Tincture of calendula inside. Diseases of the joints, skeletal system and spine. Composition and form of release

In the article we discuss calendula tincture - instructions for using the drug. You will learn the chemical composition of the product and what calendula tincture is used for. We will tell you how to use it to treat sore throat, earache, SARS, heart disease, diseases of the eyes, oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Following our advice, you will learn how to prepare calendula tincture at home, as well as skin and hair masks based on it.

Composition of calendula tincture:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • triterpenoids;
  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • organic acids;
  • alcohol 70%.

Useful properties and indications for use

Tincture of calendula - antiseptic which is used to disinfect wounds and mucous membranes. Consider what you can use calendula tincture for. Calendula tincture is good for health The agent has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the spread of staphylococci and streptococci in damaged layers of the epidermis and promotes tissue regeneration. The tincture is used to treat wounds, burns and frostbite. It disinfects and eliminates an allergic, viral or infectious rash.

Calendula tincture has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect in tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis. The tool is used for gargling.

Calendula tincture has been used in dentistry. She eliminates inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and heals the gums with periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

The tool is used to treat vaginitis and diseases genitourinary system. Douching is done using a solution of calendula tincture.

Calendula tincture has a choleretic and antispasmodic effect. It normalizes the work of the biliary tract, gallbladder and liver. It is taken for cholecystitis, cholangitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers.

What helps tincture of calendula

Calendula tincture is used for cauterization, rubbing, lotions, rinses, douches and tampons. Remedy in pure form suitable for external use, such as treatment of wounds. In all other cases, the drug is diluted with water. Let us consider in more detail what tincture of calendula on alcohol helps with.

Calendula tincture for sore throat

Calendula tincture effectively eliminates the focus of infection in sore throat. The tool is used for gargling. To do this, 1 tablespoon of alcohol tincture of calendula is diluted in a glass of water. Gargle with the resulting solution 5-6 times a day.

For treatment purulent tonsillitis the tincture is not diluted. A cotton swab is moistened in it and processed inflamed tonsils up to 5 times a day. After the procedure, you should refrain from eating and drinking for 20-30 minutes.

Calendula tincture for ear pain

Calendula tincture is used to treat otitis media. The tool eliminates pathogens and reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation. Before use, the alcohol tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

With otitis media, the resulting solution is instilled into the nose, 1-2 drops in each nostril. For treatment outer shape otitis media use turundas and compresses with a diluted tincture of calendula. Turundas are impregnated in the product, inserted into ear canal and leave it all night. Warm compresses are done 2-3 times a day.

Calendula tincture for colds, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections

Calendula tincture is used to treat acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. At the first sign of a cold, a solution is prepared - 3 drops of the product per 50 ml of water and gargle with it. With a runny nose, the solution is instilled into the nose 1 drop.

Treat chickenpox rash

Calendula tincture is used to cauterize blisters in chickenpox. The procedure is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. This allows you to reduce itching and burning and prevents from getting pathogenic bacteria and spreading the infection to other people.

Calendula for eye diseases

Calendula tincture is used to treat eye diseases: conjunctivitis, blepharitis. One teaspoon of the product is dissolved in 500 ml of water. The resulting solution is used for washing the eyes and lotions. Procedures are carried out every 2-3 hours. Calendula tincture provides necessary nutrition eye tissues and significantly improves vision.

Oral disinfection

Calendula tincture is used in dentistry. It helps to eliminate bad smell from the mouth, inflammation of the gums and periodontal tissues. For rinsing, a solution is prepared from alcohol tincture and water in a ratio of 1: 1. Daily rinsing of the mouth with this remedy prevents the formation of caries. For cauterization of sores with stomatitis, an undiluted agent is used.

Calendula tincture for heart disease

Calendula tincture is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. of cardio-vascular system. She normalizes heartbeat, strengthens the heart muscle and cleanses the blood vessels. Take 30 drops of the drug 3 times a day for a month. Disappears with regular use headache, performance increases.

Calendula tincture for the stomach

Calendula tincture is used orally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The remedy treats gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, colitis, enteritis. The tincture has an astringent, antiseptic and healing effect. Before taking the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.

Tincture of calendula in cosmetology

Calendula tincture is used in cosmetology Calendula on alcohol has been used in cosmetology for skin and hair care. The tool is used as a component for masks, lotions and compresses. Let us consider in more detail why calendula tincture is needed in cosmetology.

Calendula tincture in face masks

Alcohol tincture calendula is suitable for problematic and oily skin. The tool narrows the pores and reduces the production of sebum. It is used for point cauterization of acne and wiping the skin. Consider the recipe for a face mask.


  1. Calendula tincture - 10 ml.
  2. Aloe juice - 10 ml.
  3. Flour - 2 tablespoons.
  4. Water - 100 ml.

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients to a slurry consistency.

How to use: Spread the mask over damp skin with massaging movements. After 10 minutes, rinse off with warm water.

Result: The mask cleans and tightens pores, eliminates inflammation and disinfects the skin. Owners of a dry skin type should refrain from using a mask so as not to provoke peeling.

For healthy hair and dandruff

Calendula tincture stimulates hair growth, eliminates oily sheen and treats dandruff on the scalp. The product is rubbed into the scalp in its pure form or added to hair masks.


  1. Calendula tincture - 10 ml.
  2. Burdock oil - 50 ml.
  3. Egg yolk - 1 pc.

How to cook: Warm up in a water bath Burr oil to a temperature of 37 degrees, remove from heat, stir in egg yolk. Add calendula tincture and stir until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask on the scalp and distribute through the hair. Wrap your head in a towel. Wash off after 30 minutes with your regular shampoo. Repeat the procedure every other day for 1 month. If necessary, repeat the course, take a break for 4 weeks.

Result: The mask reduces the oiliness of the scalp and eliminates dandruff.

For more information on the use of calendula tincture in cosmetology, see the video:

Is it possible to drink tincture of calendula

Calendula tincture is used orally to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is used only for the treatment of adults.

At peptic ulcer appoint 20-30 drops of tincture 2 times a day. To stimulate the bile ducts - 15 drops 3 times a day. Before taking the product is diluted in 100 ml of water.

Calendula tincture for women

Calendula tincture is used to treat gynecological diseases. It is used for douching and lotions in a diluted form. The tool relieves itching and burning, relieves inflammation and destroys pathogenic bacteria in the female genital area.

The instructions for use of calendula tincture indicate that to prepare the solution, it is necessary to dilute 5 drops of the product in 1 liter of water. The resulting product is used for douching.

Before starting treatment with calendula tincture, consult a specialist. Douching with a solution of tincture is contraindicated after childbirth, abortion and during pregnancy.

Calendula tincture does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only facilitates the course of the disease and reduces the manifestation of symptoms. For effective treatment it is necessary to use the drug in combination with other drugs prescribed by a doctor.

How to make calendula tincture at home

Calendula tincture can be prepared at home Calendula tincture can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared at home. Calendula flowers insist on vodka or diluted alcohol in a ratio of 1:1. Consider a recipe based on vodka.


  1. Calendula flowers - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Vodka - 250 ml.

How to cook: Grind marigold flowers, put them in glass jar, fill with vodka and tightly close the lid. Infuse the remedy at room temperature within 1 week. Finished product strain and store in the refrigerator.

How to use: Dilute 20-30 drops of tincture in 100 ml boiled water and take the solution twice a day.

Result: alcohol solution calendula is effective for colitis, inflammatory diseases stomach and duodenum. Has a choleretic effect.

Other forms of calendula tincture

In a pharmacy, you can buy not only alcohol tincture of calendula, but also other dosage forms, for example, a solution of calendula and its extract. These funds have a similar spectrum useful action and scope.

Calendula solution

Alcohol tincture of calendula in its pure form is only suitable for external use. For oral administration, it is diluted with water and a calendula solution is obtained. The tool is used for douching, lotions, gargling and mouthwash.

Calendula extract

Calendula extract is an orange powder with a bitter herbaceous taste. Before use, it is dissolved in water. The tool is used as an antimicrobial and wound healing drug.

Calendula extract is widely used in cosmetology. It is added to creams, lotions, balms, gels and made with it. herbal baths, dissolving 10 gr. powder in a filled bath. This procedure softens and moisturizes the skin, gives it elasticity.


Calendula tincture - contraindications:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age up to 12 years;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • acute phase of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

Do not use calendula tincture in combination with sedatives, it significantly enhances their effect. The tincture reduces blood pressure and heart rate, which in combination with sedatives can negatively impact your well-being.

What to remember

  1. Calendula tincture is an antiseptic that is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, organs of vision and skin.
  2. The tool has anti-inflammatory, soothing, disinfectant and wound healing effects.
  3. Calendula tincture should not be used in combination with sedatives, as it greatly enhances their effect.

Refers to those plants that cannot be confused with any other. This species has proven itself as an ornamental flower, which has been grown with great hunting for more than a decade. An elegant plant gives a special sophisticated look to even the simplest flower bed, and it is not surprising that this species has become a real classic of domestic floriculture.

But, unfortunately, not many of us know that calendula has found its application in. Remedies from this flower are useful for both large and small patients. And this is not surprising, since they positive impact on contributes effective fight with many common ones with minimal risks side effects, which is confirmed by dozens of clinical studies. Therefore, today we decided to reveal the secret of this flower and its medicinal properties, and also to finally find out how calendula can be useful for both and for.

Chemical composition

Calendula has a rich chemical composition, which is the secret of its healing effect on the . The composition of this plant revealed: alkaloids, carotenoids, polysaccharides, bitterness, resins, mucus, important organic acids, flavonoids, phytoncides, saponins, and salicylic acid. In addition, calendula is rich in tannins, triterpenoids, fatty oils, inulin and triterpene glycosides, which are derivatives of .

Medicinal properties

The pharmacological qualities of this plant are primarily due to its rich chemical composition and a unique ratio of components among themselves. Their main medicinal properties for the body are the following therapeutic effects:

  • the ability to suppress inflammatory foci in organs and tissues;
  • high healing effect on the affected areas of the tissues of the outer integument and internal organs;
  • powerful inhibitory effect on microorganisms of the groups of staphylococci and streptococci (antibacterial effect);
  • antihypertensive effect, which contributes to prolonged remission of hypertension and normalization of activity;
  • intensification of recovery processes in diseases of the genitourinary system and bile outflow processes;
  • mild sedative effect on the body, under conditions overexcitability ;
  • positive influence to accelerate the processes of metabolism and elimination of toxins from the body.

Did you know?The anti-stress effect of calendula has been noticed many centuries ago. So, in Europe, in the 16th century, it was customary to eat a small amount of jam from the petals of this flower on an empty stomach to raise it.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on calendula

Today, calendula is used to produce a variety of pharmacological preparations. On the basis of extracts from this plant, all kinds of ointments, tablets and extracts are made. In addition, calendula is also produced in the form of dry raw materials for the preparation of preparations. home medicine. But the following medicines from this flower have gained the greatest popularity among our compatriots:

  1. "Kaleflon" - tablets made on the basis of raw materials from the calendula flower. indicated for the treatment of gastritis, as well as for choleretic purposes in pathologies and conduction of the bile ducts.
  2. Calendula oil - antiseptic and disinfectant, prescribed for external use for cuts, insect bites, inflammatory diseases and other pathologies of the upper integument.
  3. Ointment "Calendula" - the remedy is used for cuts, burns, bruises and other injuries.
  4. Cream "Calendula" - medicinal product, which is used in the treatment of frostbite, bruises and cuts.
  5. "KN tablets" - the drug is used in the treatment of inoperable malignant tumors. The tool has a powerful intoxication effect on the human body.
  6. "Calendula-P" is a medicine in tablet form, which has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing effect.
  7. "Rotokan" - combination drug, which is prescribed for the treatment of diseases, and neuroses.

Did you know?Calendula is one of the most effective antagonist plants for the Colorado potato beetle. One has only to sow a flower around a potato plantation, and the population of this is reduced significantly.

Application in different areas

As mentioned above, calendula is one of those plants that have been used since ancient times in various areas and for various economic purposes. This flower is most widely used in, and.

In cosmetology

A variety of cosmetic products from home-made calendula have been known to our compatriots for decades. Today, the extracts of this plant do not lose their popularity and are also actively used for skin care. Beauty products based on this flower have antioxidant and soothing properties. Both as part of funds for, and in the form fresh broth, calendula has a restorative effect on hairline and gives a healthy appearance and silkiness. As part of nourishing and moisturizing creams, the plant has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect on skin cells, helps smooth out old ones and prevent the appearance of new ones.

In medicine and gynecology

Most widely calendula has found its application in therapeutic practice. For more than one century, the flower has been actively used to treat diseases of the skin, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary and respiratory system. A separate place should be allocated to the use of tinctures, ointments or decoctions of calendula in gynecology. plant is actively used for effective elimination manifestations of erosion and the uterine cavity, with fungal diseases, colpitis, menopause and violations of the microflora of the external genital organs, painful menstruation.

In cooking

Few people know, but calendula is one of the rather spicy ingredients that are used to prepare both high and everyday dishes. Despite the fact that the use of this flower in is a novelty recent years, calendula dishes are quite popular. Both side dishes are prepared from it, and the flower is used as a spicy spice for, and soups. But they are especially popular from this plant in the form of boiled compotes with a light and pleasant aroma. In addition, recently, calendula tea has gained high popularity, which has great benefit for the body and complete absence harm to him.

Folk recipes

Calendula extracts take special place in traditional medicine. Active substances plants make it possible to almost completely cope with many diseases of human organs and systems. For these purposes, decoctions, infusions, ointments and all kinds of other extracts are prepared from the flower. Consider the most popular recipes in more detail.


A decoction of calendula is universal folk remedy, which is used to treat a variety of diseases. This remedy is most widely used to alleviate the course of gastritis, treat colds and raising the general . There is nothing complicated in brewing calendula into a drink, as this process is quite simple. For this follows 2 tbsp. l. pour two glasses of flowers and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes, after which the mixture should be cooled and filtered. Take this decoction three times a day in a volume of about 80-100 ml.

Important! Store a decoction of calendula should be no more than 2 days, because after 48 hours it instantly loses its beneficial qualities.

Infusion of flowers

An infusion of calendula flowers is excellent for coughing, and also makes it possible to cope with nervousness and bad mood. To prepare it, a teaspoon of dried flowers must be poured into a glass and allowed to cool completely, then strain. With sore throat, a decoction is used to gargle about 2-3 times a day, to improve emotional state such an infusion is used for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, as well as before.

Alcohol tincture

Tincture of calendula on alcohol helps in the treatment high blood pressure, from, and also for wound healing. In order to prepare it, it is necessary to fill the flowers of the plant tightly into a glass bowl to the very top, after which the raw material should be poured with vodka until it is completely soaked. The mixture is insisted for 2 weeks in a dry, dark place, after which it is carefully filtered. With hypertension, such a drug is indicated in an amount of 20 drops to 1 tbsp. l. (the concentration is gradually increased) in a glass of water 2-3 times a day. With either stomatitis, rinsing is indicated. In 500 ml of water, dilute 1 tsp. tinctures, the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.


Most of our compatriots still do not know about the existence of calendula ointment and have no idea what it is used for. The tool is actively used to eliminate diaper rash on the skin of babies, as well as for varicose veins. To prepare the ointment, half a glass of dried flowers should be poured into a glass interior fat or 4 tbsp. l. vaseline. The mixture is placed on water bath, heated for about 20 minutes, and then cooled and filtered. It is recommended to lubricate the skin with this remedy about 3 times a day.

The oily extracts of the flower are used to treat cuts, bruises and bruises. To prepare the oil, the flowers of the plant should be poured into a glass dish for 3/4 of its volume, after which it should be poured abundantly and infused in a dry, dark and cool place for at least 10 days. After that, the liquid should be filtered. Use this lubricant problem areas at least 3 times a day.

Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

For medical purposes, the entire aerial part of the calendula is suitable, however the largest number useful substances concentrated in the inflorescences of the flower. Therefore, they traditionally collect this particular area and only during the period of active flowering of the plant. The fertile period for this process is quite large, since the flowering of the species lasts from mid-June, until the first days of October. The plant is harvested on dry and clear days, around noon. The greatest preference should be given to blooming flowers. The harvesting of the stem has no narrow time limits, therefore this part plant organism can be harvested throughout the growing season, until the first frost.

Important!To collect plants, you should choose areas remote from the urban environment. Procurement of raw materials near cemeteries, highways and industrial enterprises is strictly prohibited.

Dry raw materials in dark, dry and spacious rooms with excellent ventilation. Fragments of the plant are laid out thin layer on a cloth or paper bed. If desired, drying can also be carried out in special devices, however, the temperature of +50 ° C should not be exceeded. After drying, unusable parts should be discarded. These include decayed flower baskets, rough stems, leaves with an uncharacteristic color.

Contraindications and harm

There are not many contraindications for this plant. Outwardly, calendula products are used at any age and condition. The exceptions are the plant does not render. Today we figured out in detail what tincture and other calendula extracts are, how to dilute them and use them for gargling, treating SARS and others. This is one of the few plants that has a guaranteed positive effect on the body, therefore, medicines are prepared on its basis, both in folk and traditional. But in order for the treatment with calendula to be for good, and not for harm, all the necessary conditions use and concentration of drugs.

Many flowers that are found everywhere or grown for decorative purposes in home gardens have pronounced medicinal qualities. Beneficial features some of them have been confirmed scientific research, and now drugs based on them can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. One of these plants is calendula - an attractive bright flower of medium size. On its basis, a calendula extract is prepared, the composition of which, let's discuss, its properties and application in a little more detail.

Composition of calendula extract

Calendula extract is prepared on the basis of the flowers of this plant, and it accumulates all their beneficial qualities. Such medicine contains carotenoids - pigments needed for the production of vitamin A. It also contains sterols - alcohols, similar in structure to cholesterol. These substances are able to be absorbed instead of true cholesterol, helping to reduce its level. Calendula extract is a source of a significant amount of triterpenoids - oleic acid glycosides, etc. These substances have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and help reduce cholesterol.

It also contains flavonoids that relieve spasm. smooth muscle, essential oils and coumarins.

Calendula extract is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. It contains zinc, copper, molybdenum and selenium, as well as ascorbic acid.

In addition, such a drug contains salicylic and malic acid, gum, triterpene saponins and proteins.

How useful is calendula extract, what are its properties?

Calendula tincture is an excellent remedy. It is often used to treat bacterial and viral lesions. Such a drug restores the skin well and helps to strengthen vascular walls. It is advised to use it for the treatment of non-healing ulcerative lesions and wounds, as well as acne. Another tincture of calendula treats carbuncles and boils. Such a drug also helps to clear the skin of warts, corns, age spots and freckles. Cosmetologists advise using this extract to eliminate rashes, narrow pores and reduce sebum production.

Physicians have come to the conclusion that this drug able to inactivate influenza viruses, due to which it is used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent during periods of epidemics.

The beneficial properties of calendula can contribute to the treatment of vascular ailments, neuroses, as well as emotional stress. Also, its extract will help to cope with diseases of the digestive system. And patients of the fair sex can use such a medicine for therapy. erosive lesion uterine neck. It is recommended to take it for hypertension, some other diseases. of cardio-vascular system, ailments of the liver and gallbladder (as a choleretic agent).

The antiseptic and antibacterial properties of calendula extract make it possible to use it for the treatment of throat diseases and oral cavity, for example, for the treatment of tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, etc. Also, such a drug can be used to treat otitis media.

Internal consumption of calendula extract will help to cope with bad dream, irritability and nervousness.

What is useful for us calendula extract, what is its use?

For the treatment of sore throats and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity, it is necessary to dilute a teaspoon of an alcohol extract of calendula in one glass of warm water. Use this rinse. Carry out this procedure twice or thrice a day.

To cope with heart failure, you need to dilute thirty to fifty drops of an alcohol extract of calendula in a small amount water. Drink this remedy three to four times a day just before a meal. The same remedy will help eliminate shortness of breath, swelling and arrhythmia.

For the treatment of arrhythmia, you can also drip fifteen to twenty drops of an alcohol extract of calendula on a sugar cube. Consume this remedy an hour or two after a meal.

With erosion of the uterine cervix, doctors advise diluting one teaspoon of a two percent tincture in one glass of warm water. Use this solution for douching for one week.

For the treatment of diseases digestive tract doctors recommend taking the tincture orally - twenty drops once a day, diluted in a small amount of warm water. Over time, the dosage should be increased to a teaspoon, and the frequency of administration - up to two times a day. The recommended duration of such therapy is four weeks.

To eliminate rashes on the skin, you can use calendula extract for spot lubrication of pimples. You can also dilute it a little in water and use it to wipe the entire face in the evenings.

Patients suffering from burns, abrasions, wounds and other skin lesions should dilute five milliliters of calendula extract in a glass of water. Use this solution to wash wounds.

Before using calendula extract for therapeutic purposes, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. This drug has contraindications for use and may cause side effects.

Calendula (marigold) serves as a raw material for the preparation of various dosage forms. For example, a tincture is made from it, which is applied externally and drunk inside.

Calendula tincture - composition

Alcohol tincture of the plant represents clear liquid yellow-brown in color with a specific aroma. Calendula flowers insist on alcohol in industrial environment, packaged in glass bottles of 25.40 ml. From above, the vials are packed in carton boxes. Some manufacturers equip vials with a pipette for ease of use.

The drug is available without a prescription as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic plant origin. His price - about 35 rubles. Also in pharmacies there is calendula oil - its properties and use are in many ways similar to those of tinctures.

The composition of the tincture thanks to calendula is as follows:

Separately, it must be said about calenduloside, a triterpenoid that promotes the healing of wounds and ulcers. Usually the drug is used after dilution, but it can be used externally in its pure form.

Useful properties of calendula

Treatment with calendula has been known for a long time. Its properties are highly valued in folk medicine, official pharmacology. The flowers of the plant are used - yellow, orange baskets, which are harvested in June-September. The brighter the petals, the more carotenoids in calendula. These substances do the following:

alkaloids and a number of terpenes have antimicrobial activity, due to which the tincture is used as an excellent antiseptic. Also, the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces capillary permeability. Calendula is non-toxic, yet works like a mild sedative- soothes nervous system without side effects, addictive.

Externally, calendula in tincture helps to improve the function of the liver, gallbladder - it optimizes the composition of bile, reduces bilirubin, and regulates the secretory functioning of organs.

Calendula lowers blood pressure, is an anticoagulant, it can be used as a diuretic, tonic, diaphoretic, expectorant.

The plant increases potency, is an antispasmodic, relieves pain.

Indications for use

Gargling with a tincture of this plant is often recommended. This appointment is justified under any inflammatory pathologies oral cavity, pharynx - sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, candidiasis, periodontal disease. You can gargle as a diluted tincture, or combine it with other means (for example, calamus root, flowers, etc.).

The use of the drug in cosmetology is widely known from:

  • acne (pimples) on the face;
  • hair loss;
  • hyperpigmentation of freckles;
  • enlarged pores;
  • overly oily skin.

Calendula is used for ear diseases - it helps with otitis externa by destroying the infection. With arrhythmia, the plant helps to normalize the heartbeat, with allergic reactions it reduces the body's susceptibility to such phenomena, reduces sensitivity.

If you regularly dilute the tincture and take it orally, the condition of asthma patients improves. Outwardly with it, you can make compresses for arthritis, arthrosis with severe pain, as well as from dermatitis, fungal infections, scrofula. Kidney diseases are also treated with calendula - we are talking about jade, urolithiasis. Calendula tincture helps with hypertension, dizziness, jaundice, colitis, rheumatism and a number of other pathologies.

Instructions for use inside

According to the instructions, the drug should be drunk inside 10-20 drops before meals (15 minutes), first it should be diluted with water in? glass. Reception is carried out three times / day. The course is selected individually depending on the type, severity, form of the disease.

With various pathologies, the norms and the order of admission may vary. For hepatitis, other forms of jaundice, take 30 drops with water twice a day, then after a week increase the dose to a teaspoon four times a day. The course is a month. For colitis, the tincture is used as follows:

  • drop 20 drops of the product into the water;
  • take 5 minutes before meals;
  • repeat therapy twice/day for 2 months.

How cholagogue drink tincture 10 drops with 50 ml of water once a day. With hypertension, the intake rate is 40 drops three times / day, but you need to start with a smaller amount. The initial course is a month, after the courses are discussed with the doctor.

In gynecology, the drug can be used for douching. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of tincture in 500 ml of warm water. Douching with whites, erosion, candidiasis should be done in the evenings with a course of 10 days.

External treatment with tincture of calendula

The drug is widely used for rubbing the skin, making masks. Recipes can be:

With bruises of soft tissues, it is possible to lubricate the affected areas with tincture without dilution. Similarly, they act in the presence of wounds, cuts, abrasions - they are treated with tincture several times until healing.

For eczema, it is enough to dilute a teaspoon of the tincture in a glass of water and wipe the skin - the spots disappear quickly.

For diseases of the throat, mouth, dissolve 50 drops of tincture in 100 ml of water, continue rinsing for 30 seconds.

It is advisable to do up to 5 procedures per day. From joint pain an equal amount of tincture is added to any cream, rubbed into the joints as needed. Against herpes, rashes are rubbed with calendula without dilution. From conjunctivitis, dilute the tincture 1:10, rinse the eyes three times / day with the resulting liquid.

Contraindications, side effects

Children under 16 years of age are not allowed to take the drug.! Outwardly, you can wipe the skin if there are no allergic reactions, with one year old. Gargles can be performed if the child is already able to gargle without swallowing the remedy.

Contraindications for internal use are as follows:

Even externally, the drug is used with caution, if any. allergic reactions on flowering plants, especially calendula itself. Under the supervision of a doctor, you can use the tincture in the presence of Quincke's edema, a history of anaphylaxis (for any herbal preparations). Common side effects include rash, skin irritation, hypersensitivity phenomena, internal reception- bitterness in the mouth, abdominal pain, burning in the epigastrium.

The use of natural materials for treatment is always attractive, due to their naturalness and safety. correct use. What helps calendula tincture, how to take, how to do it yourself - a lot of questions, the answers to which you need to know in order to get the maximum benefit from the plants donated by nature.

Composition and effect on the body

The flowers of this plant have valuable qualities due to the components included in the composition:

  • carotenoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • saponins;
  • tannin components;
  • oil (essential);
  • resinous substances;
  • calendine;
  • slime;
  • inulin;
  • acids (salicylic, ascorbic);
  • alkaloids;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamin C.

Instructions for use of calendula tincture

Indications for use:

  • malfunctions of the bile ducts;
  • dysfunction of the gallbladder;
  • gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcer;
  • violation of cardiac activity;
  • cholecystitis;
  • increase in pressure;
  • some types of skin diseases and mechanical violation of the integrity of the epidermis;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • erosion, candidiasis;
  • proctitis, paraproctitis;
  • ENT diseases.

The use of calendula tincture is based on a wide range of effects of its valuable components:

  1. Antiseptic. This property provides a combination of carotenoids, tannins, resins, acids (ascorbic and salicylic), calendene. It is able to destroy the flora of a bacterial nature, which is actively spreading when the epidermis is disturbed. It has an overwhelming effect on staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria that can form inflammation processes on the skin. Due to the action of antiseptic nature, it is widely used for lubricating the larynx, oral cavity (gums), in the form of a rinse.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. It is used for disinfection and removal of inflammation processes in boils, purulent rashes, prickly heat.
  3. Antispasmodic. Instructions for use of calendula tincture include information about oral use. Possesses choleretic action, relieves spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes the secretory activity of the liver. Effective for heartburn.
  4. Hypotensive. Reduces blood pressure.
  5. Disinfectant, wound healing. Used for processing mechanical damage, wounds, nipple cracks during lactation.
  6. As an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drug, it is used in proctology, administered as a solution as an enema. In the gynecological field, it is used for douching with candidiasis and erosions.

How to use in treatment

For the throat

The tincture of calendula for the throat is effectively used due to its valuable components. The spectrum of action is wide. During the processes of inflammation, local immunity decreases, staphylococci, streptococci begin to actively develop. Tincture eliminates the intensity of inflammation.

Some rules of use:

  1. Use in its pure form is excluded.
  2. It is used with caution, especially in children, as it can cause allergic manifestations. If the child does not swallow the diluted tincture, it is allowed to be used.

Calendula tincture for gargling is easy to use: it involves rinsing with a diluted solution: 7-8 ml. drug for 210 ml. water.

for ears

Calendula tincture in the ear is used due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing qualities. In addition, the drug has light action analgesic character.

How to use:

  1. In the form of gauze turunda. A thin tourniquet is twisted from a small piece (2x2), soaked in tincture and gently inserted into the ear cavity. Effectively used in combination with ointments that have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Ointment "Levomekol" is well suited.
  2. In the form of a compress. Applied on parotid region. The flannel fabric is impregnated, applied and covered with a plastic bag. Wrap with a warm scarf or scarf. Withstand 3-4 hours.
  3. For rubbing. Rub a little preparation into the skin around the ear and apply a warm towel or handkerchief.
  4. It is recommended to drip into the ears: diluted in equal parts with water. Drip 3 times a few drops. The duration of the course is a week.

Treatment of children with tincture must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Eye problems

Calendula eye tincture is used together with calamus root. It is recommended to start application immediately, when initial stages visual impairment. It activates the nutrition of the retina, reduces eye pressure, normalizes the work lacrimal glands, reduces the load from external annoying factors.

To make a solution of calamus and calendula, you need:

  1. Place in a dark container (27 g) and calendula (7-9 g).
  2. Pour vodka (500 ml.).
  3. Leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally.
  4. Strain before using.

Taken orally 20 drops 3 times a day.

It is recommended to wash the eyes, make lotions. For this, a solution is made: 15 ml. tinctures for 110 ml. liquids. The procedure is carried out every two hours. Used for conjunctivitis various degrees), blepharitis. Better to use instead of water base strong tea(black).

Eye treatment must be coordinated with a specialized specialist.

For face

Calendula tincture for face wide application in dermatology and cosmetology. In addition to antiseptic action, it has a host of other useful qualities.

  1. It has a large proportion of carotenoids, substances close to retinol (vitamin A). Able to have a tonic effect, activate cell regeneration, respectively, has a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Calendula tincture is effectively used for acne on the face, due to its antiseptic effect.
  3. Used for problematic skin fatty type.
  4. In a mixture with aloe, linden, St. John's wort flowers is a prophylactic drug and acne.
  5. Together with lemon, it helps to eliminate freckles and spots of a pigmented nature.

Used undiluted for local application only on the area of ​​​​acne localization. On the healthy skin not used, may dry out. Applied cotton swab point to the site of inflammation. The components have an anti-inflammatory effect, alcohol dries.

If the dynamics of improvement after 3-4 days is not observed, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialized specialist. , demodicosis and some skin diseases do not include the use of tincture. It is necessary to treat with special pharmaceutical products.

For daily care it is recommended to use water tincture. Include in the mixture for masks, wipes (tonic) and wash. It is recommended to make ice cubes from the decoction, they wipe the face in the morning as a wash. Such procedures help to clean and narrow the pores.

Hair Benefits

Calendula tincture for hair has found wide application in the form of a decoction for rinsing or is included in the mask mixture.

  • Prevents the processes of loss, producing a tonic effect on the hair follicles, improves blood flow, respectively, their nutrition;
  • Nourishes and eliminates fragility;
  • Adds a golden sheen to blonde hair.

The mask has a good nutritional effect: aloe juice (20 ml), calendula tincture (15 ml), honey (25 g), egg yolk. Mix all the ingredients, massaging rub into skin covering and spread over the entire length of the hair. Cover the head with a plastic bag and soak for about an hour. Rinse and rinse with water decoction of calendula.

Need to remember! A one-time action will not bring the desired effect. It is necessary to apply in the form of rinsing and masks for a month.


side effects the tincture was not observed, except for the inability to transfer individual components due to individual characteristics. In such cases, an allergy may appear in the form of a rash, redness, itching.

Contraindications for tincture of calendula:

The use of the drug on alcohol for a long time not recommended. Cannot be used by persons with alcohol addiction.

Cooking rules

Convenient to use at home pharmaceutical agent. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can do it yourself. For the remedy to have all necessary qualities, it is important to know: how to prepare calendula tincture correctly.

on alcohol

Alcohol tincture of calendula suggests the presence of two components:

  • dry flowers - 6-7 g;
  • alcohol - 120 ml.

The recipe for calendula tincture involves the following steps:

  1. Put dry flowers in a container.
  2. Fill with alcohol (70%).
  3. Keep in the dark for 1-12 days, shaking occasionally.
  4. Strain, pour into a dark, hermetically sealed container.

It is stored in the dark to avoid the destruction of carotenoids, the most valuable components of the tincture.

Water tincture of calendula

For getting water tincture:

  1. Place 3-5 g of dried flowers in a container with a lid.
  2. Pour 220 ml. boiling liquid.
  3. Leave for about an hour and strain.

Reception features

In order for the tincture to be beneficial, it is necessary to follow the rules for admission and use.

How to take calendula tincture:

  • For ENT diseases in the form of a rinse: 7-8 ml. dilute in 210 ml. liquids. It is recommended to wipe the tonsils by mixing in equal parts with oil (sea buckthorn, olives).
  • Calendula tincture is taken orally half an hour before the main meal 3 times a day, diluted previously in warm water. Dosage for an adult - from 10 to 20 drops, for children from 12 years old - for 1 year of age 1 drop. When used orally, it is recommended to refuse to drive a car and work with dangerous tools. Ingestion is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  • Oral tincture of calendula during pregnancy and feeding is not taken, because it is based on alcohol, there is no complete clinical trial the effects of the drug on the fetus and baby. In the form of gargling and external use is allowed in different forms.
  • The method of external use depends on the nature of the disease. The course of admission lasts until the appearance of a pronounced positive effect. Use is extended for 2-3 days, in order to consolidate the result.

Calendula tincture excellent natural remedy the widest spectrum impact. At correct application the desired result is achieved. Perhaps not as quickly as when using pharmacy medicines, but more safely.

How peony tincture will help and how to use it correctly,.

Be healthy!

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