How to keep your teeth beautiful and healthy? How to keep your teeth healthy for a long time

How to save teeth? This question worries many. After all, there is great amount factors that can negatively affect not only tooth enamel, but also on soft tissues oral cavity. Everyone knows that visiting the dentist can avoid a lot of problems. However, in addition to traditional methods, there are also folk remedies. So how do you keep your teeth into old age?

Basic Rules

Since not everyone succeeds in saving until old age, it is necessary to remember Golden Rule A: Brush your teeth regularly. In case of violation of oral hygiene, inflammation of the soft tissues begins. In this case, the gums begin to bleed. Irregular and improper brushing of teeth harmful microorganisms multiply much faster. Wherein vigorous activity bacteria negatively affects the condition of enamel and soft tissues.

This is the reason why you should brush your teeth regularly. In this case, the procedure should take at least 2-3 minutes. Also, experts recommend taking decoctions medicinal herbs for rinsing. In addition, you need to watch your diet. To strengthen the gums and teeth, it is worth eating foods that contain a large number of vitamins and microelements.

You can avoid the development of unwanted diseases by using folk methods. Some remedies alternative medicine ideal for the prevention of oral ailments. So, how to keep your teeth during pregnancy, lactation and so on?

Tea tree

Oil can be used to strengthen gums tea tree. From this component it is worth preparing a solution. How to do it? Cooking method medicinal product simple enough. To do this, dissolve three drops of tea tree oil in a glass of clean boiled but chilled water.

It is worth noting that such a folk remedy allows you to strengthen not only the soft tissues of the oral cavity, but also the teeth. Tea tree oil clears bad smell fights caries and periodontal disease.

Use eggplant

This vegetable is also able to improve the condition of oral tissues. How to keep your teeth healthy and strong? You can use eggplant for this. To begin with, vegetables should be peeled. It is she who is needed for the preparation of alternative medicine. It is recommended to dry the eggplant peel in the oven, and then grind it into powder. A tablespoon of the resulting mass must be poured into a glass and pour water. It is necessary to infuse the drug for 10 minutes. In the finished product, you should add a small spoonful of salt. An infusion is used to rinse the mouth.

How to remove bleeding

Teeth loose? How to save? You can use fortifying herbs for this. Oak bark is an effective tool that allows you to eliminate To combat unpleasant phenomenon you can make an infusion. To do this, you need to grind the oak bark and Linden blossom. Components should be mixed in equal proportions. Brew a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. After that, the product should stand until it cools completely. Ready infusion should be filtered. To prevent the inflammatory process, you need to rinse your mouth ready tool three times a day.

Wine and horseradish

This is another remedy used to prevent many diseases. For cooking, you need to grate the horseradish on a fine grater and squeeze. In a glass of red wine, it is worth diluting two teaspoons of the resulting juice. After each meal, experts recommend rinsing your mouth with this remedy.

Burdock decoction

Can a tooth be saved if it is loose? To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the gums. Ideal drug considered a decoction of burdock. This tool helps not only freshen your breath, but also strengthen the gums. Preparing a decoction is very simple.

Burdock should be crushed. A teaspoon of raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and placed on the stove. Boil funds should be within a few minutes after boiling over low heat. At the end, leave the product for an hour. The decoction should be well infused. After the specified time, the drug should be filtered and can be used to rinse the mouth.

herbal collection

Many herbs have medicinal properties. How to save teeth traditional methods is not always possible, it is worth thinking about the application of various fees. You can improve the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity by preparing an herbal rinse. For this, it is necessary to take equal parts rosehip petals, Ivan-tea flowers and mint leaves.

The components should be crushed and then mixed. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured cold water. One glass will be enough. Then the container with the mixture should be placed on the stove and brought to a boil. Ready broth should be infused. This takes two hours. After the specified time, the product must be drained. It is recommended to add 5 grams of mummy to the infusion. Rinse your mouth with this decoction at least twice a day.


One of the most effective folk remedies is wormwood. This plant is used for the treatment of many diseases, including the oral cavity. With the help of an infusion prepared from this plant, you can eliminate bad breath.

To prepare the drug, it is necessary to grind the bitter wormwood. A tablespoon of the obtained raw materials should be brewed with two glasses of boiling water. The remedy should be infused for 20 minutes. After the specified time, it should be filtered. Infusion is recommended to use for rinsing the mouth up to 4 times a day.

Remedy for many ailments

How to keep your teeth beautiful? For this it is necessary to carry out preventive actions. An effective remedy, able to protect against caries, is considered an infusion from the aerial part of an ordinary turnip. To prepare it, you need to grind the leaves of the plant and brew them with a glass of boiling water. It is recommended to insist the drug for half an hour. A mouthwash is used.

It is worth noting that the infusion of turnip leaves is considered a good remedy for the prevention of not only caries, but also bleeding gums, and periodontal disease, and inflammatory processes.

Other funds

How to keep your teeth healthy? Biology shows that these tissues can serve a person for no more than 30 years. However, it is not. Scientists have proven that teeth can be preserved until old age. To strengthen tissues, you can use the following tools:

  • Cognac. This alcoholic drink is an effective strengthening agent. It can be used as a mouthwash. It is worth noting that cognac has a disinfecting effect, thanks to alcohol.
  • Plain edible salt. This substance can eliminate bad breath. Dissolve a dessert spoon of salt in a glass of water. The resulting solution should be used for rinsing the mouth.

on alcohol

Can the root of a tooth be saved? This is possible only in cases where the tooth tissues are not severely damaged. To prevent this from happening, you can use St. John's wort tincture. This drug perfectly copes with inflammation of the gums, and also eliminates unpleasant odors. To prepare, you need to pour a tablespoon of pre-chopped St. John's wort with alcohol. 1/2 liter will be enough. The container should be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for 7 days. After the specified time, the agent can be used for oral administration in a diluted form. To do this, it is recommended to dissolve 40 drops of the drug in ½ cup of water. It is worth taking the remedy twice a day for 7 days.

Plantain and lemon juice

Since it is much more difficult for a child to save teeth than for an adult, before applying any folk remedies it is worth consulting pediatric dentist. After all, some drugs of alternative medicine have contraindications.

As for adults, lemon juice can be used to strengthen the gums, as well as heal small sores. It is recommended to apply the mixture with a soft brush. At the same time, it is worth making sure that the product does not get on the tooth enamel, as it negatively affects its condition.

For the same purpose, plantain juice can be applied to the gums. It's much safer. Such a remedy does not negative impact on tooth enamel.

Special massage

If the teeth are loosened, then daily it is necessary to eat, carefully chewing, fresh garlic. This will strengthen weak gums. It will also help to get rid of the inflammatory process and unpleasant odor from the oral cavity. fresh leaves primroses or calamus root. These products are recommended to be chewed daily.

In addition to the above, it is worth enriching your diet with a variety of products containing many useful substances. Also, experts advise taking complexes of vitamins and minerals, which include elements such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, B 6 and D 3. In addition, do not forget that some substances can harm the tissues of the oral cavity. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse products that contain acids. These components can destroy the enamel. However, the most dangerous for the teeth is the lack of calcium. Not always enters the human body right amount of this element along with food. Therefore, experts recommend using special biologically active additives with calcium.

As for phosphorus, this component is necessary for strengthening teeth. The substance forms salts together with calcium, the effect of which improves the condition of the tissues of the oral cavity.

Today healthy teeth- this is not only a pleasant appearance, it is a sign of success, prosperity, well-being. You will not see wealthy and wealthy people, popular artists who have bad teeth. But does it always take a lot of money to keep your teeth in perfect condition?

Here are some tips to help you achieve the desired result:

  • take care of your toothbrush. You need to change it at least once every two or three months, even if the price is low, and the brush will not have any “cool gadgets”, but the more often you change it, the better. If you brush your teeth with one toothbrush for six months, then the bacteria that multiply on it will multiply already in your oral cavity.
  • while brushing your teeth, do not ignore the tongue and cheeks, because they also need to be cleaned. There is even a special scraper for these places, it costs a penny, and the effect is very good.
  • change toothpaste. It is very good to change not only the brand (manufacturer), but also the type of pasta. Today there are anti-inflammatory pastes, fluoride pastes, saline, enzyme, tooth sensitivity reducing, whitening, vegetable and anti-caries pastes. If you use only one type of paste always, the body will get used to it, and there will be no proper effect.
  • rinse your mouth and throat after every meal. It's good if you can rinse your mouth special means. Brush your teeth in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.
  • don't ignore dental floss, it will help get rid of food debris in hard-to-reach places and save you from possible caries.
  • can also be used chewing gum, the main thing to remember is not to chew it for longer than 10-15 minutes.
  • eat the right products- vegetables, fruits, teeth and gums need training, namely fresh vegetables and fruits can provide it. Calcium is essential for healthy teeth and is found in dairy products. It is worth eating fish, spinach, legumes. The quality of the water you drink is also important.
  • Minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks, they contain phosphoric acid, which corrodes the enamel. If you want to treat the owners of white teeth - reduce the consumption of tea, coffee, berry juices and red wine, these drinks stain tooth enamel.
  • visit the dentist at least once a year. Even if nothing bothers you, it is worth visiting a dentist for prevention. On the initial stages diseases of the teeth and oral cavity may not bother you, but the dentist will notice negative changes. And when the problem is clearly visible, and pain begins to torment you, it may be too late to take action.

Following these simple tips will help you have healthy and beautiful teeth at no extra cost.

Thanks to serious progress in the field of medicine, it is possible not only to treat teeth, but also to radically change them. appearance in better side or even insert strong snow-white implants. Despite this, people try to keep their teeth healthy, because some dental procedures have side effects and are costly.

Prevention dental diseases does not require large time and financial costs. Compliance with simple rules is one of the better ways maintaining dental health.


Improper nutrition negatively affects the state of not only internal organs but also teeth and gums. These products are especially bad for enamel:

  • sweets and sugary drinks;
  • roasted peanuts and seeds;
  • dried fruits;
  • coffee.

The list can also include sour citrus fruit, but it is worth noting that, on the one hand, their acidity harms the enamel, and on the other hand, they fortify and prevent the development of pathogens.

Important! It is not necessary to completely abandon all of the listed products. It is enough to consume them in smaller quantities.

Vitamins and minerals are substances necessary to maintain healthy teeth. It is not necessary to purchase special complexes at the pharmacy, you can limit yourself to improving the diet. Take note of the table useful substances and the products in which they are contained.

Table. Useful elements / vitamins and substances in which they are contained.


Plum, carrot, green pea, cabbage

Beef, pork, seafood, buckwheat grain, bananas

Sauerkraut, apples, blackcurrant

Butter, herring, mackerel, eggs

Shrimps, bakery products, soy, peanut

Raisins, dried apricots, liver

Cherries, grapes, onions, pineapples

Attention! Consume as much as possible clean water. It prevents dehydration, therefore, is excreted enough saliva, necessary to combat harmful microorganisms.

  1. Observe temperature regime food. The consumption of hot and icy foods is bad for the enamel, increasing its sensitivity, and gums.
  2. Avoid foods that are too hard. Tooth enamel is easily damaged by the use of such products.
  3. Drink sweet drinks through a straw. Manipulation will reduce activity negative impact on enamel.
  4. Give up strict diets. An unbalanced diet provokes the occurrence of dental diseases.
  5. Chew your food thoroughly. Eating food in this way improves the blood circulation in the gums and reduces the risk of gum disease.

Oral Care Tools

In order to take care of your oral cavity, it is enough to stock up on the following:

  • brush;
  • paste;
  • conditioner;
  • dental floss.

Choosing the right toothbrush important condition. She must be bristled. good quality, which does not fall out and does not have an unpleasant chemical smell. Conventional manual brushes come with soft, medium and hard bristles. If the enamel and gums are sensitive, soft ones should be preferred. In other cases, bristles of medium hardness are suitable.

Attention! Use a manual brush with hard bristles only after the approval of the dentist. The danger of its use is that it can gradually destroy tooth enamel.

In addition to manual brushes, you can purchase ionic, ultrasonic and electric. The former are suitable for sensitivity. The latter will be especially useful for those whose teeth are prone to tartar buildup. - an almost universal option. They should not be used only by people with weak enamel and gum disease.

Pasta must also be selected according to the type of teeth and gums. With bleeding and weakness of the gums, you need to use pastes with an antiseptic effect that contain extracts medicinal herbs and essential oils. To whiten enamel and remove tartar, whitening agents with microgranules are required. - universal option.

All mouthwashes have the same set of properties. They freshen breath, strengthen enamel and create a barrier against pathogens. If the line contains funds with different effects, you need to consider your type of teeth and gums when choosing.

The use of dental floss is optional, but desirable, especially if there are noticeable gaps between the teeth. It helps to gently remove stuck food.

Attention! Do not replace flossing with toothpicks, as they can injure the gums and cause infection.

Hygiene principles

Brush your teeth at least twice a day (before going to bed and after waking up). Manipulations will avoid the development of pathogens in the oral cavity due to the antiseptic components contained in toothpastes. To fix the effect, use a conditioner.

There are a number of rules that must be followed with every brushing of teeth.

  1. Give this process at least two minutes.
  2. Move from the roots of the teeth, grabbing the gums. Movements in the opposite direction negatively affect the state of the oral cavity, as food debris clogs under the gums and in the spaces between the teeth.
  3. Don't forget to brush your tongue. For this, a special cushion is provided on reverse side brushes.

Cap to protect teeth

Important! Chlorinated water can also be attributed to provocateurs of dental diseases. Dishes should be thoroughly rinsed after use. detergents and use fluoride mouth rinses after swimming or drinking unfiltered water.

Dental procedures

You need to visit the dentist's office at least once a year, even if there is no cause for concern. There is a risk group that includes people disease-prone teeth. They should be examined by a dentist as often as possible.

The group includes those who notice these body conditions and negative changes in themselves:

  • bad breath;
  • acquisition of curvature of teeth;
  • susceptibility to respiratory diseases;
  • bleeding gums;
  • noticeable gaps between teeth;
  • gums moving away from teeth;
  • pregnancy.

Attention! It is also necessary to visit the dentist frequently for periodic painful sensations and high sensitivity enamel.

Easier to prevent than to cure

Most dental disease is caused by neglect elementary rules care. Therefore, taking into account all the recommendations of dentists - the best prevention diseases. It is necessary to follow the rules even after treatment or major restoration of teeth in order to prevent relapses.

Video - How to keep your teeth healthy

This is one of the symbols of attraction.

And healthy teeth necessary condition good health and happy life.

So what do you need to keep your teeth healthy?

How to keep your teeth healthy

1. Eat Healthy, Balanced Foods

Like any other part of the body, teeth need vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy. The most important for teeth are: calcium, fluoride, phosphorus, vitamin D and magnesium. To ensure dental health daily menu A variety of foods must be included, including fruits, vegetables, meats, grains, and oils.

Consume more pure water. It prevents dehydration, therefore, a sufficient amount of saliva is secreted, which is necessary to fight harmful microorganisms.

2. Brush your teeth properly

Dental associations recommend brushing your teeth twice a day to ensure complete removal food debris and plaque. Fluorine is essential mineral, but its amount in the food received is not enough. Using fluoride toothpaste helps protect teeth from bacteria and strengthen enamel. Soft Toothbrush ideal for use because it does not wear down the enamel as hard brushes do.

Oral hygiene

3 Flossing

If we use only a toothbrush, we clean the outer, inner and chewing surface teeth. Flossing helps remove food debris from between teeth. It is recommended that you floss daily because the accumulation of food debris can lead to cavities and gum disease. You should not replace dental floss with toothpicks, as they can damage the gums and provoke infection.

4. Mouthwash

In pharmacies and supermarkets, there are many mouthwashes aimed at preventing several diseases at once. They usually contain anti-caries and anti-inflammatory components in their composition. These rinses help prevent caries and periodontal disease, as well as help fight bad breath.

5. Don't rule out meat

Meat is a major source of phosphorus and magnesium, two essential minerals for maintaining healthy teeth. Vegetarians have been found to have weaker teeth due to the lack of meat in their diets. If you stick vegetarian diet, make sure you accept the required nutritional supplements or find alternative sources phosphorus and magnesium.

6. Quit smoking

Smoking not only stains teeth and causes bad breath, but also increases the risk of lung cancer, heart disease and diabetes. You need more reasons to quit smoking?

Dental care

7. Rinse your mouth with water after eating.

Water washes away food stuck in your mouth and neutralizes the acidity of the food you have eaten. The acidity can erode tooth enamel and increase the risk of tooth decay.

8. Don't brush your teeth right after eating.

Studies have shown that brushing your teeth immediately after eating or drinking, especially acidic drinks, can do more harm than good. To protect the surface of your teeth, you should wait at least half an hour before brushing your teeth.

Healthy teeth and gums

9. Less sugary, sticky and dark foods

These are sweets, cakes, ice cream, toffees, dried fruits, caffeine, soda and red sauces. Not only can these foods stick to teeth, they also feed bacteria, contribute to tooth decay, and even stain teeth if eaten too often.

10. Regular visits to the dentist

As a general rule, most dentists state that adults should have preventive checks at least once every six months. However, as the results of the study showed, only those people who have observed chronic diseases teeth and oral cavity, and which are at risk.

For other people who do not have problems with the oral cavity and do not experience obvious discomfort, it can be recommended to reduce the frequency preventive examination up to once a year.

We carefully take care of the body, go in for sports, try to eat right. But how much time and attention do we give? How to keep your teeth healthy until old age? Many people do not think about this issue until problems arise. Therefore, you need to worry about the health of the oral cavity since childhood.

Foods that help save teeth

Proper nutrition has great importance not only for the health of the body, but also for the health of the gums and teeth. Not all foods are good for tooth enamel and gums. Some products destroy the enamel, while others, on the contrary, contribute to strengthening.

Products that are needed:

  • Hard vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are useful. They contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Sufficient use these products provide the body nutrients. As a result, there are no problems with the gums, inflammatory processes and other ailments caused by a lack of vitamins. It is very important to consume fresh solid vegetables and fruits. In addition to vitamins, they have a beneficial mechanical effect on the gums. When chewing solid foods, the gums are massaged. This is necessary for a healthy blood supply. After all, if you eat soft food, you may experience various problems with gums (for example, periodontal disease).
  • Greens. In order to keep your teeth healthy and strong, you need to eat such greens as parsley, dill, onion, basil, celery, etc. Greens contain vitamins and minerals. It has strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Greens improve gum health and help fight bacteria and infections. Regular consumption of greens will allow teeth and gums to remain healthy at any age.
  • Dairy. Even a child knows about the benefits of these products. Dairy products help fight bacteria and keep teeth healthy. Mineral composition dairy products are indispensable for the oral cavity. Cottage cheese, cheese, milk and other dairy products contain a sufficient amount of calcium, and it is known to maintain strength and health bone tissue.
  • Nuts and seeds will help keep your teeth well into old age. The benefits of nuts are due to the rich composition. Many nuts and seeds contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also polyunsaturated fatty acid and amino acids. It is important to consume them fresh, raw, and not after roasting.
  • Vegetables (carrots, beets, bell pepper, cucumber, pumpkin, avocado, etc.);
  • Fruits (apples, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwi). Be sure to rinse your mouth after fruit. Fruits are high in acid, which can erode enamel.
  • Dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, milk, sour cream, etc.).
  • Nuts and seeds (almonds, Walnut, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds).
  • Greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, basil and other greens).

Vitamins and minerals for teeth

For the health and beauty of the oral cavity, minerals and vitamins such as:

  1. Calcium is a building material. It provides strength to the enamel. With a calcium deficiency, the enamel is depleted, as a result of which the tooth is more easily damaged. For normal growth bone tissue, the body needs to receive calcium daily with food.
  2. Iron. This mineral is essential for oral health. It ensures gum health and nutrient intake.
  3. Vitamin C. It ensures the health of the gums. Vitamin C deficiency can cause scurvy. The disease is manifested by bleeding gums, both during meals and in a state of calm. Vitamin C also helps fight bacteria and infections.
  4. B vitamins are needed by our body to fight bacteria and viruses. With a deficiency of B vitamins, gum disease occurs.

Prevention of dental diseases

The best treatment is prevention. This also applies to the oral cavity. Oral health depends solely on oral hygiene and diet. In order to maintain healthy teeth, you need to take preventive actions:

  • Cleaning. From early childhood, you need to learn to regularly, and most importantly, brush your teeth correctly. Cleanliness is the key to success. First of all, pick up a brush, it should not be too hard. A hard brush can mechanically damage the gums. Damaged gums lead to a number of problems (for example, a wedge-shaped defect).
  • Dentist visit. The dentist is your friend, you should not be afraid of him. We do not even think about how important it is to visit a specialist at least once every six months - a year. Regular dental check-ups help prevent serious illness. Therefore, if you want to keep your teeth healthy, make it a rule to visit the dentist regularly.
  • professional cleaning. This procedure must be performed at least once a year. Professional cleaning helps to get rid of tartar. Tartar is more dangerous than it seems. Due to the fact that nothing hurts and does not interfere, we do not attach any importance to this. But when accumulated, the stone moves the gum away from the tooth, thereby the root can be exposed, and this is fraught with serious problems (even tooth loss).
  • Use dental floss. After eating, it is important not only to rinse oral cavity, but also use a thread. After all, the remnants of food can get stuck between the teeth, and rinsing will not cope with this. Leftover food encourages bacteria and infections to build up, so use floss.

Rinse your mouth after every meal, floss, practice good hygiene, and see a dentist regularly to help keep your teeth healthy into old age.

Now you know that keeping your teeth healthy is easy. It is important to remember the rules of hygiene, to use healthy foods and visit a specialist from time to time.

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