Folic acid during pregnancy. Folic acid can cause cancer Causal relationship between excessive intake of folic acid and a decrease in NK cell activity

People have known about the benefits of vitamin B9 (folic acid) for a long time, but only relatively recently, doctors began to actively promote the use of this substance among the population. Folic acid is prescribed during the period of bearing a child, it is included in complex therapy in the treatment of heart disease, there is a lot of controversy about how this vitamin is capable of provoking the development of cancer or it is an inhibitory factor in the growth of cancer cells. Only one thing is indisputable - folic acid is needed by the body of every person, but its intake is especially important for women.

Features of folic acid

The benefits of vitamins and minerals are known to all. Many of us know what calcium and magnesium are, why iron is needed in the body, and what effect vitamins B6, B12, A and C, PP and D have. Vitamin B9, folic acid, in which the active substance is folate, remains undeservedly forgotten.

Note:folic acid cannot be produced by the body itself, and its ability to accumulate in tissues and organs is zero. Even if a person introduces the maximum amount of foods containing vitamin B9 into his diet, the body will absorb less than half of the original volume. The main disadvantage of folic acid is that it destroys itself even with a slight heat treatment (storage of the product in a room with room temperature is enough).

Folates are a fundamental component in the process of DNA synthesis and maintaining its integrity. In addition, it is vitamin B9 that contributes to the production of specific enzymes by the body, which are actively involved in the prevention of the formation of malignant tumors.

The lack of folic acid in the body was detected in people aged 20-45 years, in pregnant and lactating women. This can lead to the development of megaloblastic anemia (oncology associated with a decrease in DNA synthesis), the birth of children with developmental defects. There are also certain clinical symptoms indicating a lack of folic acid in the body - fever, often diagnosed inflammatory processes, disorders in the digestive system (diarrhea, nausea, anorexia), hyperpigmentation.

Important:natural folic acid is absorbed much worse than synthetic: taking 0.6 μg of a substance in the form of a medication is equal to 0.01 mg of folic acid in its natural form.

How to take folic acid

The National Academy of Sciences in 1998 published a general instruction on the use of folic acid. The dosage according to these data will be as follows:

  • optimal - 400 mcg per day per person;
  • minimum - 200 mcg per person;
  • during pregnancy - 400 mcg;
  • during lactation - 600 mcg.

note: in any case, the dosage of vitamin B9 is set on an individual basis and the above values ​​can only be used for a general understanding of the daily dosage of the drug. There are clear restrictions on the daily amount of the substance under consideration when planning pregnancy and during the period of bearing / feeding a child, as well as in the case of the use of folic acid for the prevention of cancer.

Folic acid and pregnancy

Folic acid is responsible for DNA synthesis, it is actively involved in cell division, in their restoration. Therefore, the drug in question must be taken both during pregnancy planning, and during the period of bearing a child, and during breastfeeding.

Folic acid is given to women who have stopped taking birth control and are planning a baby. It is necessary to start using the substance in question as soon as the decision is made to conceive and give birth to a child - the importance of the absolute abundance of folic acid in the mother's body in the first days / weeks of pregnancy is difficult to assess. The fact is that at the age of two weeks, the brain is already beginning to form in the embryo - at this time, a woman may not be aware of pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, the baby's nervous system is also formed - folic acid is necessary for proper cell division and the formation of an absolutely healthy body. Why do gynecologists prescribe vitamin B9 to women when planning a pregnancy? The substance in question takes an active part in hematopoiesis, which occurs during the formation of the placenta - with a lack of folic acid, pregnancy can result in a miscarriage.

A lack of folic acid in a woman's body during her pregnancy can lead to the development of birth defects:

  • "hare lip";
  • hydrocephalus;
  • "cleft palate";
  • neural tube defect;
  • violation of the mental and intellectual development of the child.

Ignoring folic acid prescriptions from a gynecologist can lead to premature birth, placental abruption, stillbirth, miscarriage - according to scientific studies, in 75% of cases, this development can be prevented by taking folic acid 2-3 months before pregnancy.

After childbirth, it is also not worth interrupting the course of taking the substance in question - postpartum depression, apathy, general weakness are the result of a lack of folic acid in the body of the mother. In addition, in the absence of additional introduction of folates into the body, there is a deterioration in the quality of breast milk, its quantity decreases, which affects the growth and development of the child.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy and lactation

During the period of planning and carrying a pregnancy, doctors prescribe folic acid to a woman in the amount of 400-600 mcg per day. During breastfeeding, the body needs a higher dosage - up to 600 mcg per day. In some cases, women are prescribed a dose of 800 micrograms of folic acid per day, but only a gynecologist should make such a decision based on the results of the examination of the woman's body. An increased dosage of the substance in question is prescribed for:

  • Diabetes mellitus and epilepsy diagnosed in a woman;
  • existing congenital diseases in the family;
  • the need to constantly take medications (they make it difficult for the body to absorb folic acid);
  • the birth of earlier children with a history of folate-dependent diseases.

Important : in what quantities a woman should take folic acid during the periods of planning / bearing pregnancy and lactation, the gynecologist should indicate. It is strictly forbidden to choose a “convenient” dosage on your own.

If a woman is absolutely healthy, then vitamin B9 is prescribed in the form of multivitamin preparations that a woman needs when planning a pregnancy and bearing a child. They are sold in pharmacies and are intended for expectant mothers - Elevit, Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal and others.

If the need for an increased dosage of folic acid is identified, a woman is prescribed drugs with a high content of vitamin B9 - Folacin, Apo-Folic.

note: to know exactly how many capsules / tablets to take per day, you need to study the instructions for the drug and get advice from a gynecologist.

The principle of using preparations containing folic acid is simple: before or during meals, drinking plenty of water.

Overdose and contraindications

Recently, it has become "fashionable" to prescribe folic acid to pregnant women in the amount of 5 mg per day - apparently, they want to fill the body with vitamin B9 for sure. This is absolutely wrong! Despite the fact that excess folic acid is excreted from the body 5 hours after intake, an increased dosage of folic acid can lead to the development of anemia, increased excitability, kidney dysfunction, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that the maximum allowable dose of folic acid per day is 1 mg, 5 mg per day is a therapeutic dose that is prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system and other parts of the body.

Should be clarified : even with an overdose of folic acid as prescribed by a doctor, there is no negative effect on the intrauterine development of the fetus. Only the body of the expectant mother suffers.

A contraindication to the appointment of folic acid is an individual intolerance to the substance or hypersensitivity to it. If such a disorder was not detected before the appointment, then after taking preparations with vitamin B9, a rash and itching on the skin, facial flushing (redness), and bronchospasm may appear. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the prescribed drugs and inform your doctor about it.

The benefits of folic acid for pregnant women are described in detail in the video review:

Folic acid in foods

Folic acid and cancer: evidence from official studies

Many sources indicate that folic acid is prescribed in the treatment of cancer. But on this occasion, the opinions of scientists / doctors are divided - some studies confirm that it is this substance that can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and serve as a preventive measure in oncology, but others have indicated the growth of malignant tumors when taking drugs with folic acid.

Overall Cancer Risk Assessment with Folic Acid

The results of a large study assessing the overall risk of developing cancer in patients taking folic acid supplements were published in January 2013 in The Lancet.

“This study provides confidence in the safety of taking folic acid for a period not exceeding five years, both in the form of supplements and in the form of fortified foods.”

The study involved about 50,000 volunteers, who were divided into 2 groups: the first group was regularly given folic acid preparations, the other group was given a placebo "dummy". The folic acid group had 7.7% (1904) new cases of cancer, while the placebo group had 7.3% (1809) new cases. A marked increase in the overall incidence of cancer was not seen even in people with a high average intake of folic acid (40 mg per day), experts say.

Risks of developing breast cancer when taking folic acid

In January 2014, the results of another study were published. Scientists have studied the risks of developing breast cancer in women taking folic acid. Canadian researchers at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, including Dr. Yong-In-Kim, lead author of the study, found that folic acid supplements taken by breast cancer patients can promote the growth of malignant cells.

Previously, some scientists argued that folate is able to protect against various types of cancer, including breast cancer. However, studies by Canadian scientists have shown that folic acid intake at a dosage of 2.5 mg 5 times a day for 2-3 consecutive months significantly contributes to the growth of existing precancerous or cancerous cells in the mammary glands. rodents. Important: this dosage is many times higher than the dosage recommended for humans.

Folic acid and prostate cancer risks

In March 2009, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of a study of the relationship between folic acid intake and the risk of developing prostate cancer.

Scientists from the University of Southern California, in particular, study author Jane Figueiredo, found that taking vitamin supplements with folic acid more than doubles the risk of developing prostate cancer.

The researchers followed the health status of 643 male volunteers for more than six and a half years, with an average age of about 57 years. All men were divided into 2 groups: the first group received folic acid (1 mg) daily, the second group was given a placebo. During this time, 34 study participants were diagnosed with prostate cancer. Based on their data, scientists calculated the likelihood of developing prostate cancer in all participants for 10 years and came to the conclusion that 9.7% of people from the 1st group (taking folic acid) and only 3.3% can get cancer. men from the second group (taking "pacifiers").

Folic acid and throat cancer

In 2006, scientists at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart found that taking large doses of folic acid helps regress leukoplakia of the larynx (a precancerous disease that precedes cancer of the larynx).

The experiment involved 43 people who were diagnosed with leukoplakia of the larynx. They took 5 mg of folic acid 3 times a day. The results of the study, published by its leader Giovanni Almadori, surprised physicians: regression was recorded in 31 patients. In 12 - a complete cure, in 19 - a decrease in spots by 2 or more times. Italian scientists analyzed and found that in the blood of patients with head and neck cancer, as well as patients suffering from laryngeal leukoplakia, the concentration of folic acid is reduced. Based on this, a hypothesis was put forward about a low level of folate as a provoking factor in the development and progression of oncological diseases.

Folic acid and colon cancer

Previously, scientists from the American Cancer Society proved that vitamin B9 significantly reduces the risk of development - it is enough to consume folic acid in the form of natural products (spinach, meat, liver, animal kidneys, sorrel) or synthetic preparations.

Tim Byers found that patients who took dietary folic acid supplements had an increase in the number of polyps in the intestines (polyps are considered precancerous conditions). Important: the scientists emphasized that we are talking about the use of drugs, and not products containing folates.

Note: most of the studies confirming the increased risk of malignant neoplasms are based on taking doses many times higher than the minimum recommended. Remember that the recommended dose is 200-400 micrograms. Most folic acid preparations contain 1 mg of folate, which is 2.5 to 5 times the daily value!

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

A new study by experts from the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) shows that the lack of folic acid can be much more dangerous in its consequences for the body than previously thought. Scientists have found that when folic acid is deficient, the process of DNA replication and cell division is disrupted, which is fraught with the development of cancer. According to Eurek Alert, scientists recommend regularly measuring the content of folic acid in the body, […]

A popular dietary supplement, folic acid, which belongs to the category of vital substances, does nothing to prevent heart attacks, strokes, cancer and premature death, British scientists have found. Conducted by doctors from the University of Oxford (UK) - a respected publication of the American Medical Association. The authors of the work compared together many individual trials of folic acid and summarized their results in the so-called meta-study.

Any person interested in their health knows about the important trace elements, vitamins and nutrients that they need. Every day, the body receives some of them through food, the rest - from food supplements, leading to the idea that the body gets everything it needs. Iron, calcium, vitamins, each of which is specific and irreplaceable; amino acids, antioxidants, salts, trace elements… This list is inexhaustible.

After you have finished using protection, until the twelfth week of pregnancy, folic acid is simply necessary for the body. This vitamin belongs to group B. It must be taken in order to avoid hostile defects in the spinal cord. A well-known defect called spina bifida can appear due to a lack of folic acid. In fact, from the first days after fertilization, the process of formation of the spinal cord […]

Every woman dreams of being able to give birth to a healthy child. In the process of bearing, an important place is occupied by vitamins taken by a pregnant woman. The most important vitamin for pregnancy planning, conception up to childbirth is folic acid (aka vitamin B9). This vitamin is required for cell division, the development of all organs of the fetus, and the process of hematopoiesis. Its lack in the body is fraught with underdevelopment [...]

Canadian researchers have found that folic acid supplements taken by breast cancer patients may promote the growth of malignant cells. Folic acid (folate, or vitamin B9) is a water-soluble vitamin that is essential for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems. Its deficiency can cause megaloblastic anemia in adults, and increases the risk of neural tube defects during pregnancy, […]

People who take high doses of folic acid do not have an increased risk of cancer, scientists say. Some concern about possible side effects has arisen in part from the concern that additional doses of folic acid may increase the risk of cancer cells developing and growing. For analysis, the researchers analyzed data from 13 separate observations in which participants were randomly assigned daily folic acid or […]

A new study has shown that taking folic acid and other B-vitamin supplements may not protect against colon polyps. Some so-called observational studies have suggested that people who get more B vitamins are less likely to get colon cancer. However, this assumption has been refuted. In a new study, researchers asked randomly selected women to take folic acid […]

The benefits of folic acid cannot be overestimated.

This vitamin is involved in all body processes: metabolism, DNA production, immunity formation.

For women, B9 is vitamin number 1, as it helps to conceive and bear a healthy baby.

It is prescribed for the treatment of many diseases: skin, immune, endocrine.

Folic acid (B9) is a water-soluble compound involved in the formation of the circulatory and immune systems. It was first discovered in 1938 when treating anemia with yeast. In the 40s of the XX century it was possible to synthesize artificially.

The acid is soluble in water, practically insoluble in alcohol. Loses most of its properties when heated, so getting enough of it from food is difficult.

The main properties of the vitamin:

  • Helps to produce red blood cells, so it is successfully used to treat anemia;
  • Participates in the synthesis of serotonin;
  • Stimulates the immune system;
  • Helps improve digestion;
  • Reduces the risk of cancer.

The mechanism of action is based on the conversion of B9 into tetrahydrofolate in the body, which is involved in protein metabolism. The body begins to produce the necessary amino acids. Also, acid determines the correct formation of the reproductive system.

Application for the treatment of the body

B9 has been successfully used to treat a number of diseases, as well as skin problems.

For acne

Acne is often caused by a lack of vitamins and the metabolic disorder resulting from this deficiency.

Folic acid has a complex effect on the skin:

  • Normalizes intercellular reactions;
  • Maintains the water balance of the skin;
  • Removes toxins and allergens;
  • Improves the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • Neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

As a result, the skin is cleansed of acne, acquires a healthy appearance. However, you must be careful and consult with your doctor first. An overdose of a vitamin can have the opposite effect, that is, increase the number of rashes.

With psoriasis

Psoriasis is a severe chronic autoimmune disease. Manifested by red scaly spots on the body.

Folacin is used for complex therapy of psoriasis. This is due to the ability of the vitamin to stimulate the production process. erythrocytes. As a result, the body's resistance increases.

Patients with this diagnosis require increased dosages of B9. Sometimes the daily appointment reaches 3000-5000mkg. During the remission period - 800-1000 mcg. The dosage is determined by the attending physician. Take courses.

For rheumatoid arthritis

Fingers in rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a severe joint disease characterized by inflammation and destruction of connective tissue.

The disease has an autoimmune nature.

That is, the body's immune cells attack their own joint cells, mistaking them for others.

As a result, the process of inflammation and destruction of cartilage tissue starts.

The main drug used in rheumatoid arthritis is Methotrexate- belongs to the group of cytostatics.

It is used in combination with folic acid to achieve the maximum effect and reduce the side effects of the drug.

Drugs for the treatment of arthritis depress the immune system, folacin helps stimulate the process of producing new immune cells. Folic acid is involved in the synthesis of amino acids - the main components of proteins.

Proteins are the main building material for connective tissue. B9 weakens the negative effect of cytostatics on the liver and heart.

Reduces the likelihood of malignant processes that often occur as a complication of rheumatoid arthritis therapy.

In this disease, the dosage of the vitamin is 1000 mcg. This is enough to increase the body's resistance.

With gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. With this disease, the absorption of vitamins, in particular B9, is reduced.

As a result - the occurrence of folic deficiency anemia. folacin fights against inflammations stomach with high acidity. Usually prescribe a dose of 200-400mcg per day.

With oncology

Vitamin B9 prevents the development of tumors, also malignant, by inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

For example, it reverses endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus, which is considered a precancerous condition.

However, opinions about the appointment of folic acid in pre-existing cancers are divided.

Canadian scientists conducted large-scale studies, their results were published in 2014.

According to the data, long-term use of folacin stimulates the growth of cancer cells in women with breast cancer. Scientists from Southern California have established a relationship between taking B9 and the development of prostate cancer.

However, in all cases, the dosage of the vitamin significantly exceeded the daily dose.

Some researchers note that it is safe to take folates for no longer than 5 years.

For liver disease (hepatitis C)

Hepatitis C is a dangerous viral disease of the liver that affects its cells and leads to dysfunction of the organ.

In this case, the activation of the acid obtained from the products is disturbed. In this case, prescribe vitamin supplements that facilitate the course of the disease.

B9 improves the filtration function of the liver, activates metabolic processes, and prevents the disease from becoming chronic.

Apply in a dosage not exceeding 1000 mg per day. The course of treatment is prescribed by a doctor.

For migraine

One of the causes of migraine is anemia. Folic acid has been successfully used to prevent and treat anemia. More than 40% of migraine patients are deficient in this vitamin.

The study found that the complex intake of vitamin B9 and B12 has a positive effect on the course of the disease.

Significantly reduce the duration of seizures, reduce the frequency of their occurrence. Therapeutic daily dose - 500 mcg.

With anemia

Anemia is a syndrome in which the hemoglobin level falls below 110-115g/l.

The blood carries little oxygen, and the cells experience its deficiency, all reactions are inhibited.

  • Iron-deficiency anemia- the most common form. Occurs with iron deficiency.
  • folate deficiency anemia appears on the background of a lack of vitamin B9. In this case, the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow slows down.

For the treatment of anemia, iron preparations are prescribed, which also contain folic acid.

Dosage for anemia

If the disease is a consequence of folacin deficiency, then it is necessary to take 1500 micrograms of vitamin per day, divided into three doses.

With diabetes

Diabetic patients have to follow a low-carbohydrate diet, which leads to a lack of vitamins, in particular, folic acid. In addition, the disease provokes a violation of vitamin metabolism in tissues.

Compatibility with lipoic acid

Vitamin B9 is taken in combination with alpha-lipoic acid. Folacin regulates protein metabolism, alpha-lipoic acid neutralizes the action of free radicals that damage the vascular walls.

Together, both vitamins reduce the risk of diabetic polyneuropathy. Typically, these acids are prescribed in vitamin complexes designed specifically for diabetics.

Daily allowance and risk of overdose

The daily rate of B9 depends on the patient's condition, height, weight, diseases that he has.

  • Doctors usually recommend taking no more 400 mcg per day.
  • Pregnant women need more up to 600 mcg.
  • In serious chronic diseases, the dosage is increased up to 1000-1500 mcg dividing it into three steps.

Folic acid preparations are not safe vitamins. An overdose of a substance is very serious. Usually, overdose symptoms appear with a single dose of a large amount of the drug.

Signs of vitamin poisoning:

  • Unpleasant bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Increased excitability, irritability;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Intestinal disorders (diarrhea);
  • Violation of the kidneys;
  • convulsions;
  • insomnia, nightmares;
  • Allergic rash.

There is no antidote for the vitamin.

At the first symptoms of intoxication, it is necessary to wash the stomach with plenty of water, then take a sorbent: activated carbon, Polysorb, Filtrum. In a serious condition, you need to call an ambulance.


Folic acid preparations are inexpensive and available without a prescription. Produced in the form of tablets, capsules.

The most common:

  • Folic acid forte, 9 months Folic acid (Valenta). Contains 1000mcg per tablet.
  • Folacin. Contains 500mcg of acid.
  • Folio. In addition to 400mcg B9 contains iodine. It is convenient for use during pregnancy, as the doses of vitamins are prophylactic.
  • Blagomin B9. One capsule contains 200mcg of the vitamin.

In addition, there are many dietary supplements based on folacin on the market. For example, Folic acid from Solgar with a content of 400mcg of the substance. Also, the vitamin is present in the composition of special vitamin-mineral complexes.

For example, Materna, Elevit, Multitabs. All of them contain prophylactic doses and are not sufficient for the treatment of serious diseases.


Despite the many beneficial properties of B9, it can cause side effects. The decision to take folacin preparations should be made by a doctor based on tests and an assessment of the patient's condition. Self-appointment is prohibited.

In contact with

The modern world, in addition to achievements and progress in the treatment of many serious diseases, is faced with a rapidly developing pathological change in cells - cancer. The use of heavy drugs, the conduct of chemotherapy blocks, the peculiarities of the general condition lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being and immunity. Many experts advise taking complexes based on micro and macro elements to maintain the normal functioning of the body's internal systems. In order not to cause more harm to health, you should choose the right B vitamins for oncology from the list recommended by a specialist.

Vitamins in oncology: indications and contraindications

Useful substances of synthetic or natural origin are necessarily included to ensure the usefulness of the complex therapy of the disease.

The normal intake of micro and macro elements contribute to:

  • Restoration of vital processes and functions of internal organs;
  • Maintaining a good level of resistance, especially after the use of cytostatics and chemotherapy blocks;
  • Provide stability of enzymatic and hormonal exchanges;
  • Cleanses the body, preventing intoxication changes.

The selection of complexes or multivitamin preparations is necessarily consistent with the oncologist, since some compounds provoke the growth, active development of tumors and the spread of metastases. Properly selected medicines normalize metabolism, detoxification processes.

Dispensary patients require special attention to the use of vitamins, especially cancer patients with localization of neoplasms in the digestive tract: stomach, intestines.

It should be borne in mind that any microelements and vitamins of group B in oncology may have contraindications.

  • Retinol - provitamin A - a strong antioxidant that promotes the physiological regeneration of affected cells. Recent studies have confirmed the effectiveness of incorporating vit. A in therapy and use for cancer prevention. Beta-carotene, injectable lycopene, and a diet rich in the compound help to alleviate the course of certain types of cancers in the prostate, breast;
  • Group B - a variety of components contributes to a cumulative effect that normalizes vital processes: metabolism, transmission of neural impulses, restores protein, carbohydrate and fat balance. But in the event of cancer, it should be used with great care, the beneficial effect has an effect on the activation of cell growth;
  • Ascorbic acid - vitamin C - is considered an excellent prophylactic to support and strengthen the immune system, as well as protect healthy bodies from mutations and damage. It is recommended as a means of reducing side effects and complications in the treatment of oncology with cytostatics, radiation, hormones. Restores membrane structures, destroys free radicals;
  • Calciferol - vitamin D3 - a full supply of the compound strengthens the immune system, normalizes the synthesis of T cells, improves the condition of blood vessels and permeability. Normalizes calcium balance;
  • Tocopherol - vit. E - is used exclusively in combination with other trace elements. It is prescribed to prevent relapse, to facilitate the rehabilitation process. Restores regenerative capabilities at the cellular level due to strong antioxidant properties;
  • Laetral - B 17 amygdalin - contributes to the destruction of neoplasms with the help of an enzyme synthesized by the affected bodies during the breakdown of cyanide. It is completely safe for healthy structures.

All medicines based on microelements are prescribed with great care, with exact dosage.

Compounds in large quantities are contraindicated in the treatment of oncological diseases:

  • Thiamine;
  • Methylcobalamin (B12);
  • Tocopherol capsules;
  • Honey is excluded, as well as some liquid vitamin components that enhance cell regeneration and metabolism;
  • iron preparations.

In most cases, the norm of vitamins remains at the level of physiological need, which is necessary for the normal functioning of internal systems.

Vitamin C and foods containing it

The benefits of ascorbic acid are incomparably huge. In addition to the prevention of colds, very often the full consumption and absorption of the trace element prevents the development of cancerous tumors.

With oncology vit. C contributes to:

  • Raising immune functions;
  • Acceleration of protein metabolism;
  • Increasing the activity of regeneration processes;
  • Protects healthy cells from damage during the use of chemistry, radiation therapy.

Ascorbic acid is found in many foods. Particularly high content in:

  • Rose hips;
  • Black currant berries;
  • citrus;
  • Onion and garlic;
  • celery;
  • Fresh vegetables of bright colors.

Also, a large amount of vitamin C is found in chicken meat, beef liver.

B vitamins

Compounds belonging to the class of water-soluble useful microelements, which play an important role in ensuring the normal process of cellular metabolism, have unique properties in supporting health.

Patients of oncological dispensaries require special attention when prescribing vitamin components.

Useful for cancer

  • Riboflavin - B2 - is involved in the formation of red blood cells, steroid hormones, helps to distribute oxygen through the tissues;
  • Pyridoxine - B6 - slows down the division of affected bodies;
  • Folic acid - B9 - improves hematopoiesis, maintains the natural genetic form;
  • Amygdalin - B17 - inhibits the neoplasm, preventing metastases.

The intake of a sufficient amount of B vitamins contributes to:

  • Normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Restores regeneration capabilities;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Improves blood formation;
  • Increases the synthesis and assimilation of amines;
  • Prevent disorders of the functions of the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

Sources of useful trace elements are:

  • A balanced diet enriched with foods high in group B;
  • Synthetic complexes;
  • Dietary supplements, which can be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Vitamins of group B in oncology are contraindicated in strict adherence to dosages. Exceeding which can provoke tumor growth.

According to scientists, supplements containing folic acid can cause the growth of malignant cells that form in the mammary glands. Specialists from Toronto conducted special studies that confirmed this assumption. In particular, the relationship between the activity of cancerous and precancerous cells with folic acid allowed to confirm experiments on rodents.

As the data of these experiments showed, folic acid is really dangerous. For example, at a dosage of two and a half milligrams five times a day, there was a significant stimulation of carcinogenic cells present in the mammary glands of mice. Experts have recognized that if a patient suffering from breast cancer takes supplements containing folic acid, the growth of malignant cells can be significantly accelerated.

Vitamin B9 is hidden under the name folic acid, and this is not the first time oncologists have mentioned it in connection with the worsening condition of patients suffering from this type of cancer. According to some studies, this substance is able to create protection against breast cancer, and many scientists previously thought so. But new studies by Canadian scientists unequivocally show that when taking food supplements containing B9, and in a significant dose, it can contribute to the active development of cancer.

Scientists are now worried that over the past fifteen years, women have begun to consume more folic acid. As you know, the government of America and Canada has long required that food manufacturers include folic acid in the formulation of all products so that women consume more vitamin B9.

Doctors advise women to take this vitamin before pregnancy, and remember to use it after. Thus, the development of certain defects in the infant is prevented. Statistics say that at least forty percent of the population uses folic acid supplements to provide certain health benefits, although the benefit of this prevention has not been fully proven. Doctors believe that a survey about the dangers of folic acid is especially important, since people who have survived tumor removal actively use various nutritional supplements, the benefits of which have not been fully confirmed. Folic acid requires more study, how it affects breast cancer, has not yet been identified.

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