Pancreatin side effects with prolonged use. Peculiarities of prescribing for children. Urinary system disorders

Pancreatin is a drug that is designed to improve digestion. The drug compensates for the lack of pancreatic function (exocrine), and also has a number of actions: lipolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic.

Enzymes that are part of drugs contribute to the breakdown of fats to fatty acids and glycerin, proteins to amino acids, starch to monosaccharides and dextrins.

The drug normalizes the digestive processes, improves the condition gastrointestinal tract. Interestingly, from the dosage form, pancreatic enzymes are released into alkaline environment small intestine. This is due to the fact that they are protected from the action of gastric juice by a shell.

1. Instructions for use

The instructions for the drug Pancreatin contain full information about this medication. The manufacturer of the medicinal product describes in detail the main pharmacological properties, nuances of application for different age categories patients and, depending on the existing pathologies, the principle of action of the components that make up its composition on the body and pathological processes. A separate paragraph of the instructions contains information on contraindications and side effects that may occur in case of violation of the recommendations on dosages and the duration of the course of administration.

pharmachologic effect

Pancreatin belongs to the category enzymatic agents. The composition of the drug contains lipase, amylase and protease. Substances affect the process of digestion of a number of components by the digestive system and improve their absorption by the body. The drug can be used for disorders of the pancreas caused by various diseases. Pancreatin normalizes it exocrine function and improve the condition digestive tract.

Pharmacological properties:

  • facilitating the process of digestion of fats and carbohydrates;
  • improving the process of protein breakdown;
  • compensation of enzyme deficiency of the pancreas;
  • improvement of the condition of the mucous membranes different departments intestines;
  • prevention of violations of the digestive process in case of errors in nutrition;
  • normalization of blood glucose levels;
  • relief of symptoms of flatulence and diarrhea (with complex therapy);
  • acceleration of the process of normalization of the digestive tract after operations;
  • normalization of the general process of digestion.

Indications for use

The basis for the appointment of Pancreatin is replacement therapy, which is carried out in case of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency:

Also indications for prescribing the drug are:

  • chronic diseases of the biliary tract;
  • diarrhea of ​​non-infectious origin;
  • violation of the assimilation of food, incl. after resection (removal of an organ or part thereof) of the stomach or small intestine;
  • obstruction of the ducts of the pancreas or biliary tract;
  • preparation for x-ray ultrasound organs located in abdominal cavity(used for intestinal degassing).

Often, Pancreatin is taken to restore chewing function and to improve digestion in patients in cases of indigestible food or excessive food intake.

Mode of application

The manufacturer of the drug focuses the attention of the consumer on the fact that the drug is intended for oral administration. Tablets are taken after a meal or during it, washed down with a large amount of water. As for the dosage, it depends on the indications for the drug and on the age of the patient.

Pancreatin is usually taken 1-4 tablets with each meal. If the need arises, the dose is increased by one and a half to two times with the permission of the attending physician. Maximum daily dose for adult patients - 21 tablets.

With complete insufficiency of exocrine function, the dosage can be increased to 57 tablets per day, which covers daily requirement adult human in lipase.

For children under 4 years of age with cystic fibrosis, Pancreatin is prescribed at the rate of: 1 tablet per seven kg of body weight.

The duration of treatment is determined by the indications for the drug and ranges from several days to several months. If there is a need for constant replacement therapy, the duration of treatment is several years.

Release form and composition

Pancreatin is produced in the form of tablets, which are enteric-coated.

One tablet contains 192 mg of pancreatin in powder form, as well as inactive components - sodium chloride, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, oidragite L-100 or oidragite L 30 D-55, colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, talc, acid red 2 C.

Interaction with other drugs

The use of the drug in combination with folates and iron preparations reduces their absorption. Joint application Pancreatin with tannin, alcohol-containing agents and antacids reduces the effect of the drug.

2. Side effects

Patient reviews indicate that the drug is generally well tolerated. However, in some cases the following side effects:

  1. On the part of the digestive system: a feeling of discomfort in epigastric region, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. In cystic fibrosis, drugs can cause stricture in colon ascending, ileocecal region, as well as small bowel obstruction.
  2. Other side effects: malabsorption of folic acid, perianal irritation, allergic reactions (with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with lactose intolerance).

Patients note that with prolonged use, the drug can cause hyperrucosuria, and when used in large doses- hyperuricemia. An overdose of drugs in children can cause constipation.


The consequence of a prolonged overdose of Pancreatin may be an excess of the level uric acid in blood plasma. When such an effect is detected, symptomatic treatment. In children, an overdose provokes constipation or perianal irritation. In the presence of excessive sensitivity to pancreatin, exceeding the dosage may cause allergic manifestations, vomiting, or worsening general condition organism.


The manufacturer of Pancreatin reports a number of contraindications. These include:

  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug.

During pregnancy

Accurate information on the safety of drug treatment during pregnancy is not available, therefore, the use of Pancreatin during childbearing is possible only with minimal risk to the fetus and high potential benefit to the mother. Reviews of doctors suggest that drugs can be taken during lactation, but only according to the testimony of specialists.

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3. Special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

No risk negative impact on psychomotor functions and the nervous system.

Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Pancreatin during pregnancy is acceptable if the potential benefit to the woman outweighs the risks of negative effects on the fetus. During lactation, it is necessary to exclude the drug (or stop breastfeeding for a while).

Application in childhood

Pancreatin can be used in pediatric practice for children under one year old (in case urgent need). For babies older than one and a half years, the drug will be used according to the dosages recommended by the manufacturer.

For impaired renal function

restrictions or special instructions for taking Pancreatin for kidney pathologies is not described in the instructions. The period of exacerbation of diseases or their chronic course is the basis for additional examination patient.

For impaired liver function

Pancreatin is used as part of complex therapy for inflammatory-dystrophic liver pathologies. At acute hepatitis the drug is contraindicated for use.

Pancreatin benefits and harms - such concerns overcome every patient who was prescribed therapy with this drug. In view of the fact that the medicine is prescribed to people who have observed various pathologies Gastrointestinal tract and dysfunction digestive system such issues are particularly acute. From this article you will learn how to drink Pancreatin correctly, what properties the drug has, about the benefits and possible harm from its application.

General information about the drug

Normally, the pancreas (PZhZh) produces several enzymes: amylase, lipase, protease. In case of violation secretory function body, there is a deficiency of these enzymes, as a result of which their artificial replenishment is required by taking a medication. The drug is obtained by grinding a pig gland or a cattle gland.

The work of the digestive system, in particular, the full digestion of food consumed, depends on the production of enzymes. the main task perparata - the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that come with food.

To fully understand why Pancreatin is taken, it is important to know the mechanism of action of pancreatic enzymes:

  • lipase promotes the breakdown of fats.
  • amylase breaks down starch.
  • protease processes proteins.

The described mechanisms of action ensure the full assimilation of the three main organic components of food consumed by humans.

Important! The benefits of Pancreatin are obvious in relation to people suffering from pancreatic dysfunction, a violation of its secretory functions. The drug has an amylolytic, proteolytic and lipolytic effect.

Release form and composition of the drug

Pancreatin is available in the form of small tablets, made in brown or pink color. The drug is intended for oral use, each tablet is coated, which dissolves only when it enters the intestine. The pills are placed in plastic blisters, each of which contains 10 pcs. In total, there are up to 5 blisters in one package.

Pancreatin benefits and harms, in order to answer this question, it is important to know the chemical composition of the drug. chief active ingredient The drug is the pancreatin of the same name (Pancreatinum). A set of auxiliary components in chemical composition of each pill varies, depending on the manufacturer.

Pancreatin begins its action immediately after it enters the duodenum. The shell prevents early splitting of the pill. That is why it is important to use the medicine without violating the integrity of the tablet.

Indications for use and dosage of Pancreatin

Why is pancreatin useful? The drug is beneficial mainly in cases where it is taken for the relief of certain pathological conditions. The main indications for its use are:

  • Gastrocardiac syndrome - changes in work cardiovascular system caused by mechanical or chemical excitation of the receptors of the stomach or esophagus.
  • Inadequate assimilation of food consumed, caused by preliminary resection of the small intestine or stomach.
  • An indication for the use of pancreatin for the stomach is the need to stimulate digestion when wrong diet(excessively fatty foods).
  • Inability to fully chew and digestive problems caused by long-term storage lying position patient or other manifestations of immobilization.
  • Liver diseases and biliary tract pathologies chronic nature varying degrees of severity.
  • Cystic fibrosis - congenital disease, in which the functions of the glands of internal and external secretion are disturbed.
  • Late manifestations of pancreatitis, especially those that develop after transplantation.
  • given only in situations where diarrhea is caused dyspeptic disorders, not infectious pathologies GIT.
  • Preparing for an ultrasound or x-ray examination abdominal cavity.

It is worth noting that Pancreatin for stomach pain helps only in certain cases. It's about about situations when pain caused by swelling. However, the medicine is not intended directly for the relief of pain.

Regarding the method of therapy with this medication, Pancreatin tablets are taken during the main meals. It is important to maintain the integrity of the tablet, as well as drink it copious amounts water or any other non-alkaline liquid (at least 100 ml).

The dosage is determined by the doctor and is individual for each patient. It all depends on the reasons for which the medication was prescribed, as well as a number of other factors, including the age of the patient, the severity of pancreatic insufficiency, etc. At the same time, doctors recommend dividing the daily dose into 2-3 doses.

In the absence of individual instructions from the attending physician, in order to stimulate the digestion of food in the absence of relevant pathologies, Pancreatin is taken 1 tablet with meals. As a therapy for most pathological processes, it is recommended to take medicines 2 tablets three times a day. It is important to ensure that the daily dose of lipase, the content of which varies in tablets from different manufacturers(see the instructions for the purchased drug), did not exceed 20 thousand units.

As for whether it is possible to take Pancreatin every day, the answer is yes - you can. However, this is only permissible within the framework of the therapy of any pathological process and within strict certain period(set by the doctor individually). On the question of whether Pancreatin is harmful for long-term use, the answer is no. But this also applies only to cases where treatment is carried out. Otherwise, constantly stimulating secretory functions unnecessarily can harm health.

Contraindications and side effects of Pancreatin

Despite all the benefits of the drug and its predominantly natural composition, Pancreatin also has side effects. Such manifestations are rare, according to statistics, 1 time per 10,000 cases, they can be as follows:

To avoid side effects and harm to health, it is important to consider contraindications to the use of Pancreatin. The medicine must not be taken in such cases:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute pancreatitis or cases of exacerbation chronic form diseases;
  • acute hepatitis;
  • individual intolerance to pancreatic enzymes of animals or specific components of the drug.

Is Pancreatin harmful for children and pregnant women

Standard dosage form designed primarily for adults. Medicine should be given to children only with the permission of the attending physician.. Attempts self-treatment child can cause serious harm to health. The only exception is a special medication - "Pancreatin for children", which is acceptable from the age of three with appropriate indications.

Regarding the use of Pancreatin for pregnant women, strict contraindications no, but due to the lack of relevant studies, this medicine should not be preferred unnecessarily.

Many pregnant women experience frequent heartburn, constipation, nausea and unpleasant sensations in the stomach. They are interested in the question of whether pancreatin is harmful during pregnancy. Yes, the medication can really be harmful, as it is not intended directly to relieve the above symptoms. For example, constipation is a consequence of a decrease in intestinal motility and taking Pancreatin in this case can only aggravate the situation.

The benefits and harms of taking the drug are individual. If the medicine was prescribed by a doctor for treatment certain diseases or it is applied periodically from overeating, harm is excluded. But the thoughtless, often use of these pills, especially in relation to children and pregnant women, will definitely not be beneficial.

Pancreatin is a drug that has been known for a long time, but despite this, before using it, of course, you should read the instructions for use, and it is best to consult your doctor in advance. This drug is rightfully considered one of the most affordable and effective drugs. Thanks to Pancreatin, the digestion of food improves, and discomfort and heaviness after eating are also relieved.


Currently, Pancreatin is produced in the form of tablets that have a biconvex shape. They are covered with a light pink shell. One tablet contains about 192 mg of pancreatin, as well as the following additional components sodium chloride, croscarmellose sodium, microcrystalline cellulose, acid red 2C, magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide and talc.

"Pancreatin" is produced in the form of tablets

Thanks to enzymes, this drug is aimed at improving digestion, getting rid of bloating, as well as heaviness in the abdomen after eating.

Pharmacological properties

As it was said earlier this remedy Pancreatin is a substance that contains pancreatic enzymes such as trypsin, lipase, chymotrypsin and alpha-amylase. All of them are essential for normal operation digestive process. It is thanks to them that the breakdown of proteins and fats occurs.

Among other things, pancreatin also has an analgesic effect. This effect is achieved thanks to trypsin. It is thanks to this property that after using the drug, the patient begins to feel relief after half an hour.

Many of us, despite the fact that we have heard very often about such a drug as Pancreatin, still do not know what it is taken from.

As shown by many years medical practice, Pancreatin is prescribed to patients if they are diagnosed with digestive disorders. This drug has established itself as simply unique and effective remedy which can be administered to both adults and children. Based on the instructions that come with pancreatitis, the indications for its use are as follows:

  • the drug is prescribed for insufficiency of the secretory function of the pancreas;
  • at dystrophic changes digestive systems;
  • inflammation of the digestive tract and liver;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bloating;
  • overeating;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • in the process of preparing for the examination of the digestive organs;
  • diarrhea;
  • late;
  • in postoperative period with gastrectomy.

The drug is prescribed for digestive disorders

This is not the whole list of pathologies in which the use of Pancreatin is recommended. It also has a great effect on the body in the process of losing weight, as it improves digestion and normalizes the digestive tract, and, accordingly, accelerates.

We have already figured out what Pancreatin helps from, now let's decide on its contraindications and side effects. Any healing agent cannot be completely harmless and approved for use by everyone. Pancreatin is no exception. Like any other drug, Pancreatin has certain contraindications and they are as follows:

  • it is forbidden to take pancreatin if the patient is diagnosed with an acute, chronic or exacerbated stage of pancreatitis;
  • with acute hepatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • personal intolerance to individual components of the drug;
  • it is also forbidden to take pancreatin to children under the age of two years.

Note! Since the drug has contraindications, it is unconditionally necessary to consult with your doctor before using it. This will help to avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences for health.

In the event that you do not use the drug without a doctor's prescription and do not exceed the dosage, then in fact Pancreatin does not do any harm to the body. This is due primarily to the fact that this medicine is an enzyme that is produced in the pancreas in every person. Many medical workers even argue that if pancreatin tablets are used according to the instructions, then they are completely safe and have an effect on human body extremely positive impact.

How to take pancreatin in a given situation can only be told by a doctor, after complete examination patient. It is also worth considering the fact that when taking these medicines may occur for a long time allergic reaction, which is why the entire treatment process should be controlled by the attending physician. Also, an overdose can cause an increase in urine and blood uric acid.

As mentioned earlier and also written in each instructions for use, Pancreatin for children, this medicine is approved for use only over the age of two years. Among other things, it is strictly forbidden to give the drug to children without a doctor's prescription, as this can cause the development of quite serious complications.

The advantage of this drug is the fact that, if indicated, Pancreatin can be taken according to the instructions by children for an unlimited amount of time. To do this, it is only necessary to choose the right dosage and be observed during treatment by the attending physician. How to drink Pancreatin correctly can be prescribed by a doctor, but there are still certain dosages that must be observed:

  • if the age of the child does not exceed seven years, then maximum dose this medicine is one tablet per day;
  • in children from seven to nine years old, the dosage, if necessary, can be doubled, that is, this means that two tablets per day are allowed for use;
  • for children over nine years old, one tablet of Pancreatin three times a day is allowed for use.

AT without fail age is taken into account little patient

Despite such indications for use, the dosage of Pancreatin tablets should be selected only by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis and individual features organism. It is mandatory to take into account the age of a small patient. When prescribing this drug, young children should strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor and in no case change the dosage and do not cancel the drug on their own. Since such actions may not only bring no positive results, but on the contrary, provoke various side effects.

From all of the above, we can already say for sure what pancreatin tablets are prescribed for, and now let's look at the instructions for using this remedy for adults.

What helps and how to take pancreatitis for a particular pathology can only be determined by the attending physician. In order not to harm own body in no case should you self-medicate.

You can use Pancreatin tablets during pregnancy according to the recommendations of a qualified doctor.

According to the instructions, Pancreatin tablets are allowed to be taken by adult patients, 6 pieces per day. It is mandatory to do this before meals or during meals. It is mandatory to drink the drug with a large amount of liquid, it is best to do this with ordinary non-carbonated water.

Only a qualified doctor can accurately answer the question of whether pancreatin tablets can be taken from anything during pregnancy. But as practice shows when carrying a child and in the process breastfeeding if a woman has pathologies that can be eliminated with the help of Pancreatin, then this drug is still prescribed for admission.


Currently, Pancreatin is produced by many manufacturers and, depending on them, the same drug may have different names, such as Pancreatin 10000 or Pancreatin - Belmed 25 units, but judging by the instructions for use, this is one and the same drug .

Among other things, analogues of Pancreatin, such as Creon, Panzinorm and Penzital, are widely represented on the pharmaceutical market. If you carefully read the instructions for use, then we can conclude that such tablets have exactly the same composition and indications for use as Pancreatin, so the question of what they no longer arise.


Despite the fact that Pancreatin is very known drug, many still do not know what it is for and have never even read the instructions for its use, even if they took this drug as prescribed by the doctor. This drug is considered very affordable and effective, so it has been widely used for quite a long time. The main advantages of Pancreatin are not only its effectiveness, but also practically complete absence contraindications and side effects. But, despite this, it is strictly forbidden to take the drug without a doctor's prescription, as this can lead to unforeseen and dangerous consequences. I would also like to note the fact that Pancreatin is also allowed for children over two years old, which is undoubtedly another advantage of this drug.

Enzyme deficiency in the small intestine is the reason for turning to a drug such as Pancreatin: the instructions for use report that this medicine has complex composition, including enzymes (enzymes) involved in the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Over 150 years ago to treat cleavage problems nutrients the first remedy was made, which was an extract of the pancreas of calves.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers more than 10 drugs with similar action. The main advantage that Pancreatin distinguishes in this series is the price: in terms of financial affordability, the drug is one of the leaders in its pharmacogroup.

Indications for taking the drug

The drug can be prescribed if a pancreatic lesion is diagnosed, which has led to a decrease in its excretory function, as well as in a number of diseases of the stomach, liver and intestines. The main indications for taking Pancreatin, the instruction proposes to consider the following:

  1. chronic pancreatitis of various origins (viral, toxic);
  2. "bacterial overgrowth" syndrome, in which there is excessive contamination of microbes in the small intestine;
  3. duodenostasis;
  4. dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi;
  5. cystic fibrosis.

With these pathologies, duodenal hypertension and subsequent damage to the pancreas may develop; decrease emulsification of fats; the chain of enzyme activation is disrupted; worsen peristalsis.

In addition, for Pancreatin, the indications for use are the conditions of the patient who underwent surgery on the organs of the digestive system, radiation therapy; has difficulty chewing food; allows errors in the diet; getting ready for an ultrasound x-ray examination; forced to observe prolonged immobilization (for example, bed rest).

Pancreatin tablets are indicated for use to reduce the severity of symptoms accompanying enzyme deficiency: pain in the left hypochondrium and epigastrium after eating, bloating, nausea, loss of appetite, frequent stools.

Pancreatin: instructions for use (official)

Dosage form and composition

Development issues effective forms drug delivery has not yet found a clear resolution. The point is that at oral intake splitting of components enzyme preparations, including Pancreatin, from which it does not always “get” to the place of therapeutic action enough active enzymes.

Acid and pepsin should not have time to destroy the drug "core" of the drug and deactivate Pancreatin, which helps the acetylphthalylcellulose enteric coating of the tablets. This coating allows the tablet to "hold out" in the stomach for at least two hours. But in patients with gastric emptying problems and hyperacidity this time may be sufficient to destroy the drug, especially when large sizes tablets.

If there is a risk that the medicine will “get stuck” in the stomach cavity, then instead of cutting the tablet and depriving it of its protective shell, it is better to purchase more miniature analogues of Pancreatin - micro-sized tablets, mini-microspheres, granular forms of drugs of this pharmacogroup. Compared to Pancreatin, crushed analogs are more effective.

You should pay attention to the size when choosing, for example, or Pancreatin. What is better: a 5 mm tablet of Pancreatin or a mini-microsphere with a diameter of 1–1.2 mm, the researchers no longer have any doubts. Nevertheless, medical practice has not yet abandoned the traditional tablets for Pancreatin, from which patients still have the possibility of polyenzyme replacement therapy at low financial costs.

The instructions for use accompanying Pancreatin contain information that the drug is characterized by the following forms of activity, due to its composition:

  • proteolytic;
  • amylolytic;
  • lipolytic.

The enzyme core is of animal origin. When a tablet enters the intestinal space, which is characterized by much more high rate pH (compared to gastric juice), within an hour the tablet shell dissolves. Active ingredients are released and begin to break down proteins, polysaccharides and fats from food.

Rules for taking Pancreatin

Tablets are taken with meals or immediately after meals, three times a day. single dose- 1-3 tablets. It is recommended that before taking pancreatin, prepare enough a large number of water to drink the pill, speeding up its passage to the site of action - in small intestine. Violation of the integrity of the protective shell of the tablet should be avoided: it cannot be crushed, chewed.

The course of treatment is several days (if the intake is caused by symptoms of errors in the diet). If longer therapy is required (several months or years), it is advisable to turn to analogues with higher enzyme activity and safety parameters.

Abuse of replacement therapy can lead to a decrease in the ability of the pancreas to produce enzymes on its own, as well as to the development of adverse reactions ( allergic manifestations an increase in uric acid in the blood).

AT early age(up to 2-3 years) it is not recommended to treat the baby with Pancreatin. How to use this medicine during pregnancy, and whether it is worth doing it, the doctor should decide in each case, based on an assessment of the severity of the patient's condition, since the effect of the drug on the fetus has not been studied enough.

Comparison of drugs analogues

Since the end of the 20th century, several drugs have been actively promoted on the pharmaceutical market, which have established themselves (until recently) as the standards of polyenzyme therapy. For "mass" use, the choice was mainly between Mezim or Pancreatin. What is better to take is determined mainly by the financial capabilities of the patient.

Mezim, Penzistal or Pancreatin?

Mezim has almost the same instructions for use as Penzistal and Pancreatin. The price of Mezim is several times higher: for Pancreatin, prices in pharmacies usually start at 20 rubles (for 10 tablets), for Penzistal from 55 rubles (for 20 tablets), and for Mezim from 80 rubles (for 20 tablets). So, the main difference between Perzistal, Mezim and Pancreatin is the price. Instructions for use can also give information that these drugs differ in the content of enzymes. Some reviews say more quick effect Mezim, especially when taking Mezim forte 10000.

According to the safety criterion, Mezim is ahead of cheaper analogues: it acts softer, has more accurate dosages, less often causes adverse reactions. But if long-term serious therapy is not required, an analogue of Mezima Pancreatin at an average price of about 50 rubles per minimum set tablets can be a good alternative to a more expensive drug.

If Pancreatin caused adverse reactions, but there are no funds for an expensive drug, it makes sense to make a choice between Penzital or Pancreatin. What is best to buy this case? A review of reviews suggests that after taking Penzistal, adverse reactions occur less frequently than after Pancreatin: in terms of relative safety, this Indian medicine approaches Mezim, and in terms of price it occupies an intermediate position between Mezim and Pancreatin.

Reviews characterizing Pancreatin indicate that this drug, like Mezim, is considered one of the most popular: patients often recommend it for home first-aid kits “in case of overeating”. However, if the reason for the treatment is more serious than a one-time error in the diet, then you will have to turn to more modern means.

Enzistal or Pancreatin?

Unlike Pancreatin, the composition of Enzistal is more complex: it includes bile extract and an additional enzyme that breaks down plant fiber. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to this analogue in case of insufficiency of the hepatobiliary system (pathologies of the liver and biliary tract).

At the same time, for Enzistal, the instructions for use contain large quantity contraindications and side effects. The price of Enzistal is about 130 rubles (for 20 tablets).

Creon or Pancreatin?

Creon differs from Pancreatin in instructions for use, price. The reviews of the analogue are mostly positive, especially in the treatment of children who find it difficult to take large tablets. However, among the descriptions of the experience of taking, there are often regrets about individual intolerance to the drug.

Solve the question "Pancreatin or Creon - which is better?" the instructions for Creon will help. It reports that this medicine, unlike analogues, is recommended not only for relief from overeating, but for serious pathologies among which are called even malignant neoplasms.

At severe forms pancreatic insufficiency, it is more expedient to turn not to Pancreatin, but to Creon with more high concentrations active substances. The drug has an innovative form: capsules (which can be opened if necessary) contain mini-microspheres. Currently, this medication is considered a more modern standard of care. The price of the medicine is about 300 rubles for 20 capsules: in terms of affordability, this medication is “at the opposite pole” from Pancreatin.

Video: Treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies

Dr. Boris Skachko will tell you more about the methods of treating pancreatitis at home.

Pancreatin is a natural, natural substance, namely, the juice (secret) of the pancreas. It contains certain enzymes that help the orgasm to completely digest the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that come with food. In production medicines, animal pancreatin pancreatin is used.

It is useful to take such preparations with you to a restaurant, to the upcoming plentiful feast, friendly party. Pancreatin will protect against overeating, from exposure fatty foods. It will also protect the digestive organs if consumed. poor quality food or indigestible foods. In addition, the drug is used for various chronic diseases of the digestive system.

Today, the focus of our attention is pancreatin instructions, indications, indications, contraindications, side effects of this drug, we will consider and discuss with you. To do this, read the instructions (annotation) to the drug. However, if you are prescribed to take pancreatin, study the instructions on your own and more carefully. This text is not an instruction, but is written on its basis and adapted for easy familiarization with the medicine.

What are Pancreatin analogues?

Preparations with a similar effect - Festal, Mezim forte. Other such drugs are Micrasim, Panzim, as well as Creon, Panzinorm and others.

What is the action of Pancreatin? What does the instruction say?

When taking a capsule of the drug, active substance participates in the process of digestion of food. It activates the breakdown of proteins, turning them into amino acids. At the same time, there is no decay of food residues if overeating has taken place. In addition to proteins, fats are broken down, absorbed into the blood, and then participate in metabolic processes. Carbohydrates under the influence of pancreatin are converted into simple sugars and then become a source of energy.

Apart from your important quality- activation of the process of more complete digestion of food, the drug activates the secretory function of the digestive system.

What are the indications for Pancreatin?

Pancreatin is taken in courses:

He is appointed at complex treatment chronic pathologies stomach, intestines, when the secretory function of organs decreases against the background of the disease. In particular, patients with pancreatitis, when there is no exacerbation of the disease, are prescribed this medicine as a substitute. Or for stimulation, activation of the own secretory function of the pancreas.

Pancreatin is prescribed as part of complex therapy chronic gastritis, duodenitis. The drug activates the digestion of food. In this process, toxins (decay products during normal digestion) do not have time to form. In turn, the absence toxic substances has a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of the stomach, intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Thus, inflammatory processes are not formed.

The drug is effective in cystic fibrosis, which is known to affect the pancreas, other glands that produce digestive enzymes. In these cases, pancreatin is taken for life.

What is the use of Pancreatin, dosage?

The dosage depends on the level of pancreatic insufficiency (its secretory function), as well as on the age of the patient. Therefore, the dosage is usually determined by the doctor.

For adult patients: If taken on average, then the average dose of the drug is 150,000 IU / day (in terms of lipase). If complete insufficiency is diagnosed, 400,000 units / day are prescribed. (in terms of lipase). It corresponds daily rate adult person. Maximum amount should not exceed 15 GOO-20,000 IU per 1 kg of human body weight, per day.

For the treatment of children: Babies under one and a half years old are usually prescribed the drug at a dosage of 50,000 IU / day. Children older than one and a half years - 100,000 IU / day. Keep in mind that exact dosage should be determined by the attending physician on the basis of indications.

For patients with cystic fibrosis, the dosage is selected individually.

The course of taking pancreatin can be several days. And it can last a very long time - months, and in some cases even years. In the first case, the drug is prescribed to eliminate the consequences of an error in the diet. In the second - if necessary, long-term or permanent replacement therapy.
Capsules are recommended to be taken with food, drinking liquid (not alkaline).

What are the contraindications for Pancreatin?

The drug, like most other drugs, has its contraindications. For example, pancreatin capsules should not be taken in the presence of acute pancreatitis or exacerbation chronic disease. Taking the drug in these cases can lead to the death (necrosis) of tissues of such a vital important body like the pancreas. This drug should not be used with hypersensitivity to him.

What are the side effects of Pancreatin?

It should be noted that the use of pancreatin without a doctor's prescription very often leads to the development various diseases digestive organs. Especially if you take medication. long time without the necessary evidence. In this case, diseases (including tumors) of the stomach, intestines and other organs are detected already in advanced stages. So be careful and do not prescribe pancreatin yourself. Trust your health to a specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe necessary examination, to diagnose and decide which drug is best for you to take for the best, effective treatment. Be healthy!

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