What are digestive enzymes. Types of enzymes for digestion and features of their purpose. Digestion in the duodenum

Enzyme preparations

Enzymes - highly specific proteins that guarantee the role of biological catalysts.

Enzyme preparations - this is medicines, the active principle of which are enzymes.

1900 - the first mention of enzymes (pepsin + HCl).

Immobilized enzymes - subjected to immobilization.

Immobilization - physical or chemical binding of enzymes to the carrier matrix.

Started to apply native enzymes .

Their disadvantages:

    storage violation;

    inactivated in tissues;

    have antigenic properties;

Advantages of immobilized enzymes:

    greater stability of the medicinal substance;

    protect against inactivated effects (thermo-, pH-stable, less sensitive to inhibitors);

    prolonged action;

    cheaper treatment;

    decrease in antigenicity.

Immobilization methods

Physical :

    adsorption on the carrier;

    inclusion in the gel;


Chemical : 1) with the formation of covalent bonds (streptodecase is bound by polyglucin);

2) ligation of the enzyme to the carrier using an intermediary.

As a matrix, inorganic substances (silicogel) and organic substances (5., polysaccharides) can be used.

matrices can be: 1) biodegradable - collapsing in the wound (collagen). Advantages: do not stick to the wound, do not need physical removal.

Disadvantages: they are destroyed and function, getting into the wound in their native form.

2) Insoluble - do not break down in the wound (cellulose).

Advantages: can be used as a dressing material.

Weakness: obstruction rapid accretion the edges of the wound.



    Animal products

Pepsin, trypsin, pancreatin

2) Vegetable origin

Papain, carinazim (from papaya), bromelain (from pineapple)

3) microbiological origin

- terrilitin, clostridiopeptidase, subthymuin - for the treatment of the wound process (protease); somuim (lipase, resistant to HCl).

By clinical use

    Drugs used mainly in purulent-necrotic processes - trypsin, chymotrypsin, chymopsin, pankipsin, terrilitin, collagenase, profuim, caripazim, fibrogan, geruksol, lysosorb - combined .

      Drugs that break down nucleic acids

- ribonuclease, deoxyribonuclease.

    Preparations that depolymerize hyaluronic acid

Lidaza, Ronidase.

3) Drugs that improve digestion processes

Pepsin, acidin - pepsin, natural gastric juice, abomin

3.2) Oraza and enzyme preparations containing pancreatin





Festal N







3.5) Combined enzyme preparations with antibacterial action


3.6) Possessing lipolytic activity


Somilase (somuim + amylase)

4) Fibrinolytic agents

Fibrinomezyme, streptokinase and its preparations, urokinase, reptilase, arvin

5) Various enzyme preparations

Penicillinase, asparaginase, cytochrome C.

Drugs that improve digestion

Types of therapy with enzyme preparations:

    local - wound healing, treatment of scleroderma, inhalation for bronchitis.

    resorptive - parenteral administration and with adhesive processes, sinusitis, ENT diseases.

    substitution - with insufficient secretion of digestive enzymes.

Preparations containing enzymes gastric juice

Pepsin - protein digestion, obtained from the mucous membrane of pigs, optimal pH = 1.5 - 4.0 (HCl is needed).

Acidine pepsin - contains 1 part of pepsin and 4 parts of acidin (betaine hydrochloride, hydrolyzed in the stomach in HCl in a small amount of liquid).

natural gastric juice - contains all the enzymes of the stomach.

obamin - the amount of proteases obtained from the mucous membrane of calves and lambs.

Indications: gastritis with secretory insufficiency, achilia, with some dyspepsia.

Enzyme preparations containing pancreatin and orase.

Oraza is a complex of factors (amylase, maltose, protease, lipase) obtained from Aspergillum fungi. Not destroyed by gastric juice. It has some antispasmodic effect on the muscles. Released in granules, take 1 tsp. while eating.

Pancreatin - a complex of factors produced by the pancreas. Contains trypsin, lipase, amylase. Received from animals. Inactivated in the stomach. Active in alkaline environment intestines. Assign 15 - 20 minutes before meals, drink 100 - 200 ml of liquid. Animal enzyme preparations are more active. Pancreatin must be coated.

Mezim - applied before meals. The rest - during and before meals, especially Creon, licrease, pancitrate - these are microcapsules / microtablets with an acid-resistant shell. They are packaged in a regular capsule, which disintegrates in the stomach. The microtablet is mixed with the food bolus and enters the duodenum. FP containing pancreatin and being in the stomach for 1.5 - 2 hours loses up to 30% of the enzyme activity.

Indications for prescribing enzyme preparations low in lipase

Food excesses, dyspepsia, gastroduodenitis and enterocolitis. Condition after gastric resection, bowel support for diagnostic testing, cystic fibrosis, chronic pancreatitis - in large doses(3-5 tablets. For 1 reception).

Indications for prescribing drugs with a high content of lipase

Chronic pancreatitis, condition after pancreatectomy. At chronic pancreatitis FP is used for replacement therapy and elimination of pain syndrome, tk. when enzymes enter the duodenum, pancreatic secretion decreases (functional rest).

Creon, pancreon contain dimethicone (adsorb gases).

Preparations containing pancreatin:

    bile components. Contain pancreatin, bile components and enzyme

hemicellulose. The components of bile provide a choleretic effect, emulsify fats, activate lipase and stimulate its release, promote the absorption of fat-soluble substances, activate intestinal motility, and prevent the development of putrefactive processes. Hemicellulose - breaks down fiber, which reduces the processes of gas formation and fermentation.

Indications - digestive disorders with bile stasis, chronic obstruction of the biliary tract.

Contraindications - pancreatitis (stimulates secretion),

Obstructive jaundice.

Preparations containing gastric juice enzymes, pancreatin and bile components

- panzinorm, 2 layers: 1) outer - contains highly active proteases (pepsin, cathepsin) and a / c, stimulating the secretory activity of the stomach. Coated (acid-resistant).

    internal - acid-resistant core. Covered with an acid-resistant coating. Contains pancreatin and bile extracts.

Indications - indigestion in the stomach and duodenum.

Contraindications - see above.


Likraza, 3 layers: 1) outer - bromelain (acid-resistant protease, works at pH = 3 - 8); 2) medium - contains pancreatin + folic acid(choleretic); 3) internal - enteroseptol, a derivative of quinol (antibacterial component). There are no side effects for everyone except mexase: headache, nausea, heartburn, peripheral neuritis and optic nerve damage*.

Mexase is used for intestinal infections.

Drugs with lipolytic activity - used for steatorrhea. Activity is low, resistant to acidic environment.

Digestive FP requirements:


    good tolerance

    no side effects

    optimum action at pH= 4 - 7

    long periods of storage

Drugs used in purulent-necrotic processes


    necrolytic - causes lysis of coagulated bacteria. Alive. tissues do not work, because have inhibitors.

    liquefy pus - a more active outflow of wound contents.

    anti-inflammatory - destroy the fibrin barrier around the focus of inflammation, promote the penetration of antibiotics and phagocytes.

    contribute to the activity of penetration into the focus of inflammation of antibacterial agents.

Indications :

    wounds, burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers;

    diseases bronchopulmonary system(bronchitis, lung abscesses, pleurisy, bronchiectasis);

    ENT - diseases (otitis media, sinusitis);


    gynecological diseases.


    individual intolerance;

    violation of the blood coagulation system;

    should not be injected into the focus of inflammation, bleeding cavity, applied to the ulcerated surface of the tumor.

The digestive process starts at oral cavity and ends in the large intestine. It is divided into two components. This is the mechanical and chemical processing of incoming food products. In the oral cavity, mechanical processing occurs by grinding and grinding.

In the stomach and intestines, mechanical processing consists in periodic mixing due to the peristalsis of the muscular membrane. Chemical processing of food begins in the oral cavity with the help of saliva, which breaks down some of the carbohydrates and enriches the food with some vitamins. After entering the stomach food bolus treated with concentrated hydrochloric acid. This substance disinfects the incoming substances and contributes to their faster breakdown. Next, digestive enzymes come into play, which are produced in sufficient quantities by other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Enzymes of the digestive glands

The gastrointestinal tract is structured in such a way that it allows you to create optimal conditions for digestion and absorption nutrients. Digestive enzymes are secreted from glands that are found in the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and can travel to the intestine from external bodies and glands such as the liver, salivary glands and pancreas.

Almost the entire surface of the intestine is lined with secretory cells that secrete mucus to protect the deeper layers, vitamins and many digestive enzymes. Mucus is secreted throughout the tract and does not have enzymatic activity. The main role of this substance is a lubricant to facilitate the movement of food through the intestines. In addition, mucus protects the intestinal mucosa from the chemical processes of digestion. Total digestive juices(enzymes and mucus) secreted by the entire gastrointestinal tract amount to 6 to 7 liters per day.

Exist various factors, which stimulate and inhibit the secretion of digestive enzymes, including the use certain types food, hormones and disruption of nerve activity. Any disorder that affects the production, release, and action of these enzymes can lead to a number of digestive problems.

List of digestive enzymes in the human body

As mentioned above, digestive enzymes are secreted throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Let's try to classify them according to the place of production and isolation.

Digestive enzymes in the mouth are produced salivary glands and include:

  • ptyalin containing alpha-amylase;
  • lysozyme;
  • antibacterial enzymes.

Approximately 1 liter of liquids for digestion processes are released in the oral cavity per day. In the esophagus, only mucus is secreted, without enzymes and biologically active substances.

Much more digestive enzymes are secreted by glands located in the stomach cavity. These include:

  • hydrochloric acid (HCl) secreted by parietal cells;
  • pepsinogen;
  • internal factor;
  • slime.

The volume of physiological fluids produced by the stomach is 1.5 liters per day in an adult. Digestive enzymes in children are excreted in a much smaller volume.

The largest group is pancreatic enzymes:

  • trypsin
  • chymotrypsin;
  • carboxypolypeptidase;
  • amylase;
  • lipase;
  • cholesterol esterase.

The fluid secreted by the pancreas also contains bicarbonates, which deactivate the action of hydrochloric acid. The total daily volume of liquid is 1 liter.

The liver produces bile, which by itself does not carry a functional digestive load. The main effect is the breakdown of fats and cleaning of intestinal surfaces from fatty acids.

All major digestive processes take place in the small intestine. chemical processes. Here fats, proteins and carbohydrates are broken down into simple chemical compounds, which are later used by our body to build new cells. Accordingly, this requires great amount accessory digestive enzymes. Among them it is worth noting:

  • lactase;
  • sucrase;
  • maltase;
  • Iso-maltase;
  • peptidases;
  • lipase;
  • enterocytes.

In the large intestine, only mucus is secreted, which facilitates the act of defecation and evacuation. stool from the rectum.

For the normal digestion of food, biological catalysts are needed - enzymes. These are complex protein molecules, in the presence of which all chemical reactions flow tens and hundreds of times faster! Without them, the digestion process would take years.

Each enzyme has its own specification: amylase breaks down carbohydrates into monomers, lipase - fats, proteases - proteins. There is certain types enzymes for nucleic acids (nucleases) and some other substances. But they all follow certain rules:

  • Each enzyme has an active site suitable for only one type of digestible product;
  • Each enzyme is active at a specific pH;
  • Each enzyme is secreted in an inactive form, otherwise it will digest its own tissues;
  • All enzymes, having performed their functions, are absorbed back into the blood or are destroyed to amino acids, thus their circulation occurs.

The process of enzymatic digestion of food begins already in the oral cavity, here amylase destroys starch. Gastric juice contains pepsin - an enzyme that breaks down protein into smaller fragments - peptides.

The pancreatic duct (PJ) enters the duodenum, and it is she who synthesizes the main amount of the necessary digestive enzymes - amylase, protease and lipase. Moreover, lipase is predominantly of pancreatic origin, while amylase and proteases are secreted in sufficient quantities by cells. small intestine. That is why, in diseases of the pancreas, the digestion of fats is the first to suffer, a person is forced to sit on lean diet because the reception fatty foods causes nausea, epigastric pain and diarrhea (fatty frothy stools).

The spectrum of pancreatic enzymes is highly variable and adapts to the normal human diet. Vegetarians have almost no proteases in pancreatic juice, people who do not consume fats have lipases. That is why in violation of the diet, digestive disorders can occur.

Pancreatic enzymes are active in the alkaline environment of the duodenum, where there is a lot of bile and bicarbonate. Bile also emulsifies fats, aiding in their digestion.

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency occurs with pancreatitis, prolonged strict diet, tumors and general exhaustion, protein starvation. Often hepatitis and gastritis are accompanied by a violation of the secretion of enzymes. First of all, this condition is manifested by a lack of lipase, and only then - all other components of pancreatic juice. Vomiting, nausea, weakness, weight loss, signs of vitamin deficiency, decreased appetite, unstable stools are signs of pancreatic enzyme deficiency and, as a result, impaired digestion of essential nutrients.

Enzyme preparations

For more than 100 years, the pharmaceutical industry has been producing pancreatic enzymes in the form of pancreatin, a powder from the pancreas of pigs. The activity of all drugs is standardized precisely with respect to pancreatin by lipase, and ranges from 15 to 45 units.

Classification of enzyme preparations

  1. extracts of the gastric mucosa containing pepsin (abomin, acidinpepsin, pepsin, acidin). Applicable for atrophic gastritis with reduced acidity, contraindicated in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
  2. pancreatic containing enzymes amylase, lipase and trypsin (pancreatin, pancitrate, mezim-forte, creon)
  3. pancreatic enzymes with the addition of bile (digestal, festal), cellulose and other components (panzinorm-forte, enzistal). Hemicellulose in the composition of festal contributes to the normalization of stool and microflora, bile stimulates bile secretion, motility and secretion, and fights constipation. This group drugs are used for combined pathology of the liver and pancreas, constipation, physical inactivity, short-term errors in the diet. They cannot be used for a long time and with spastic type of biliary dyskinesia and IBS.

Preparations containing bile should not be used for:

  • pancreatitis
  • hepatitis
  • ulcers of any localization
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • diarrhea

4. plant enzymes- papain, etc. (pepfiz, oraza)

The group of plant enzymes includes:

  • nigedase - contains only vegetable lipase, is used together with pancreatin;
  • orase - a complex of enzymes of fungal origin (lipase, amylase, maltase, protease from the fungus aspergillus);
  • pepfiz - fungal diastase (amylase), papain and simethicone;
  • solizim - lipase from a penicillin fungus;
  • somilase - salt and fungal amylase;
  • Unienzyme - fungal amylase, papain, simethicone, Activated carbon, nicotinamide;
  • wobenzym - pancreatin, papain, bromelain, trypsin, chymotrypsin, rutoside;
  • merkenzim - pancreatin, bromelain, bile;
  • phlogenzym - bromelain, trypsin, rutoside.

They are prescribed for allergies to animal proteins. However, plant enzymes cannot be used in bronchial asthma and allergies to fungi and antibiotics penicillin series. Plant enzymes not found wide application, because 75 times less effective than animals.

5. pancreatic and plant enzymes (wobenzym, phlogenzym)

Separately worth combination drug Panzinorm. It contains pancreatic enzymes, pepsin and amino acids and can be used in patients with low acidity, dysfunction of the pancreas and bile secretion.

How to choose an enzyme preparation

  • depending on the acidity of gastric juice: with reduced acidity, panzinorm forte is indicated, in other cases other drugs can be used;
  • with insufficient bile secretion, complexes of enzymes and bile are used;
  • preparations containing simethicone or dimethicone are well suited for patients with flatulence and IBS (Pepfiz, Unienzyme);
  • in children, with pancreatitis mild degree, episodic overeating, chronic gastritis and enterocolitis, functional dyspepsia, gallbladder dysfunction, plant enzymes can be used.

It must be remembered that in the first 7-10 days acute pancreatitis(and 3-5 days of exacerbation of chronic), as well as allergies to animal protein, from appointment and reception of enzymes it is necessary to refrain!

If enzymes are effective...

... the stool is normalized, fats, starch and undigested muscle fibers (creatorrhoea) disappear from it, body weight is normalized.

The dose is selected individually during the week, you can start with 1000 IU of lipase per 1 kg of body weight per day, that is, 60,000-70,000 IU, divided into 3-4 meals. When severe violations the dose is increased to 4000-5000 IU. The drug is stopped after the disappearance of symptoms and violations in the coprogram.

If Enzymes Are Ineffective...

…so there are several reasons for this:

  • insufficient dosage, improper storage with loss of enzyme activity, improper intake;
  • inactivation of enzymes in the acidic contents of the stomach or duodenum;
  • dysbacteriosis.

When is diarrhea and steatorrhea slow to go away?

With IBS and organic pathology of the intestine, the absorption of fats during normal digestion may be impaired, while the fat in the stool remains. AT this case it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug.

With high acidity of gastric and intestinal contents, bile does not emulsify fats well, and enzymes are inactive, which also causes steatorrhea. Antacids and proton pump inhibitors help here.

And finally, if the enzyme leaves the stomach at the same time as food, this can also cause problems that can be solved. the right way(on an empty stomach or during meals, in no case after, because this nullifies their effect) and the use of microencapsulated forms. Creon and similar drugs contain particles less than 2 mm in diameter, which allows for parietal digestion and simultaneous release of the enzyme from the stomach - along with portions of food).

With serious work on mass and strength, it is necessary to consume a large number of Calories are known to all. But sooner or later, on the way to increasing calories and regularly increasing the amount of food consumed, many are faced with a natural limit in the digestive capacity of the digestive system, and as a result, with a restriction in the absorption of nutrients. After all, not every organism is able to digest and fully absorb large amounts of food every day. This severely limits achievement in gym. In this case, digestive enzymes or, as they are also called, enzymes come to the rescue.

What are enzymes?
In simple, unscientific language, enzymes are accelerators of chemical reactions in a living organism. Without them, all the reactions that ensure our normal life, although they would proceed, but so slowly that we simply could not exist.
Enzymes are catalysts - they initiate various chemical reactions in the body, but they themselves remain unchanged. There are 2 main types of enzymes involved in the process of digestion, they help the body break down and absorb nutrients from food: fats, carbohydrates, proteins, sugars.

Where do enzymes (digestive enzymes) come from?
* Produced by the body itself (mostly by the pancreas).
* Fall into our digestive system with food. Enzymes are found in most raw foods(it is with their participation that the processes of decay occur raw vegetables and fruits). Thermally processed foods lose all digestive enzymes.

Enzymes are sensitive to high temperature. Heat treatment food can destroy almost all natural enzymes in food.

The lack of enzymes in the food we consume leads to a deterioration in the digestibility of food, the stomach becomes overloaded and cannot digest all the food that enters it.

The now widely used dyes, additives "E", GMOs and synthetic substances (contained not only in food, but also in medicines) greatly complicate the process of digestion. At the same time, products containing "natural" enzymes in the diet modern man very little is left. The pancreas is forced to work with a vengeance to create enough digestive enzymes (enzymes). If she does not cope with the load, the food ceases to be digested. Nutrients pass you by.

In order for food to bring benefits and energy, it makes sense to help your body with additional enzymes. Regular intake of digestive enzymes promotes proper digestion, reduces fatigue, relieves bloating after eating.

Who needs to take digestive enzymes especially?
* In case of insufficient production of enzymes by your own pancreas
* Those who experience digestive difficulties (nausea, bloating, heartburn, gas)
* Those who, when working on mass, significantly increased the calorie content of the diet: thanks to enzymes, the main nutrients are absorbed faster and more efficiently.

Digestive enzymes ensure maximum absorption of nutrients from food and other supplements. Helps increase energy more nutrients entering the cells.

There is a fairly large selection of enzymes on the market. Well-known pharmacy: festal, pancreatin, mezim forte, as well as enzymes ordered via the Internet from Now Foods, Twinlab, Source Naturals and others. it complex preparations containing essential pancreatic enzymes. For the most part, they are exactly what we need.

Enzymes are usually taken before or during meals. The dosage is individual and depends both on the drug itself and on the amount and composition of the food.
From personal experience the use of various enzymes, the best choice both in terms of effectiveness and price, enzymes are from Now Foods. Whatever the composition of the food and its quantity, 1 tablet is always enough. It can be very useful to use them when you eat a heavy meal shortly before training. A pleasant feeling of lightness quickly sets in in the stomach.

Of the enzyme preparations that are undesirable for me personally, I can name this one from Doctor's Best. I don’t know why, but the reaction to these enzymes was very unpleasant, after each dose my stomach hurt. By the way, I found a similar review in the reviews.

There is a category of people who Special attention it is worth paying attention not to complex, but to individual enzymes, for example, the enzyme lactase (Lactase) for digestion milk sugar- lactose. The fact is that in many people in adulthood, the production of this enzyme is significantly reduced or stops altogether. As a result, milk is not digested and absorbed, causing flatulence and liquid stool. AT severe cases such a reaction can be observed even on dairy products. The enzyme lactase completely solves this problem, thereby significantly expanding the list of products acceptable for consumption.

From lactase enzymes, I tried preparations from two companies (this one and this one). I tested them on 0.5 and 1 liter of milk. Both do their job well, but the second option is still somewhat more effective.

The topic of enzymes is very large and, of course, it is not limited to this. But to raise the issue of the need to use enzymes both in sports practice and to improve the quality of life, perhaps enough.
Who was interested put like. Questions, feedback write in the comments. All good and health.

Enzymes, or enzymes, are substances without which the human body cannot function normally, since they play important role in gastrointestinal tract. These components are produced various glands and bodies. These include salivary secretion, gastric and intestinal juices. The main action of enzymes is the breakdown food components into simple components that the body absorbs.

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    Types of enzymes

    Enzymes act to break down simple and complex substances. They are divided into the following types: amylase (acts on carbohydrates), nuclease (separates nucleic acids), lipase (responsible for the breakdown of fats) and protease (participates in the division of proteins).

    The human body is unable to digest lactose, for this it needs microorganisms such as coli and lactobacilli. Almost all other processes are regulated by enzymes produced by all systems.

    Reasons for shortage

    It is necessary to take additional enzymes in cases where they are not enough. The most common causes of enzyme deficiency are:

    • binge eating;
    • monotonous food;
    • taking certain medications (antibiotics that destroy the intestinal microflora);
    • constant rush while eating;
    • disease digestive tract inflammatory nature(diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, intestines);
    • eating food that has undergone insufficient temperature treatment;
    • disruption of the intestines;
    • congenital or acquired lack of digestive enzymes;
    • operations;
    • period of pregnancy.

    Types of drugs to normalize digestion

    The rate of digestion of food depends on the activity of enzymes and their number in human body. If they are not produced effectively enough, you need to take drugs that help improve the condition. They are used for a short-term effect, but can also be part of a complex long-term therapy. If possible full recovery metabolism, the very cause of problems with enzymes (disease, malnutrition) should be eliminated.

    Preparations containing enzymes are available in the form of enteric-coated tablets with gelatin capsules or dragees. Conventionally, medicines are divided into 5 types:

    1. 1. Preparations containing pancreatin.
    2. 2. Medications containing hemicellulase and bile acids.
    3. 3. Medicines plant origin, the key component of which is rice fungus.
    4. 4. Drugs complex action, where the basic element is pancreatin in combination with vitamins or other enzymes.
    5. 5. Simple enzymes.

    Medications with pancreatin

    it medications like Creon, Penzital, Pancreatin, Pancreon, Mezim Forte, etc. They are used for problems such as:

    • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
    • excessive production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach;
    • pancreatic dysfunction;
    • congenital deficiency of enzymes;
    • infectious diseases (acute and chronic), if they are accompanied by insufficient absorption of nutrients in the small intestine.

    Creon is prescribed for both adults and children, including infants. Pancreatin can be used for a short time during pregnancy.

    Products with hemicellulase

    If the remedy contains pancreatin, hemicellulase and bile acids, these drugs belong to the second group of medicines aimed at treating enzyme deficiency. Bile elements help not only the pancreas, but also the intestines, strengthening it motor function, gallbladder. Hemicellulase is designed to break down complex vegetable carbohydrates and reduce gas formation in the intestine. This composition allows the use of such drugs for:

    • eructation, if it accompanies an acute or chronic disease intestines;
    • constipation;
    • increased gas production.

    Such drugs include:

    • Festal;
    • Kadistal Cotazim forte;
    • Digestal;
    • Panzinorm;
    • Pankral;
    • Menzim;
    • Pankurmen;
    • Enzistal;
    • Ipental.

    Contraindications include pancreatitis, food poisoning with diarrhea, duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, inflammatory bowel pathology, hepatitis. Festal is used by pregnant women if there are no contraindications.

    Herbal preparations

    The third group consists of herbal preparations used in case of intolerance to beef or pork meat, if the pancreas produces an insufficient amount of secretion. These include medications such as:

    • Pepfiz;
    • Oraza;
    • Nigedase;
    • Unienzyme;
    • Solizim;
    • Somilase.

    The last two drugs are not used for intolerance to penicillins.

    Plant and animal enzymes and vitamins

    The fourth group (the combination of pancreatin with other enzymes of plant origin or vitamins) includes following list funds:

    • Merkenzim;
    • Phlogenzyme;
    • Wobenzym.

    These drugs work in the same way - they help the pancreas produce enzymes, but preparations of predominantly plant origin have a reduced effect compared to similar medicines based on animal enzymes. Medicines of the 4th group cannot be used for bronchial asthma, intolerance to fungi.

    simple enzymes

    Simple enzymes, which are included in the last group, are products containing enzymes of animal origin (Pepsin, Abomin, Betaine). Usually used if the patient has gastritis with low acidity. The drugs increase the production of gastric juice, increase the motor function of the intestine. Pepsin can be used during the period of bearing a child.

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