How to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child. How is a chronic runny nose treated in children. What medicines are allowed for the treatment of the common cold after one year of age

The popular observation that no matter how you stuff a person with medicines for a cold, and for the prescribed week he will still sniffle, does not always work with little ones. Children may not cope with the cause of rhinitis in a period that is usually enough for a strong body to recover. A prolonged runny nose in a child for more than a couple of weeks can seriously concern his parents. The root of evil lies partly in the tender age and condition of the organism, which is still gaining strength and form. Before the age of four, children have nasal cavities and airways that are only partially functional. They are not yet able to fully warm up and humidify the inhaled air. Narrow short passages give way faster under the onslaught of mucus, swelling and making it difficult to breathe. The snot does not fulfill its protective function.

Often, parents believe that a prolonged runny nose in a child will go away on its own. But doctors are of a different opinion. Violation of the respiratory function inevitably leads to an excessive load on the heart muscle, the pulmonary apparatus. This can be the beginning of many protracted pathologies, respiratory infections of the upper and lower respiratory organs, and undermine the immune system. Only a qualified otolaryngologist is able to identify the objective cause of the ailment and prescribe adequate treatment.


A constantly snotty nose is typical for children with a fragile immune system. Their protective functions are still weak against attacking pathogenic microbes and other factors. Rhinitis is often aggravated after being in a team in a kindergarten or school.

Allergy can be a significant cause of rhinitis. The reaction can be triggered by periodically recurring seasonal allergens (flowering plants) or by factors constantly present in the environment (household dust, pet hair).

Erroneous therapy or untreated acute lesions of the upper ENT organs can lead to chronic diseases of the maxillary sinuses and other nasal inflammations. A companion of these ailments is a prolonged runny nose in a child, which does not allow him to breathe calmly. The condition can be aggravated by prolonged exposure to a cold, damp environment.

There may be other provocateurs of a protracted runny nose:

  • With dysfunction of the vascular tone in the nose, the mucosa inadequately vigorously releases a secret in response to any stimuli. This condition is considered to be vasomotor rhinitis.
  • Abuse of local vasoconstrictors forms immunity. Instead of capillary constriction, we get hypersecretion of mucous secretions.
  • Constant drying, irritation of the nasal mucosa is also caused by the dry air of the habitat of the crumbs.
  • Hyperplasia of adenoid vegetations narrows and blocks the nasal passage, causing problems with the ears, respiratory diseases.
  • Morphological anomalies of the nasal passages, formed as a result of a bruise or inherent in a child from birth, can also serve as a source of a prolonged runny nose in children.

Reasons for breastfeeding

Before understanding how to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child, it would be good to understand the factors that cause it.

The vulnerability of the growing respiratory organs and the low adaptation of the crumbs to the environment in the first months causes regular physiological rhinitis. There are no other painful symptoms. The baby is active, eats well, snores in a dream, with his mouth slightly open. Mucus is discharged from the nasal passages, but it is not dry, it comes out easily. This feature of the newborn disappears after the third month of life.

The very low humidity of the baby's habitat leads to drying of the mucous and protective secretion, turning it into dry scaly crusts. Breathing through the nose is difficult. But there are no exceptions as such.

Various allergens cause excess snot, sneezing, watery eyes due to an allergic response of the body. In rare cases, a rash on the epidermis is added to them.

Infectious rhinitis develops due to improper therapy when the respiratory tract is affected by bacteria or viruses. Accompanying the state of weakness, hyperthermia, unwillingness to eat. Green purulent exudate can indicate the bacterial nature of the pathology.

Warning signs

Certain symptoms should draw attention to themselves and raise doubts about their harmlessness. If the snot has been coming out of the baby's nose for more than a week, it has been disturbing sleep with wheezing and an aggravated cough, the baby is weakened, lethargic, gets tired faster than usual, take the situation seriously. Also indicate possible problems should be difficulty breathing through the nose, irritability, uncontrollability. Babies cannot fully suckle breast milk or formula from a bottle. The acuteness of the perception of smells, taste buds may decrease. Nasal secretion comes in different shades and thicknesses, from clear to hazy yellow. The latter circumstance should arouse vigilance, since this is a direct indication of the bacterial nature of rhinitis. They can become inflamed, redden eyelids, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat.

Symptoms in an infant

At first, the baby often sneezes due to capillary spasms. It bakes in the nose, irritated nasal membranes dry up, turn pale. They soon turn red. The nose begins to flow, it becomes difficult to breathe. Without treatment, the discharge becomes thick and greenish due to a bacterial lesion, to which a virus can attach over time.


To find the objective cause and the very possibility of effective treatment, it is necessary to visit the ENT. After questioning and collecting complaints, the doctor examines the nasal cavity with the help of special mirrors. Inspection will reveal lesions in the lining of the nose, the presence of polyps. To clarify the inflammatory processes, you will have to take an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses.

If an allergy is suspected, tests and samples are taken to determine the irritant. The blood is examined for various indicators, a bacterial culture of the nasal secretion is performed.

Elimination of causes and therapy

How to treat a child with a prolonged runny nose depends on its source, the general well-being of the baby. Medicines may be needed, and perhaps a change in environmental conditions will be enough. Very young children are helped to recover by creating favorable conditions, strengthening their immunity with the help of natural immunomodulators.

It will help to dilute thick sputum and relieve dry cough by inhaling herbal tea infused with boiling water for a quarter of an hour through an inhaler. St. John's wort, marigold flowers, mint will be effective. It is useful to inhale a little coniferous essential oil in an aroma lamp or by dropping onto cotton wool. Use with success oils of aniseed fenugreek, creeping thyme. For three-year-olds and older children, you can point-point massage the areas of the nasal wings, applying the same oil.

Physiological runny nose

To improve the condition of the baby's nasal mucosa, it is enough to increase the humidity in the house above 50%, ventilate the rooms, keep the temperature at an acceptable comfortable minimum, regularly visit the child in the fresh air, and give enough water. Systematically pump out secretions from the nose, drip moisturizing saline solutions with sea water: five to six procedures during the day.

Allergic factor

When the body responds to the allergen with swelling of the nasal lining, clear discharge, constant sneezing without fever or other ailments, it is extremely important to remove the influence of the irritating factor. Regularly mop and dust floors, discard carpets. Tobacco smoke is a harmful irritant. Therapy consists in taking antihistamines, steroid hormones.

false rhinitis

With this ailment, the lining in the nose changes structurally, impairing blood circulation. Those suffering from it are tormented by constantly flowing colorless snot, clogged nose, inability to breathe, reduced recognition of odors, and resistance to treatment. With a mild form of the disease, histamine blockers and hormone therapy are prescribed. In advanced cases, surgical treatment may be required.

medicinal rhinitis

With prolonged instillation of vasoconstrictors into the nose, the opposite effect occurs. The use of vasoconstrictor drugs should be discontinued.

Do not torment children with nose drops of honey or milk, especially onion or garlic juice. There may be a mucosal burn, an outbreak of microorganism growth, thickening of mucus.

bacterial runny nose

Antimicrobial therapy is applied, initially local. It acts locally in the nasal region, bypassing the stomach. The active substances enter the blood in a minimal amount, without burdening the liver and excretory system with an extra load. And if the condition worsens, - in the form of injections, solutions or capsules. Medicines that lead to capillary constriction can be used for no longer than a week. Homeopathy acts against microbes, reduces inflammation. Doctors use the nasal lavage procedure, popularly called the "cuckoo". The nasal cavities are irrigated with disinfecting compounds, purulent exudate is sucked out.

Viral nature of the disease

If the body attacks the rhinovirus or adenovirus, SARS develops. At the same time, the secret from the nasal passages comes out colorless, the nose is clogged, aches, impotence throughout the body, the temperature jumps, the eyes are red, teary. In a week, the body usually copes with the disease. It is useful to strengthen its resistance with immunomodulators, vitamin preparations, hardening. In severe cases, antiviral drugs are prescribed.

Therapy should be carried out by the attending otolaryngologist. Untimely or incorrectly chosen treatment leads to serious health consequences in the form of inflammatory processes in the lungs, maxillary sinuses, bronchi, and ears.

As a rule, the transition of the common cold to a chronic form is caused by the improper use of antibiotics and vasoconstrictors. A runny nose is not treated with antibiotics. But to harm health, making the body immune to this class of drugs, when they are really needed, they can. And vasoconstrictors deceptively easily eliminate the symptoms, but do not affect the cause, give cardiac complications, delay healing. After all, they eliminate local protective mucus, disrupting blood circulation in the capillaries. Their use is allowed in rare cases of necessity strictly under medical supervision.

Acceptable non-traditional recipes

You can add auxiliary support to the arsenal of basic therapy with some traditional medicine recipes. Be sure to share your thoughts with your doctor, get his approval before applying these tips.

  1. Symptomatic relief from a runny nose can bring droplets from beetroot, carrot juice, from the leaves of Kalanchoe, agave, chamomile broth. Strengthens endurance intake of onion juice mixed with sugar.
  2. If you overcome a cough, applying mustard plasters moistened with warm water with the back side to the chest area, the back of the baby will help. The kid wraps himself in warm clothes, warms up to twenty minutes. After removing them, spread the skin with baby cream, send the baby to sleep in warmth.
  3. You can warm the legs for a couple of hours with mustard plasters, putting them in dry warm socks. The first time you need to wait up to five minutes, making sure that there is no allergic reaction. Otherwise, you must immediately stop the procedure. You can not use this method with crumbs younger than a year. It is also prohibited with hyperthermia. The epidermis should be healthy, without wounds.

Treat all the respiratory ailments of your child, strengthen and harden his growing body.

Prolonged runny nose in a child is the outflow of mucous contents from the nasal passages for more than 14 days. Why does it happen and how to cure a prolonged runny nose for a child?

Most often, a persistent runny nose in a child is associated with adverse conditions in a residential area. The mucous membranes of the child react to dry air or aggressive chemicals.

Experts note the following causes of a prolonged runny nose in children:

  • Complication of a cold. It occurs due to reduced immunity of the baby, inflamed adenoids, or improper use of medications.
  • bacterial infection. It is characterized by snot with a yellow or green tint, pus impurities are possible.
  • Allergy. Allergic rhinitis can be prolonged if the irritant is not removed from the baby's life.
  • Teething. During the period of the appearance of new teeth, the gums swell in the child. There is a direct relationship between the nasal mucosa and the oral cavity. Due to increased blood circulation, mucus production increases. It is thin and transparent in texture. Medical treatment is not required.
  • Physiological features of newborns. In children who have recently been born, the mucous membrane has not yet adapted to the surrounding air. The appearance of a runny nose in the first 3 months of life is absolutely normal. This type of snot does not need serious treatment and is not considered a pathology.
  • Inappropriate use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Some parents, to ensure a comfortable sleep, drip vasoconstrictor drugs uncontrollably. As a result, the nasal mucosa dries out and gets used to the medication. After the cessation of the use of vasoconstrictor substances, the nasal breathing of the baby is disturbed.
  • Pathology of the nasal septum. Parents will learn about this feature of the structure even in the maternity hospital or at the medical commission.

What is the best way to treat a chronic runny nose in a child?

For the treatment of chronic rhinitis in children, a complex technique is used, which includes:

  • regular washing of the nasopharynx;
  • steam inhalation;
  • the use of vasoconstrictor drugs;
  • the use of vitamin complexes;
  • treatment of comorbidities.

The treatment of absolutely any rhinitis, regardless of the cause of its occurrence, begins with the creation of a comfortable environment in the room in which the baby stays. Before treating a prolonged runny nose with medicines, it is necessary to ensure the following conditions:

  • Humidity. To humidify the air, you can use a special household humidifier. If it is not possible to purchase it, then you can hang a wet sheet on the radiator or hang wet things in the room.
  • Temperature. Hot air adversely affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity of the child, and also contributes to the spread of infections. Control that the air temperature in the children's room does not rise above 23 degrees.
  • Airing. Windows should be opened several times during the day. Air flow improves microcirculation in the nasal cavity.

In the absence of elevated body temperature, with a prolonged runny nose, walks in the forest, parks and squares are useful. Staying in the fresh air strengthens the body's defenses.

What preparations to use?

Most often, a prolonged runny nose is not a separate disease, but just a symptom. Treatment should be directed to the cause of its occurrence. Drug therapy is an effective way, but you need to understand that not all types of rhinitis are treated with medications. For example, to eliminate an allergic rhinitis, regular wet cleaning is sometimes enough.

Pediatricians, to get rid of a prolonged runny nose in a child, prescribe the following drugs:

  • Rhinopront. It has vasoconstrictive and anti-allergic properties. It is prescribed for any kind of runny nose by reducing the sensitivity of the walls of blood vessels. A single application is enough for 11-13 hours.
  • Koldakt. It is used for colds and allergic rhinitis. Reduces swelling and eliminates nasal congestion. Regular use is allowed from the age of 12.
  • Sinupret. Used for colds. The composition includes extracts of medicinal herbs. Suitable for treating children.
  • Berberis-Hommachord. Homeopathic remedy. Effective in the early stages of the disease, facilitates breathing.
  • Tsetrin. Used for allergies. Blocks certain nasal cavity prescriptions.

Folk recipes for a lingering cold for children

What should I do if I can't visit the pharmacy? In some cases, it is possible to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child with folk remedies. Each of the recipes is absolutely safe for the child, in the absence of allergies to the components included in the composition.

  1. Onions and vaseline. It is necessary to dilute onion juice and vaseline oil in a ratio of 1:5. Instill 1-2 drops into each nostril in the morning and evening.
  2. Kalanchoe and Aloe. Mix the juice of Kalanchoe leaves, aloe and clean water in equal proportions. Drip 3 drops into each nostril when you feel a stuffy nose.
  3. Garlic. Inhaling the smell of garlic eliminates pathogenic microbes. You can spread the garlic cloves in the room where the baby is.
  4. Beets and carrots. Mix equal amounts of carrot juice, beetroot and water. Bury the resulting composition of 1-2 drops in each nostril when congestion occurs.


Treatment of chronic rhinitis in children should be comprehensive. Carrying out procedures at home will help not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also speed up the healing process.

  1. Washing the nasopharynx. This simple procedure will quickly relieve nasal congestion. Washing can be done with a small pear, syringe or neti pot teapot. Salt water, infusions of medicinal herbs or ready-made formulations from a pharmacy are effective as a washing solution.
  2. Warming up the legs. On the legs there are zones associated with all organs. Warm foot baths help expand blood vessels, improve blood circulation and ensure the outflow of excess fluid from the site of inflammation. For a better effect, you can add a little mustard powder to the water.
  3. Inhalations. The direct effect of vapors on the nasopharyngeal area produces a rapid therapeutic effect. You can purchase a special device for inhalation - a nebulizer. As a medicinal solution, decoctions of chamomile or sage are used. If the child is allergic, then you can give him a pair of just hot water to inhale. In the event that there is no nebulizer for the procedure, then you can heat the composition and pour it into a saucepan. During inhalation, you need to cover the child with a blanket or towel and ask to breathe steam through the nose. Be careful, the water should cool down a little so as not to burn the baby's airways.
  4. Sticking patches. In pharmacies, you can buy patches for colds. They contain beneficial essential oils. This sticker must be attached to clothing. The child will breathe medicinal pores all the time.
  5. Massage. Massaging the wings of the nose improves blood circulation. Blood flow helps to reduce inflammation faster.

What do parents need to know before starting treatment?

Regardless of the severity of the course of the disease, if the snot in a child flows for a long time - this is a reason to seek advice from a pediatrician or ENT.

Be sure to see a doctor if:

  • runny nose lasts more than 14 days;
  • the child complains of discomfort above the eyebrows and near the nose;
  • there is a severe headache;
  • "clicks" in the ears and hearing has decreased.

When self-treatment, do not forget about the following rules:

  • Do not carry out inhalation at elevated body temperature.
  • With severe nasal congestion, washing can not be done. This can lead to infection in the hearing organs.
  • Do not use undiluted aloe juice on children.
  • Do not stick your nose and bow into the nasal passages of a child. The delicate mucous membrane of the baby's nasal passages is not yet prepared for such aggressive substances.
  • Do not use sprays to treat children under 2 years of age.
  • Do not use vasoconstrictor medications for more than 5 days.

Young children often suffer from nasal congestion and an annoying runny nose. Often, even with proper treatment, it becomes chronic, from which the child experiences constant terrible discomfort. The appearance of this symptom can be associated with various factors, including colds, allergies, and others. The sooner the cause is identified, the sooner it will be possible to cure this disease. Well, if the condition is neglected, we suggest finding out how to get rid of a runny nose, how to treat a child, what does Dr. Komarovsky advise?

Causes of a protracted runny nose and features of the course

Treatment tactics are always determined in accordance with the causes of the common cold. Most often it is provoked by:

Hypothermia of the body and the associated cold, drafts or inhalation of cold air, resulting in a decrease in the protective ability of the mucous membrane;

Allergy as a result of contact of the mucosa with pollen, wool, dust;

Inhalation of dry air, prolonged exposure to dusty conditions;

Immunodeficiency provoked by pathologies, which occurs in premature babies and babies with somatic diseases;

Violation of vascular tone as a result of psycho-emotional overexcitability, due to which vasomotor rhinitis often begins;

The period when the teeth erupt.

Due to a long runny nose that prevents normal breathing, children almost always open their mouths, which becomes a habit. The mucosa is edematous, the discharge is thick or watery, the sense of smell and taste are partially or completely lost. Toddlers may complain of a headache, they do not sleep well, become irritable and whiny.

A chronic runny nose is extremely dangerous and should not be ignored. If a child suffers from nasal congestion for several months, hypoxia and developmental disorders may develop.

How to treat a chronic runny nose in children?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, a runny nose in babies is a factor in a protective reaction in the body. This is a physiological process, the secretion of mucus in the sinuses helps to cleanse the epithelium and the cilia located on it from dust particles, microorganisms, and toxins. Natural hydration prevents the mucosa from drying out.

Many parents use vasoconstrictor drops and sprays as soon as they notice snot in a child. And treatment with such means can continue for several weeks to no avail. For some reason, getting rid of snot from a child may not work. Komarovsky draws attention to the fact that vasoconstrictor drugs are relevant only for allergic rhinitis, as they eliminate mucosal edema.

In addition, according to Komarovsky, it is necessary to treat not only with medicines. It is necessary to create for the child such conditions of stay in which he will be comfortable. During the day, be sure to moisturize the mucous membrane with saline, which is harmless even for newborns. A homemade solution is also useful: dilute 2 grams of salt in 350 ml of warm water. Treat the nasal mucosa with this solution several times a day. Drip 2-3 drops into each nostril, tilting the baby's head to the opposite side. After such washing from the sinuses, it is easier to clean the mucus.

The room should have a high level of humidity - about 75%. To do this, use humidifiers, hang wet things in the room. Airing and wet cleaning - at least 2 times a day. Komarovsky, with a prolonged runny nose, is categorically against the belief of parents that their children should not go out, so as not to provoke deterioration.

On the contrary, according to the doctor, a walk for half an hour in the morning and evening helps to saturate the internal systems of organs with oxygen, which makes it easier to breathe. Rest and home stay is shown only at a high temperature, and in its absence and a runny nose, it is advised to adhere to the usual rhythm of life.

For effective treatment, the child must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, especially vitamin C and a number of trace elements. Therefore, parents should take care of proper and nutritious nutrition.

Steam inhalations are also useful for a child with a prolonged runny nose. These procedures are carried out using a decoction of chamomile, coniferous needles, eucalyptus.

In the event that prolonged rhinitis leads to the appearance of greenish or bright yellow discharge, one should proceed to more serious treatment, namely antibiotics.

Mucus of this color indicates the appearance of a bacterial infection, which folk remedies cannot get rid of. You cannot prescribe them on your own, parents should consult a doctor.

Komarovsky categorically does not advise using vegetable juices and aloe juice for instillation of the nose with a prolonged runny nose. These drugs can be used as an additional home therapy for a short-term runny nose, and if a child has a prolonged runny nose, they can severely burn the mucous membrane.

In addition to targeted treatment, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system of children as a whole.

This will not only speed up recovery, but also avoid the development of chronic inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, ears and larynx. Komarovsky recommends that the child take a lot of drinking, which is suitable for warm raspberry or currant tea.

The child's body must learn to cope with infections on its own, so do not use drops and sprays from the first days of a runny nose.

A runny nose is a protective reaction of the body that every child faces, starting from a very early age. After all, the nasal mucosa is the first to meet microbes and foreign particles on its way. It is covered with villi and produces a secret (liquid) that washes away harmful agents. When immunity is weakened, its protective properties are reduced and inflammation occurs. A child's body with strong immunity is able to cope with the disease in 7-10 days. Protracted runny nose is characterized as an inflammatory process of the nasopharynx lasting more than 10 days.

How to treat a prolonged runny nose in a child will depend on the type of pathogen that provoked it. But there are a number of procedures that are effective in all cases.

The first thing that is required for recovery is the obligatory humidification of the air in the room, and the organization of the drinking regimen. For the nasal mucosa, a favorable microclimate is considered to be humidity not lower than 50% and a temperature of 18-20 degrees.

An electric humidifier that evaporates at least half a liter of water per hour will help increase the humidity in a hot room.

It is better to cover hot batteries for some time with a wet terry towel. It is advisable to soak it in water every 20-30 minutes. The child should be given warm liquids (compote, fruit drink, tea) more often.

To prevent mucus from getting into the sinuses and the auditory tube with prolonged snot, the child must blow his nose correctly: close one nostril (in no case both), and blow the other. Young children often cannot or do not know how to do this. In this case, parents should purchase a special mucus sucker from the baby's nose at the pharmacy.

The nozzle pump should be used when necessary, but not too often, as children quickly get used to it and do not want to blow their nose on their own. Before cleaning the nose, it is recommended to drip vasoconstrictor drops to relieve swelling and expand the nasal canals, then a little saline solution, as a result, the thick mucus will thin out, and it will be easier to remove it with a suction device. The child will not be hurt, and the nasal mucosa is not injured. When washing the baby's head, it is better to gently tilt forward.

Prolonged viral runny nose

The most common cause of a runny nose is an acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), which, as a rule, has a sudden onset: fever up to 37.5-38.5 degrees, loss of appetite, lethargy, malaise, sore throat. Discharge from the nose at the same time.

Antiviral antibodies begin to be produced on the 4th - 5th day and reach their highest values ​​on the 6th - 7th day.

Basic treatment

If the immune system is weak, then the concentration of antibodies is not enough, the child's runny nose becomes protracted and constantly recurs. It can last two weeks or more. In this case, it is necessary to take immunomodulating agents based on interferon and bacterial lysites.

The mechanism of their action is to stimulate the body's defenses to produce those same antibodies, only in a larger volume.

The drugs of choice are:

  • Interferon (children under 1 year - in the form of nose drops, older children - in the form of drops or spray);
  • Aflubin (for children older than 1 year - drops, from 3 years of age - tablets);
  • Laferobion (acceptable from the first month of life);
  • IRS-19 (for babies from 3 months old);
  • Kipferon (children from birth).

All drugs in this group require prior consultation with a doctor. With prolonged use, they can cause inhibition of their own production of interferon.

In an acute inflammatory reaction, the above drugs will be ineffective., since they are intended for the treatment of a sluggish, protracted form of rhinitis (without high fever, severe headaches, wet cough). If the inflammation is acute, Derinat is prescribed in the form of injections.

Symptomatic therapy

Vasoconstrictor drops are used to treat the symptoms of a prolonged runny nose. Their effect is based on the ability to constrict the vessels that bring blood to the nasal mucosa. The indication for use is a strong swelling of the nasal cavity: the nose is completely stuffed up, the contents do not flow out, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth.

The situation is dangerous in that thick mucus from the nose can clog the auditory tube that ventilates the ear and lead to otitis media. Children's vasoconstrictor drops are divided into 3 groups according to the duration of action.

Short-acting drugs (average 3-6 hours):

  • based on naphazoline (Nafthyzin, Sanorin);
  • based on phenylephrine (the drug of choice for children, especially the first year of life) - Vibrocil, Nazol kids;
  • based on tetrizoline (Tizin).

Medium duration (6 - 8 hours) based on xylometazoline:

  • Xylene;
  • Xymelin;
  • Snoop
  • Rhinonorm;
  • Otrivin.

Long-acting (10 - 12 hours) based on oxymetazoline - Nazivin.

The concentration of the drug in children's drops up to 6 years is 0.05%, for older patients - 0.1% You can use them for no more than 3-5 days. You should be aware of side effects in the form of increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. It is possible to develop headaches, since constricted vessels provoke oxygen starvation of the cells of the nasal cavity.

With prolonged use (more than 10 days), drops can be addictive. The body ceases to regulate the nasal blood supply on its own, and as soon as you stop using the medicine, the mucous membrane swells again, and you have to breathe through your mouth.

This condition is called drug rhinitis. A runny nose becomes a constant companion of a person, dragging on for months. It is much easier and more correct to prevent such complications than to treat them. If medical rhinitis still develops, then you should consult a doctor. He will select the right anti-inflammatory agent and physiotherapy procedures.

bacterial runny nose

Viruses reduce the body's ability to resist infections, with prolonged exposure to mucous membranes, pneumococci, streptococci and other bacteria that live in the human body and do not manifest themselves in normal immunity begin to multiply intensively in the nasopharynx. So, a bacterial infection joins a viral infection.

The main indicator of bacterial rhinitis- mucus discharged from the nose has acquired and In case of improper treatment or its absence, this form of the disease can cause complications, in the form of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, prolonged snot and cause sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses), frontal sinusitis (inflammation of the frontal sinuses). In this case, the consistency of the snot is thick, or yellow-green.

Antibacterial drugs designed to suppress pathogenic flora and symptomatic remedies to ease breathing, in the form of vasoconstrictor drops described above, allow to cure a prolonged runny nose in a child. Saline rinsing remains an effective procedure for clearing the nose of thickened snot.

Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory

Self-selection of antibiotics for children is prohibited, since it is not known what type of bacteria caused a long runny nose. Some drugs act only on streptococci, others only on pneumococci, and others on staphylococci. To find out which type of bacteria caused a long runny nose in a child, it is necessary to pass a general blood test.

  • According to its results, Isofra, or Polydex will be appointed.
  • With inflammation of the paranasal sinuses of a purulent nature, systemic antibiotics are prescribed in the form of tablets - Amoxicillin or Clarithromycin.

Before carrying out bactereological studies, pediatricians advise mothers to drip a broad-spectrum antibiotic into the child's nose - drops of Albucid (sulfacyl sodium). Additionally, as anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed: Hydrocortisone Tantum Verde, Sinupret and Pinosol.

Symptomatic remedies

To moisturize the mucous membrane, I use drops and sprays based on sea water:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Marimer;
  • Humer;
  • Aqualor.

Oil-based drops are used to thin thick nasal mucus:

  • Pinosol;
  • Mucodin;
  • Sinuforte.

Medicines with essential oils contain herbal ingredients, so allergic reactions are possible in the form of a rash, lacrimation and itching. In this case, you need to stop using them.

allergic rhinitis

With prolonged allergic rhinitis, as a rule, there are no symptoms of a cold, that is, body temperature and appetite are normal, the child is vigorous and mobile.

The cause of allergic rhinitis is inflammation, a hypersensitivity reaction to foreign agents (antigens).

The scheme of development is as follows: the antigen enters the human body, in response to this, specific proteins begin to appear in the blood - protective antibodies that are fixed on the surface of the so-called mast cells.

Upon subsequent entry into the body, the antigen combines with the antibody, at which time biologically active substances (especially histamine) begin to be released from the mast cells, causing allergic manifestations. Eyes and nose itch, transparent “water” flows from it, I want to sneeze,.

The role of antigens that provoke the development of allergies can be:

  • pet hair;
  • airborne dust particles;
  • detergents, dyes;
  • certain food;
  • pollen of flowering plants (birch, ragweed, field grasses).
The main thing in treatment is to identify the allergen and minimize contact with it, as well as ventilate the apartment more often and do wet cleaning in the nursery.


The main group of drugs for the treatment of allergies and its manifestations are antihistamines. All of them have side effects, so the drug itself and its dosage should be prescribed by a pediatrician after a skin test for an allergen.

Nasal discharge is the most common condition that is treated at home, without the help of doctors. Many parents do not consider a runny nose to be a serious illness. In the early days of its inception, it is. But we must remember that a runny nose (rhinitis) can be a symptom of a serious illness. And an improperly treated or prolonged runny nose can lead to complications that threaten the life of the child. At the first symptoms of the disease, it is better to consult a specialist in order to avoid sad consequences.

Prolonged runny nose - what does it mean?

Runny nose (rhinitis) is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. There are several reasons for the occurrence of rhinitis, but in any case, a runny nose is the body's reaction to the introduction of a particular irritant. This very irritant can be infections (viruses, bacteria, fungi), allergens (pollen, dust, odors, poplar fluff). Runny nose can be both an independent disease and a symptom of other diseases:

  • childhood viral diseases (measles, rubella, scarlet fever);
  • respiratory viral infections (adenoviral, rhinovirus);
  • nose injuries (when the nasal septum is bent);
  • foreign body in the nose;
  • diseases of the autonomic system (vegetative-vascular dystonia).

Prolonged runny nose is called, which lasts more than 7 days. Chronic runny nose is a recurrence of the disease more than 4 times a year. Prolonged nasal congestion is also isolated, when nasal breathing is disturbed in a child, but there is no discharge from the nose. This happens with adenoiditis (inflammation of the adenoids), improper treatment of acute rhinitis and prolonged unreasonable use of vasoconstrictor drops.

What is not a runny nose

Why doesn't it take long?

  1. Acute infectious rhinitis turns into a protracted one when the child's immunity is reduced. The immune reaction proceeds sluggishly, the inflammatory process acquires a sluggish character.
  2. The presence of foci of chronic infection (caries, chronic sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis, chronic otitis).
  3. Incorrect treatment of acute rhinitis, especially with vasoconstrictor drops for more than 5 days.
  4. Deviated septum in a child.
  5. Allergic rhinitis becomes protracted or chronic with constant contact with the allergen.
  6. Adenoid vegetations, in other words - adenoiditis. This is an overgrowth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which makes nasal breathing difficult.
  7. Dry air in the room where the child is. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the nose dry up, causing swelling of the mucous membrane and nasal congestion.

Types of protracted runny nose in children

Depending on the cause, there are several types:

  1. Physiological runny nose of newborns and children of the first 3-4 months. This is a normal reaction of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages to a change in the environment. The child in the womb was in the water, and after birth it got into the air. Such a runny nose does not require treatment, it goes away on its own.
  2. Infectious (viral or bacterial). Any viral runny nose can be complicated by a bacterial infection by attaching a secondary infection.
  3. Allergic rhinitis. A protracted course of such a runny nose occurs when the allergen is constantly present in the child's environment.
  4. Vasomotor rhinitis. This type of protracted runny nose is more typical for adolescents. Occurs when the blood supply to the nose is disturbed due to vasospasm. This condition occurs with a sharp change in air temperature (when leaving a warm room in the cold) or during an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  5. Medical rhinitis. This is a runny nose that occurs in children who often use vasoconstrictive nasal sprays or drops. With their prolonged use, atrophy (death) of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity occurs and, as a result, tissue edema and nasal congestion.

Table: types of rhinitis and their symptoms

Type of runny nose Symptoms and manifestations

Physiological rhinitis of newborns

  • Scanty clear discharge from nose.
  • Body temperature is not elevated.
  • The general condition of the child is not disturbed.
  • Abundant clear discharge from nose like water.
  • A runny nose is accompanied by fever and other catarrhal symptoms (redness of the pharyngeal mucosa, sore or sore throat).


  • A discharge of yellow or yellow-green color appears from the nose.
  • A runny nose is accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Along with discharge from the nose, there is difficulty in nasal breathing.

allergic rhinitis

  • From the nose, serous (colorless) discharge.
  • There is such a runny nose after contact with an allergen (dust, smell, plant pollen, animal hair).
  • Accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing, conjunctivitis or coughing.
  • As a rule, it has a seasonal nature of the flow (spring-summer).

Vasomotor rhinitis

  • The main symptom is nasal congestion.
  • Congestion increases after a sharp change in ambient temperature or after stress.

Medicated rhinitis

  • Nasal congestion occurs if you do not use vasoconstrictor drops or spray.
  • Accompanied by dryness in the nose and sore throat.
  • Constant nasal congestion, which does not stop even after vasoconstrictors.
  • Feeling of fullness in the nose.


  • Purulent (green) discharge.
  • Offensive odor of discharge.
  • Dry green crusts in the nose.
  • Sensation of dryness of the nasal mucosa.

Treatment Methods

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on the treatment of the common cold

Medicines used in pediatrics for the treatment of persistent rhinitis depend on the type of rhinitis. At the first symptoms of a runny nose in a child, you should consult a doctor for consistent treatment recommendations. Otherwise, any runny nose can turn into a protracted one, and then into a chronic one.

Modern medicine treats protracted rhinitis with the following procedures and groups of drugs:

  1. Antiviral and antibacterial agents (for the treatment of infectious rhinitis).
  2. Means for washing the nose (saline solution, sea water, hypertonic solutions).
  3. Vasoconstrictors (decongestants).
  4. Antihistamines (for the treatment of allergic rhinitis).
  5. Astringents (silver preparations).
  6. Local antiseptics.
  7. Antipyretics (at elevated body temperature).
  8. Hormonal preparations of local action (nasal corticosteroids).
  9. Antiallergic nasal agents.
  10. Immunostimulating drugs.
  11. Herbal and homeopathic preparations.
  12. Physiotherapy treatment.

Table: medicines used to treat chronic rhinitis

Drug group Name of the drug Indications for use, for what purpose are prescribed Contraindications Age groups (from what age is allowed), how long to take
Antibacterial drugs (group of aminopenicillins, cephalosporins or macrolides)Amoxicillin (Flemokin, Gramoks, Amoxil), amoxiclav (Augmentin, Flemoklav)Infectious lingering rhinitis of bacterial originAllergy to amoxicillin, infectious mononucleosisFrom birth, take at least 5 days
Cefuroxime (Zinnat)Newborns and premature babiesFrom 1 month, take 5-7 days
Azithromycin (Sumamed)Macrolide intolerance, children weighing less than 10 kgChildren weighing more than 10 kg, take 3-5 days
Bioparox (local antibiotic)Children with allergic reactions, children under 2.5 yearsFrom 2.5 years, the course is not more than 7 days
Isofra (antibiotic nasal spray)Children under one year old, allergic to the drugFrom 1 year, course 5-7 days
AntiviralsInfectious lingering rhinitis of viral originChildren under 7From 7 years old, take 3-6 days
Contraindicated in children with kidney disease, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the drugChildren over 10 kg, take 5-7 days
Immunostimulating drugsEchinacea preparations (Echinacea ratiopharm tablets)Designed to stimulate the child's immune systemChildren under 6 years old, allergic reaction to echinaceaFrom 6 years old, take no more than 14 days
Aloe extract injectableChildren under 1 monthFrom 1 month, course 15-50 days
Local antisepticsDekasanApplied topically as an antimicrobial agent From birth, course 7-10 days
Antihistamines (antiallergic drugs) systemic actionLevocetirizine preparations (Zodak, L-cet), desloratadine preparations (Erius)Used for decongestant and desensitizing purposeChildren under 6 monthsFrom 6 months, the course is not more than 10 days
Astringents (silver preparations)1% or 2% protargol solutionIt is used for anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive purposes. The drug has an enveloping effect, protecting the nasal mucosa from drying out.Allergic to silver or protein1% from 6 months, 2% from a year, course of treatment 5 days
Nasal washSalineUsed to wash the nose with a preventive purposeNo contraindicationsSince birth
Sea water (Humer, Aquamaris, Physiomer)Used to treat runny nose with clear dischargeNo contraindicationsSince birth
Hypertonic solution (Quicks, Humer hypertonic)It is used for decongestant purposes in case of a runny nose with purulent discharge or nasal congestionHypertrophic chronic rhinitis, children under 3 monthsFrom 3 months, no more than 5 days
Hormonal nasal preparationsNasonexUsed to relieve nasal congestion in allergic rhinitisFor viral rhinitis, children under 2 years of ageFrom 2 years, course of treatment 6-12 days
Antiallergic nasal agentsUsed to treat allergic lingering rhinitisChildren under 6From the age of 6, the course of treatment can be up to 6 months
Vasoconstrictor nasal agentsNazol babyUsed for vasoconstrictionChildren under 2 monthsFrom 2 months, course 5 days
NazivinIndividual intolerance to the drug, atrophic form of rhinitis0.01% - from birth, 0.025% - from a year, 0.05% - from 6 years, course of treatment 7 days
VibrocilComplex drug (combines vasoconstrictor and antiallergic)Children under 6 years of age, individual intolerance to the drugFrom 6 years, no more than 5 days
Antipyretic drugsParacetamol preparations (Eferalgan, Panadol), ibuprofen preparations (Nurofen, Ibufen)They are used to reduce body temperature and as anti-inflammatory drugs.Individual intolerance to the drugFrom 1 month (suppositories), from 3 months (suspension)
Herbal and homeopathic preparationsA complex herbal preparation has an antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory and secretolytic (thinning) effect.Allergic reaction to the drugSyrup from 6 months, drops - from 2 years, tablets - from 6 years
cinnabsinHomeopathic medicine, prescribed for anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, anti-edematous purposeChromium sensitivity or Echinacea allergyFrom 3 years old, course of treatment 1-3 months
DelufenHomeopathic medicine used for anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and anti-allergic purposesIndividual intolerance to the components of the drugFrom birth, the course of treatment can be up to 28 days (if necessary)

The exact dosage of drugs and the duration of treatment can only be determined by a doctor!

Photo gallery: preparations


Physiotherapy is allowed to apply to children of any age. If a child's body temperature rises during an exacerbation of chronic rhinitis or during a protracted course of the disease, then warming physiotherapy procedures are contraindicated.

To date, in medicine, inhalation of drugs through a nebulizer, UHF therapy (exposure to ultra-high frequency rays), KUV (treatment with short-wave ultraviolet rays), and laser therapy are widely used.

  • UHF therapy is carried out for any type of rhinitis, daily for 3-7 days;
  • Laser treatment is carried out for acute rhinitis 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 3-5 days. In chronic rhinitis, the procedure can be performed 1 time per day, 7-10 days in a row;
  • Inhalation through a nebulizer. The device grinds the drug solution into fine particles that settle on the mucous membrane, are easily absorbed and have a therapeutic effect. Decasan solution, alkaline solutions, lazolvan solution are used. Tonsilgon drops have a good anti-inflammatory effect, are contraindicated in children under 7 years of age. Procedures with a nebulizer are allowed to be carried out 1-2 times a day, the course of treatment is 5-7 days;
  • CUF is a procedure that has a bactericidal effect. It has a good therapeutic effect in the common cold of an infectious nature. Appointed for 5-10 days.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of rhinitis in children, traditional medicine is widely used.

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