Foods rich in calcium. Fruits and berries. Debunking myths about calcium

Calcium is best known as a mineral essential for healthy bones and teeth. Bones in the human body are regularly destroyed and recreated, for which we constantly need to receive calcium from the outside. In this article, you will learn which foods contain calcium, and our tables will help you choose the best sources of calcium for your diet from dairy products, animal and plant foods.

Why else do you need calcium?

Before moving on to the tables of calcium in food, we note that the body needs calcium not only for healthy bones and teeth, but also for:

  • Contractions of all muscles, including the heart. When a nerve stimulates a muscle to contract, calcium is released to help proteins in the muscle carry out that contraction.
  • Nerve signal transmission. Calcium helps carry messages between the brain and every part of the body.
  • normal work blood vessels and blood clotting.
  • The release of many hormones and enzymes that affect almost every function in the human body.

If the body does not have enough calcium to perform all these functions, then it begins to take it from the “reserve”, which is our bones and teeth. Therefore, diseases of the teeth and bones are a sure sign insufficient consumption calcium or vitamin D. The latter, in turn, plays important role in the assimilation of calcium itself (read on the "Forest Fairy", where the products contain).

How much calcium does the body need per day?

According to established scholars norms, we must consume calcium daily in the following amounts:

  1. Children 1 to 3 years of age: 700 mg daily.
  2. Children 4-8 years: 1000 mg daily.
  3. Adolescents 9-18 years old: 1300 mg daily.
  4. Adults 19-70 years old: 1000 mg daily.
  5. Adults 70+ years: 1200 mg/day.

It is very important to get plenty of calcium during childhood and adolescence when the bones are actively growing. The most high density bones observed in a person at the age of 20-25 years. After the age of 25, bone density gradually decreases (the processes of bone destruction begin to prevail over their restoration), but calcium helps to delay the rate of this decrease.

Note also that due to age hormonal changes women over 50 are advised to increase their daily intake of calcium to 1200 mg/day, while men should do this after 70 years of age.

Calcium in dairy products: content table per 100 g

Consider first of all such products containing calcium in large quantities, such as milk, cottage cheese and cheese. All data for the tables below are taken from Database ministries Agriculture US for standard reference. We spend a lot of time and effort to collect, translate and conveniently provide you with information from reliable sources, and we will be very grateful to you for publishing our materials on social networks!

Which cheese has the most calcium?

Of all dairy products, hard cheeses (Parmesan, Gruyère, Cheddar, etc.) are the most high content calcium per 100 g. Eating such cheese every day, you can easily fulfill the daily intake of Ca. However, as you can see from the following table, softer varieties of cheese (such as blue cheese and feta) can also give the body a good amount of calcium. Which cheese will you choose?

In addition to cheese, a lot of calcium can be obtained from milk, cottage cheese and other fermented milk products especially low fat. But do not forget that calcium is absorbed worse from fat-free "milk" than from fat. Therefore, if you need to make up for a calcium deficiency in the body, then try to choose cottage cheese and other dairy products with at least 2% fat content, and preferably with 4% or 9% fat.

The most generous dairy sources of calcium are presented in the table below:

Where else is there a lot of calcium, except for dairy products? Of course, in meat, fish, beans, some vegetables and a number of other products of plant and animal origin. See tables below!

Calcium in foods of animal origin. Content tables per 100 g

After cheese, canned fish is the best animal source of calcium, largely due to the fact that it is consumed along with the bones. oily fish(herring, pike perch, perch, etc.), fish caviar and seafood, in addition to calcium, will also provide your body quality protein and . However, seafood should not be abused, as they contain a lot of mercury.

Which fish has more calcium?

Table 3. Calcium in food: fish and seafood

Calcium in meat: beef, pork and poultry

Most calcium is found in red meat, especially beef and veal. The amount of mg of calcium per 100 g may vary slightly depending on which part you choose for your lunch. Also, the numbers can be influenced by the age of the animal, the degree of its fat content and in what conditions it was grown. The table below shows the average values ​​for the three most common types of meat products on the market.

How much calcium is in chicken eggs? Content table per 100 g

Another animal source calcium in food is eggs. In fact, only yolks and egg powder are found in high amounts of calcium. Eating two scrambled eggs for breakfast will provide you with only about 60 mg of calcium.

Calcium in plant foods (tables by type)

Among the products plant origin contains a lot of calcium legumes, nuts and seeds, as well as leafy vegetables and herbs. In addition to them, a high content of calcium per 100 g stands out:

  • Dried goji berries (190 mg of calcium with a calorie content of 349 kcal);
  • Raw garlic (181 mg of calcium with a calorie content of 149 kcal);
  • Raw kelp seaweed (168 mg calcium, 43 kcal);
  • Dried figs (162 mg calcium, 249 kcal);
  • Lemon zest (134 mg calcium, 47 kcal) and zest of other citrus fruits;
  • Cocoa powder (128 mg calcium, 228 kcal);
  • Dried seaweed spirulina (120 mg calcium, 290 kcal);
  • Dried tomatoes (110 mg calcium, 258 kcal).

Calcium content in legumes: table

Bean curd, aka tofu, can be a great source of calcium for vegans. And soy itself is one of the herbal products food, where calcium is the most. The best sources of this mineral among legumes are presented in the table below.

What vegetables have calcium? Content table per 100 g

Leafy vegetables and greens tend to be rich in calcium as well. For example, in 200 grams of kale you will find up to 50% of the recommended daily allowance calcium. But here you should pay your attention to the fact that some leafy vegetables contain a lot of oxalates, which make calcium unavailable for absorption by the body. Cabbage is not one of these vegetables, but spinach, parsley and amaranth should be consumed in small quantities.

Calcium in nuts and seeds (table)

Large amounts of calcium are found in oils and nut butters. However, these products are too high in calories and may contain additives that are unhealthy. In 100 g of almond paste, you will find 347 mg of calcium (with a calorie content of 614 Kcal), and in tahini from sesame seeds - 420 mg of calcium with a calorie content of 570 Kcal per 100 g of product.

Most nuts and seeds are also good for the body due to their fiber content, healthy fats and . The following table shows which nut and seed foods contain the most calcium.

What cereals and grain products have the most calcium?

Vegetable calcium can also be found in foods such as cereals and other cereals and bran dishes (bread, breakfast cereals, etc.). Although they are not very rich in calcium, people eat them often and in large quantities. If most cereals have a high content of calcium per 100 g only in dry form, then teff and amaranth, even when cooked, remain good sources of this trace element.

Amaranth and teff with nuts are an excellent source of calcium

The calcium content in spices. List of 20+ best sources

Spices are real record holders for the content of calcium per 100 grams. In this regard, even hard cheeses are inferior to them! Another reason to add spices to every dish is a large number of antioxidants (which you might already know about from our article). Finally, we present you the rating of the TOP-23 spices in terms of calcium content per 100 g of product:

  1. Dried basil (2240 ​​mg calcium, 233 kcal);
  2. Ground savory (2 132 mg calcium, 272 kcal);
  3. Dried marjoram (1,990 mg calcium, 271 kcal);
  4. dried thyme (1,890 mg calcium, 276 kcal);
  5. Dried dill (1,784 mg calcium, 253 kcal);
  6. Celery seeds (1,767 mg calcium, 392 kcal);
  7. Ground sage (1,652 mg calcium, 315 kcal);
  8. Dried oregano (1,597 mg calcium, 265 kcal);
  9. Dill seeds (1,516 mg calcium, 305 kcal);
  10. Poppy (1438 mg calcium, 525 kcal);
  11. Dried chervil (1,346 mg calcium, 237 kcal);
  12. Dried rosemary (1280 mg calcium, 331 kcal);
  13. Dried cilantro (1,246 mg calcium, 279 kcal);
  14. Fennel seeds (1,196 mg calcium, 345 kcal);
  15. Dried parsley (1,140 mg calcium, 292 kcal);
  16. Dried tarragon (1,139 mg calcium, 295 kcal);
  17. Ground cinnamon (1,002 mg calcium, 247 kcal);
  18. Cumin seeds (931 mg calcium, 375 kcal);
  19. Bay leaf (834 mg calcium, 313 kcal);
  20. Coriander seeds (709 mg calcium, 298 kcal);
  21. Cumin seeds (689 mg calcium, 333 kcal);
  22. Anise seeds (646 mg calcium, 337 kcal);
  23. Ground cloves (632 mg calcium, 274 kcal).

Calcium is important nutrient for a person, which is necessary for building and strengthening bones and teeth. Calcium also regulates muscle contractions, nervous system and secretion of hormones, plays an important role in blood clotting processes and helps regulate blood pressure. Our body is unable to produce calcium on its own, so to maintain adequate levels of calcium, we must obtain it from a variety of food sources. When we consume calcium, it enters our bloodstream and is transported to other areas of our body where it is needed. Any excess calcium accumulates in the bones and teeth. If the body does not receive enough calcium, it begins to extract it from the bones and teeth in order to function properly. This leads to their weakening and destruction, and can cause bone diseases and fragility of bones. Can serve as a source of calcium nutritional supplements, but the best way meeting the need for this mineral is to eat a balanced diet foods rich in calcium.

The human need for calcium

Children aged 4 to 8 years are recommended to consume 800 mg of calcium per day, children from 9 to 18 - 1300 mg. Men and women aged 19 to 50 years are recommended to consume 1000 mg of calcium per day, adults over 51 - 1200 mg. Pregnant or breastfeeding women need more calcium daily (1400 to 2000 mg).

Foods rich in calcium

Dairy are the most common group food products containing calcium. Milk, yogurt and cheese are good source calcium. Moreover, dairy products low content fats contain more calcium. Hard cheeses, depending on the fat content and variety, contain about 1000 mg of calcium per 100 grams, processed cheeses - half as much. 100 grams of yogurt contains about 130 mg of calcium. In milk - 120 mg, in skimmed milk a little more calcium.

Canned fish containing soft bones are the best meat option for calcium intake. soft bones can be crushed and eaten along with fish meat. Canned sardines (500 mg of calcium per 100 grams), salmon (210 mg) and mackerel (240 mg) are the richest in calcium.

green vegetables, especially dark green leafy ones, contain surprisingly high amounts of calcium. Parsley (245 mg), kale (210 mg), spinach (106), dandelion leaves (103), mustard leaves (61), turnip greens are excellent sources of calcium. In terms of the amount of calcium in food to the number of calories, many leafy vegetables are superior to dairy products. The following greens are also good sources of calcium: romaine lettuce (Roman lettuce), cabbage, celery, bok choy, broccoli, green beans, Brussels sprouts, pumpkin. Some fruit also contain calcium, including apples, bananas, tangerines and grapefruits.

many nuts contain relatively large amounts of calcium. The best choices are almonds (260mg per 100g) and Brazilian nut (160). Record holders for calcium content are sesame and poppy, about 1000 mg and 1500 mg per 100 grams respectively. Fennel seeds are also high in calcium. Of the legumes, white and red beans (150) and soybeans (100) are rich in calcium.

soy products such as tofu, soy milk, soy cheese, soy yogurt, and edamame (soy bean pods) are also good choice to replenish calcium levels from food. One hundred grams of tofu contains 105 mg of calcium and is surprisingly low in calories.

Sources of calcium in grain group are whole grain corn and whole grain Wheat flour. Regular flour, unlike whole grains, does not contain calcium. One slice of rye or whole grain bread contains about 10 mg of calcium, and a 50 gram serving of muesli contains about 25 mg of calcium.

Other sources of calcium

Surprisingly, many seasonings and spices also contain calcium. Among them are basil, dill, thyme, oregano, cinnamon, rosemary, cloves, garlic.

Oddly enough, molasses (molasses) contains high percent calcium - 172 mg per tablespoon. Therefore, to increase your use of molasses, you may want to consider substituting molasses for sugar in various recipes.

Many food manufacturers fortify their products with calcium. Usually calcium is added to breakfast cereals, cereals, fruit juices, milk substitutes (rice, soy milk).

Text: Tatyana Firsova

What foods other than milk can be sources of calcium for us? Are there many such products? It turns out a lot. And not all of them white color. Greens, fruits, nuts and molasses - everything you wanted to know about calcium, but were afraid to ask.

Who Needs Alternative Sources of Calcium

Dairy products, including milk, yoghurts and cheeses, are not only rich in calcium, they are formulated to maximize calcium absorption. digestive system. Unfortunately, many people who suffer hypersensitivity or allergic to milk protein(casein), as well as the inability to digest milk sugar(lactose), dietary alternative sources of this essential mineral are required. Although calcium from dairy products is highly bioavailable (that is, it is efficiently absorbed through gastrointestinal tract organism), there are alternative sources of calcium: among some non-dairy products, as well as among foods fortified with calcium.

Calcium is a very important mineral for the life of the human body. Most people know that calcium strengthens bones and teeth, but not everyone understands what it really is. great amount processes in the human body depends on calcium. Muscle function, contraction and expansion of blood vessels, transmission nerve impulses, hormonal secretion - all this requires calcium.

Sources of calcium in carbohydrate foods

Alternative sources of calcium can be carbohydrate-containing foods. Carbohydrates are one of the three main classes of macronutrients. The other two classes are proteins and fats. Foods rich in carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, grain products, breads, cereals, milk and dairy products. In addition, the list carbohydrate products also includes almost anything made with sugar: sweets, sugar-sweetened drinks, confectionery, especially those made with honey. Eating these sweets is not as healthy (rather the opposite) as eating other sources of carbohydrates containing fiber, vitamins and minerals - fruits and vegetables.

Some vegetables may even contain more calcium than milk. Good sources of calcium are leafy green vegetables, especially cabbage. Almost all types of cabbage, including green Chinese cabbage, contain calcium. Depending on the variety, one serving (usually a 200-gram table cup) has 75 to 200 mg of calcium. Moreover, calcium, which enters the body from cabbage, is very well absorbed into the body. digestive tract. Other sources of calcium among vegetables are bok choy, green mustard, arugula, broccoli, and baked potatoes.

Rhubarb, turnips, beets and especially spinach should not be considered as alternative sources of calcium. While spinach is one of the most calcium-rich greens, it is also high in oxalic acid, which significantly inhibits calcium absorption. Due to poor absorption, it takes about sixteen servings of spinach to get as much calcium as you can get from a glass of milk.

Bread and fruits

Fruit is not usually considered a source of calcium, however, for example, some orange juices are artificially fortified by companies.

Some calcium is found in grain products such as bread, tortillas, and breakfast cereals. In addition, some of these products are made using milk, which adds calcium to them. Industrially made grain products can also be good sources of calcium, as they are artificially fortified with this mineral. In some cases, the calcium content in them can reach 1g of calcium per serving.

Calcium is not present in all carbohydrate-containing foods. For example, honey and sugar do not contain calcium at all. Fruits that have not been fortified when grown, such as watermelons, apples, or oranges, may contain small amounts of calcium, but cannot be considered good sources of calcium. Other carbohydrate-containing foods, such as regular bread, also contain calcium in small amounts. In a slice white bread calcium is approximately 30 mg, which is about 3% of a person's daily need.

Beans, nuts and molasses

Another source of calcium can be beans and nuts. One serving of white beans, which are best known for their high fiber content, provides the body with about a third of the amount of calcium found in a glass of milk. Red beans and pinto beans (light brown beans with dark spots, popular in North and South America) contain about twice as much calcium, but their calcium is slightly less absorbed.

Let's move on to nuts. Raw or roasted almonds as an added bonus to yours nutritional properties(almonds give the body, first of all, monounsaturated fats and fiber) is a good source of calcium. Walnuts and raw pecans can also be good alternative sources of calcium, especially when compared to other nuts.

In general, although nuts and legumes are not champions in terms of calcium content, they can significantly enrich the calcium diet.

Finally, one more, rather exotic alternative source calcium can be molasses or molasses. Molasses is by-product sugar production and looks like a dark brown syrupy liquid. It is unlikely that molasses can be considered as a common sweetener choice to replace sugar, but there are ways to include it in your diet. Molasses can be used in barbecue sauces or added to beans. 2 tablespoons molasses can provide up to 400mg of calcium - nearly half the daily recommended amount for adults.

Lack of calcium in the body in the best way affects the health of children and adults. Important daily with food or as part of special tablets Consume the recommended amount of this macronutrient. In the latter case, difficulties usually do not appear. However, few people know which foods have a lot of calcium and for this reason do not include them in their diet. We will show you how to avoid such mistakes.

Calcium (Ca) is a macronutrient that helps the human body to function normally. Its benefits are as follows.

  1. It is very necessary for children, adolescents and pregnant women, because it strengthens teeth and bones, promotes proper formation bone tissue.
  2. It is necessary for hypertensive patients, because it regulates the functioning of the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure.
  3. Ca nourishes the nervous system. If it is not enough, the central nervous system takes the necessary nutrients from the bones.
  4. Ca lowers blood cholesterol levels.

With a lack of Ca, the body takes it from the bone tissue, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis (fragility of the bones). Other signs of macronutrient deficiency are increased irritability, metabolic disorders and electrical conductivity of myocardial cells, brittle nails, weak split ends, bad teeth.

Daily norm: what threatens the lack and excess of calcium

The mineral will be beneficial provided that a person begins to consume the daily allowance of Ca. For adults and for children - this figure is different. The recommendations of the All-Russian Health Association are given in the table.

But these recommendations are based on the diet and lifestyle of Europeans and North Americans. The Japanese, Indians, Turks and South Africans need to consume 3 to 3.5 grams of Ca daily. The daily rate recommended for Russians is slightly different.

Most of all, Ca is required by women during menopause, pregnant and lactating mothers (1.2-1.5 g). Note that during menstruation female body also loses a lot of calcium. In adolescent girls, micronutrient deficiency can be signaled by severe pain in the lower abdomen. During this period, girls and women need to consume 1.4 g of Ca daily.

What causes calcium deficiency?

If the child consumes little Ca, this will negatively affect his physical and neuropsychic development. Bone becomes so fragile that the baby eventually develops scoliosis, osteochondrosis, and the risk of numerous injuries and fractures increases.

In adults, a lack of Ca leads to disruption of the immune system, of cardio-vascular system, CNS. Vessels become weak, and blood clotting worsens, any wound can lead to serious blood loss.

What is the danger of excess calcium?

It is possible to understand that a person consumes Ca more than his body needs by the presence of certain symptoms: pallor skin, many wrinkles (even in early age), dry hair; thirst, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting (for no apparent reason), flatulence, constipation; appearance of stones in bladder and kidneys; headache, apathy, drowsiness, disruption of the brain (confusion, hallucinations).

An excess of Ca also does not lead to positive changes; rather, on the contrary, a person loses his life potential, ages faster. It may sound paradoxical, but an excess of Ca can also cause bone fragility. In this case, the blood becomes more viscous, which negatively affects heart rate and heart valve function.

Products or tablets with calcium - which is better absorbed by the body

You can replenish your Ca stores by including in your daily diet foods rich in this macronutrient. Contrary to popular belief, the “champions” in terms of Ca content are not milk or cottage cheese at all. Most calcium is found in poppy seeds, parmesan and sesame seeds.

Get required amount mineral can, by taking special medical preparations, created by pharmacists specifically for patients with hypocalcemia. Calcium tablets, according to manufacturers, are able to compensate for the lack of this macronutrient in the body. But not all of them really help. The reason is the peculiarities of the assimilation of Ca.

Pharmacies sell calcium gluconate, carbonate, citrate and chelate. It is better to take chelated calcium. It is absorbed by 90-98%, and additional reception vitamin D3 is not required. Calcium chelate preparations are expensive, but the result is worth it.

Before choosing calcium tablets, you should consult your doctor.

And yet, the Ca that a person receives with food is best absorbed. Some products have more, others less. You can adjust your diet, knowing exactly what will help replenish the amount of Ca in the body.

Foods high in calcium

It is generally accepted that the main source of Ca is dairy products. And to replenish its reserves, you need to drink milk every day, eat cottage cheese and / or cheese. However, this view is only partly true. In fact, not all types of cheeses are equally rich in Ca, and in milk and cottage cheese this macronutrient is much less than, for example, in green plants. Let's consider in more detail.


The amount of Ca in 100 grams of legumes or hard cheeses higher than, for example, in food products processed from milk and soft cheeses, but this does not detract from the importance of the latter for human health. Moreover, it is dairy products that are very popular.

There are several reasons for this: they do not require preliminary heat treatment, such as meat. They do not need to be washed like greens and vegetables. Cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, milk are sold in hermetically sealed packages. They are convenient to take with you on the road, you can eat (drink) at any time of the day, because they always improve digestion.

Fish and seafood

A large amount of Ca is found in fish fatty varieties. The leader is the sardine. It is useful to eat fish bones- which means that a person needs to regularly eat canned food, but not only from sardines: salmon and mackerel are also useful. A good source of Ca, Mg, vitamins D and K is seafood. Thanks to these vitamins, calcium is easily absorbed.


Plants of the legume family are also recognized as a good source of protein, but not all of them are well absorbed by the body. So, in white beans, the Ca content is half as much as in red beans, but it is better absorbed. Rich in this macronutrient and green peas.

The only negative is that not everyone will include legumes in their daily diet.

If you are deficient in Ca, consider supplementing your daily menu vegetables and herbs: cauliflower, carrots, spinach, dill, parsley. However, do not forget that some of them (carrots, beets, spinach) contain oxalic acid. It prevents Ca from being well absorbed. Such products are best subjected to heat treatment.

Nuts and seeds

Most Ca is found in poppy seeds and sesame seeds. The daily norm of a macronutrient "fits" in 1 tbsp. l. sesame. In addition, nuts and seeds are rich in Mg, which helps the body absorb Ca. Cashews and almonds are richer in Mg than other nuts.

Fruits and berries

Found in fruits and berries a small amount of macronutrient, but they contain substances due to which Ca is well absorbed. Apples, peaches, grapes, dried fruits, strawberries, gooseberries help.

Not all berries improve the absorption of calcium. So, daily consumption of strawberries can have reverse effect: Ca will begin to "wash out". Not much about it useful property strawberries should be remembered by pregnant women.


Meat and meat products

Contrary to popular belief, meat and meat products poor Ca. The reason is that this macronutrient is not found in animals and poultry. muscle tissue but in the blood. AT different types meat different amount Ca: more in veal than in pork.


Just like in meat, the Ca content in eggs is low. For example, in 100 g egg yolk only 136 mg Ca, which is 14% of the daily requirement. Much more of this macronutrient in eggshell. It - calcium carbonate(calcium carbonate), which is well absorbed by the body.


Molasses, or molasses, can be a good source of Ca. It is a viscous mass of dark brown color. It is not used as a sugar substitute or an independent food product, but if you include molasses in the diet, it will provide the body with half a daily daily allowance Ca.

Food calcium table

The product's nameAmount of Ca in 100 g (mg)% of daily rate
Dairy products and cheeses
Whole milk120 12
Powdered milk1000 100
Kefir126 13
Ryazhenka124 12
Yogurt124 12
Sour cream (fat content - 10%)80 8
Cheese "Parmesan"1184 118
Cheese "Russian" (fat content - 50%)880 88
Roquefort cheese (fat content - 50%)740 74
Processed cheese "Sausage"630 63
Fish and seafood
Pink salmon (canned)185 19
Sprats in oil (canned)300 30
Caspian sprat60 6
Baltic sprat50 5
Shrimp70 7
Oyster60 6
Acne20 2
Red caviar (grained)90 9
Black caviar (grained)55 6
Green beans)65 7
Beans (grain)150 15
Peas (shelled)89 9
Lentils (grain)83 8
White cabbage48 5
red cabbage53 5
sauerkraut48 5
Leek87 9
Celery (greens)72 7
Dill (greens)223 22
Spinach (greens)106 11
Parsley (greens)245 25
Nuts and seeds
Sesame1474 147
Poppy1600 16
Sunflower seeds367 37
Hazelnut188 19
pistachios105 11
Walnut89 9
Peanut76 8
Almond273 27
Fruits and berries
Apricot28 3
Grape30 3
Orange34 3
Persimmon127 13
Cherry37 4
strawberries40 4
oatmeal64 6
semolina20 2
barley80 8
Barley38 4
Meat and meat products
rabbit meat20 2
Chicken16 2
Turkey meat12 1
Beef5 0,5
Veal26 2,6
Pork5 0,5
Chicken meat (broiler)14 1
Chicken (yolk, protein)55 (136, 10) 6 (14, 1)
quail54 5
Egg powder193 19

Foods That Improve Calcium Absorption

Foods that improve Ca absorption include those that are rich in:

  • vitamin D (dairy, oily fish);
  • vitamins A, E, group B, C (vegetables, herbs, legumes, meat);
  • magnesium and phosphorus (nuts, bread, fish).

Foods that impair calcium absorption

Ca will not be absorbed (or will be poorly absorbed) if its intake is combined with sweets, soda. Excessive consumption of foods fatty and rich in phosphorus will not benefit.

If you are diagnosed with Ca deficiency, try to active image life: the body of athletes better absorbs calcium from food (the list of foods richest in Ca is given in the table).

Review your menu, exclude excessive consumption of salty foods, sweets, strong coffee, alcoholic beverages. Do not get carried away visiting a bath or sauna: with sweat, Ca is also excreted from the body.


Calcium is a macronutrient required for correct operation human body. Its deficiency is manifested in nervousness, irritability. In children and adults, bones become brittle (degenerative disc disease, scoliosis may develop), hair and skin become dry, and nails become brittle.

You can make up for the lack of a macronutrient if you know which foods have a lot of calcium. These include fresh herbs, fatty fish and hard cheeses. Ca absorption is facilitated by regular exercise exercise(active lifestyle), refusal of strong coffee, alcoholic drinks and sweets.

Milk, yogurt and cheese are classically considered the main sources of calcium, but dairy products should not be the only part of your diet. Greens, seafood, legumes and fruits also contain calcium and many other vitamins and minerals. Just be sure to try a couple of non-dairy sources too - your body needs vitamin D to help absorb calcium!

Do you need calcium? What is the action plan?

Here is a list of foods and drinks that contain natural calcium(we can do without cows here!), as well as recipes to help make them commonplace in various dishes.

Natural calcium - natural sources and its content.

Let's go through this list (everything, of course, should be natural!):

1. White beans: 191mg calcium per 1 cup canned food (19% DV).

These legumes are an excellent source of calcium and iron. Add them to vegetable dishes.

2. Sardines: 321mg calcium in about 7 sardine fillets (32% DV).

There is nothing suspicious here - sardines are among the most healthy fish! Along with calcium, they also provide a significant dose of omega-3s and vitamin D. Try adding them to a Greek salad or eating them straight from the jar.

3. Dried Figs: 107mg per 8 whole dried figs (10% DV).

These sweet dried fruits will provide you with antioxidants, fiber and calcium. Eat them as a lunchtime snack, or add these delicious dried fruits to jam.

4. Almonds: 72mg per ¼ cup roasted almonds (about 20 nuts) - (7% DV). You urgently need to taste it! It is the most densely "packed" nutrients in a calorie/gram ratio. In addition to calcium, almonds also contain potassium, vitamin E and iron. Sprinkle them on a salad or make your own almond oil. Just watch your portion sizes!

5. Oranges: 65mg (6% DV) per 1 medium fruit.

You were glad that we included oranges in this list? They are full of vitamin C and calcium, and you can eat quite a lot of them, especially for the holidays!

6. Turnips: 197mg calcium (20% DV) in 1 cup of cooked turnips.

It is full of calcium, antioxidants and folic acid which can help improve mood. Until the 18th century, turnips were the main vegetable in Russia (until they were replaced by potatoes).

7. Sesame seeds: 88mg calcium (9% DV) per 1 tablespoon.

These seeds are not only decoration for fast food buns. Sesame seeds can help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and may even fight some types of cancer! Use their nut crunch in salads.

Calcium-fortified foods and drinks

Fortifying foods with calcium is a popular way to help people eat a balanced diet.

8. Instant oatmeal: 187mg (19% DV) in 1 cup dry cereal.

This is a quick breakfast option that is full of fiber and calcium. Just choose oatmeal without added sugar!

9. Orange juice: 500mg calcium (50% DV) in 1 cup!

Fruit juice is ideal for morning breakfast and contains a lot of calcium and vitamin C!

10. Firm Tofu: 861mg (86% DV) per ½ cup.

We know what you're thinking: what is tofu? Tofu is boiled soybeans, a kind of "bean curd". it great way add lots of protein, little fat, and (of course) calcium to any meal! What's on your table tonight? Try this caramelized tofu.

So, Coxamin (Coxamine): 360 mg (36% of the daily value) in 1 tablet.

COXAMIN is the best natural calcium that is 100% absorbed in the body. It is 20% more effective at absorbing into the body than the calcium in dairy products and just over 40% than Tricalcium Phosphate.

Do you have a favorite non-dairy source of calcium? Please tell us below in the comments!

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