Do-it-yourself wooden house for a cat. How to make a cat house out of a cardboard box with your own hands? plywood house

In each department of pet supplies there are always several types of houses for cats. You can walk past them, considering the very idea of ​​​​a separate house for an animal that is already at home a whim. You can buy a bright and expensive product in which your mustachioed-striped for some reason does not want to settle for a long time. And you can also build your own version, unique, quite budgetary, convenient and loved by your cat.

Why build a "cat house"? After all, the cat is already domestic

The house in which the cat lives is for her a whole vast territory, hunting grounds, running and acrobatic spaces with places to feed and stroke.

However, she needs something else... The mustachioed-tailed creature cannot say what it is looking for.

It only gives obvious signs, climbing on a chair pushed under the table, nesting in the depths of cabinets and bedside tables, which were carelessly left open, settling in boxes that are more or less suitable in size.

A personal shelter is what a cat that does not have a house lacks. This need is strong and deep - it goes back to those distant times when the wild ancestors of domestic purrs lurked in solitary ambushes at night and made themselves a safe lair for daytime sleep.

An attentive and caring owner (a huge two-legged giver of food, drink and affection) will naturally take it upon himself to provide the cat with a suitable home.

An original solution could be a house for a cat made of a suitcase.

Isn't it better to buy?

In specialized departments and stores, an extensive assortment of cat houses is presented - with, beds, shelves.

However, making such a home with your own hands has significant advantages.

Firstly, you can independently select materials, including from home stocks. The result: cost savings and confidence in the right quality.

In addition, you can build a house, the size, shape and strength of which will perfectly match the temperament and dimensions of your pet.

A personal, creative approach to business will allow you to create a truly unique “cat house”, which, by the way, will fit exactly into your interior, if you think it over in advance.

Above are photos of do-it-yourself cat houses.

Cat and cat: different needs

Cat can lie directly on the roof of the house, which has only one hole. After all, all that he, a constantly lonely hunter, needs is a personal safe shelter and visibility.

cat it is more comfortable if her dwelling is equipped with an additional entrance-exit, and the “observation deck” is not on the roof, but on a separate rack. Such features are due to the fact that cat housing is, in principle, also a place for a possible shelter for kittens. Therefore, the family should be away from the observation point, and in case of an attack on the nest, the offspring will flee through an additional hole, while the cat, releasing its claws and sharpening its teeth, defends the main entrance.

A simple and easy solution to how to make a house for a cat from a pipe.

Typical project: what to choose?

Options for solving the cat housing issue depend on the nature and size of the pet, as well as on the future use of the house.

Stationary or mobile

If long-term placement is planned in a permanent place, materials should also be chosen solid - wood and metal.

In the event that moving is expected (for example, to the country house and back) and replacing cat housing, softer materials are chosen - cardboard, papier-mâché, wire frames, paper tubes, dense fabric, sheathed foam rubber.

A house for a cat can also be made from boxes.

Standard or exclusive

Most often, a standard box shape is used, which is convenient for manufacturing and easy to assemble.

Some breeds of cats, whose ancestors settled in the hollows of trees - Siamese and - like to stretch vertically upwards. For them, higher dwellings are made - cylindrical, imitating a hollow tree trunk or original "wigwams".

Tepee for cats "comes from a hollow":

"Soft" solutions, not designed for a long time, gravitate towards rounded and ribbed shapes.

Frame shelter from an old T-shirt:

Separate housing or communal apartment

For several cats, you can build a structure from individual houses, fixed at different heights. The leader of the feline hierarchy will certainly occupy the most profitable, top floor.

We take measurements

The interior space of the house is created on the basis that the tenant in it can comfortably lie on his side. Therefore, the average dimensions of the house are 40x60x40 cm. For large breeds, a larger scale is needed.

The diameter of the hole should be sufficient for the purr to pass freely through it. At the same time, a hole that is too spacious is a “leaky”, poor shelter. As a result, the average entrance-exit diameter is 15-20 cm. For well-fed specimens, it increases accordingly.

A separate viewing platform should be at such a height that the animal can easily climb it, standing on its hind legs.

A house for a cat can even be made from newspaper tubes, see the photo above.

Materials: fine scent control and soft fur

The coloring of the house and its upholstery does not matter to the tenant: cats have little ability to distinguish colors. Therefore, the shade can be chosen in complete harmony with the interior or the color of the cat itself.

Smell, on the contrary, plays a paramount role. The shelter should smell only of its own, relatives, friends - home, owners.

This is where homemade plywood scraps come in handy!

As a soft upholstery, it is better to use used material, up to the old foam rubber left after reupholstering furniture or an ancient master's T-shirt - remember about saving?

If a new building material is purchased for the construction of a cat house, it should not initially have its own smell - at least the one that smells a person's nose. The purchase must be kept for another week: first on the balcony, then in the apartment, and only after that use it.

Above in the video you can see one of the options for how to build a house for a cat.

The subtlety of the cat's scent determines the only type of glue that can be used: PVA.

Synthetic material or natural - it does not matter in principle, it is only important that there should not be electrifying elements in the structure. For this reason, for example, silk and silk threads are unsuitable.

Bare metal parts are also unacceptable: through them, a discharge of wool electrified by friction can occur. In addition, open metal fasteners - furniture corners, for example - often have narrow gaps that infringe on the hairs of a cat's coat.

As a result, the ideal kit for making a house includes:

  • plywood with a thickness of 6 to 12 mm, dry, well-weathered wooden boards;
  • spiral torsion rope made of natural fiber;
  • wooden stick with a diameter of 5-10cm;
  • furniture foam rubber;
  • furniture fabric or carpet;
  • synthetic winterizer or similar material;
  • PVA glue;
  • small nails, wood screws.

From an old monitor you can make a house for a cat.


You will need to work with wood, fabric, glue and nails, so the tool kit is simple and affordable:

  • wood saw, jigsaw;
  • a hammer;
  • scissors and knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • awl;
  • pliers;
  • glue brush;
  • ruler.

General scheme

One of the fairly easy-to-make houses with two round manholes, a scratching post and a sunbed-viewing platform in the sketch looks like this:

House drawing for a cat.


A hacksaw for wood and an electric jigsaw cut out the common base, plywood parts of the house and the platform.

Saw off round wooden sticks of the desired height.

Well, if part of the roof is removable - this will facilitate sanitary care for the inside of the house.

According to the dimensions of the walls and platforms, pieces of synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, furniture fabric for surface finishing are cut out.

Softness and comfort is our motto. Fixing and assembly

Plywood and wooden parts are put on glue, fastened with cloves and self-tapping screws.

Fabric and foam parts are carefully glued, applying PVA around the perimeter of a piece of fabric and in fan lines from its center

The assembly sequence is as follows:

  • prepare the base and fix a column with a sunbed on it
  • assemble a house from parts pasted over with fabric from the inside
  • paste over the house and sunbed with decorative fabric on the outside
  • install the house on the base, fixing it with glue

After a day or two, the assembled and dried house is ready for occupancy. A removable mat-litter is placed inside.

The photo above shows do-it-yourself cat houses.

Housewarming: where to find the fifth corner?

Indeed, where to put an additional, ready-made, cat corner?

It follows from the general needs of all fluffy and clawed ones: they will gladly settle where there is heating and a promising view of the surroundings from a height. Therefore, an informed decision suggests itself: to celebrate a housewarming party not far from the battery (stove) and a window with a window sill.

You can approach individually.

Sociable cats will be happy with the open location of their new nest.

An animal that turns its back on society and likes to nap in a closet will prefer a secluded corner

If your purr loves to meet and examine incoming guests, as soon as the front door opens, it is better to position the house so that the entrance hall is visible from it.

In the event that the appearance of a stranger is stress and the domestic animal is waiting for the invasion of an outsider in the safest, in his opinion, part of the house, this is where the best place for your home is located.

Video instruction on how to build a house for a cat.

Happiness is inside

When a pet explores your product, tries it by smell and claw, and then blissfully spreads out in a serene rest, peeking out of the hole with satisfaction, do not hesitate: his little fluffy cat happiness has come to him.

Be happy and you are a reasonable person who understood the desire of the dumb brother of the smaller one.

Cat lovers are often interested in the question of how to make a comfortable soft house for a pet with their own hands. Of course, you can buy ready-made products, but it is much more interesting to make them yourself, given the nature of the cat and its preferences.


When considering the assortment of specialized stores, one can only admire products for pets. But they are not cheap, and spending money on this is not always reasonable. After studying, you can try to make a soft shelter for the cat yourself. Should be addressed attention to such nuances:

  1. The form- it should correspond to the character and habits of the pet. Some cats like to be in sight - an open bed is suitable for them, others prefer to rest in a secluded place - a closed design like a booth is better for them.
  2. Next, it is important to determine dimensions house. The cat must fit freely in its hiding place. If this is a cat, then you will need to take care of future kittens.
  3. Material for decoration should not absorb dust and dirt, be easy to wash, meet all safety requirements - have no sharp corners and partitions, pungent odor.
  4. The cat must comfortable feel like you are in hiding.

It is best to sew a house that will fit the overall interior of the room.

Possibilities of designing and completing with other elements

All materials used to construct a soft house are classified into the following groups:

  1. To create a frame structure - or chipboard. They should not have a strong odor.
  2. Plastic is suitable for the base of the couch.
  3. For soft upholstery - plush or carpet. Soft details of the structure are also sewn from them - bedding, pillows, partitions, etc. Covers made of material are filled with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer, there are also artificial granular fillers that are able to retain heat.
  4. Structure connections can be made of metal. This will increase the life of the product. Also, the parts are fastened with glue, which should not have a smell. A stapler should not be used, its staples can cause injury to the animal.

When making a soft house with your own hands, you need to think about decorating it. Proper decoration of the product helps to organically use it in the interior. The main rule is safety, so that the cat does not gnaw or swallow parts.

Soft houses are the easiest to decorate. From a fabric of a contrasting shade, you can sew:

    • Imitation curtains.
    • Little pillows.
    • Animal faces.
    • Paw marks, etc.

Decorative elements are fixed on the base and a cozy soft house for a pet is obtained. For the roof, you can make an imitation of tiling, the sun, flowers or bows.

Tools and materials for finishing

A soft house can be beaten to your taste, give it a different shape. To create a classic model, you will need the following tools:

  • Foam rubber to hold the shape with side walls, at least 1.5 cm thick.
  • At the bottom, it is recommended to lay foam rubber with a thickness of at least 2.5 cm.
  • Dense matter for decor, interior and exterior design of the house.

Installation and security

During construction, do not use sharp fasteners, paper clips, a stapler so that the animal does not get hurt.

Also, in accordance with the breed of the cat - fluffy or smooth-haired, you need to select fabrics, with or without insulation.


Matter should be natural, not electrified. You need a strong fabric so that it does not suffer from the pet's claws.


There are a huge number of different options for soft houses, you can design your own model according to your taste and needs of the pet. She may have additional elements - scratching posts, toys on mounts, etc. The most popular options are:

  • Beds (you can see how to design a bed from boxes).
  • Booth houses with a round entrance.
  • Game complexes.

Soft couch: how to sew?

Not every cat will like a closed house. Many prefer a comfortable open soft couch to be able to observe what is happening around.

It is very easy to sew such models.

To create a sunbed with sides, you will need a small, flat pillow suitable for a cat, which has a synthetic filler, as well as fabric for decoration. The creation includes the following steps:

  1. The pillow is cut to make 2 elongated elements for the sides and one larger one for the bottom. Each blank is tightly sewn together, and an additional seam is made on the sides in the middle.
  2. The fabric for decoration is laid out in order to sheathe all the details of the structure later.
  3. Then a bed with sides is formed, a pillow or a soft blanket is placed in the middle, which can be washed as it gets dirty.

Useful video

In the video you can find instructions on how to create a couch yourself.

We sew a round house

A cat can be knitted with a soft house even from simple strips of knitted fabric.

The work is done with a thick crochet. Strips of unnecessary T-shirts are pre-cut. The most optimal size of the house is 48 cm with a window of 10 by 20 cm, but first of all, you should focus on the cat. Knitting a round bottom starts from the center, it is enough to knit 20 rows.

Sheathing "solid" material

To finish the hard plywood from which the house is made with a soft cloth, you can use a glue gun. Preference should be given to fabrics with a short pile, because dust and dirt get clogged in a long pile, and it will not work to remove and wash the upholstery.


If you need to finish the scratching post, then jute, hemp or linen rope is most suitable for this. It is better to take a thicker one so that it is more convenient for the cat to sharpen its nails.


The simplest hammock anyone can make. First, a frame is made of wood, which is sheathed with decorative material, then a roof is installed and a hammock is fixed according to the size of the pet. More complex models are complexes of structures with platforms, shelves, deck chairs, columns.

Often you can find hammocks for cats under a chair, it is easily fixed on the legs. The product is quickly knitted or sewn from fabric.

Useful video

You can see more details on how to create a hammock for a cat in the video.

From a T-shirt or sweater

The simplest soft house design is from a T-shirt (want to get warmer? Use an old sweater). This requires a box the size of a cat. One of the ends is removed from her, a T-shirt is pulled over the house so that its neck coincides with the place where there is no wall. This house with a round entrance is very comfortable and easy to construct.

Useful video

How to create a house for a cat from a T-shirt, see the video below.

The shape of the wigwam is a cone with 6 faces, one of which has an inlet. To create a house, a pattern is first drawn on cardboard, then fastened.
A cloth is attached to the bottom of the wigwam or a flat, comfortable pillow is laid on which the cat will lie comfortably. From the outside, the wigwam is sheathed with textiles.

Useful video

How to make a wigwam for a cat - you can see in the video below.


Built-in soft houses for pets have been very popular lately. They don't take up any space at all. For example, a bedside table, inside of which a soft sleeping place for a cat is organized. Inside, these houses are upholstered with plush or other pleasant materials, complemented by a couch or pillow. This option is easy to apply as.

From foam rubber

A sleeping place for a cat made of foam rubber turns out to be very cozy and comfortable. To create a house will need:

  • Foam rubber.
  • Thick fabric.
  • Pencil and pattern paper.
  • Threads.
  • Needles.
  • Sewing machine.
  • English pins.

A pet house is made quickly and easily. The work consists of following steps:

  1. Pattern. The result should be 8 blanks and 2 templates for the bottom.
  2. The blanks are transferred to the fabric. There must be 2 cm left on the material.
    When transferring blanks to the tissue, 4 of 8 fragments are transferred to the facial tissue. This will later allow you to quickly sew parts along the contours.
  3. The blanks are transferred to foam rubber. 4 parts are made for the walls and 1 for the base.
  4. The fabric around the entire perimeter is processed with a zigzag.
  5. Then each fragment of foam rubber is sheathed with 2 fragments of fabric.
  6. An entrance hole is made in one of the 4 walls and 4 walls are fastened together.
  7. The blanks are stitched in the process of fastening from the inside out.

It's so easy to design a soft foam house for your pet.


A soft house for a cat, made with your own hands in accordance with the habits and habits of a pet, will become a real place of rest for him. Also, self-design will save money, since such products are quite expensive in pet stores. Would you like to see all types of houses? Read this one.

Each cat should have its own corner in a human dwelling, its own cozy shelter. The designers did their best and designed a lot of not only cozy, but also stylish cat houses (you can see them). However, we often encounter the fact that cats still prefer boxes to purchased houses. We bring to your attention a few simple ideas on how to make a favorite house for a pet from inexpensive improvised materials or even things to throw away.

Options and types of houses

All pet shelters can be divided into 3 types:

  • Beds- the easiest to do with your own hands
  • Houses with a roof- for their implementation you need to have a little experience in needlework
  • A full-fledged complex with a house, multi-level playgrounds and a scratching post- the most difficult design for self-implementation.

We will talk about the first two options, show photos and videos, and also show you how you can please the animal. What you need to choose from: glue, nails, fabric, paint, decorative details if desired. The rest is a flight of fancy.

Requirements: making the right house for the cat

But before starting work, if you are going to make a house for a cat, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules:

  • house must be safe
  • hygiene is very important
  • it is necessary to use only high-quality materials so as not to harm the pet

We want to pay special attention to the materials, since the health of the cat directly depends on them. Try to use environmentally friendly, durable and safe plywood, cardboard, concrete, cotton.


  • a height of at least 40 cm, so that the animal can comfortably accommodate, if necessary, in full growth
  • the entry point should be at least 20 cm in diameter, but if the size of the cat is larger than average, make the entrance even larger
  • the house should not be less than 50 cm by 50 cm in size, otherwise there is a risk that the small living space will be empty

Under the cherry blossoms, among the cranes and bamboo, cats live, enjoying the misty horizons, they dream of something mysterious. Yuri Kuklachev

Do-it-yourself cat house from boxes

The first basis for the cat's house is suggested to us by their great love for boxes. Sometimes it is enough just to turn the box over, cut holes in it, and lay something soft inside so that the pet is delighted. It happens that craftsmen make whole labyrinths or multi-tiered playgrounds from boxes: it’s more interesting for a cat and looks more decent.

A cozy house for a cat can be made absolutely from any box. We propose to conduct an experiment: take an unnecessary container, put it in the place where it is planned to place (on the floor, table or in a closet) housing for a pet, and note the time after which it will climb into this box. We guarantee that as soon as a fluffy pet sees such a couch, he will immediately try to occupy it.

In order to make such a house for a cat, you will need a minimum set of items: the box itself, glue, a few cm of decorative tape (for decoration, if you want to make a house tint), an awl or some kind of sharp object to make holes. It will also be possible to make a roof from improvised means if the cat is not satisfied with the simple option.

We make a house for a cat with our own hands from old trash

Technological progress is moving by leaps and bounds and no one needs voluminous TVs or monitors anymore. If you still have one, feel free to remove everything superfluous from the case, lay a pillow and paint it in bright colors. Cats are crazy about this house.

It is easy to make such a house with your own hands: it is enough to remove all the insides from the structure, put foam rubber inside so that the cat's disposition is not infringed, and you can safely expect gratitude from a satisfied pet.

However, in our editorial office, disputes began: how safe is such a house in terms of materials. The team was divided into two camps, so we do not undertake to say that such a dwelling will be 100% environmentally friendly for animals.

Don't know where to put your unusable suitcase? The cat will gladly relieve you of this problem. If the suitcase is beautiful, vintage, and even put on legs and complemented by a beautiful pillow, it will become an interior decoration. Such a house has one significant advantage - it is very easy to care for it. The bed will simply be removed and washed, and the suitcase itself is enough to wipe with a cloth or napkin.

Having shown imagination, a pet bed can be decorated or made more functional. For example, attach legs to a suitcase, which will make your cat or cat feel more comfortable. Such designs are easy to make with your own hands, which is why we proposed this idea.

Another option: unnecessary containers and basins, which can also be used. So, by gluing two basins and cutting out an arch, you can very quickly create a closed bed. And if such houses do not fit your interior, just repaint with acrylic paint or do decoupage, it will turn out very stylish.

If you recently laid a new lenolium, you could have a pipe left from it. From this or any similar pipe, you can make an original stove bench and a roof over the cat's head. In such houses, you can build scratching posts by simply decorating a small part of the structure with a rope.

Making a house from a shelter in furniture

Your ottoman or bedside table can also serve as a shelter for the cat. And the changing table can be completely given to the cat when the child grows up. Such a design can even be turned into a whole complex for an animal: beds, scratching posts, a house - and all this with your own hands without spending a lot of money.

If you feel sorry for making holes in the furniture, then the cat will not refuse a hammock under the chair. Moreover, we have already tried to sew one ourselves and made a detailed one.

Do-it-yourself cat houses from clothes

You can build a bed or shelter for a cat with your own hands, even from old clothes. For example, stuffing old jeans with foam rubber, it is easy to make an imitation of the owner's knees, on which it is so cozy and warm to sleep. This house is perfect for any cat or small dog.

A similar design can be made from an old sweater by wrapping a pillow around it. Don't forget to connect the sleeves to make the sides. The main thing is that the fabrics are pleasant, then the house will turn out great. Such a couch can also turn into a house, if you dream up and use several sweaters with different fabrics at once.

Awnings from hangers and T-shirts have a special charm. All you need to create such a house: two wire hangers, an old T-shirt, some tape, 4 pins and, preferably, thick cardboard for the base. We unbend the hangers, cross and strengthen with adhesive tape - this is the frame of the awning. It must be attached to the cardboard, and a T-shirt should be pulled on top, protecting it from slipping with pins. A hole for the cat's head will allow him to secretly observe everything that happens - such a house will be an excellent viewing point.

Handmade houses and structures

If you have a wonderful talent for sewing, knitting or felting wool, you can give your pet a real nest. It is not difficult to do this, for example, here is an excellent pattern for knitting such a house.

Or a wig-wam for Chief Slick Cat. This design is easy to fold if the cat's house is empty for a while.

Plywood animal house option - video

Cat houses can be made absolutely from any improvised materials. If you have an extra sheet of plywood, glue, a few unnecessary cm of fabric, foam rubber and a desire to tinker for several hours, then follow the instructions from the video.

Any domestic cat, regardless of its age and breed, needs a separate living space where it can feel secure and calm.

When thinking about how to make a cat house with your own hands, you should start with planning and drawings.

When building such a house with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account some features and nuances.

Dimensions and shapes of the dwelling

The variety of designs for cat houses is amazing. However, the most optimal are designs in the form of beds and houses equipped with a scratching post. It's better if everything is connected together.

Two factors influence the size of the cat's future apartments:

  • animal size,
  • free space for the installation of the structure.

If the family has several fluffy ones, then the game complex is a must. Photos of the cat house show that a variety of modern finishing materials allow you to create designs that can harmoniously fit into interior compositions of any style.

Construction materials

The most commonly used materials for building a cat's home are:

  • for the manufacture of the frame, chipboard, MDF and plywood, boards made of natural wood are suitable;
  • it is possible to sew a soft house for your beloved cat in the form of a comfortable bed made of fabric and foam rubber filler;
  • just create cat houses from ordinary boxes;

  • to arrange a scratching post for fluffy, you should stock up on a rope made of jute or sisal. You just don’t need to fasten them with staples or nails, as the animal can damage the limbs;
  • for the base of the scratching post, PVC pipes or metal and wood products are suitable;
  • in the form of a filler for pillows and mattresses, a synthetic winterizer, foam rubber pieces are chosen;
  • the interior is decorated with fur, plush or fleece;
  • material is selected to cover the external facade, based on the habit of the animal to tear its claws: carpet will be a good option;
  • adhesive compositions for work should be purchased without a pungent odor that can scare away a cat.

Installing a cat house

The main condition for placing cat apartments is the stability of the structure.

The level of installation is also important, because cats like to follow what is happening from above. Therefore, the optimal height of the house will be 1-1.2 meters from the ceiling.

But the beds and platforms should be distributed at different levels of the structure.

Preparing to build a house

Before starting construction, you should acquire the following materials:

  • Fiberboard board 40 by 120 cm (base) and 44 by 55 cm (walls), chipboard 44 by 60 cm (roof);
  • Seven rails (spacers) about 40 cm long, 3 by 4 - section;
  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 11 cm and a length of 60 cm and a jute rope (scratching post) and a board 40 by 20 cm (inclined scratching post);
  • Fiberboard and chipboard with foam rubber 44 by 30 cm (bed);
  • Upholstery fabric.

Construction process

Instructions on how to make a house for a cat with your own hands are quite simple.

First of all, rectangular parts are cut out of chipboard and chipboard panels according to size. Circles with a diameter of 27 cm are drawn on two parts.

The rear wall plane remains blank, and several holes are drawn on the front: one with a diameter of 22 cm is the entrance, and several small ones in the form of windows. Next, with a jigsaw or drill, cut holes according to the indicated marks.

After that, the two received elements are combined in order to mark the places where the vertical slats will be installed. It is better to take 7 pieces. The marks will be through drilled holes on both walls.

Reiki for a cat's dwelling must be pre-processed: planed, leveled and sanded. The front and the same rear elements of the house are connected by rails to self-tapping screws.


On the basis of the chipboard canvas in the place where the house will be attached, foam rubber should be placed, and a circle should be drawn where the scratching post will be installed. The entire surface of the base is covered with decorative material, which is conveniently attached to the stapler.

The roof of the house

To do this, the upper part is glued, and the slats that are located in the lower part inside the structure are closed. After the finished house is attached to the base, picking up the screws of the right size.

In order for the pipe placed inside to be stable, it is fixed on both sides with wooden blocks. They are attached with screws or glue.

To equip the couch, semicircular parts are cut out of chipboard, which are strung on a pipe. After the place for placing the scratching post is determined in a vertical position, the pipe can be connected to the base of the house.

At the end of construction, a cord with a favorite cat toy is attached under the bed.


The bed itself is sheathed with foam rubber elements and the selected fabric. The pipe is wrapped with jute or sisal rope, which are attached to the glue.

The cat scratching post is upholstered with fabric from the edges, and it is better to wrap the middle with a rope. Next, the board is attached at the top to the rail of the house, and at the bottom to the base of the building.

Playground for cats

At the beginning of construction, a box of suitable sizes is made. The entrance to the inside can have any shape and shape. The assembled box is attached to the base of the complex. Pipes are attached to the house with the help of corners and screws.

The next level of the gaming complex is represented by a bench. To make it interesting for the animal to move around its home, you can install a ladder on the side or inside the building, securing it with corners.

The upper level is made in the form of a gable roof mounted on 4 pipes.


After collecting the entire complex, you can start decorating.

All pipes should be wrapped with suitable ropes, beds and other ceilings can be covered with carpet sheets. All saw cuts and walls of openings must be covered with furniture strips to ensure safe movement of the animal within the complex.

DIY cat house photo

Let's not go into reflections, but let's just say one thing: your beloved cat or cat definitely needs its own small house. If you don’t provide your own home for the four-legged dog, he will do it for you by arranging a place to sleep and rest in the closet, under the sofa, in the washing machine, and even in any convenient corner. And how to make a house for a cat with your own hands, we will tell you in this article.

No artificial materials!

Cats, like people, are very sensitive to various materials. And it is especially unpleasant for them if a sharp, unpleasant smell is heard from the material, because they have a heightened sense of smell. That is why give preference only to natural materials: change plastic to wood, read the composition of pillows, and buy all fabrics only with a natural composition like cotton. Synthetics can not only smell unpleasant, but they also do not pass air well, and are often electrified, which will be very, very unpleasant for a cat with thick hair. So arm yourself with the most natural components to create a home.

Glue? Only classic PVA or any other water-based!

The glue used should not emit a terrible unpleasant odor after drying, and glue that is as safe as possible for the animal, i.e. should be preferred. PVA and its analogues. The fact is that the cat may try to gnaw on the glued element, because of which the glue can get inside with saliva. Pay attention to this.

When making a house, use PVA glue

Don't skimp on sizes!

Of course, you don’t need to overdo it either, however, cat houses should be made in such a way that the pet can sleep both curled up and stretched out to its full length. And, of course, when designing a house, consider the size of your individual.

We fix the dwelling on the floor

Do not want to spoil expensive laminate or parquet? Think of some other mounting option, for example, to the wall. The cat will run into his house with a run, jump on it, so the structure must be more or less rigidly fixed. And when designing, be sure to take into account the weight of the animal: the larger it is, the stronger the foundation should be.

Build a new pet home

Option number 1 - from a regular T-shirt

For this simple masterpiece, we need a square piece of thick cardboard or plywood, two pieces of wire about 5-7 mm thick, as well as a pillow, a T-shirt and something to fix it.

Cardboard box house

And you can also take a low stepladder (about a meter high), wrap the vertical beams with twine, and lay sheets of plywood between the steps, having previously upholstered them with some soft material. And on the leaves, which will lie on the lower steps, you can make a full-fledged house. So you get three in one at once: a do-it-yourself cat house, a scratching post, and shelves on which the pet can lie down and enjoy peace.

Many needlewomen and needlewomen are familiar with this technique. Its essence is simple: you take sheets of paper (newspapers), a certain object whose shape you want to repeat (for example, sculpt a large fish from plasticine), and then gradually glue the object with paper using PVA glue. As a result, you will get a solid multi-layer construction of the desired shape.

How is a cat house made in this technique? Very simple! We take a fairly large bag that needs to be filled with towels, rags (do not take large ones, let there be many, but small ones. Next, we give the bag the desired shape (for example, a large stone) and start wrapping it with newspapers. We advise you to do this: soak the first layer with a little newspaper and just cover the bag without smearing with glue. And immediately immediately glue the second layer on the wet newspapers. And each subsequent layer just coat the newspapers with PVA glue and glue, glue. We advise you to make a lot of layers so that the construction is very strong.

When all this is dry, cut a hole for the cat on one side with a knife. Under the newspaper, of course, you will find the same package, cut it open and take out all the rags from the inside one by one. In the final, pull out the package itself, it will get it without any problems, because the first layer was not glued with water, not glue. Next, let the future house for the cat dry a little, then glue the space inside with a few more layers.

Papier-mâché house. It remains to decorate

Our frame is completely ready, now you can decorate it, if you wish, make a stand, put a pillow inside. We advise you to make an imitation of a stone, in combination with the papier-mâché technique it will look very beautiful, it will create the feeling that you have carved a house in stone for your pet.

We take ordinary corrugated cardboard and cut out rings from it. Then the rings are glued one to one, after which we get a shell house, like a snail. You can find photos of similar structures to better see how it all looks. To work, you only need glue and the cardboard itself, and the result is very original and interesting.

Corrugated cardboard house

Option number 5 - a triangle of plywood and carpet

It is extremely easy to make such a house for a cat with your own hands, you only need a corner profile, self-tapping screws, carpet and plywood. Take three plywood rectangles, arrange them into a triangle shape, fasten with a profile and self-tapping screws, and then make a triangle-shaped plywood back wall.

After that, sheathe the resulting structure with carpet - and you're done, you can hand over the work to your pet, let him evaluate it.

Cat house-toilet

Well, then modify to your taste. You can fix a scoop inside on the wall, you can screw the wheels on the bottom, sheathe the whole structure with colored fabric, make a soft harness, so that in the end you get something like a pouffe or a banquette. In general, there are a lot of ideas here. By the way, the same closed tray can also be assembled from an old cabinet with an opening door. Just cut a hole in the door with a jigsaw, put the tray inside - and you're done!

Do-it-yourself cat houses with a scratching post are also a necessary thing, because. many felines over time begin to tear everything that fell under their claws. It is very easy to make scratching with your own hands: a wooden or plastic pole is taken, which is simply wrapped tightly with twine or other thick rope. Just do not fasten the coils with nails!

How to combine a scratching post with a home? Yes, in any combination! We take a sheet of plywood, we install the house itself on it, next to it is a pole with a scratching post, and we nail a soft bed onto the pole. Everything, the simplest design is ready! You can simply attach a sharpener to the dwelling itself, build a complex multi-level structure, place a scratching post under the dwelling, above it - whatever your heart desires!

cat house with scratching post

If you have a lot of time and energy, you adore your pet, then you can build a huge complex! Here you can provide for stairs, and suspended structures under the ceiling, and soft pipes that go around the sofa, and houses in the walls. Set up multi-tiered cottages, decorate it all with artificial or live plants, and much, much more. There are a lot of ideas on the Internet, both how to make a cat house with your own hands, and how to build huge complexes in which you can even get lost! And the most interesting thing is that there are no restrictions: you can take aim at the work of the most impressive scale.

Do-it-yourself cat complex

The choice is yours!

As you can see, it is not difficult to build a home for a cat, and it can be made from a variety of materials.

We showed you cat houses, and also gave you ten options at once on how to equip a cat’s home on your own. We tried to tell you how to make a beautiful house with your own hands, starting from the simplest options and ending with complex cottages for the real feline elite!

We hope that you liked it and found the solution for yourself that will allow you to turn all your ideas into reality. Modify our solutions to your heart's content by creating custom and creative cottages for your pets.

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