What is the source of iron. Iron in the human body: what is it for and what is the danger of iron deficiency. The role of iron in the body: a trace element with an important mission

Hello dear readers. Iron is one of the most abundant metals in the earth's crust. It has been used by man for the manufacture of various materials since ancient Egypt. But, iron is necessary not only for the manufacture of weapons and household items, but also for the health of our body. The article answers the questions: “Why does our body need iron?” and “How to make up for the lack of iron?”. After all, with its deficiency, the work of the body can change significantly. And it usually happens for the worse. Iron is a biologically important element in a living organism, the role of which is extremely difficult to overestimate.

On my blog, I have an article, or rather my story, about how I managed with food, without the use of drugs.

What is iron and its role in the body

Iron is involved in a number of important processes in our body, which are global in understanding a closed biological system (which is our body).

1. A necessary element for the formation of hemoglobin. It is iron that reacts with oxygen, and thus supplies it to the cells of our body. And hemoglobin is also responsible for the removal of carbon dioxide. It is this chemical element that gives our blood its red color.

2. Responsible for the formation of myoglobin, which enables our body to store oxygen. Therefore, we can hold our breath for a while.

3. Responsible for the neutralization of toxic substances in the liver.

4. Responsible for immunity. This chemical element provides the activity of interferon, which is released if our cells are affected by a virus.

5. The thyroid gland synthesizes hormones, and this process requires iron.

6. Without iron, vitamins of group B will not be absorbed. And the health of our body, including the beauty of the skin, hairline, and nail plates, depends on the abundance of vitamins of this group.

7. Fe is also simply necessary for children, as it normalizes growth.

8. Without iron, protein metabolism is impossible, and the element is also involved in DNA synthesis.

Thus, one chemical element is involved in a lot of the most important biochemical processes of the body.

Therefore, iron deficiency is considered a disease that should be treated. And also it is the lack of oxygen that is considered the cause of the formation of cancer.

Therefore, for good health, an important condition is the normal content of iron. It is important for everyone to know the symptoms of a deficiency of this substance.

The main symptoms of iron deficiency

Anemia is a condition when the concentration of hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood is below normal. In medical terms, the disease is called Anemia. And one of the causes of this disease is a lack of iron.

Deficiency can occur for several reasons:

Wrong diet.

Intensive body growth.

The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Extensive blood loss.

Therefore, in order to understand whether you have an iron deficiency, you need to know the main signs of such a condition. After all, it is very dangerous.

Of course, only a physician can make an accurate diagnosis based on tests, and not all symptoms may appear.

However, their presence is a wake-up call that should prompt you to think about your health.

Iron deficiency symptoms

1. Change in the color of the skin. The skin becomes pale.

2. Increased fatigue.

3. The appearance of atypical for you shortness of breath during a period of moderate physical activity.

4. Rapid heartbeat without an objective reason.

5. Decreased temperature of the feet and hands.

6. Brittle nails.

7. Frequent bouts of headache.

8. Formation of plaque on the tongue.

9. Fainting and hypotension.

10. Strange taste preferences are likely, for example, raw spaghetti and meat have become very appetizing to you.

Symptoms may not be immediately apparent once the body is deficient. But, if this condition lasts, then the symptoms will gradually appear.

How much iron is needed per day for the body

To calculate the norm, we will assume that our body absorbs only 10% of the products.

Daily Value for Adult Men - 10 milligrams.

Norm for a teenage guy - 11 milligrams.

For adult women - 18 milligrams.

During pregnancy and lactation - from 20 to 30 milligrams.

teen girl - about 14 milligrams.

Ladies over 50 - about 12 milligrams.

Children up to the age of 3 years - about 6-7 milligrams.

Children from 3 to 11 years old - 10 milligrams.

Children under 14 - 12 milligrams.

Keep in mind that the need is individual, and depends on the level of physical activity. If you follow a diet that excludes the consumption of meat, fish and poultry, then the rate increases by an average of 1.8. This is due to the lower absorption of non-animal iron.

You, for certain, met a set of tables in which the content of iron is painted. But when calculating the diet, an adjustment should be made for the fact that not all iron is absorbed.

Therefore, an approximate diet for a normal daily intake of iron will be given under the following heading.

Iron in food - main list and table

When choosing food products, it is important not only the content of iron in them, but also the degree of its digestibility.

Iron is absorbed to a greater extent from foods of animal origin, meat and fish, often red in color. This type of iron is called heme iron.

There is also a second type of iron - non-heme. It is safer for our body, but it is worse absorbed. It is found in other foods, vegetables and fruits, legumes.

Detailed information on the iron content is presented in the table below. I also want to provide a list of the best iron rich foods.

Rating of foods that are rich in iron

1. Shellfish.

2. White beans.

3. Beef liver.

4. Beef.

5. Other types of meat.

6. Fish. Tuna is in the lead.

8. Products of vegetable origin. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, dried fruits. All types of nuts, especially pistachios and walnuts.

9. Bitter chocolate.

10. Seeds. You can treat yourself to a healthy delicacy - halvah. Give preference to sesame halva.

11. Dried mushrooms.

An example of calculating the intake of 2.5 milligrams of iron that will be absorbed is about 100 grams of boiled beef. And if you don't eat meat, then to consume 4.1 milligrams of non-heme iron, you need to eat about 140 grams of tofu.

fruits containing iron

Among the berries and fruits, the well-known pomegranate is in the lead, the juice of which is often brought to pregnant women to increase hemoglobin. Also on this list were persimmons, dogwoods, apples, plums, mulberries, chokeberries, rose hips.

vegetables rich in iron

The most iron-rich green vegetables are spinach, lettuce, greens, cabbage, beans, pumpkin seeds, broccoli, and beets. All of them are rich in folic acid, and the structure of chlorophyll is similar to the chemical structure of hemoglobin. Vegetables are recommended to be consumed raw or slightly undercooked.

Red meat as a source of iron to increase hemoglobin

Red meat is the number one food for boosting iron levels. First, it is better absorbed.

Secondly, the most affordable product. And of course, it has a high iron content. But there are a number of nuances here.

Preference should be given to certain types of meat, namely beef, rabbit, veal. And if possible, the liver and tongue. Try to buy the freshest product, ideally fresh meat.

The method of preparation is also important. Roasting should be medium, and preferably light. You should not stew meat, because due to the long cooking, all the iron will go into the water.

Grains that contain iron

It is recommended to use buckwheat, oatmeal, barley groats, rye, wheat bran, bulgur, rice. It is best if you use unpolished cereals. They contain the most useful substances. This is especially true for rice.

I also want to focus on what hinders and promotes the absorption of an important element from products.

What promotes and hinders the absorption of iron

Remember that the cause of iron deficiency may not be in the diet at all, and the deficiency itself may be a symptom of another disease.

Reduces the absorption of iron:

  • High slagging of the intestine, iron is absorbed by the upper intestine.
  • A diet that is dominated by fatty foods and dairy products, since calcium reduces the absorption of iron and vice versa, therefore, these products should not be combined.
  • Tannin found in tea and coffee.
  • Prolonged heat treatment of food.
  • Fitins, which are part of ordinary bread, as opposed to wholemeal bread.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Iron in foods is well absorbed by our body when combined with such vitamins, micronutrients and foods.

Increases the absorption of iron:

  • Vitamin C.
  • B group vitamins.
  • Cooking in cast iron cookware.
  • Molybdenum, which is found in rice, tomatoes, parsley.
  • Copper, which is rich in nuts and avocados.
  • Cobalt is found in chicory and spinach.
  • Zinc, so eat seafood, seeds, buckwheat and rye bread.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Thyme.
  • Mint.
  • Anise.
  • Moderate consumption of pickles and sauerkraut along with iron-rich foods.
  • The use of onions and garlic along with cereals, they contain sulfur, which increases absorption.

Do not blindly chase for a high iron content. Everything needs a balance, so any diet should be thought out.

Excess iron leads to poor absorption of Ca, Mg, Zn, which is also bad for the body. The diet should include both heme and non-heme iron.

Choose healthy and wholesome foods, lean meats, seafood, vegetables and fruits, and healthy grains.

Remember, in large doses over 200 milligrams per day, iron is toxic, and the lethal dose is from 7 grams.

With an excess of iron, the body gives us signals in the form of symptoms:

Headache attacks.


The appearance of pigmentation on the skin.

Chair disorders.


Excessive iron intake can lead to impaired liver function. It also increases the likelihood of a whole range of serious diseases, such as diabetes and atherosclerosis.

The normal functioning of the immune system is disrupted, and the risk of various types of tumors increases.

Do not take iron-boosting medications unless directed by your doctor.

If after changing your diet, your condition does not improve, then you should seek medical help.

And anemia is not a harmless disease at all, and can lead to a lot of consequences. Therefore, it is better to diagnose the problem at an early stage, and begin treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Also, treatment should include the correct selection of physical activity and the rejection of addictions.

Meat, liver, fish, poultry are all good sources of iron. They have a lot of protein, which improves its absorption and use. There is a lot of iron in the liver and tongue, in beans, peas, in sprouted wheat. Many nutritionists believe that women who lead a sedentary lifestyle should take iron as a medicine - as prescribed by a doctor.

You can also use iron in tablets, as long as this iron is of organic origin (for example, in food prepared for us by nature itself.

The richest source of iron is molasses, a by-product of sugar production, which also contains a lot of magnesium: 1 tablespoon of molasses (about 15 g) contains 3.2 mg of this trace element.

100 mg of cooked veal liver contains 12 mg of iron, while beef liver contains 7 mg. In some salt deposits, 1 kg of rock salt contains about 450 mg of iron. Rock salt is an effective means of preventing anemia, which affects about 20% of the world's population (data from the World Health Organization).

A lot of iron in plum juice, dried apricots, raisins, nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. 30 g of sprouted wheat contains 3 mg of iron. They are also rich in black bread, bran, wholemeal bread. But about 5% of iron is absorbed from bread products and vegetables, from animal products (tongue, fish liver, beef) - 15 - 20%. However, plant-derived iron is organic and triples absorption.

Make it a rule to combine a boiled product (usually any animal product is cooked) with a vegetable one, so that there is three times as much vegetable. Here, this rule reflects the ability of our body to absorb trace elements in an organic form. In addition, there is another law: trace elements are not absorbed without vitamins. An excellent source of iron is the liver.

Onions increase the absorption of iron! Still would! It is a real pantry of vitamins, especially vitamin C. Wholemeal bread, black bread, bran (wheat and rye), cereals, greens, salad vegetables, cabbage are rich in iron.

So, in order to satisfy our body's need for iron, we must first of all:
there are natural, unrefined products;
prefer foods that are rich in iron;
remember about vitamin C and vitamin B12, which make iron easily digestible.

Products Iron content, ml/100 g
Dried pears 5.4
Prunes 3.9
Raisins 3.3
Raspberry, currant 0.9
Dried dates 2.1
Grapes, peaches 0.8
Bananas, blueberries 0.6
Apples, pears 0.3
Cherry, grapefruit 0.2
cabbage 20
Red cabbage 18
Spinach 0.3
Soy 12-13
Green peas 1.9
Brussels sprouts 1.3
Tomatoes 0.6
Onion, lettuce 0.5
Celery leaf 16
Dill 12
Beans 10
Nuts, chicory 25
Other products
Dried yeast 18
Brewer's yeast 18.2
Chocolate 20
Honey 0.9
Whole and skimmed milk 0.1
Condensed milk 0.2
Milk powder 0.2
Whole egg 2.7
Yolk 7.2
Protein 0.2
Meat and fish
Beef, pork 60
Horse Meat 50
Calf's blood 40
Chicken blood 30
Rabbit meat 15
Beef liver 12
Oatmeal 4.5
Wheat 3.3
Rice 0.8


Among other trace elements, iron deserves the most attention, and this is not surprising, because in the human body, iron is present in all tissues and organs. Its main reserves are concentrated in erythrocytes - such iron is an integral part of the hemoglobin protein, the most important function of which is to provide tissues and organs with oxygen.

With gland many enzymes are formed, it also regulates the normal functioning of the immune system and is a participant in the process of blood formation. Most of the biochemical processes in cells take place with the participation of iron; it is one of the oxidative enzymes.

Sources of iron

Many foods contain iron. Of plant products, green and leafy vegetables are rich in iron: onions, turnips, sorrel, lettuce, and green peas, beans, lentils, and horseradish, as well as buckwheat, cocoa, grains of wheat and rye, dried mushrooms.

A little less iron is found in strawberries, quince, apples, apricots, pears and peaches, blackberries, cherries, currants, plums and any dried fruits.

The main suppliers of iron among animal products are veal and beef liver, eggs, white fish, shellfish.

Deficiency and excess of iron

Iron deficiency can occur with any loss of blood: nose, ulcer and kidney bleeding, with any surgery or injury. Women experience additional iron loss during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Iron deficiency can occur when there is a violation in cellular respiration, which develops due to low physical activity. Improper nutrition and rash diets, regular consumption of refined foods and foods rich in phosphates: white bread, sugar, pastries, useless sweets and canned foods can also provoke iron deficiency in the body.

Due to iron deficiency, anemia develops, severe fatigue occurs, the ability to learn decreases, and sensitivity to cold increases. There is a loss of stamina and performance, muscle weakness, disruption of the thyroid gland, deformation of the nails, loss of taste, the occurrence of nervous disorders and pain throughout the body.

An excess of iron in the body is no less dangerous than its deficiency, and it is much more difficult to eliminate it. Large doses of "chemical" iron, taken as drugs, can provoke acute poisoning in children. In adults, an overdose causes the development of coronary heart disease, inflammation in the liver, and can lead to the development of cancer.

Important! In order for the process of assimilation of iron from food to proceed better, it is necessary to include foods containing natural vitamin C in the diet: rosehip infusion, citrus juice, parsley and dill, onions and green onions, etc.

It should be borne in mind that the iron found in plant foods is better absorbed when these foods are combined with animal products. In addition, do not forget about vitamins, without which microelements are practically not able to be absorbed by the body.

Foods used in food should be natural, not refined. It is best to choose foods that contain enough iron, and combine them with foods rich in B vitamins and others - so iron is better absorbed by the body.

The perfect combination of iron and vitamin C is parsley, celery and dill.

Calcium, vitamin E, phosphates, copper and zinc are poorly combined with iron; iron itself prevents the absorption of chromium.

It has become easier for Ukrainians to fill the body's need for iron. In March, "Spaton" ferrous iron appeared on the pharmacy shelves of the country as a dietary supplement in a convenient sachet form.

At the heart of the Spaton additive is water from the TrefyuWells Spa spring, which is located in the heart of the Snowdonia mountains of East Wales. For over 200 years, people from all over the world have used the spring water as a natural iron supplement. Today the water from TrefeuWells Spa is known as Spaton. It is consumed daily by millions of people around the world to maintain normal levels of iron in the body.

Lethargy, apathy, depression, fatigue, headaches, dry skin, thin hair and brittle nails, digestive disorders .. All this is the result of iron deficiency in the body. Iron-rich foods should appear on your table in the very near future. The daily intake of iron is 18 mg for adult women and 8 mg for men. What foods are high in iron content? Shellfish is the king of iron: 100 grams contains approximately 24 mg of iron and only 126 calories. But do not include them in the daily diet - too exotic for our latitudes and not cheap.

The iron requirement for men is 10 mg/day. Women's need for iron is greater - 15-18 mg (especially during menstruation).

Today, about 30% of people from the total population of our planet are faced with the problem of iron deficiency. Fatigue, weakness, deterioration of the skin, hair, nails, circulatory problems are signs that the body does not have enough iron for normal functioning.

Most often, iron deficiency is experienced by women during pregnancy, lactation, menopause, as well as children and adolescents during a period of intensive growth, athletes, the elderly, vegetarians, and fasting people.

Over time, iron deficiency develops into iron deficiency anemia. To prevent disease, people try to eat as much meat as possible, include more plant foods high in iron in the diet.

Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to make up for the lack of iron through a proper balanced diet, since the body absorbs only 15-20% of iron from the ideally received 10-15 mg from food. Moreover, it should be exactly Fe (II) which contains products of animal origin. Attempts to fill the body's need for iron from plant foods (beans, soybeans, parsley, peas, spinach, dried apricots, prunes, pomegranates, raisins, rice, buckwheat, bread) are not always successful. The fact is that the body receives Fe (III) from plant products, which, for digestibility, must turn into Fe (II). In addition, Fe (III) irritates the mucous membrane and is absorbed 5 times worse than Fe (III).

During the period of refusal of meat, an alternative source of iron is the Spaton supplement with a pleasant taste.


  • The absorption of iron in Spaton - 40%
  • Gentle on the stomach
  • Does not stain tooth enamel
  • No need to drink
  • The sachet fits easily into your pocket or purse
  • Does not cause side effects
  • Enough 1-2 sachets of drinking iron per day
  • Take Spaton in the morning on an empty stomach or between meals.
  • Drink "Spaton" with fruit (orange) juice, as vitamin C improves digestibility. Spaton with apple flavor and vitamin C can be drunk undiluted.
  • Interval 30-45 minutes between iron supplements and meals, drinks (tea, coffee, red wine).

Before use, consult your doctor.

More on the site spatone.com.ua

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Lethargy, apathy, depression, fatigue, headaches, dry skin, thin hair and brittle nails, digestive disorders .. All this is the result of iron deficiency in the body. Iron-rich foods should appear on your table in the very near future. The daily intake of iron is 18 mg for adult women and 8 mg for men. What foods are high in iron content? Shellfish is the king of iron: 100 grams contains approximately 24 mg of iron and only 126 calories. But do not include them in the daily diet - too exotic for our latitudes and not cheap.

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Being overweight is not always associated with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle and banal overeating. There are quite a few girls who go to the gym and diet but can't lose weight. The reason for this is often iron deficiency - a trace element that has a direct effect on the metabolism and function of the thyroid gland. If such a problem takes place, the efforts made not only do not give any results, but, on the contrary, lead to an even greater set of extra pounds.

Iron is an essential micronutrient responsible for many important functions in the human body. Its excess and deficiency negatively affect health and well-being. Both conditions are a deviation from the norm, but most often people suffer from a deficiency of this trace element.

The trace element in question is a substance that is responsible for the level of hemoglobin. Iron is an integral part of a huge number of enzymes and performs a large number of important functions:

  • transportation of oxygen to tissues, cells, organs;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • DNA production;
  • the formation of nerve fibers and the growth of the human body;
  • maintaining the vital activity of each individual cell;
  • ensuring energy metabolism;
  • participation in the redox reaction.

In addition, the trace element is responsible for the protective functions of the body and other equally important processes. Iron is of particular importance for a woman during the period of bearing a child, since this time is characterized by the maximum need for a substance. Its deficiency leads to very serious adverse consequences.

The normal content of a microelement in the body is from three to four milligrams. The main part of the substance (approximately 2/3) is concentrated in the blood. The rest of the concentration of iron is concentrated in the bones, liver, spleen. The decrease in the level of the trace element occurs for natural reasons - menstrual cycles, sweating, exfoliation of the dermis. If there are no foods rich in iron in the diet, this inevitably leads to a deficiency of the substance, since the spent reserves are simply not replenished. To maintain the trace element at the required level, about 10-30 milligrams of this compound should come from the daily diet.

The exact amount depends on age, gender and other related factors:

  • children under 13 years old - from 7 to 10 mg;
  • male adolescents require 10, and female - 18 mg;
  • men - 8 mg;
  • women - from 18 to 20, and during pregnancy - at least 60 mg.

Failure to comply with the daily intake of iron leads to disruption of many functions, which affects even the appearance. Not always the poor condition of the skin and hair is associated with age or improperly selected cosmetics. And, thinking about buying another jar of expensive cream, you should take a closer look at your own diet, since the problem may lie precisely in the lack of iron. This situation is especially relevant for those who often go on diets, wanting to lose weight, limit themselves to eating only some food, paying attention to the calorie content, and not to the usefulness of the composition.

The trace element is present in various foods, so it can be heme and non-heme. The latter is found in plant products, and the former is found in animal products. The difference between them also concerns the degree of digestibility. Iron from animal products is absorbed by 15-35%, and from vegetable products - by 2-20%. Therefore, the heme trace element should dominate in the diet and be present in sufficient quantities.

Vegetarians have a harder time than those who consume meat products daily. To correct the situation allows the use of food, which improves the degree of absorption of iron. These foods include those rich in vitamin C.

The largest amount of iron is found in:

  • Meat and offal. These are turkey, chicken, beef, lean pork, lamb and liver. Dark meat contains the most iron.
  • Seafood and fish. To compensate for the deficiency of a microelement, it is necessary to give preference to the use of shrimp, tuna, sardines, oysters, clams, mussels, as well as black and red caviar.
  • eggs. This applies to chicken, ostrich, and quail. Along with iron, they contain unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and magnesium.
  • Bread and cereals. Especially useful are cereals such as oatmeal, buckwheat and barley. Wheat bran and rye contain a lot of iron.
  • Legumes, vegetables, herbs. The largest amount of the trace element is found in peas, beans, beans, spinach, lentils, cauliflower and broccoli, beets, asparagus, and corn.
  • Berries and fruits. In this food category, dogwood, persimmon, dogwood, plums, apples, and grants are the champions for iron content.
  • Seeds and nuts. Any types of nuts contain a lot of trace elements responsible for the level of hemoglobin. They are not inferior to seeds.
  • Dried fruits. A large amount of iron is contained in figs, prunes, raisins, dried apricots.

On a note! Not all dried fruits are healthy. Often, together with valuable iron for the body, they contain harmful substances. Too beautiful and clean appearance of the fruit usually indicates that they have been processed, which allows unscrupulous producers to increase the shelf life of the product.

Table of products containing iron

A more specific idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow many milligrams of iron a particular product contains is given by tabular data. If we analyze the information that is indicated in them, it becomes clear that the highest concentration of the trace element per 100 grams of product falls on chicken and pork liver, as well as shellfish. Bran, soy, and lentils are slightly inferior, but the amount of the substance absorbed from them is two times lower.

The product's name
pork liver20,2
chicken liver17,5
beef liver6,9
beef heart4,8
pork heart4,1
beef meat3,6
lamb meat3,1
pork meat1,8
chicken's meat1,6
turkey meat1,4
black caviar2,4
chicken yolk6,7
quail yolk3,2
beef tongue4,1
pork tongue3,2
tuna (canned)1,4
sardines (canned)2,9

The product's nameIron content in mg per 100 g
wheat bran11,1
Rye bread3,9
dried apricots3,2
dried prunes3

The opinion that the most iron is found in grants and apples is not true. For 100 grams of these fruits, there are no more than 1 and 2 milligrams of a trace element.

Enriching the diet with foods high in trace elements does not always make it possible to compensate for its deficiency in the body. There are foods that interfere with the absorption of the substance. It includes products with polyphenols, calcium and tannin. This fact must be taken into account by those who are deficient in iron.

Dairy products do not contain this trace element, are rich in calcium, and, therefore, lead to a decrease in the substance obtained from food. Strong tea and coffee are not the best allies of iron. Fans of these drinks should get into the habit of postponing the enjoyment of a cup of invigorating coffee or tea until later after a meal. In general, it is better to replace Coca-Cola with dried fruit compotes or rosehip broth.

The lack of this microelement makes itself felt by general weakness, high fatigue, and a sharp decrease in working capacity. The blush is replaced by excessive pallor. The skin becomes rough and excessively dry. The hair is starting to come out. Nails peel and break. Cracks form on the heels and corners of the mouth.

A condition in which there is a constant lack of iron is called anemia. It has a negative impact not only on the appearance, but also on the body. Often, examinations show that even the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract become pale. This indicates insufficient blood supply to this organ, and such a situation is not just a deviation from the norm, but also an indicator that the normal nutrition of the internal organs is disturbed.

Iron deficiency leads to the following problems:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • general fatigue and weakness;
  • palpitations and shortness of breath even with low exertion;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • sleep problems;
  • frequent colds and vulnerability to infections;
  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • appetite suppression and difficulty in swallowing food;
  • the desire to use chalk or raw cereals, as well as “enjoy” the smell of paint and acetone.

In addition, as noted earlier, the condition of nails, skin and hair deteriorates. In other words, the well-being and appearance of a person leave much to be desired, which negatively affects all aspects. Of course, you can't self-diagnose. Only tests can establish that a person is suffering from anemia. Iron deficiency is indicated by a low level of hemoglobin. In men, it should not be lower than 130, and in women, less than 120 grams per 1 liter of blood.

The natural loss and replenishment of the trace element are characteristic of a healthy body. A pathological condition is considered when there is no source of iron or the absorption of this substance does not occur. The deficiency of the compound is most often caused by malnutrition, if they are overly addicted to strict diets or starving, as well as vegetarianism, when there are no accompanying "catalysts" for the absorption of iron, that is, they consume little vitamin C. A sharp drop in iron is characteristic of a heavy menstrual cycle.

Anemia of moderate, mild, severe severity, unfortunately, is quite common. About one billion of the world's population suffers from this disease, especially adolescents, young and middle-aged women. Given the fact that anemia can only be detected through laboratory tests, you should not delay going to a specialist if signs of iron deficiency make themselves felt.

The critical situation is when hemoglobin drops below 100 g/l. If this is not the case, the situation can be quickly corrected. You need to adjust your diet by including iron-rich foods in your daily menu. Proper nutrition will help you recover quickly. If the decline is critical, appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is not always enough for a person suffering from anemia to simply change their diet, and it is often necessary to take supplements containing iron.

To avoid such health problems, one should not neglect the norms of a healthy diet, get carried away with diets and fasting. Putting external attraction to the detriment of health, you can get a completely opposite effect.

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