Should you pierce your ears? Ear piercing doctors. Can you pierce your ears

Many mothers with daughters care primarily about the external beauty of their cute little ones, and strive to introduce them to fashion and everything that is associated with the concept of “woman” in modern society as soon as possible. This often includes piercing the earlobes to wear earrings.

Earrings are one of the most ancient and widespread jewelry used by girls and women. Many mothers strive to have this cosmetic procedure done on their daughters as soon as possible.

Very early ear piercing for girls has come into fashion now. You can see three and even two-year-old girls with earrings, and some parents pierce the ears of their daughters almost from birth. Arguments in favor of early piercing, as a rule, come down to "beautiful" and "it's a girl." But is this procedure as harmless as it is presented? At what age can a girl's ears be pierced so that it does not cause physical and spiritual harm?

First of all, Christian parents should be more concerned about the spiritual beauty of their daughters, not succumb to the passion of decoration. The Apostle Peter warned about this in his epistle: Let your adornment be not external weaving of hair, not golden headdresses or finery in clothes, but a man hidden in the heart in the incorruptible beauty of a meek and silent spirit, which is precious before God. (). Earlier, ear piercing is more flattering for the parents themselves, since girls at such a young age do not yet understand the purpose of this procedure. Young mothers and grandmothers often see wearing earrings as a reason for pride and brag to each other about who pierced their daughter or granddaughter’s ears before, who presented more expensive earrings, while the owners of thousands of jewelry peacefully mess around in the sandbox, not even knowing about about what passions are raging around their little ears. And over time, the vanity of mothers will be transferred to their daughters, and they will no longer think about studying, not about how to become a good mother and wife, but about how to decorate themselves in order to be the center of attention and seduce.

Our advice to mothers: do not rush to introduce your babies to the art of seduction. The time will come - and the girl will be ready to correctly perceive such an ornament, especially brought up in the traditions of Christian piety. Perhaps she herself will decide whether to wear earrings or not, perhaps she will not want to pierce her ears.

What do the doctor's say?

It is advisable to pierce the ears of young children at the age of not earlier than 6 years! And certainly not earlier than 3 years. There is no need for six-month-old girls to flaunt earrings - the child is quite capable of pulling them off, injuring themselves, or even swallowing them, while the mother does not see, she can pull the earring and injure the earlobe, or even break it.

It is no secret that the human earlobe is very rich in nerve endings, the impact on which can lead to certain consequences. For example, if you firmly squeeze the earlobe during the pain experienced, then the feeling of pain weakens. In fainting conditions, massaging the earlobe helps to bring the person to life faster. Moreover, the strong and lasting impact that the earrings have directly in the process of wearing will have a wide variety of consequences. In a small child, the nervous system and sense organs are in a state of intensive development, and gross interference with this process can put this process on the wrong track. For example, if the nerve endings associated with the eyes are touched, vision can be impaired. Disturbed nerve endings associated with the cardiovascular system can impair heart function. And the auricle itself is not yet fully formed.

But, if you nevertheless, together with your daughter, came to the conclusion that you need to pierce your ears, then take a few tips about this.

Where is the best place to pierce a girl's ears?

Exclusively in dental or beauty parlors with specialists who use a gun and the first medical alloy earrings for this purpose, which reduce the risk of allergies and other complications to almost zero. This procedure is practically painless if performed correctly and with the use of antiseptic agents. Under no circumstances should you do this at home. And - winter is considered the best time of year for piercing. On the day of the piercing, you should thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo to reduce the risk of infection.

Can all children have their ears pierced?

No, not everyone. Piercing the earlobe is forbidden in case of blood diseases, skin diseases, especially in the ear area, and with a tendency to allergic reactions. In addition, you should not pierce the ears of a sick child.

How to care for freshly pierced ears?

The puncture site should be treated several times a day with salicylic alcohol or vodka, while periodically scrolling through the inserted earrings. If signs of inflammation appear, punctures should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or medical alcohol. If there is no improvement, then you should consult a doctor after two or three days. When wearing hats, scarves, headbands, care should be taken not to injure fresh punctures. The first days, until the punctures heal, the girl's long hair must be collected in a ponytail or braided. a week after the procedure, you can not wash your hair. Month should refrain from swimming in pools and open water.

What earrings to choose?

For the first time, as well as for little girls, the earrings are light, without additional decorations and without sharp and piercing elements. for the first time - from a medical alloy, and three months later you can already think about earrings made of precious metals. However, there is an allergy to a medical alloy. Therefore, parents should observe how the punctures heal, and in case of allergies, change the earrings.

The general fashion for piercing the nose, eyebrows, tongue and other parts of the face and body began to recede. But ear piercing has not ceased to be relevant and fashionable for many decades and even centuries. Not so long ago, archaeologists discovered a mummy with pierced ears. Her age is 5000 years.

Today, both adult women and little girls come to beauty salons to get their ears pierced. Despite the fact that ear piercing looks aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, many who want to pierce their ears have questions about the piercing procedure. At what age is it best to pierce your ears? How long does a piercing take to heal? How to handle it? Well, let's answer all the questions in order.

At what age is it best to pierce your ears?

Many mothers of girls from a very early age introduce their daughters to beauty. Masters in salons pierce the ears not only of fashionistas of kindergarten age, but even one-year-old babies. Meanwhile, pediatricians actively oppose this, saying that children should not have their ears pierced until they are 10 years old. Firstly, this is a completely conscious age - a ten-year-old child understands where and why he came, and, unlike younger clients, behaves calmly. Secondly, piercing the ear of a too small child is fraught with the fact that as the child grows, the hole in the ear may move. It won't look very pretty.

Also, pediatricians do not recommend ear piercing in summer and winter. In cold weather, due to too low temperatures and wearing a hat, the healing of a fresh puncture will be slow. And in the summer, in the heat, dust and infection are possible. The best time for ear piercing is early spring or autumn.

Ear piercing methods

The vast majority of clients of beauty salons choose to pierce their ears with a gun. This method is the fastest. Small earrings made of non-festering surgical steel are inserted into the gun. The color of the earrings (“silver” or “gold”) and the shade of the stones (artificial pebbles are used for decoration, less often natural ones) you choose in them according to your taste before the procedure.

Then the master marks the places of future punctures with a marker and disinfects your skin. The earlobe is captured by the instrument from both sides, and immediately after the piercing, the ear is already adorned with jewelry. The procedure is not so much a puncture as a sharp blow that deforms the tissues of the lobe. It is absolutely painless, but for the first half an hour after the piercing, you will feel a slight burning sensation in the place where the earring is now located.

You can also pierce with a disposable needle. In salons and medical centers, thin needles with a diameter of only 1 mm are used for this. They open in your presence. Such a puncture is more painful than that done with a gun, but more hygienic, because a gun cannot be disinfected, unlike a needle.

Care after a puncture

A few years ago, talking about the care of the ears after a piercing, experts recommended pulling the jewelry out of the ear twice a day, disinfecting the earring and the hole, then putting the earring back on. But today, such a puncture care algorithm is considered incorrect and even harmful - as a result, the hole turns out to be sloppy and slightly stretches after healing. The earring should not be pulled out of the ear. It is now advised to treat it with alcohol or an antiseptic solution "Miramistin" directly in the ear. Slightly scroll the jewelry in the earlobe without removing it - that's, in fact, the whole care.

It is necessary to process the pierced lobes within a month. After this period, you can replace the surgical steel earrings with ordinary gold ones - they need to be worn for another couple of months, until the punctures are completely healed. It is recommended at first to wear gold jewelry in the ears - this precious metal does not react with the skin and the environment, which means it is absolutely safe. Later, if you wish, you can start wearing earrings made of other metals or jewelry, but at first, something other than gold can provoke inflammation.

Ear lobe or cartilage piercing

Ear piercing is carried out in two ways, a special needle or a so-called gun. This or that method hurts, especially at the first piercing of the ears in one's life. But having tested this method of transformation on yourself, you understand that it doesn’t hurt so much, so even the smallest girls, one might say from the cradle, are already wearing earrings.

When agreeing to the ear piercing procedure, parents are very worried about the health of the child, as soft tissues are damaged, and there is a high probability of infection due to poor sterility, as well as pain after the procedure. And as practice shows, these fears are not justified. Sterile instruments should be mandatory if it is a reputable salon and skilled workers, so infection is out of the question. The child immediately forgets about the pain and becomes the owner of beautiful gold jewelry. Also, after piercing, the main thing is to follow the rules of hygiene and follow the recommendations of specialists.

An ear piercing is a hole made by a specialist, with a disposable needle or gun, in a second's motion. At the request of the client, not only the earlobe, but also the cartilage can break through. Holes are made in the ears for wearing jewelry, which is chosen from inexpensive and precious metals of various types and shapes. The desire to decorate ourselves in this way has come to us since ancient times, evidence of this was the excavation of the mummy of Ötzi, which is more than 5000 years old. And this leads to only one result - earrings will never go out of style.

Harm of ear piercing

Earrings in the ears are always beautiful, in harmony with the image, attractive, and there are a thousand such arguments. Many people think that ear piercing is very dangerous. Others are convinced that there are certain points on the lobe that are responsible for our main feelings. In Japan, there is a whole legend about this.

To make or not to make punctures in the ears is a personal matter for everyone, the only thing that is categorically impossible is to contact dubious salons, to unskilled specialists.

Best age for ear piercing

Today it has become fashionable to pierce the ears of girls from an early age and to accustom children to fashion from infancy. But in order not to harm your child, you should listen to specialists. According to psychologists, the child will endure the least stress and unmemorable moment of pain at the age of 1 to 1.5 years. But pediatricians advise something completely different - the age of 8-11 years, and the period of autumn or spring, when there is less likelihood of infection and healing will not interfere with a headdress like in winter.

Ear piercing

Before piercing the cartilage of the ear, it is necessary to determine the type of piercing. The simplest and most applicable is the earlobe puncture. Any such procedure is carried out under sterile conditions with a disposable needle and a specialist who understands his business. Helix piercing, the most common way to pierce the ears, it is also called a curl. Difficult in execution technique is the dais method. To wear straight jewelry, ask for industrial, here two punctures are made at once. Puncture of a tragus (tragus) or antitragus (antitragus), tunnels, the stretching process of which takes more than one year.

Selection of earrings

The high quality earrings used to pierce the ears made it easier to make holes for wearing jewelry. The material for their production is titanium, which is hypoallergenic, or special medical steel. Pearls, various stones of different value are used to decorate and improve the appearance.

Titanium or steel jewelry acts as a needle, which simplifies the process, where you do not need to perform additional uncomfortable and unpleasant manipulations with the introduction of earrings. Hole punching is done instantly, painlessly and stud jewelry looks elegant in the ear.


The cost of the service depends on the method of ear piercing and the type (value) of the earring. If the procedure is carried out with a pistol, the jewelry is selected and bought exactly in the place where they decided to make a puncture. Regardless of the choice of salon, specialist, the procedure consists of several stages:

Disinfection. The puncture site is marked with a special marker, tools, jewelry are disinfected with alcohol or another similar agent. The master puts on gloves or treats hands with an antiseptic.

Piercing. Only a single needle, device is used. A hollow needle is used to make a hole in the helix of the auricle, dais or tragus, after which an earring is inserted.

If the procedure is done with a gun, the jewelry is fixed on the instrument and after the piercing, the earring remains in the ear.

Using an ear piercing gun

Most often, clients, and the masters themselves, tend to this method of ear piercing. Jewelry after a second, sharp blow remains in the ear. At the same time, they offer to choose an earring in the form of a carnation from a large assortment. If the procedure is carried out by a professional master, everything will be painless and silent. This manipulation will not scare even a child, and after a few seconds he will forget about what is happening. The main thing that parents and adults should remember is sterility. With you, everything should be treated with alcohol, and the master should work only with gloves.

Needle piercing

Sometimes the use of a disposable needle is the only way to pierce the desired location. Everything is done with a regular or hollow needle (empty inside), the second is most often used at home, any of them must be disposable and sterile.

How to pierce the cartilage in the ear at home? It makes no difference where the procedure will be performed, the main thing is that it is carried out by a qualified specialist who understands the puncture technique and aesthetics. It is also important to know the exact location of the acupuncture points. This knowledge is precisely owned by a cosmetologist and an acupuncturist, therefore, it is better not to tempt fate and turn to proven personalities.

What to do after ear piercing?

After the procedure, the main thing is to follow the recommendations of a specialist. Proper and constant care until complete healing will not lead to inflammation of the cartilage tissue, its swelling, dizziness, pain, suppuration and other infectious infection. To prevent undesirable consequences, it is necessary:

  1. For three days after the manipulation, do not visit baths, saunas, pools. Do not swim in open water if it is summer.
  2. For a week, treat the wound and jewelry with an antiseptic without removing the earring, scrolling it, do this procedure twice a day. At the same time, you need to remember about the cleanliness of your hands.
  3. Additional processing procedures should be after walking, taking a bath, sports activities, contact with animals.

With proper care, the wound heals within two weeks.

If these are the ears of a child, jewelry should be changed only after six months. It takes time for the body (lobes) to get used to the foreign object, its severity, size. At the same time, it is also worthwhile to deal with the treatment of the wound carefully, but also more carefully. If at the time of healing there is redness, the child is naughty when touching the lobe and pus is released from the wound, treatment should be immediate. Hydrogen peroxide can be the first antiseptic when pus appears. You can’t often treat them, since even such a harmless antiseptic can cause a burn.

Many parents want their daughter to look attractive from childhood. To do this, they make a piercing of the ears (piercing) so that the girl can wear earrings. But is it possible to do this when the child is still small? This question should be asked even before the earlobes are pierced. Otherwise, there may be complications, because for some children this procedure is even contraindicated.

Many women wear earrings. And many mothers want their daughters to do this as soon as possible, because they believe that earrings decorate the appearance. Reasons include:

  • that this is a tribute to fashion;
  • the child is not so susceptible to pain;
  • in this way it will be possible to emphasize the attractive shape of the ears;
  • children under one and a half years old do not experience fear;
  • following non-traditional oriental medicine.

The motives are different, as is the subsequent result. After all, ear piercing is not always beneficial.

When is the best time to get an ear piercing?

As psychologists note, children under one and a half years old practically do not experience any fear of a gun, which is used to pierce the earlobe. They don't even realize that they're going to be in pain right now. And when everything is done, soon they don’t even remember the pain.

The age for ear piercing is chosen more often by the parents themselves. Doctors can only recommend, based on the following considerations.

  • Psychologists support the opinion that it is better to do this at the age of 9 months to 1.5-2 years. At this age, the child will not receive psychological trauma from the pain that may be at the time of the puncture.
  • Doctors, from the point of view of physiology, believe that at this age there is still an active growth of the cartilage tissue of the ear. In the future, this can lead to a displacement of the puncture channel, and the symmetry will be broken. Due to the small size of the earlobe, the master can touch the nerve endings, which can then negatively affect.
  • Parents should take into account that at this age, young children are more susceptible to allergic reactions. A foreign object in the ears can irritate, and the child will try to rip them off, which can lead to infection of the wound.
  • Later, after 10-11 years, ureter piercing increases the risk of keloid scarring at the puncture site.

Often girls in preschool and primary school age (5-11 years old) already consciously ask their parents to pierce their ears. Most likely, this age is the most favorable, since the growth of cartilage tissue ends, and the girl herself will be able to endure the pain.

If you still decide to pierce your child's ears, do it better in the warm season. In winter, a child’s headdress will cling to the earring and cause pain.


Parents before going to the piercing master, know that you can not carry out such a manipulation if:

  • have skin diseases and skin allergies;
  • diabetes mellitus, blood diseases and other serious chronic diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases, the procedure can be carried out no earlier than 2 weeks after recovery;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • vision problems.

How to determine the place of an ear piercing?

Ear piercing has been a tradition since ancient times. Ancient Eastern sages believe that biologically active zones are concentrated on the earlobe, which are responsible for activating the work of internal organs. Medical science has recognized that there are many biologically active points in the auricle. According to research, there are 356 such points in the ear. Yes, and doctors - neurologists and reflexologists do not deny this. But at the same time, neurologists say that it is not dangerous. If during the procedure any of these points is affected, it will simply be “turned off” and will not be responsible for stimulation.

Where you can not pierce your ears, yet there are no specific restrictions. There are simply recommendations so as not to damage the point responsible for some internal organ. This will not give a serious complication for the whole body, you can not be afraid for the state of your health. A point simply touched by an inaccurate puncture will not be able to exert a certain influence on the internal organ with which it was previously associated. For example, if this point was connected with the eyes, then when it was damaged, in some situations, vision became worse, the eyes began to water more often. But it also happens quite the opposite - vision improved.

Therefore, when you need to make a puncture, these points should never be violated. It is necessary to determine the place where tissue damage heals the fastest. To avoid complications, it is better to make a puncture not just right in the center of the lobe, but closer to the cheek. Firstly, there is no cartilage here, and secondly, the wound will heal quickly.

And yet, even knowing the points for piercing the ears, this manipulation should be carried out only in specialized medical centers. Trained specialists will carry out the procedure in compliance with sterility, which will help to avoid consequences.

Consequences and complications

Such manipulation is not considered dangerous, but piercing cannot be called completely safe. Problems can start for the following reason:

  • the technique is violated and the puncture site is incorrectly determined;
  • sterility is violated during the procedure;
  • the subsequent care of the holes turned out to be wrong;
  • improperly selected and intolerance to metal earrings.

After a correctly performed procedure, slight swelling and slight discharge from the wound may be observed. With proper care, these symptoms disappear within 1-2 days.

The most unpleasant complication may be infection of the wound. This can happen due to improper care. As a result, redness, swelling, soreness when touching the ear, discharge (serous or purulent) may appear at the puncture site. Possible increase in body temperature. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, then swelling and redness can spread further to the neck and lead to serious complications. In such cases, you should definitely contact the master or the hospital.

Another undesirable consequence may be the formation of bumps at the puncture site. This induration can be painful. It occurs as a result of injury to a blood vessel or when an infection is introduced.

It is best to get your ears pierced at a medical center when it comes to a child. You can go to a beauty salon where a cosmetologist works. Today, clinics and salons use a special gun and sterile instruments. The master who will perform the procedure must have a medical education. When you go to the medical center, do not hesitate to ask how the gun or other ear piercing devices are disinfected. Insufficiently sterile instruments can be a source of transmission of infections such as viral or,.

All this suggests that ear piercing at home should never be done. After all, only a doctor can determine whether there are any contraindications for piercing or not.

What you need to know after an earlobe piercing?

It must be borne in mind that the earlobe piercing system with a needle is a real classic. Everything can be done correctly only by a specialist. And although the risk of complications will be minimal, it is necessary to properly care for the puncture. Immediately after the puncture, earrings are inserted, and in no case should you change them until the wounds heal.

If a gun is used, the piercing procedure will take a minimum of time. At the same time, the stud is clamped with a clasp. As evidenced by the reviews of those who have gone through this procedure, the tissue of the lobe can be strongly pinched. But this is not the biggest danger, since clamping often provokes inflammation. It is better to pick up light silver earrings for the child first. Silver itself has antiseptic properties.

Even before going to a beauty salon or a piercing club, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules on how to care for a piercing afterwards.

  1. During the first day, do not allow touching the puncture site.
  2. Every morning and evening for 6 weeks, wipe not only the puncture site, but also the decoration with an antiseptic solution.
  3. In order to avoid inflammation, it is not allowed to wet the auricles for a week.
  4. From the third day during processing, try to slightly rotate the decoration.
  5. Dried crusts may appear in the skin puncture zone, which cannot be removed independently. They will disappear on their own over time.
  6. Wash your hands well before touching your ears or earrings.
  7. Until the wound is completely healed, you can not visit the pool or the beach. Otherwise, you can get an infection.
  8. You can change the jewelry only after the crusts fall off, the wound is dry, and the earrings can be easily rotated at the puncture site. It may not be earlier than in 1-1.5 months.

Failure to comply with these rules will lead to the fact that the wound begins to fester, painful sensations appear. What should be done in this case?

What to do if the ear fester after a puncture

With proper care, the development of a purulent process is extremely rare. And yet, if this happened, first treat the puncture site with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, and then apply one of the antibacterial ointments: Tetracycline, Miramistin, Solcoseryl, Levomikol. Can be treated with a 1% aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine or a solution of Diaxizol.

You can use folk remedies.

Aloe. Cut a clean leaf in half and attach one half to your ear, securing with adhesive tape. Change the aloe bandage every 3-4 hours.

Lotions with salt. Prepare - dissolve 1 tsp. salt in 100 ml of boiled water. Moisten a piece of bandage in the solution, wring it out slightly, attach it to the earlobe, secure with a band-aid. Change lotion every 2-3 hours.

Baths with sea salt . Dissolve 1 tsp. salt in a glass of warm water. Pour the solution into a container so that you can submerge your earlobe. Hold in the solution for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure several times a day.


Beauty requires sacrifice, and in this case, in order to be able to wear beautiful jewelry in the earlobes, one has to make piercings in the ears. If everything is done correctly, there should be no complications, and within 1.5-2 months even minor pain will disappear, the wound will heal. To pierce the ears or not is a woman's decision to make. You can also just wear clips.

Hi all!

So my dad's dream came true, I pierced my ears ... after 15 years of his persuasion. =)

Cost: 500-2000 rubles.

I found a salon not far from home and paid 1,000 rubles for the procedure, including medical alloy studs.

Benefits of ear piercing with a gun

1) Bloodless and sterile;

2) Fast and painless;

3) Fast…

Everything has its contraindications, and even such a seemingly simple procedure.


  1. Eye problems that may cause an ophthalmologist to recommend against ear piercings.
  2. Skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis and others.
  3. Various allergic reactions, primarily to nickel.
  4. Diseases of the blood.
  5. Keloid scars.
  6. Diabetes mellitus, asthma, hepatitis and other chronic diseases.
  7. Weak immunity and frequent illnesses.
  8. Teething time.
  9. Low pain threshold.
  10. Prolonged healing of wounds, poor blood clotting. To know for sure, you can do a special blood test - a coagulogram.
  11. The presence of moles on the earlobe.

I remember how, at the age of 10, I received my first piece of jewelry as a gift and it turned out to be earrings, which upset me very much, because my ears were not pierced and the prospect of this scared me a lot.

I climbed trees, fences and fell from them into bushes of densely growing nettles, after which my whole body hurt for several hours, but I was afraid to pierce my ears. And I answered all persuasions with violent hysteria and crocodile tears. It was not possible to persuade me. These earrings were waiting for me for many years, until my sister sheltered them.

I never wanted to pierce my ears and did not look at my friends with beautiful earrings with envy, they practically did not interest me. Therefore, as a child, I myself needed beautiful ears with lovely little children's earrings. But I would not mind if they simply materialized without a puncture, that is, if my parents pierced them in my very early childhood.

My sister, who is 9 years older than me, was not at all lucky to have her ears pierced at the age of 10 in the circle of her aunts in rural conditions, where her parents sent her into exile for the whole summer.

Every time I listen to this story, my blood runs cold, how is it possible to be published over a child and pierce the ears with a needle! Well, just some kind of game!

Shaking with beautiful earrings, which they bought her specially for the occasion, they managed to persuade her to pierce the first ear, but my sister already reacted to the second with a terrible hysteria ... and I understand her! No, at my 10 years old, no one could persuade me to pierce my ears with a gun, and even at the corner I would have looked and collapsed into a swoon ... and then inject my insensible body as you like)

I decided to pierce my ears at the age of 25, I don’t even know how I came to this, I didn’t seem to think much, and then how it jumped and the thought of piercing my ears became my obsessive companion.

It so happened that I almost simultaneously lost my job and broke up with a young man, the latter, though on my own initiative, but nevertheless, at one moment my life turned into a lifestyle of a seal. And I decided that it was time to bring new emotions into my life, and for one thing, change my appearance in an extreme way for me.

At one time, I thought about piercing my ears, but I read all sorts of literature about Chinese medicine that there are certain points in the lobes, touching which you can easily ruin your eyesight.

Of course, this is a little scary, but I have not yet been able to see the connection between pierced ears and wearing lenses or glasses among my friends and acquaintances. Here, my sister has perfect eyesight, and her ears are pierced. In general, I decided to ask the person who will prick my ears about this, he should know about such subtleties. (By the way, it turned out not)

It's decided, I signed up ... but you can still give back at any time, if anything ...

Even when I entered the salon, I still thought that I could change my mind and leave at any moment, but this did not happen.

I decided to get my ears pierced at a beauty salon close to home.

Once on the couch, they first drew dots on my ears to decide where exactly to pierce, then I chose the carnations and rushed ...

When the first ear was pierced, I didn’t feel anything at all, only my ears rang from the click of a gun. So, I can say with confidence that it does not hurt at all, not one iota

Then they pierced the second one and I still didn’t feel anything that would prove what had happened.

Only about 10 seconds after each ear was pierced, I felt a slight burning sensation ... well, as happens sometimes after a long walk in the cold.

So, how is the procedure for piercing the ears:

1) Ears are disinfected, they are wiped with cotton pads dipped in alcohol.

2) The place of the puncture is determined taking into account the wishes of the client, a point is placed with a marker.

In my opinion, I was put an end to too high, but the beautician assured me that the hole will go down over time, especially if you wear heavy earrings, and if you pierce too low, then over time the ears will look ugly. Well, I'm not an expert, inject as you see fit. However, a year has passed, and the hole has not dropped at all. True, most of the time I go with medical cloves.

3) Puncture with a gun, takes a fraction of a second. Personally, I didn’t feel anything at all, no pain, no discomfort, as if nothing had happened at all.

True, while the beautician was explaining to me how to take care of my ears during the healing period, I felt that I was starting to swim ... my eyes faded a little, I must have been too worried and it was very stuffy in the office.

I was immediately handed a bottle of water (completely free) and opened the window)

I don’t think that they see a similar picture every day, I’m just very impressionable.))

Ear care in the first days after the piercing:

1) Treat the ears with any antiseptic by scrolling the earring;

2 ) Do not remove earrings for the first 2 weeks after the piercing;

3) After 2 weeks, it is advisable to remove the cloves and disinfect by dipping them into a container with an antiseptic.

I was advised to wipe my ears with chlorhexidine every day in the morning and in the evening, scrolling through the earring.

But I decided that it would be better to use a more powerful remedy for these purposes and bought calendula tincture at the pharmacy ..

Mom always scared me that behind the ears there is a very long and tiring care and that they heal for a very long time. Well, I even liked it!) There was something unusual and exciting in this process.))

The first month after the puncture. How to remove carnations for the first time.

The first week my ears looked a little red and swollen, it was very unpleasant to sleep, I could feel the earring in my ear, and my ears were noticeably sore. Every time I rolled over in my sleep, I woke up from these sensations.

At first, the earring did not scroll in any way in the swollen lobes of my ears, and in order to do this, I had to unfasten it first. But all this passed pretty quickly and the ears began to heal.

A month later, I decided to take off my earrings for the first time, but I didn’t manage to do it right away.

It turns out that when processing the ears, I unfastened the studs only halfway, and in order to unfasten them completely, it was necessary to make more efforts.

I pulled long and hard on the clasp, but she did not want to give in. Having loosened the lock with nail scissors, I tried to unfasten it again and this time everything worked out, I finally removed the carnations, giving my long-suffering ears such a welcome rest, and threw the earrings themselves into a container with calendula tincture for disinfection.

Do not listen to people who do not understand this.

My mother does not have pierced ears, therefore, having found some kind of seal in the lobe at the puncture site, she advised me to knead it, it would be better if I did not listen to her. A couple of days of such manipulations led to the fact that an infection got into the ears and they began to fester ... well ...

After talking with my sister, it turned out that these internal seals are a variant of the norm ...

I had to start over the healing stage, but this time lubricating the earring with levomikol.

As a result, I was able to wear the purchased gold earrings only 2 months after the piercing of my ears.

I believe that it is better to pierce the ears of girls in early childhood and not wait until they grow up and decide to do it themselves, perhaps this moment will not come at all, it was impossible to persuade me to pierce my ears in childhood by any means. Yes, and in adulthood, I always regretted that my parents did not pierce them.

In addition, recently, I persuaded my 7-year-old niece to pierce her ears and we persuaded her with the whole family, just in time for September 1, so that she would be beautiful with earrings, all girls would have, but Lena alone would not. But it had an effect on her, she is still a fashionista with us, and how is it that she will be alone without beautiful accessories. Moreover, from the age of 2 she stared at her sister's earrings

Do not remove earrings for a long time.

I always thought that once you pierce your ears, you don't have to wear earrings for a while.

A year has already passed since earrings became my permanent and everyday accessory, but I wanted a little variety and I decided to temporarily walk without them.

What was my surprise when, after 2 weeks, putting on my favorite studs again, my ears decided to go on an earring strike.

Apparently, they liked freedom so much that they just decided not to give it away.

And the usual procedure for putting on earrings in 5 seconds became torture for 10 minutes.

As it turned out, the ears grow very quickly ....


What problems can arise after a while after a puncture.

A year has passed since earrings became my everyday accessory.

It seems that the ears are completely healed and there should not seem to be any problems, but still, my ears began to hurt from time to time.

At times, the balls that are inside the lobe at the puncture site become inflamed, increase in size and become painful to the touch. I took off the earrings and waited for the ears to return to normal, and then put them on again, and everything started in a circle. I changed gold earrings for medical studs, wiped them with alcohol every evening, but it did not help my ears.

For a long time I could not understand what was the matter, I probably re-read the entire Internet and was about to go to see a surgeon.

Levomikol saved me. I put it on the earring every evening for a week and everything went away.

The balls in the lobes decreased to normal sizes and ceased to bother at all.


So, if you want to pierce your ears, but are afraid - prick, it doesn’t hurt at all, but I’m still a coward and I just can’t stand the pain. Already reading the reviews on the operation, I almost fainted, however, I decided and did not regret it.

After all, at the moment of the puncture itself, I didn’t feel anything at all. Of course, we are all different and everyone has different nerve endings, someone can and will feel a sharp second pain, but no more!


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