Brazil nuts: benefits and harms to the body. Contraindications and possible harm. The chemical composition and calorie content of nuts

Nutritional value, useful and harmful properties which are highly controversial - by and large, not a nut at all. It is the fruit of the giant Bertholium tree, classified by botanists as a capsule with a hard shell and grains inside. It is he who is familiar to the whole world under the name "Brazil nut", has a specific taste and oily texture.

Bertholletia high

Bertoletiya, or Bertoletiya, high is the only species of the eponymous genus from the Lecitis family. It is common in the virgin rain forests of the Amazon in Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Guyana, Brazil, Peru. In not large quantities it is cultivated on plantations, but due to the specifics, their productivity is extremely small compared to wild trees.

Bertoletiya high, or the well-known Brazil nut (calorie content and properties - below), is one of the largest trees in the Amazon rainforests. It is a long-liver (500 or more years) and reaches a height of 30-45 m. The trunk is up to 1-2 m in diameter, even and straight, branching out approximately ¾ of the height and forming an even spherical crown.

Pollination and fruiting

Abundant fruiting is possible only in the untouched virgin forests of the Amazon, where bumblebees and large bees of certain genera live in sufficient numbers - pollinators. This is due to the structure of the flower of the plant and the characteristics of the nectar. Only large insects with long proboscises can reach it. And the eternal companions of Bertoletia are orchids, which attract bees and bumblebees with their aroma.

The fruit ripens 1 year and 2 months after pollination. It is a box with a very dense shell, resembles in appearance, has a diameter of 10-15 cm and a weight of up to 2 kg. Inside the fruit are from 8 to 24 triangular grains. It is they who are usually called the Brazil nut, which is absolutely incorrect in the botanical sense.

Nutritional value of brazil nuts

Nutritious Brazil nut, calorie content 100 gr. which can be compared with 1 kg of apples or a slightly smaller amount of bananas, has a number of useful and amazing qualities. Its composition includes 69% fats (saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated in the ratio of 25%, 41%, 24%, respectively), 18% proteins and 13% carbohydrates, as well as a significant amount of selenium, magnesium and vitamin B 1 (thiamine). Taste brazil nuts specific, connoisseurs give it much lower marks compared to cashews and almonds.

brazil nuts calories

As mentioned above, Brazil nuts are almost 70% fat. different category. In this regard, it is easy to guess that the calorie content of the product will be very high. The nutritional value of 100 g of the product is 682 kcal. Therefore, you should not get too carried away with eating it, especially for those who have problems with overweight, as well as a high tendency to allergies.

For comparison, it should be said that 100 g of almonds, walnuts contain 576, 654, 553, 628 kcal, respectively. In order for the body to receive a daily dose essential vitamins and trace elements, it is enough to eat one brazil nut. Calorie content of 1 piece - about 35 kcal, as average weight grain is about 5 grams. Nuts will also satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Beneficial features

The secret of the benefits of the Brazil nut lies in its unique composition. First, it should be noted the high content of vitamins B, C, E and D, which have great importance both for adults and child's body. Secondly, Brazil nuts contain several amino acids: folic, pantothenic, betaine and arginine. Each of them makes a certain contribution to human health. Thirdly, fatty acid as part of this product, they help cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease.

Selenium in brazil nuts

Selenium is an important trace element for the body, it is found in significant amounts in Brazil nuts. The calorie content in 1 piece of fruit is small, but by eating it, you get half daily dose element, which is 100 mcg. Probably the richest natural source Selena. Studies show that the microelement reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer. Therefore, the Brazil nut is often recommended to be consumed in preventive purposes However, you need to do this regularly and for a certain time. There is an opinion about favorable influence components of the fetus thyroid gland and feminine hormonal background, as well as to increase the chances of pregnancy, its successful course.


Despite many miraculous properties and excellent composition, Brazil nut, whose calorie content is quite high, has some contraindications for use. It is dangerous for allergy sufferers. This is especially true if there is already an established allergy to any other nuts, as well as mango fruits. In this case, the likelihood that it will provoke a negative reaction of the body is very high.

How to choose and how to store

Due to the fact that the Brazil nut shell contains certain toxic substance, it goes on sale, as a rule, in a purified form. When choosing a product, pay attention to its appearance. It should have a dense texture (not be too light, wrinkled) and be dark brown. The Brazilian nut has a high calorie content due to the high content of fats in its composition, and it is they that make it a perishable product. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the smell. Brazil nuts should not smell like rancid fat.

It is best to store the fruits in the refrigerator, in a dark place, for up to three months.

Brazil Nut Uses

First of all, Brazil nuts should be eaten in fresh. You can lightly dry them in a hot pan, sweeten or salt them. In addition, the fruit is popular in cooking, especially in the preparation of puddings, pesto sauce, fudge, snacks, vegetables and fruit salads. because of high content Brazil nut fat is often pressed to produce an oil that is used in various fields. It has yellow and characteristic sweet smell and taste. The oil is used, for example, in cosmetology as a moisturizing and softening the skin rich in youth vitamin E, in cooking, in the pharmaceutical industry and even for lubricating watch movements.

The world harvest of Brazil nuts is approximately 20 thousand tons. At the same time, the lion's share belongs to Bolivia and Brazil - 50% and 40%, respectively, and only 10% - to Peru. Brazil nuts for export are harvested exclusively from wild plantations deep in the Amazonian rainforest. Beyond fruits good qualities Bertoletia wood also possesses.

Unique chemical composition and high the nutritional value is what distinguishes the brazil nut. The calorie content of fruits does not allow them to be consumed too much. in large numbers, but this is not required. Enough 1-2 nuts a day to give the body valuable fats and trace elements that promote health and prolong youth.

brazil nut benefits due to the content of selenium and other substances useful and necessary for our health (essential amino acids, useful fatty acids (omega 3 and 6), iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, copper, potassium, phosphates, phosphorus, riboflavin, flavonoids, thiamine, niacin, choline, betaine and vitamins such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, C):

  • Benefits of brazil nuts for cancer prevention: prevention of occurrence and development oncological diseases intestines, breasts, prostate, lungs, protection against cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, protection of cells from DNA damage.
  • Brazil Nut Immunity Benefits: strengthening immune system and increased resistance to viral diseases and bacterial infections.
  • The benefits of brazil nuts in inflammatory processes: reduction and neutralization inflammatory processes.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts hormonal system: involved in the production of hormones thyroid gland, normalization of functioning endocrine system, improving the functioning of the pancreas. Benefits for men: prevention and treatment male infertility and raising sexual activity. Benefits for women: prolongation of female reproductive age.
  • Brazil Nut Benefits for Vitamin Absorption: selenium improves absorption fat soluble vitamins, which, by the way, are also found in Brazil nuts.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts of cardio-vascular system: risk reduction cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts for vision: prevention of cataracts.
  • Benefits of Brazil nuts for pregnant and lactating women: women's protection various diseases, and the child - from congenital pathologies and diseases to which children are exposed in the first years of life.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts for protection against harmful substances: elimination from the body heavy metals(lead, mercury, platinum) and toxins, reducing the toxicity of certain drugs.
  • Brazil Nut Muscle Benefits: restoration of damaged cells and improvement of their growth, help in gaining muscle mass.
  • Benefits of brazil nuts for weight loss: burning body fat, improving metabolism, normalizing blood sugar levels.
  • Brazil Nut Benefits for Skin, Hair and Nails: prevention of premature aging, cleansing, nutrition and rejuvenation of the skin of hair and nails.

Brazil nut - harm.

Having said so much about the benefits of the Brazil nut, it should, nevertheless, be mentioned about the possible harm. Excluding individual intolerance, the harm of the Brazil nut can only occur if you eat it in large quantities. It is recommended to limit yourself to only two or three nuts per day. This recommendation has nothing to do with high calorie brazil nuts, as one might think, knowing that in 100 gr. Brazil nuts contain almost 700 kcal.

There are two commonly cited reasons for limiting Brazil nut consumption:

  1. The Brazil nut contains small amounts of radioactive substances (barium and radium).
  2. The Brazil nut shell contains aflatoxins - these substances contribute to the development of liver cancer. However, the shelled Brazil nut does not contain these substances, so the European Union has introduced strict rules restricting the import of shelled Brazil nuts.

Thus, the only reason to limit brazil nuts is the barium and radium content. The reason, although the only one, is too serious to be ignored. Moreover, there is no reason to consume a large amount of Brazil nuts, since the recommended amount (2-3 nuts per day) contains enough Selena.

But are radioactive substances really the only danger in eating large amounts of Brazil nuts? And here it is not. An excess of selenium is just as harmful to health as its deficiency!

  • The liver is affected, which, after a while, becomes noticeable by the yellowing of the sclera of the eyes (in a simple way - the white of the eyes). Such yellowing is a symptom of toxic hepatosis of the liver.
  • Hair loss starts.
  • The skin and nails begin to exfoliate.
  • As a result of selenium poisoning, a person can even die!

As you can see, the danger of selenium poisoning is another serious reason to limit the amount of brazil nuts in daily diet. But do not be afraid and completely abandon this useful product! After all, a lack of selenium can bring no less harm! A dangerous dose is considered to be about 100 gr. brazil nuts per day, while the recommended dose is 2-3 nuts. As for the other beneficial substances contained in the Brazil nut, they can be obtained from other products.

Yes, Brazil nuts should not be consumed in large quantities, unlike some other seeds and nuts (such as pine nuts or sesame), but this does not detract from its beneficial properties. Keeping in mind the indispensability of the Brazil nut as a source of selenium, I would recommend that everyone who does not have an individual intolerance include it in their diet to maintain health and youth.

Just in case, you should know that the first sign that you have overindulged on brazil nuts is the garlic smell from the skin (unless, of course, you ate garlic).

Brazil nuts - selection and storage.

Fresh brazil nuts pleasant aroma, without rancidity, it is slightly moist to the touch, and if you take and shake a handful of Brazil nuts, they will not rattle. If you break the nut in half, you should hear a crunch.

Brazil nuts do not keep very long, as they contain polyunsaturated oils, which quickly go rancid when exposed to sunlight and warmth. It is best to store it in the refrigerator, in a closed box. In this way, healthy oils, contained in the Brazil nut, will be preserved from rancidity, and the nut itself will not acquire excess odors from other products stored in the refrigerator. Brazil nuts will keep in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

You can also store Brazil nuts frozen - in the freezer, its shelf life is extended to six months.

The Brazil nut is the fruit of a tree called Bertholletia that grows in the Amazon rainforest.

But the fruits of the tree are not nuts, although they have a pleasant nutty taste.

The trees on which Brazil nuts grow are very interesting: they reach up to 40-50 meters in height, have several meters in diameter, and can live for more than 500 years. How does a brazil nut grow?

The nuts themselves are quite large in size: their weight reaches 1.5-2 kg, they are very similar to coconuts.

Seeds are hidden inside the nut (from 8 to 24 pieces). They have a thin shell, and taste like pine nuts.

Benefits and harms of brazil nuts

What are the benefits of brazil nuts?

He has unique composition, which is superior in value to many other types of nuts. This product is widely used in medicine: Brazil nut extract is used in preparations designed to improve blood clotting.

Chemical composition brazil nuts:

  1. 18 amino acids.
  2. Squirrels.
  3. Vitamins A, C, E, PP, B.
  4. Iron.
  5. Fats.
  6. Potassium.
  7. Calcium.
  8. Cellulose.
  9. Magnesium.
  10. Manganese.
  11. Copper.
  12. Sodium.
  13. Selenium.
  14. Carbohydrates.
  15. Flavonoids.
  16. Phosphorus.
  17. Zinc.

The abundance of beneficial properties of the Brazil nut for the human body is due to its rich composition:

  • Flavonoids are unique substances that act as active antioxidants. They help the body maintain all redox reactions in the normal range.
  • The amino acids found in Brazil nuts help reduce body fat.
  • Selenium protects our body from premature aging and from cancer.
  • Alpha-linoleic acid is converted into omega-3 fatty acids in the body, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • Arginine dilates blood vessels and improves blood flow to them, it also improves blood rheology.
  • Unsaturated fats help lower blood cholesterol levels, and also help prevent atherosclerosis, cataracts, heart and joint diseases, and central nervous system ailments.

brazil nut benefits manifested in its healing properties:

  1. The oil of this nut is widely used in cosmetology.
  2. Helps with male infertility.
  3. Promotes the growth of new cells.
  4. Normalizes blood sugar levels.
  5. The benefits of brazil nuts for women are invaluable: their use helps to prolong the reproductive age.
  6. Promotes recovery after stress.
  7. Strengthens the immune forces of the body.
  8. Improves metabolic processes organism.
  9. They are natural energy.

brazil nut damage

But so helpful

walnut from Brazil contains a small amount element dangerous to the body - radium.

But an overdose of selenium threatens health big problems with liver, skin, nails.
That is why the product should not be abused. It is enough to eat 2-3 nuts a day without harm to your health. Radium can gradually accumulate in the body, harming human health.

In addition, their shells contain dangerous substances aflatoxins, which can cause liver cancer. That is why the EU has developed special rules for the import of Brazil nuts, which require the removal of the shell of the nuts and the inspection of each shipment.

Also, these nuts should not be consumed by people prone to allergic reactions to such products.

brazil nuts calories

The Brazil nut has a very high calorie content of 656 kcal.

100 grams contains:

  • 18% proteins.
  • 13% carbohydrates.
  • 69% fat

Nutritionists do not recommend using it for people who want to lose weight. In addition, these nuts should not be eaten by people with high blood pressure. If you know what the benefits and harms of the Brazil nut are, you can use this gift of nature to the maximum benefit.


We present to your attention a video of the benefits of a nut from Brazil.

O miraculous powers, which the Brazil nut possesses, recognizable by the color of the creamy shade of rose petals, there are many legends. And it is no coincidence, because the benefits of the product have been scientifically proven. Meanwhile, this fruit, in order to improve health, must be used correctly, then there will really be benefits from eating!

What is a brazil nut

Bertoletia tree fruit or brazilian nut biological sense is a grain, but in its own way appearance it is very similar to the cups of the coconut fruit, which has numerous stamens. In addition to the fact that this product has a natural earthy taste, and smells like flower nectar, it is also famous for its various beneficial properties. For themselves, the product is chosen by those who want to look perfect, have slim figure, reliable immunity and clear radiant skin at low cost.

How it grows

Bertoletia nut is a native of Brazil, grows everywhere throughout the Amazon Valley, and is also grown on artificial plantations. The tree itself, the age reaches 500 years, grows up to 60 m, has a smooth trunk and is about 3 m wide. Fruiting is not a fast process, it begins at the 12th year of the plant's life, and the grains are located at the very top. There is no need to take them off ripe fruits they themselves fall down, and a dense peel protects them from damage. Growing walnut from Brazil in artificial conditions almost impossible.


Unique properties brazil nuts are determined by the components that make up the fruit. Approximately 70% of them are fats, the remaining 30% are trace elements that regulate “bad” cholesterol. In addition, the chemical composition of the Brazil nut includes:

  • antioxidants;
  • amino acid;
  • protein;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, E;
  • glutathione;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • fiber;
  • copper;
  • minerals;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • thiamine;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.


The energy value brazil nuts is approximately 680 kcal per 100 g of pure product. Even after eating a few grains from the rainforests of the Amazon and the Bolivia region, a person feels full for several hours. This calorie content suitable for those who practices diets and suffers from extra pounds. And this is perhaps the only drawback of the product. At the same time, the body receives nutrition and the spectrum of vitamins it needs, energizes and improves the state of its immune system.

brazil nut benefits

Numerous beneficial properties of the Brazil nut affect different areas of human life. Often the fruit is used:

  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • to prevent the development of oncology;
  • in the process of stopping inflammatory processes;
  • to make up for a persistent deficiency of mono- and polyunsaturated fats;
  • to normalize the functioning of the hormonal system (mainly thyroid hormone);
  • to prevent the development of cataracts;
  • to support the cardiovascular system, better assimilation vitamins;
  • to restore protein in the blood;
  • in the implementation of the need to cleanse the intestines, liver, blood;
  • to restore muscle tone;
  • for weight loss, improving the condition of the skin, hair, nails, protection from harmful substances that enter the body;
  • to improve the condition of a woman during pregnancy and lactation.

The daily rate of this supplement does not depend on what goal a person pursues. It is a fixed value, the value of which will have to be considered. The South American nut included in the diet does not provide instant positive result: minor changes for the better become noticeable after about a month of regular use, because the composition contains useful polyunsaturated acid.

For women

Selenium, which is part of the fruit that Brazil gave, plays a key role in maintaining reproductive function. However, a woman is not only a future mother, but also a representative of the fair sex, who must be beautiful. And the benefits of brazil nuts for women are invaluable. Antioxidants and vitamin E will help maintain skin condition, the composition also contains 60% of polyunsaturated fats that lower cholesterol. By regularly using this product, you can get rid of excess weight.

For men

For men, the nut, whose homeland is Brazil, is a powerful aphrodisiac that stimulates potency and increases the amount active sperm. The benefit of brazil nuts for men is that the kernels can be used as a prophylactic, having previously undergone a complete medical examination. Replace completely with brazil nuts drug treatment a man can't


Like any other product, the Brazil nut has a number of contraindications that you should definitely take into account: it is important to use nuts in moderation. The daily dose is no more than 3 pieces, this will be enough for the body to receive its daily norm of vitamins and trace elements. At the same time, brazil nuts can be harmful when following conditions:

  1. In the presence of overweight and lack of desire to exercise.
  2. When a product is abused, which includes dangerous radium (the shell is especially rich in it).

Medicine does not interpret the fruit of the lecithis family as a radioactive product, however, minor negative changes can be observed. This may be an increase in body weight for no reason, a weakening of the immune system, an exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc. In addition, free radium is very slowly excreted from the body, so a negative echo can make itself felt much later. The cleansing of the body is naturally.

Application of brazil nuts

Often the use of Brazil nuts is divided into two possible options: external and internal. The first one makes it possible to cosmetic effect: heal wounds, relieve inflammation, smooth the skin. Oil is best suited for these purposes, which can be used as an independent remedy or added to cosmetic products. If the fruit is used for the prevention of diseases internal organs, it is better to eat the whole kernel, trying not to exceed daily allowance.

With oncology

The selenium present in Brazil nuts is the right way prevent cancer of the prostate / breast, thyroid, lung and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, selenium prevents premature aging cells. Recently, the South American cream nut has been imported without the skin, because aflatoxin, a substance that can cause liver cancer, was found in it. Brazil nut for oncology is excellent prophylactic supporting immunity. However, drugs should not be abandoned in any case, because oncological process may recur!


Experts do not recommend giving Brazil nuts to children under the age of 3 years. The baby's body is very prone to allergic reactions, so getting to know a new the richest source selenium can produce reverse effect. This product it is better to introduce it into the diet gradually, for example, first in a crushed form, adding it to cereals, flour products. If each active substance will work for the good without causing backlash, the baby can be given nuclei and whole.

Oil in cosmetology

natural oil Brazilian nut is actively used in cosmetology, mainly as a component for all kinds of masks and creams. With their help, it is possible to have a complex effect on the skin, which, with systematic care, becomes healthier and more elastic. Localized skin problems can also be treated with pure brazil nut oil. However, a special, but by no means fast cleansing effect is achieved only with regular use.

How to use

There are several variations on the topic of how to use a Brazil nut:

  • as an additive to salads, second / first courses;
  • as a popular nut butter;
  • in the form of cosmetic products.

The desired form is selected in accordance with the goal pursued. If there is a need to feed internal systems body, the core must be systematically consumed fresh. For cosmetic procedures perfect for funds oil based. It will be useful to provide the epidermis with nourishment from the inside, so it is worth eating such dishes periodically.

How much can you eat per day

In order for a Brazil nut, similar to the inner fruit of a coconut, to really benefit the body, you need to choose the right “dosage” for it. For adults, the norm of a Brazil nut per day is up to a couple of pieces, while children can limit themselves to one. If the fruit is eaten once, you can eat 5 pieces at a time. The reason for such strictness lies in selenium, radium and barium, increased concentration which in the body is very undesirable, because each substance has a small echo of radioactivity.


Like any other food product, this one has a number of limitations for use. Brazil nut contraindications are as follows:

  • the presence of individual intolerance;
  • persistent allergic reaction for protein;
  • chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, in which patients are restricted from eating solid food (at the discretion of the doctor, the product can be allowed to be consumed in crushed form);
  • immunity to a number of monounsaturated fats;
  • excess weight.

So that, in the pursuit of health promotion, not to suffer from a healthy Brazil nut, but to comprehensively protect the body and get quick effect, it is necessary to observe the measure and evaluate in detail possible risks. It is better to take as a basis the minimum daily level vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, saturated fats, but consume their source in food systematically. abuse even natural products can backfire and cause harm.


The brazil nut is also called bertoletia, or bertoletia., in honor of K. L. Berthollet - French chemist of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Its third name is very suitable for the plant - South American, or American walnut, as it is common in the countries of northern South America, located along the Amazon River: Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Guyana, Venezuela and Brazil. This nut differs from others in that it is actually a seed that only tastes like a nut. But the main thing in this product is how tasty and healthy it is.


Bertoletia is one of the most big trees Amazon. It reaches a height of 45–50 m and a width of 1–2 m. The plant is a long-liver among trees: it lives 500 years, and sometimes 1000 years, according to some scientists. The tree has a straight and smooth trunk without branches. The crown occupies only a quarter of the length of the trunk and forms a round dome.

Only large orchid bees can pollinate flowers. This explains why the bulk of the crop is harvested from wild trees in the Amazonian forests, and not from specially planted plantations. One forest beetle can produce 200-300 kg of fruit per year.

Did you know? There is no need to climb to the top of a huge tree for nuts, as mature specimens themselves fall to the ground. Perhaps that is why the colonists from Spain gave delicious nuts the name "gift of the Lord from heaven."

The fruit has a round box with a diameter of 10-15 cm with a strong, like a coconut, shell, the thickness of which is 8-12 mm. The box is filled with elongated grains (4–5 cm), which are similar in shape and arrangement to orange slices. Inside the fetus, there can be from 8 to 24 pieces.

The tree-like shell of the Bertolet fruit is so hard that, even falling from a great height, it often remains unharmed. But it is handled by strong and sharp teeth small agouti rodent. These creatures gnaw the grains from the inside. What remains, they bury in reserve, and then forget about their vaults, from which new sprouts later grow.

Bertoletia fruit seeds are the "Brazil nuts" that we buy in the store and which have many useful properties.

Composition and calories

Bertolet seeds are so useful because they contain many vitamins and minerals. Their composition:

  • vitamins A, D, E, C and almost all B vitamins (, nicotinic, and);
  • 10 essential trace elements(selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, zinc, iron, manganese, calcium, sodium);
  • flavonoids;
  • 18 valuable amino acids, including betaine and arginine;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • cellulose.
Brazil nuts are very high in calories. 100 g contains:
  • energy value - 682 kcal or 2851 kJ;
  • proteins - 14 g;
  • fats - 66 g (saturated - 15.1 g, monounsaturated - 24.6 g, polyunsaturated - 20.6 g);
  • carbohydrates - 12 g (including sugar - 2.3 g).
Eating 100 g of nuts, a person will replenish his body daily allowance vitamins and minerals.
  • - 51 %;
  • - 25 %;
  • - 7 %;
  • - 5 %;
  • - 4 %;
  • - 3 %;
  • - 2 %;
  • - 1 %.
  • - 2739 %;
  • - 104 %;
  • - 94 %;
  • Copper - 58%;
  • - 33 %;
  • - 27 %;
  • - 24 %;
  • - 24 %;
  • - 16 %;
  • - 1 %.

Important! American walnut is high in calories. Therefore, you should not exceed the daily rate of its use, especially for those who want to lose weight.

Useful properties for the body

Brazil nuts are very nutritious and useful for people prone to cancer, because the selenium contained in it prevents the development of colon, breast, lung and prostate cancer. Fiber cleanses the intestines and aids in digestion. Vitamins and trace elements in the composition of this nut strengthen the immune system and improve the metabolism in the body.

You can use this product as a prevention of various diseases: the cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, atherosclerosis and cataracts. So, it is necessary to eat it for all people of all ages, men and women.


Brazil nuts are important for men's health, as they supply the body with valuable selenium in large quantities, which prevents the development of many male diseases.
The benefits of nuts:

  • Selenium and magnesium take care of the health of the prostate: it prevents the development of prostatitis and prostate cancer.
  • Antioxidants and vitamins C and E stop oxidative processes, thereby reducing the possibility of oncological and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Testosterone levels increase by a few percent, sperm motility improves.
  • The content of cholesterol decreases, which positively affects the condition of the heart and blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Eating brazil nuts is good for men reproductive system, in particular, improves the work of the testes.
  • contained in nuts is a protection against problems with the heart, blood vessels and excess weight.


  • Selenium is necessary for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system, the normal course of pregnancy, birth healthy child without pathologies. It also provides thyroid protection.
  • Antioxidants fight against free radicals, slowing down aging and prolonging the youth of the female body.
  • Vitamin E is needed by every woman to look beautiful, as it takes care of the health of the skin, hair and nails.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids lower cholesterol levels.

Contraindications and harm

Like most others useful products nutrition, Brazil nut has contraindications. Here are the reasons why it can be harmful:

  • Allergy to nuts.
  • Walnut peels contain aflatoxin, a poison that, if consumed in excess, is dangerous to the liver, promotes cirrhosis and cancer. Therefore, you can not eat and store nuts in the shell.
  • There is some harmful radium in the product, because of this, nuts should not be abused.
  • Selenium, if overindulged, has dangerous side effects: nausea, vomiting, confusion, redness of the skin, bad smell out of the mouth, breathing hard, pneumonia and liver failure.
Abusing it healthy nut may cause irreparable harm to health.

How to use and daily dose

The American walnut is usually eaten raw, unprocessed. But it is very tasty fried, salty and sweet. It is used as an ingredient in confectionery, added to salads and other cold dishes, to which it adds spice. Walnut oil is made from it, which is used in cosmetology and cooking.

Doctors recommend eating 2-3 nuts every day. This amount will provide the body with all the necessary useful substances, including valuable selenium. Exceeding this daily dose can lead to dangerous health consequences.

Did you know? Brazil nut oil is used not only in culinary and cosmetic purposes. It is also used to make artistic paints and oil for lubricating watches.

How to choose

When choosing inshell Brazil nuts, you should shake them: fresh grains sit tightly in the peel and do not rumble. The shelled nuts should be fairly heavy, firm and crunchy.
They should have their own characteristic nutty smell. Light, dry and odorless specimens should not be taken, as they are of poor quality or stale and have been stored for too long.

Important! It is best to buy peeled nuts, as their peel is poisonous.

Terms and conditions of storage

Brazil nuts are very absorbent foreign odors. For this reason, they must be kept tightly closed at home. glass jar or chinaware. If there are few nuts, they can be packed in a plastic bag.

The container with grains should be stored in a refrigerator or other cool place, preferably away from strong-smelling foods, such as sausages.

In a dark, cool and dry place, nuts, even without peel, are stored for about 2 years without losing their healing properties.

Exotic American nuts are an expensive product. But you don't need a lot of them. It is enough to eat a couple of pieces a day. It will not hit your pocket hard, but it will bring great benefit for good health.

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