What happens if you knock out a tooth. How to help a person with a broken jaw? The most interesting is the last situation, when the tooth completely fell out of the hole, but did not break. Modern research shows that if you act quickly, you can return it to

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By official statistics, every third child receives a tooth injury at least once during the period of growth and maturation. What should parents know in order to properly behave in case of childhood trauma? Arm yourself with our simple instructions!

Basic principles of first aid for dental trauma

1. Ask your child to gently rinse their mouth with a clean cool water, blot with a tissue and examine the teeth. Don't let blood and swollen tissues scare you - the gums heal quickly.

2. Is the tooth broken? Try to find a broken fragment, the doctor can glue it. Broken tooth? Look for a tooth, it can be inserted and engrafted. Found - do not take the tooth by the root, gently take it by the crown, bring it home and put it in milk so that it does not dry out. In no case should you process and keep the found tooth in running water, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide - all these substances are detrimental to the tooth.

3. Urgently contact the dentist by phone and follow his instructions. The sooner you find yourself, the higher the chance of engraftment of the tooth!

4. If the teeth in the mouth are not broken, they look intact, but the gums bleed heavily, the teeth are mobile and hurt a lot - be sure to see a traumatologist. The root may be broken or damaged nerve. This tooth can also be saved.

5. Speaking about the engraftment of the tooth, we are talking only permanent teeth. The milk tooth is not engrafted, because directly below it is the rudiment of the permanent tooth. The most important thing is not to damage it. It is very important to protect the germ from contamination, to close the access of infection to it. The dentist-traumatologist will also cope with this task.

Why do you need a dentist-traumatologist?

A tooth injury is different from all other dental diseases, so a traumatologist in dentistry undergoes special training. This is worth remembering. Of course, every dentist can provide first aid, but how exactly this assistance is provided largely depends on whether the tooth will successfully take root.

Also, a trauma specialist knows thoroughly everything about the stages of tooth growth (the root forms in children over several years), about the body's reactions to the consequences of an injury, and can predict what awaits the patient: whether the tooth will hurt, darken or turn yellow, what procedures will be needed to do at home, and when you need to go to the doctor for the next stage of saving the tooth.

What awaits the patient in the doctor's office

If a tooth knocked out, but they found him whole and brought him to dental clinic, first of all, the traumatologist conducts the following diagnostics:
an x-ray of the hole (the place where the tooth grew) to check if the jawbone is broken;
examination of the fallen tooth - whether it has dried up, at what stage of root growth the injury occurred.

These factors, as well as the age of the child, determine whether the tooth can be successfully implanted.

Next comes the treatment phase. It takes place necessarily under anesthesia: the tooth returns to the hole, the doctor makes an X-ray control and puts a splint (thin steel wire), which at first will fix the implanted tooth with two neighboring ones.

Observation is a step that should never be neglected. Engraftment of a tooth is a long process, sometimes stretching for several years. Therefore, the first control examination will be in a week, the next - in 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Then you have to visit the reception once every six months for 5 years.

If the tooth is not found or there is no way to return it to its place, the main thing is to protect the jawbone from inflammation and observe its healing. Then the defect can be closed with a “suspended” tooth, which is attached to adjacent teeth, or a removable one. orthodontic design. After the jaw stops growing (for girls - up to 18 years old, for boys - up to 21 years old), it will be possible to install an implant with a crown.

In some cases, a knocked-out tooth is replaced with a lower fourth (premolar). it complicated operation, which has its clear indications, therefore correct option only a traumatologist and an orthodontist will help you choose.

If a piece of tooth is chipped and he is found, the doctor will glue him. We repeat once again, the fragment should not be overdried. If it is brought in milk, then the tooth can be successfully treated in one visit. The fragment is glued to the bonding system - a complex of special resins that reliably adhere tooth fragments.

Couldn't find a piece or did it crumble? The doctor will suggest composite restoration. If it is very large, then after 18 years the tooth will be covered with a crown or veneer. Is the chip small? The restoration remains for life and will serve well with proper care– polishing once every six months during professional cleaning teeth.

What to do to avoid dental injury in winter

Unpleasant situations can be prevented by using simple means protection.

If the trauma of the teeth, nevertheless, has occurred, then immediately contact the dentist-traumatologist. I wish you a happy and safe winter!

Jaw injuries often turn into broken incisors and painters. If a tooth is knocked out in a fight or during a fall, bleeding occurs, however, the structure does not always fall out completely and the root remains in the gum. In this state of affairs, restoration is possible, and damage from injury is minimal.

However, broken teeth cannot always be restored. Many victims are faced with complex injuries, in which there is a violation of the dentition and the integrity of the maxillofacial apparatus. The question arises: what harm does the victim get if his tooth is knocked out? Children don't have these problems. serious consequences. At an older age, the prognosis is less favorable. More chance of full recovery dentition in those who went to the doctor immediately after the injury.

If a tooth is knocked out or broken during a craniofacial injury, code S02.5 is assigned. This category often includes other dental disorders acquired due to trauma.

The reasons

To knock out teeth, you have to make a lot of effort. If there are no dental diseases, then it is problematic for an adult to cause damage. The exceptions are those sports that involve increased injuries - motorcycling, hockey, martial arts. If your teeth were knocked out by a puck in hockey, you will have to be treated by a dentist. And one visit to the doctor is not enough.

Why hockey players are considered regulars dental office ? The speed of the flying puck reaches record levels, and the hockey player's face is not sufficiently protected. In hockey, almost everyone's teeth are knocked out. It is difficult to find such an athlete who would not have faced such an injury. Hockey players often refuse dentures and other methods of filling the dentition before the end of their sports career.

A mouth guard protects the boxers' teeth, but sometimes this is not enough, and damage to the dentition occurs. As for auto and motor sports, here we are talking not so much about dental problems, how much about large-scale injuries of the maxillofacial apparatus.

A tooth can be knocked out in a fight or when falling off a bicycle. Girls are less likely to knock out their teeth, and children are considered record holders for injuries. If the child knocked out the first milk teeth, you can not worry. Girls are more likely to get hit by swings, while boys suffer losses in fights and during active games. If the child knocked out anterior tooth, big problem for chewing function will not. When two front teeth are knocked out, the ability to bite off worsens. In children at 2 years old, it is the incisors that are most often damaged. Cause damage to teeth at 1 year or before complete eruption quite difficult because most of a solid structure is located in the gum.


There are no problems in making a diagnosis if the teeth were knocked out during a fight. Knocked out teeth with fragments and blood fall out completely or remain in contact with the gum, but are removed with the slightest effort. Bleeding can be profuse, especially if the painters are damaged. Additionally, there may be comorbidities non-dental nature, which are not visible to the naked eye.

Some people are observed severe swelling and sharp pain, in others, the symptoms are blurred. With the complete extraction of the solid structure, a bleeding hole is detected. Partial destruction is accompanied by cracking of the enamel, exposure of the dental nerve. When the pulp is exposed, the pain is spontaneous, aggravated by mechanical action and opening the mouth.

First aid

If a knocked-out tooth has left the oral cavity, it is problematic to restore it, although there are advanced methods for preserving the biomaterial and implanting it in the gum. Therefore, the urgency of transportation is of paramount importance. What to do immediately after the impact, if a tooth is knocked out and the gums bleed? When a tooth retains its connection with the jaw, although it is very loose, it is important to ensure its immobility. First aid in this case means:

  • cooling the impact zone to prevent bleeding;
  • taking an analgesic for severe pain;
  • calmness and absence of sudden movements.

What to do if your teeth are knocked out and there is no way to urgently get to the doctor? If the knocked out tooth is not crushed, it can be replaced. Only “living” tissue can be inserted into the gum. How to save a falling tooth? For this purpose, a lens solution is used, cow's milk or saline. The tissue for replantation is placed in the liquid and taken to the dental department in this form.

How to Stop Bleeding If Bleeding Increases? The victim is laid on his side, it is possible on the couch or the floor, making sure that the blood does not get into the throat, otherwise the person may choke. An ice pack or a sealed bag filled with ice water is applied to the cheek.

If the child knocked out baby tooth, the task of replantation is not worth it. But this does not exclude medical manipulations. A knocked out molar in a child can cause a lot of problems. Where to go in case of a dental injury in a child? First, help pediatric dentist. Secondly, you can go to the nearest emergency room. The specialist will explain what to do if the child knocked out a tooth and how to properly treat if the tooth is not a milk one, but a permanent one.


Examination of the oral cavity is necessary not only in order to prescribe adequate therapy. If a person has a tooth knocked out, concomitant damage to the jaw is not excluded. These may be cracks and faults requiring surgical intervention. Facial injuries are never harmless. High probability dangerous complications that need to be diagnosed in time.

When 3 or 4 teeth are knocked out, the defect in the dentition is obvious. In this case, damage to the jaw is detected. It takes a lot of effort to knock out three or more teeth. It is not surprising that such disorders accompany maxillofacial injuries.

As part of general diagnostics carry out:

  • horizontal and vertical percussion- determines damage to the periapical tissues, pulp edema and periodontal rupture. Percussion is assigned to identify hidden damage tooth area in the area of ​​injury;
  • radiography- if one incisor fell out, the procedure is not mandatory, but it is always performed in children. Allows you to assess the condition of the solid structures of the jaw, hidden fractures and cracks;
  • electrodontometric examination– reveals the degree of damage to the pulp. Used at the stage primary diagnosis and as a control over the treatment process;
  • transillumination- a method recommended for examining children. It reveals minor violations of hard tissues, but due to the high cost, it is not practiced by all clinics.


If the tooth root is preserved, carry out conservative treatment. The channels are sealed, the fragments are connected with pins, and irregularities are removed. Partially knocked out teeth with blood are trying to return to their place. To do this, fit and fix with a photocomposite. At the final stage, the seam is illuminated and polished. A fragment may not take root, and then a crack forms in the area where the chipped fragment grows. In this case, the dentist selects alternative treatment. When the tissue is beyond repair, it is removed. A crown or implant is placed.

Surgical treatment

Incisors that are about to collapse are either removed or replanted. Surgery teeth involves the implantation of metal structures with the subsequent build-up of the plate. Operations are carried out in specialized clinics, and root-shaped, plate, subperiosteal and other structures are used as implants.

Implanting artificial tissue is not difficult, but not all implanted elements take root. In case of rejection, select alternative methods restoration of the dentition.


If you are not lucky enough to knock out your teeth, be prepared for a long rehabilitation. At the recovery stage, the doctor may prescribe special caps and braces to restore the bite. Rehabilitation is not easy after multiple injuries maxillofacial apparatus. It is necessary to regularly see a dentist who will monitor the condition of the teeth. In the first weeks after injury, it is recommended special food, mostly puree and liquid.

Complications and consequences

To knock out teeth means to acquire serious problem for good health. Even with successful timely treatment there is a high probability of malocclusion, speech defects, chewing difficulties. After the doctor pulled out your root and performed implantation, there may be problems with the engraftment of artificial tissue. Replantation of native tissues is not always successfully completed. All this is accompanied inflammatory processes and leads to a deterioration in the quality of life, aesthetic problems, communication difficulties.

It is clear that after dental disorders, the bite suffers, and which teeth fall out first are those that have previously been injured. To reduce the risk of repeated violations, they try not to overload the dentition, use protective equipment when playing sports, avoid conflict situations capable of turning into fights.

Dear readers of the 1MedHelp website, if you have any questions on this topic, we will be happy to answer them. Leave your feedback, comments, share stories of how you survived a similar trauma and successfully coped with the consequences! Your life experience may be useful to other readers.

Article author:| orthopedic doctor Education: Diploma in the specialty "Medicine" received in 2001 in medical academy them. I. M. Sechenov. In 2003, she completed postgraduate studies in the specialty "Traumatology and Orthopedics" in the City clinical hospital No. 29 im. N.E. Bauman.

The tooth didn't fall out. Didn't collapse. Not affected by illness. He's been knocked out! What to do in such a situation? the main task- Do not put off a visit to the doctor. A tooth knocked out as a result of a fight or an accident sometimes gives more complications than a unit that was “eaten” by caries or another disease. And the help of a specialist will be required both in cases where part of the tooth has been preserved in its place, and when it has fallen out completely.

Why is a doctor needed?

Loss of a tooth as a result of an impact (that is, its complete dislocation) is not a hopeless loss. If the doctor intervenes in time, the unit can still be saved, and in some cases even inserted back so that it takes root again. The specialist will be able to:

  • examine the site of the injury;
  • remove fragments and remnants of the tooth, if it has crumbled;
  • sew up or heal soft tissues, if they are injured;
  • stop the bleeding;
  • put the tooth in place or outline a strategy for its restoration if it is not possible to save the knocked-out unit.

The earlier the patient arrives at the clinic, the more chances he has to leave with minimal losses.

What to do when a tooth is knocked out and there is no doctor nearby?

The safety of the unit depends on the correctness of the actions - the more carefully the patient acted, the less serious interventions the doctor will have to carry out. There are a number of precautions to take immediately after an injury:

  • if a tooth falls out, be sure to pick it up;
  • if it is still holding, do not try to pull it out - this can damage the tissue ligaments at the root: in such a situation, you just need to rinse the tooth by pouring non-hot water on it (if there is no water at hand, you need to clean the dirt by moistening the tooth with saliva);
  • if the tooth is detached, it should be placed in a humid environment (in a container with clean water, a glass of milk or just a wet wipe), and if there is none, you can at least just insert a tooth into the hole.

In any situation, you can not rub the fallen tooth with your hands, even if it is very dirty. Do not wash it with strong antiseptics and alcohol, scald with boiling water. Similarly, you can not transport the tooth to the doctor in an antiseptic solution or in alcohol. Also, you should not just insert the tooth into place and continue to go about your business. He will not grow back on his own, a doctor is needed.

How to behave when traveling to the clinic?

If there is no permanent doctor, immediately after a tooth injury, you should go to the nearest clinic. The patient has about 2 hours to save the knocked out unit. It is within two hours that a tooth can:

  • put in the hole from which he fell out, and try to engraft back;
  • strengthen in the hole (if it did not fall out completely);
  • stop bleeding and heal soft tissues no additional damage.

If everything is done quickly, there is a very big chance re-engraftment of the injured dental unit. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee for this, but the doctor will do everything possible to restore the tooth without resorting to prosthetics.

When is a dentist not needed?

In fact, such situations do not happen - you will have to go to a specialist in any case. But there is one small exception that allows the absence emergency measures. You can not run to the doctor:

In such a situation, the tooth still cannot be restored, it will be necessary to wait until a permanent one erupts in its place. And if the parents are sure that everything is in order, you can do without an urgent trip to the dentist. However, it will be necessary to see a doctor - over time.

At the same time, you should not delay the visit if the child’s tooth fell out completely, and by itself it did not cause discomfort, but the soft tissues were damaged. They may need stitches or other specialized treatment.

For the treatment to be effective, it is important to choose a highly qualified clinic that uses modern technologies treatment and can offer assistance even in complex and emergency situations. The best choice - dental center"MIRA", where they will help to restore teeth for adults and children even after severe injuries and achieve maximum engraftment of knocked out units without any complications.

There are a lot of situations in which you can knock out a tooth or break off a piece from it. These are road accidents, sports injuries, unsuccessful falls, fights. It is possible to damage a tooth even during a meal, for example, if a small pebble or a piece of bone is caught.

Ordinary chips and cracks of teeth, although unpleasant, do not require urgent medical care, except perhaps recovery in cosmetic purposes. At the same time, chips can cause hypersensitivity teeth and increase the risk of caries.

But deep crack dangerous by damage nerve fibers. To avoid infection of the gums and abscess, as well as to reduce pain, adequate measures must be taken. Sometimes small cracks in tooth enamel are formed as a result of temperature differences. For example, they ate something cold and then washed it down hot.

Special attention should be paid to the sharp edges of the chipped tooth. They can damage the mucous oral cavity which can lead to the formation of ulcers.

You should definitely visit a dentist in the following situations:

  • there is swelling and pain near the broken tooth;
  • a permanent (molar) tooth is knocked out;
  • it is impossible to close the teeth (may indicate a fracture of the jaw).

If a child knocked out a milk tooth, then you should not be upset. Soon a new one will grow in its place.

A knocked out permanent tooth can be reimplanted back into the socket. Therefore, it is important to save the tooth and immediately contact the clinic.

In doing so, you must comply a set of rules:

  • hold the tooth only by the crown ( upper part knocked out tooth), in no case do not touch the root;
  • do not scrape dirt from the root of the tooth or try to disinfect it with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide;
  • try to place the tooth back into the gum. Lightly bite them hydrated tea bag or a piece of gauze, and adjacent teeth act as anchors;
  • if for some reason the knocked out tooth cannot be put back in, place the tooth in a small container (box) and fill it a small amount whole milk or own saliva;
  • in the absence of a container for the tooth, place it under the tongue. Be careful not to swallow it on the way to the dentist;
  • to stop the bleeding, press a gauze pad to the wound;
  • Pain can be relieved by applying a cold compress to the gums.

Preventive measures:

  • doing contact species sports such as boxing, wear a mouth guard;
  • always fasten your seat belt in the car;
  • don't eat too much solid food(crackers, bones, etc.);
  • do not be lazy to sort out cereals (rice, buckwheat, etc.), small pebbles can come across among ordinary garbage;
  • take mineral-calcium supplements and food rich in calcium(cottage cheese, dairy products, etc.), this will make your teeth stronger.

You might think that this only happens to bullies. And this can happen to anyone, including often with children, during seemingly the most harmless activities. Therefore, it is very important to know about the necessary actions that must be taken immediately after the incident. An absolute must for every mommy to know.

To begin with, I propose to test your knowledge and intuition. So, imagine that, passing by a playground, you see that a boy of ten years old, running too close to the swing, gets hit in the face by these same swings. The child yells with a good obscenity, the pale mother is on the verge nervous breakdown, only whispers: "What to do then, good people?". At the boy's feet, in the dust, lies a broken front tooth. I’ll make a reservation right away that you can try to save a tooth, but for this, as soon as possible, preferably within the first hour, you need to get to a dentist who knows what to do in such cases. So, the questions are for you, the only one who can help the boy, because everyone else is in shock and just shrug.

Where is the best place to place a lost tooth during the delivery to the doctor?

In another situation, when the tooth did not fall out completely, but simply got out of the bone more than usual, what should be done?

Nothing, rather get to the doctor.

278 (80.3 % )

Try to lightly insert the tooth into place without much effort.

63 (18.2 % )

Try to insert the tooth into place where it was, if necessary, applying a force above average.

5 (1.4 % )

Now, let's look at the right actions.

It is recommended that a fallen tooth be washed with water, but in no case should it be scraped off, because the fibers that will be required for engraftment can be damaged. In this case, you need to grab the tooth by the crown in order to cause the least damage to the root surface.

Most the best place for transporting the tooth - the boy's mouth, between the cheek and the gum, on the side opposite to the damage. If the boy is inadequate, yells with a good obscenity and does not allow anyone to touch him, or if there is a danger that due to insufficient age or mental development he can swallow him, then the tooth is sent to the mother's mouth. Saliva is the best and natural environment for the preservation of the tooth. If the mother herself is inadequate or she is sick of the mere thought that a bloody tooth will be put in her mouth, then the next candidate is saline. It is clear that there is no pharmacy on the playground, however, there may be a person who has containers for contact lenses. These containers traditionally contain saline. The tooth can be put directly into the container. If saline is not available - plain water but the tooth must be kept moist at all times. Otherwise, the chances of survival are close to zero. By the way, if there is a suitable small container, then you can just spit saliva there for transportation.

There is an alternative opinion that you should try to immediately insert the fallen tooth into place. This is also an option, especially if you feel confident in yourself and understand that you won’t get to any doctor within an hour.

If the tooth has not fallen out completely, but only sticks out of the gums more than necessary, it is still necessary to try to set it in place. WITHOUT much effort. And more to the doctor.

All of the above applies to permanent teeth if a milk tooth is knocked out, then it is not inserted into place. However, you need to visit the doctor, make sure that there are no other injuries, and that there are no fragments left in the gum.

What to do if the tooth is in place, but a decent piece just broke off? Wash your mouth with water, try to find a chipped piece, and rather see a doctor. Apply ice to reduce swelling.

If just soft tissues in the mouth are damaged, wash your mouth and see a doctor. If the tongue is bleeding heavily, you can stick it out and press the wound with gauze to reduce bleeding.

Here, like, that's all. And traditionally, the wish is that this knowledge will never be useful to you.

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