What is the difference between a therapist and a pediatrician. What does a scheduled inspection involve?

What is the difference between these doctors, who, in fact, perform the same functions, you can find out from the article.

Main differences

At first glance, the therapist and the pediatrician have the same duties - to listen to the complaints of patients, to examine them and prescribe the medicines necessary for recovery. However, there is a difference between the activities carried out by these doctors, and it lies, first of all, in the specialization of each of them.

So, for example, a general practitioner is a specialist who diagnoses, as well as treats internal organs. Its main activity is correct setting diagnosis based on complaints received from the patient and the results of the examination. The therapist is considered a generalist doctor, since in his area of ​​​​competence a wide variety of diseases, including those requiring surgical intervention.

A pediatrician is considered to be a doctor who is on guard for the order of the state of health of children from the moment they are born and when they reach adulthood. The duties of the district doctor (pediatrician) include not only the diagnosis and treatment of small patients, but also the protection of their health. This specialist monitors the developmental trend of newborns, refers them to routine vaccinations, advises new parents, and also sees patients who have complaints or questions about their health.

The pediatrician is able to be one of the first to identify a predisposition to the appearance of pathology in order to take timely measures and prescribe appropriate treatment. Thus, the local doctor exercises direct control over the state of health of the child, while the adult therapist treats the disease that has already arisen.

These experts examine the body little patient in general, in order to timely diagnose any ailment and prescribe appropriate preventive measures or a course of therapy, and, if necessary, issue a referral for a more thorough examination (testing, X-ray, ultrasound procedure, etc.).

In custody

From the moment a baby is born to one year old visits to the pediatrician should be regular. As a rule, visits to the local doctor in the first year of a child's life should be made monthly. Upon reaching this age by the child and in the next two years, a routine examination by a pediatrician takes place every three months. During the first years of the baby's life, the pediatrician observes his development - an increase in weight and height. He can advise the parents of the baby on vitamin intake, diet and care for the child so that he grows up healthy and happy. In the future, you can contact the pediatrician in case of complaints.

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A pediatrician is a doctor who is responsible for the health of a child from the first days of life until the age of eighteen.

For little patients who still cannot formulate their complaints precisely, a visit to the doctor sometimes turns into a real test. Parents need support to instill a culture of health care in their children. experienced pediatrician. A doctor with deep knowledge in child psychology and physiology will accurately determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe a treatment that is safe for the growing organism.

It is important that the child visits the pediatrician regularly - not only in case of illness, but also for prevention purposes.

If you need a paid pediatrician in Moscow, contact JSC " Family doctor". You can make an appointment with a pediatrician at any of the clinics. Consultations are held in a calm and comfortable environment. Children understand that treatment is not painful and not scary, and parents receive detailed and understandable answers to all their questions.

Diseases treated by a pediatrician

    viral and bacterial infections;

    digestive disorders;

    allergic reactions;

    conditions caused by a deficiency of enzymes necessary for the child's body;

    different kinds injuries.

The competence of the pediatrician includes consultations on the care of the child, monitoring of his physical development, vaccination to prevent childhood infections.

    A child goes through several stages in his development. Each of them has features that require heightened attention parents and pediatrician.

      In the first weeks after birth, the body of a newborn adapts to new living conditions, vision and hearing develop, and reflexes form. At this stage, the task of the pediatrician is to control the development of the baby, teach parents how to care for the newborn, and organize his nutrition.

      Within six months after birth and during breastfeeding the infant is protected from infections by the mother's immunity. This makes it easier to adapt to the environment. After a year (and artificial feeding even earlier) the child's body has to independently resist the attacks of bacteria and viruses. The task of the pediatrician and parents at this stage is to identify the disease in time, cure it and prevent the development of complications. Vaccination helps build protection against childhood infections.

      Between the ages of one and seven years, a child usually has several childhood infections (thanks to vaccination, they occur in mild form). The pediatrician monitors child health, helps to identify risk factors (including the stress that accompanies the arrival of the child in Kindergarten and the transition from kindergarten to school, as well as growing workloads) and properly organize the daily routine.

      Puberty, growth spurt and accompanying hormonal changes affect the work of all organs and systems of the body. Regular visits to the pediatrician are needed in order to notice the problem in time and correct conditions that can negatively affect the health and quality of later adult life.

Symptoms of childhood diseases

The reason for making an appointment with a pediatrician should be not only the appearance obvious symptoms diseases, but also any deviations from the norm in the child's condition:

    causeless anxiety and tearfulness;

    passivity, lethargy, drowsiness;

    increase in body temperature;

    the appearance of a rash on the skin;

    runny nose, discharge and nasal congestion;

    complaints of swallowing disorders and sore throat;

    reduced tolerance physical activity, dizziness, pale skin, blue lips, fingertips;

    loss of appetite;

    increased gas formation, intolerance individual products nutrition;

    violation of urination, anxiety and crying during urination.

Preventive examinations at the pediatrician

    The first examination of the baby, as a rule, takes place at home. Follow-up visits to the clinic (or house calls) are recommended at least once a month. The pediatrician not only examines the baby himself, but also coordinates the work of other specialists involved in the medical examination. He draws up an individual disease prevention program, including a vaccination plan.

    In the second year of a child's life, preventive examinations are planned every three months, upon reaching 2 years - once every six months. A preventive examination includes an examination by a pediatrician and narrow specialists, laboratory and instrumental studies that allow you to control the growth and development of the baby.

    At the age of three, a visit to the pediatrician is necessary for a large dispensary examination before entering kindergarten. At the end of the medical examination, parents are given and in which information is collected about all the vaccinations carried out.

    Similar examinations are carried out at 5-6 years old, when it is issued.

If you have the opportunity to contact a paid pediatrician, it is worth evaluating the benefits of such a choice. In the network of clinics "Family Doctor" your child will be able to undergo preventive examination before entering kindergarten or school without stress, in a friendly and comfortable environment. Private clinic allows you to do proper tests for tuberculosis ( or ), providing required quality drugs used and the procedure itself.

Vaccination to protect against infections

Vaccination is the introduction of an antigenic drug into the body to produce specific immunity to pathogens of specific diseases. A timely vaccination will prevent infection or significantly alleviate the course of the disease, protecting the child's body from possible complications.

In the clinics of the "Family Doctor" network, you can get all the vaccinations prescribed National calendar preventive vaccinations, including vaccination against, pneumococcal infection,). Proven domestic ones are used (including DPT and), Regevak (against hepatitis B), as well as the best imported vaccines: (against pneumococcal infection), complex -,

In medicine, there are concepts that have different name, but one value. For example, a pediatrician is often confused with a general practitioner. In fact, it is not difficult to understand the difference between them.

A general practitioner is a specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of internal organs. The very word "therapist" comes from the meaning of therapy. Therapy is a science that studies diseases of the internal organs. In this science, the origin, diagnosis and treatment of internal organs are studied. From the Greek language, the concept of "therapist" is translated as - caring for the sick. Several narrower areas come from the specialty of the therapist - cardiology, rheumatology, etc.

What does a therapist do

A certain set of diseases is dealt with exclusively by a therapist. First of all, this includes cold infections- ARI, SARS, flu, tonsillitis, runny nose. In addition, the therapist can diagnose cardiovascular system organism. The therapist deals with the treatment of certain heart diseases, for example, such as VVD, ischemia, hypertension. Some blood diseases (anemia) are also treated by a general practitioner.

When to See a Therapist

Here are a few symptoms that indicate that a visit to therapy medical office becomes necessary.

1. Unexpected weight loss. Losing weight for no apparent reason is the first bell that indicates the urgency of visiting a therapist.

2. Symptoms of an approaching stroke are fatigue, ringing in the ears, paralysis, incoherence of speech. In this case, the therapist should be contacted as soon as possible.

3. Black chair color. This is a pretty serious sign. The consequence can be an ulcer and even cancer of the stomach.

4. Strong headache, gradually heading to the neck, may be a harbinger of meningitis. A sharp headache may be a sign of a cerebral hemorrhage.

Pediatrician is one of the most important medical specialties, because it is this medical worker is actively following proper development toddler and child. Tracking the development of the baby by a pediatrician begins from the first days of a child's life.

Responsibilities of a Pediatrician

In the period from birth to adulthood, a district pediatrician observes a person. It is this doctor who must foresee diseases and have knowledge from all areas of medicine. The vaccination schedule, as well as monitoring their implementation, is the responsibility of the pediatrician. It is he who should give parents advice that will help their child develop properly and grow healthy.

In any children's institution(school, kindergarten, camp) has its own personal pediatrician. The pediatrician should be able to find a common language with children and their parents.

Similarities Between Pediatrician and Therapist

1. Knowledge from various areas medicine.
2. Observation and control over the treatment of the patient.
3. Identification and treatment of colds.

Differences between a pediatrician and a general practitioner

The therapist is most often treated by people with an already defined health problem, and the pediatrician monitors the health of the child and is one of the first to detect the presence of any disease. He observes the health of a person until he comes of age, and the therapist - after his onset.

Therapist is a general practitioner who treats internal diseases, pediatrician - a narrower specialty, concluded in monitoring the health of the child.

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A pediatrician deals with the health problems of all children under 18 years of age. The doctor advises, prescribes diagnostic methods studies, examines the results and establishes the final diagnosis. After that, the sick baby is given appropriate treatment. The doctor gives advice to parents on how to protect the child from frequent illnesses for acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), rhinitis and other ailments.

What does a pediatrician do in practice?

A pediatrician, like a therapist in adults, diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases in children. The specialist must have a completed higher medical education in the specialty "Pediatrics" with training for 2 years at the internship. After that, the doctor can work in a polyclinic, a children's hospital or a private clinic.

The pediatrician is special doctor which must have the following properties:

  • love for children;
  • patience;
  • ability to get along with children different ages;
  • don't be very strict;
  • understand the diseases of almost all organs child's body;
  • know well the structural features of organs and tissues in children;
  • be mindful of lab results and instrumental research which are often somewhat different from adults.

At the doctor's appointment, if the children are small, parents must be present. So you can establish contact with the baby and quickly learn about the problem.

The pediatrician performs the following examinations:

  • in the first month after the birth of the child, if the baby is not in the hospital. In this case, the patient is treated by a neonatologist (neonatology is a branch of medicine that studies infants and newborns, their growth and development, their diseases and pathological conditions);
  • during the first year after birth, parents bring the child to the pediatrician for examination every month. This is done on the day healthy child» on a certain day of the week;
  • visit of the child and parents to the doctor during the passage routine vaccination when children need to be vaccinated against infectious diseases, according to the approved schedule;
  • after a year, the child visits the pediatrician if necessary. Sometimes you can call a doctor at home, which is more convenient for parents.

Usually, a polyclinic doctor receives patients at the workplace until the first half of the day, and then leaves on calls. When called to the house, the pediatrician examines the child, listens to the lungs and measures the body temperature, asks the parents about the symptoms of the disease. If required, the baby is hospitalized in a children's hospital for complete examination and complex treatment.

What organs does a pediatrician treat?

A pediatrician in his practice is faced with various diseases that you always need to remember and know the treatment algorithm. It is very difficult, but with the passage of time and the addition of practical skills, the doctor becomes a highly qualified specialist. Mostly the doctor is faced with the pathology of such organs and systems:

  • nervous system: structures of the brain and spinal cord, nerve plexuses. As well as the pituitary gland (an organ in the brain that produces important hormones);
  • ENT organs: nose, ear, throat, tonsils;
  • heart;
  • leather;
  • respiratory system: larynx, vocal cords, trachea, lungs, pleura;
  • digestive tract: esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and colon. As well as the rectum, pancreas, liver and gallbladder;
  • urinary system: kidneys, ureters, bladder;
  • endocrine system: thyroid, pancreas (the part that produces hormones), adrenal glands, parathyroid glands, testicles in boys and ovaries in girls.

The competence of the pediatrician is almost the entire body. The doctor must be able to isolate important symptoms know the location and structure of organs. It is this knowledge that will help assess the activity of the disease, the cause of its occurrence and draw up an action plan for the treatment of a small patient.

When to See a Pediatrician

For parents, any illness in a child becomes a cause for concern. Often, a mother knows her child's behavior and can easily determine when the baby needs medical attention. With children who cannot yet speak, you need to contact the pediatrician in such cases:

  • constant crying of the child during the day, and especially at night;
  • heat body, which can be measured with a thermometer under the armpits;
  • increased sweating during sleep, when mom pays attention to a wet pillow or sheet;
  • child anxiety;
  • lethargy and drowsiness, not characteristic of normal conditions;
  • any discharge from the nose, increased tearing;
  • souring and redness of the eyes;
  • cough;
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea or stool retention;
  • the cry of a child when urinating;
  • vomiting of food eaten the day before;
  • pallor of the skin.

If such symptoms appear in the baby, you should immediately call the pediatrician at home. The doctor will assess the child's condition and decide on home treatment or hospitalization.

For children who can already talk about their complaints, there are the following symptoms, with the appearance of which you need to contact the pediatrician:

  • runny nose, purulent or transparent selection from the nose, difficulty breathing;
  • cough, shortness of breath, sputum production with cough;
  • high body temperature, fever along with heaviness and aching muscles;
  • pain in chest;
  • soreness behind the sternum, shortness of breath when climbing stairs, which is accompanied by cyanosis (the appearance of a blue tint) of the skin;
  • jumps in pressure, with a feeling of weakness, drowsiness, headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea, constipation;
  • lower back pain that radiates to groin, and increase during urination;
  • burning sensation and soreness at the beginning of urination;
  • obesity that is not treated by diet;
  • the appearance of a rash on the skin.

Each complaint of the child has a reason for the appearance, so the pediatrician needs to remember about in large numbers diseases, methods of research and treatment.

What diseases does a pediatrician treat?

During the study at the institute, the future pediatrician needs to master a number of skills, study hundreds of pages of scientific literature. All this is necessary for proper treatment the following diseases that are within the competence of a specialist:

  • SARS (rhinitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis) implies the presence viral infection that strikes the upper Airways. This ailment often affects babies up to 5-6 years of age. The main symptoms are runny nose, cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, fever, general weakness;
  • pneumonia is characterized by inflammation lung tissue, which is caused bacterial infection. At the same time, children are adynamic, weakened, fever, cough with sputum, shortness of breath appear. It is necessary to treat such a pathology only in a hospital;
  • whooping cough only occurs in children under 6 one month old and provoked by specific bacteria. At the same time, children develop a strong dry cough, sudden attacks of shortness of breath. Parents should be careful because this ailment, if not properly treated by a pediatrician, can lead to lethal outcome;
  • bronchitis is characterized by inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, mainly viral cause. Children complain about coughing chest pain, sometimes elevated temperature body;
  • ulcer duodenum counts hereditary disease. In this case, a tissue defect appears on the mucous membrane of the organ. Patients complain of abdominal pain on an empty stomach, 3 hours after eating, nausea, heartburn;
  • intestinal colic is the state when smooth muscle the intestines are spasmodic. At the same time, children feel a strong stabbing pain all over the abdomen, nausea. Babies up to 2-3 years old scream, cry, are restless. The reasons for this state of affairs are malnutrition and constipation;
  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidney and renal calyces (small reservoirs in which urine accumulates). Often in children, the disease appears after a cold, with anomalies in the development of the kidneys. Babies develop fever, pain in the lower back and above the pubis when urinating, urine is cloudy;
  • hypovitaminosis D (rickets) - vitamin D deficiency. In this case, the bones of the skull, sternum, and ribs are deformed in children. It often happens in babies who are rarely in the sun.

Pediatrician treats diseases conservative way while using medications and correct mode nutrition.

Research methods prescribed by the pediatrician

If health problems are identified in children, it is necessary to as soon as possible establish a diagnosis. For this it is necessary to carry out full complex surveys:

  • general analysis blood;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting rate and plasma fibrin);
  • blood platelets;
  • blood vitamin D level;
  • general urine analysis;
  • urinalysis according to Zemnitsky (daily urine is collected in a jar to determine the specific gravity);
  • urinalysis according to Nechiporenko (determine the number of erythrocytes, leukocytes and cylinders in 1 ml of urine);
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of organs abdominal cavity;
  • fibrogastroscopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a special apparatus that is inserted into the patient through the mouth;
  • fibrocolonoscopy - examination of the large intestine using a thin probe that is inserted through the rectum;
  • X-ray of the abdomen may show the presence of metal objects, signs intestinal obstruction;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, ureter and Bladder;
  • excretory urography will show the state of the excretory function of the kidneys;
  • retrograde cystourethrography - a thin probe is inserted into the bladder and ureters contrast agent and a series is being made x-rays. So evaluate the filling of the bladder, the diameter of the ureters and the presence of urine reflux into the ureters;
  • radiography of the lungs;
  • bronchoscopy - examination of the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea, vocal cords using a probe;
  • bacteriological culture sputum, feces, urine;
  • blood test for immunoglobulins A, E, G.

Parents need to devote a lot of time to the child in order to protect their child from various diseases. In this case, the advice of a pediatrician will help:

  • bathe small child only needed in boiled water, the temperature of which is 30-320 C;
  • children should not be allowed to drink cold sparkling water, it is better to prepare a decoction of dried fruits or compote;
  • every day, especially in winter, it is necessary to ventilate the children's room for 3-4 minutes by opening the window;
  • children under 8 years old are forbidden to eat fried meat, spices, salted foods;
  • fruits and vegetables should be washed in running water before eating to prevent diarrhea or vomiting;
  • in case of manifestations of allergy to pollen during the flowering period, it is advisable to change the place of residence for a while, for example, take the child to the grandmother;
  • When skin rash be sure to consult a dermatologist, it is forbidden to prescribe anything yourself.

The local pediatrician knows all his little patients. Therefore, it is not difficult for the doctor to find contact with the child, which greatly facilitates the examination and diagnosis.

Professional training in two related specialties allows the doctor to expand the scope of the medical and diagnostic services provided. Doctor diagnoses and differential diagnosis diseases accompanied by pain in the joints, changes in their shape and size, impaired function. Has experience in managing patients with systemic diseases connective tissue. Fluency in English and Spanish gives the specialist the opportunity to be in constant working contact with his foreign colleagues.
Candidate of Medical Sciences (2004).
Education: postgraduate study in rheumatology (2004) and residency in pediatrics (2001) on the basis of the Children's Clinic of MMA named after. Sechenov; MMA them. THEM. Sechenov, specialty - medical business (1999).
Topic of Ph.D. thesis: Juvenile dermatomyositis: the course and effectiveness of various regimens of glucocorticoid therapy.
Certificates: Pediatrics, First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (2014); Rheumatology, First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (2015).
Refresher courses: ; Rheumatology, First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (2005); Contemporary Issues pediatric rheumatology (2004).
Pediatric rheumatology fellowships at the Division of Pediatric Rheumatology, Hospital for Special Surgery (USA, 2003) and at the Advanced Pediatric medical center Schneider (Israel, 2016).
Event participant: speaker at the International Congress of Rheumatology EULAR (2005); annual congress Russian pediatricians; School of pediatric rheumatology.
Co-author more than 10 scientific works in domestic journals, publication of abstracts in foreign publications.
Medical experience- 17 years.


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