • anti-inflammatory agents for rinsing the mouth - Rotokan, Stomatofit, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Kaposol;
  • gels Asepta, Metrogil denta, Hyaludent, Holisal.


Periodontitis as advanced stage gingivitis. The inflammatory process leads to the destruction and loss of the tooth. The peridental tissue is inflamed, bleeding, staggering appears, strong pain while chewing food. With the development of periodontitis in a person, the body temperature rises and a weakening of the body as a whole is noted.

The dentist, in addition to general therapeutic care, prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs. The drug course is prescribed depending on the patient's condition, allowed medicines and stage of the disease. Often with the development of periodontitis, it is possible surgical intervention. For example, removal of a pustular pocket that has arisen around a tooth, inflamed tissue, or closing a bare root.

periodontal disease

Is not inflammatory disease. Most often, periodontal disease affects people with a genetic predisposition to the disease, as well as chronic diseases internal organs.

Periodontal disease brings dystrophic character. With this disease, bone tissue is destroyed, food gets stuck in the cracks, and the gums aches. Symptoms are practically absent, with the exception of a reaction to a change in the temperature of the food taken, hot tea is ingested or cold water. The teeth are firmly in place, do not stagger and do not hurt. It is possible to determine the disease only with the help of an x-ray, which only a doctor can read correctly.

A patient with periodontal disease is selected individual treatment. Basically, this is the use of osteoplastic materials that compensate for the lack of bone tissue. Sometimes orthodontic intervention is needed to correct the bite and align the position. Periodontitis can be concomitant disease with a more serious illness. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the inflammatory process between the teeth.

Gum aches around the wisdom tooth

Almost everyone has wisdom teeth. From 18 to 25 years old, they come into activity and begin to move upward, causing pain and discomfort. This leads to inflammation and the formation of a tissue hood around the tooth (we recommend reading:). During meals, the remnants get stuck between the teeth, food debris accumulates in the hood over the wisdom tooth, thereby contributing to the development of microorganisms and inflammation. If a person has unbearable pain or the "eight" interferes neighboring teeth, it is removed.

The gum becomes inflamed near the tooth under the crown

To date, the material of the substitute is almost indistinguishable from a natural tooth. A substitute in dentistry is used when the tooth is more than 50% destroyed. Frequent problem after the installation of the implant is the formation of gingivitis. The reasons may be:

  • incorrect crown size;
  • insufficient treatment with antiseptics;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the material;
  • poor oral hygiene after insertion.

If after surgery in the area of ​​the implant there is inflammation of the gums, it is necessary to consult a doctor for tooth treatment and elimination inflammatory focus. The crown is temporarily removed and the inflammation is eliminated by medical treatment.

Other possible causes

All diseases and problems arise as a result of improper care of the oral cavity. The minimum that any person should do is to clean the oral cavity after each meal or rinse the mouth with special cleansers. The following factors can also lead to gum problems:

Treatment at the dentist

If you experience any of the symptoms, you should immediately contact your dentist. In no case do not self-medicate. Only a doctor can identify the problem, conduct a series of examinations, make a correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In addition to treatment, the dentist will give several recommendations on how to choose the right one. toothbrush and paste, how to properly care for the oral cavity. He will give preventive advice on oral care at home and explain why the oral cavity becomes inflamed and such problems arise.

Help with home remedies

It often happens that a person with acute toothache does not have the opportunity to get an appointment with the dentist soon. To facilitate pain syndrome Before visiting a doctor, you can carry out several procedures at home.

  • First of all, refuse to take cold, hot, sweet and sour.
  • Rinse your mouth with available home first aid kit antiseptics Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, last resort salt diluted in warm water and baking soda. You can make a slurry of salt and baking soda and apply to the damaged area. This will take the pain away for a while.
  • If the temperature rises along with the pain, it is worth taking an antipyretic, for example, Paracetamol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen. As soon as it becomes possible to visit the dentist, do not delay it.
  • Very often used to treat the oral cavity at home. medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects, for example, chamomile, calendula, sage. Grass should be brewed in boiling water: 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water.
  • Honey and propolis are also excellent tool, you need to put a little on the sore spot.
  • An effective method is rinsing the mouth with a decoction of oak bark brewed in water.
  • Spicy herbs also work well for toothache, such as cinnamon mixed with a drop of honey and applied to reddened gums.
  • A clove of garlic, applied to the focus of pain, not only relieves it, but also disinfects the aching tooth.

Some patients of dental clinics for a number of reasons cannot receive qualified assistance from the doctor. This is mainly due to allergic reaction for some medical preparations, pregnancy and childhood.

Very often, many complain to dentists about such a problem as inflammation and redness of the gums around the tooth. At the very beginning of this process pain may not be observed. However, over time, it begins to loosen and the temperature rises.

It is very important to know exactly what to do if the gums are inflamed and sore, so that you can eliminate the problem in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence dangerous complications.

Causes of inflammation

It is important not only to know what to do if the gums are inflamed and sore, but also the causes of such a violation. Painful sensations and the inflammatory process can occur according to the most various reasons. This is mainly due to:

  • injury to the mucosal filling or crown;
  • traumatic lesions;
  • wisdom tooth eruption;
  • gum disease.

Some pathologies in the initial stages are completely asymptomatic, which threatens the development of dangerous complications. If a tooth hurts and the gums become inflamed, this may be due to the multiplication of pathogens in the oral cavity. They are activated when the immune system is weakened, as well as with insufficiently good oral hygiene.

Soreness can also provoke the omission of the edges of the dental crown or an incorrectly sized filling. The focus of inflammation in advanced cases moves to adjacent areas of the gums. In the oral cavity, an inflammatory process occurs after poor-quality prosthetics or tooth extraction, smoking, beriberi, pathological growth of the cyst. Regardless of why the gums hurt and become inflamed, you need to undergo a thorough examination and treatment by a doctor.


If a tooth hurts and the gums become inflamed, then this may be. As a result of the course of this disease, atrophy of the gingival margin and thinning of tissues occur. The pain covers the entire jaw. In addition, bleeding is observed.

Development inflammatory process gradually leads to the formation of periodontal pockets, and there is also Great chance penetration of infection and the development of periostitis, flux and osteomyelitis.


With a weak chewing load or insufficiently good oral hygiene, gingivitis can develop. Among typical manifestations can be identified as:

  • poor connection of the gums with the tooth;
  • bleeding when brushing teeth;
  • redness of inflamed gums;
  • bad breath.

Painful sensations occur quite rarely. Gingivitis is mild and is not considered a disease, which is why there is no specialized drug treatment not required. It is enough just to eliminate the provoking factors that provoked bleeding and inflammation by professional cleaning.


If the gum around the tooth is inflamed and sore, then this may be a sign of periodontitis. It is an inflammatory process that takes place between bone tissue and dental tissues. Before proceeding with the treatment of inflammation, it is necessary to determine the cause of the disease. Among the main signs of pathology, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • unsteadiness of the tooth;
  • severe pain;
  • fistula formation;
  • an increase in the size of the gums;
  • swelling of the lips and cheeks.

With the periodic occurrence of the inflammatory process, the disease can be determined completely by chance, or it will progress imperceptibly. chronic stage the disease is characterized by hidden symptoms of the course, only minor pain can be observed, as well as slight discomfort when pressing on the tooth.

provoke development similar disease may be not proper treatment pulpitis, osteomyelitis, untreated pulpitis, advanced form of sinusitis.

Inflammation under the crown

If the gum under the crown is inflamed and very sore, then this may be due to incorrect installation. If the crown does not fit snugly, then particles of food can penetrate into the formed micro-holes, which provoke the occurrence of painful sensations.

The cause of the inflammatory process can also be untreated canals of the teeth. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to carry out treatment at home, as this can lead to complications and will not bring any result. It is important to contact the dentist in a timely manner, as you will have to remove the crown and carry out the treatment again.

Inflammation during the eruption of the wisdom tooth

If the gums are very inflamed and sore, then the reason for this may be an erupting wisdom tooth. The sensations are very similar to those when teeth begin to erupt in a baby. This place is very painful and itchy. In some cases, an increase in temperature may be observed. Similar signs occur, since when teething, the wisdom tooth passes through the tissues.

In addition, there are signs such as severe swelling and fever. In some cases, even surgery may be required. To facilitate the eruption process, an incision is made in the soft tissues, and sometimes a tooth is extracted.

Be sure to contact your dentist, as the inflammatory process is considered a sign that it may occur. misdevelopment which is why it needs to be removed. If there are no violations, then pain can be eliminated by rinsing with special decoctions. medicinal herbs.

Main symptoms

Often the disease begins with the fact that the gums bleed when touched. In this case, there are no painful sensations. Normally, the gum completely surrounds healthy tooth, however, if treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, then it will become inflamed, redden and move away from the tooth. In this case, a cavity is formed into which the remnants of food fall, this creates favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. That is why, in addition to painful sensations, there are such signs as:

  • puffiness;
  • bleeding gums;
  • bad smell;
  • looseness of teeth;
  • suppuration of periodontal canals.

If the gums are inflamed and hurt, then this may be due to the presence dangerous diseases. In this case, the surface is covered with small, but very painful sores.

Feature of the treatment

When the gums become inflamed and the jaw hurts, you should definitely consult a dentist, as only he will be able to choose the right treatment. In many ways, it depends on the type of disease, the degree of its course, as well as the presence of complications. If the pain is very strong, then you can take painkillers, as well as rinse your mouth with a solution of soda, potassium permanganate or special pharmaceutical products.

An ointment that acts locally, precisely at the site of the lesion, will help to anesthetize the affected area. In addition to the analgesic effect, this remedy also helps to reduce bleeding, and is also used as an antiseptic and eliminates inflammation. To eliminate pain and inflammation, the most effective will be complex treatment, which means:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • removal of tartar.

In addition, it will be necessary to preventive measures namely, changing your diet, flossing your teeth, avoiding bad habits.


What to do if the gums are inflamed and sore, only a qualified dentist can determine, as this may be a sign various diseases. In the presence of complex diseases and the occurrence of complications, a reception is required medications. The doctor in this case often prescribes a course of antibiotics, in particular, such as:

  • "Erythromycin";
  • "Ampicillin";
  • "Amoxicillin";
  • "Metronidazole".

It is worth remembering that the use of antibiotics should only be in accordance with the doctor's prescription, since it is not enough just to eliminate the inflammation. Self-medication can bring serious harm body.

It is important to understand exactly what to do if the gums are inflamed and sore, as this will eliminate discomfort even before visiting the dentist. When an inflammatory process occurs, rinsing is recommended as a therapeutic and hygienic procedure. For this you can apply various kinds solutions and infusions. They are helping:

  • eliminate pain;
  • bacteria and microbes;
  • mucosal disinfection.

All pharmacy solutions are very convenient and easy to use, and also help to eliminate inflammation very quickly. Well proven antiseptics such as:

  • "Chlorophillipt";
  • "Rotokan";
  • "Furacilin";
  • "Chlorhexidine";
  • Miramistin.

It is worth noting that when using these drugs, it is imperative to study the available instructions for each of the drugs.

Ointments and gels

Many patients are interested in if a tooth hurts and the gums are inflamed, what should I do? Very good effect render special ointments and gels that have a local anesthetic effect, covering the oral mucosa with a special protective film. This allows you to quickly get rid of soreness, bleeding, and swelling. Very well proven means such as:

  • "Dental";
  • "Metrogil denta";
  • "Holisal";
  • "Solcoseryl";
  • "Asepta".

Some of these drugs are used as a therapeutic and prophylactic drug. It is worth remembering that to obtain a good result of treatment, ointments and gels should be used 2-3 times a day.


There are special toothpastes with therapeutic and hygienic qualities. They are very much in demand in the treatment of inflamed gums, and also help speed up the recovery process, stop bleeding, and also destroy pathogens.

The composition of such toothpastes includes extracts of medicinal herbs, antiseptics and other active ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties. However, despite medicinal properties, dentists do not recommend using them regularly. For recovery, you need to apply them for 1 month, and then take a break. The most effective are such pastes as:

  • "Parodontax";
  • "Lakalut";
  • "The president".

It should be noted that the most good result can only be obtained through complex therapy.

Traditional medicine

If the gums are inflamed and hurt, what to do and how to get rid of discomfort with the help of folk remedies, many patients are interested, who for some reason do not want to use medications. There are many different medicinal herbs that help eliminate the inflammatory process. Among them, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • thyme;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • sage and oak bark;
  • St. John's wort infusion.

It is very helpful to apply warm tea bags to the affected area. Aloe has antiseptic properties, raw potatoes, Birch tar. good remedy applications made from baking soda are considered. After its application, you need to rinse with a decoction of oak bark or chamomile. With the inflammatory process will help to cope with lemon or cranberry juice.

Complications in self-treatment

Significantly complicate the situation incorrectly carried out self-treatment, which is why you should not delay visiting the doctor. With prolonged use of analgesics, you can seriously harm your body.

Inflammation of the gums without appropriate treatment after a while can go to the jaw bones, which over time will only exacerbate the problem. At home, you can only stop acute attack.

Very importance has prevention, which is why it is best to choose toothpaste based on medicinal herbs, and the brush should be with soft bristles. To prevent the occurrence of pain, you need to eat right, as well as avoid stressful situations.

It is important to thoroughly clean your mouth and teeth several times a day. Special attention is given to the language, since it is on it that the largest number bacteria.

Redness and swelling of the gums in the cervical region of the teeth or between them is a problem with which patients go to the dentist quite often. These signs can indicate both stomatitis or gingivitis, as well as other diseases that can lead to tooth loss. Why does inflammation occur? What are the ways to treat the mucosa, and is it possible to prevent the development of pathology?

Possible causes of gum disease

If the gums are inflamed, in most cases the cause is the accumulation of plaque. Soft deposits formed from the waste products of bacteria and food particles gradually turn into a stone that mechanically irritates soft tissues. However, experts identify a number of other reasons that provoke the occurrence of inflammation of the mucous membrane around the tooth:

If a person has a sore gum between the teeth, then the cause may be injury to the soft tissues or incorrectly installed seal with overhanging edge. You can detect a defect when brushing your teeth with a floss - the thread will get stuck or break.

If the gum turns blue, do not panic. The bluish tint of soft tissues occurs when incorrect prosthetics causing stagnation venous blood, as well as mucosal injuries and gingivitis. It is not recommended to carry out treatment on your own and delay a visit to the dentist.

Sometimes the cause of discomfort and inflammation is that a person has food stuck between chewing teeth or incisors. This trouble occurs due to poor-quality fillings or dentures, deformation of the dentition, or the presence of naturally wide interdental spaces.

Many patients suffer from this problem, but it can be easily corrected: dentures should be replaced, and diastemas on the front teeth or tremas between molars are eliminated with braces.

Types and stages of inflammation of the gums and concomitant symptoms

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There are several diseases that provoke pain and redness of the mucosa. One of the most common is stomatitis. The disease develops against the background of a decrease in immunity. Symptoms:

  • gums ache and become inflamed;
  • sores, vesicles, or white coating(depending on the type of stomatitis) (we recommend reading:);
  • the occurrence of pain at the slightest impact from the outside (including when air enters the oral cavity).

It is rare to find a person who is not afraid to visit the dentist. But everyone knows that a regular examination by a specialist will help to avoid many. In most cases, many seek help only when an inflammatory process develops in the oral cavity. To avoid this, it is worth proper hygiene mouth, as well as several times a year to visit the dentist for a routine examination.

Inflammation of the gums around the tooth

In many cases, pain can occur not only due to the development of caries. Unpleasant sensations can also be caused by inflammation of the gums. Meanwhile, gum pain can only be a symptom. The reasons are very different. Pain can be caused by diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, and periodontal disease.

If the inflammation in the gums is not too great, it may be due to periodontal disease. Gingivitis is characterized by bleeding gums and purulent discharge. Periodontitis is considered the most severe form around the tooth. The disease is dangerous by the loss of teeth and the spread of the inflammatory process to the bone.

Why does inflammation of the gums appear near the tooth?

The doctor can prescribe treatment only after he finds out and eliminates the cause of the disease. The most common mistake patients make is Not proper care behind the mouth. Hygiene is of the utmost importance. Improper cleaning of the teeth in the place where the tooth connects to the gum, plaque accumulates. In the future, tartar can form, which will provoke bleeding of the gums and the development of an inflammatory process.

Improper nutrition can also cause the disease. Inflammation of the gums near the tooth can be caused by excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol. Cigarettes are also not good for teeth.

To keep your teeth strong, you should eat more fiber. Foods containing calcium will make teeth resistant to bacteria.

How to organize oral hygiene?

Proper care of your teeth and gums is very important. Everyone knows that brushing your teeth is necessary at least twice a day. But it must be done correctly. All
the procedure should take at least three minutes.

Plaque can accumulate not only on the surface, but also in the spaces between the teeth. To remove it, you must use a special dental floss. This simple device is much cheaper than the treatment of the inflammatory process at the dentist.

Complete hygiene procedure you can use a special rinse for sale There are rinses that can stop inflammation of the gums near the tooth. It can also be used for prevention purposes. Mouthwash can be done with medicinal herbs. Chamomile and sage have excellent properties.

periodontal disease

On early stage the disease may have virtually no symptoms. Inflammation of the gums near the tooth appears only when an infection occurs in the space between the gum and the tooth. Only timely removal can prevent the development of the disease.

Periodontal disease can affect the tissues of one tooth or spread to the entire oral cavity. The first alarming symptom may be bleeding gums that occur when brushing your teeth. If blood appears, you should immediately contact a specialist to avoid complications.

Due to the fact that the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, to diagnose it yourself on early stage almost impossible. Scheduled inspection a specialist can help identify the problem. The doctor will be able to accurately determine the degree of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


The disease most often occurs in children during puberty, as well as in pregnant women. Purulent inflammation gums near the tooth can be caused by a violation hormonal background. Quite often, gingivitis develops due to mechanical damage to the gums.

In no case should the disease be left unattended. The inflammatory process can lead to the development of more serious problems oral cavity. The result of neglecting one's own health can be the loss of healthy teeth.

Adults also have chronic gingivitis. The disease worsens most often in winter and spring. At this time, the inflammatory process may resume. Quite often it happens that the gums are swollen, but the tooth does not hurt. What to do in this case, everyone must decide for themselves. But going to the dentist will help to avoid serious consequences.

Regular examination by a specialist and proper oral care will be an excellent prevention of gingivitis and periodontal disease.


neglect anxiety symptoms, such as unpleasant bleeding gums and periodic inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the tooth, in the future leads to the development of periodontitis. Symptoms of the disease are dark
plaque on the teeth, loose gums, tooth mobility. With absence full treatment the patient may lose healthy teeth.

Unpleasant is not only the fact that the patient runs the risk of being left without beautiful smile. The inflammatory process can also move to other organs. As a result, the work of the whole organism will be disrupted. Simple inflammation of the gums is a real focus of infection, which can be easily eliminated with timely handling to the dentist.

Treatment of periodontitis in dental clinic- This whole complex procedures. First of all, the doctor should examine the oral cavity, identify the most problem areas. Next, tartar is removed and caries is eliminated. Correct selection drugs and vitamins that will help restore the gums is also of great importance.

Inflammation of the gums associated with the wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth are chewing teeth, which appear in the oral cavity the latest. They erupt in most people already in adulthood and cause a lot of trouble to many. The first thing that can cause pain is inflammation of the gums around the wisdom tooth.

Human evolution has caused a change in the anthropological structure of the jaw. According to research, the jaw modern man 10 cm less than that of distant ancestors. As a result of this, some difficulties began to arise during the eruption of "extra" teeth. For many people, wisdom teeth do not erupt completely or do not erupt at all.

Teeth that are on the edge of the dentition are often given little attention. Proper hygiene is impossible to organize for the reason that the brush simply cannot reach the tooth. As a result, tooth decay or gum disease can develop. What to do for treatment, the doctor will tell you. IN rare cases The wisdom tooth is removed immediately after it erupts.

When should a wisdom tooth be removed?

Even before a tooth appears in the mouth, a person may experience pain. This is due to the fact that the uncut formation is covered with a gum hood. Food simply gets into the soft tissue, and then bacteria multiply there. Inflammation of the gums around the wisdom tooth is quite common.

To make it easier for the patient difficult period teething, the dentist can remove the tooth at an early stage. Caries of the outer tooth is almost impossible to cure. This is due to the inconvenient location of the figure eight in the oral cavity. Therefore, it is better to remove a diseased tooth immediately so as not to have problems with it in the future.

The wisdom tooth is removed fairly quickly under local anesthesia. Of the unpleasant sensations, the patient can only experience the pressure of a medical instrument on the gum. There is no pain in this. The gums will begin to hurt a little only a few hours after the operation. The problem is easily solved by taking an analgesic. Therefore, if the gum is inflamed near the wisdom tooth, it hurts terribly and bleeds, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible. Removal will be the best solution to the problem.

Inflammation of the gums after tooth filling

Many turn to a specialist only when pain appears in the tooth. But there are also cases when, after visiting the dentist, there are also discomfort in the gum little pain immediately after going to the doctor is considered the norm and disappears in a day or two after the procedure. If the discomfort does not disappear, you should contact your dentist again.

The main cause of the inflammatory process that appears after visiting a doctor may be mechanical damage gums medical instrument. If the pain is not too severe, the problem can be solved at home. If the gums become inflamed after tooth treatment, how to rinse? A solution of soda or salt will help to quickly relieve pain and stop the inflammatory process.

We treat inflammation at home

Almost everyone knows how to treat inflammation of the gums, how to rinse the mouth. Not only solutions of soda and salt have a beneficial effect. A decoction of herbs will also help to quickly get rid of pain. For inflammation, you can use plants such as sage, chamomile, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort, thyme, etc. The decoction is prepared quite simply. All you need to do is pour a glass of boiling water over the dried and pre-crushed plant. The decoction should be infused for 10-15 minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm infusion.

Great for rinsing simple products, which are available in the refrigerator in almost everyone. This carrot juice, kefir, cabbage juice. Useful properties also has red rowan juice. Berries harvested in autumn can be stored for a year in the freezer.

Doing a massage

Massage is not only pleasant, but also very useful procedure, which relieves pain and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the future. Everyone should know how easy it is to relieve inflammation of the gums at home with simple remedies.

Massage is performed using special prophylactic toothpastes. Movements can be done with your fingers or you can use a brush with soft bristles.

Massage should start from the center and move smoothly towards the wisdom teeth. All movements should be neat and smooth. Massage is not considered correct if it causes discomfort or pain. The procedure can be performed using a special silicone massager, which gently and gently massages the gums. A similar massager can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Massage can be an excellent prevention of inflammation of the gums. But positive result will be noticeable only with the systematic implementation of procedures. Massage should be done daily in the morning and evening. One procedure can take about five minutes.

Hello dear visitors of our site. Today we will talk about such a common phenomenon as inflammation of the gums near the tooth. You will learn about the causes, methods of treatment in children and adults.

Why can the gums become inflamed?

Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity are common. They are one of the problems that dentists face every day. Let's try to figure out why this happens, what are the main reasons that lead to inflammation.

Separately, inflammation of the gums near the wisdom tooth should be considered. In the process of growth, the last molars cause swelling of the gums and pain.

Also last tooth may not grow properly. This phenomenon is called dystopia. To determine this, the doctor sends the patient to do X-ray. If suspicions are confirmed, the specialist studies all options. In cases where the tooth threatens the neighboring one, it is surgically removed.

Another problem with wisdom teeth is teething problems. Sometimes the tissues above the tooth are too dense and the tooth cannot overcome them. Or growth has stopped for some reason. At the same time, the gum also becomes inflamed and pain is felt. This phenomenon in dentistry is called retention. impacted tooth not always removed. Often it is only necessary to prepare a "bridgehead" for its further eruption.

Video - Inflammation of the gums

Inflammatory hormonal processes

Hormonal surges occur in a child / adolescent. Most often they occur during puberty. At this time, gingivitis develops, which, against the background poor hygiene oral cavity can cause significant discomfort.

Also, hormonal imbalances appear during pregnancy. In the mouth, the acidity changes, which causes the mass reproduction of bacteria. This is often followed by catarrhal or

A pregnant woman wants something sweet, sometimes salty, sometimes sour. As a result, acidity changes at an unimaginable rate, bacterial background- Same. The body itself during this period is somewhat more weakened. Because opportunistic flora receives conditions in which it can multiply massively. The immune system no longer able to suppress this process. The result is gingivitis. Over time, gum inflammation becomes chronic and can develop into periodontitis, which is much more difficult to treat and much more dangerous.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth - how to treat

Many people have no idea what to do if the gum around the tooth is inflamed. There is one small nuance here. The fact is that the ways to eliminate inflammation depend on the cause of its occurrence. Because there is no one general remedy for all occasions.

If we are talking about inflammation under the crown, then before you get to the doctor, you can use various analgesics or paracetamol. Observe exact dosage indicated in the instructions for the drugs. If 1-2 tablets do not help, do not try to drink the entire package. Most likely, this remedy is not suitable for you, and such actions will lead to poisoning and various side effects.

Proper treatment can only be prescribed experienced specialist after diagnosing and establishing the cause.

Pharmaceutical means of local action:

  • Kamistad (gel);
  • Holisal (gel);
  • Maraslavin (solution);
  • Parodontocide (spray and solution);
  • Polyminerol (solution).

You can also perform rinses and baths using herbal infusions and decoctions. The most commonly used medicinal plants are chamomile, oak bark, Linden blossom, St. John's wort, sage, thyme, strawberry leaf, arnica, mint, oregano. Plants have features of preparation. Chamomile flowers can be simply poured with boiling water. oak bark boiled over low heat.

Rinses with soda, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin help relieve inflammation.

If, you can rinse it, but the temperature should not be high, and you will need to see a doctor as soon as possible so as not to face serious consequences.

For gum inflammation near an erupting wisdom tooth, it is recommended to use one of these simple and affordable recipes.

  1. Mix a solution of 3 tablespoons of chamomile decoction with 2 tablespoons of honey. Rinse your mouth with the resulting mixture 2-4 times a day.
  2. In a glass of boiled warm water add a drop of iodine and a tablespoon of baking soda. Rinse your mouth with this solution every twenty minutes. It helps reduce pain and swelling.
  3. Pour one part of calendula, sage and chamomile hot water and insist for 15 minutes. Strain, cool, use to wash the gums. The procedure is recommended to be repeated at least five times a day.

If inflammation of the gums near the tooth has chronic, symptomatic treatment described above can only be used in combination general measures. The root cause must be found and corrected. It could be any common disease. Then a specialized specialist should be connected to the treatment.

Video - Wisdom tooth eruption, causes of gum disease

It should be understood that the development of the inflammatory process is facilitated by the presence of hard and soft dental deposits, including subgingival deposits. Therefore, during the treatment it will be necessary to carry out the removal of stones. Immediately after the procedure, the pain will increase somewhat, which is associated with a mechanical effect on soft tissues. The doctor will prescribe drugs that help eliminate inflammation and soreness, apply effective antiseptics.

It is unlikely that we will open America to you by saying that it is most effective to combine different techniques. Eg, modern medicine recommends combining home ( folk remedies) using pharmaceuticals anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, antiseptics and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Physiotherapy methods found wide application V modern dentistry and show high efficiency.

  • electrophoresis with various drugs;
  • quartzing;
  • laser therapy.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth - prevention and useful tips

Of course, you can't do anything about natural hormonal surges and teething. But infectious and other causes are eliminated by a radical revision of the lifestyle and approach to oral hygiene. Start small - start brushing your teeth properly. Get a brush with bristles that won't hurt your gums. Talk to your doctor about the choice of paste and brush. Change your brush at least once every 3 months. If it already looks “not very good” for 2 months, buy a new one earlier.

Inflammation of the gums near the tooth and bleeding can be caused by a lack of vitamin C. Add foods that contain it to your diet. If this is a problem, go to the pharmacy and buy a vitamin and mineral complex. Buy a large jar that lasts at least a month. If possible, eat daily raw vegetables. They massage the gums. Do not neglect such a procedure as self-massage.

  1. Avoid stress, get enough sleep. Even this can suddenly cause gum problems.
  2. Smoking harms not only the lungs, but also the teeth and gums.
  3. The same goes for alcohol based products. Therefore, avoid drinking alcohol.
  4. When brushing your teeth, don't forget your tongue. It accumulates great amount bacteria. They cause tooth decay and gingivitis - inflammation of the gums.
  5. Go to the dentist more often. Even if there's nothing to worry about. It will quickly detect any changes before they become your problem.

Adults and children are equally often in the dentist's office. As statistics show, many even after forty still do not know how to brush their teeth correctly. First, they don't use . This causes food particles to remain between the teeth. Secondly, they do not brush their teeth at the base well. This causes the formation of tartar.

Prevention of plaque and stone formation:

ToothpasteThe content of pyrophosphate in toothpaste inhibits the formation and growth of crystalline formations of tartar. Choose a toothpaste that contains pyrophosphate
Use dental floss to clean the spaces between your teeth. Be careful with toothpicks, as they injure the gums, but it is better not to use them at all.
rinse aidThe oral cavity is also recommended to be cleaned with hygienic rinses. They have preventive properties, especially rinses containing propolis.
An irrigator is one of the means by which you can get to hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity. A small device, with the help of pressure, with the pressure of a thin jet, cleans the oral cavity without damaging the gums.
Vegetables and fruitsMechanical cleaning of the oral cavity occurs when biting and chewing hard vegetables and fruits. best helper this is where the apples come in. The secreted malic acid contributes to the dissolution of stone plaque

If the stone is already there, getting rid of it at home is unrealistic. Until he became the cause of inflammation of the gums near the tooth, you need to contact a hygienist. Using manual or ultrasonic tools, he will remove the stone, polish the surface. If necessary, after that will be applied special formulations based on calcium, fluorine.

IN dental practice there are often situations when the simplest cases were triggered by the patient to the state of the most severe hypertrophic forms, requiring surgical intervention, long-term treatment, and then - plastics for recovery normal view gums. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not neglect the prevention tips and do not forget about the need for a scheduled visit to the dentist at least once every six months. If you stick to these simple rules, problems with the gums simply will not arise.

This concludes our review and we are waiting for your comments on this topic. Articles of this direction will be regularly published on the site!

Video - How to treat gum disease?

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