Toothache after cleaning stones. What is ultrasonic cleaning. Features of professional teeth cleaning

I always went to the dentist as it should be once every six months, carefully followed all his recommendations, tried to properly care for my teeth, and in general, never serious problems did not have a mouth. But then there was pregnancy, childbirth, prolonged breastfeeding and the inability to run away from home, at least not for long, to visit a specialist. As a result, I did not visit the dentist for about a year and a half and, naturally, complaints accumulated.

And the sensitivity of the teeth when changing temperature conditions food, and slight bleeding of the gums, and the appearance of a small plaque (apparently due to bleeding, it became more careful to brush your teeth without cleaning to the end), which began to turn into tartar, that is, already a denser plaque containing pathogenic microflora and food residues that cannot be removed by normal household hygiene procedures.

And it is necessary to remove it, since its prolonged presence on the surface of the teeth and gums can lead to a long course of the inflammatory process, the occurrence of caries, gingivitis, and even periodontitis, which subsequently threatens to lose teeth at a fairly young age.

The main reasons for the formation of tartar:

  • If a person neglects individual oral hygiene;
  • Accepts only soft food. Solid food removes hardened tartar spontaneously;
  • Improper brushing of teeth;
  • When chewing, a person always uses one side dental system- left or right;
  • At personal hygiene uses substandard drugs or brush;
  • Incorrect position of dental units in the system. - The presence of rough surfaces in sealed teeth, orthopedic structures;
  • Dark tartar is formed when the metabolism in the human body is disturbed.

There are a lot of ways to remove tartar in the dental office, and which one the dentist will use depends on his skill and the equipment of the office.

It could be like mechanical way when the stone is removed with tools, hooks, and more modern techniques, such as ultrasound or laser.

Previously used methods of influencing tartar chemical agents on the this moment are not used because these solutions are quite toxic if ingested, and can also adversely affect tooth enamel.

in good dental offices any cleaning is complemented air abrasive treatment area of ​​the periodontal canals according to the system Air flow . It consists in the fact that the surfaces are treated with water containing suspended abrasive substances of small caliber, which is supplied along high pressure. As a result, overlays are removed that are either not visible to the naked eye, because they are very small, or that are in a place inaccessible to tools.

After examining the oral cavity, the dentist told me that my teeth were in excellent condition, despite the fact that I had not visited a doctor of this specialty for a long time and that my body had a hard time after pregnancy and childbirth. However, there were several areas affected by tartar and the dentist suggested removing it. In my version it was mechanical cleaning, enhanced with Air Flow processing.

Now more about feelings.

Before the procedure, the doctor treated my gums with a solution of lidocaine to provide local anesthesia and make pain less noticeable during the procedure.

ALWAYS WARN YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE ANESTHESIA ABOUT AN ALLERGIC REACTION TO LIDOCAINE, IF YOU HAVE IT! Not all doctors ask about this, but God forbid you get anaphylactic shock.

It was uncomfortable, sometimes even painful. The pain was especially felt at the moment when the instruments passed between the teeth, it seemed that the stone would be removed along with the tooth on which it sits. After a few minutes of manipulation in my mouth, the dentist offered to rinse my mouth and spit. Naturally, I spat out blood. It may not have been much, but still. In the process of removing the stone, the gums were slightly injured, in some places they were scratched. The doctor operated for a long time, carefully cleaning all the interdental spaces, even where there was no stone at all, but just in case, she looked in. I had to endure clenching my fists, dental health is more important.

Having completed the roughing of the oral cavity, the dentist began to use water with an abrasive. It didn't hurt at all, it was even more pleasant. A jet of water, which, under great pressure, doused the gums, massaged them and eliminated pain. This manipulation lasted about 10 minutes, after which the dentist brushed his teeth. special composition and showed that I was free.

After that, the dentist gave me some recommendations for oral care in the coming days, since the gums were already loose and periodically tinted, and after such manipulations they didn’t feel very good at all.

I was told not to eat anything hot that day, and also to buy antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions for the oral cavity at the pharmacy, antibacterial ointment, use them within 2 weeks. And also for about a month to drink pills that reduce vascular permeability, and, accordingly, bleeding gums.

Immediately after the removal of tartar, there were some discomfort in the mouth, reminiscent of the presence foreign body between the teeth, constantly wanted to get it, but of course there was nothing there. There was an even greater sensitivity when changing temperatures and bleeding was somewhat disturbing. But after a couple of days, of course, if the doctor's recommendations were followed, these sensations stopped bothering me, but I did my duty to my teeth so that they would serve me for a long time and reliably.

Prevention of the occurrence of tartar is as follows:

  • daily brushing of teeth with a suitable toothpaste in the morning and evening, and you need to clean it efficiently, while making the right movements;
  • after each meal, use special rinses or dental floss;
  • do not exclude from the diet solid food, fresh fruits and vegetables (apples, carrots), which would mechanically clean the surface of the teeth;
  • do not forget about your dentist, whom you should visit every six months for a professional cleaning. As a result of this, tartar will not form, since it will be strange already at the beginning of its appearance.

If you have tartar, I strongly recommend removing it to avoid possible consequences its presence in the oral cavity!

Used to remove calculus from the surface of teeth various ways. All of them in one way or another damage the gums, which leads to the appearance of pain and other sensations for some time. adverse effects. Therefore, it is important to understand how to get rid of them. Increased sensitivity of teeth and gums.

Features of professional teeth cleaning

Professional cleaning is a procedure that involves the removal of plaque and mineralized particles from the surface of the teeth in the form of stones by a qualified dentist using special tools, preparations and equipment.

  • inflammation of the gums;
  • bad breath;
  • the formation of caries;
  • loosening of teeth;
  • tooth loss.

Dental cleanings, which can remove calculus, also help restore enamel's natural shine, tone, and smoothness. In addition, some types of orthodontic procedures, such as prosthetics and implants, are not performed without the removal of calculus.

Teeth before and after whitening

Removal of tartar by ultrasound

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is one of the most effective ways to remove stones. For similar procedure special scaler, which is capable of generating vibrations of a certain frequency.

In order for the waves to destroy the particles layered on the enamel, the dentist individually selects the appropriate range of work. Under its influence, the stone is gradually crushed, thereby separating from the surface of the tooth.

removal of tartar by ultrasound

Together with the procedure ultrasonic cleaning often used by dentists Air flow. It involves the treatment of the surface of the teeth with a jet of water along with air. This allows the enamel to cool, after which it should be polished and cleaned of the remaining plaque.

Tartar as a cause of gum inflammation and pain

Ordinary brushing of teeth, which is carried out by all people twice a day, is not capable, even with full observance of the rules for its implementation and the use of high-quality brushes, to completely rid a person of plaque, which is constantly formed in the oral cavity. Most often, its accumulation occurs in the gap between individual teeth. This concerns, first of all, the posterior space, the cervical region and the subgingival space.

Over time, mineral compounds begin to accumulate in plaque. They further lead to compaction of deposits. The longer this process takes, the stronger the stone is formed. It will be impossible to get rid of it on your own.

Inflamed gums due to tartar

After a while, dense stones lead to the fact that an inflammatory process occurs. This consequence is called gingivitis. Pathological periodontal pockets appear, as well as periodontal diseasedeep defeat peridental tissue. Currently this pathology called periodontitis with an aggressive course.

Gum problems after professional teeth cleaning

After a professional teeth cleaning is carried out, in some cases it is impossible to prevent the occurrence of adverse effects. First of all, this happens due to such reasons as:

  • the presence of excessive sensitivity of the enamel in the patient;
  • damage to teeth by caries;
  • use of non-professional equipment;
  • low qualification of the doctor.

The first of the above reasons are the main ones, which one way or another lead to complications. That is why, in order to prevent consequences, it is worth trying to eliminate dental diseases before starting the procedure. Sometimes this is not possible, in others, even healthy or cured teeth react too sensitively to the removal of stones.

Bleeding gums after professional teeth cleaning

Complications after professional teeth cleaning are as follows:

  1. The gums may become inflamed. This is due to the fact that the procedure damages the tissues surrounding the teeth. After that, the formed wounds become conditionally infected. pathogenic microorganisms that are present in the oral cavity of any person without exception.
  2. The appearance of bleeding. The consequence one way or another arises due to the fact that caries was present on the teeth that were cleaned. As a result, after the procedure, when eating food that affects the gums, blood loss occurs.
  3. Manifestation of pain. This unfavorable symptom occurs due to the presence of an inflammatory process, as well as certain damage to the tissues around the teeth.

Thus, there is a large number of consequences of professional teeth cleaning. You need to be prepared for all of them before treating the oral cavity.

Teeth sensitivity after whitening and ultrasonic cleaning

Tooth sensitivity refers to its excessive reaction to one or another sensory stimulus, which can be both temperature (cold or hot) and food. This phenomenon, if left untreated, leads to chronic consequences.

The occurrence of sensitivity after removal of tartar is due to the fact that mineral accumulations, despite their adverse effect, yet to a certain extent protect the enamel from chemical, thermal and tactile irritants.

In some cases, the process of brushing your teeth with certain methods leads to damage to the upper protective layer. In such a situation, it will not be easy to cope with the complication that has arisen.

What to do so that the gums do not hurt after the removal of tartar

In order to eliminate the consequences of the procedure for removing stones on the teeth, you need to proper treatment through medications.

How to relieve inflammation

To improve the condition of the oral cavity, it is necessary to get rid of the inflammatory process. For this, some methods are used, such as:

  • rinsing Chlorhexidine;
  • applications Holisal-gel;
  • application of ointment Metrogil Denta.

Be sure to also use professional toothpastes, which were advised by the attending dentist. Only complex impact leads to the elimination of symptoms.

Holisal gel

How to relieve pain

In order to completely eliminate pain, it is necessary to use the following effective drugs:

  • Analgin;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ketolong;
  • Ketoral;
  • Nurofen;
  • Pentalgin.

These medicines allow you to get rid of pain only on limited quantity time.

How to stop bleeding

In order to get rid of bleeding gums, you should use professional toothpastes. Among them, the most efficient Lacalut Active, Lacalut Phytoformula and Paradontax. Can also be rinsed oral cavity using the following folk remedies:

  • decoction of blueberries;
  • decoction of oak bark;
  • decoction of sage;
  • decoction of chamomile, nettle and calendula;
  • tincture of water pepper;

Oak bark

It is best to use medicines to eliminate pain along with rinsing the mouth with decoctions.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity after ultrasonic cleaning

In order for the teeth not to hurt after whitening after cleaning them to remove stones, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy. It consists of several aspects such as:

  • the use of applications with antimicrobial anti-inflammatory drugs (Metrogil-denta, Traumeel C etc.);
  • use of fluoride-based toothpastes;
  • the use of herbal rinses and decoction of medicinal herbs.

If you use all of the above means, the sensitivity of the teeth will largely become less noticeable.

Features of oral care after professional teeth cleaning

In order to alleviate the pain after brushing your teeth from stones, some important rules are followed:

  1. It is necessary to refrain from drinking both hot and cold drinks for several hours.
  2. It is worth a day not to eat foods that contain mushrooms.
  3. All day long do not drink drinks, the components of which can stain the enamel of the teeth. Among them, it is worth highlighting wine, coffee, some juices, etc.
  4. It is important to stop using the previous toothbrush - it must be replaced with a new one.
  5. Use the products recommended by the dentist.
  6. When severe pain. It is worth giving up brushing your teeth for the whole day.

If you fulfill all the requirements, the consequences of the procedure will be less pronounced and significant.


Although there may be pain after brushing teeth due to the removal of stones, they can be eliminated or made less pronounced. Such a complication is natural so you have to be prepared for it. Despite this, in just a few days, a significant improvement in the condition of both gums and teeth is felt.

Ultrasonic scaling - modern way get rid of hard deposits that cause infectious diseases oral cavity. This is a safe and comfortable procedure that is shown to everyone, even pregnant women. But there is an exception to the rule - these are patients with thin damaged enamel, on which ultrasonic exposure can cause pain both during and after sanitation.

The fact is that the sensitivity of the teeth after cleaning with ultrasound can increase. Therefore, before going for this procedure, it is necessary to consult a dentist.

What is ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning uses special dental equipment - an ultrasonic scaler. The principle of its operation is to generate ultrasonic waves, which, when they hit the surface of the tooth, soften the plaque. varying degrees density and remove it. In order to reach maximum effect, amplitude and frequency of waves are adjusted individually for each patient. The surface of the tooth after treatment becomes smooth and shiny, and also brightens by 1-2 tones.

Why do teeth hurt after ultrasonic cleaning?

If a patient has a toothache after ultrasonic cleaning, then this can be caused by two reasons. First of all - increased sensitivity of the teeth associated with defects or damage to the enamel. Therefore, before using this service, you should strengthen the tooth enamel with fluoride-containing products and carry out the procedure of deep fluoridation of the teeth in a dental clinic. The second cause of pain after ultrasonic cleaning is inflammatory diseases oral cavity: periodontal disease, gingivitis, caries and others. Removal of tartar may be necessary to treat these conditions. In this case, to relieve the patient of pain during the procedure, dentists use local anesthesia. The doctor will also prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs to take after ultrasonic cleaning.

What to do if your teeth hurt after ultrasonic cleaning

You can relieve pain after brushing your teeth with ultrasound at home. Applications with antimicrobial anti-inflammatory medicines(for example, "Metrogil-denta", "Traumeel S" and others) will help relieve inflammation, stop pain syndrome, relieve swelling of the soft tissues of the oral cavity. If the neck of the tooth is especially sensitive, toothpastes containing fluoride and herbal rinses should be used to care for the oral cavity. If the complex of domestic hygiene procedures does not help to relieve pain and / or it intensifies, then it is necessary to visit a dental clinic, where specialists will select an adequate treatment.

Expert opinion

Strict adherence to the recommendations of the dentist for the care of the oral cavity will help to avoid pain after ultrasonic removal tartar. Doctors advise on the first day after the procedure to brush your teeth every time after eating, using soft brush and toothpaste for sensitive teeth.

It is also necessary to refuse for the first time from taking cold, hot, spicy and sour foods, which have an aggressive effect on sensitive enamel.

Agree, these are quite simple and feasible medical prescriptions! If they are observed, the removal of tartar by ultrasound will be extremely comfortable - after all, this is the safest and most painless way to get rid of tartar, which is used in modern dentistry.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning innovative procedure, which is able to remove tartar painlessly and without consequences, but only on condition perfect health oral cavity, choice a good specialist and following his recommendations. Otherwise, pain and inflammation may occur.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning - the most effective method removal of tartar for today. For the procedure, a special ultrasonic scaler is used, which generates vibrations of a certain frequency. Wave characteristics are selected individually. Under their influence, the stone is crushed and separated from the enamel.

Often, along with ultrasonic cleaning, dentists use procedure Air flow. Its essence lies in the treatment of the tooth with a jet of water with soda and air. So the teeth are cooled after exposure to ultrasound, polished and additionally cleaned of plaque.

When is the procedure indicated?

The main indication for ultrasonic cleaning is the presence of tartar. It can appear with regular and conscientious oral care, since in hard-to-reach places it is impossible to clean the teeth with a brush. The disease is characterized by bleeding and inflammation of the gums, bad smell from mouth.

Also, the procedure is used to treat gingivitis caused by tartar, accompanied by inflammatory processes at the edge of the gum. This disease can develop into periodontitis, when the neck of the tooth is exposed, pus accumulates in the space between it and the gum. Dentists recommend preventing diseases by conducting preventive ultrasonic cleaning once a year.


The procedure is very effective, but has a number of contraindications:

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of the procedure over others is efficiency and painlessness. Ultrasound does not damage the tooth surface. But the increased sensitivity of the teeth and the unprofessionalism of the doctor can bring discomfort to the patient.

The procedure has several pleasant bonuses in the form of enamel whitening by two or three tones as a result of the removal of dark plaque, and their surface becomes smooth.

The disadvantages of the procedure include a large number of contraindications and high cost. Also, for the first time, it is recommended to exclude products aggressively acting on enamel from the menu, it is advisable to check the list with the dentist.

Stages of ultrasonic cleaning

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The procedure is carried out in several stages:

After brushing for several days, you should follow the doctor's recommendations for oral care and nutrition. You may need to revisit your dentist if you experience pain or inflammation.

Possible Complications

Poor quality of the procedure, diseases of the oral cavity or increased sensitivity of the teeth can cause pain. The gums may become inflamed and bleeding.

It is necessary to approach the choice of a clinic and a doctor with particular seriousness, to study the reviews. If the dentist is a professional, then he will not perform the procedure if there are diseases or contraindications. The specialist is the guarantor of the quality of the service.

Pain and inflammation of the gums

One of the most common problems due to ultrasonic cleaning of teeth, inflammation of the gums and diseases arising from this: caries, periodontal disease, etc. Oddly enough, ultrasonic cleaning of teeth treats these diseases. But the unprofessional approach of a doctor can only aggravate them. During repeated procedure applied local anesthesia, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended during the rehabilitation period.

Tooth sensitivity

The second most common problem that can occur due to the procedure is toothache as a result hypersensitivity. The tooth hurts due to the presence of microcracks or enamel defects that went unnoticed before the procedure. Before it, consultation with a competent specialist is obligatory, complete treatment of all existing diseases and fluoridation of teeth is desirable.

How to get rid of discomfort after cleaning?

Discomfort due to the procedure normal phenomenon, since together with plaque and stone it is removed thin layer tooth enamel. But for some people, teeth and gums are not just uncomfortable, but hurt.

  • If the pain does not go away within a day, you need to make an appointment with the dentist and take painkillers.
  • You can remove pain with the help of applications with anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Metrogyl-Denta. They are designed to relieve inflammation and swelling.
  • From discomfort you can get rid of it with proper care for teeth and nutrition. It is important to exclude hot, cold, sour, etc.
  • After the first day, it is advisable to brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush after eating.

I went to the dentist in December. I cured three teeth, and at the same time, while the injection was in effect, I decided to remove the tartar - the doctor noticed that this should not be started. Everything would be fine, but there is one big "BUT" .... Teeth became very sensitive. I ate with difficulty, I generally keep quiet about tea / coffee. I went back to the doctor, she said that yes, this happens after the removal of the stone, now we will anoint with a special liquid and look at the result. In the process, it turned out that near the gums, almost all teeth had cracked enamel. Of course, there was a result from the liquid, but circumstances did not allow me to come to the procedure at least 3 times - I came only 2 times. As a result, the sensitivity decreased significantly, but did not disappear ... .. Of course, she recommended me toothpaste special and remineralizing gel. However, I have a dilemma in my head - why remove this very stone if it is impossible to eat and drink after removal? Yes, and the enamel is cracked .... I admit, of course, that she was in such a state before the removal of the tartar, or maybe she was like that under the stone ... It seems useless to ask the doctor now - who admits his guilt when you can not admit it. In general, I decided to ventilate this topic on the Internet.

Some people are afraid to resort to the procedure for removing tartar, because. consider it harmful. It is believed that this leads to thinning of tooth enamel. Patients are afraid of scratching their teeth. In addition, many believe that it is useless to remove dental deposits, because they will appear again. However, microbes, which make up 95% of plaque, form acid during their vital activity, which, due to tartar, cannot be neutralized. alkaline environment oral cavity. As a result, the enamel is gradually destroyed, and formed favorable environment for the formation of caries.

Tartar also negatively affects the gums - being located between the gum and the tooth, it is overgrown with new plaque, which in turn penetrates the gum and causes inflammation. This is how an unpleasant odor appears in the mouth, gingivitis develops, and with further neglect - periodontitis. Even with regular brushing and flossing, the causes for the appearance of tartar remain. After all, even a thread cannot penetrate all the places where plaque accumulates. And in the case when oral hygiene is not at the proper level, the teeth are not cleaned very carefully and without the use of dental floss, stones on the teeth form even faster. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of tartar.
Cleaning teeth from tartar is a professional dental procedures and performed by a dentist. It is recommended to carry it out at least twice a year.
The most common tartar removal techniques are manual calculus removal, sandblasting, and calculus removal using ultrasound or laser.
1. Removal of tartar with tools
This is an outdated technique that is currently practically not used. It consists in the use of special dental instruments - curette. Curettes have sharp edges that scrape off tartar from the surface of the tooth. The quality of stone removal is not very high. In addition, there is the possibility of trauma to the gums.
2. Sandblasting teeth to remove tartar
It's over modern method which uses sodium bicarbonate to clean teeth or baking soda. A mixture of soda, in the form of a fine powder, air and water, acts on the teeth under high pressure. Particles of soda, hitting the tartar, knock them off the enamel, the water washes away the remnants of the tartar and cools the tooth.
This method effectively removes plaque, pigmentation and small stones on the teeth. With massive deposits of tartar, he may not be able to cope. This method should not be used if there is at least a slight inflammation of the gums, since such an active effect can increase inflammation.
3. Teeth cleaning with ultrasound
Ultrasonic cleaning is better and less traumatic than previous methods. It is carried out with a special device. An ultrasonic handpiece used for brushing teeth makes very fast, ultrasonic vibrations (about 100 million strokes per minute). The tip comes into contact with tartar, transmits vibrations to them, and under their influence, the attachment of the tartar to the surface of the tooth is destroyed.
Water or antiseptic solutions, which are fed to the tip, help to cool the tip and the surface of the tooth being cleaned. A thin but powerful jet of water helps to remove stone fragments from all cracks and periodontal pockets (if any). After ultrasonic cleaning, the surface of the tooth becomes rough. You can’t leave it like that, because new plaque and deposits will easily attach to it. Therefore, after brushing, the teeth are polished with special brushes and pastes.
The advantage of this procedure is that it removes not only plaque and all deposits, but also destroys those present in periodontal pockets. pathogenic bacteria, thereby revitalizing the oral cavity.
4. Laser cleaning of teeth from plaque and stones
This is the most gentle method of cleaning teeth from plaque and deposits. Laser machine has several modes of operation, each of which is aimed at removing one or another contamination of the tooth surface: stone, pigment plaque, etc. The selective action of the laser on the tissue depends on the percentage of water in the latter.
Tartar, even the hardest, contains much more water than healthy tooth tissue. Therefore, the laser can only affect deposits, without touching or injuring the surface of the tooth. After exposure to a laser, the tooth surface better absorbs all the useful trace elements contained in toothpastes or foodstuffs.
Deposits on the teeth are removed by a laser in layers, they are crushed into tiny particles, which are washed out by a mixture of water and air supplied under pressure. The laser works contactlessly, without touching the tooth.

A full cleaning of teeth from tartar at home, without the use of equipment and tools, is simply impossible. Even if you use special toothpastes with abrasives and enzymes, the maximum that can be achieved is an improvement in the quality of removal soft plaque and partial removal age spots on the teeth. And if you use folk methods like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide or citric acid, then you can not only not achieve the result, but also cause significant harm to the integrity of the enamel.

After removal of tartar, tooth enamel needs to be restored. This can be done in the following ways:

natural way
You can help the body to strengthen the enamel in order to subsequently prevent its destruction. To do this, it is recommended to take the following vitamins:
- vitamin C, which contributes to the production of collagen and dentin,
- vitamin D, which contributes to the complete absorption and saturation of the body with calcium and phosphorus,
- vitamin A, which helps maintain keratin in tooth enamel,
- vitamin K, which binds calcium.
It is recommended to use toothpastes and mouthwashes containing fluoride.

Using this method, you can restore the original density of the enamel. The procedure is carried out with the help of certain drugs, chemical compounds. They allow the necessary mineral components penetrate into the upper and deep layers of enamel.
For remineralization, you can use both special rinses and pastes, and carry out more serious procedures. For example, in dental clinics carry out fluoridation with the help of specially designed gels, applications, varnishes.
On the recommendation of a specialist, deep fluoridation with the help of two chemicals. One of them penetrates deep into the pores, and the second stimulates the reaction of the first.
By using this method cracks and chips in the enamel are filled with amalgam. It is a compound consisting of mercury, silver, tin, copper and other constituents. Or it can be a mixture of resin, glass and quartz.
In more complex cases, the enamel is restored using the implantation of materials that merge with the dental tissue as much as possible. These materials cover the surface of the tooth. Such a coating can last for decades, while effectively protecting the damaged surface. In addition, it perfectly corrects the color, shape and even bite of the teeth.
In even more complex and advanced cases, in the presence of deep cracks and chips, ceramic or porcelain veneers are used. These thin plates are fixed on the surface of the tooth. They should be changed every 10-20 years. Unfortunately, when replacing them, it is necessary to regrind healthy enamel as well. However, in their arsenal there are also tools that do not require damage to the teeth.
To avoid destruction and damage to the enamel, dentists do not get tired of repeating the importance of proper dental care. Except regular brushing twice a day, the mouth should be rinsed with special liquids after each meal.
It must be remembered that proper and regular oral hygiene is one of the key points human personal hygiene.
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