Fresh cabbage juice that heals. How to make cabbage juice. Cabbage juice helps with

cabbage juice contains vitamin U (from Latin word ulcus - ulcer). This vitamin has a pronounced cytoprotective effect on the gastric mucosa and duodenum, increasing its protective capabilities. Also, this vitamin promotes the healing of ulcerative and erosive lesions of the mucous membranes of these organs.

AT folk medicine cabbage juice has long been used in the treatment of festering wounds on the body and ulcers.

The composition of cabbage juice is very rich in minerals. Cabbage juice contains:

  • sodium,
  • calcium,
  • potassium,
  • chlorine,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • nitrogen,
  • sulfur,
  • iron,
  • silicon,
  • magnesium,
  • manganese,
  • fluorine.

cabbage juice helps lower blood sugar levels. Cabbage juice enhances the excretion of excess fluid from the body. Proven high efficiency cabbage juice against constipation.

Due to the high content of chlorine, sulfur and iodine, cabbage juice is able to cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from pathogens, as well as remove various toxins and toxins.

Preparation of cabbage juice

To obtain 1 liter of cabbage juice, you need about 2 kg of cabbage.

In order to prepare cabbage juice, you need to remove the upper cabbage leaves, rinse the head thoroughly. Then chop the head and stalk and pass through a food processor, then squeeze out the cabbage juice.

It must be remembered that only fresh cabbage juice retains all its beneficial properties.

You need to drink juice 200 ml 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Cabbage juice is absorbed human body in a few minutes. It is often recommended in the diet for people suffering from peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with low acidity. Cabbage juice is also prescribed in diets aimed at eliminating excess weight.

Another wonderful property of cabbage juice is its beneficial effect on the hematopoietic processes in the body. Juice is not only useful for anemia, but also improves blood flow to cells. gastrointestinal tract which promotes better cellular metabolism.


However, it should be remembered that cabbage juice irritates the mucous membranes, so people who suffer acute enterocolitis who have increased intestinal motility, people prone to intestinal spasms and biliary tract, should limit themselves to the use of cabbage juice.

Also, do not forget that cabbage juice should not be salted (neither table salt, nor sea), you should not add spicy seasonings to it. Also, when choosing cabbage, you should pay attention to its appearance(the presence of small black spots on cabbage leaves or a stalk is a sign of saturation of the head with nitrates; the juice from such a head is unlikely to be useful).

After drinking cabbage juice, you may experience increased gas formation causing discomfort. This is due to the fact that cabbage juice relieves the intestines of accumulated decay products, as if decomposing these putrefactive residues. To get rid of this problem, you should use along with cabbage juice carrot juice or spinach juice. Enemas will also help. Increased gas formation is a sign that the intestines are in a deplorable state and filled with toxins.

A mixture of cabbage juice and carrot juice is rich in vitamin C, since both juices contain this vitamin in high amounts.

Cabbage juice face mask

This face mask will help take care of aging skin. Perfectly refresh and rejuvenate the skin with regular use.

To prepare the mask, you need to take 3 tablespoons of chopped cabbage and squeeze out its juice. Add in equal amounts (1 teaspoon each) honey and yeast. Mix. Add 2 tablespoons apple juice. Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes.

It must be recalled that the condition of the skin of the face is affected by work internal organs, intestines and compliance with the drinking regimen.

So, due to the high content of vitamin U, cabbage juice enhances the protective properties of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum and promotes the regeneration of mucosal cells.

Thanks to sulfur, chlorine and iodine, cabbage juice cleanses the intestines from putrefactive residues, toxins and toxins, simultaneously destroying pathogens.

By promoting blood flow to the cells of the gastrointestinal tract, cabbage juice improves metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Cabbage juice cleanses our body of "bad" cholesterol and removes excess liquid from the body.

This juice enhances intestinal peristalsis. And, thanks to the improvement of the digestion process, it improves our appearance and skin color.

Be healthy!

Cabbage is considered one of the super foods; it has many benefits for the body and general condition health. The vegetable helps fight cancer, various heart diseases, and improves bowel function. But the benefits of cabbage juice for the body do not end there. What else healing properties does he possess? Let's consider some of them.

basic information

An excellent, tasty, slightly sour drink without chemical preservatives, characterized by a high content of vitamin C and organic substances that increase the detoxification activity of enzymes. All this is about cabbage juice, which is a constant component of the diet of supporters healthy lifestyle life.

Highest value applications useful liquid in folk medicine is to prevent the development malignant diseases digestive system especially the stomach, colon and liver.

Contains vitamin U, which counteracts gastric and duodenal ulcers. The drink is also effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids. At internal reception has a laxative effect (may even cause diarrhea).

For the body, this is a positive phenomenon, accelerating the removal of toxic substances from the body.
The medicinal properties of cabbage drink are due to the content of substances important for the body, such as:

  • magnesium acid glycosides;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, C, K;
  • lactic acid (helps, in particular, with morning sickness pregnant);
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • potassium, etc.

The benefits of these substances are to control digestion, normalize the intestinal flora, and reduce the growth of unwanted bacteria. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of gastric and intestinal disorders. It is also about great way cleansing the body and an important part of weight loss diets.

drink from raw cabbage(not sour) is effective assistant in the treatment of peptic ulcers. It contains gefnarten and a substance similar to carbenoxolone, which are part of many antiulcer drugs. When consumed, the active ingredients will be more concentrated and more can be taken at one time.

For men

The benefits of cabbage juice for men are represented by the following effects on the body:

  1. Relief muscle pain is a property subject to physical activity.
  2. Prolongation of sexual intercourse - the next important property for men is to prevent premature ejaculation.
  3. Diseases genitourinary system- every man meets with similar problems, fraught with serious complications; inhibits inflammation, relieves pain.

For women

The benefits of cabbage juice for women are, first of all, a beneficial effect on anemia. Due to the content of folic acid, the vegetable is important for pregnant women, because. contributes to the proper development of the fetus. Its beneficial properties will also be appreciated by women trying to get pregnant.

Important! During pregnancy, pay attention to the use of healthy fluids. In case of discomfort, stop taking and consult your doctor!

Women also appreciate the possibility of using cabbage juice for the face. It helps prevent and eliminate wrinkles, has anti-aging properties. In this regard, the healing liquid can provide more help than expensive cosmetics. Noteworthy, for example, a juice mask sauerkraut.

Mask for the face

Mix 1 part each of honey and oatmeal with 1.5 parts of sauerkraut juice. Apply on face for half an hour. Wash away. Carry out the procedure once a week.

A cure for 100 diseases

Let's see how to make cabbage juice - one of the most popular in the world. natural medicines for treatment various diseases including colon cancer. It was used by our ancestors and continues to be used successfully.

Healthy fluid contains a lot beneficial vitamins and minerals - vitamins C, B6, K, folic acid, fiber and several powerful antioxidants, has antiseptic properties.

In addition, it stimulates metabolism and calorie burning, relieves constipation and prevents the conversion of sugar into fat.


Before making cabbage juice at home, prepare the following things:

  1. Juicer.
  2. Warm water.
  3. 1 medium sized vegetable
  4. 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.
Cooking process:
  • cut the vegetable into 2 halves - from one you will make juice, the second - set aside for later;
  • pour into a saucepan or sink warm water, add and dip cabbage into the solution for 10 minutes to cleanse surface contaminants;
  • after peeling, cut the vegetable into pieces and rinse again in cold water;
  • put it in the juicer and squeeze out the juice.

It is advisable to always drink a fresh drink. If it remains, store it in the refrigerator, but no more than 4 hours.


Drink while at home. This liquid has a laxative effect and in society can cause "unexpected effects". This property helps to cleanse the intestines and benefits the intestinal microflora. Recommended daily dose for beginners - no more than 200 ml.

Treatment of diseases of the digestive tract

The leafy vegetable is known for its beneficial effects on digestive tract. It is rich in lactic acid, which has a disinfecting effect in the colon and promotes healthy intestinal flora, so it is used for gastritis, ulcers and constipation.


Treatment of the stomach with cabbage juice is the main purpose of a healthy liquid. It can be considered natural remedy to alleviate the symptoms of ulcers. It's about about natural source L-glutamine, S-methylmethionine and glucosinolates to help protect the stomach and heal the lining.

According to a recent study published in the Western Journal of Medicine, positive effect use was demonstrated in a study group of 13 patients. The study showed that the healing time of the mucosa in gastric ulcer accelerated by almost 10 days compared with standard treatment, duration 37 days.

However, always consult your doctor for your health condition.
How to drink natural medicine for stomach ulcer? Drink it in pure form 100 ml 4 times a day. Course - 3 weeks. Before treatment, consult your doctor!


Before taking cabbage juice for gastritis, it is important to determine the acidity - the method of administration depends on it:


To relieve constipation, you can drink 200 ml of pure cabbage juice per day or mix it with carrot and beet juice (1: 1: 1).


But with pancreatitis, you should drink carefully! Do not use it in the acute phase of the disease. During the period of remission, it is better to replace a fresh drink with fermented one and consume no more than 100 ml per day.


Recently, the International Journal of Cancer published information that consumption of a healing drink not only reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, but also contributes to its treatment. A newer study, published in the Annals of Oncology, confirmed a reduction in the risk of other types of cancer (esophagus, colon and kidneys).

For good result in oncology, it is important to regularly consume a healing drink of 400 ml per day.

Cabbage juice - good helper for weight loss. He possesses low content calories and improves digestion, which promotes natural and healthy weight loss. It is enough to consume it 200 ml daily.

Before drinking cabbage juice for weight loss, consult your doctor! He will determine if you have any contraindications to its use.

This video tells the recipe for kvass for weight loss.


With the help of a natural remedy, you can get rid of both acute and chronic cough. Mix it with honey (1:1) and drink 100 ml 3 times a day.

Liver Detoxification

The vegetable is rich in natural compounds - glucosinolates. They take out of the body chemical substances and inhibit hormones that damage the body. Glucosinolates increase liver activity and promote liver detoxification. healthy drink recommended, in particular, for hepatitis. For the treatment of the liver, drink 100 ml daily 3 times a day.

Sauerkraut juice

Useful properties and contraindications of sauerkraut juice are similar to a fresh drink. The most valuable ingredient of the fermented product is lactic acid. Together with B vitamins, it restores damaged intestinal mucosa.

The liquid formed during fermentation has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora. It contains probiotic lactic acid bacteria that prevent the growth of harmful and putrefactive microorganisms, support bowel function and remove toxic substances.

The next factor that sauerkraut cabbage juice is useful for is to improve metabolism and provide a drainage effect, which allows you to quickly remove waste from the body.

Brings health benefits high content dietary fiber- cellulose, which improves intestinal motility, promotes regular emptying, and prevents constipation.

Lactic acid promotes digestion in the stomach by compensating for insufficient production of hydrochloric acid. healing drink from a fermented product, it is rich in live enzymes that act in the same way as pancreatic enzymes that improve digestion.

Therefore, its daily consumption is useful for people with reduced pancreatic activity. Lactic fermentation bacteria provide favorable influence on the activity of the gallbladder and lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.
The recommended amount for consumption is 100 ml per day.

How to sour?

You need:

  • 3 cups of chopped vegetables;
  • 3/4 cup filtered water;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt.

Place the chopped vegetable in a glass dish and leave to stand for 3 days at room temperature. After 3 days, squeeze and strain through a cloth. Store the drink in the refrigerator and drink diluted with the same amount of water (water minimizes laxative effects).

Important! Start with a few scoops and see how you feel. Gradually increase the amount consumed up to 100 ml. Should not be used by people with medical conditions thyroid gland because it can provide adverse effect on their health.

Contraindications and warnings

Along with medicinal properties, cabbage juice also has contraindications for taking. Harm is possible when used by people with hypothyroidism, because. to some extent interferes with the production of thyroid hormone, which, combined with a lack of iodine, can adversely affect health.

Contraindications include exacerbation of pancreatitis and intestinal disorders. In these cases, the beneficial properties of cabbage juice become contraindications at the same time - the laxative effect causes irritation of the affected mucosa and aggravates the condition.

Despite the recommendations for healthy fluid intake to relieve morning sickness during pregnancy, it is important to be careful about increased gas production. When severe discomfort it is better to replace cabbage juice with another remedy.

It is not recommended for children under 1 year of age. Ideally, it is advisable to wait up to 3 years with its use - this will ensure maximum benefit cabbage juice and prevent harm (how to take it and in what quantities, you should consult your doctor).

Cabbage is the second most popular and consumed vegetable in our country after potatoes. From it prepare the first and second courses, salads, pastries, snacks. You can also make juice. And may he not possess high taste properties, but it will bring incredible benefits to the body. The drink can be used in medicinal, dietary and cosmetic purposes. In any case, it is of great value to a person.


Health benefits of cabbage juice

Cabbage juice has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect. It has long been used to treat skin diseases, getting rid of abscesses, acne, removing puffiness from tissues. No less effective product internal application. Fresh juice contains great amount vitamins and minerals, it can be used orally for treatment, healing and strengthening of the body.

Basic properties:

  1. Juice is good for peptic ulcers digestive organs, relieves pain, promotes the speedy healing and restoration of mucous membranes.
  2. The product helps to lose weight, effective in the treatment of obesity.
  3. Cabbage juice is useful for people with diabetes. The drink helps regulate blood glucose levels, diversify the diet.
  4. Favorably affects the skin and hair, can be used for cooking home cosmetics: masks, conditioners, lotions.
  5. The product improves digestion, helps to get rid of heaviness in the stomach when overeating or eating heavy meals.
  6. Has antitussive action. Cabbage juice is used to treat colds.

The drink should be introduced into the diet of weakened people, children who are lagging behind in growth and development. The juice contains iron, which is involved in hematopoiesis, supplying tissues and organs with oxygen.

cabbage is different

You can make juice from absolutely all types of cabbage, and each will be useful in its own way. The white vegetable contains a large number of vitamins C and K, which help the body fight infections, resist viruses, strengthen immune system. Red cabbage is the leader in anthocyanin content. This substance has antitumor and antioxidant effects, it is to him that she owes bright color. In cauliflower, the content of vitamins is 1.5 times higher than in white varieties.

Video: The value of red cabbage juice

Harm and contraindications

Cabbage juice causes increased gas formation. Adult and healthy body it will not bring harm, but it is dangerous during pregnancy. High blood pressure in the intestine can lead to uterine tone and risk premature birth. It is not recommended to introduce a fresh drink into the diet of children under one year old. An immature digestive system can react in unpredictable ways.

Main contraindications:

  • enterocolitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • spasms of the intestines and bile ducts.

The harm of cabbage juice and contraindications are relative concepts. If the drink cannot be consumed orally with some diseases of the digestive system, then external use in cosmetic and medicinal purposes.

How to prepare and store juice

The benefits of cabbage juice are directly related to the quality of the vegetable. If a large amount of fertilizer was used during cultivation, numerous treatments were carried out from pests, then about nutritional value product is out of the question. To prepare the drink, you need to choose fresh, juicy heads of cabbage grown in environmentally friendly areas.

To prepare cabbage juice, it is convenient to use an electric juicer. It is difficult to extract the drink in other ways, the yield is minimal. The upper leaves are removed, the head of cabbage is cut into pieces, passed through a juicer. finished product use immediately. Juice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 hours. The longer it sits, the lower the concentration of nutrients.

Advice! Most of all nitrates accumulate in the fleshy stalk. This part of the vegetable is safely thrown away if the cabbage is not grown on its own plot.

How to use

It is necessary to start taking juice for medicinal purposes with small portions, for the first time 1-1.5 glasses per day are enough. Use the product 20-30 minutes before meals, divided into 2-3 doses. You can add it to other vegetable or fruit drinks. Cabbage is ideally combined with carrot, beet, apple juice. We must not forget that additional ingredient will also have some effect on the body. If when drinking pure juice appear discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, it is allowed to reduce the concentration of the drink by diluting clean water.

Advice! To improve the taste and benefits of cabbage juice, you can squeeze a few slices of lemon into it or add a little concentrated dry acid.

Use for weight loss

Cabbage juice helps cleanse the body of toxins, normalize carbohydrate metabolism prevents the absorption of fats. The calorie content of the drink is low, it is only 25 kcal per 100 ml. The product can be used for weight loss as an independent or auxiliary means.

How to use juice for weight loss:

  1. Drink 30 minutes before meals for 0.5 cups at least 3 times a day. The drink will start production digestive enzymes, dulls the feeling of hunger, improves the functioning of the stomach.
  2. Fasting day. It can be carried out on pure juice or combined with the use of fresh, sauerkraut. Cucumbers will also help diversify the diet. The average daily calorie content of the diet should not exceed 800 kcal.

A healthy person can drink up to 1.5 liters of the drink per day, while carefully monitoring the well-being and bowel reaction. If necessary, the amount of juice is reduced, replaced with clean water, tea.

Video: How to use cabbage juice for weight loss

Cabbage juice for gastritis and ulcers

The drink is useful for diseases of the stomach, accompanied by low acidity. It can be used in the treatment of gastritis. Substances contained in the product relieve irritation and inflammation of the walls digestive organ, contribute to the speedy healing of injuries. Also, drinking a drink will help get rid of heartburn and nausea, which often appear during an exacerbation of gastritis.

For medicinal purposes only Fresh Juice, which you need to drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is at least 1 week, until reaching positive result. If within the first 7 days there is no improvement in the condition, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Cabbage juice from bruises, abscesses, bruises

How to use:

  1. Compresses. Soak a cotton cloth in a fresh drink, tie it to the affected area, leave for 2 hours, then change the bandage.
  2. Gruel. Grind the fleshy leaf, tie it in a gauze bag, apply to the affected area, press down lightly so that the juice comes out.
  3. Ice. If there is a child in the house or the activity of a person is related to frequent injuries, the juice can be frozen in advance. In case of a bruise, take ice out of the freezer, apply it to the bruise, it may be possible to avoid bruising.
  4. Rubbing. At trophic ulcers, diathesis, acne, it is useful to treat the skin with juice diluted in half with water several times a day.

At purulent lesions skins mix cabbage and potato juice in equal proportions, moisten the tissue, cover the wound and leave the compress on all night or for a day. If you add a little starch to the drink, the applied slurry is left for several hours.

Cabbage juice in cosmetology

Cabbage juice - unique product, which will help not only preserve youth, beauty of the skin and hair, but also give them health. There are many different ways drink use. It is used in its pure form, but it works much more efficiently. mixed funds based on it.

A hydrating & refreshing face mask

The tool will refresh the skin of the face, fill it with moisture, give a fresh and rested look. Such a mask is used as an express method before an important event.

Cabbage juice - 3 tbsp. l.
Hercules - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tsp

Grind Hercules. You can take oatmeal. Add liquid honey, juice, stir everything. Let the mask sit for five minutes. Apply to face, hold for 30 minutes. If the product dries up and pulls the skin, you can irrigate with clean water from a spray bottle. Wash off the mask, wipe the skin with tonic, lubricate with cream.

Mask for strengthening and hair growth

The tool accelerates hair growth, strengthens the roots, prevents hair loss. Apply to the scalp. If the hair type is dry, then you can prepare more products and apply along the entire length.

Cabbage juice - 3 tbsp. l.
Aloe juice - 3 tbsp. l.
Burdock oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Mix all the ingredients of the mask, heat in a water bath to 37 degrees, rub into the scalp. Put on a warming cap, stand for at least one hour, you can leave it overnight. Wash your hair with shampoo, apply a moisturizing balm. The frequency of application of the mask is 2 times a week. For visible result you need to go through at least 10 procedures.

Cabbage juice for colds

The main advantage of cabbage juice is naturalness. The tool has practically no contraindications, while it is effective and efficient. It is used as medicine or general tonic, the drink will not bring harm.

Recipe for angina, tonsillitis

For this recipe, you can make a daily serving of the drink, store in glass jar in the refrigerator, but not more than 12 hours. Dilute fresh juice warm water in a ratio of 2:1. Gargle every hour until complete recovery.

Video: Cabbage and cabbage juice in the treatment of cough

cough recipe

This tool copes even with a dry cough, will help sputum discharge. It is used to treat children, provided there is no allergy to honey. Mix 100 ml of juice with 20 ml of flower honey. Take one tablespoon throughout the day. The mixture can be heated, but it is better to do this in a water bath.

Vegetable juices are the most nutritious food, although not the most satisfying. Scientists have found that drinking raw vegetables- this is the fastest and most stable way to replenish the body with all the minerals necessary for a person. Indeed, in juices, these substances are in the most easily digestible form, so they enter the cells of the body immediately after taking life-giving moisture. That's why vegetable juices used not only as prophylactic, but also in many cases as therapeutic. Vegetable juices have a very rich vitamin and mineral composition and have many beneficial properties for the body.

Juices are prepared from almost all vegetables, and even from herbs. Except everyone useful properties they have a secret. Juices are not special kind food, not another trendy diet, not a trend of the times that will pass and be forgotten. It is important to understand that juices contain structured, organic water, which rebuilds the cells of the body "in a healthy way." And we need this water structured by nature itself constantly for good health and beauty. Therefore, it is so important to take freshly squeezed vegetable juices at least from time to time, and it is better, of course, if this becomes a permanent healthy habit.

Each vegetable has its own properties, which are contained in its juice in a concentrated form. Therefore, before you start taking this or that juice, you need to learn about its properties, effects on the body and contraindications, because this action will be very strong.

What's the use

Today we will talk about white cabbage, which in properties is similar to its sisters - broccoli, savoy and others. However, it is not for nothing that the white cabbage is called the queen of the garden. It keeps well, does not lose over the winter. useful qualities suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes.

Cabbage helps with anemia, gout, scurvy. It has a detrimental effect on tubercle bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus and other microbes. It is used externally for wound healing, resorption of edema and bruises.

Rich vitamin and mineral composition

Pouring into a glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice is considered one of the the best means health and food. It is absorbed by the body in just a few minutes, bringing the following beneficial minerals to the human body:

  • calcium,
  • sodium,
  • chlorine,
  • potassium,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • sulfur
  • nitrogen,
  • iron,
  • silicon,
  • magnesium,
  • manganese,
  • oxygen,
  • hydrogen,
  • fluorine.

These are just all those elements that are simply vital for a person every day.

Another good quality cabbage juice is that everyone can drink it, regardless of the size of the wallet and health. Cabbage juice can be seasoned lemon juice or pomegranate, you can add honey, sour, hare cabbage or wild berries. Refined taste of cabbage juice will give the addition of dandelion juice or ground red pepper.

Cabbage juice contains a significant amount of antiulcer vitamin U. It is used for gastritis with low acidity, as well as for cholecystitis and ulcerative colitis. When consuming fresh cabbage juice, the enamel on the teeth is also leveled, the complexion is noticeably improved. And this is not surprising with such a rich set of mineral elements and vitamins.

properties of cabbage juice

One of the most valuable properties cabbage juice - a high content of elements such as chlorine and sulfur, as well as a relatively high content of iodine. This combination of minerals helps to cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Cabbage juice also helps to improve hair, nails and skin.

It is very good to take cabbage juice along with carrot juice. This smoothie is a perfect source of vitamin C. It is used as a cleanser, especially in the treatment of gum infections that can cause pyorrhea.

I must say that when cabbage is boiled, then miraculous properties vitamins, minerals, enzymes and salts are destroyed. Scientists have calculated that 50 kg of cabbage processed in any way does not provide as much living organic food as 300 g of freshly squeezed cabbage juice brings to the body.

Application features

Cabbage juice is used for tumors, it is very effective for constipation. Since good skin condition is largely dependent on the intestines, taking cabbage juice helps to get smooth, clear skin.

Externally, cabbage juice is used to heal wounds.

Contraindications and precautions

To be afraid of the use of cabbage juice is only with an exacerbation of diseases of the pancreas. With ulcers and gastritis, you can not use spicy seasonings for juice. Children do not like the sharp taste of cabbage juice, so you can add a spoonful of honey for them.

When drinking cabbage juice, gases can form. This is because cabbage juice is able to decompose decay products accumulated in the intestines when incompletely processed food settles in the intestines.

In this case, enemas will help - they can be used to remove gases and decay products that cause them.

If too much gas is formed while drinking cabbage juice or you feel other anxiety, this means that your intestines are in a so-called toxic state. In this case, the recipe is as follows: drink carrot juice or a mixture of carrot juice and spinach daily for about two to three weeks. In this case, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines daily with an enema. It is already known that if the intestines absorb cabbage juice well, then it acts as an excellent cleanser, especially with excessive obesity. And the result for weight loss after taking this juice is very noticeable.

Adding ordinary or sea salt to cabbage juice not only makes it unusable, but even harmful.

And one more thing: carefully consider the choice of "material" for making juice. Sometimes on cabbage leaves there are small black dots - this is a sign of oversaturation of cabbage with nitrates. These harmful substances not only will not bring you health, but will poison the body. You should not buy such heads.

How to cook

Preparing cabbage juice at home is very simple: a head of cabbage cut into small pieces is passed through a juicer. Juice can be stored for one day, at a temperature not higher than 2 degrees. But it is better to prepare the juice immediately before use.

How to drink cabbage juice

Noticeable results can be achieved if you drink 2-3 glasses of cabbage juice a day. But it is better if, together with carrot and beetroot juice it will turn out to drink a liter or one and a half liters a day.

In this case, you can achieve very fast and large positive changes in health: lose weight, acquire a healthy complexion, fill the body with vigor and energy.

Cabbage juice is rich in valuable nutrients- sugar, milk, vitamin C. The resulting drink should have a characteristic cabbage pickle smell, taste, guaranteed content ascorbic acid- not less than 10%, acidity - not more than 1.5% (in terms of malic acid), salt - not more than 2.0%.

Fresh cabbage juice is a good remedy helping in the fight against gastritis with low acidity, colitis and peptic ulcers stomach and duodenum, atherosclerosis, liver diseases. Freshly squeezed cabbage juice also helps in the treatment of jaundice, diseases of the spleen, insomnia and migraine.

Cabbage juice is also known as a means of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. It is recommended to use this drink for people who suffer from diabetes. It contributes to the full functioning of the body in diseases of the pancreas.

Sauerkraut juice - and a general tonic drink that helps improve appetite and cope with chronic constipation and hemorrhoids. The main juice of sauerkraut is great content vitamin C.

To make up for daily allowance of this vitamin, 1 glass of sauerkraut juice is enough.

Very this drink if sauerkraut without sugar and vinegar. In addition, sauerkraut juice is excellent tool from obesity.

Making cabbage juice

To prepare cabbage juice, thoroughly wash a head of fresh cabbage, cut into small pieces and pass through a juicer. Strain the resulting drink through cheesecloth. Shelf life of juice - no more than 1-2 days in the refrigerator.
When preparing juice, pay attention to the leaves of the vegetable, the presence of black dots on them indicates that the cabbage is saturated with nitrates.

Freshly squeezed cabbage juice is highly concentrated, so it is recommended to dilute it with other juices, such as carrot juice. Due to the fact that cabbage juice has the ability to decompose poorly digested foods, it can cause strong gas formation. The norm of drinking this drink is no more than 1-2 glasses per day.

Due to the wide use of juice in medicine, the pharmaceutical industry produces cabbage juice in the form of

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