The minimum set of medications for a holiday at sea. What medicines to take on vacation. Essential medicines for children and adults during the holidays

Going on a summer vacation to the sea coast, you should not be careless - you should always think about health, and even more so if you are going to visit a foreign resort. Tourists and ordinary vacationers, being in an unfamiliar country, may face the problem of buying medicines. In other countries, they are often called differently, and their cost exceeds the usual. What if something happens to you or your children while traveling? In this regard, it is worth considering - what to take from medicines at sea with you from the first-aid kit? "Popular about health" will help to make a list.

What are the most common health problems at sea??

Vacationers on the sea coast note that it is during the holidays that they develop diseases that usually do not bother them during the year. Enjoying the gentle sun, many are faced with exacerbations of chronic diseases, while others get an intestinal infection from somewhere. It is infectious diseases and poisoning that happen on vacation more often than others. The second place can be safely assigned to colds, and the third - to allergic reactions (to insect bites, solar activity). And, of course, do not lose sight of the possibility of getting sunburn. If children are traveling with you, then the list of medicines will become even more extensive. Let's study in detail the list of necessary medicines that are better to have with you on vacation.

What to take with you to the sea from medicines?

Intestinal infection, poisoning

Since infectious diseases occupy an honorable first place, we will start with them. If your temperature rises, your intestines become upset and vomiting begins, there is an intestinal infection. In this case, it is important to take the following medicines from the list:

1. Sorbents - Enterosgel, white coal, Smecta.
2. Regidron to restore water balance.
3. Arbidol (will help destroy the virus).
4. Antipyretic - Nurofen, Paracetamol.

Food poisoning also has similar symptoms, except that the temperature does not always rise. If suddenly you eat something stale, you will need:

1. Smecta, Enterosgel.
2. Regidron (with vomiting and diarrhea).


There is always a risk of contracting a virus and getting sick, especially at sea, where so many people are concentrated in one place. Therefore, take these with you according to the list:

1. Arbidol will help in this situation.
2. Syrup for fever for children (Nurofen), ibuprofen for adults.
3. Nasal vasoconstrictor drops for children Nazivin, adults Sanorin.
4. Cough syrup for children, for example, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Bronchipret, and Ambroxol tablets for adults.
5. With angina, pain-relieving lozenges and Tantum Verde spray will not interfere.
6. If the disease leads to complications, such as ear pain, Sofradex will help.
7. Levomycetin - eye drops may be needed for inflammation of the eyes in children.

Antiallergic drugs

This group of medicines may be needed if you develop swelling due to an insect bite. In addition, more and more cases of allergies to the sun's rays are recorded. And children are prone to breakouts when they try new fruits. So, put in the medicine cabinet with you the following:

1. Adult family members - Suprastin or Loratadin;
2. Children - Zodak, Zirtek.
3. Fenistil gel for application to the skin with itching.

Injuries, abrasions, cuts, burns

Active recreation is often associated with the risk of injury. Therefore, be sure to put a bandage, cotton wool, hydrogen peroxide, iodine in your bag. With bruises and sprains, Troxevasin or Voltaren gel will help. Sun exposure can cause burns. They are especially dangerous for delicate baby skin. Take a bottle of Panthenol with you, which will soothe the skin and prevent blistering.

From seasickness and motion sickness

If someone from your family gets motion sickness in transport, do not forget to include these drugs in your list at sea:

1. Dramina.
2. Kokkulin (homeopathic remedy).
3. Take a few bags on the road in case of vomiting.
4. Mints, napkins.

Should I take antibiotics on the road??

The question is serious - is it necessary to take antibiotics to the sea, because without a doctor's prescription, these medicines can be chosen incorrectly, so that they will turn out to be ineffective. However, if you go to places where the clinic is far away and medical care is not available, it is better to have an antibacterial drug in the first aid kit. Then you should buy one that has a wide spectrum of action. These include - Augmentin, Summamed or its cheaper analogue - Azithromycin, Macropen. These medicines are used for sore throat, furunculosis, otitis media, sinusitis and other diseases caused by bacteria.

What other medicines to take with you?

If you or your family suffer from a chronic illness, be sure to take the medications that you usually take - hormonal, cardiac, sedatives, painkillers, and others. Think about what the kids might need? Keep in mind that the baby may begin to erupt teeth, then you will need an anesthetic gel for the gums. With stomatitis, the child's mouth is lubricated with Holisal gel.

Careful planning and preparation for the trip is the key to a successful trip. It depends only on you whether it will be overshadowed by someone's illness or not, and how quickly you will be able to help your loved ones or yourself. Carefully study the list prepared for the trip to the sea and put everything you need in the first aid kit.

Any journey requires thorough preparation. So many things to take with you! Luggage weight is limited, and some things are very desirable to sacrifice. But the first-aid kit of a tourist is something that you definitely can’t leave at home. There must be a place for it in your luggage.

Why do you need to take a first aid kit with you?

Some doubt whether it is so important to carry a whole set of medicines with you? Very important! Of course, the main drugs can be found in pharmacies in most countries. But their names can be very different and you will not be able to “recognize” them without a Russian-speaking pharmacist. The difficulty lies in the fact that looking for a pharmacy in an unfamiliar city, if the stomach twisted sharply, is a dubious pleasure. It is better to take medicines on a trip and take out the cherished package from the backpack at the right time.

Another doubt: what if the first-aid kit is not useful? We sincerely hope it doesn't come in handy! Vacation is not the time to feel bad. But no one is immune from troubles and it is better to meet them fully armed. Moreover, the shelf life of most medicines is years, they definitely will not be lost, and in the end they will be useful to you or your fellow travelers.

What medicines to take on a trip? Conventionally, the contents of your first aid kit can be divided into three parts:

  1. medicines that you take without fail;
  2. drugs that you need to take exactly to the country you plan to visit;
  3. medicines to take on a trip at all times.

If you take medication regularly, replenish your supply before you travel.

Tip: do not carry all the packages with you at once - they are easy to lose. Divide the drugs you need into two parts: keep one with you, and let the second wait for you at the hotel.

What medicines to take on a trip

The basic set includes the most common names of drugs, dressings and first aid. The simpler this base is, the easier it will be to prepare for trips. Let's make a mandatory list of medicines by category. What do you need:

  • First aid for injuries - Individual dressing bag or sterile bandage, non-sterile bandage, plaster, cotton pads, iodine, hydrogen peroxide;
  • First aid for dehydration due to poisoning, diarrhea, overheating in the sun - Regidron;
  • Painkillers and antipyretics - aspirin, analgesics, no-shpa;
  • Gastric - activated charcoal, Imodium;
  • Antiallergic drugs - Suprastin;
  • Antibacterial agents - Biseptol,;
  • Remedies for colds and flu - Paracetamol;
  • From a runny nose, cough and sore throat - Vasoconstrictor sprays or drops, Furacilin, Tenflex
  • Heart remedies, sedatives - Valocordin, valerian infusion;
  • Ear cleaners - Remo-Vax;
  • Eye remedies - tetracycline ointment, Levomycetin.

You have a basic list of medicines for the trip. It remains only to supplement it with medicines that you take constantly (if any) and drugs “for the country you are going to. The items "eye products" and "ear cleaners" are mandatory for the first aid kit when traveling. Eyes and ears should be especially protected during frequent bathing, on sandy beaches and in hot weather. Dust, wind, sea salt and sweat are bad friends to our sight and hearing.

Tip: try not to take medications that you have not yet tested on yourself. The drug may be ineffective, cause allergies or give side effects. Your tourist first aid kit should contain only proven products.

You need to fill your individual first-aid kit using common sense and your own health. Even if you have never experienced heart problems, you need to take heart medications with you anyway. But iodine or brilliant green can be taken to a minimum - one small bottle will be enough.

Tip: First aid for injuries and valocordin are best packed separately and carried with you. The most important medicines should be at hand at the right time, not in a suitcase.

Visiting different parts of the world requires the traveler to pay special attention to his first aid kit. Each region has its own characteristics - the rules for the import and sale of medicines can be very different.

What funds to take to Cuba

As you set off on your journey to the other side of the Atlantic, pack your first aid kit with Russian flair and generosity. This is especially true for trips to Cuba. In addition to medicines, take with you a supply of all hygiene products that you use. On Liberty Island, even good quality toothbrushes are in short supply. And the quality of soap in hotels can terrify even seasoned tourists.

By the way, you will have a long flight, so you do not need to put anti-sickness remedies in the first aid kit - keep them in your hand luggage or in your pocket.

What medicines to take to Cuba additionally? From sunburn, of course! Also focus on remedies for stomach disorders and poisoning. In addition to local exotic cuisine, conditions in Cuba are not always hygienic. In addition to the actual medicines, take several bottles of hand sanitizer and wet wipes. They will definitely come in handy.

Importing medicines to Cuba is simple: weight up to 10 kg and declared value up to $250 - there will be no problems with customs.

When leaving Cuba, if possible, do not be greedy, leave most of the contents of the first-aid kit to the locals.

What medicines to take to Mexico

Another popular destination in Central America is Mexico. The exoticism of ancient civilizations attracts many. Deciding which medicines to take to Mexico is easier than in the case of Cuba. There is no shortage of medicines and hygiene products in this state.

When collecting a first-aid kit for a tourist in Mexico, focus on remedies for stomach problems. These medicines are best taken on a trip to Mexico with a margin. Especially if you are prone to stomach problems. The threat to you is the delicious Mexican cuisine, which is famous for its spiciness. It is difficult for any guest of Mexico to refrain from meat and vegetable dishes generously flavored with seasonings. Your first aid kit will have to eliminate the consequences of gastronomic exploits.

Tip: Take plenty of mosquito repellant to Mexico. Local insects not only bite painfully, but also carry various diseases.

When collecting a tourist first-aid kit in Mexico, consider the climate and nature. If your program includes not only beaches, but also excursions inland, be especially attentive to antiallergic and antibacterial agents.

Customs control in Mexico is not too harsh on medicines: at the border you may be asked to declare medicines only if you are transporting large volumes of rare prescription drugs.

Wherever you go, a well-stocked first aid kit will not hurt you! Happy travels!

In this article you will find a complete list of medicines that we take on our trips. Medicines for both children and adults. The list is pediatrician approved. It has all the necessary medicines that may come in handy on the road and there is nothing superfluous.

Our daughter, who is not yet three years old, has already managed to visit eight countries of the world. We lived for a long time in Egypt, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, traveled around Malaysia and Hong Kong. With each trip, we took less and less medicine. And now the whole first-aid kit fits in such a cosmetic bag.

Here is my medication list. First, in a short version, which is convenient to print.

1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

Paracetamol, ibuprofen, diclofenac sodium, analgin

2. Medications for digestive problems

Salt solution, sorbents (smecta, enterosgel), suppositories with glycerin, Nifuroxazide, tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults. You can take, but not necessarily - enzymes, dry bacteria.

3. Ointments and drops for allergies

Fenistil-ointment, fenistil drops or Erius, Zirtek is also suitable

4. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Bepanten, alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, plaster.

5. Ointment for inflammation of the eyes

Tetracycline ointment or hydrocortisone

6. First aid for otitis media

7. For babies

Infacol or Espumisan, teething gels

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicines

9. On the plane

Salt drops in the nose, vasoconstrictor drops, suppositories to lower the temperature, pills for motion sickness, Smecta.

And now about why i take all this and how to use it in more detail. If you are an experienced mother and most of the medicines are already familiar to you, then you can immediately go to the next article:. It is about the experience of contacting doctors, about how to buy the necessary medicines in foreign pharmacies. You will also definitely need an article about. This is very important, because you will need to prepare for feeding in advance so that you don’t waste time and energy looking for food on vacation.

  1. Candles and syrups to reduce fever

My experience shows that you need to take several drugs with different active ingredients. If paracetamol does not help, then ibuprofen should help. Diclofenac sodium is still used in Egypt. They sell wonderful Dolphin candles. I also take with me candles with analgin. In fact, analgin is banned in many countries of the world, because. can lead to more serious illnesses. But I take it as a last resort, if nothing helps, and the temperature is very high.

  1. Medications for digestive problems

Other water and food can cause all sorts of intestinal disorders. It can be diarrhea, vomiting, or vice versa - constipation. Undoubtedly, you yourself know that it is better to see a doctor in such a case. But, nevertheless, the minimum arsenal of drugs should always be at hand.

Saline solution to avoid dehydration with diarrhea and vomiting

Sorbents to remove poison from the body

Suppositories with glycerin for children (in case of constipation), tablets for diarrhea and constipation for adults

You can also take with you enzymes and dry bacteria that restore the digestive flora, but in my opinion, this is not at all necessary. If necessary, they will be prescribed by a doctor, he will say the name of local medicines.

  1. Ointments and drops for allergies

Even if the child does not suffer from allergies, it is not a fact that you will be able to avoid this scourge abroad. An insect bite or a reaction to an exotic food or plant. Yes, not much else. I take antihistamines with me in several variations: ointment and suppositories.

4. Ointment for inflammation of the eyes

Such ointments are usually sold in tiny tubes and do not take up much space. And when traveling, they can become an indispensable medicine, because children often touch their eyes with dirty hands and can infect.

5. Healing ointment + hydrogen peroxide + brilliant green

Children are so restless. He ran and fell, hurt himself on coral, pricked himself with a sharp object, or simply burned out in the sun. One good healing ointment will help to cope with all the consequences of these troubles. Also, do not forget about the essential rescue kit - alcohol, cotton wool, brilliant green, peroxide, plaster.

6. First aid for otitis media

This happens at sea. Water got in, the wind blew, so the ear became inflamed. Before you get to the doctor for an appointment, you can relieve pain with special drops. Which one is better to take, ask your local doctor.

7. For babies

When Arina was just a baby, I took espumizan in syrup for her with a "revolution" in her stomach, as well as gels and tablets for painless teething. Now, when the teeth are all available, and digestion has improved, I leave it at home.

8. Thermometer, measuring spoon for medicines

9. On the plane

Salt nasal drops are also very useful. The air in the plane is very dry, so I periodically bury Arina's nose so that excess bacteria do not stick to the dry mucous membrane. To avoid unpleasant pain in the ears, put vasoconstrictor drops in your child's nose before departure. Also, for long flights on airplanes, you may need medication to reduce the temperature and the usual Smecta.

As for antibiotics, just imagine yourself in such a situation. You are abroad with a sick child. Well, do you really take responsibility and give antibiotics without a doctor's prescription? After all, no. Then don't take them. If they are really needed, then it is the doctor who will decide which drug to prescribe. In addition, each country has its own sores and cures for them are also different.

First aid kit at sea list of medicines - to save life, health, decide in advance. Tourists, take care of the timely purchase so that in travel, in the event of unexpected and sudden deterioration of the condition, the necessary drugs were at hand, the state of health quickly returned to normal.

Coming Soon rest, chose countries for recreation, route.
Be sure to take with you first aid kit with medicines, which you will complete according to a carefully verified list of medicines needed on the road, if necessary, provide first aid to yourself and your loved ones.

What medicines to take on vacation at sea
First aid kit at sea: a list of medicines for health

I traveled around the countries of Southeast Asia, Europe
and Russia. Sometimes I had to delve into the problems of adult tourists and children, so my own idea of ​​\u200b\u200btravel situations when medicines are needed was formed.

My first aid kit on a trip is a universal list of pills, essential medicines.

Collecting drugs on the road is an extremely responsible business if you want to protect yourself and loved ones from diseases.

It does not matter: you are tourists from Moscow or the regions, an adult or a child.
Where and how long is the trip planned.

Which medicines to take on vacation was determined as a result of summing up the practical experience of a tourist, after multiple trips around the world, multiplied by the theoretical and practical knowledge of a person with a higher medical education.

How to maintain human health while traveling, what problems do vacationers have.

When traveling abroad, medical insurance saves - an insurance policy - protection and confidence in receiving medical care.

  • Minus - the loss of precious rest time, waiting for help, visiting a local doctor.
  • Spending money: insurance purchased with a deductible - an amount of money paid by a tourist when he gets sick out of his own pocket.
  • New disappointments await: some of the problems of tourists will not be considered insured events!
    You will have to be treated at your own expense if you have an insurance policy.
  • The price of medicines abroad is more expensive than domestic ones. The necessary medication must be found. Buy, pay for delivery, taxi, if there is no pharmacy nearby.

What problems are often not covered by insurance, do not belong to insured events, occur on travel and bring a lot of anxiety and trouble, require treatment

1. sunburn.
2. allergies, dermatitis
3. injuries on excursions not with a tour operator; during sports; when riding recreational, water transport, other extreme,
not everyday means of transportation, if you have not purchased the corresponding option in the insurance on your own.
4. exacerbations of chronic diseases.
After a change in nutrition, water and climate, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and so on are often exacerbated.
5. Consequences of libations of alcohol and deterioration of health on the background of taking.
And much more …
Specify the nuances in the terms of insurance when buying a tour package.

If you do not choose options yourself, but are offered by a tour operator, then there will be a minimum.
There is a chance of getting an unpleasant surprise when you seek treatment.

How to minimize the risks of complications and illnesses of a tourist

Comfortable, safe rest for body and soul is provided by 99.9%, provided that the traveler complies with 14 rules.

14 tips for travelers to stay healthy on vacation despite the endless temptations of harm:

  • Take the necessary list of medicines on the road.
    You take the funds regularly - take care to provide yourself with drugs for the duration of your stay. Please note that strong medicines require a doctor's prescription.
  • Read the insurance conditions in the policy.
    If you are going to play sports, go on extreme excursions, add options to the policy.
  • There are chronic diseases - consult your doctor.
    A trip to this country, region, season is contraindicated for some.
    Check with him which drugs and regimen are optimal. Get a prescription if needed.
  • Carefully choose a hotel, read reviews - this will help to avoid a number of difficulties when staying abroad.
  • Wash your hands with soap before eating, after using the toilet, returning to the room.
  • Disinfectant wipes - wipe the handles and handrails in the room.
    Not only doorways - on windows, balconies, taps, a flush tank in a toilet, a kettle, mugs.
    Pathogenic microorganisms are concentrated on them. Immunity can not cope immediately, the environment is new, help it!

Love to swim? Great, try to swim in the sea, minimize, eliminate diving in the pool. Even to children!

We came to the sea, why take the extra risk of catching an infection - this is common everywhere and just happens more often with children.

The way out is to heal yourself through natural thalassotherapy.
Therefore, the choice of a hotel is so important so that a convenient, comfortable beach becomes available to small children.

  • Sunbathing - strictly according to the regime.
    Avoid periods of solar activity. The truth is well known, but sometimes ignored even by families with children!

Get burns, sunstroke. Redness of the skin is revered as an achievement in the "tanning" business.

Remember that damage to the body is applied gradually, then the compensatory mechanisms fail and a disease occurs.

  • Use sunscreen. The sun's rays reflected from the water burn even when in the shade, under an awning!
  • Comfortable, ventilated shoes will prevent tired feet and the appearance of blisters, practical clothing made from natural, light-colored fabrics will protect against sunburn and overheating.

Choose food that is familiar at the beginning, introduce exotic into the diet gradually, new dishes and fruits - little by little, the effect of them is the most unexpected.

Rinse fruits and berries in the room with running water, pour over with boiling water.

  • Drink boiled or bottled water.
  • The buffet offers a variety of dishes.
    How to protect yourself from gaining excess weight and overeating: take a small piece of meat, fish dishes, if you really want to try it. And a lot of greens, stewed, grilled vegetables, salads. Sweets, pastries, ignore.
  • A positive, friendly attitude to rest and a tolerant attitude towards another culture will be a good helper on vacation!

What medicines to take on vacation at sea

Improving immunity, adaptation. Preventing breakdown and normalizing digestion. Reduces the risk of developing acute intestinal diseases. Painkillers, antiallergic and others.

It is possible that earlier a detailed list would have been published in the public domain.
Systematically, materials from the site are copied and used without permission for commercial projects.

Yesterday I found my article on the website of a medical clinic in St. Petersburg, without attribution, links.

Get a universal list of first aid kit medicines at sea.Designed for the average tourist, it solves common health problems on vacation.

- Contains, in addition to the list of drugs, a description of possible diseases, a step-by-step algorithm of actions!

How effectively, reliably strengthen the body's defenses in order to endure climate change, nutrition, attacks of unusual microflora.

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In order not to spoil your pleasure from the planned trip, you need to take with you such an important item as the traveler's first aid kit. It is very convenient when all important medicines are nearby, especially in a foreign city or even a country. In connection with the tightening of the rules for the transport of pharmaceutical products introduced at airports, you need to familiarize yourself with the restrictions in advance.

Any first aid kit should be filled with a minimum set of dressings, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory and gastrointestinal drugs, as well as analgesics.

What rules should be followed when compiling a first aid kit?

Interesting! In another country, it will be difficult to navigate the local pharmacy. The same product may have different names in different countries. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the list of names of Russian drugs in the international language.

When deciding how to assemble a first-aid kit on a trip, it is worth studying the basic rules for its configuration:

  • The first-aid kit is selected taking into account age, some drugs are selected for children, others for adults;
  • In addition to the mandatory medicines, you need to take the drugs currently used, which were prescribed by the doctor;
  • Those funds are taken that can provide the required storage. For some drugs, you will need to take a thermal bag or a mini-fridge when traveling by car. To reflect thermal energy, the bag is lined with foil;
  • Glass jars need to be packed in a cardboard box;
  • In the presence of diseases of a chronic nature, you need to take with you the drugs prescribed by your doctor. Stocks must exceed the planned duration of the trip by at least a week;
  • It is necessary to select drugs that have already been used before in order to avoid the occurrence of an allergic reaction;

  • It is worth writing instructions for yourself indicating all the necessary dosages, including the time of admission, appointments from the doctor and the number of single dosages. This will allow you to quickly navigate in unforeseen circumstances.

Advice! If you plan to travel by sea, then you should take drugs for motion sickness. It can be Air-sea or cheaper validol.

What drugs should be taken?

When completing a traveler's first aid kit, you should know that the list of necessary medicines does not depend on age, country or other factors.

Be sure to take the following drugs:

  • Painkillers: Analgin, Nosh-pa, Baralgin and Ketanov;
  • Antipyretics: Ibuprofen and Paracetamol;
  • From a digestive system disorder: Activated charcoal, Smecta and Mezim;
  • Against allergies: Claritin, Suprastin or Tavegil;
  • Cold medications: Coldrex or Antigrippin;
  • Dressings: plasters and bandages;
  • Antiseptic solutions: brilliant green, peroxide or iodine;
  • Ointments for bruises: badyaga.

Particular attention should be paid to completing the traveler's first aid kit with the necessary drugs for young children.

For babies under three years old, it is worth taking Cefekon candles or Ibuprofen syrup. For older children Paracetamol and instant remedies like Codlrex.

For young children, you will need a teething gel, special drops for colic and baby powder. From motion sickness and its prevention, menthol candies or air-sea will help. Also, don't forget sunscreen.

Advice! Be sure to stock up on drinking water at the rate of 30 ml per kg of weight during the day.

What should be in the first aid kit when traveling abroad?

When you plan to make long walks, for example, in Europe, you should stock up on a large number of patches. Long walking can provoke the appearance of wet calluses. To do this, you need to purchase special plasters, as well as means for disinfecting the wound. In this case, chlorhexidine and miramistin are used. If the skin is rubbed into the blood, then you will need a bactericidal patch.

It is also worth supplementing the traveler's first aid kit with mixtures for the treatment of edema and varicose veins.

When traveling to Asia, you need to stock up on a large number of remedies for intestinal upset.

Be sure to take allergy medication. Especially if you plan to consume exotic fruits.

In case of poisoning, several groups of drugs may be needed:

  • To remove toxins from the body, sorbents are required: sorbex, white coal, smecta and enterosgel;
  • With vomiting and loose stools, drugs are needed that will stop dehydration. These are rehydron and orsol;
  • Antimicrobials, including nifuroxazide and bactisubtil;
  • Probiotics and Enzymes.

Interesting! Wasps and bees react to strong perfume odors, so you should not use perfume on a hike. But it is believed that the essential smells of lavender or eucalyptus repel mosquitoes.

What to put in the first aid kit when traveling to the sea?

If the trip is associated with prolonged exposure to the sun, then the traveler's first aid kit should be equipped with sunscreen. It is necessary to take medicines for burns Rescuer or Panthenol with you. Sunscreen should have SPF 30-50 protection. They can be used during excursions. For example, to smear the shoulders and nose.

It is also worth taking the following funds:

  • Burning in the sun can be accompanied by rashes, so you should take antihistamines with you;
  • Remedies for motion sickness during sea voyages;
  • With active rest, it is recommended to stock up on dressings and remedies for sprains and muscles;
  • Solutions and ointments for insect bites.

It is worth taking anti-mosquito products with you. These can be creams, plates and fumigators.

Advice! The traveler's first aid kit should contain products that protect against bites from marine animals. Burns received in contact with an anemone or jellyfish should be smeared with an alcohol or vinegar solution. These components inhibit the activity of stinging cells.

Features of transportation of the first-aid kit!

The first aid kit can be packed into luggage. If certain medications are taken regularly, they should be kept close at hand.

When transporting by plane, there are certain rules:

  • When transporting several packages of the same product, you should take a certificate from a doctor;
  • Restrictive rules for carrying liquids must be taken into account. You can take 10 containers of 100 ml, with a total volume of one liter.

All liquids are folded into one sealed bag.

Important! Airlines do not allow mercury thermometers. Scissors and knives with blades up to 6 cm are allowed.

What is better not to take?

Do not take strong drugs that contain narcotic substances on a trip. It is not recommended to select various antibiotics. They can only be prescribed by a doctor.

You don't need to buy medicines for malaria. Such drugs have a large number of side effects. In addition, at the first symptoms of this disease, you should consult a doctor.

In many countries, it is at a high level, therefore, for any ailment, it is worth contacting specialists, and not practicing self-treatment. Before the trip, you should take care of the correct registration of insurance.

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