Foods rich in calcium. Calcium for children: daily value, benefits. Fruits and berries

As you know, various metabolic processes are balanced and interconnected in the human body. Regular consumption of foods containing calcium is important for the health of bone tissue, teeth, optimal functioning of blood vessels, muscles, skin, and brain.

properties of calcium

The intake of sufficient amounts of calcium-containing foods is especially necessary for bones and teeth. In addition, a useful macronutrient is involved in cellular metabolic processes, is important for optimal muscle activity, coordination of movements. He eliminates reduced clotting blood, has an anti-inflammatory effect, supports nervous system.

In the case of an unbalanced diet, the presence of certain diseases, the body is forced to extract calcium from bone tissue, including in order to satisfy the need for extra energy. This happens with violations of calcium metabolism, when the body is chronically dehydrated. As a result, osteoporosis develops, the bones become porous, prone to fracture.

Sufficient intake of foods rich in calcium increases the body's resistance to infections, sudden temperature changes in climate, reduces vascular permeability, reduces the likelihood of increased blood pressure.

The macroelement cleans the vessels, helps to eliminate cholesterol plaques. The formation of lime deposits on the walls of blood vessels is often associated with overconsumption foods rich in calcium. In fact, all kinds of diseases are caused by the inorganic variety of the element. Food natural food without heat treatment contributes to the preservation and maintenance of health.

What causes calcium deficiency

The assimilation of a macronutrient from food and the transition to bone tissue is facilitated by sufficient physical activity. Therefore, athletes, athletes engaged in regular physical labor extract more of the macronutrient from food. Deficiency is more often found in sedentary manner life.

On the other hand, muscle tension, visiting a bath or sauna leads to inevitable sweating, deficient calcium.

Assimilation is disturbed in case of dysbacteriosis, diseases digestive system, kidneys, pancreatitis, hyperfunction thyroid gland, excess intake with products, iron, potassium, sodium, in case of deficiency, long-term use laxatives or diuretics.

A lack of calcium causes tetracycline, which provokes the excretion of a macronutrient in the urine. Entering into chemical reaction, tetracycline destroys bones and teeth over time, characteristic yellow spots form on the enamel.

The deficit causes proper diet nutrition, abuse (sodium chloride), sugar, coffee, alcohol.

A lack of calcium impairs bone strength. Muscles begin to hurt, during sleep, the legs cramp, blood clotting worsens, decreases.

Increased levels of calcium in the body

In case of an excess of macronutrient intake, the excitability of the nervous system increases, cells are dehydrated connective tissue which reduces their functionality.

Increased content calcium in the body causes the development urolithiasis, the formation of calcium and magnesium salts.

The concentration of urates, salts increases uric acid. Deposits in the area of ​​the joints, increased salt concentration in the cartilage impede mobility, and gout develops.

If calcium is elevated, it is useful to drink distilled or so-called "soft" water containing a minimum of a macronutrient. It perfectly flushes the body, dissolves excess minerals. The course of hydrotherapy should be limited to two months.

Calcium intake rate

Every day with food, an adult should receive up to 1 g of calcium, a child up to 0.8 g.

This rule takes into account that food ration Residents of Russia include all kinds of dairy products. The high level of excretion of an unused macronutrient from the body is also taken into account: approximately 0.75g is excreted with feces, 0.2g with sweat and urine.

In the diet of residents of countries with low milk consumption, other foods containing calcium predominate: cereals, fruits, vegetables, meat. natural conclusion significantly less unused macronutrient. In India, Japan, Turkey, the daily rate is 0.35g.

Calcium and Vitamin D

In addition to foods containing calcium, for its absorption in small intestine The body needs vitamin D, synthesized under the action of sunlight.

Sufficient content of vitamin D prevents the development of osteoporosis, rickets, periodontal disease, rheumatism. It is necessary for blood clotting, tissue growth, the smooth functioning of the heart, and the health of the nervous system.

Approximately 90% of vitamin D is synthesized by the skin under the action of the sun. Natural synthesis is hindered by the fear of sunbathing, intensive use of sunscreens.

It is necessary to sunbathe, but only in places with clean air, with a maximum concentration of ultraviolet rays, i.e. in the morning or evening.

Eliminate food shortages or synthetic vitamins requires a certain work from the body, so it is difficult to argue about the benefits of this approach. Moreover, in some cases, the intake of foods artificially enriched with vitamin D causes the deposition of calcium salts.

To eliminate a significant vitamin deficiency, 400-600 IU per day is required.

The following foods are rich in vitamin D: cod or halibut liver, Atlantic herring, mackerel, tuna, mackerel, raw egg yolk, cheese, cottage cheese, butter, as well as pork, beef, fish or bird liver.

calcium and phosphorus

For better assimilation Calcium should be included in the diet of foods containing phosphorus. Significant reserves of phosphorus are concentrated in the teeth. Sufficient synthesis of vitamin D supports optimal ratio these elements in the blood.

Usually, modern inhabitant get enough phosphorus. It is found in fish, meat, cheese, egg yolk, peas, beans, pears, millet, nuts, bread.

In the case of excessive intake of phosphorus alone or in combination with calcium, the hormonal control carried out by the kidneys is disturbed. Until the level of phosphorus in the blood returns to normal, the useful element is excreted in the urine. To ensure the processes of vital activity, the body has to spend the reserves accumulated in the bone tissue.

Daily adult norm phosphorus 1.6g.

Phosphorus and calcium are found in following products: green pea, beans, fresh cucumbers, radishes, cabbage of any variety, low-fat cheeses, apples.

Hercules is considered a wonderful source of these elements. Before cooking, soak it in cold water for 3-4 hours.

Calcium content in dairy products

The traditional source of calcium and - dairy products. First of all, milk, yogurt, sour cream.

The following dairy products contain a lot of calcium: cheeses, condensed milk, kefir, yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese. Especially a lot of useful macronutrients in hard cheeses.

Foods other than dairy that contain the most calcium

Some supporters healthy eating We are convinced that milk is harmful for adults. Because of it, acid is formed in the body. Calcium supplied with food is used to neutralize the acidic environment.

Moreover, the calcium contained in milk is unusual for the human body. Its assimilation consumes a lot of energy and calcium reserves from bones and teeth.

Besides, milk product cheese, rich in calcium, contains a lot of fat and salt, which is not good for health. Therefore, as a source of the necessary element, supporters healthy lifestyle life choose other products.

There are especially many useful macronutrients in sesame, hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, dried apricots, raisins, sunflower seeds and pumpkins.

The content is quite high in apples, apricots, cherries, currants, gooseberries, grapes, oranges, melons, strawberries, strawberries.

AT milk chocolate contains more than bitter useful element, it is part of cocoa powder, as well as black and white bread.

Vegetables contain a lot of calcium: soybeans, legumes, leaf and green cabbage, parsley, beans, spinach, celery, green, carrots, lettuce, potatoes.

In addition, leafy vegetables contain oxalic acid, which binds the beneficial element and interferes with its absorption.

Excessive consumption of foods containing protein acidifies the body, which is why the mass of a useful element is excreted in the urine. The body is forced to expend reserves of bone tissue.

Table 2. Foods containing calcium
ProductCa content in 100 g of product, mg
Hazelnuts (hazelnuts)290
Dried apricots170
Sunflower seeds100
Pumpkin seeds60
soy, beans257
green cabbage210
green onion60

Elimination of calcium deficiency with eggshells

If by different reasons do not want to use pharmacy complexes containing vitamins and minerals, you can cook it yourself food supplement from egg shells.

Eggshells are 90% calcium carbonate. Synthesized from an organic and inorganic variety of a useful element, it is almost completely absorbed by the human body. The resulting calcium phosphate strengthens bone tissue and teeth. The shell also contains phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese.

It's believed that healing effect shells of raw eggs are higher, but you need to be sure that the bird is not infected with salmonella. Salmonella die when the temperature rises. For example, in order to guarantee not to get infected, it is enough to heat food for 10 minutes at a temperature of + 75C.

Recipe 1. Wash well a raw egg, boil the shell for 15-20 minutes, separate the film. Dry, grind in a coffee grinder. One-time use the shell of 3-5 eggs. After taking 1s.l. fish oil rich in vitamin D.

Recipe 2. Pour the powder obtained from three eggs with the juice of one, place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When the shell dissolves, take 1 tsp. twice a day. Sour composition facilitates the absorption of the element in the intestine. Instead of lemon juice you can use another sour berry. To improve the taste, add 1 tbsp. honey.

Calcium after heat treatment of products

Cooking food converts a useful organic variety into an inorganic state. It is not absorbed, causes the formation, bile or bladder.

Dairy products from the store, all kinds of mixtures for young children are pasteurized and therefore contain inorganic calcium.

Rich in organic variety raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, as well as steam cow's milk inaccessible to city dwellers.

Mass of organic calcium in breast milk. With natural feeding, the child's teeth appear faster, he is less prone to rickets than with nutrition. artificial mixtures.

Products that dissolve inorganic calcium

In addition to the heat treatment of products, the absorption of a useful element is hindered by the abuse of salt, the abundance of sugars and flour products in the diet.

Once in the blood, the inorganic variety of the macroelement accumulates on the walls of the veins abdominal cavity and anus where the blood flow is reduced. Insufficient lumen of the vessels provokes the development of tumors.

The liver, purifying the blood, directs the inorganic element to gallbladder where it gradually accumulates. The remains of the inorganic variety are carried by blood to the kidneys, bladder, which causes sand and stones to form.

Beetroot juice contains only 5% calcium and a significant amount of the sodium antagonist element. Juice intake cleanses the blood, dissolves calcium deposits on the walls of blood vessels, causing an increase in the lumen, a decrease in blood pressure and a load on the heart muscle.

In addition, the juice contains chlorine, which stimulates the work. lymphatic system, cleansing the liver, gallbladder and kidneys.

freshly prepared beetroot juice hold before use room temperature two hours to remove volatile compounds. At the beginning of cleansing, dilute with carrot or apple juice. Take 250-300 ml of beetroot juice every day.

In another treatment regimen, take a glass of a mixture of beetroot, carrot and cucumber juice three times a day.

To eliminate excess uric acid, dissolve kidney stones, it is useful to take the juice of one lemon three times a day, diluted with half a glass of water.

Modified: 02/16/2019

Calcium deficiency in the body affects the health of hair, nails, skin, teeth. It is important to take your diet seriously from childhood, maintaining a balance important trace elements. Everyone understands that calcium is a necessary building material for human bone tissue. Let's try to figure out which foods contain calcium. You can find the list of products below.

daily dose of calcium

What is calcium used for in our body? All cells in the body need it. It stabilizes the work of the heart muscle and circulatory system, participating in the process of constriction and expansion of blood vessels. Thanks to calcium, blood clotting processes are regulated, work is supported immune system. To understand how much calcium a person needs to consume per day, you need to know correct dosage for different categories of people.

  • An adult needs 1000 mg per day.
  • Pregnant and lactating women - 2000 mg.
  • Adolescents - 1200 mg.
  • Children under 10 years old - 800 mg.
  • Children under 3 years old - only 600 mg.

How is calcium absorbed in the body?

If you eat foods with a lot of calcium, then many people think that deficiency can be avoided. In fact, it is digested only in the presence of others. useful products. In order for calcium to be absorbed in sufficient quantities, vitamin D is required. It is formed in the human body under the influence of the sun, but it is also present in foods. These are egg yolk, butter, fish oil.

Babies under 3 years of age are prescribed vitamin D drops during autumn and winter bad weather, when walks have to be abandoned. Summer additional vitamins are not needed, as the child receives them when walking in the sun.

The abundance of unrefined sugar in the adult diet and an excessive amount of salt harm the absorption of calcium. The mineral is washed out of the body and when consumed alcoholic beverages, sweet soda and strong coffee. Its lack in without fail worth compensating. Where is a lot of calcium, in what products?

Foods rich in calcium

Many people think that it is in dairy products with a high percentage of fat that the content of a useful element is at its most high level, but it's not. However, calcium in such products is better absorbed due to lactose. Garden-grown foods often contain more calcium. Consider what foods contain calcium. The list of products is as follows.

Dairy and dairy products:

  • Milk.
  • Kefir.
  • Yogurt.
  • Ryazhenka.
  • Cottage cheese from 2% fat.
  • Cheese (especially hard varieties).

Vegetables and greens:

  • Cabbage.
  • Garlic.
  • Broccoli.
  • Sorrel.
  • Oregano.
  • Parsley.
  • Nettle.

Where else is there a lot of calcium? Meat, fish, seafood.

In canned fish (sardines, salmon, pink salmon) there is a lot of calcium, and it is well absorbed, because they contain fish bones, which are the source of this mineral. Fish is recommended to be included in the diet 2 times a week. Even in kindergartens, steam fish and fish cakes are always on the menu.

  • Dried fish (up to 3000 mg of calcium per 100 g).
  • Salmon.
  • Shrimps.
  • Beef.

Seeds, nuts:

  • Sesame seed.
  • Pistachios.
  • Almond.
  • Hazelnut.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Peanut.
  • Pumpkin seeds.

Calcium in dairy products

To know how much to eat cottage cheese or cheese to ensure daily dose calcium, you need to sort this out. When planning a diet, we will determine how much calcium is in cottage cheese, using the studies already conducted. 100 g of cottage cheese (not fat-free) contains up to 200 grams of the mineral.

To answer the question of how much calcium is in milk, let's determine its quality. AT goat milk it is more on average by 20% than in cow. A glass of skimmed cow's milk has 244 mg of Ca, and a glass of whole milk has 236 mg.

Many are interested in the question of how much calcium is in cheese and how to determine cheese rich in calcium. The variety of types of cheese on store shelves is increasing every day. However, hard parmesan cheese has the highest concentration of calcium: 1200 mg of the mineral per 100 grams of the product. In Russian cheese 900 mg per 100 g, in mozzarella - 515 mg. Soft cheese has the most low concentration calcium.

How is calcium absorbed in infants?

At breastfeeding in an infant, the assimilation of the mineral occurs by 70%. At artificial feeding mixtures of calcium contained in them are absorbed only by 30%. Artificers are more prone to diseases associated with a lack of calcium. And all because heat treatment products converts this element into an inorganic compound that is poorly absorbed by the human body.

Replacing milk as a source of calcium

Vegetarians do not consume dairy products. In addition, there are people who are lactose intolerant. How can they get the same necessary element for your body? They can use a milk fat substitute plant-based. Most of all in this regard, almond milk is suitable, where there is a lot of calcium. Its content in this product is 90 mg per glass. Calcium is also well absorbed from herbal products so cow's milk is not necessary for everyone.

Fact or myth: salt leaches calcium

The kidneys are responsible for both sodium and calcium. When they remove salt from the body, calcium is lost along with it. Many nutritionists agree that in order to keep bones strong and fluid does not accumulate in the cells of the body, you need to limit salt intake.

In case of fractures and after complicated operations, patients are prescribed a salt-free diet and easily digestible food, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. boiled rice, oatmeal porridge and jelly are the main companions of those who care about their health and wish the fastest accretion bones.

A complete menu of products with calcium for a day

What do you need to eat in order for calcium to be absorbed by the body and fully satisfy the need for this element for a day? Assuming that you do not have intolerance to dairy products, then you can develop the following menu:

First option

Breakfast: 100 grams of hard cheese, you can have a sandwich with butter. Egg.

Lunch: fresh vegetable salad with beans, yogurt. (during the day you can eat nuts: cashews, almonds, peanuts)

Dinner: a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Second option

Breakfast: cottage cheese 2% with yogurt; tea with milk.

Lunch: salmon steak, grilled vegetables.

Dinner: ryazhenka or a glass of milk.

Third option

Breakfast: cheesecakes with yogurt.

Lunch: seafood pasta, salad with vegetables and herbs.

Dinner: a glass of milk.

Here are considered options solely for compliance with the norm of calcium intake. The rest of the products you add at your discretion.

Supplements and vitamins with calcium

Not everyone is comfortable remembering how much food to eat in order to provide the necessary dose of calcium per day. It is more convenient to take vitamins or minerals in the form of food supplements. Do not trust the latest pharmaceutical industry. Read the composition of the drugs that you are going to purchase.

Calcium carbonate should be taken after meals, so it is absorbed better. by the most in the best way the mineral is absorbed in preparations with vitamin D. The most prescribed drugs in this regard are Calcium D3 Nycomed, Complivit Calcium D3.

Remember that without eating vitamins C, D, E, group B, calcium will simply turn into insoluble compounds and settle in the muscles and joints.

How to treat calcium deficiency

If you still can't get rid of bad habits and can't eat food rich in calcium, then preparations containing this element come to the rescue. You should also not forget about folk methods. Scientists have shown that in eggshell calcium carbonate is absorbed by the human body by 90%. In addition, this affordable remedy more useful than any pharmacy supplement.

Eggshells are also recommended for children under 6 years old, because they have an active formation of the skeleton. Elderly people are prescribed calcium supplements due to bone fragility, but they may well be replaced with natural eggshells.

Everyone can prepare such a drug at home, only necessarily from domestic eggs. The shell must be dried, ground with a coffee grinder into a fine powder and taken 1 tsp. on an empty stomach for 10 days. Then you need to take a break for a month. At the end of the course, the course can be repeated.

Importance of calcium for human health

The role of calcium in the human body is certainly responsible. It does not work on its own, but together with other vitamins and minerals it brings undeniable benefit. AT active growth and the development of the child's body, it supports and supports the bones and joints, the formation of the skeleton and teeth. For women, its lack during pregnancy and lactation can bring noticeable negative consequences - this is the fragility of teeth and nails, pain in lumbar spine, lack of milk when feeding. AT men's health it is also important - to prevent osteoporosis, stoop, vascular diseases, allergies. It is he who plays a role in fertilization, so calcium deficiency can be the cause of male infertility.

It is desirable to take care of your health and the health of your loved ones constantly. Even if there are no health problems, it is recommended to donate blood for analysis once a year. The increased content of calcium in the blood can already show that there is a deficiency in the body.

AT preventive purposes you can take calcium supplements if you have increased physical and mental stress, dry and brittle hair, insomnia, irritability, caries prevention. Consume vitamins and minerals in the right amount and be healthy!

Hi all!

Usually people don't give special significance calcium until the moment when it is not in the body.

So I thought about where this element is contained in the products in order to prevent its deficiency in my body.

I share with you what products with calcium exist, how to use them correctly and create for yourself good prevention and protection against diseases caused by its deficiency.

From this article you will learn:

The best calcium foods

What is calcium and its main functions in the body?

Calcium is very important for the body, it is the basis of health and quality of life.

AT human body calcium is more than other trace elements and 99 percent of it is in the bones, the skeleton, thanks to which we can move, in teeth, hair and nails.

The remaining one percent in blood and cells is far from being one percent in importance: it is responsible for the beating of our heart, for blood clotting, for the functioning of cells and the transmission of impulses along neural connections.

Its deficiency leads to cardio- vascular diseases, disorders of cellular functioning, destruction of bone tissue, sleep disorders and reproductive function.

Not immediately, but you will find symptoms of a lack of this element: your teeth will start to hurt and crumble, your legs will start to ache and constipation and headaches will appear, it will worsen general state bones will become more fragile.

Really, it looks like the "symptoms" of old age?

Norms of calcium intake

  • The norm of calcium for adults

So it is, with age we lose more and more useful trace elements, older people should consume at least 1200 mg of calcium per day, women during pregnancy and lactation - the dose can be increased to 2000 mg, during menopause 1400 mg.

Well, “just” adults need 1000 mg per day.

  • The norm of calcium for children

But what about children?

The child's body is constantly growing, developing, increasing bone and muscle mass, respectively, calcium is essential, and the need for it grows with the child.

Up to three years, this is 600 mg, at the age of 3 to 6 - 800, adolescents already need 1300 mg. These are WHO recommendations.

Features of the absorption of calcium in the body

Calcium is obtained along with food, but if for some reason it is impossible to build the right diet or there is evidence of illness, calcium is given in the form of supplements.

The irony is that so important element very poorly absorbed by humans.

For its assimilation, vitamin D is also needed in sufficient quantities, which is abundant in fish oil, egg yolk, butter, but the most important source is the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, this vitamin is synthesized in the body.

Children are especially shown walks and the sun, quite babies born in winter period, pediatricians usually prescribe this vitamin in drops so that there are no problems with the formation of the skeleton.

And you should also get rid of habits that reduce the absorption of calcium! These are smoking, drinking a lot of caffeine, salt and fried foods.

In general, as always, the secret of health is the right way life and healthy eating

Let's see what is the 1000mg of calcium per day that I and I think you need. This is a liter of milk or sour cream, or 100g sesame seeds, or 200g of hard cheese, 2 kg of raw cabbage.

It is clear that sitting and drinking liters of milk and nibbling cabbage is not so useful, especially since everyone more people are now diagnosed with lactose intolerance and milk in pure they are contraindicated.

Food should be as varied as possible! Below I will talk about the main products with high content calcium.

I repeat, we need them for bone strength and, for the proper physiological functioning of the body, do not neglect this.

Eat enough of them: that is, make sure that every day you eat foods from different categories.

If you are a vegetarian, be especially careful about the composition of the dishes you eat in order to get enough of this element.

Foods with Calcium - What foods are high in calcium?

  • Dairy

Here we also include sour-milk.

Milk, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk - you can choose to your taste. The richest source of calcium is cottage cheese. 100 grams contains up to 300 mg of calcium!

We are talking, however, about real cottage cheese, and not its derivatives such as curds and sweet curds.

And yet, do not get carried away for the sake of a diet with products with 0% fat content: calcium and useful substances there are much less and they are absorbed much worse.

Especially useful hard varieties, such as parmesan. 100 grams can satisfy daily requirement in this trace element! Other cheeses are also rich in calcium.

Eating 100 or 200 grams of cheese is not always possible, but a cheese sandwich and butter, 2 cups of kefir and yogurt during the day - and we got the 1000 mg we need))

  • Vegetables

We need green vegetables and leafy herbs, broccoli, and roots and parsley.

The amount of calcium in them ranges from 60 to 200 mg per 100 grams, with the help of salads and vegetable soups it is quite possible to build a competent diet. Calcium from beans is also well absorbed.

  • Seeds and nuts

Its high content in sesame seeds, almonds and Walnut. Just be careful, nuts are not recommended to eat more than a handful a day, they are hard to digest.

  • Eggs, fish, shrimp

Dried fish has 3000 (!) milligrams per 100 grams, sardines - 350. Salmon contains about 180 mg, an egg - 60. Rich bone-in meat broths are also very useful.

  • Tofu

- a great option, per 100g a quarter of the daily allowance.

And do not skip mineral-enriched cereals, oatmeal is especially good in this sense, but in others calcium can be up to 500 mg!

Products with calcium - useful video


In general, even if you are not a fan, you have many options.

Please note only that foods rich in calcium are not recommended to be consumed with acids containing (for example, sorrel), caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, whole grain foods.

But this is not about harm to health, just in these combinations calcium will be absorbed very poorly.

If you decide to take extra calcium in supplements, choose the one in which it is in the most easily absorbed form, such as citrate.

You can find a large number of quality calcium supplements here.

I hope this short list of calcium-rich foods will help you get your diet right!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Our body is made up of many different tissues and each of them requires different vitamins and minerals for growth and normal functioning. The basis of bone tissue is calcium, it is thanks to him that the bones are so strong and withstand huge loads.

In order for calcium and vitamins to always be in abundance, it is necessary to consume daily the daily norm of products with this element. In most cases, it is enough to eat properly and balanced in order not to face its deficiency. Consider which foods contain the most calcium and how to use them correctly.

First of all, it is worth understanding why it is necessary to consume foods rich in calcium before studying the list of products.

Everyone knows from childhood that calcium is the basis of bones and teeth, this is especially important in childhood when the teeth are actively growing, it is formed tooth enamel. If the child lacks calcium, problems arise, the teeth quickly deteriorate and crumble.

In adulthood, calcium is more important for bones, so when it is deficient, bones become brittle and fractures can occur. It is very important for pregnant women to monitor their nutrition, because the fetus requires a large number of vitamins, and with a lack of the necessary elements, they begin to wash out of the bones and teeth of the mother, leading to sad consequences.

In addition to teeth and bones, the mineral is involved in the work of muscles throughout the body. With a lack of calcium, not only the external muscles suffer, due to which we move, but also the heart, the vessels begin to work poorly, they slowly push the blood. Therefore, it is recommended to use foods with calcium for hypertensive patients.

Eating foods rich in calcium is essential for normal operation nervous system. A sufficient amount of the mineral in the body provides normal stress resistance, a person sleeps well and feels better.

Calcium in food must be present without fail in those people who are overweight and elevated level cholesterol. The element lowers cholesterol levels and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of blood vessels.


The lack of calcium in the body is quite common, despite the fact that nowadays people living in Russia have no difficulty in providing food. This pathology was found even in ancient people, as evidenced by the remains found by modern archaeologists.

Normally, in an adult, about a kilogram of calcium is present in the body, all of it is located in the bones, with the exception of 0.1%, which is involved in the work of other systems. Thus, if there is not enough substance for the work of muscles and nerves, it begins to be washed out of the bones and teeth of a person, which leads to osteoporosis and caries.

The reasons

Micronutrient deficiency provokes not only malnutrition, there are also a number of factors and diseases that contribute to the leaching of substances from the body:

  • Taking hormonal drugs;
  • Some pathologies of the endocrine nature;
  • Cushing's disease;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • intestinal pathologies in which calcium absorption is impaired;
  • contact with phosphates;
  • hypocalcium diet;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • estrogen deficiency in women.

Thus, products with great content calcium should be consumed not only as a preventive measure, but also during treatment various diseases. So, for example, when permanent reception corticosteroids, it is imperative to consume a sufficient amount of the trace element. The same applies to women during and after menopause, patients with thyroid dysfunction. In such cases, it is often prescribed to take calcium vitamins.


Calcium-rich foods should be started as soon as possible if symptoms of calcium deficiency appear. It is worth noting that the diet will be effective only at the very beginning, and if the symptoms have been bothering you for a long time, then you should consult a therapist and start using calcium vitamins.

Deficiency symptoms:

  • Night cramps in the lower leg;
  • memory problems;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Pain in the bones that are associated with their thinning, as well as pathological fractures;
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • Delay in fetal development;
  • Violation of posture in a child.

Usually, pathological fractures talking about serious violations in the structure of the bones. This condition requires mandatory medical intervention, diet alone is indispensable here, you will have to treat bones and take calcium vitamins. The same applies to pregnant women and children, this group of patients should be regularly monitored by a general practitioner and pediatrician.


Many years ago, it was studied how important the element is for the normal functioning of the human body, and it was revealed daily rate calcium, which must be consumed to avoid bone problems. Children are shown to consume from 0.3 to 0.8 grams of the substance per day, and adults from 0.8 to 1.3 grams.

But it is important to understand that not all foods rich in calcium are absorbed as well as we would like. Therefore, even if a large amount of calcium is contained in any product, this does not mean that it will be fully absorbed, therefore, nutrition should consist of various products and dishes.

Below we will consider which foods contain calcium in sufficient quantities and how it is absorbed.


In the very first place in terms of the amount of calcium are, of course, dairy products. They not only contain a large amount of the trace element we need, but it is also perfectly absorbed, for example, compared to calcium, which is found in plant foods.

Special attention should be paid to cheese. This is what contains enough required substance but also lactose. Therefore, such a valuable product can be used in limited quantities even people with lactase intolerance.

Below is a table that shows the amount of calcium in various dairy products:

Seeds and nuts

If you ask a person what foods contain calcium, he will definitely name milk. But do not forget that a record amount of the substance is found in poppy and sesame seeds.

A big plus of these products is that they contain magnesium, which has a beneficial effect on the absorption of calcium. Let's take a closer look at the table of foods high in calcium.

Thus, replenishing the daily allowance by eating poppy and sesame is not difficult, just one tablespoon of these or those seeds per day is enough, and this is not counting the calcium that comes from other products.

Below is a table with the calcium content in seeds and nuts:


Fish and seafood are also rich in calcium, which is well absorbed, this is due to the presence in these products of magnesium and vitamin D, which are responsible for the absorption of calcium.

Most calcium in sardine, especially in canned food, as they are consumed along with the bones.

The table will tell you in detail about the amount of the microelement in fish and seafood, here is a list of foods containing calcium in large quantities:


A fairly large amount of the trace element is contained in fresh vegetables and greens, in particular radish, lettuce, celery, cauliflower and carrots. Sea kale is also very useful, it contains a lot of calcium and other vitamins and microelements useful for the body.

The disadvantage of plant foods is that calcium from it is poorly absorbed, especially for foods such as beets and spinach. That is why it is recommended to eat a balanced diet, because it is quite difficult to gain a daily allowance with vegetables alone.

Below is a table that shows the calcium content in plant foods:


Berries and fruits contain a small amount of calcium, but they contain great amount useful vitamins, which contribute to its absorption, so you need to use these products every day.

Most of the useful trace element is found in dried fruits, as they are free from moisture.

For comparison, consider the table.


Calcium meat contains a small amount, this is due to the fact that the substance is found in the bones and blood, which are usually not eaten. Therefore, with a lack of calcium, meat should be consumed in small quantities, it is better to eat more vegetables, dairy products and fish.


Cereals and cereals contain a small amount of trace elements, but they must be eaten without fail. To increase the benefits of such food, it is recommended to always combine it with dairy products, for example, eat porridge with milk and a sandwich with hard cheese.


We have figured out which foods have a lot of calcium, now we need to understand how to use these foods correctly so that there is always a sufficient amount of substances in the body. There are several nuances, following which you can significantly increase the amount of digestible substance.

Food should be included in the diet enough vitamin D, as well as being in the sun. This vitamin is involved in the deposition of calcium in bone tissue and in its absorption. Often the cause of a trace element deficiency is precisely the lack of vitamin D. Also, the trace element is better absorbed along with phosphorus and magnesium.

Foods with vitamin D are optimally consumed 4 hours before calcium intake.

To maximize the effect of the diet, you need to exclude foods that wash out calcium, these are coffee, oxalic acid, salt, soda. Vegetarianism is not suitable for people with calcium deficiency, the diet must be balanced.

In order for trace elements to be normally absorbed, it is necessary to provide normal acidity stomach. At low acidity calcium is simply excreted and not absorbed. For this reason, it is often recommended to combine the use of a trace element with sour juice.

It is very important for the normal absorption of the substance to rid the body of endocrine diseases, adjust hormonal background. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if an element deficiency is observed when taking any medication, even harmless at first glance.

It has been proven that the substance is poorly absorbed if a person is nervous, therefore it is necessary to avoid stress, not to worry about trifles. It is also known that the substance is better absorbed in the evening and separately from iron, so it is better to eat such products for dinner and not combine them with iron-containing products.

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The lack of calcium in the body does not have the best effect on the health of a child and an adult. Important daily with food or as part of special tablets Consume the recommended amount of this macronutrient. In the latter case, difficulties usually do not appear. However, few people know which foods have a lot of calcium and for this reason do not include them in their diet. We will show you how to avoid such mistakes.

Calcium (Ca) is a macronutrient that helps the human body to function normally. Its benefits are as follows.

  1. It is very necessary for children, adolescents and pregnant women, because it strengthens teeth and bones, promotes proper formation bone tissue.
  2. It is necessary for hypertensive patients, because it regulates the functioning of the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure.
  3. Ca nourishes the nervous system. If it is not enough, the central nervous system takes the necessary nutrients from bones.
  4. Ca lowers blood cholesterol levels.

With a lack of Ca, the body takes it from the bone tissue, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis (bone fragility). Other signs of macronutrient deficiency are increased irritability, metabolic disorders and electrical conductivity of myocardial cells, brittle nails, weak split ends, bad teeth.

Daily rate: what threatens the lack and excess of calcium

The mineral will be beneficial provided that a person begins to consume the daily allowance of Ca. For adults and for children - this figure is different. The recommendations of the All-Russian Health Association are given in the table.

But these recommendations are based on the diet and lifestyle of Europeans and North Americans. The Japanese, Indians, Turks and South Africans need to consume 3 to 3.5 grams of Ca daily. The daily rate recommended for Russians is slightly different.

Most of all, Ca is required by women during menopause, pregnant and lactating mothers (1.2-1.5 g). Note that during menstruation female body also loses a lot of calcium. In adolescent girls, micronutrient deficiency can be signaled by severe pain in the lower abdomen. During this period, girls and women need to consume 1.4 g of Ca daily.

What causes calcium deficiency?

If the child consumes little Ca, this will negatively affect his physical and neuropsychic development. Bone becomes so fragile that the baby eventually develops scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and the risk of numerous injuries and fractures increases.

In adults, a lack of Ca leads to disruption of the immune system, of cardio-vascular system, CNS. Vessels become weak, and blood clotting worsens, any wound can lead to serious blood loss.

What is the danger of excess calcium?

It is possible to understand that a person consumes Ca more than his body needs by the presence of certain symptoms: pallor skin, many wrinkles (even in early age), dry hair; thirst, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting (for no apparent reason), flatulence, constipation; the appearance of stones in the bladder and kidneys; headache, apathy, drowsiness, disruption of the brain (confusion, hallucinations).

An excess of Ca also does not lead to positive changes; rather, on the contrary, a person loses his life potential, ages faster. It may sound paradoxical, but an excess of Ca can also cause bone fragility. In this case, the blood becomes more viscous, which negatively affects heart rate and heart valve function.

Products or tablets with calcium - which is better absorbed by the body

You can replenish your Ca stores by including in your daily diet foods rich in this macronutrient. Contrary to popular belief, the “champions” in terms of Ca content are not milk or cottage cheese at all. Most calcium is found in poppy seeds, parmesan and sesame seeds.

You can get the required amount of the mineral by taking special medical preparations, created by pharmacists specifically for patients with hypocalcemia. Calcium tablets, according to manufacturers, are able to compensate for the lack of this macronutrient in the body. But not all of them really help. The reason is the peculiarities of the assimilation of Ca.

Pharmacies sell calcium gluconate, carbonate, citrate and chelate. It is better to take chelated calcium. It is absorbed by 90-98%, and additional reception vitamin D3 is not required. Calcium chelate preparations are expensive, but the result is worth it.

Before choosing calcium tablets, you should consult your doctor.

And yet, the Ca that a person receives with food is best absorbed. Some products have more, others less. You can adjust your diet, knowing exactly what will help replenish the amount of Ca in the body.

Foods high in calcium

It is generally accepted that the main source of Ca is dairy products. And to replenish its reserves, you need to drink milk every day, eat cottage cheese and / or cheese. However, this view is only partly true. In fact, not all types of cheeses are equally rich in Ca, and in milk and cottage cheese this macronutrient is much less than, for example, in green plants. Let's consider in more detail.


The amount of Ca in 100 grams of legumes or hard cheeses higher than, for example, food products processed from milk, and soft cheeses, but this does not detract from the importance of the latter for human health. Moreover, it is dairy products that are very popular.

There are several reasons for this: they do not require preliminary heat treatment, such as meat. They do not need to be washed like greens and vegetables. Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk are sold in hermetically sealed packages. They are convenient to take with you on the road, you can eat (drink) at any time of the day, because they always improve digestion.

Fish and seafood

A large amount of Ca is found in fish fatty varieties. The leader is the sardine. It is useful to eat fish bones- which means that a person needs to regularly eat canned food, but not only from sardines: salmon and mackerel are also useful. A good source of Ca, Mg, vitamins D and K is seafood. Thanks to these vitamins, calcium is easily absorbed.


Plants of the legume family are also recognized good source protein, but not all of them are well absorbed by the body. So, in white beans, the Ca content is half as much as in red beans, but it is better absorbed. Rich in this macronutrient and green peas.

The only negative is that not everyone will include legumes in their daily diet.

If you are deficient in Ca, consider supplementing your daily menu vegetables and herbs: cauliflower, carrots, spinach, dill, parsley. However, do not forget that some of them (carrots, beets, spinach) contain oxalic acid. It prevents Ca from being well absorbed. Such products are best subjected to heat treatment.

Nuts and seeds

Most Ca is found in poppy seeds and sesame seeds. The daily norm of a macronutrient "fits" in 1 tbsp. l. sesame. In addition, nuts and seeds are rich in Mg, which helps the body absorb Ca. Cashews and almonds are richer in Mg than other nuts.

Fruits and berries

Found in fruits and berries a small amount of macronutrient, but they contain substances due to which Ca is well absorbed. Apples, peaches, grapes, dried fruits, strawberries, gooseberries help.

Not all berries improve the absorption of calcium. So, daily consumption of strawberries can have reverse effect: Ca will begin to "wash out". Not much about it useful property strawberries should be remembered by pregnant women.


Meat and meat products

Contrary to popular belief, meat and meat products poor Ca. The reason is that this macronutrient is not found in animals and poultry. muscle tissue but in the blood. AT different types meat different amount Ca: more in veal than in pork.


Just like in meat, the Ca content in eggs is low. For example, in 100 g egg yolk only 136 mg Ca, which is 14% of the daily requirement. There is much more of this macronutrient in an eggshell. It - calcium carbonate(calcium carbonate), which is well absorbed by the body.


Molasses, or molasses, can be a good source of Ca. It is a viscous mass of dark brown color. It is not used as a sugar substitute or a standalone food product, but if you include molasses in your diet, it will provide the body with half daily rate Ca.

Food calcium table

The product's nameAmount of Ca in 100 g (mg)%Daily Value
Dairy products and cheeses
Whole milk120 12
Powdered milk1000 100
Kefir126 13
Ryazhenka124 12
Yogurt124 12
Sour cream (fat content - 10%)80 8
Cheese "Parmesan"1184 118
Cheese "Russian" (fat content - 50%)880 88
Roquefort cheese (fat content - 50%)740 74
Processed cheese "Sausage"630 63
Fish and seafood
Pink salmon (canned)185 19
Sprats in oil (canned)300 30
Caspian sprat60 6
Baltic sprat50 5
Shrimp70 7
Oyster60 6
Acne20 2
Red caviar (grained)90 9
Black caviar (grained)55 6
Green beans)65 7
Beans (grain)150 15
Peas (shelled)89 9
Lentils (grain)83 8
White cabbage48 5
red cabbage53 5
sauerkraut48 5
Leek87 9
Celery (greens)72 7
Dill (greens)223 22
Spinach (greens)106 11
Parsley (greens)245 25
Nuts and seeds
Sesame1474 147
Poppy1600 16
Sunflower seeds367 37
Hazelnut188 19
pistachios105 11
Walnut89 9
Peanut76 8
Almond273 27
Fruits and berries
Apricot28 3
Grape30 3
Orange34 3
Persimmon127 13
Cherry37 4
strawberries40 4
oatmeal64 6
semolina20 2
barley80 8
Barley38 4
Meat and meat products
rabbit meat20 2
Chicken16 2
Turkey meat12 1
Beef5 0,5
Veal26 2,6
Pork5 0,5
Chicken meat (broiler)14 1
Chicken (yolk, protein)55 (136, 10) 6 (14, 1)
quail54 5
Egg powder193 19

Foods That Improve Calcium Absorption

Foods that improve Ca absorption include those rich in:

  • vitamin D (dairy, oily fish);
  • vitamins A, E, group B, C (vegetables, herbs, legumes, meat);
  • magnesium and phosphorus (nuts, bread, fish).

Foods that impair calcium absorption

Ca will not be absorbed (or will be poorly absorbed) if its intake is combined with sweets, soda. Excessive consumption of foods fatty and rich in phosphorus will not benefit.

If you are diagnosed with Ca deficiency, try to active image life: the body of athletes better absorbs calcium from food (the list of foods richest in Ca is given in the table).

Review your menu, exclude excessive consumption of salty foods, sweets, strong coffee, and alcoholic beverages. Do not get carried away visiting a bath or sauna: with sweat, Ca is also excreted from the body.


Calcium is a macronutrient required for correct operation human body. Its deficiency is manifested in nervousness, irritability. In children and adults, bones become brittle (degenerative disc disease, scoliosis may develop), hair and skin become dry, and nails become brittle.

You can make up for the lack of a macronutrient if you know which foods have a lot of calcium. These include fresh herbs, fatty fish and hard cheeses. Ca absorption is facilitated by regular exercise exercise(active lifestyle), refusal of strong coffee, alcoholic drinks and sweets.

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