VDP diseases in children. Features of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms depending on the type of infection

About 70% of the diseases characteristic of childhood are due to a violation normal operation respiratory organs. They are involved in passing air through the lungs, while preventing them from entering pathogenic microorganisms and further development inflammatory process. At the slightest failure in the full functioning of the respiratory organs, the entire body suffers.

Photo: Respiratory organs

Features of the respiratory system in childhood

Respiratory diseases in children occur with some features. This is due to a number of factors:

  • narrowness of the nasal passages and glottis;
  • insufficient depth and increased respiratory rate;
  • low air and increased density lungs;
  • underdevelopment of the respiratory muscles;
  • unstable respiratory rhythm;
  • tenderness of the nasal mucosa (rich blood vessels and swells easily).

Photo: Respiratory muscles

Mature respiratory system becomes no earlier than 14 years. Up to this point, pathologies related to it should be given increased attention. Identification of diseases respiratory system should occur in a timely manner, which increases the chances of a speedy cure, bypassing complications.

Causes of diseases

The child's respiratory organs are often exposed. Most often pathological processes develop under the influence of activation of staphylococci and streptococci. Allergies often lead to respiratory problems.

Among the contributing factors are not only anatomical features respiratory organs in childhood, and an unfavorable external environment, hypovitaminosis. Today's children with noticeable regularity do not follow the daily routine and eat improperly, which affects defensive forces ah organism and further leads to diseases. The lack of hardening procedures can aggravate the situation.

Photo: Activation of staphylococci is the cause of the disease


Despite the existence of specific individual disease of the child's respiratory system of signs, doctors distinguish common:

  • (obligatory symptom, peculiar defensive reaction organism);
  • dyspnea(indicates a lack of oxygen);
  • sputum(special mucus produced in response to the presence of irritants);
  • nasal discharge(can be different color and consistency)
  • labored breathing;
  • temperature rise(this also includes general intoxication of the body, which is a set of biological reactions of the body to infection).

Photo: Phlegm

Diseases of the respiratory system are divided into two groups. The first affect the upper respiratory tract (URT), the second - the lower sections (LRT). In general, it is not difficult to determine the onset of one of the respiratory diseases in a child, especially if a doctor takes up the work. With the help of a special device, the doctor will listen to the child and perform an examination. If a clinical picture will be blurred, a detailed examination will be required.

Photo: Examination of a child by a doctor

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Viruses and bacteria can lead to pathologies. It is known that presented group of diseases is one of the common causes appeals of the child's parents to the pediatrician.

According to statistical data, per year a child of preschool and primary school age can endure from 6 to 10 episodes of abnormal functioning of the upper respiratory tract.

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to a viral infection. The impetus for the development of rhinitis can be a banal hypothermia, as a result of which it reduces the body's defenses.

Photo: Rhinitis

Acute rhinitis can be a symptom of an acute infectious disease or manifest itself as an independent pathology.

Photo: Lower respiratory tract

As independent disease tracheitis is extremely rare.

Photo: Breathing exercises

Can trouble be prevented?

Any respiratory disease can be prevented. To this end, it is necessary to temper the child's body, regularly take walks with him on fresh air, always dress for the weather. It is very important to avoid hypothermia and wet feet. In the off-season, the health of the child should be maintained with vitamin complexes.

At the first sign of discomfort, you should contact a specialist.

Photo: At the doctor's appointment

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract distributed throughout the world and are found in every fourth inhabitant. These include tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis and rhinitis. The peak of diseases falls on the off-season, then cases of inflamed processes take on a massive character. The reason for this is the sharp respiratory diseases or influenza virus. According to statistics, an adult suffers up to three cases of the disease; in a child, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract occurs up to 10 times a year.

There are three main reasons for the development different kind inflammation.

  1. Virus. Influenza strains, rotoviruses, adenoviruses, mumps and measles, when ingested, cause an inflammatory reaction.
  2. bacteria. Cause bacterial infection can become pneumococcus, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, meningococcus, mycobacteria and diphtheria, as well as whooping cough.
  3. Fungus. Candida, aspergillus, actinomycetes cause a local inflammatory process.

Most of the listed pathogenic organisms transmitted from humans. Bacteria, viruses are unstable to the environment and practically do not live there. Some strains of the virus or fungus can live in the body, but only manifest themselves when the body's defenses are reduced. Infection occurs during the period of activation of "sleeping" pathogenic microbes.

Among the main methods of infection should be distinguished:

Virus particles, as well as microbes, penetrate through close contact with infected person. Transmission is possible when talking, coughing, sneezing. All this is natural in diseases of the respiratory tract, because the first barrier to pathogenic microorganisms is the respiratory tract.

tuberculosis, diphtheria and coli more often penetrates into the host's body through the household route. Household and personal hygiene items become the link between a healthy and infected person. Anyone can get sick, regardless of age, gender, financial condition and social status.


The symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract are quite similar, with the exception of discomfort and pain, which are localized in the affected area. It is possible to determine the place of inflammation and the nature of the disease based on the symptoms of the disease, but it is really possible to confirm the disease and identify the pathogen only after a thorough examination.

All diseases are characterized incubation period, which lasts from 2 to 10 days, depending on the pathogen.


Known to everyone as a runny nose, it is an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. A characteristic of rhinitis is exudate in the form of a runny nose, which, when microbes multiply, profusely goes outside. Both sinuses are affected, as the infection spreads rapidly.
Sometimes rhinitis may not cause a runny nose, but, on the contrary, manifest itself severe congestion. If, nevertheless, discharge is present, then their nature directly depends on the pathogen. Exudate may be present clear liquid, and sometimes purulent secretions and green.


Inflammation of the nasal sinuses secondary infection and is manifested by difficulty breathing and a feeling of being blocked.
Swelling of the sinuses causes headaches Negative influence on the optic nerves, impaired sense of smell. Discomfort and pain in the region of the bridge of the nose indicates a running inflammatory process. The discharge of pus is usually accompanied by fever and fever, as well as general malaise.


The inflammatory process in the region of the palatine tonsils in the pharynx causes a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • pain when swallowing;
  • difficulty in eating and drinking;
  • fever;
  • muscle weakness.

Angina can occur due to the ingestion of both a virus and a bacterium. At the same time, the tonsils swell, a characteristic plaque appears on them. With purulent tonsillitis, yellow and greenish overlays envelop the palate and mucous membrane of the throat. With fungal etiology, plaque white color curdled consistency.


Inflammation of the throat is manifested by perspiration and dry cough. Breathing may be difficult from time to time. general malaise and subfebrile temperature phenomenon is not permanent. Pharyngitis usually occurs against the background of influenza and acute respiratory infections.


Inflammation of the throat and vocal cords also develops against the background of influenza, measles, whooping cough and parainfluenza. Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness and cough. The mucous membrane of the larynx swells so much that it interferes with breathing. Without treatment, in the form of stenosis of the walls of the larynx or muscle spasm. Symptoms without treatment only get worse.


Inflammation of the bronchi (this is the lower respiratory tract) is characterized by sputum or a strong dry cough. Besides, general intoxication and malaise.
On the initial stage symptoms may not appear until the inflammation reaches the nerve processes.


Inflammation lung tissue in the lower and upper divisions lung, which usually cause pneumococci, always general intoxication, fever and chills. Progressing, the cough with pneumonia intensifies, but sputum may appear much later. At non-infectious nature symptoms may not appear. The symptoms are similar to a running cold and diseases are not always diagnosed on time.

Therapy Methods

After the diagnosis has been clarified, treatment is started according to general condition patient, the cause of the inflammation. There are three main types of treatment:

  • pathogenetic;
  • symptomatic;
  • etiotropic.

Pathogenetic treatment

It is based on stopping the development of the inflammatory process. For this, immunostimulating drugs are used so that the body itself can fight the infection, as well as ancillary treatment, which suppress inflammatory process.

To strengthen the body take:

  • Anaferon;
  • Amexin;
  • Neovir;
  • Levomax.

They are suitable for children and adults. It is pointless to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract without immune support. If a bacterium has become the causative agent of inflammation of the respiratory system, treatment is carried out with Immudon or Bronchomunal. For individual indications, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. They relieve general symptoms and depress pain syndrome, this is true, especially if you treat a child who
hard to bear the disease.

Etiotropic method

Based on the suppression of the pathogen. It is important to stop the reproduction of the virus and bacteria in the upper sections, as well as to prevent their spread. The main thing is to accurately establish the strain of the virus and the etiology of pathogenic microbes in order to choose the right regimen and start treatment. Antiviral drugs include:

  • Remantadine;
  • Relenz;
  • Arbidol;
  • Kagocel;
  • Isoprinosine.

They help only when the disease is caused by a virus. If it cannot be killed, as is the case with herpes, you can simply suppress the symptoms.

Bacterial inflammation of the respiratory tract can only be cured with antibacterial drugs, the dosage should be prescribed by a doctor. These medicines are very dangerous if used carelessly and can cause irreparable harm to the body.

For a child, such treatment can lead to complications in the future. Therefore, when choosing a drug Special attention pay attention to the age of the patient, his physiological characteristics and also test for the presence allergic reactions. Modern pharmacology offers for the treatment effective drugs groups of macrolides, beta-lactams and fluoroquinolones.

Symptomatic treatment

Because antibacterial or antifungal treatment has a gradual effect in most cases of the disease, it is important to suppress the symptoms that cause discomfort to the person. For this there is symptomatic treatment.

  1. Nasal drops are used to suppress a runny nose.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to relieve sore throat, as well as reduce swelling. a wide range or sprays for local application plant-based.
  3. Symptoms such as cough or sore throat are suppressed with expectorants.

At severe swelling top, as well lower divisions lung symptomatic treatment does not always have the desired result. It is important not to use all known methods of treatment, but to choose the right scheme based on the complex elimination of symptoms and the causative agent of inflammation.

Inhalation will help to relieve puffiness, suppress cough and soreness in the upper parts of the throat, as well as stop a runny nose. And alternative methods of treatment can improve breathing and prevent oxygen starvation.

The main thing is not to self-medicate, but to undergo it under the supervision of a specialist and follow all his recommendations.

In children, diseases of the upper respiratory tract are common, as this is facilitated by the anthropophysiological characteristics of the child's body. The causative agents of these diseases are various viruses.

Anthropo-physiological features of the child's respiratory organs.

The nose of a newborn child is usually short and wide, there are two nasal passages, the mucous membrane is loose and swells quickly. The nose is connected to the ear by a short Eustachian tube, therefore, infection is very dangerous, which quickly penetrates from the nose into the ear, this explains the frequency of otitis media in babies.

There is a lymphatic pharyngeal ring in the pharynx, if the tonsils are normal, then they do not come out because of the arches, this is what serves as a barrier to the further spread of the infection. Tonsils develop from 2.5 years of age, and some children may develop pathological nasopharyngeal tonsils-adenoids. They can make it difficult for the child to breathe, so he appears characteristic symptoms: puffy face, breathing open mouth, snoring, deteriorating hearing. To prevent complications and deterioration in the health of the child, the adenoids are removed surgically.

The larynx in newborns is narrow, the mucosa is richly supplied with blood vessels, therefore it is characterized by more rapid swelling. Some children have a congenital narrowness of the larynx called stridor.

The child's trachea consists of cartilaginous rings and is divided into two bronchi. The right bronchus is short and wide, while the left bronchus is vice versa. Lymph nodes are located near the trachea and bronchi.

The lungs of a newborn are not very elastic, so the tissue quickly falls off. The lungs are compressed by the diaphragm from below and the chest around, so the baby's breathing is very frequent and superficial. A newborn usually breathes 40-60 times per minute, and in one year old the number of inhalations and exhalations is reduced to 30-35 times.

Consider the most common respiratory diseases in children and how to treat them:

Acute laryngitis is an inflammation of the throat. Children often have such a disease due to the narrowness of the larynx, which swells easily. The first signs of laryngitis are fever, the appearance of an obsessive, barking cough, which can result in swelling of the larynx ( false croup). Due to edema, the entrance to the larynx narrows and the child develops asphyxia. The child is restless, the voice is hoarse and may even disappear. Skin turn pale, auxiliary muscles participate in the act of breathing, the wings of the nose swell, intercostal spaces are retracted. Such a child should be given emergency care. At home, give a diuretic, make foot baths. Good help soda inhalation, which can be carried out both with the help of special compressor inhalers, and folk method- over a pot or teapot with hot water. With a sudden acute attack sick child needs to be hospitalized. In the ward, they will create a more favorable humid climate for him, make multiple inhalations, give diuretics, immunostimulating, antihistamines.

Rhinitis- this is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which swell and make it difficult to breathe. This can lead to the fact that the child refuses to eat. From the nose, mucous membranes are first released, and then mucopurulent discharge may appear. An infection from the nose can easily pass into the ear. The child becomes restless, the temperature rises, when you press the tragus of the ear, pain. Infants prescribe as a treatment milk, aloe, interferon in the nose, as well as warming up. If the ear is affected by an infection, compresses are prescribed, with suppuration, hydrogen peroxide is instilled, then three percent boric alcohol is instilled.

angina children usually get sick after three years. The causative agents of this disease are staphylococcus, streptococcus.

Angina is divided into the following types:

  • catarrhal
  • Follicular
  • Lacunar

With catarrhal tonsillitis, the tonsils are enlarged, the temperature is subfertile, sore throat when swallowing.

Follicular angina is the most common. With this disease, the tonsils are enlarged, red in color, they have purulent follicles, the patient has heat, felt sharp pains in the throat, submandibular lymph nodes increased.

At lacunar angina tonsils look corroded, lacunae, pus appears in the throat, and then purulent plug, and there is also a high temperature and severe pain in the throat.

With angina in the clinic, the child should take a swab from the pharynx with a sterile cotton swab. Such a disease is very dangerous with its complications, as it can affect the functions of the heart and kidneys, therefore, when discharged, a urine and blood test must be taken from the child.

Treatment of angina consists in home treatment for ten days, gargling with chamomile, sage. The doctor may also prescribe penicillin, aspirin, paracetamol, and antihistamine injections.

Pneumonia is very dangerous for children under three years of age, as its development is facilitated by the anthropophysiological characteristics of the child (the lungs are compressed by the chest and diaphragm).

If the causative agent of pneumonia is staphylococci, this is the most serious disease, with pus, pleurisy, abscesses.

Pneumonia caused by streptococci is more common in children who are at home a lot.

Pneumonia, as a result of the pneumonia virus, affects the tissues of the lungs. The child has wheezing, fever, cough, signs of respiratory failure. Often occurs as a complication of ARI.

Respiratory failure is manifested in the lungs by weakened breathing, listening to fine bubbling rales. With pneumonia, not only the lungs are affected, but also the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive system organism.

Pneumonia is treated in the hospital. infant put in the hospital with mom, ventilate the room, make breathing exercises, observe hygiene, use only carefully ironed clothes and diapers. The child is prescribed antibiotics such as ampicillin, amoxicillin, infusion therapy, physiotherapy (UHF, electrophoresis).

Upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) are the most common diseases, especially during the cold season. They are most often diagnosed in people with a weakened immune system, children and elderly patients. The form of URTI can be acute or chronic.

What indicates how the infection of the upper respiratory tract manifests itself, how is it treated? It is on this topic that our conversation today will go. Let us briefly dwell on the main diseases, find out ways drug treatment and consider one effective folk recipe for every disease.

Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract

We list some of the most common:

- Rhinitis (runny nose)- inflammation of the nasal mucosa. May be acute or chronic.

Main symptoms: swelling of the mucosa, dryness, itching, difficulty breathing. On the initial stage there is a liquid, transparent discharge from the nasal cavity. In the future, the discharge becomes thick, mucopurulent, and then gradually disappear. Everything is accompanied by general malaise.


They use vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs: Naphthyzine, Ephedrine hydrochloride, Galazolin (instructions for the use of each drug before using it must be studied personally from the official annotation included in the package!). For children - Nazivin. Treatment with antibiotics is possible, but only in the case of a bacterial nature of rhinitis and in the presence of complications.

Folk recipe:

mix carrot juice freshly squeezed 1 tsp and olive oil unrefined of the same volume. Add 3 cap. fresh garlic juice. Drip 2-3 drops on each nostril. Mixture use only freshly prepared.

- Sinusitis, rhinosinusitis- infectious and inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses, with acute or chronic course. May be viral, bacterial, fungal or allergic nature. It can develop in isolation, but more often it is a complication of other pathologies: measles, rhinitis, influenza or scarlet fever.

Main symptoms: general malaise, weakness and headaches, the temperature of the human body rises, abundant mucous discharge from the nose appears.


Sinusitis that is bacterial in nature is treated with antibiotics. They are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the type of bacteria and their sensitivity to a particular drug. With a viral nature, appoint antiviral drugs- Neovir, Isoprinosine. Additionally, decongestant drops and sprays are used: Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin.

If sinusitis is a complication of another disease, measures are taken to treat the pathology that caused it.

Folk recipe:

Prepare freshly squeezed black radish juice. Drip into the nasal passages 2 drops for each nostril. If it burns a lot, you can dilute it with water.

- Angina ( acute tonsillitis) - can be catarrhal, follicular, phlegmous and lacunae. Moreover, one variety rarely develops in its pure form. Most often, the patient has signs of at least two varieties.

characteristic common symptoms are: pain, redness of the throat, tonsils increase, catarrhal phenomena are present. There is a general malaise, weakness, fever, chills appear, lymph nodes are enlarged.


Depending on the variety, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory drugs, local antiseptics, symptomatic drugs. Use disinfectant solutions for gargling. If the disease is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics of a certain group are prescribed.

Folk remedy:

Mix equal amounts of elderberry, clover, and lime blossoms. Add the same amount of crushed rowan berries, viburnum, peppermint leaves and blackcurrant leaves. Mix well. Insist 2 hours in a thermos 4 tablespoons of the mixture, pouring it with a liter of boiling water. It is recommended to take half a glass several times a day.

- Pharyngitisinflammatory disease mucosa of the upper pharynx, tonsils and uvula. Most often it is viral in nature. It can be an independent disease, or it manifests itself as a complication of other infections, in particular, SARS, rhinitis, sinusitis, etc. It can occur as a result of alcohol abuse and smoking.
It is characterized by acute or chronic course.

Main symptoms: dryness, redness in the throat, pain when swallowing. The pharynx may become covered with purulent plaque, follicle grains may appear. Accompanied by weakness, malaise, possibly slight increase temperature.


In the presence of a viral infection, drugs are prescribed: Faringosept, Falimint and Laripront. To reduce painful symptoms Anaferon, Tamiflu, etc. are used in the throat. Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial nature process.

Folk remedy:

Inhale several times a day with soda solution: 1 tsp per cup of boiling water. Breathe in hot steam, covering your head with a towel.

- Bronchitis- an inflammatory disease of the bronchial mucosa. It usually develops against the background of other respiratory tract infections.

Main symptoms: cough (dry or wet), weakness, malaise, other symptoms of general intoxication of the body are observed.


An acute bacterial infection is eliminated with the help of antibiotics of a certain group. If necessary, drugs of the sulfanilamide group are prescribed: Etazol, Sulfadimetoksin. In the presence of temperature, antipyretic drugs are used: Aspirin, Paracetamol, etc. For the treatment of cough, they use steam inhalation. For better sputum discharge, they are prescribed: ACC, Libeksin, Mukaltin, etc.

Folk remedy:

Grind to a powder 0.5 cups of beeswax. Put in a saucepan. Add 0.5 cup sunflower oil, bee honey and resin (pine resin). Melt the mixture in a water bath until very hot, but do not boil. Cool, pour into a jar. Treatment beeswax, resin and honey spend taking 1 tsp of the composition in the morning, with warm milk or weak tea. Strong black tea will weaken the effect of the medicine, and therefore it is undesirable, however, like coffee. Keep the jar in the cold.

- Tracheitis- inflammation of the tracheal mucosa. May present in acute or chronic form.

Main symptoms: severe dry cough, worse at night and in the morning, after sleep. Also, coughing fits occur when talking loudly, laughing, crying or deep breath. Very often, coughing begins with changes in air temperature.

After an attack, there is a pain of a raw character that occurs behind the sternum and throat. In the presence of sputum, it can be scanty, viscous. Or abundant, with mucopurulent discharge.


If there are signs of intoxication, prescribe sulfa drugs. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are used. For the treatment of cough, drugs are prescribed: Codeine, Libexin, etc. For warming up chest put mustard plasters (instruction, application is on the website in the section "Preparations").

Folk remedy:

Put 60 g of crushed propolis in a small saucepan, add 40 g of wax. Melt in a water bath. Use the hot mixture for inhalations, which you spend 10 minutes in the morning and before bedtime.

In conclusion of our conversation, we note that any infection of the upper respiratory tract is rather difficult to tolerate by most patients.

These diseases deliver a maximum of unpleasant, painful sensations, knock out of the usual rhythm of life.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner for help, to begin the treatment prescribed by a specialist. The earlier this is done, the less likely the development of complications and a higher chance of rapid, effective disposal from infection. Be healthy!

- these are ailments, usually denoted by the people by the concepts of "sore throat" and "something tormented by a runny nose." However, in reality, everything is not so simple, because it is a whole series various diseases with similar at first glance symptoms, but they are completely different in terms of course and approaches to their treatment.

Types and symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract

To inflammatory diseases upper respiratory include: tonsillitis, rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis and tonsillitis.

These diseases are among the most common, periodically overcoming every fourth inhabitant of our planet. They are diagnosed all year round, but in Russia their peak falls in mid-September, mid-April. During this period, they are usually associated with acute respiratory viral infections. Let's consider each disease in more detail.

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the nasal cavity. It appears in two forms: acute and chronic form.

Cause acute rhinitis is a harmful effect on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity infections bacterial or viral nature. This form of rhinitis is often a faithful companion of many infectious diseases akin to influenza, gonorrhea, diphtheria, scarlet fever, etc. With its development, swelling of the tissues of the nasal cavity is observed (in this case, the edema zone spreads in both halves of the nose). In most cases, the course of acute rhinitis occurs in three stages. At the first stage, lasting from 1–2 hours to 1–2 days, the patient feels severe itching and dryness in the nasal cavity, accompanied by frequent sneezing. All this, in addition, is accompanied by a headache, general malaise, deterioration of the sense of smell, fever, tearing of the eyes. The second stage will mark its arrival with the appearance (usually in large quantities) clear secretions from the nose, shortness of breath and nasality when talking. Well, during the third stage, the previously clear and liquid discharge from the nose becomes purulent-mucous, after which it gradually disappears. It also gradually eases breathing.

Sinusitis. This disease consists in inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and in most cases is also a complication of the corresponding diseases. infectious nature. For example, these could be: scarlet fever, the same acute rhinitis , influenza, measles, etc. Like the previous disease, sinusitis has two forms: acute and chronic. acute form, in turn, is divided by catarrhal and purulent sinusitis, and chronic purulent, edematous-polyposis and mixed sinusitis.

If we talk about the symptoms of acute and chronic forms of sinusitis, manifested during periods of exacerbations, then they are almost identical. To the most typical symptoms include fever, malaise, frequent headache, abundant mucous discharge from the nose, nasal congestion (most often only on one side). One, several or all paranasal sinuses become inflamed, emit other diseases associated with them. If only some of the paranasal sinuses become inflamed, then there is ethmoiditis, aerosinusitis, sphenoiditis, sinusitis or frontitis. If inflammatory processes affect all the nasal sinuses (on one or both sides), then this disease is called pansinusitis.

Adenoids. This is an increase in the size of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which occurs due to hyperplasia of its tissue. Recall that the nasopharyngeal tonsil is a formation located in the vault of the nasopharynx and is part of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring. As a rule, adenoiditis affects children aged 3 to 10 years, and it is a consequence of infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, influenza, measles etc.

One of the first symptoms of adenoiditis is shortness of breath and profuse mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. Difficulty breathing, in turn, causes poor sleep, fatigue, hearing impairment, lethargy and memory problems, reduced school performance, nasal and systematic headaches.

If the disease is critically launched, then the patient's nasolabial folds can be smoothed out, provoking the appearance of the so-called "adenoid" facial expression. In addition, laryngospasms are formed, facial muscle twitches begin to appear, and especially advanced cases there is a deformation of the chest and the facial part of the skull. All this is happening in the background. persistent cough and shortness of breath, sometimes anemia develops.

Chronic tonsillitis. The disease occurs due to inflammation of the palatine tonsils, which has flowed into chronic form. Chronic tonsillitis most often occurs in children, and it practically does not threaten people of retirement age.

pathogens chronic tonsillitis- bacterial and fungal infections that affect the palatine tonsils, the harmful activity of which is aggravated adverse effects environment(air pollution, cold), a gross violation of the diet, as well as other independent diseases (caries, purulent sinusitis, adenoiditis or hypertrophic rhinitis). Continuous contact pathogenic microflora with palatine tonsils, aggravated by the general weakness of the body, often becomes the cause of chronic tonsillitis. In the case of its development, some noticeable changes occur in the palatine tonsils: keratinization of the epithelium begins, the formation of dense plugs in lacunae, proliferation of connective tissues, softening of the lymphoid tissue, impaired lymphatic outflow from the tonsils, inflammation of regional lymph nodes. In addition, there is a violation of the receptor functions of the tonsils. Chronic tonsillitis divided into two forms: compensated and decompensated.

Angina (scientific name: acute tonsillitis). Is acute inflammation, in most cases affecting the palatine tonsils, as well as the lingual and pharyngeal tonsil, larynx or lateral ridges. This is "traditional" childhood disease, however, adults under the age of 35–40 years are also defeated. The main causative agents of angina include microorganisms such as fungi genus Candida, staphylococci, streptococci and so on.

Factors contributing to the development of angina are hypothermia and overheating, mechanical damage tonsils, a decrease in the body's defenses, smoke and dustiness of the environment, etc. There are two main ways of infection with this disease: exogenous (most often) and endogenous. Infection by exogenous means is carried out by airborne droplets, as well as by alimentary means, as for endogenous infection, then it occurs as a result of the presence in the oral cavity or in the nasopharynx of one or another focus of inflammation (diseases of the teeth and gums, chronic tonsillitis etc.).

There are four types of angina:catarrhal, follicular, phlegmous and lacunar.

Symptoms catarrhal angina manifested on the first day of the disease are dry mouth and sore throat, accompanied by pain when swallowing. After that, the patient has an increase in temperature and worsening general well-being, there is weakness and headaches. Primary examination of the pharynx reveals a slight swelling of the palatine tonsils (with changes posterior pharynx and soft palate are not observed). In addition to the described symptoms in patients with catarrhal angina, there is an increase in lymph nodes and a slight change in the composition of the blood.

As for follicular and lacunar forms of angina, then their manifestation is more acute. The first symptoms include chills, sharp increase fever, sweating, headache, general weakness, loss of appetite, aching joints, an increase in the size of the lymph nodes and the appearance of pain in them. In addition, there is also a strong swelling of the palatine tonsils. In the case of the follicular form, festering follicles are clearly visible through the mucous membrane of the tonsils.

With lacunar angina, a yellow-white coating forms in the mouths of the lacunae, which eventually completely covers the tonsils. It should be noted that in its pure form, any of these forms of angina is extremely rare, in the vast majority of cases they occur "in pairs".

It is highly desirable to protect those who have a sore throat of any form, if possible, from any contact with other people (in particular, with children), since this disease is an acute infectious disease.

Lech enenie angina in most cases is carried out at home. For this, antibiotic preparations, topical agents are used. antimicrobial action, antipyretic and tonic drugs.

Pharyngitis. This disease is an inflammation of the mucous membrane covering the surface of the pharynx. There are two forms of this disease:spicy and chronic pharyngitis.

sharp shape can be found both in the form of an independent disease, and as one of the accompanying phenomena in ARVI. To unfavorable factors, causing the occurrence acute pharyngitis , can be attributed: taking too cold or too hot food and drinks, inhalation of cold or excessively polluted air.

Main symptoms acute pharyngitis the following: pain when swallowing, dryness in the throat and mouth. In most cases, there is no general deterioration in well-being, as well as an increase in body temperature. In the process of pharyngoscopy, inflammation can be detected rear wall throat and palate. In its symptoms, acute pharyngitis is somewhat similar to catarrhal angina(however, in the latter case, the inflammation extends only to the palatine tonsils).

Treatment acute pharyngitis carried out by gargling with warm herbal decoctions and alkaline solutions with anti-inflammatory effect.

As for chronic pharyngitis , then it is often the result of ignoring the treatment of acute pharyngitis. Such an unpleasant transformation is largely facilitated by smoking, alcohol abuse, sinusitis, rhinitis, diseases digestive tract. To general symptoms chronic pharyngitis inherent in all patients include dryness and soreness in the throat, a feeling of a lump in the throat.

Laryngitis. A disease consisting in inflammation of the mucous membrane of the surface of the larynx. There are two forms of this disease:spicy and chronic laryngitis.

To the causes of acute laryngitis in most cases, excessive overstrain of the voice can be attributed, severe hypothermia respiratory tract and individual independent diseases(whooping cough, influenza, measles, etc.).

In case of illness acute laryngitis there is inflammation of both the entire mucous surface of the larynx, and its individual sections. In the areas affected by inflammation, the mucous membrane swells and becomes bright red. In some cases, the inflammatory process can spread to the tracheal mucosa, causing the development of another disease - laryngotracheitis.

Ltreatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract

  • elimination or maximum possible reduction in the size of mucosal edema, as well as restoration of airway patency, for this use vasoconstrictor drugs or decongestants;
  • usage antimicrobials local action(ointments, sprays, etc.); These treatments are most effective for early stages illness; for more late stages they supplement and enhance (and sometimes replace) antibiotic therapy;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacterial microflora;
  • elimination of accumulation of mucous masses in the upper respiratory tract: they resort to the help of mucolytics containing carbocysteine ​​or acetylcysteine, or herbal preparations.

It is also important to remember that the traditional treatment inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract are antibacterial drugs, most commonly administered orally.

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