Bisacodyl side effects with long-term use. Bisacodyl tablets and suppositories (Hemofarm): instructions, reviews and prices. How does Bisacodyl work?

Active substance

Bisacodyl (bisacodyl)

Release form, composition and packaging

10 pieces. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.
10 pieces. - blisters (4) - packs of cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Laxative. Causes irritation of the receptor apparatus of the intestine, has a direct effect on the intestinal mucosa, increasing its peristalsis and increasing the secretion of mucus in the large intestine. The laxative effect usually occurs after 6-10 hours, when taken before bedtime after 8-12 hours.


It is a prodrug, hydrolysis occurs in an alkaline environment with the formation of a substance that irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa.


- constipation caused by hypotension of the colon (in old age, in bedridden patients, after operations, childbirth);

- regulation of stool with hemorrhoids, proctitis,;

— preoperative preparation and preparation for instrumental and X-ray examinations.


- intestinal obstruction;

- strangulated hernia;

- acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs;

- peritonitis;

- from the gastrointestinal tract;

- uterine bleeding;

- spastic constipation;

- acute proctitis;

- acute hemorrhoids;

- cystitis;

- children's age (up to 6 years);

- Hypersensitivity to the drug.

FROM caution used in pregnant and lactating women, in patients with liver and / or kidney disease, as well as in patients with suspected inflammatory bowel disease.


inside. At , caused by hypotension of the colon, to regulate stool with hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissuresadults and children over 12 years old the drug is prescribed 1-3 tablets per reception; children aged 6-12 years- 1 tablet per dose. Reception frequency - 1 time per day at night or in the morning 30 minutes before meals.

At preparation for surgical operations, instrumental and appoint 2 tablets at night the day before the study and 2 tablets at night on the eve of the operation or study.

Tablets should be swallowed whole with a small amount of liquid.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.

From the gastrointestinal tract possible spastic, flatulence, diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, impaired water and electrolyte balance (muscle weakness, convulsions, lowering blood pressure).


In case of an overdose, it is possible: diarrhea, dehydration, water and electrolyte imbalance, hypokalemia. Perhaps the development of atony of the colon.

Treatment: symptomatic.

drug interaction

The combined use of bisacodyl with antacids, as well as with milk and alkaline mineral water, can lead to premature dissolution of its shell and irritation of the stomach and duodenum.

special instructions

Long-term use of the drug should be avoided. Should not be taken concomitantly with

Preparations. Of course, they allow you to lose some weight. It is for this reason that such drugs are often included in various schemes that are compiled for body shaping. Among these drugs is Bisacodyl. Doctors do not prescribe such drugs for weight loss. After all, excessive use of laxatives is dangerous to health.

How does Bisacodyl work?

This drug is a laxative. Usually it is produced in the form of dragees or tablets. However, rectal suppositories are considered the most effective. They are used much less frequently. However, in this form, the drug allows you to cope with persistent constipation much faster. The action of "Bisacodyl" is aimed at eliminating problems with defecation. The drug greatly facilitates the process in various conditions.

The drug is often prescribed to cleanse the intestines immediately before surgery or before the examination. "Bisacodyl" for weight loss is used less frequently. It is usually used for difficulty in defecation, which can be caused by an irrational diet. The drug is able to irritate the nerve endings located on the intestinal mucosa. In addition, "Bisacodyl" stimulates the secretion of mucus, which envelops the stool. This helps to facilitate the process of defecation.

How to take Bisacodyl

For weight loss, reviews of which indicate that the drug has side effects, Bisacodyl tablets are usually used. For the treatment of problems, suppositories of 10 milligrams are prescribed. They are administered rectally. Treatment of constipation with the use of this drug is carried out regardless of meals. The daily norm is from 1 to 2 candles. The procedure is carried out only once every 24 hours.

Each dragee and tablet contains 5 milligrams of the drug. In this form, "Bisacodyl" for weight loss is taken at bedtime. Of course, this is not a prerequisite. However, it is worth considering how long Bisacodyl acts. The effect comes, as a rule, in 6 - 8 hours after reception. Increasing the dose is allowed only if the use of the drug does not work. However, more than 4 tablets or dragees per day are not recommended. If a portion of the drug taken at night does not work, then in the morning you can drink another 5 milligrams of Bisacodyl. It should be noted that the effect of this drug does not depend on food intake.

The drug in any form can be taken no more than seven days in a row. Medicines that relieve heartburn and Bisacodyl must be taken several hours apart. An overdose of this drug should not be allowed. This is fraught with negative consequences, including atony of the colon, deficiency of potassium ions, and dehydration.

When not to take Bisacodyl

The drug should not be taken with hemorrhoids passing in the acute phase, with proctitis, hernia incarceration, bleeding and intestinal obstruction. Also, contraindications include pain in the abdomen, which arose for unclear reasons, an acute inflammatory condition that affects the organs located in the abdominal cavity, disturbances in water and electrolyte balance, and potassium deficiency.

Bisacodyl should be taken under the supervision of specialists in case of liver and kidney failure, as well as during lactation and pregnancy.

Is it possible to lose weight

To obtain a positive result, "Bisacodyl" for weight loss is taken according to a certain scheme. At the moment, several methods of reception have been compiled. In the first case, the drug is used during the period of compliance with a low-calorie diet. In this case, the effect only intensifies, since there is a nutritional deficiency.

In the second case, the drug is taken with a normal, complete and balanced diet. In such a situation, the laxative effect allows you to reduce the absorption of all the beneficial components that enter the body with food.

In the first and second regimens, Bisacodyl should be taken in the same way as in the treatment of constipation.

Is the drug safe

In fact, the laxative "Bisacodyl" can be taken only if there are sufficiently serious indications. Also, the drug is allowed to be used only in some cases and only occasionally. This drug should not be taken on an ongoing basis. This is fraught with consequences.

Many losing weight take "Bisacodyl" on a regular basis. However, this is wrong. Excessive use of laxatives can lead to the development of a deficiency of various useful components in the body. Among these substances is potassium. In addition, the drug is addictive. If you regularly take Bisacodyl, then a persistent one develops. In other words, the defecation process will proceed with complications if you do not take laxatives.

"Bisacodyl" is intended exclusively for single use, as well as for the treatment of constipation. Before using this drug, you should consult a specialist. With self-administration of the drug, severe diarrhea may occur, which leads to dehydration. Of course, the use of "Bisacodyl" will allow you to lose weight. This is achieved due to the loss of fluid and the release of all feces. However, this method of losing weight can be very harmful to health.

An ordinary person perceives all laxative drugs in the same way. And even studying the instructions does not always make it possible to catch important points. After all, many medical terms are simply misleading. Meanwhile, drugs differ in composition, on the onset of a therapeutic effect, and many other criteria.

How does the Bisacodyl medication characterize the instructions for use? Are pills able to bring the desired effect? Let's figure it out.

Description of the drug

What is the medicine "Bisacodyl"? Instructions for use of the tablet are positioned as having a strong effect. Used in case of constipation.

The mechanism of action of the drug lies in the enhancement of mucosal secretion in the colon. This stimulates the increase and acceleration of peristalsis. The drug has an effect on the nerve ganglia of the intestinal mucosa.

How long does Bisacodyl last? The favorable effect after the use of means is swept up in 6 hours. If the drug was used at night, the desired effect occurs after 8-10 hours. In the case of using rectal suppositories, the effect of the medication can be observed after 15-45 minutes.

The drug has the following pharmacological effects:

  1. Softens or thins stools. This effect occurs by increasing the flow of electrolytes and water into the intestines. In addition, under the action of the drug, a decrease in the absorption of these components is observed.
  2. Accelerates intestinal peristalsis, stimulates an increase in mucus production.

The drug "Bisacodyl" is absorbed in the digestive tract. The drug is metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys.

Release forms

The drug "Bisacodyl" is produced in several dosage forms:

  1. Tablets. These are round pills of light yellow color with a biconvex surface. The tablets are coated with a specific enteric coating. This allows, subject to the correct use of the product, the pills to dissolve not in the stomach, but in the large intestine, where they should act.
  2. Dragee. They have a round shape. Their color is yellow.
  3. Suppositories. They are intended for rectal administration. Torpedo-shaped candles, oily. They can be white, yellowish-white or grayish.

The active substance of the drug is a synthetic component - bisacodyl. Tablets and dragees contain 5 mg of this ingredient. In candles - 10 mg of the main substance.

Indications for use

Bisacodyl is indicated for the following pathologies and conditions:

  1. Constipation of various origins (chronic, ordinary). The drug is prescribed to normalize the stool in the elderly. Helps "Bisacodyl" from constipation, provoked by a change in diet. A remedy is prescribed for pathologies caused by prolonged bed rest or due to sluggish peristalsis.
  2. Purgation. A similar need arises before childbirth or surgical interventions. Often a medicine is prescribed on the eve of certain types of diagnostics (endoscopic, x-ray examination).
  3. Normalization of intestinal motility. After childbirth or surgery, there may be disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Facilitation of the act of defecation. In some diseases, it becomes necessary to take this remedy. The medicine can be recommended to patients suffering from hemorrhoids, proctitis, rectal fissures.

This drug, like any medication, must be prescribed by the attending physician. The doctor will select the necessary regimen and dosage of the drug. Information on how to take Bisacodyl can be found in the instructions. But it is best to coordinate it with a specialist.

  1. Tablets and dragees must be swallowed whole. They should not be bitten or chewed, so as not to break the shell. Only in this case, the drug will begin to act in the large intestine. The medicine should be taken with clean water. It is unacceptable to use mineral water or milk for such purposes.
  2. The drug is used once a day in the prescribed dosage.
  3. It is best to use the remedy before bedtime. In this case, the desired result will be obtained in the morning.
  4. It is allowed to take the drug 30 minutes before breakfast. A laxative effect can be expected after dinner.

The dosages of tablets and dragees are completely the same. The abstract allows you to consider the rules for taking the drug "Bisacodyl".

  1. Toddlers 2-7 years old. These guys are recommended to take 1 tablet.
  2. Children 8-14 years old. In severe constipation, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 2 tablets.
  3. Patients over 14 years of age. The dose of the drug is adjusted depending on the severity of the patient's condition. If necessary, it can reach 3 tablets.
  4. Before surgical interventions or diagnostic procedures, the dose of the drug can be increased by a doctor by 2 times.

Candles are intended for insertion into the rectum. According to the instructions, the following use of the product is recommended:

  1. Babies 2-7 years old are injected with 0.5 suppositories.
  2. Children 8-14 years old use 1 candle.
  3. For patients over 14 years old, it is allowed to use 1-2 pcs.
  4. Candles can be used at any time of the day. But it is better to resort to such an event in the morning.


Annotation of the drug gives a number of conditions and diseases in which the use of the drug "Bisacodyl" is prohibited.

The remedy is contraindicated in such cases:

  • individual intolerance;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • abdominal pain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, of unknown origin;
  • children's age up to 2 years;
  • inflammation of the peritoneal organs, occurring in an acute form: cystitis, acute hemorrhoids, proctitis, appendicitis;
  • spastic constipation (pathology provoked by increased intestinal tone);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • disturbed water-electrolyte balance;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • intestinal carcinoma (in case of using suppositories);
  • rectal ulcers.

Side effects

Sometimes a medication can provoke unwanted reactions. This is evidenced by the preparation "Bisacodyl" instructions for use.

Tablets can lead to the appearance of such reactions:

  1. Common side effects are the occurrence of general weakness, sudden dizziness. Patients may complain of spastic abdominal pain, nausea. Some experience dry mouth.
  2. Such reactions are much less common: pressure decrease, impaired coordination, diarrhea, vomiting. There may be cramps in the calf muscles. Some patients develop intestinal colic, allergic reactions. Prolonged diarrhea can lead to a violation of the water and electrolyte balance.
  3. Isolated cases are known in which the use of the drug ended in vasospasm, angioedema, colitis or intestinal melanosis.

Features of drug therapy

Before resorting to treatment with this remedy, read the important points:

  1. Bisacodyl is intended for short-term treatment only. For therapeutic purposes, the drug can be used no more than 7-10 days. Long-term use of both suppositories and tablets can lead to serious consequences. The patient, against the background of such treatment, sometimes develops. With such a pathology, the patient cannot perform the act of defecation on his own. He will need stronger laxatives.
  2. The use of this remedy during pregnancy or lactation is allowed only by a doctor. The purpose of the drug should be due to serious indications. In this case, the medicine can only be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug in the first three months of pregnancy.
  3. Since the drug can provoke a number of undesirable effects, during treatment, you should refrain from driving cars and responsible mechanisms.
  4. Very carefully, you should approach the combination of the drug "Bisacodyl" with other medicines. The tool is able to increase the loss of potassium, if used simultaneously with carbenoxolone, corticosteroids, diuretic drugs. The laxative effect can be reduced by such medicines: opiates, anti-acid drugs containing aluminum, anticholinergics and psychotropic drugs.

Medication cost

What is the price for Bisacodyl? The medicine is a fairly cheap medicine, therefore it is available for all categories of patients.

On average, the price for Bisacodyl is as follows:

  • tablets (30 pcs.) - 14-27 rubles;
  • candles (10 pcs.) - 42-53 rubles.

Means analogues

Analogues of the drug "Bisacodyl" are drugs:

  • "Microlax";
  • "Alax";
  • "Dulcolax";
  • "Laksatin";
  • "Sedolax".

Patient opinions

What do people think about Bisacodyl? Patient reviews are both positive and negative.

Those patients who suffer from periodic constipation for a long time and have tried many different remedies are satisfied with this drug. They confirm that the drug is strong enough and effectively relieves the problem.

However, there are often references to side effects provoked by the Bisacodyl drug. Reviews indicate that abdominal pain and cramps often appear. Sometimes patients report diarrhea.

Patients claim that suppositories have a milder effect on the body. At the same time, analyzing the reviews of people, we can conclude that the use of candles is rarely accompanied by unpleasant side effects.

For constipation and problems with defecation, drugs are prescribed that enhance and accelerate the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the natural emptying of the intestines. This is very important in the treatment of helminthic invasions. All means of such a plan are of synthetic and vegetable origin. Good drugs of the first group include Bisacodyl. How long does it take for Bisacodyl to work? The effect of the application is due to the dosage form of the drug - tablets / dragees or suppositories, the latter option acts much faster.

Composition and description

The drug is domestic and foreign production. It can be purchased in tablet form, in the form of dragees or candles. The dosage of the active substance is 5-5-10 mg, respectively.

The main ingredient is the synthetic compound bisacodyl, by whose name the drug was named. The pharmacy sells a medicine with various commercial names, for example, Bisacodyl Hemofarm suppositories, Bisacodyl Acry tablets, Bisacodyl FPO, etc. In fact, these are similar medicines that have different manufacturers.

It is worth knowing: the properties and therapeutic effects of drugs from different manufacturers are exactly the same, as is the dose of the active substance.

The drug is characterized by the ability to enhance and accelerate the peristalsis of the large intestine, which ensures the rapid removal of feces to the anus. Another tool enhances the production of mucus, which covers the feces, which can greatly facilitate the process of bowel movement. It is because of this property that a pronounced laxative effect of the drug is observed.

The synthetic substance bisacodyl is a prodrug, since when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is subject to metabolic processes due to which the active component itself is formed. The compound, formed from bisacodyl, has an irritating effect on the colonic mucosa, directly affecting the nerve endings.

Bisacodyl enhances the release of fluid into the intestines, blocks the reabsorption of water in it. The liquid helps to soften the feces, respectively, their volume increases, which is another factor that stimulates the full activity of the intestines.

When does Bisacodyl start working? The therapeutic effect depends on the form of release and the time of application:

  • If you take pills or dragees during the day, then the effect of the drug develops after six hours;
  • When tablets or dragees are taken immediately before bedtime, the effect occurs after 8-12 hours. The period of action varies depending on the problem of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism;
  • Rectal suppositories act quickly, the result is revealed within 60 minutes.

The drug Bisacodyl is practically not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. A small concentration of the absorbed component is excreted by the kidneys in the form of glucuronide, most of it is excreted by the intestines.

Instructions for use of the drug

For all dosage forms of the drug, the indications for use are the same. Therefore, the form that is optimal in a particular situation is chosen. The remedy is recommended against the background of prolonged constipation, which is associated with hypotension of the colon - they are called "habitual constipation", for example, after surgery, labor, etc.

It is advisable to prescribe a drug to regulate stool in case of pathologies of the large intestine - hemorrhoidal disease, the formation of anal fissures, proctitis. Often they take medicine to cleanse the intestines, which is necessary for preparation before surgery, some studies (colonoscopy).

Other indications for use include constipation, the etiology of which is due to dietary nutrition; emptying of patients with a history of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Features of the use of candles:

  1. Method of use - rectal administration of suppositories.
  2. The dosage is 10-20 mg per day, which is equal to 1-2 suppositories.
  3. The initial dose of 10 mg once a day, the suppository is injected into the rectum. If there is a weak therapeutic effect or is completely absent, then increase the dose - 20 mg per application.
  4. The use of Bisacodyl suppositories is allowed only once every 24 hours.

Important: in order to facilitate defecation, suppositories are introduced at any convenient time, but taking into account that the effect will come within 60 minutes. Food intake has no effect on the therapeutic effect.

Features of taking tablets / dragees:

  • Adolescents over 14 years of age and adults are recommended a dosage of 5-15 mg of the active ingredient, which corresponds to 1-3 capsules;
  • The initial dosage is 5 mg, taken in the evening before bedtime. If there is no effect, then take 2-3 tablets at a time;
  • Take only once a day, the reception does not depend on the meal;
  • If the "evening" pills did not give the desired result, then in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast, you can drink one more thing.

The drug can be used at any time, with the expectation that the tablet begins to act no earlier than six hours later. If the tablet has not begun to act, then the maximum dose is 4 tablets - more, it is strictly prohibited.

Continuous treatment with the drug is allowed for a week. Tablets / dragees are swallowed whole, you can not chew - a chewed tablet leads to severe irritation of the stomach and pain.

The drug is not absorbed into the circulatory system, does not have systemic side reactions, therefore it is allowed for use during pregnancy. To minimize the possible negative impact, pregnant women use only candles.

How to use for children:

  1. From 2 to 7 years - 5 mg (one tablet) or ½ suppository.
  2. From 8 to 14 years - 5-10 mg (1-2 tablets / dragee) or a suppository once a day.
  3. From 15 to 18 years old, up to three tablets and two suppositories per day are allowed.

Note: on thematic forums, the method of losing weight through laxatives is quite popular. Some go on a diet and take laxative pills every day to speed up weight loss. Many use Bisacodyl. But this is strictly prohibited. The drug is not intended for continuous use - a single or episodic use is allowed, only if necessary. In other words, pills will not help you lose weight, but there will definitely be health problems.

Contraindications and side effects

Bisacodyl is a fairly “powerful” drug used only for medical reasons. It has many contraindications, in the presence of which the use is strictly prohibited.

Cannot be used in the following cases:

  • Children's age up to 2 years;
  • Hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to bisacodyl;
  • Spasmodic form of constipation;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Acute form of proctitis, hemorrhoidal disease;
  • Colon carcinoma;
  • Appendicitis and its complications;
  • Pain in the abdomen of unknown etiology;
  • Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Isolation of blood from the anus;
  • cystitis, etc.

In addition to absolute contraindications, the drug has relative ones when its use is allowed, but carefully and under medical supervision. These include liver / kidney failure, suspicion of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, lactation.

Side effects:

  1. dyspepsia. Patients complain of belching, heartburn, pain in the stomach, and other symptoms that indicate a violation of the digestive process.
  2. Increased gas formation, bloating.
  3. Abdominal pain.
  4. Pain in the anus (only suppositories provoke a side effect).
  5. Problems with the musculoskeletal system, lability of blood pressure (especially in patients of the elderly age group).
  6. Prolonged diarrhea.

Note that prolonged use of the drug or its intake in excessively high dosages significantly increases the likelihood of developing intestinal atony.


Bisacodyl has analogues synonyms - drugs that include the same active substance in their composition, differ in additional components, but give a similar therapeutic effect. These are Laxatin (tablet form), Dulcolax (tablets and suppositories), Stadalax (pellets), Apo-Bisacodyl (tablets).

Analogues for the laxative effect include drugs:

  • Slabikap (drops for oral use);
  • Senade (tablets);
  • Agiolax (in the form of granules);
  • Naturolax (powder for suspension);
  • Senadeksin (tablets), etc.

Slabikap drops include the main component of sodium picosulfate. In addition, they contain sorbitol, propylene glycol, sterile water. In appearance, the drug resembles a viscous transparent liquid. The tool has an extensive list of contraindications: peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, cystitis, children under 4 years of age, spastic constipation. Take with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

People leave positive feedback on the use of Bisacodyl, recommending starting with a minimum dosage. This is due to the fact that 95% of patients experience bowel movements with the introduction of one suppository - sometimes in several visits, and with a single injection of two suppositories - diarrhea most often occurs.

In pursuit of a slender and toned figure, women often resort to very dangerous methods of weight loss. At the same time, dear ladies forget that not all products are safe for health. Today I would like to talk about such a drug as Bisacodyl Hemofarm, which is used by a large number of women for weight loss.

What is this drug?

Bisacodyl Chemofarm is a laxative. The drug improves the functioning and contraction of the large intestine. In addition, the drug improves the secretion of mucus from the large intestine, which, in turn, envelops the feces and facilitates their exit.

Bisacodyl should be taken as prescribed by a doctor for bedridden patients, people after operations, childbirth, and those who suffer from constipation. The drug is prescribed for use to release the intestines in preparation for surgery or examination, to normalize the stool with anal fissures and other problems.

By the way, Bisacodyl tablets and suppositories are considered a fairly strong remedy that has a number of contraindications.

Do not use the drug:

  • With intestinal obstruction;
  • Strangulated hernia;
  • With acute hemorrhoids;
  • With uterine bleeding, etc.

The list of contraindications is very, very large, so in order not to cause irreparable harm to health, before using any drug, consult your doctor.

What about weight loss?

So, if you are wondering how to take Bisacodyl for weight loss, then you should know that this weight loss method is not medical. The instructions for the drug do not mention that it helps to get rid of extra pounds.

Bisacodyl for weight loss has become popular with beautiful ladies only because there are a huge number of positive reviews on the Internet about weight loss with laxatives. And if we talk about Bisacodyl Chemofarm suppositories and tablets, then this drug is very affordable, it is available without a prescription and is sold in any pharmacy. Here women are experimenting with their health.

Some ladies are on strict diets and, in addition, they take Bisacodyl tablets to speed up weight loss. But there are also people who do not want to infringe on themselves in food. They do not change their diet, but they use laxative suppositories or tablets. Such manipulations lead to the fact that the nutrients that have entered the body with food simply do not have time to penetrate into the blood.

As a result, weight loss occurs. A person who has started taking laxatives is simply deceiving his body. He does not feel hunger, as food enters the stomach, but at the same time, nutrient saturation does not occur, and this is certainly bad.

Is it all harmless?

Recently, more and more people have begun to use Bisacodyl suppositories and diet pills to speed up weight loss. But this approach is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that this drug can not be used regularly. It is intended for one-time relief from constipation. And even then, it is recommended to use it only after consulting a specialist.

If you decide to use laxative pills or suppositories for weight loss and do it for a long time, then the consequences can be disastrous. There is a possibility of diarrhea and dehydration.

Of course, from all the manipulations done, you will see weight loss, since all the feces will come out, and the body will lose fluid. But the harm that will be done to the body is difficult to describe.

Think for yourself, with frequent bowel movements caused by drugs, dehydration and loss of nutrients (mostly potassium) occur. All this will have to be replenished in the future, and to do this, oh, how not easy.

In addition, using Bisacodyl for weight loss, you risk getting dysbacteriosis, and it will take a long time to treat this disease, and the drugs cost a lot of money.

It is worth noting one more thing. Long-term use of Bisacodyl Hemofarm can be addictive. It is strictly forbidden to use this drug for more than 7 days. If you drink a laxative in large doses: 2 tablets or more per day, then addiction can occur after 2-3 days.

Simply put, your intestines will simply forget how to work on their own, its contractions will stop happening, which means that the feces will not move "to the exit". You simply cannot defecate without the use of laxatives. Moreover, if you used Bisacodyl for weight loss, then in the future you will have to increase the dose of the drug in order to simply empty the intestines.

Treatment, after such a "light" weight loss, will be long and unpleasant. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not to use any laxative pills and candles for weight loss. In this case, it does not matter at all according to which scheme you will take the drugs. Just be aware that this weight loss option is dangerous to health.

In general, dear ladies, if you decide to get rid of extra pounds using laxative tablets or candles, then throw this idea out of your head. You will get nothing but health problems from this.

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