Read before offering infant formula to your puppy. Important information! Artificial feeding of puppies Milk for newborn puppies

Sometimes there are cases when the owner himself has to feed a small, just born puppy. This is called artificial feeding of puppies. Of course, it is always better to give preference to natural breastfeeding, because with mother's milk the baby will receive all the trace elements he needs and he will be protected from diseases and infections. But if for some reason the bitch cannot feed her children, the owner will have to take care of this. What food to use, whether such feeding has features, whether there are pros and cons - we will consider further.

Disadvantages of artificial feeding

Artificial feeding of newborn puppies or natural feeding? Sometimes this choice is not even worth the owner. The mother does not have milk, she may get sick or even die during childbirth. In such cases, the newborn puppy is transferred to artificial nutrition.

As an option, you can find a recently bristling bitch and put the babies on her so that she feeds them. The “adopted” dog should be about the size of the mother of the puppies, and her litter should not be very large, otherwise there will not be enough milk for everyone. This option is good enough, since the baby will receive both food and care, the dog will teach him the basics of behavior and teach him to be independent.

If this is not possible, it is necessary to resort to extreme measures. Artificial feeding has a number of disadvantages. Let's consider the main ones:

  • takes a lot of time, attention and effort of the owner. A person who does this for the first time will need the help of experienced breeders or advice from veterinarians. You should not neglect the advice, since with such feeding there is a high risk of losing the animal.
  • artificial mixtures (even very good ones) are worse than maternal nutrition. Puppies may not tolerate unnatural nutrition. If you formula feed a newborn puppy, he will not receive the necessary vitamins and protection against infections (antibodies transmitted with mother's milk). When preparing such mixtures on your own, you should not forget about fortified supplements.
  • “artificial” puppies often have a bad character - the bitch cannot teach them anything, and they also do not have the maternal warmth and care they need so much. The upbringing of the mother is very important: the puppies should feel safe, get used to independence by a month, and by two the mother is already teaching them the right behavior, punishing them for “misconduct”.

The main and only positive point is that the owner using artificial feeding can develop a very close bond with the pet from a young age.

Features of such feeding

Artificial feeding of puppies has its own characteristics. First, you need to choose: feed the animal with a ready-made mixture or make it yourself. In the case of self-preparation of the mixture, you need to know one trick: since there are not enough vitamins and nutrients for the puppy in cow's milk, you need to add them there (1 yolk, a few drops of vitamin A, D, a couple of milliliters of ascorbic acid (5% ).As ready-made substitutes, you can use powdered milk, and from the age of 3 weeks - a mixture for making porridge.Preference should be given to artificial substitutes of good proven companies.In this case, you can be sure that the food is saturated with vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities.

Newborn feeding

Many owners are interested in the question of how to feed a pet that has just been born. Feeding newborn puppies without a mother provides for a number of features. To do this, you can use a pipette or syringe (without a needle). More than adults can be fed from a baby bottle with a nipple (at the same time, the size of the hole should be adjusted - if the baby is too large, the baby may choke).

It is also necessary to massage the puppy's tummy before feeding. You can use a damp cloth made of natural fabric for this, and the movements should imitate the process of licking (this is how mom regulates the digestion of puppies).

Feeding: how much, when and what portions

Feeding a newborn puppy without a mother is a complicated procedure. Get ready to watch the time. The baby needs to be fed every two hours, at night too. Gradually, it is necessary to increase the intervals between feedings. After 3-4 weeks, the puppy must be transferred to 5-6 meals a day.

Depending on the age of the baby and the size of his mother, he needs a different amount of food. Here are the approximate calculations:

A few days old: 30 mg per day (for puppies whose mother weighed up to 5 kg); 70 ml (up to 10 kg); 90 ml (up to 20 kg); 120 and 170 ml (for female puppies weighing from 20-30 kg and above). With the age of the puppy, these norms increase. So, for example, per month, puppies should already receive 100 ml of food (mother's weight up to 5 kg), 220 ml (up to 10 kg), 300 (up to 20 kg), 410-570 ml (from 30 and above kg).

These standards are very approximate. The owner needs to watch the baby, he himself will show when he is full. But at the same time, it should be taken into account that if the baby turned away from the bottle, this does not mean 100% that he is full and that he has enough. Maybe something is bothering him.

In addition to proper nutrition, artificial feeding of puppies implies a few more basic rules.

  • Puppy must be warm
  • The baby should receive a properly cooked and accurate portion by weight.
  • Do not forget about hygiene and care for a small pet

So, in the first days of life, puppies have poor thermoregulation. The mother keeps them at the right temperature. If not, that's the owner's concern. Overheating, as well as cooling, can cause various diseases, even death. Puppies are warmed in special incubators. They can be made independently from a box and a heating pad or lamp, while the puppy must have the opportunity to move away from the heat source. The temperature should be at least 29 degrees, and at the age of the month - 24 degrees. In this case, the humidity should always be about 55%.

Feeding puppies without a mother should fully cover all the need for vitamins and minerals found in mother's milk. This can be achieved through the use of special feed substitutes. Usually the proportions and doses are indicated on the boxes. It is very important to avoid common mistakes - overfeeding or underfeeding. If there is not enough food, puppies whine, gain weight poorly, and show anxiety. If too much - then liquid stools are possible. You can determine that feeding is taking place correctly by the behavior and appearance of the baby: he must be satisfied, calm, gain weight. And his stool should be hard and have a yellowish tint.

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to choose how to properly feed the pet, the owner must take care of his hygiene. Toddlers are not able to contain and concentrate urine, they excrete it quite often. At the same time, the risk of dehydration is high. The owner must maintain the cleanliness of the place where the puppies are, as well as monitor their hygiene and dryness, check the babies for diaper rash. To get rid of them, you can use baby cream.

Artificial feeding of puppies is a complex procedure, which the owner should resort to only when the mother herself cannot feed her offspring. At the same time, puppies must be provided with the most comfortable conditions, warmth and care. They require a lot of attention.

Despite all the disadvantages, it is at this moment that the owner can establish a very close relationship with the pet, because, in fact, he replaces the baby's mother.

The best food for newborn puppies is mother's milk.

But sometimes natural feeding is not possible.

The bitch may be sick, she may not have enough milk for all the puppies, she may not let the kids near her. In such cases, puppies will have to be fed without her participation.

How to make your own formula for feeding newborn puppies

The most available cow's milk is not very suitable for feeding puppies. It contains almost two times less calories, proteins and calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for babies, than in bitch milk.

Therefore, cow's milk will have to be "finished" a little, adding nutritional value to it.

A proven recipe for preparing a mixture for feeding newborn puppies is to add hen's egg yolk to cow's milk (at the rate of 1 yolk per 100 ml of milk).

It is desirable to add one or two drops of vitamins A and D and 2-3 ml of 5% ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to the resulting mixture.

Industrialized bitch milk substitutes

Preparing formula for feeding puppies is not always convenient, and the quality of cow's milk from the store sometimes leaves much to be desired.

The solution to the problem can be ready-made mother's milk substitutes, which contain all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the healthy growth of puppies.

Powdered milk for puppies is easy to use - just dilute the powder in the required proportion and bring it to the required temperature.

In the puppy product line, the latter manufacturer also has a special mixture for making porridge for puppies, which can be used from 3 weeks of age. This is a great option for introducing complementary foods.

How to feed newborn puppies

The finished mixture is best used immediately, but you can feed it during the day (24 - a maximum of 36 hours). Keep the mixture in the refrigerator. If you are preparing food for several feedings, immediately divide it into portions - remove the excess in the refrigerator immediately after preparing the mixture.

The temperature of the puppy formula should be around 38 degrees. It is better to heat the finished mixture in a water bath, placing the dishes with the mixture in a container of hot water.

Very tiny puppies can be fed with a pipette or from a syringe without a needle. If the puppies are not very small, you can use an ordinary baby bottle with a rubber nipple.

It is important to adjust the size of the hole in the nipple. Too much can lead to the fact that the puppy will choke, and too little will not allow the baby to meet his nutritional quota due to fast-setting fatigue.

A lactating bitch not only feeds her babies, but also monitors their digestion. With artificial feeding of puppies, you will have to take on this task.

Before each feeding, lightly massage the puppies' tummies with a damp and warm cloth made of natural fabric, imitating the licking movements with their mother's tongue.

How much food do newborn puppies need

The first week of a puppy's life is the most responsible and the most difficult. Babies will have to be fed every two hours, including at night.

Somewhere from the 10th day of life, the number of feedings can be reduced by increasing the intervals between them. By the end of the first month, puppies can be fed no more than 5-6 times a day.

The amount of food per day that a puppy needs for full development depends on the age of the baby and its size.

A puppy on the 2nd-3rd day of life needs a ready-made mixture: 30 ml per day (if the approximate weight of the mother ranges from 1 to 5 kg), 70 ml (5-10 kg), 90 ml (10-20 kg), 120 ml (20 -30 kg), 170 ml (more than 30 kg).

On the 7th day of life: 40 ml (if the approximate weight of the mother ranges from 1 to 5 kg), 90 ml (5-10 kg), 120 ml (10-20 kg), 160 ml (20-30 kg), 230 ml ( over 30 kg).

On the 14th day of life: 60 ml (if the approximate weight of the mother ranges from 1 to 5 kg), 130 ml (5-10 kg), 180 ml (10-20 kg), 250 ml (20-30 kg), 340 ml ( over 30 kg).

On the 21st day of life: 80 ml (if the approximate weight of the mother ranges from 1 to 5 kg), 180 ml (5-10 kg), 240 ml (10-20 kg), 330 ml (20-30 kg), 460 ml ( over 30 kg).

On the 28th day of life: 100 ml (if the approximate weight of the mother ranges from 1 to 5 kg), 220 ml (5-10 kg), 300 ml (10-20 kg), 410 ml (20-30 kg), 570 ml ( over 30 kg).

These standards are for guidance only. Nutritional requirements can vary greatly between puppies of even the same size in a litter.

Watch babies while feeding.

A puppy that has had enough of the food offered will usually turn away from the pacifier itself.

But remember that he may also turn away because he is tired of sucking, although he has not eaten.

Be sure to find out the weight gain rates for puppies of your breed, and control this indicator.

From two to three weeks of age, puppies are recommended to add grated cottage cheese or special cereals for puppies. A little later, you can introduce porridge with scraped meat or ready-made dry food designed specifically for small puppies. For example, (Starter from Royal Canin) Royal Canin Starter. The advantage of this food is the availability of several types for different breeds of dogs. Small breed puppies and large breed puppies differ in developmental speed and growth needs, so choose the right food for your little ones.

Foster mother for puppies

Caring for orphaned puppies or is it hard to be a bitch?

It's very sad when newborn puppies are left without a mother. Usually their owners try to find a foster mother for the puppies - a bitch who recently calved herself, but brought very few puppies. It is desirable that the adoptive mother be similar in size to the mother of orphaned puppies. If the puppies cannot find a foster mother, the owners have to raise the puppies themselves.

Artificial rearing of puppies is a last resort that must be resorted to in order to prevent the babies from dying.

Artificial feeding of a puppy

Artificial rearing of puppies has many more disadvantages than advantages:

It requires a huge amount of time and effort from a person. If a person does not have the skills to raise newborn puppies, then you can not do without call the veterinarian or advice from an experienced breeder.

Artificial formula, whatever it is, is always worse than mother's milk. Mother's milk in the first few hours after birth - colostrum contains vitamins, antibodies that protect puppies from infections from birth to three months. Puppies that have not received colostrum require special attention. Sometimes there are cases of sudden death of artificially grown puppies under the age of 1 month.

Oddly enough, the character of puppies - "artificial" turns out to be imperfect. A mother dog teaches puppies a lot from a very young age. Maternal warmth, care is a great start in life. In the first 3 weeks after childbirth dog almost always in the "nest" next to his puppies, which creates an atmosphere of security and safety. By one month, the bitch begins to teach puppies to be independent, and by two months, she can give the puppy a good "thrashing" for bad behavior.

Positive moments in artificial feeding of puppies:

Since the puppies are given constant attention and care, a close bond develops between them and the person who acts as a foster mother.

Orphan puppy care:

To survive, puppies need:

• Warm. Thermoregulation in puppies is not developed. Outside the warm "nest" the puppy dies of hypothermia even at room temperature.

• Feeding. It is important to know what and how to feed, how often, how much the puppy eats in one "feeding".

• Stimulation of urination and defecation . Puppies under the age of 3 weeks cannot go to the toilet on their own. They need stimulation to urinate and to empty their bowels.

Warmth for newborn puppies

Puppies need to be kept warm to survive. They are contraindicated in temperature changes or drafts. Puppies can go long enough without food and survive, but they won't survive if they get too cold. Warmth for newborn puppies is no less important than food. The first week of life, the temperature in the "nest" should be 30-35 ° C. Since newborn puppies cannot regulate their temperature, it is completely dependent on the ambient temperature. From hypothermia, puppies quickly catch a cold, and it is very difficult to save them.

Feeding orphaned puppies

Feeding frequency: breaks between feeding newborn puppies - 2-3 hours.

Milk mixture temperature: 38 - 40 ° C.

The volume of milk for feeding a puppy weighing 300 g is two full pipettes, but this is only a guideline. If the amount of milk formula is chosen correctly, the puppies sleep peacefully from one feeding to the next. A very common mistake - overfeeding, leads to severe constipation, or vice versa - to a disorder of the "stool".

What to feed? For feeding very young puppies, a pipette or a disposable syringe is suitable, to the end of which is attached a rubber tube with small holes - holes (for example, from another pipette). As puppies get older, you can switch to a bottle with a pacifier. It is important that the holes in the nipple are small, otherwise the puppies will choke! Several small holes in the nipple are preferable, instead of one large one.

What to feed? What is the composition of the milk formula?

AT bitch milk fat and protein are almost 2 times more than in cow, and sugar - 1.5 times less. You can use ready-made mixtures - mother's milk substitutes sold in large pet stores or veterinary pharmacies. You can make your own mixture.

Recipes for artificial feeding of a puppy

Recipe #1 - 0.5 l of milk + 1 raw egg yolk without shell.

Recipe #2 – 0.25 l of milk + a tablespoon of powdered milk = stir and strain.

Stimulation of urination and defecation in puppies

After eating, you need to help the puppies urinate and empty the intestines. To do this, massage the puppy's stomach with a piece of cotton wool or a terry towel moistened with warm water, imitating the movement of the bitch's tongue, in order to cause the separation of urine and feces. Puppies are not able to "empty" on their own until three weeks of age.

Veterinarian advice on caring for orphaned puppies

Into our veterinary service "Vasilek" owners contact periodically orphaned puppies per veterinarian consultation or for veterinary assistance in more difficult cases.

Ball with Lusha

From personal experience: bottle-feeding puppies twice

Some of our clients are faced with the need feed puppies twice. For the first time, being caring people, we couldn't get past the puppies, put up by someone in the trash. A box with three newborn puppies stood next to the dumpster. It was early spring outside, the puppies were hypothermic, had to do veterinarian call. The condition of the puppies was serious, out of three, only one "girl" was saved. The puppy was given a name - Lusha, surrounded by warmth and care. In a large friendly family, the puppy was fed strictly “by the hour”, the feedings were divided among themselves. As a result, Lusha grew up. She has become a wonderful loyal dog. Throughout her life, Lusha almost never got sick. At the age of 6 I had spay the dog for medical reasons. Since vet call was needed only for routine vaccinations.

And so, when Lusha was 10 years old, history repeated itself. Again - "foundling". An abandoned newborn puppy was lying on the grass in the courtyard of the kindergarten, he loudly called "mother". The puppy was brought home without hesitation. The owners already knew exactly how to care for the baby. While the puppy was small, the spoiled Lusha almost did not take part in his upbringing, but after a month she could no longer "get away" from his persistent attention and unceremonious games. Veterinarian consultation needed only once. On the eleventh day, the puppy had a severe "constipation", which was managed thanks to veterinarian's advice. From the fourteenth day, the puppy began to learn to eat from a saucer. The puppy was called a beautiful, not ambitious name - Sharik. the first puppy vaccination did in two months, the second in three. Soon the puppy will go for a walk. We hope that Sharik will develop into a deep, highly intellectual personality.

When the mother feeds her offspring with breast milk, she is healthy, then the owner has nothing to worry about. This is what happens in most cases. But there are exceptions to the rule - force majeure circumstances, when the female cannot feed the cubs. So all the worries about the offspring fall on the shoulders of the owner. This is not an easy task, but if you wish and have theoretical knowledge, you can feed the puppies on your own. Let's find out how it should happen.

How to feed offspring

First of all, we note that young animals that have not received maternal colostrum are always at risk. After all, this natural product contains antibodies to infections in its composition, helps to cleanse the intestines, and supports the immunity of babies. Since they are left without their mother, the supporting food in the early days can be boiled water with glucose or cow's milk, in which the yolk is diluted. One yolk must be stirred in half a liter of liquid, after separating it from the protein.

If we compare the composition of cow and dog milk, then the latter is much fatter. Fat in it contains 9.2%, in cow - 3.8%. That is why it is recommended to add the yolk to enrich the product. But sugar in dog milk contains 3.1%. Therefore, formulas for infants are not entirely suitable for young pets, because they contain a lot of glucose. That is why it is still better to use dog milk substitutes for feeding.

Another feeding option is goat's milk. Today, by the way, veterinary pharmacies sell bitch milk substitutes made with goat milk. In the first days, for better adaptation of the puppy ventricles, they should be diluted with boiled water twice as much as the recommended rate. When the owner has the opportunity to feed the offspring with a natural goat product, then it must be diluted with water one to one, boiled, and used warm. It is imperative to monitor the defecation of young animals: if the bowel movements are normal, there is no diarrhea, then the concentration of goat milk can be increased.

All mixtures that the owner uses for artificial feeding of offspring should be freshly prepared, especially in the first weeks of life. Their temperature should not be less than 37-38 ° C for newborns, then it can be gradually reduced and brought to 26 ° C by the age of one month.

Feeding regimen in the first week - every two to three hours. It should be as close as possible to breastfeeding, and usually dogs suck their mother at first 10-12 times a day. At two weeks of age, the interval between feedings increases to three to four hours. As early as three weeks old, puppies need to take a nightly break from feeding.

These are general recommendations for healthy puppies. But sometimes they are born weakened. If the weight of the newborn is one hundred grams or less, then you need to feed him strictly after 2 hours. In this case, the portion should be such that the dog is full. Let him eat as much as he wants. However, keep in mind that, like a child, it is better to underfeed a baby dog ​​than to constantly overfeed.

The owner of young offspring should know that up to a week of age, a single portion of food should be 15-20% of the dog's body weight. This indicator in a two-week period is 25%, in a three-week period - 30-32%.

Young caudates are fed for the first time from a bottle with a nipple. If we are talking about representatives of small breeds, then you can use a syringe without a needle or a pipette.

Many breeders advise adding bifidumbacterin to the mixture to normalize the intestinal microflora of puppies. To do this, you need to purchase its liquid concentrate. If there are problems in the state of health of dogs, then it is advisable to give them Gamavit or Catozal.

It is useful to systematically treat the room where the dogs are kept with a quartz lamp. Such disinfection will help them grow healthy. It is important to prevent drafts and temperature changes in the room. Artificers are more vulnerable to colds than puppies fed by mothers.

Healthy, well-fed, well-weighted puppies sleep almost all the time. This is an indicator that you are caring for them correctly. Hungry dogs will whine and sleep poorly.

Already in three weeks, artificers should be taught to lap from a saucer. From the age of one month, they should gradually be accustomed to natural food, cereals with milk, kefir, cottage cheese. It should be borne in mind that only one new product is allowed to be introduced per day.

Mother's milk is the only food for newborn puppies in the first two to three weeks of life. Therefore, the growth of the puppy, its health and development entirely depend on how well the nursing bitch eats. The first seven days, puppies can be applied to their mother's nipples twelve times a day. In the second week of life, the number of feedings is reduced to eight times, and by the fourth - to six. Before the bitch stops feeding milk, the frequency of feeding is 4-5 times a day. They start feeding puppies additionally from two weeks, but only if the bitch has enough milk. If there are a lot of puppies in the litter or the bitch does not have enough milk, then they start feeding the puppies earlier, from the first days of life.

How to determine if a puppy is getting enough mother's milk? If the puppy does not have enough milk, then he is restless, often whines, sleep becomes short, noticeably lags behind in development. Such puppies should be applied more often to the most milky nipples. Whole milk heated to 30 degrees is used as the first complementary food. It is better to use goat's milk. In terms of its qualities and composition, it is closest to bitch's milk. To make cow's milk nutritious enough for puppies, chicken eggs are added to it at the rate of -1 egg per half liter of milk.

Until the moment when the puppies open their eyes, they are fed with a bottle with a pacifier. They are taught to self-feed by pouring milk into a small bowl and gently bending the puppy's head to the food. Usually, one or two feedings are enough for the puppy to eat on its own. From this point on, various additives can be introduced into the milk. It can be semolina or oatmeal porridge, white bread soaked in milk. It is useful to add raw chicken eggs to cereals. One egg is laid to feed a litter of five puppies.

The norm of milk for a puppy in the first week will be approximately 200 - 250 ml. By the fourth week, the amount of milk is gradually increased to two to three glasses per day. Raw meat is introduced into the diet starting from the third week of life. The meat is finely chopped or chopped in a meat grinder. Meat complementary foods are introduced gradually, starting with 15 - 20 grams, and gradually increasing its amount. So, at three weeks the norm for a puppy is about 50 grams of meat per day, and at the age of one month - 100 grams. The meat is fed after they suck on their mother's milk, dividing the daily allowance into several parts.

Starting from three weeks, they try to diversify the diet. To do this, in addition to cereals, meat and milk, they feed rice water and other liquid cereals, starting from 50 grams per day, and gradually increasing the rate to 250 grams. The daily rate is for 3 doses. Puppies are given water at three weeks of age. It is imperative to give water, even if the puppies are getting milk. It should always be fresh, so you need to change the water several times a day. Don't forget to wash the drinker. Mucus settles on it, polluting the water. Meat broth is introduced into the diet in the fourth week. A little later, various soups are cooked on the broth, but the meat is given separately. He is fed three times a day. It is better to make cottage cheese for puppies on your own. In order for an actively developing puppy to have enough calcium and there is no danger of such an unpleasant and difficult to treat disease as rickets, the cottage cheese must be calcined. It is not difficult to make it. To do this, bring a liter of milk to a boil, pour in 3 tbsp. calcium chloride 10%, and mix well. After the milk curdles, it is expressed and cooled. Puppies under the age of 4 weeks are given no more than twenty grams of such cottage cheese per day, and by three months the amount is adjusted to 50 grams. Usually puppies eat cottage cheese better if it is diluted with whey to the consistency of porridge. You can add some sugar. Serum does not need to be injected - it is very useful. Most often, it is given to a nursing bitch.

A growing puppy also needs vegetables. The easiest way to teach a puppy to eat vegetables is to feed them in the form of puree. To make puree, vegetables are chopped and stewed until they are completely soft. After that, add sour cream and continue cooking for about 15 minutes. It remains only to wipe the vegetables to the desired consistency and cool. Depending on age, the amount of vegetables can be from 50 to 150 grams per day.

Fish is given in the form of minced meat, twice a week, 30-50 grams per day. In order to prepare minced meat, the fish is boiled and ground in a meat grinder along with the bones. Dilute the minced meat with broth. Only sea fish is suitable for feeding puppies.

By the age of one month, breastfeeding should be reduced to 3-4 times. Between such feedings, the puppies are fed five times a day with milk, in which you can soak a little white bread. In addition, you can give rice soup in meat broth or minced meat in a meat grinder. By the time the bitch stops feeding, the puppies should be getting at least 6 meals a day.

Puppies are weaned at 45 days of age. You can't do it abruptly. For five to seven days, gradually reduce the feeding of puppies by the bitch. Puppies are already accustomed to normal feeding and can eat on their own. A sudden transition from mother's milk to regular food can cause serious digestive problems.

To determine how well your pet is eating, you need to weigh it daily. During the day, puppies of small breeds gain about 20 grams in weight, medium breeds - about 50, and the weight gain of puppies of large breeds reaches 175 grams. By the time the puppy goes on a normal diet, there should be a sufficient amount of energy and nutrients in his diet. So, the amount of protein in the puppy's diet is 9 grams, fat - about 2.6 grams and 14 grams of sugars. In addition, vitamin A - 200 IU, D - 20 IU, E - 2.2 IU. For the normal development of the puppy in his diet should be at least 528 mg of calcium, 440 mg of phosphorus and 1.5 g of fiber. A puppy receives complete proteins from meat, including offal, and rice and various cereals are rich in carbohydrates, which are fed in the form of cereals. Vegetables enrich the diet with vitamins and fiber, while bone meal, chalk and vitamin D are essential to prevent rickets.

It is important that young dogs receive the highest quality food. Do not allow bloating and problems with digestion. The consistency of food fed to dogs is like a thick soup. The frequency of feeding puppies up to 8 weeks - after 4 hours, 6 times a day. By four months, the number of feedings is reduced to five, and by six months - up to 3 times a day. It is better to give food slightly warm, half-eaten food is removed immediately, and do not feed the puppy until the next feeding.

Puppies begin to be transferred to the diet of an adult dog from the age of six months. By 9 months, the puppy eats twice a day, but the diet is no less rich than before. It is useful to give cartilage to puppies.

It is unacceptable to feed the bones of a bird, especially for tubular bones. If you give your dog bones, then they should be large. In addition, it is unacceptable to use various hot spices and vinegar in the dog's diet.

kendrali (Kendrali Elena Leonidovna)

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