Boiled rice without salt for weight loss. The unique properties of cereals. How much can you lose on a rice diet

The rice diet is considered one of the best options for detoxification and quick weight loss. Medicinal properties rice and centuries of experience in therapy with this product indicate that such a nutritional system is effective.

The excellent composition of rice groats makes it possible to consume only this product for 3-14 days without a pronounced deficiency of trace elements necessary for the body. In addition to chemical components that favorably affect general state health, rice is recognized as an excellent sorbent. It absorbs toxins, salts and toxic substances and brings them out naturally. That is why it is prescribed to people with food poisoning.


The main principles of the rice diet should be called the following:

  • Among all meals, breakfast is considered the most important - many options for preparing this cereal will allow you not to feel monotonous.
  • Drink ordinary water in large quantities, but long before and after meals so that it does not affect concentration gastric juice slowing down the digestion process. It must be remembered that rice has binding properties, therefore a large number of fluids are needed to prevent constipation.
  • Salt is best avoided completely for maximum effect, from shop sauces too. It is allowed to use quite a bit of vegetable oil as a dressing.
  • It is best to combine this cereal with apples, raisins, dried apricots, pumpkin.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of rice mono-diet lies in the beneficial effect on the body of the cereal itself:

  • Calcium in the composition of the grains improves the condition of nails and hair.
  • Potassium favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Phosphorus is good for bones.
  • Iodine is essential for normal functioning thyroid glands.
  • Iron and zinc strengthen overall immunity.
  • Fiber improves the digestion process.

In addition to all this, the rice diet cleanses the body of accumulated toxins and toxins, and also helps the stomach to decrease due to small portions.

This method of losing weight will harm people with chronic diseases, as well as everyone who is on a diet. long time. In addition, it is important to remember that weight loss occurs due to the removal of fluid from the body, so in most cases it returns as soon as water balance is restored.

Types of diets for cleansing and weight loss

Depending on the duration of the menu and diet, there are several types of diets.

For 3 days

Such a short-term version of the rice mono-diet will allow you to lose up to three kilograms.

During each day, it is allowed to eat three times and the menu looks something like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
The first Rice porridge, which can be prepared in several ways:

Pour water in the evening


· For a couple

Season with citrus zest or green apple puree.

A decoction of vegetables, rice porridge with vegetable oil and herbs, raw vegetables Vegetable broth, rice porridge, raw or steamed carrots
Second Rice porridge with any kind of greens, seasoned with low-fat sour cream, any citrus Vegetable soup, rice porridge with herbs and vegetable oil. Steamed broccoli, zucchini, green pea and fig.
Third Rice porridge flavored with cinnamon and a drop of vanilla extract, any citrus. Green vegetable soup, rice porridge with boiled mushrooms and cucumbers. Steamed broccoli, green peas and rice, a glass of vegetable broth.

During these three days you can drink water, green tea, red tea, very little juice of any citrus, better diluted with water.

For 7 days

For a week of rice monoration, you can build up to five kilograms. It is strongly recommended to follow all the rules of the diet and make sure that there are no contraindications.

The menu of this option also provides for three meals a day, which look like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
The first A serving of rice porridge the size of 50 grams, seasoned with a tablespoon of lemon juice and a large apple. A portion of rice porridge of 150 grams, seasoned with herbs and a small amount (teaspoon) of olive oil. A serving of boiled rice measuring 150 grams, a medium carrot cooked in a double boiler. Can be grated and added to porridge in the middle of cooking.
Second A serving of rice porridge measuring 50 grams, seasoned with two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream, any citrus A portion of rice porridge measuring 150 grams, any green vegetables for a couple. The same as the first day.
Third Serving size 50 grams of rice porridge, large pear. In 100 grams of rice porridge, add one medium cucumber and 50 grams of porcini mushrooms fried in a small amount of olive oil. Serving size 150 grams of rice, 2 tablespoons of boiled white cabbage, 20 grams of walnut kernels.
Fourth A portion of rice porridge with a size of 50 grams, you can add a glass of milk, a green large apple during the cooking process. A portion of rice porridge measuring 150 grams, a salad of one medium raw carrots and a pair of heads of radishes. As on the third day, but without nuts.
Fifth A portion of rice porridge measuring 50 grams, half a glass of steamed raisins, a glass of any fermented milk fat-free drink. A portion of rice porridge of 150 grams, baked zucchini, lettuce. A portion of rice porridge of 150 grams, greens in any quantity, 20 grams of walnuts.
Sixth A portion of rice porridge measuring 50 grams, a large sweet pear salad and 30 grams of walnut kernels. A portion of rice porridge of 150 grams, steamed zucchini, greens in unlimited quantities. A portion of rice porridge measuring 150 grams, seasoned with two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream and a large pear.
Seventh A portion of rice porridge measuring 50 grams and a large apple. A portion of rice porridge with a size of 150 grams, a couple of medium tomatoes, any greens in unlimited quantities. A portion of rice porridge measuring 100 grams and steamed zucchini.

For 2 week

Following a rice mono-diet for 14 days helps to lose 6 to 10 kilograms. It is important to observe general rules and recommendations for this diet and ensure that there are no potential health risks.

Its menu coincides with the seven-day options, in the second week it needs to be repeated and expanded citrus juices in the first half of the day.

5 volumes

One of the most popular rice diet options is 5 cups or 5 volumes. It allows you to get rid of 3 to 6 kilograms in two weeks. Suitable for everyone who is not too lazy to accompany cooking with an unusual ritual.

You need to take 5 containers with a capacity of 200 ml. you can do more, but 200 ml is required amount. Sign each of them with numbers from 1 to 5. On the first day, you need to put two tablespoons of rice cereal in a glass and pour ordinary clean water to the brim. On the second day, change the water in this glass and do the same procedure with the second glass, and so on. You can eat the contents of the first one in the morning on the fifth day without additional heat treatments, that is, the cereal is settled for 4 days.

The rest of the diet can be left as usual, but for greater effect, it is better to adjust it towards proper nutrition.

Geisha Diet

It's no secret that rice is the most commonly consumed crop in Eastern countries. Therefore, it is no wonder that geishas have their own secrets for maintaining a beautiful appearance with the help of this product. One of them is the geisha diet, designed for 5 days and allowing you to lose 5-7 kg and cleanse the body. Suitable for everyone who is not afraid of difficulties, like Japanese hardy women.

Interesting. By the way, there is no reliable confirmation that it is the Japanese mistresses who are the authors of this diet. But the oriental flavor of the diet and the beautiful appearance of the women of Japan contribute to its spread among the masses.

During the five days of the geisha diet, it is allowed to drink green leaf tea and cow's milk, but there is rice, preferably unpolished and not white. A typical daily diet looks like this:

Morning - 2 cups of tea with milk without sweeteners.

Lunch - a portion of brown rice porridge measuring 200 grams and a glass of milk.

Evening - a cup of green tea with milk and a portion of rice porridge measuring 200 grams.

With chicken and vegetables

Among all rice diets, this option is considered the most sparing and healthy. You can observe it from 7 days to 14 and during this time you can really lose from 3 to 7 kg, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Allowed to consume rice, green vegetables and fruits, tomato juice, apples and citruses.

There are several options for implementing the diet: you can combine allowed foods daily or alternate rice days with vegetable and fruit days.

Example of a mixed diet:

Breakfast - rice porridge with lemon zest and a green apple.

Lunch - steamed rice with vegetables and a glass of tomato juice.

Dinner - a small portion of rice porridge measuring 50 grams, boiled chicken breast and fresh cucumber.

honey rice diet

It is allowed to observe this food option for 5, maximum 7 days. During this time, it takes up to five kilograms.

You should choose unprocessed industrial environment rice: black, red, brown or simply unpolished. Alternating these varieties every day is good.

During the day, it is allowed to consume half a kilogram of porridge from the selected cereal in three meals. Each serving should be sweetened with a tablespoon of liquid honey, acacia or buckwheat is ideal. At the same time, it is important to remember plentiful drink water, unsweetened green tea. In the context of this diet, a drink from warm water, honey and lemon juice.

The duration of this type of diet should not exceed 7 days, during which time you can lose 3-4 kilograms. Nutritionists do not recommend sticking to a menu based on buckwheat and rice cereals if the goal is to lose five kilograms. But this option is well suited to start long-term weight loss with the right balanced diet as a shake-up of metabolism. For the same purpose, they use the buckwheat-rice menu when you need to “finish off” a few kilograms in a short time.

This diet will appeal to everyone who is having a hard time protein diets due to lack of carbohydrates.

Foods allowed for consumption: buckwheat and rice cereals, lemons, tea, apples, greens, chicken meat.

There are several ways to implement this power supply system:

  • Alternate rice days with buckwheat. For this, a glass of cereal is poured in the evening warm water in a ratio of one to two and is used in three doses throughout the day.
  • Mix boiled buckwheat porridge with rice in equal proportions and eat half a kilogram of this mixture per day.
  • The most rational option: make balanced menu with the main products buckwheat and rice.

Option balanced diet buckwheat-rice diet:

Breakfast - a couple of green apples or any citrus fruits, green tea without sugar in any quantity.

Lunch - buckwheat-rice / buckwheat / rice porridge with vegetables or herbs.

Dinner - a couple of tablespoons of mixed / buckwheat / rice porridge with green vegetables and chicken breasts.

Rice and apple

Rice and apples are ideally combined and have a beneficial effect on digestion. The use of these two products for 3-5 days contributes to an emergency weight loss of up to three kilograms.

The menu of this food system consists of green apples and rice, preferably unpeeled. In small quantities (30 grams per day), raisins and walnuts are allowed.

You can implement the diet with many cooking options for allowed foods: casseroles, puddings, cereals, baked apples, steamed rice.

A sample daily menu looks like this:

Morning - rice porridge with raisins and nuts.

Lunch - two large baked apples, three tablespoons of rice porridge.

Dinner - rice porridge with herbs, green fresh apple.

The classic kefir-rice diet lasts 9 days and is well suited for people after food intoxication. Well, of course, during this time you can decently lose weight - an average of up to five kilograms.

The diet is divided into three parts for three days, each of which has its own diet:

  1. The first part - all three meals consist of rice slurry. For its preparation, cereals and water are taken in a ratio of one to four. Any drinks other than water are prohibited.
  2. The second part is only fat-free kefir in the amount of 8 glasses daily.
  3. The third part is a more or less balanced menu and has several implementation options:
  • Breakfast - apples, lunch - rice porridge, dinner - kefir.
  • Breakfast - a portion of rice porridge measuring 200 grams, dinner - kefir, between these meals - four large baked apples.
  • Boil a glass of raw rice groats in three glasses of water, divide the finished dish into three parts and eat throughout the day, drinking a glass of kefir.
  • Alternate mono days - rice and kefir.

During pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is often accompanied by swelling. Therefore, rice that removes fluid from the body can be most welcome. Pregnant women are recommended unloading mono-days, during which you can use rice porridge and apples. Such changes in the diet should be strictly coordinated with the doctor.

For joint disease

Nutrition systems based on rice groats often have a healing effect and are prescribed by doctors for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

With osteochondrosis

The use of more minerals than the body needs is one of the main causes of osteochondrosis. The most common of these is ordinary table salt. The absorbent ability of rice cereal will come to the rescue of people with such problems.

It is recommended to arrange unloading rice days without salt - within a few months, the symptoms of the disease will significantly weaken, and the patient's condition will improve. For maximum effect, it is necessary to abandon the use of salt and junk food for a long time, and make rice groats an obligatory part of the daily menu.

The fasting day diet consists of three liters plain water and half a kilogram of rice porridge.

For arthritis

With arthritis, rice therapy is practiced in almost every case. The ability to remove toxins, toxins and salts has a great effect on the restoration of joints and the cleansing of the whole organism. In addition, the weight lost during the period of the rice diet eases the load on them.

It is recommended to choose a brown unpolished rice variety and eat it on an empty stomach. A certain preparation of this product for a health-improving diet is also required: rice must be soaked like the procedure of the “five volumes” system, but in this case it is considered mandatory to cook it. Before meals, be sure to drink up to half a liter of water, and absolutely nothing to season rice porridge. The next meal after breakfast is allowed no earlier than 4 hours later.

You can continue therapy for a month.

For gout

Rice diet is prescribed for gout to remove salts from the joints. The effect will be the better, the longer the cereal was soaked in water before use. Therefore, you need to prepare for treatment according to the “Five Volumes” system and have breakfast with pre-cooked rice after a five-day soak.

You can practice such a morning meal for quite a long time, having agreed this in advance with your doctor.


Like any nutritional system for weight loss based on one product, the rice diet has a number of contraindications:

  1. Chronic or acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Tendency to constipation and obstruction of the rectum.
  3. Unstable blood sugar.
  4. Pregnancy (excluding fasting days) and lactation.

Observing any of the proposed diets, you need to listen to your body and if you experience general weakness, nausea or dizziness, stop losing weight in this way.

Prohibited Products

The diet will not bring results if, together with rice groats consume these foods:

  • Food waste in the form of chips, crackers and similar snacks, as well as store-bought ketchups, mayonnaises and other sauces.
  • Sweets and white bread.
  • Confectionery and sugar.
  • Salt. For this nutrition system, the amount contained in the products themselves is sufficient.
  • Alcohol, coffee.
  • All foods that are not included in the list of permitted diets.

Opinions of nutritionists

The fact that rice is considered a useful cereal is beyond doubt by any of the experts. In the diet healthy nutrition this product takes pride of place.

Cellulose, necessary for the body minerals, absorbent properties, pleasant taste and low cost are just the main advantages of rice.

Nutritionists and doctors have a positive attitude towards fasting days on rice porridge, if indicated.

Mono-diets that last more than three days are not recommended by either medical staff or nutritionists. In addition to the fact that the body does not receive all essential vitamins, such nutrition is difficult to endure psychologically.

Rice is a low-calorie product that is rich in vitamins and microelements, and is able to effectively nourish the body with useful minerals and essential enzymes. And also it is a very tasty and healthy cereal that will not leave indifferent any person, young or old.

Today, there are a lot of options for a rice nutrition system for weight loss, among which there are strict 3 daily diets, and more gentle, lasting up to 14 days. It is possible to carry out complex fasting days, taking into account the main recommendations of nutritionists regarding rice nutrition for weight loss and normalization of weight.

Advantages of the rice food system

The popular rice diet for cleansing the body has many advantages:

  1. Low-calorie.
  2. Effective.
  3. Nutritious.
  4. Cleansing.
  5. Delicious.
  6. Diverse.

Rice groats contain 8 main amino acids that support the proper functioning of all human organs. Other useful properties:

Attention: did you know that rice is able to create a protective film in the stomach, which improves the functioning of the digestive system? The rice cleansing diet will be very beneficial for people who have bowel disorders, as well as diseases such as gastritis, pancreatitis, and more.

The calorie content of the product is as follows: 100 g of rice contains 323 kcal.

Preparing the body for weight loss

Before you start losing weight, you need to follow a few basic recommendations that will help bring your health back to normal and protect you from unwanted consequences.

  1. Be sure to consult with a nutritionist about the chosen weight loss system, make a list of foods with the doctor that you should eat during this diet, taking into account the characteristics of the figure and health status.
  2. A few days before the start of dietary nutrition, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines, reduce the calorie dose of the meals consumed, minimize the consumption of confectionery and bakery products, and remove alcohol from the menu.
  3. Get a special notebook or notebook where you will record all the achievements or shortcomings of the dietary nutrition complex, having previously written down the initial parameters of the figure on the first page.
  4. Buy a pharmacy vitamin complex to maintain the body's vital functions with a strict 3-day rice diet.
  5. Stock up on patience and willpower, set a goal and follow it until the end of the diet.

Attention! If after the first days of the rice diet you become very ill, you should interrupt such a system for losing weight and return to eating the same dishes. So, the rice diet for cleansing the body, unfortunately, is not yours.

Diet options. Strict rice diet (3 days)

The diet menu is meager and monotonous. On the day you need to eat 200 g of boiled rice without salt, various additives and spices. It is allowed to add a few green apples to the diet. Such a diet can be used as a fasting diet for one, two or three days.

Basic Rules:

  1. It is forbidden to eat fried, fatty, salty, spicy, sweet, canned foods.
  2. "No" to bakery and flour products.
  3. More liquid, water without gas, you can drink unsweetened compotes and weak mineral water. It is also allowed to drink green or black unsweetened tea.

Today, the rice diet (3 days) is justifiably popular, it gives excellent results and does not harm the body. But in everything you need to know the measure, it is impossible to adhere to such a nutrition system for more than the specified period. To do this, there is a more gentle rice diet "5 volumes". Reviews testify to the high performance and simplicity of this weight loss system. Next, we will consider it in more detail.

Such a rice diet is super effective, it is one of the better ways improve your health and improve the functioning of the digestive system.

Rice diet "Five volumes"

We prepare a menu for every day. To do this, take 5 different containers and put 2 tablespoons of rice there. Next, pour the cereal with boiling water and insist for five days, while changing the liquid in all containers every day.

On the fifth day, we pour out the water from the first jar and eat rice without cooking. Then we start the procedure all over again, and so on for 5 days.

What gives us such rice weight loss?

  1. The water-salt balance is normalized.
  2. Harmful substances are removed from the body.
  3. Enrichment with vitamins and microelements.

Such a rice diet "5 volumes" has positive reviews. The fair sex tends to use it longer, but nutritionists recommend using it for no more than 7 days.

Be sure to record all the results in a special notebook and then analyze the situation. These data will be useful both for the nutritionist and for the user himself, it is important to always control the indicators of weight and well-being of a losing weight so as not to bring the body to complete exhaustion.

Another variant of the rice diet - "Two dishes"

The first product is, of course, brown rice, but the second is fish or seafood. Mixing dishes is strictly prohibited.

Introduce foods into the diet as follows:

  1. In the morning - rice porridge, and in the evening - fish.
  2. Or vice versa: in the morning - seafood, and in the evening - boiled rice.

That's the whole wisdom of the diet. Yes, the feeling of hunger will visit you, especially during lunch, but you can’t eat anything. Therefore, you should choose such a nutrition system consciously and carefully, comparing your needs and taking into account the state of the body.

Course duration - no more than 5 days.

Do not harm your body, consult, first of all, with a nutritionist, and only then conduct experiments with your health!

Detailed rice diet menu for 7 days


  • Breakfast: steamed dark rice - 50-70 g, 1 pear, unsweetened tea.
  • Lunch: fruit smoothie.
  • Lunch: 200 g of dark rice, stewed vegetables and radish salad, a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: steamed rice, raw carrots, green tea.
  • Before bedtime: green apple.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice meatballs with vegetables - 50-70 g, pear or kiwi, strong green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable of your choice.
  • Lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, 200 g of dark rice, vegetable stew, Cup of tea.
  • Dinner: steamed rice, a few tablespoons of low-fat sour cream, green tea.
  • Before bedtime: vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice meatballs with fruits and raisins - 50-70 g, 1 orange.
  • Lunch: fresh fruit of your choice.
  • Lunch: 200 g of dark rice, vegetable soup and cucumber salad, a glass of unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-calorie fruit.
  • Dinner: mushrooms, preferably stewed, coleslaw, unsweetened tea.
  • Before bed: grapefruit.


  • Breakfast: rice - 50-70 g, yogurt without preservatives and sugar.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable of your choice.
  • Lunch: steamed broccoli - 150 g, 200 g of dark rice, vegetable soup, a glass of tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-calorie vegetable.
  • Dinner: stewed rice, green tea.
  • Before bed: vegetable smoothie.


  • Breakfast: dark rice - 50-70 g, kiwi, green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: fresh fruit of your choice.
  • Lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, 200 g of dark rice, vegetable soup with herbs, a glass of strong unsweetened tea.
  • Afternoon snack: low-calorie fruit.
  • Dinner: steamed rice with raisins, cabbage salad, green tea.
  • Before going to bed: fruit salad.


  • Breakfast: apples, nuts, rice with honey, a glass of black tea.
  • Lunch: fresh fruit of your choice, 20 g low-fat cheese.
  • Dinner: mushroom soup, boiled veal - 150 g, vegetable salad and a glass of tea.
  • Afternoon snack: a few small nuts.
  • Dinner: steamed rice, low-fat sour cream, a glass of kefir.
  • Before going to bed: 200 g of yogurt or fruit salad, such as apple, apricot, pear.


  • Breakfast: boiled rice meatballs with vegetables - 50-70 g, orange, yogurt.
  • Lunch: fresh vegetable of your choice.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, beans, boiled rice, 150 g of fish, a glass of kefir.
  • Afternoon: orange.
  • Dinner: rice cakes, tea.
  • Before bed: grapefruit.

This is the rice diet. Reviews of those losing weight note a positive trend, good health. Can lose up to 10 kg overweight, while the result is stable and lasts for several years. To do this, you should not pounce on all the food at once, do regular fasting days and do not abuse "empty" calories and carbohydrates.

The next rice diet (9 days): user reviews and recommendations

It should be noted a slight similarity between the previous nutrition system and the nine-day one. Three days are added, which are responsible for the complete cleansing of the body. The diet of dishes in the first three days is very poor, it is supposed to eat boiled rice in small doses and fruit or vegetable salads.

The results are stunning - a loss of up to 15 or more kilograms of excess weight.

Such a diet is prohibited for those who have less than 5 extra pounds - you can harm your health and disable the digestive system.

  1. Rice for a diet should be chosen brown, unpeeled, cooked until half cooked or simply steamed with boiling water.
  2. Do not drink black coffee and alcohol.
  3. A pharmacy complex of vitamins, which must contain potassium, is simply necessary for full-fledged work. internal organs.
  4. The menu should contain fresh vegetables and fruits that are grown naturally, without nitrates and harmful impurities. Buy such products not in supermarkets, but in the markets, from trusted sellers.
  5. You can only steam vegetables and fish.
  6. You should not make global changes to the menu and eat what you want, thus it will not be possible to cleanse the body, and even more so to lose weight effectively.
  7. Light exercise will benefit everyone, it can be a morning jog, swimming, aerobics, dancing.

body cleansing system

Cleaning Method digestive tract next:

  1. Every morning for 14 days you need to eat on an empty stomach 30 minutes before the main meal 2-3 tablespoons of steamed brown rice.
  2. It is important to limit the consumption of fried and fatty meats, as well as confectionery and flour products.
  3. More fluids throughout the day and less alcohol, especially beer.

Universal rice diet: reviews and results from numerous users

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a rice based diet? It was the rice diet that helped many to achieve noticeable results. It's no secret that some of the fairer sex try to avoid rigid food systems. But sometimes you need to lose those extra pounds very quickly, and then just such diets come to the rescue. Usually choose the shortest option - 3-day.

At first, as they say, it can be very difficult, because apart from rice and apples, nothing else can be eaten. But when there is a goal, you need to follow it to the end. What do those who have already experienced such a diet offer to do? Steam rice strictly according to the recipe, do not add any extra foods to the diet, try to drink more liquid, especially in those moments when you really want to eat. Thus, many steadfastly endure three days and lose weight by 3-4 kg or more. The girls are completely delighted.

The rice diet for weight loss is very effective, reviews confirm this. We wish you all success and strength of mind!

A few words about the three-day rice system for weight loss

Fans of the rice diet share their results. When it is very difficult to maintain a stable weight, the problem of excess kilograms will always be relevant. The rice diet is very popular. 3 days (reviews of those who lose weight emphasize this) are, of course, difficult to endure, but this is much less than many other mono-diets require. It is also important to consider that the rice diet is completely harmless and saturates the body with vitamins and microelements. So many people decide to take desperate steps to bring their parameters back to normal. Of course, one cannot do without consulting a nutritionist in this difficult matter, and in order to consolidate the result obtained, it is important not to oversaturate the diet with flour and bakery products.

After some time, the rice diet gives results that exceed all expectations. 7 days (reviews guarantee a wonderful effect) of such a nutrition system will only benefit, especially if you add regular physical activity.

Rice diet:

  1. Normalizes salt balance.
  2. Removes waste and toxins from the body.
  3. Reduces the volume of the stomach, so you want to eat less.

Many users completely trust this diet, spend fasting days once a week, do light exercise. And the parameters of the figure imperceptibly return to normal and delight the eyes of others.

Dietary nutrition for osteochondrosis

Frequent problems with osteochondrosis take people out of their usual way of life, each extra pounds adversely affects the patient's gait and posture. It turns out that dietary nutrition allows not only to lose weight, but also to keep your body in acceptable proportions without causing excess weight.

The 14-day rice diet is quite healthy, and its dishes are delicious. For breakfast, you can cook porridge with raisins, poppy seeds, nuts, consume during the day more vegetables and raw fruits. This method of getting rid of extra pounds for many people who have health problems will be a healing find and the first step to recovery.

And the saturation of the menu with fish and seafood will make a lot of beneficial vitamins and minerals in a weakened organism.

Here is such a rice diet for osteochondrosis. Reviews about it can be found the most vivid and inspiring.

Some losers have experienced unsuccessful results from the rice diet

Why do some people complain about the ineffectiveness of the dietary food system? Here, for example, kefir-rice diet. Reviews about it can be found not very favorable. Why?

  1. During the diet, the terrible desire to eat something did not disappear.
  2. There were pains in the stomach.
  3. There was an increase in temperature and severe dizziness.
  4. Poor sleep and lack of normal performance.
  5. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system.

All this is possible in cases where there are no individual consultations with a nutritionist, and the decision to lose weight is spontaneous and unreasoned.

Remember, diets are not toys, you should be attentive to your health and not commit rash acts!

Drawing conclusions

Summing up, we can say that the rice diet gets good reviews, is one of the most effective in the top ten best nutrition systems for weight loss. Do not forget that it will help to fully cleanse the digestive system of harmful toxins, toxins and numerous other harmful substances.

Yes, its disadvantage is that such a diet is addictive, and with its subsequent use, the result may tend to zero. But cleaning the body and saturating it with vitamins and microelements will be observed in any case. What else do we need to be healthy and strong?!

Let's not forget that a diet is in any case a stress for the body, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor or a nutritionist before starting it.

Take good care of your health. If you feel unwell or weak, then you should not be a hero and continue the diet. Food should be a joy, because it gives energy for every day, and we do not need fatigue and drowsiness.

Be smart, love yourself and your life!

Rice is one of the most common foods in many countries around the world. In the Asian region, it forms the basis of nutrition, and, as you know, it is in China, Japan, Indonesia and other Asian countries that there are the least overweight people and the most centenarians.

Features of the rice diet

It cannot be argued that rice is the only reason for the health and longevity of Asians. But you can trace the features of its effect on the body by studying the composition.

Composition of cereals

Rice groats are a source of carbohydrates. Like all cereals, it is rich in "correct", long-term carbohydrates. They do not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar levels, so they do not provoke the release of insulin, the fluctuations of which cause sharp bouts of hunger. On rice porridge, a feeling of satiety is maintained for a long time, and in next move food there is no desire to “pounce” on food and eat everything.

In spite of high concentration carbohydrates in cereals, it is not too high in calories. One hundred grams of rice boiled in water without adding sugar or salt contains only 97 kilocalories.

But there are a lot of trace elements:

  • calcium - 2 mg;
  • phosphorus - 8 mg;
  • potassium - 10 mg;
  • sodium - 5 mg;
  • magnesium - 5 mg.

The product is also rich in vitamins:

  • B1 - 0.02 mg;
  • B2 - 0.013 mg;
  • B3 - 0.29 mg;
  • B6 - 0.026 mg;
  • E - 0.04 mg.

The composition, rich in microelements and vitamins, draws attention to rice as a dietary product. After all, it seems that you can only use it, while getting few calories, but a lot - valuable elements for the body. Unfortunately, with rice groats, not everything is so simple.

In addition, obtaining microelements contained in the kernels from rice is possible only with varied diet, that is, its consumption with other products. If a diet on rice is practiced as the only product, it works exactly the opposite. Grain fibers envelop the walls of the intestine, create an impenetrable film on them, remove everything clean from the intestine, including trace elements. Thus, the diet includes only pure carbohydrates without vitamins and trace elements.

Rice-based nutrition is not an invention of dietology, but of medicine. Perhaps that is why, when describing diets, they so often refer to medical research. In fact, the focus of therapeutic diets is not at all to reduce weight, but to correct much more significant disorders in the human body.

Treatment according to Kempner

For the first time, the advisability of eating rice for the treatment of persistent hypertension was stated by the American physician Walter Kempner in 1939. At that time, there were no effective drugs to reduce pressure, so proper nutrition and correction of lifestyle could be considered the only means to improve the condition of patients.

Walter Kempner believed that human kidneys perform two functions: excretory and metabolic. If we reduce the need for the first function, with highly likely, you can see an increase in the intensity of the second. The doctor did not offer any intelligible justification for his theory, but he began to apply the diet to treat patients at Duke University in North Carolina.

In the diet of patients there was nothing but rice, fruits and white sugar. Drugs were completely excluded. Surprisingly, at the very short term the condition of the patients began to improve. Headaches were less disturbing, blood pressure decreased, acute attacks - hypertensive crises - practically disappeared.

On such a diet, the patients stayed for several months, always under medical supervision. After six months, most were allowed to include lean meats and vegetables on the menu. In the international medical community, reviews of the rice diet appeared in 1946, when Kempner presented his therapeutic nutrition technique at a conference of the New York Academy of Medicine with evidence of its effectiveness in reducing blood pressure without drugs. Based on it, other nutritional techniques were developed, which, by the way, turned out to be much less effective than the original one.

Walter Kempner himself said of his diet plan: “It is a monotonous and tasteless diet, it will never become popular. Its only merit is that it works. Diet is far more preferable than death."

Cleansing the body according to Semenova

The opinion about the effectiveness of the rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins has been formed thanks to another medical technique. Its author is Nadezhda Semenova, candidate of biological sciences, well-known Russian specialist in natural medicine.

She made a plan for cleansing the body using rice. But it is important to note that the rice diet is only one of the stages of complex cleansing, aimed not at intoxicating the body, but at removing salts from the genitourinary system. The purpose of the complex is the general improvement of the body, lowering blood pressure, reducing the volume of salts in bone and joint tissues.

  • Take four glass containers (half-liter jars will do).
  • Rinse the round rice, pour two tablespoons into each jar.
  • Fill with water to the top of the jar.
  • Change the water in the jars daily.
  • Boil rice from the first jar without salt and eat it in the morning at breakfast. Within four hours, refrain from any other food, do not drink liquid.
  • Pour the rice into the vacated container, fill it with water, put the jar at the “end of the line”.
  • Boil the cereal from the second jar on the second day.
  • Continue for forty-five days.

In each jar, the cereal should be washed daily so that it does not sour. You can eat it without boiling, as the soaked kernels become soft.

Reviews and results of the diet on rice speak of its effectiveness in cleansing the body of salts. In the first week, urine darkens, acquires a rich specific smell. From the second week it becomes thick. By the fourth week, the dark color and density go away, the urine becomes transparent. This suggests that the kidneys and urinary tract have cleared.

In the people, this therapeutic nutrition plan was called the "rice diet 5 volumes." It is made popular by the fact that as a result of eating cereals in the first half for and subsequent diet without salt, a weight loss of 10-12 kilograms is really achieved.

Rice in the diet

Based medical technicians nutrition developed numerous diets designed to correct excess weight. Consider the most popular of them.

"Glass of Rice"

The fastest weight loss technique, designed for one to three days. Can be used as a fasting day. Rice diet "a glass of rice" involves the use of cereals with a volume of 250 ml (or one glass in dry form) during the day. It is necessary to cook rice without salt, and use it ready-made without spices during the day. In the boiled form, a sufficiently large volume of cereals is obtained, so the diet is not hungry.

Also during the day are allowed:

  • apple juice - 500 ml;
  • green apple - 2-3 fruits;
  • green tea - 3 cups during the day.

A diet based on rice and green tea provides for mandatory use clean water in a volume of at least two liters per day.

According to reviews, a rice diet for weight loss for 3 days will help you lose up to one kilogram of weight daily.

Rice has a fixing property. To eliminate the risk of constipation, eat fresh parsley throughout the day, which will prevent the formation of an enveloping film on the intestinal walls. Dried apricots will help reduce the likelihood of excretion of potassium, magnesium, sodium from the body. Eat 3-4 fruits per day.

For a week

The most common weight loss plan. Provides the use of rice as the main product, as well as fresh vegetables, fermented milk products, meat and fish.

Your menu for the week might look like this.

1 day

Breakfastboiled rice100 g
low fat yogurt200 ml
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice100 g
Boiled chicken breast150 g
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice50 g
Cucumber and tomato salad with olive oil dressing100 g
Green tea

2 day

Breakfastboiled rice100 g
Kefir 1%200 ml
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice100 g
Boiled hake fillet150 g
Rosehip decoction
Dinnerboiled rice50 g
Beijing cabbage salad, cucumber with olive oil dressing100 g
Green tea

3 day

Breakfastboiled rice100 g
low fat yogurt200 ml
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice100 g
Boiled beef fillet150 g
Dinnerboiled rice50 g
Salad of radish, cucumber with low-fat yogurt dressing100 g
Green tea

Day 4

Breakfastboiled rice100 g
Kefir 1%200 ml
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice100 g
Pollock fillet for a couple150 g
Rosehip decoction
Dinnerboiled rice50 g
Fresh carrot and apple salad with olive oil dressing100 g
Green tea

Day 5

Breakfastboiled rice100 g
low fat yogurt200 ml
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice100 g
Chicken fillet baked in foil with lemon juice150 g
Dried fruit compote without sugar
Dinnerboiled rice50 g
Beet salad with olive oil dressing100 g
Green tea

Day 6

Breakfastboiled rice100 g
Kefir 1%200 ml
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice100 g
Mullet baked in the oven with aromatic herbs150 g
Rosehip decoction
Dinnerboiled rice50 g
Salad from lettuce, parsley, dill and cucumber with low-fat yogurt dressing100 g
Green tea

Day 7

Breakfastboiled rice100 g
low fat yogurt200 ml
Green tea
Dinnerboiled rice100 g
Boiled chicken fillet150 g
Dried fruit compote without sugar
Dinnerboiled rice50 g
Beijing cabbage salad, tomato, green onion with olive oil dressing100 g
Green tea

Such a rice diet of 10 kg per week will not help to lose, but you can lose four kilograms of excess weight. Plus diet - in the relative safety of the diet, including carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, fresh vegetables. Harm - in an insufficient amount of vitamins, important suppliers of which are fruits. Therefore, after completing the diet, it is important to consume fresh apples, pears, peaches and other fruits.

Express Method Koroleva

Margarita Koroleva - popular "star" nutritionist, founder of the center aesthetic medicine. According to the menu compiled by her, Nikolai Baskov, Philip Kirkorov, Alla Dovlatova and others lost weight famous people. A nutritionist prefers to work with a client individually, taking into account his lifestyle, personal tastes and preferences. But it also gives general recommendations, which can be used for quick weight correction.

For example, she compiled an express weight loss method or a diet based on rice, chicken and vegetables. Its duration is 9 days.

When following a diet, adhere to the following rules.

  • Eat small meals, literally a handful. Do not let the feeling of hunger, eat as soon as you feel the need.
  • Give up sugar and salt. It is not allowed to add salt to dishes, and sweets should be completely abandoned. But it is allowed to drink a cup of tea with a spoon of honey once a day.
  • Don't drink while eating. According to Margarita Koroleva, the use of liquid during meals dilutes the digestive juice and interferes with the normal absorption of food. Get used to drinking water thirty minus before meals and an hour after.
  • Do not eat after seven in the evening. At this time, the human metabolism slows down. The body consumes little energy, so everything eaten in the evening is more likely to be stored in the form of adipose tissue.
  • Drink water throughout the day. your daily rate should become two to two and a half liters a day.

Margarita Koroleva herself does not consider her express method as a recommended weight loss system. "The benefit of the diet is in its effectiveness, but it is quite rigid, significantly restricts the diet." After losing weight, you need to switch to a balanced healthy diet.

“Any mono-diet harms the body,” comments nutritionist Lidia Ionova. - The same applies to rice. If you use only this cereal every day, you will cause a lack of vitamins and minerals. If rice, buckwheat, pasta, oatmeal alternate daily in your diet, this will bring much more benefit.

Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko is more categorical in her judgments regarding the disadvantages of a diet only on rice. “Our body is made up of bones, internal organs, muscles, various tissues and fluids. Every second, regeneration processes take place in it, that is, the replacement of dead cells with new ones. The main building material for regeneration is protein. But when its supply from food is stopped, for example, with the introduction of a rice diet “2 dishes” or a diet of buckwheat, cabbage, fruits, etc., the body has nothing to build new cells from.”

But the regeneration process cannot be stopped, otherwise it will cause rapid aging of the body. Our body has to consume protein from other sources. Our own muscles and tissues become them, that is, the process of losing dry body mass develops.

At the same time, any rigid mono-diet ensures the loss of water, fecal matter and, of course, fat. According to reviews and results of those who have lost weight, a rice diet for two weeks helps to get rid of ten kilograms of weight. But the “composition” of these ten kilograms is not homogeneous, since body fat takes up only part of the lost.

The plumb proportions are as follows:

  • fat - 2 kg with a daily maximum loss of 150 grams;
  • water - 2 kg when it leaves the tissues, which occurs already in the first three days of following the diet;
  • feces - 2 kg, another factor in "quick weight loss" on a strict diet within the first three days;
  • dry mass of internal organs and muscle tissue - 4 kg.

Please note that the largest plumb line falls on the “shrinkage” of muscles and internal organs, from which our body draws protein. Fat also goes away, but twice as less intensively. Water and feces will return already in the first days of the transition to a normal diet, that is, a plumb line of four kilograms will again appear on the scales very quickly.

What is the result? You have lost not only fat, but also the most important tissues of your body. And the body does not like such "games" very much. He perceives severe food restrictions as stress, the main factor of protection against which is active storage. nutrients for new stress. The only tissue that our body can “store” is fat, while muscle builds up much longer.

Thus, when the weight returns to the original kilograms, which necessarily occurs during the week of the usual diet, the proportions of the new mass are no longer the same as before the diet. Instead of the lost two kilograms of adipose tissue, you will already gain four kilograms, and the dry mass of muscles and organs will be restored in best case by two kilograms.

What is the recipe for weight loss offered by nutritionists? Only a balanced diet, including rice and other cereals, as well as protein products(meat, fish, dairy), fresh and cooked vegetables, fruits. Reducing the daily caloric content of the diet with the rejection of sweet and salty foods stimulates a gradual decrease in weight without danger to the body and the risk of returning the lost weight.

The rice diet is one of the many mono-diets used for rapid weight loss. It is recommended as a therapeutic diet for arterial hypertension, increasing the level of salts in the body to normalize the patient's condition. But dietetics in " pure form” is not used, as it is dangerous, like any other mono-diet. It is recommended to include rice in a varied diet as an excellent source of long-term carbohydrates.

Porridge, paella, risotto, pilaf - modern cuisine cannot be imagined without rice dishes. But all of them are quite high-calorie, contain a lot of starch, which is clearly reflected in the figure not in the most favorable way. Therefore, everyone who goes on a diet, first of all, removes this high-calorie cereal from the diet as a source of carbohydrates, which are just converted and deposited by fats in the most problem areas. But why then do nutritionists insist on using rice for weight loss - how can it contribute to weight loss? It's time to figure it out!

Benefits for weight loss

Due to its chemical composition, rich in trace elements and vitamins, rice affects the functioning of many systems and organs. Improving their functioning, it launches processes that eventually, subject to certain recommendations, lead to noticeable weight loss.

Here is what happens to the body with the regular use of this cereal:

  • improvement of the digestive tract;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism, as a result - fats are no longer stored in reserve;
  • energy costs for the digestion of cereals;
  • some varieties have fat-burning properties (for example, brown);
  • improving the quality of the blood composition, which, accelerating, also contributes to weight loss, supplying the tissues with the necessary oxygen;
  • a beneficial effect on the nervous system eliminates the risk of compulsive overeating, when literally every problem is urgently seized.

And the most important property of this cereal is that it is useful for cleansing the body of toxins, toxins, toxic substances, decay products.


However, losing weight with rice has contraindications. Too powerful impact on the work of internal organs can adversely affect their condition.

  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the stomach;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver disease;
  • tendency to constipation, bloating and flatulence;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery or illness.

Nutritionists advise checking your health before trying rice diets. Failure to comply with contraindications ultimately leads to serious complications requiring long-term treatment. Among them - the depletion of the body, beriberi and numerous intestinal disorders.

Choose a product

The modern market is oversaturated various types rice. Which one is the most beneficial for weight loss?

  • Red

A good choice for weight loss is red rice. Since it undergoes only a peeling procedure during production and is not subjected to grinding, it contains a large amount of useful substances. You need to know how to cook it properly in order to save it. valuable properties. Firstly, its cooking time is from 40 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes. Secondly, it must not be stirred during cooking, otherwise the shell can be damaged, because it is in it that vitamins and microelements are concentrated.

  • White

We are all accustomed to White rice is chosen by the majority not only for everyday meals, but also as the main product for weight loss. Its advantages are a delicate taste, soft texture after cooking, speed and ease of preparation. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that during production it is subjected to such thorough grinding that almost all useful substances are removed along with the husk and shell. And subsequently, during heat treatment, he also loses them. Experts say that after cooking, we eat almost starch in its pure form.

  • Black / wild

The most successful choice for weight loss is black (or wild) rice. Represents the seeds of a plant called aquatic tsitsania. It is a close relative of rice cereal. In appearance, these are dark (color varies from chocolate to deep black), thin, long grains. After cooking, they acquire an unusual purple-lilac hue. Useful Feature this cereal - in the minimum amount of sodium inside the grains.

Despite the fact that such rice is not processed during production, it is ready for cooking and eating. Wild cereal does not retain salt and water inside the body. It also does not contain “harmful” fats, but it is able to saturate with glucose, which is so necessary for all those who lose weight during a diet.

  • Indian / Marine

Indian sea rice is not a plant, but is named so only for its appearance. unique product. In fact, it is a living organism, a bacterial substance, the scientific name of which is zooglea. It looks like a mass of round hazy white fragments. Their sizes and shapes resemble rice grains, which is why it is called so. Everyone can grow this mushroom (like a tea mushroom) at home.

Sea rice made at home, actively used in the fight against excess weight

A useful infusion is prepared from it, which is used for weight loss, as it has a powerful diuretic effect and eliminates excess fluid in the body.

  • Steamed

For weight loss, you can choose steamed rice, which is more easily absorbed by the body. Unpeeled grains are first moistened and then subjected to powerful pressure hot steam. At the next stage, the shell is removed and the surface is polished. But all these procedures are no longer terrible for the usefulness of the product, because vitamins and microelements are absorbed into the core of the grain under steam pressure.

  • Basmati

This variety is considered the most expensive, belongs to the long-grain, does not stick together during cooking, contains a large amount of substances useful for the body. So basmati is quite possible to use as part of any weight loss. It can also be sanded or not, steamed or machined. If you learn how to cook it correctly, you will surely love this product and will give preference to it.

Slimming schemes

Rice is a very popular cereal in dietetics, so there are a huge number of nutrition systems and weight loss schemes based on it. You only have to choose best option for myself.

Fasting days

  • On rice water: during the day you need to drink 1-2 glasses of healthy liquid, solid food excluded.
  • With kefir: a handful of undercooked cereals is washed down with 100 ml of kefir, 5-6 meals.
  • Rice and tomato juice perfectly complement each other, as they give a long-lasting feeling of fullness: the weight loss scheme is similar to the previous one.
  • With apples (or pears): daily rate- 1 kg of green fruits and 1 glass of boiled Saracen millet.
  • With soy sauce (Japanese version of the fasting day): allowed by nutritionists with an interference, only when you know for sure that without this seasoning you will not be able to hold out until the end of the hunger strike.
  • According to Malysheva: a glass of cereal (undercooked) is divided into 8-10 servings.
  • According to Koroleva: the grain is soaked, boiled, the volume of the glass is divided into 6 meals, honey is allowed, be sure to drink at least 2.5 liters of water.

Diets by duration

  • For 3 days: a handful of boiled rice is eaten 5 times a day and supplemented with a small amount of raw fruits and vegetables.
  • For 5 days: the three-day diet plan remains, but in order to avoid exhaustion, it is allowed to cook a full-fledged rice dish for lunch - just make sure that it is dietary and low-calorie.
  • For a week: for breakfast in the morning - porridge with the addition of honey or fruits, for lunch - (preferably on rice broth), for dinner - a side dish with mushrooms, stewed vegetables, you can eat in between fresh fruits and dairy products.
  • For 10 days: the diet consists of low-calorie foods, for breakfast and dinner, a handful of unsalted al dente rice is absorbed before meals, i.e. leave it a little undercooked.
  • For 2 weeks: repeat the 10-day weight loss scheme + include chicken and fish in the diet.
  • For a month: adhere to the principles of proper nutrition ( harmful products we exclude from the diet), we eat fractionally and little, we count calories (no more than 1,200 kcal per day), we prefer rice diet meals in the menu, every other day in the morning we drink a glass of rice water.

Diets by food

  • "Two dishes" (for 5 days): for breakfast - a glass of boiled pearl grain, for dinner - 300 g of boiled unsalted fish, no lunch.
  • "Glass of rice" (for 3 days): stretch 200 grams of rice porridge for the whole day, satisfying hunger green apples and grapefruit juice.
  • “How old?”: On an empty stomach in the morning, you need to eat as many grains of rice (raw) as your age, after which you can’t eat anything at all for 4 hours.
  • “How much do you weigh?”: The scheme is exactly the same as the previous one, but as many grains are eaten as there are kilograms in you.
  • "Five Volumes" / "Tibetan" (2 weeks): 5 cups of rice are alternately soaked and eaten for 5 days. Allowed products are fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee without sugar.
  • "Geisha figure" / "Japanese" (5 days): only rice dishes and green tea are allowed.
  • "Protein-vegetable" / "3-3-3" (9 days): the first 3 days eat boiled rice (a glass), the next 3 days - 1 kg each chicken breast, the last 3 days - 1 kg of any vegetables; salt is excluded, but you can eat 1 tablespoon of honey daily.
  • "Pearl" (week): a glass of boiled cereals + vegetables, nuts, fruits, dairy products, portion sizes are limited.
  • "Walter Kempner" (2 weeks): 2,400 kcal - daily allowance, daily - boiled rice (350 g each) + dried fruits, legumes, potatoes in small quantities+ 6 glasses of water; fruits, juices, alcohol, avocados and tomatoes are prohibited.

Choose those that you can probably endure to the end. Do not grab at once for too strict and lengthy. Start simple, and over time you can make them more difficult.

Cooking methods

When deciding to lose weight on rice, be sure to study the question of how to cook it correctly in order to keep the maximum benefit in it.

  • Boiled

Soak the cereal washed several times overnight in cold water. In the morning, boil in unsalted water for 20 minutes. Drain the liquid (if it remains), keep for 20 minutes under the lid.

If you want to improve the effectiveness of weight loss, cook rice al dente. Cooking time is reduced to 10 minutes.

  • Raw

The most daring and desperate eat raw rice for weight loss, because more than 80% is evaporated during heat treatment useful composition. However, for such a nutrition system, you need to have a very healthy stomach.

Soak 20 grams of cereal in a glass cold water, daily for 5 days change the water. After that, the swollen grains should be chewed thoroughly between main meals to stifle hunger. Duration - no more than 5 days.

Brown and black rice can still be sprouted and eaten raw along with sprouts according to the last scheme.

  1. Go through a medical examination, talk to a doctor or nutritionist about whether you have any contraindications for rice diets.
  2. 2-3 days before fasting, switch to light food, exclude harmful foods from the diet, eat rice porridge in the morning to prepare the body for the upcoming stress.
  3. All dishes are prepared without salt, seasonings and spices.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - about 2 liters of water daily and 2-3 cups of green tea without sugar.
  5. Before preparing the dish, the cereal is washed several times under running cold water and soaked for at least 2-3 hours.
  6. Slightly undercooked rice is especially useful for weight loss.
  7. If you're on a diet that lasts more than a week, be sure to take a multivitamin to avoid exhaustion.
  8. Exercise to improve your results.
  9. The optimal period for losing weight is no more than 2 weeks.
  10. The diet should contain exclusively low-calorie, dietary meals.
  11. To save the result, go after the diet to proper nutrition, arrange once every 10 days.

What is better for weight loss - rice or buckwheat?

Buckwheat is considered a more dietary cereal, which means it is preferable for weight loss.

Nutritionists call the following reasons give the palm to her in this matter:

  • more useful substances remain in buckwheat after industrial processing;
  • it is easier to cook;
  • it tastes better than unsalted uncooked rice;
  • environmentally friendly, as it does not absorb harmful substances.

Which strain is best for weight loss?

Give preference to black and red, because in the process of processing they retain both the shell and the husk, in which all the useful elements are concentrated. Brown (brown) is also suitable for weight loss. White is better to leave except for fasting days.

Why Take Potassium on Rice Diets?

Because, together with slags, Saracen millet takes potassium from the body, which is necessary for normal operation hearts. So that there are no problems with the “flaming motor”, you need to drink medications with this element or include dried apricots and raisins in the diet (but they are quite high in calories and can spoil the results of losing weight).


To diversify the diet, include in the menu recipes for rice dishes that are low in calories.


Since rice with vegetables is called the perfect tandem, cook on their basis not only stews and soups, but also dietary, delicious salads.


  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 100 gr of rice;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 2 eggs;
  • to taste - soy sauce, parsley;
  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.


  1. Rinse tomatoes, remove tops and seeds. Cut one into circles, the other into cubes.
  2. Boil the cereal, put it in a colander.
  3. wash, cut into cubes.
  4. Chop hard-boiled eggs. Cut one of the halves into slices.
  5. Chop parsley greens.
  6. Mix cucumbers, eggs and tomatoes.
  7. Mix soy sauce, lemon juice, pepper. Cool the dressing and only then pour over the salad, mix.
  8. Before serving, garnish with tomato slices, egg slices and parsley sprigs.


  • 250 gr rice;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 15 ml of olive or any vegetable oil;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • to taste - greens (dill, parsley).


  1. Chop the onion. Put the carrots and parsley root on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour all these roots with water, bring to a boil, cook until tender.
  3. Drain the water, strain.
  4. Boil cereal in it.
  5. At the end of cooking, add roots to it. Boil 5 min.
  6. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.



  • 500 gr chicken breast;
  • 300 gr brown rice;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 onion;
  • 20 ml olive oil.


  1. Chop the onion. Grate carrots.
  2. Fry them together in oil until golden brown.
  3. Put in a cauldron, add the washed grits, chicken fillet cut into small pieces, crushed garlic cloves.
  4. To fill with water.
  5. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes at 200°C.

Rice along with and is a leader in nutrition. Based on it, numerous diets, fasting days, nutrition systems aimed at losing weight and improving the body are being developed. It makes sense to try it as a dietary cereal and build without harm to health.

Let's start with the fact that there are a lot of rice diets. Good and not very good, thoughtful and not justified, rational and dubious. No wonder: rice for weight loss is almost folklore, everyone knows at least that rice should cleanse the body. Some understand why: but because it removes salt, excess liquid drives, flushes out toxins.

The nutrition system suggested below is one of the most popular fast and drastic weight loss systems in North America. Its authors are doctors Robert and Kitty Rosati. Initially, the rice-based diet was planned as a medical one and relied on well-known ones. The target is obesity and the entire bouquet of diseases that accompanies it. But in the future, the nutrition plan was adapted to the needs of home weight loss. If you understand the principles correctly, you can effectively lose kilograms and heal yourself on your own.

Rice for weight loss in American style: what is it?

Rice for weight loss, more precisely, a diet based on rice (Rice Diet Solution) is a rather tough approach to the treatment of diseases and weight loss. The meal plan provides for a significant restriction of salty, sweet, fatty and processed foods. food products, that leads to quick loss weight: 9-14 kg for the first month, and then 1-1.5 kg per week in subsequent months. If exercise is added to the diet, then you can lose even more.

♦ Rosati's rice diet: 9-14 kg in the first month, 1-1.5 every subsequent week.

How to use rice for weight loss and cleansing?

The rice diet is a low-calorie diet high in complex carbohydrates, low in sodium, fat, sugar and protein. The foods allowed in the rice diet are designed to detoxify and rejuvenate the body and aim to prevent, halt or reverse chronic diseases.

Moreover, this power supply system, when it puts not just aesthetic, but medicinal purposes, is not limited to the use of a certain set of products. It is also necessary to take care of reducing the level of stress through any suitable practices for this - yoga, qigong, meditation, psychotherapy. It should be noted that rice for weight loss is an issue that has been worked out very well: you can find or make your own hundreds of recipes, weekly menus and recommendations for nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Important! The use of rice for weight loss and cleansing is not recommended for people who have undergone colon surgery or suffer from impaired kidney function.

What can you eat on a rice diet?

The paradox is that although the diet is called rice, rice is just 1 of the 30 foods that make up her meal plan - it's true, the main, basic product.

So what can you eat?

Whole grains (and whole grain flour), low-sodium legumes, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and lean protein sources. food with high content whole grain fiber, a wide range of fruits and vegetables will make you feel full and satisfied.

Important! If your goals are more modest than those set by the classic rice diet, just increase the number of calories (serving size).

About serving sizes:

  • 1 Starch = 1 slice of bread, 1/3 cup cooked rice or beans, or 1/2 cup cooked pasta
  • 1 fruit = 1 medium fruit, 1/2 banana or 1 cup berries or chopped fruit
  • 1 vegetable = 1 cup raw vegetables (if chopped) or 1/2 cup cooked
  • 1 Dairy = 1 cup milk, 1 cup kefir, or 1/2 cup cottage cheese.

Stages of the Rosati Rice Diet

The rice diet has several stages:

Stage 1 - one week

The goal is detoxification, cleansing the body with rice.

1 day: the main diet - rice. 800 calories and 50 mg sodium.

2 starches and 2 fruits for the whole day (divided into breakfast, lunch and dinner).

6 days: lacto-vegetarian diet. The main diet is rice, but you can alternate it with starchy whole grains (oatmeal, beans, etc.) 1000 calories per day and 300 mg of sodium.

  • Breakfast: 1 starch, 1 fruit, 1 low fat dairy
  • Lunch and dinner: 3 starches, 3 vegetables, 1 fruit

At the detox stage, you can stop and not follow the diet further. The main goal - losing weight with rice - will be achieved already at the 1st stage. In addition, you will significantly improve your health this week: removing salt from the body is beneficial for many systems, including joints. But if you need more - welcome to the next steps.

Stage 2 - one week

Day 1: main diet - rice (see above)
5 days: lacto-vegetarian rice diet (see above)
Day 1: Vegan Rice Diet
1200 calories per day and 500 mg sodium

  • Breakfast: 2 starches, 1 fruit
  • Lunch: 3 starches, 3 vegetables, 1 fruit
  • Dinner: 3 starches, 3 proteins (dairy), 3 vegetables, 1 fruit

Stage 3 - one week

Same as in step 2, adding about 200 more calories per week until you reach your target weight.

Day 1: main diet - rice
4 days: rice diet
2 days: rice diet
Note. At stage 3 and beyond (stage 3 is repeated as many times as necessary, the menu varies) instead of milk proteins, it is permissible to eat fish - tuna, salmon, sardines. Fat varieties contain, which is very important for the health of the cardiovascular system (and not only). If you chose a lacto-vegetarian menu option, you should take fish fat in the form of supplements (omega-3).

The nutritionists who developed the use of rice for weight loss recognize that the system is not balanced in calcium and vitamin D, and suggest taking a multivitamin while you are sitting on it.

Rice diet for weight loss: how does it work?

The rice diet starts with a very strict restriction - it allows only 800 calories per day. However, gradually the number of calories increases, reaching 1400 calories by the end.

ATTENTION. Experts warn that

Patients who go through the "rice test" successfully downgrade hypertension and even completely normalize blood pressure, in addition, blood sugar and cholesterol return to normal. And all this - not to mention the weight. Especially striking changes are observed in people with large excess weight and feeling unwell. When a person moves from fried foods, coffee, sugar and salt to natural products, his body very quickly begin to feel gratitude. Headaches disappear, symptoms of fibromyalgia disappear, mood improves.

When the diet was first developed, low maintenance sodium (salt) was part of the plan as a way to fight kidney disease and high pressure. Today, salt restriction is prescribed to a much wider number of people, because it is easier to remove excess fluid. This facilitates detoxification of the body and normalizes appetite. However, not all nutritionists agree that excessive salt intake leads to excessive appetite, considering the latter to be a more complex psychophysiological complex.

If you use rice for weight loss according to the American Doctors System, then you are allowed an average of 16 to 20 grams of protein per day, which is much lower than the generally accepted dietary recommendations (46-56 grams per day).

What do experts say about the value of rice for weight loss?

Critics, when analyzing the shortcomings of the Rosati rice diet, first of all point to the common thing for all very low-calorie diets:

when we eat less than 1200 calories a day, our body thinks it's starving and responds by slowing down basal exchange substances that can create yo-yo syndrome.

Yo-yo is when the lost weight, like a baby ball on a rubber band, quickly returns back.

Among other shortcomings - the monotonous composition of the menu. By the way, it is difficult to agree with this, given that vegetarian dishes extremely many, and there are fewer dietary restrictions.

It is also difficult to follow a diet in catering establishments., away, etc. But this can be said about any diet, and not just about using rice for weight loss!

In addition, experts warn that low calorie diets can lead to loss of muscle mass. And that Rosati's diet does not contain enough. Let's be fair: the rice-based diet still offers such fats: vegetable oils(especially recommended are sesame, olive, walnut oils), containing monounsaturated acids, and (fatty sea fish: salmon, tuna.) But only 5 g! Even reversing atherosclerotic plaques allows 10!

Some experts would like to see the results of longer-term studies. In particular, they are interested in the effects of rapid weight loss over a period of several years. Weight loss of 10-20 kg in a short period of time due to loss of fluid, not fat, is of little value to long-term health, these critics argue.

It is also indicated that losing weight on rice can have side effects if the diet is followed for months or years. In the case of short-term use, the system is safer.

Is rice effective for weight loss - conclusions

Rosati's rice diet is good when it's short-term - like a competent detox program.

The rice diet raises questions as a holistic weight loss program (long-term): the quality of weight loss, the yo-yo effect, and the side effects - weigh all this if you want to lose weight on your own.

Rice diet is VERY GOOD for those who need to lose weight urgently excess weight due to major health problems and if the initial weight is very far from, and Dubious for those who are looking for a complete long-term nutrition system.

More about rice: useful if you decide on a rice diet:

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