What to do if ears constantly itch. Why ears itch inside: diagnosis and causes. Simple and effective ways to get rid of itching inside the ears: doctor's advice

The sensation of itching in the ear canals is familiar to every person. Why the ears itch inside, scientists have identified the reasons for this phenomenon, but there are quite a few of them. Most cases are not a symptom of any disease at all. But if the trouble is repeated, you should think about going to the otolaryngologist.

Medical scientists have identified an interesting pattern: it itches in the ears more often in people of advanced age. Young people are also not spared from this trouble. Some itches more in the right ear, others in both. If the process brings anxiety, it is important to try to find out the causes of the disease as soon as possible.

Source of the problem

Answering the question of what is the reason that the ears itch inside, doctors advise getting acquainted with the anatomical features of the structure of the ears and auditory organs. It is known that the natural process is the development of a secret called sulfur. It needs to be removed in time. Often this happens at an appointment with an otorhinolaryngologist.

The process of unpleasant sensations is no less natural than the formation of sulfur. The nerve endings inside the passages are irritated under the influence of any external factors. A secret accumulates, sebaceous deposits. Itching in the ears, the cause of which lies in several factors, often appears due to external stimuli:

  1. mechanical type.
  2. chemical plan.
  3. Influence of thermal factors.

Those people who resort to the use of any objects to eliminate itching in the ears are doing wrong. Doctors advise against scratching inside the ear canals with hairpins, cotton swabs, and other similar items. This can affect the eardrum, causing serious hearing loss. If after the use of special means to eliminate itching (turunda, which should not be injected deep into the ears), the itching disappeared, we can talk about the absence of serious diseases of the hearing organs. Otherwise, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Itching in the ears, the causes of which are numerous, can be a symptom of a serious illness resulting from the process of eliminating itching with a Q-tip. At the time of cleaning the wax or scratching, there is a high probability of infection in the ear canals. It affects the organs of hearing and causes new bouts of itching.

Another moment when, if you want to pick in your ears with a cotton swab or other objects, the patient aggravates the situation - tamping sulfur. In the process of cleaning, a person does not bring the secret out, but pushes it even deeper into the ear canals. This is very itchy in the ear. Over time, the cork affects hearing, leading to inflammatory processes in the middle ear.

In addition to excess sulfur and the inability to clean it out, among the causes of itching that occur in humans are the following:

  • Water in the ears. This occurs when diving or even in the shower, bath. In this case, the patient feels a gurgling inside. It is worth tilting your head and trying to shake out the liquid, while plugging the opposite ear. Do not remove water with cotton movements.
  • Fungal infections affecting the ear canals. The itching is unbearable and lasts a long time. You need to consult a doctor and eliminate the development of mycosis.
  • I also want to scratch my ears if the hearing organs are affected by a bacterial infection. Among the pathogens are streptococci and staphylococci. In this case, patients feel the presence of a foreign body in the ear. Treatment methods for this phenomenon are very diverse. ENT will help to understand them by conducting a preliminary diagnosis.
  • Hereditary pathologies leading to excessive excretion of sulfur. Its excess causes a desire to itch. The only way out of the situation is to try to clean your ears more often. In this case, it is worth using special drops or ointments as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Excessive dryness of the ear canals. It occurs in the presence of ailments associated with the structure of the hearing organs. Eliminate the disease with special drops as prescribed by the doctor.

Itching in the ears will be necessary if otitis media has begun - an inflammatory process in the middle ear. At the same time, there are a number of other symptoms that characterize this disease. Among them:

  1. Strong pain.
  2. Sensation as if shooting in the ear.
  3. Congestion.
  4. Hearing loss.
  5. Purulent discharge from the ear passages.

Otitis should be treated as quickly as possible and try to avoid its transition to a chronic form. Henceforth, it is worth monitoring the condition of your ears, cleaning them in time, dressing according to the weather and preventing the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Sources of itching are common and not quite

Often the cause of itching in the ears is an allergic reaction. If the patient reacts to the flowering of weeds, their pollen penetrates everywhere, irritating the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, larynx, including the auditory canals. Itching in this case goes away if you take antihistamine spectrum drugs.

It can also itch due to the presence of skin diseases in the patient. Among them: eczema, dermatitis, lichen. In this case, itching will spread everywhere, including behind the ears. At the same time, liquid or yellowish, wet crusts may come out of the auditory canals.

Endocrine diseases often become a source of severe itching. Often, discomfort, when one or the other ear itches, causes diabetes mellitus.

Some types of nervous disorders or mental ailments become sources of discomfort. The patient does not understand where they come from. It itches behind the ears too.

In any of the above cases, self-medication is excluded. It can lead to even greater neglect of the disease, if any. In order to identify the sources of the disease and understand why this trouble periodically or constantly appears, it is advisable to contact not only an otolaryngologist, but also a surgeon (if there is a foreign body in the ear), an endocrinologist, a dermatologist, an allergist.

Miscellaneous symptoms

Itching can be felt differently. It is important for every person to know that if it itches badly inside, you should immediately go to the doctor. Other manifestations of diseases will help to find out the causes. It is worth informing your doctor so that he can make a correct diagnosis.

Often, insects were taken out of the ears of patients who turned to doctors. A person can determine the presence of an enemy in the ear canal by the characteristic itching and sensations of the presence of a foreign object inside the ear.

If, in addition to itching, inside the ear passages, it hurts and feels dizzy, coordination of movements is disturbed, this indicates high blood pressure or diseases of the cardiovascular system, the brain. Each movement at the same time brings new rounds of dizziness. In this case, it is important to call an ambulance and not try to get to the clinic on your own..

What to do on the road to recovery?

The first steps to eliminate ailments, a symptom of which may be itching in the ear canals, a full or partial examination. The ENT will conduct an examination, send it to the laboratory for blood, urine, tests for the presence of fungal and bacterial infections. It is worth checking the reaction to antibiotics, to exclude allergies.

The ENT directs to the allergist if he suspects the presence of symptoms characteristic of manifestations of a reaction to external stimuli. It does not hurt to get a consultation with a dermatologist, psychotherapist and endocrinologist, when the ENT excludes the presence of ailments related to his professional field.

Itching in the ears can cause side effects of any medications. During a visit to the doctors, it is imperative to tell them what medications the patient is currently taking.

Preventive methods

It is important to observe the simplest rules of personal hygiene. You can strengthen them. So, it is desirable to iron face and bath towels, bed linen, especially pillowcases. This will prevent the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the ears.

It is advisable to wipe telephone handsets and personal items as often as possible with an alcohol-based infusion. In no case should you use other people's hats. In the pool, you must use a special cap. It will protect against water ingress into the ear passages.

So that the ear canals do not dry out, it is worth asking the doctor what drops can be used for quick moisturizing. This is protection from the penetration of pathogenic microbes, and damage to the hearing organs by various infections.

Ear cleaning at home is undesirable. If you have to do this, you should proceed with extreme caution. It is desirable to carry out the procedure as soon as a person washed his head. Take the turunda and, having brought it shallowly into the ear, wipe it inside and scroll several times. It is important to do this very carefully. You should not strive for the complete cleaning of sulfur. It is enough to remove it from the outer area of ​​​​the passages.

So, severe itching in the ears or not very intense does not always indicate that the patient has serious ailments. The simplest reason is the presence of a sulfur plug in the ear canal. You can extract it in the treatment room. The manipulation is carried out by a nurse. Other causes of itching relate to the presence of foreign substances in the ears, the presence of diabetes in the patient, and other endocrine diseases. It is important to exclude the development of fungal and bacterial infections. Treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. Independent attempts to get rid of inflammation can lead to irreversible consequences.

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When the ears itch inside, the causes of this phenomenon are very diverse. In most cases, this is not a symptom of the disease. However, if this began to recur, then you should think about the state of your health. It is recommended that you check your ears with a doctor to identify the causes of severe itching and choose the best therapy.

Causes of the condition

There are many reasons why the ears itch inside. The desire to scratch the ear arises from the fact that the nerve endings that are located under the skin in this area are affected by stimuli. External stimuli are conditionally divided into 3 types: chemical, mechanical and thermal. All of them can affect the ears from the outside and inside. Usually, to scratch the ear inside, they resort to cotton swabs. They are the ones who spread the infection. Often we press hard on them, so that microcracks appear in the ears, and through them the infection penetrates into the tissues.

What else influences?

If the ear inside itches, then a fungal infection may be to blame. In this case, the patient will experience not only discomfort. The ear will begin to itch strongly, redness, swelling, inflammation will appear. When the ears are affected by a fungus, the disease is called otomycosis. This disease manifests itself quite often. It is required to select antimycotic medicines depending on what kind of fungus the patient has. Exoderil or terbinafine may be needed.

If the ear itches inside, then the reason may be an allergic reaction. For example, it is caused by earrings or other jewelry, hairspray, shampoo, soap, wearing headphones, etc. If the ear continues to itch, then you need to identify the causes and eliminate the main allergen.

Diabetes is also affected. Why the ear itches with diabetes is not completely clear, but this symptom is considered one of the main symptoms in this disease.

In general, this is due to the fact that the body actively synthesizes toxic substances that are produced by microorganisms.

What to do if ears itch? Usually a person immediately tries to thoroughly clean them. After that, the itching disappears. If the ear continues to itch, then you need to go to the hospital and conduct a diagnosis. Be sure to pay attention to the accompanying signs of various diseases: hearing loss, discharge from the ears, fever, pain in the head or chest, weakness. In no case should you self-medicate. If the itching is too painful, and the visit to the doctor has to be postponed, and the patient does not know how to treat the disease, then it is best to use the usual very weak solution of vinegar. Tampons should be soaked in this product. Then drip vegetable oil. The itching will gradually decrease.

Sometimes the doctor advises to visit an allergist or a dermatologist. Much less often, consultation with a neurologist, endocrinologist or psychotherapist is required. While waiting for the doctor, you can use antihistamines or sedatives. Hard objects cannot be used. Very often, ear treatment is carried out in parallel with the use of drugs to improve the intestinal microflora. Temporarily you need to stop taking spicy and sweet foods, citrus fruits.

With otitis media, treatment includes antibiotics, drops with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Antiviral agents are used against angina. Very useful rinse. With otomycosis, it is required to select antifungal agents. If itching is caused by an allergic reaction, then antihistamines are prescribed. Compresses will help with dermatitis.


If the ears itch inside a person, then you need to go to the hospital. If this happens very rarely, then most likely there is no disease. But if the symptom began to recur often, then you should be examined by a doctor. Early diagnosis will help to identify the disease and cure it in a timely manner. Otherwise, problems inside the ear can lead to serious consequences, including hearing loss.

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who would not be faced with an irresistible desire to scratch his ear well, but only a few are interested in the origin of such a strange phenomenon.

Mostly occurring periodically, this condition is a normal reaction of the body to certain stimuli. And often connoisseurs of folk signs will determine the imminent change of weather by itching in the ears. But if the phenomenon is permanent, giving a person a lot of unpleasant sensations, then it is necessary to start looking for the reasons why the ear itches inside and methods for eliminating such a problem.

Itching in the ear- not yet a sign of a disease, but may be a concomitant symptom of one. Many factors can provoke such a condition, and most importantly, not all of them require a specific approach to eliminate.

Itching in the ear can occur both periodically and become obsessive

Important. The basic rule for a person who feels discomfort in the ear is the exclusion of rash and spontaneous actions.

T oh, this means that you should not grab onto the first things that come to hand, trying to scratch your ear with them. Invisibles, hairpins and other items will not only not help get rid of the obsessive state, but can also aggravate the situation, for example, violate the integrity

To scratch your ear, you need to use cotton buds designed for this purpose, or better wadded, and even then without plunging them too deep into the ear.

If after such manipulations the discomfort does not go away, then you should definitely visit an otolaryngologist to find out the factor that caused this condition.

The main reasons for the appearance of such a sensation in the ear include:

Sulfur plug can cause not only itching, but also hearing loss

  • - excessive formation of such a secret in combination with fat and sweat, accumulating in the ear canal, provokes a similar reaction. In this situation, it is enough to eliminate these accumulations by washing. This can be done both at the doctor's and on your own at home;
  • hereditary over or under education- both situations are the cause of itchy ears. In the first case, the ear canal just needs to be cleaned more often, and in the second, the doctor can prescribe drops, an ointment to eliminate dryness, and hence itching;
  • water ingress- while swimming, diving and other water procedures, a certain amount of water may get into the ear canal, which will cause discomfort, as if it overflows and itches in the ear. What to do at home in a similar situation, you can read;
  • - if the ear inside hurts and itches, while the pain is pronounced with lumbago, it may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the ear. This situation requires immediate medical attention, due to possible serious complications;

    It looks like a fungus in the ear with otoscopy

    If an insect has got into the ear, it is better not to try to remove it yourself.

  • foreign objects and insects- the problem of foreign objects getting into the ear often occurs in childhood. Due to their curiosity, a child can put some detail, a small toy, a button into his ear, which subsequently causes a lot of trouble for the baby and his parents. But adults cannot protect themselves from the penetration of an insect into the organ of hearing. So, if it tickles and itches in the ear, it is worth taking measures to remove the irritant;
  • nervous disorders- in this situation, debilitating itching may indicate excessive nervous tension and emotional stress.

Having considered the main possible causes of this pathological condition, then we will find out what to do if the ears are very itchy inside.

How is itchy ear treated?

Since the severity of most of the causes that provoke this phenomenon does not allow self-medication, then a visit to a specialist should be indispensable. Especially in situations where itching is observed for several days and does not go away after and washing.

Consultation with a specialist will help to get rid of discomfort for a short period

Important. Do not use any drops and ointments before visiting the doctor, as drugs can distort the clinical picture of the disease.

Sulfur plugs, the ingress of foreign objects, insects and water into the ear is not a pleasant phenomenon, but not the most terrible either. They are easily eliminated at home, but it is better, of course, for the ENT to do this in order to avoid injury to the ear canal when trying to carry out manipulations at home.

More serious problems require a preliminary examination in order to find out how to treat in each case.

So for the treatment of otitis media an integrated approach based on local systemic drugs is used. To do this, use anti-inflammatory and painkillers, ear drops (,), as well as antibacterial drugs ( "Netilmicin", "Ciprofloxacin", ). The scheme may vary depending on the form and stage of the disease.

With otomycosis therapy begins with the use of antimycotic agents, whose activity is aimed at suppressing the vital activity of fungi. Ointments are used as topical treatment "Terbinafine", "Clotrimazole", "Naftifin".

To eliminate allergies, first of all, the allergen is detected and completely eliminated. Antihistamines are taken to help relieve inflammation, swelling and itching.

For dermatological diseases antihistamines are prescribed "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Zirtek". For local exposure, corticosteroid ointments and lavages with solutions are used. "Resorcinol", "Furacilina".


This phenomenon should not be ignored, and it does not matter whether the ear itches constantly or periodically. But it’s also not worth panicking, but it’s better to play it safe.

For the most part, these are banal causes that are quite easily and quickly eliminated, but if this is a more serious disease, then this is an opportunity to start treatment in a timely manner, which will save you from a long debilitating course of therapy and unpleasant consequences.

Itching in the ears is both natural and pathological, especially when other signs join the irritation. Constant itching is not an independent disease, but only indicates a systemic disease of the body. When the ears itch inside, the causes and treatment of such symptoms may be different.

Wax buildup or water intrusion are easily treatable causes of itchy ears, but prolonged itching on the outside or inside, accompanied by redness, swelling, or other symptoms, can be indicative of various medical conditions.

With a cold

During a cold, a sore throat may be added to the ear itching, which indicates inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. The common cold can cause ear irritation when pathogens with mucus from the nose penetrate the larynx and ear canals. After ARVI, influenza or laryngitis, if the disease did not give complications, the symptoms of itching in the ears disappear.


If the ears itch and at the same time there is aching or throbbing pain, the body temperature rises, then we can talk about an inflammatory disease - otitis media.

The cause of inflammation in this case is a fungal or bacterial infection. Different parts of the ear can be affected: the middle, inner or outer section, the disease can occur in both chronic and acute forms. During the illness, purulent discharge from the ears or redness, congestion, or hearing impairment may appear. Otitis can be bilateral or unilateral. It develops mainly as a complication of diseases of the nasopharynx.

Otomycosis is a fungal infection of the ears. Initially, the disease may not have severe symptoms and may not be detected for some time. With a further course, congestion and discharge from the ear appear with or without an unpleasant odor. In the chronic stage, symptoms may fade or recur.

Causes fungal lesions, damage to the skin inside the ear, pathogenic microflora populates in the damaged area. Always present microorganisms in the ear can become pathogenic with a general weakening of the body.

Frequent exposure to high humidity can also provoke an infection. The disease is detected by analyzing the sowing discharge from the ear canal. Otomycosis can give a complication in the form of a bacterial infection.

allergic reactions

The cause of ear itching can be contact and food allergens: jewelry materials, eyeglass frames, components of cosmetics, the composition of the fabric or headgear buckles, pollen. Dermatological pathology may manifest as redness, swelling or rash. Allergic foci can occur both inside and outside the auricle.

Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis) can appear on various parts of the body, including on the ears and inside them. With eczematous dermatitis, in addition to itching, severe peeling, redness of the skin with the appearance of small vesicles, scales and papules appear.

Seborrheic dermatitis provokes a fungus. The pathogenic microorganism actively develops due to excess sebum. Yellow plaques appear and a desire to scratch the affected area.

Skin damage can be inflammation of the sebaceous glands, the appearance of a boil or carbuncle.


Violations of the skin of the ears provoke both strong blows and microtrauma caused when cleaning the ears. Doctors do not recommend cleaning the ear passages with cotton swabs, metal or other sharp objects. The skin inside the ear canals is easily injured, and the wounds become a favorable environment for the reproduction of various microbes.


If itching in the ears is accompanied by additional complaints, this may indicate the ingress of a foreign body, infection and the onset of the inflammatory process. You can not comb the affected areas, no matter what reasons they may have been caused.

Discharge from the ear canal, pain when chewing signal a fungal infection. The color of the fluid that flows from the ear and its consistency may vary depending on the type of fungus. The discharge may have an unpleasant odor, go intensely or slightly.

Ears can be blocked due to the accumulation of sulfur, which is not a disease and is eliminated on its own or in a clinic. Also, congestion occurs with a pressure drop or colds.

An increase in pain inside the ear indicates an inflammatory process that cannot be ignored. Such inflammation can proceed rapidly and quickly become chronic.

With acute burning, the body can react to the ingress of a foreign object or insect. Itching may also be the appearance of a boil. If the discharge flows with an admixture of blood, such a symptom indicates an internal injury.

In adults

With an inflammatory lesion of the auditory canals, the symptoms quickly increase: first, a tingling sensation appears in the ears, turning into constant pain, aggravated by tilting the head. Then a certain amount of serous-purulent contents is released from the ear canal, sometimes with an admixture of blood. Subsequently, only pus flows out, and the pain syndrome decreases, but this does not mean the end of the disease.

In children

Symptoms of inflammation in children, in addition to the fact that the child's ear itches, is a general deterioration in the condition. The temperature rises, the child cries. You may also see dried yellow discharge or fluid leaking from the ear canal. One of the most common ear diseases in children is otitis as a result of colds.


When the ear hurts and itches, the reasons can be different. Initially, treatment with a complaint of itching is accepted by the local therapist. If the cause is not allergic, dermatological, endocrine and other disorders, except for ENT pathologies, then further diagnosis of ear diseases is carried out by an otolaryngologist.

Some diseases are easily diagnosed by examining and examining the ear canal and eardrum with a special tube, while others will require additional research and analysis.

How to treat

Treatment is carried out depending on which part of the organ of hearing is affected and at what stage the disease is. In advanced cases, an operation is performed. Antifungal drugs can be bought independently, they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Treatment is carried out by instillation, washing, as well as applying a therapeutic composition to a cotton turunda and lubricating the sore spot. An external semi-alcohol compress can be used.

With continued discomfort or hearing impairment, when the eardrum is affected, the patient is prescribed drugs for oral administration.


For treatment, antibacterial drugs and drugs against fungal infections are used. External treatment can be carried out with ointment. The most effective form of release of antifungal drugs is drops. Due to their effectiveness, they can replace several drugs. Means are selected depending on the type of fungus. Instillation is carried out after the ear canal is cleared of secretions. The components of the drops act on the fungus, relieve inflammation and have an analgesic effect.

With a fungal infection, drugs with an antibiotic are not used, they are used only to treat bacterial infections. Antifungal drugs can cause discomfort and burning, so the combined use of boric alcohol and an acid solution with hydrocortisone may be recommended. This method involves long-term use (for several weeks).

For the treatment of otitis, antibacterial drops or combined preparations are used, which contain anti-inflammatory substances.

Along with drops, to eliminate itching caused by various reasons, general strengthening agents and vitamins, antihistamines are used.

Often patients of an otolaryngologist complain that their ear hurts and itches. There are many reasons for this condition. Itching and swelling can be felt when the ear canal is blocked with a sulfur plug or when water enters the ear. In these cases, the problem is easily solved. It is enough to clean the ear canal, as the discomfort immediately stops. However, often itching and pain can be signs of pathologies of the organ of hearing. Next, we will consider the most common causes of this phenomenon.


With an allergic reaction, the ear inside often hurts and itches. Cosmetics can provoke irritation: shampoos, shower gels, soaps. Quite often there is an allergy to nickel, which is used in the manufacture of ear jewelry.

Itching and discomfort in the ear are accompanied by redness of the skin and conjunctiva, as well as a runny nose and watery eyes. Such phenomena usually disappear after taking antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Dimedrol, Claritin.


Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear cavity, which is most often caused by staphylococci and pneumococci. This pathology can occur in two forms:

  1. Otitis externa. Inflammation affects only the ear canal and auricle. The patient itches and hurts the ear, the mucous membrane is inflamed and hyperemic. There is a ringing in the ears, perhaps a persistent increase in temperature to subfebrile figures.
  2. Otitis media. This disease is much more severe. The inflammatory process extends to the middle parts of the organ of hearing. The patient has a feeling of fullness and shooting pain deep in the ear. Unpleasant sensations radiate to the temple area. There is a discharge of pus from the ear canal and constant itching. Often a person's hearing deteriorates.

With otitis, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed in the form of oral tablets and ear drops.


This disease is an inflammatory process in the organ of hearing. With otomycosis, a person’s ear itches unbearably and hurts inside. The cause of the pathology is the yeast fungus Candida, which causes thrush.

Manifestations of a fungal infection of the ear resemble those of bacterial otitis media. A hallmark of otomycosis is the expiration of cheesy white discharge from the ear canal. The disease develops as a complication of otitis media, as well as due to poor hygiene and prolonged use of antibiotics.

When examining the ear, you can notice hyperemia and white crusts in the ear canal. Fungal infection is prone to spread. The inflammatory process can pass to the bone tissue and the inner ear. carried out with the help of special antifungal antibiotics.


Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the inner ear. This part of the organ of hearing is responsible for balance. The first sign of the disease is severe dizziness and incoordination. Approximately a day after vestibular manifestations, pain, itching and tinnitus appear. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated by head movements and are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Many patients have hearing loss.

What to do if the patient is dizzy and at the same time the ears hurt and itch inside? What is the treatment for labyrinthitis? This disease, like otitis media, is bacterial in nature. Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics. Antiemetics are used as symptomatic therapy.


At the beginning of a viral cold, the patient often has a sore throat and itchy ears. Usually SARS begins with an unpleasant scratching in the nasopharynx, and then the inflammation moves to the throat area. These ENT organs are closely interconnected with the ear canal. Therefore, a feeling of slight itching and pain extends to the ear area. At the same time, patients also have other symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • nasal congestion;
  • general malaise;
  • slight rise in temperature.

Treatment of SARS is exclusively symptomatic. After recovery, all unpleasant sensations in the throat and ear disappear. If ear itching persists after a cold, then this may be a sign of otitis media. Inflammation of the outer or middle ear is a common complication of SARS.


At the beginning of a sore throat, patients often complain that their ears itch inside. At the same time, the person does not have a runny nose and cough. The following symptoms are noted:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • severe redness of the throat;
  • purulent plugs on the tonsils;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • weakness;
  • temperature rise.

Therapy of this disease is carried out with the help of antibiotics of the penicillin group. At the same time, gargling with antiseptics is prescribed: Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.


A furuncle is a purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. This disease is most often caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Such abscesses often occur in the auricle and ear canal. At the same time, the patient's ear hurts and itches, because this area is equipped with a large number of nerve endings and is extremely sensitive. With large boils, patients complain of a sensation of a foreign object in the ear.

With boils, local treatment with antibacterial ointments is indicated. They are applied to turundas and placed in the ear canal. In many cases, this leads to a breakthrough of the abscess, after which the patient's condition improves. In difficult cases, the boil is opened surgically.

ear mite

  • ixodid ticks;
  • demodex.

For the treatment of demodicosis, insecticidal ear drops and ointments are used. Oral antihistamines are prescribed to relieve itching.

Idiopathic pruritus

In some cases, it is not possible to determine exactly why a person’s ear itches and hurts. When examining the organ of hearing with an otoscope, no pathologies are detected. In such cases, doctors talk about idiopathic itching. Pain occurs as a secondary symptom. It is caused by scratching the auricle and ear canal.

However, nothing happens in the body for no reason. Most often, such itching occurs due to a malfunction of the receptors of the ear mucosa. In some cases, such a symptom may have a psychogenic origin.

What should I do if the patient's ears hurt and itch for no apparent reason? How to treat this kind of itching? In this case, it is necessary to take sedatives and antidepressants. Regular ear drops and antihistamines do not help with idiopathic pruritus.


With complaints of pain and itching in the ear, the ENT doctor examines the organ of hearing with an otoscope. This allows you to identify pathological changes in the ear canal and eardrum. To clarify the diagnosis, a number of tests and examinations are prescribed:

  • ear swab with bacterial culture;
  • tests with allergens;
  • demodex mite test;
  • general clinical blood and urine tests;
  • MRI and CT of the inner ear;
  • audiometry (to assess the quality of hearing).

If idiopathic pruritus is suspected, the patient needs to consult a neurologist and a psychotherapist.

Local treatment

What to do if a person has a sore and itchy ear inside? Treatment will depend entirely on the cause of these manifestations. After all, such a symptom occurs in a variety of pathologies. Unpleasant sensations will disappear only when their etiology is eliminated.

With excruciating itching and severe pain in the ears, not only etiotropic, but also symptomatic treatment is necessary. After all, discomfort in the ear canal often deprives patients of sleep. To reduce discomfort, ear drops are prescribed:

  • "Sofradex".
  • "Otofa".
  • "Otinum".
  • "Clotrimazole" (for otomycosis).
  • "Polydex".
  • "Otipax".
  • "Otizol".

It is important to remember that these remedies only reduce inflammation and itching. However, they do not always affect the cause of the pathology. Inflammatory diseases of the organ of hearing, as a rule, require complex treatment.

With severe itching, you should try not to comb your ears. This can lead to infection in the wound and suppuration. To get rid of discomfort, it is better to use ear drops. They reduce mucosal irritation.


How to prevent diseases accompanied by itching and pain in the ears? It is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations of otolaryngologists:

It is important to remember that if discomfort occurs in the ear, it is urgent to visit an otolaryngologist. Self-medication with such pathologies is extremely dangerous. Only timely treatment will help to avoid complications and maintain hearing acuity.

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