Pain in the upper spine causes. Which doctor should I contact if there is pain at the top of the back. If the heart and blood vessels are affected

While not as common as lower back pain, left upper back pain still affects many people on a daily basis. Upper left side- area on the left, below the neck ( cervical spine) and over bottom back (lumbar spine). The upper back is often referred to as the thoracic spine and is generally considered the most stable part of the spine. The movement of the upper back is mostly limited due to the attachment of the ribs to the ribcage.

Left upper pain in the back can be a consequence various reasons, with muscle (musculoskeletal) pain is the most widely reported cause. The pain is often felt suddenly and sharply. It may be experienced in a generalized area, or perhaps focused on a specific point. Pain in the upper left corner of the back can be acute in nature (occurs suddenly) or chronic (occurs over long periods of time). .

What causes pain in the left upper back


  • Broken ribs, bones, or damage to a vertebra.
  • Damage or rupture of muscles and ligaments.
  • Back injury during sports.
  • Cuts, wounds or abrasions on the back.

Musculoskeletal pain.

  • Poor posture can lead to lower back pain over time.
  • Rapid, incorrect body movements, such as twisting or lifting, can pull and tense the back muscles.
  • Spinal disorders, including protrusion of the intervertebral disc, damage to the disc, compression of the spinal nerves.
  • Fibromyalgia: a disorder characterized by widespread skeletal muscle pain, myofascial pain and other muscle pain related conditions that may affect upper muscles back.
  • Conditions affecting the joints of the ribs and shoulder joints such as osteoarthritis and sometimes rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions can also affect the spine.

nervous conditions.

  • Spinal problems leading to pinched nerves can cause tight muscles in the upper back.
  • Stroke can leave patients with chronic pain, numbness and weakness.
  • Infections, such as herpes zoster, can affect nerve distribution areas that spread to the upper back, resulting in pain. ?

Other possible reasons, which can cause pain in the left upper back:

  • Osteomyelitis (infection or inflammation of the bones of the spine).
  • Osteoporosis ( metabolic disease bones).
  • Paget's disease of the bone.
  • Spinal degeneration (degenerative disc disease, also called spondylosis).
  • spinal stenosis (narrowing spinal canal that presses on the spinal cord or nerves).
  • Spinal fracture.
  • Spondylitis (infection or inflammation of the joints of the spine).
  • Heart attack.
  • Kidney stones and disease (although this pain is usually less chest).
  • Multiple myeloma.
  • Spinal tumor or cancer (the tumor may be non-classical, also known as benign). .

Symptoms of pain in the left upper back

Symptoms will often depend on the cause of the pain in the left side of the back, with some similarities being common to all cases due to its location. Sharp and chronic conditions may be present with different symptoms depending on start time. The following are some of the symptoms that may occur when diagnosed with pain in the left side of the back.

  • Pain.
  • Feeling embarrassed.
  • Immobility.
  • Muscle spasm.
  • Painful to the touch.
  • Headache.

Other possible associated symptoms include:

  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Fatigue.
  • Fever.
  • Headache.
  • Morning stiffness.
  • Pain in the neck.
  • Redness, warmth, or swelling.
  • Shoulder pain.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Stress. .

It's always a good idea when playing sports or any activity that may lead to bodily injury to wear protective gear. best form treatment is to prevent injury in the first place. Stretching on a regular basis, sleeping on a semi-hard mattress, and investing in office chairs with adequate back support great ways prevent this injury.

Treatment for pain in the upper left side of your back will depend on the underlying cause. Acute injuries, fractures, and sprains can be treated with the formula: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Hot or cold compresses may also be used.

  • X-rays, bone scans, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds are methods specialists can use to diagnose back pain.
  • Your doctor may also send you for a blood test to rule out rheumatoid arthritis or a spinal infection.

Contact a massage therapist. Tight muscles occur when individual muscle fibers go beyond their stretch and then tear, resulting in pain, inflammation, and some degree of protection (muscle spasm in an attempt to prevent further damage). Deep tissue massage is useful for mild to moderate tension because it reduces muscle spasm, fights inflammation, and promotes relaxation. Start with a 30 minute massage focusing on your upper back and lower neck.

  • Always drink plenty of water immediately after a massage to flush out inflammatory by-products, lactic acid and toxins from your body. Failure to do so may result in a headache or mild nausea.

Pain in the upper back, which is accompanied by damage to the chest, is observed quite often.

This symptom may be the result of diseases of the spine or internal organs that are located in this area. In any case, when such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. If this is not done in time, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications.

Main reasons

Pain in the upper back and chest is often the result of traumatic injury, poor posture, or increased stress. Often, discomfort at the top of the spine occurs in those people who are used to spending a lot of time at the computer. AT this case Often there is pain in the shoulder or neck.
Another common factor leading to similar symptoms, is the voltage muscle tissue. The fact is that the shoulder girdle is attached to the shoulder blade and posterior region chest with fairly large muscles. They are able to strain and provoke pain during exertion.
In addition, irritation of muscle tissue and pain from above can occur with injuries that are caused by insufficient strength or increased loads. The upper back often hurts after sports injuries, traffic accidents, muscle strains.

However, the most common cause of pain in the upper back is thoracic and cervical osteochondrosis. In this case, discomfort in the spine is complemented by other manifestations. These include headaches, dizziness, pain in the neck, pressure disorders. Also, a person may feel discomfort in the shoulder, arms and fingers.

After conducting magnetic resonance imaging, the doctor can detect protrusions or hernias in the cervical region. There may also be manifestations of spondylosis and spondyloarthrosis. Often a narrowing of the spinal canal appears in a person.
Since the thoracic region has low mobility, it rarely develops hernia, stenosis, or instability. However, if a patient has kyphosis, scoliosis, or Scheuermann's disease, the risk of a hernia or protrusion is greatly increased.

Diseases of the internal organs

The upper back often hurts due to various pathologies internal organs. Also discomfort often occur due to injury of cardio-vascular system. These include the following:

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  1. Angina pectoris or seizure. In this case, the main symptom is chest pain. It manifests itself in the form of strong squeezing or compression. Also, discomfort can be given to the arms, back, shoulders.
  2. Rupture of the aortic wall. If this is damaged large vessel arise sharp pains in the chest and upper back. As a rule, the discomfort is of high intensity.
  3. Swelling of the pericardium. At this violation pain in the center of the chest.

The upper back often hurts with various lung lesions. These include the following:

  • thrombus formation in the lungs;
  • lung collapse;
  • inflammation of the lungs - in this case, there is a sharp pain syndrome in the chest, which grows with deep breaths or coughing;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane located around the lungs - an acute pain syndrome appears, which increases significantly with coughing or strong breaths.

To other reasons that provoke discomfort at the top of the back, include the following:

  • panic attack - this condition is characterized by increased breathing;
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection of the ribs with the bones of the chest;
  • shingles, which provokes severe tingling and pain from a certain side - it can stretch from the chest towards the back.

Quite often, the upper back hurts with various violations in the work of the digestive system. In this case, the problems lie in the following:

Treatment Methods

To cope with pain in the upper back, you must first adjust the position of the body while sitting. To do this, it is recommended to keep your head as straight as possible, take your shoulders back, and press your back against the back of the chair. In this case, it is recommended to put the nails evenly on the floor. You should also move as much as possible.
If these preventive measures do not help, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist will select adequate therapy. It will be different depending on the causes of the disease.
If to pain at the top of the back caused muscle tension, the doctor will recommend the following methods of therapy:

  • performing therapeutic exercises;
  • acupuncture;
  • massotherapy;
  • means of physiotherapy.

Since the pain syndrome is caused by the state of the muscle tissue, rehabilitation programs are aimed at performing exercises to strengthen it.
Painkillers will help relieve discomfort. If muscle irritation is observed, an inflammatory process may develop. In such a situation, anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed.
If the cause of discomfort is osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia, a person should also engage in therapeutic gymnastics and do a massage. In such a situation, non-violent traction of the spine is indicated. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to restore the height and nutrition of the disc, eliminate the inflammatory process, and reduce the volume of the hernia.
In addition, anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs will help alleviate discomfort during the development of this pathology. Muscle relaxants are usually used to eliminate spasms of muscle tissue.
In more rare cases when there is a pronounced pain syndrome, the doctor may prescribe local injections corticosteroid hormones. However, drug treatments usually do not bring the desired results, which is why it is so important to start complex therapy on time.
In some cases, there is a need for surgical intervention. The operation is performed with a strong pain syndrome and the ineffectiveness of conservative treatment for six months. Progression of neurological disorders may also be an indication.

Pain in the upper back may indicate the most various violations. In most cases given state is a consequence traumatic injuries or degenerative processes in the spine. Also, the reason may lie in various diseases internal organs. To cope with this problem, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner. After a detailed diagnosis, the specialist will select an adequate therapy.

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

upper back pain

Upper back pain is an extremely common symptom. It is found in a wide variety of diseases, and therefore the key to its successful treatment serves accurate diagnosis. A thorough examination usually reveals the cause of the pain.

What diseases cause pain at the top of the back:

Upper back pain accompanies various diseases internal organs.

1. Diseases respiratory system:

pleurisy ("dry") with sensation cutting pain in the left or right side of the chest associated with respiratory movements;
spontaneous pneumothorax with sudden acute pain in the chest with irradiation to the shoulder blade. Characterized by a decrease in the excursion of the chest on the side of the lesion, the absence of noise during auscultation;
pneumonia with intense or moderate pain in the left or right side of the chest or shoulder blade. The pain is aggravated by deep breathing and cough, fever, cough, wheezing in the lungs during auscultation are noted;
lung or bronchial cancer. The pattern, nature and intensity of pain depend on its location and prevalence - when the apex of the lung is affected, Pencost syndrome (brachial plexopathy) develops, in which pain is noted in the shoulder, scapula, medial surface of the arm, when the pleura grows, pain occurs in the chest on the side of the lesion , significantly aggravated by breathing, coughing, movements of the body, in case of involvement of the intercostal nerve, the pain is girdle.

2. Diseases of the digestive system:

Pain in upper right back
acute cholecystitis. The pain lasts from several hours to several days, usually localized in the right precostal space and epigastrium. Possible irradiation to the right half of the chest, right shoulder, shoulder blade, shoulder girdle, as well as in the region of the heart, concomitant nausea, vomiting, fever, jaundice skin, pain on palpation in the right hypochondrium, tension abdominal muscles;

Upper back pain on the left
acute pancreatitis with sudden intense pain in epigastric region encircling character with irradiation to the left lower part chest, shoulder blade, shoulder girdle, heart area; pronounced spasm of the abdominal muscles;

3. Diseases of the urinary system:

Upper back pain on the left or right
renal colic and thrombosis renal artery;
retroperitoneal hematoma. sudden pain of unknown origin in the lower back in a patient receiving anticoagulant therapy.

4. Defeats spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system.
Upper back pain on the left or right
Pain, often shooting, has the features of a projection, i.e. its pattern is limited to the limits of the skin representation of the root or nerve, often has a distal distribution.

Which doctor should I contact if there is pain at the top of the back:

Are you experiencing pain in your upper back? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can book an appointment with a doctor Eurolaboratory always at your service! The best doctors examine you, study external signs and help identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide needed help. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolaboratory open for you around the clock.

How to contact the clinic:
Phone of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multichannel). The secretary of the clinic will select a convenient day and hour for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are indicated. Look in more detail about all the services of the clinic on her.

(+38 044) 206-20-00

If you have previously performed any research, be sure to take their results to a consultation with a doctor. If the studies have not been completed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

Do you have upper back pain? You need to be very careful about your overall health. People don't pay enough attention disease symptoms and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific symptoms, characteristic external manifestations- so called disease symptoms. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to several times a year be examined by a doctor not only to prevent terrible disease but also support healthy mind in the body and the body as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on. Also register for medical portal Eurolaboratory to be constantly up to date latest news and updates of information on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by mail.

The symptom map is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions and suggestions - write to us, we will definitely try to help you.

Although pain in the upper back is not as common, if it does occur, it can cause a person enough severe discomfort. The most common causes of pain in the upper back are the pathology of the cervical and thoracic spine, muscle strain.

Pain in the upper back can also cause problems such as the cervical and thoracic spine and its complications: or degeneration of the intervertebral disc,.

It is important to note that the thoracic spine is very different in form and function from the cervical and lumbar regions. The cervical and lumbar sections are structured in such a way as to ensure the mobility of the neck and lower back. The thoracic spine, on the other hand, must be strong and stable enough to allow a person to stand upright and protect the vital organs of the chest. Since the thoracic spine is stable and rather inactive, there is a rather small risk of injury for it.

Anatomy of the thoracic spine

The thoracic spine is part of spinal column corresponding to chest area.

  • The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae to which the ribs are attached. When viewed from the side, this region of the spine appears slightly concave;
  • every vertebra in thoracic region the spine at each level on both sides joins the rib, and the ribs, in turn, converge in front and attach to the sternum. This design is called the ribcage and provides protection to the vital important bodies chest area: heart, lungs, liver, and also provides enough space for the expansion and contraction of the lungs;
  • The 9 upper pairs of ribs extend from the spine, round off and join at the anterior surface of the chest. Since the ribs are firmly attached to the spine from behind and to the sternum from the front, the spine is inactive in this part;
  • 3 lower pairs of ribs do not connect in front, but also protect internal organs, while allowing the lower part of the thoracic spine to be slightly more mobile;
  • The joints between the lower thoracic (T12) and upper lumbar (L1) vertebrae allow for side-to-side turning.

Because the top part the back is stable and inactive, in this area infrequently there are problems associated with the spine, such as degeneration of the intervertebral disc or spinal instability. These conditions can cause pain in the upper back.

Due to the immobility and stability of the thoracic spine, in most cases, external causes pain in the upper back is often not found, so it is necessary to carry out.

The doctor needs to determine the damage to which area of ​​the spine has led to pain in the upper back. So, with the localization of pain in the suprascapular region, and under the shoulder blades, it is necessary to do.

Causes of pain in the upper spine

Pain in the thoracic spine can occur as a result of injury or sudden damage, as well as over time, due to poor posture or excessive load.

A few words about bad posture: last years Upper back pain has become a common complaint among people who spend most of their time in front of a computer. Often, pain in the upper back is combined with and / or shoulder.

muscle tension

The shoulder girdle is attached to the shoulder blade and to the back of the chest with large muscles. These muscles are prone to tension, which can cause pain and problems when playing sports. Often, muscle irritation and pain in the upper part of the spine occurs due to an injury associated with either a small muscle strength, or with excessive load on the muscle (for example, with repetitive movements). Muscle strains, sports injuries, car accidents, etc. can lead to pain in the upper spine as a result of muscle irritation.

This type of upper back pain is best treated the following methods treatment:

  • therapeutic exercises;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • acupuncture (acupuncture).

Since the pain, in this case, is associated with the condition of the muscles, most rehabilitation programs include a large number of strength and stretching exercises.

If the patient also has an area that feels most painful, an active trigger point may be the cause of the pain in the upper back. Trigger points are usually located in skeletal muscle. In this case, treatment may include a combination of the following methods:

  • massotherapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • injection of a local anesthetic (such as lidocaine) into a muscle.

Pain medications can also help with treatment. Inflammation often occurs with muscle irritation, so anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors) may also be needed.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine

Most often, pain in the upper back is caused by problems of the cervical spine.

Usually the pain is combined with other symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, namely neck pain, headaches and dizziness, problems with blood pressure, pain in the shoulder, pain in the arm and fingers, numbness is also possible. MRI often reveals protrusions and less often hernias of the cervical spine, signs of spondylosis and spondylarthrosis, and various degrees of narrowing of the spinal canal.

Because the thoracic spine is sedentary and stable, problems such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degeneration of the intervertebral disc, or instability of the spinal segment (eg, due to spondylolisthesis) rarely occur. According to medical data, only about 1% of intervertebral hernias occur in the thoracic spine. The prevailing majority of intervertebral hernias develop in the cervical lumbar region - because of their mobility. However, if the patient has scoliosis, kyphosis, Scheuermann Mau's disease, the likelihood of developing an intervertebral hernia or protrusion increases dramatically. It should also be noted that when working at a computer, the depth of damage to the cervical and thoracic spine increases significantly.

A correct diagnosis must be based on a combination of carefully medical history, examination data and results of radiographic examination (MRI). In the treatment of intervertebral hernia and degeneration of the intervertebral disc, the following methods are used:

  • physiotherapy;
  • therapeutic massages;
  • acupuncture, hirudotherapy;
  • (allows you to partially restore the nutrition and height of the intervertebral disc, relieve inflammation of adjacent tissues, reduce the size of the intervertebral hernia due to partial restoration of the intervertebral disc);

In addition, to facilitate painful symptoms at intervertebral hernia and degeneration of the intervertebral disc, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as muscle relaxants, if present, can be used muscle spasms. In rare cases, with severe and persistent pain, a doctor may prescribe epidural injections of corticosteroids. However, as practice shows, drug treatment with discogenic pathology of the spine, it helps little, therefore complex treatment spine should be started as soon as possible. From time to time, with a herniated disc or degeneration of the intervertebral disc, doctors resort to surgical intervention. Indications for surgery are severe and persistent pain syndrome that does not respond to conservative treatment for at least six months, as well as an increase in neurological symptoms. Sometimes bad bruise or trauma to the spine can lead to a fracture thoracic vertebra. If this occurs, immediate medical advice is needed, as well as diagnostic tests (X-rays or MRI) to determine the extent of damage and develop a treatment plan.

Joint dysfunction

The ribs are attached to the vertebrae in the thoracic spine by two joints that attach to the spine on either side. Dysfunction of these joints can lead to pain in the upper back.

Treatment for joint dysfunction usually includes physical therapy and special exercises allowing to develop the joint and reduce discomfort. Sustained improvement usually also requires a home exercise program to stretch the spine and shoulders and strengthen the muscles in these areas.

In addition, painkillers can help with joint dysfunction. Anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen and COX-2 inhibitors) are usually the most effective here, as joint dysfunction can cause inflammation.

Injections (eg, epidural injections steroid drugs), as a rule, are not assigned in such situations.

Pain in the upper back is not always a sign of spinal disease. Back pain at the top of the thoracic region can be due to many reasons. chest is important part human body due to the presence of the heart and lungs. Without these organs, a person simply cannot live. Dysfunctions at this level often affect vital functions at supreme organization endangering human life. Pain in the upper back can be caused by both typical diseases associated with the back, and pain radiating from the chest organs.

Often a person confuses what refers to different departments back. The thoracic back is located from the beginning of the neck to the middle of the body. It includes the heart, esophagus, lungs, trachea. In practice, there may even be pain radiating to the back from sore throat and nasopharynx. Do not try to operate in front of the doctor with words taken on the Internet - talk about your complaints honestly and directly.

Pain in the upper back can be divided into two groups according to its source - those caused by diseases of the internal organs of the chest and, as a result, diseases of the vertebrae and spine. The first group is often the result bad habits, hereditary disorders, environmental hazards. The second refers to a sedentary lifestyle, poor posture, and even a pillow that is too hard.

For example, lung diseases that develop due to smoking or asbestos dust in the lungs. Heart disease is caused by obesity in a sedentary manner life, or even vice versa - a consequence of increased strength training that lead to an increase in blood pressure.

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Conditions that cause pain in the upper back include:


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. Often it occurs in the thoracic region due to the incorrect posture that the child holds at school. Pain manifests itself in the second or third degree, when the spine, with its curvature, begins to touch the surrounding tissues and nerve roots. Very often at the same time hurt intervertebral discs, which act as a shock absorber, damping vibrations from lower extremities and lumbar. A person often has pain in the upper back due to the development intervertebral hernia, which pushes through the spinal nerve roots that transmit impulses to the human brain.

Treatment consists of wearing corsets, massages. It is important to start it on time, because with large curvature in the thoracic spine, the shoulders begin to sink to the curved side, which leads to a change in the respiratory volume of the lungs and problems with blood circulation.


Osteochondrosis is a pathological growth of cartilaginous tissues around the vertebra. They begin to damage the tissues surrounding them, cause a feeling of stiffness, disrupt muscle function, and limit the flexibility of the spine. Pain in the upper part of the spine is often caused by this disease, which affects most of of the world's population over 40.

Also, as with scoliosis, the intervertebral discs can begin to be damaged, which will cause a hernia. The discs themselves in the thoracic region, without outside intervention, very rarely give a hernia, because they do not experience such great pressure on your body. Treatment consists of blockade and physiotherapy exercises that stops the formation of chondrocytes.

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Heart failure

Depending on its type, the heart can give to the costal surface of the human back. This often leads to misunderstanding - in the human mind, the heart is located in front on the left. At the same time, pain in the upper back can be noticeable on the right side, which is completely confusing. It is important to evaluate your condition for timely treatment to the doctor.

In heart disease, pain management focuses on recovery processes normal operation. The heart is often operated on, and quite successfully, because half of the success in therapy is going to the doctor and his qualifications. It is not uncommon for people to die as a result of turning to traditional medicine in the treatment of heart disease.

Deficiency includes myasthenia gravis, wall thickening, ventricular and atrial malnutrition. Depending on the disease, a person has different restrictions- for example, smoking, the use of substances that increase the heart rate are excluded. In angina pectoris, in no case should you increase the pressure and use vasoconstrictors.

In some cases, therapy is required for life, however, medicine is moving quite quickly, and therapies cardiac diseases already allow enough full life even with extremely severe deficiencies, and transplantation of laboratory-grown organs allows you to extend life as long as possible.

Treatment of pain in the chest

The first step in treating upper back pain is to correctly identify the cause of the pain. Diagnostic methods include x-rays, ECG and chest x-rays. After establishing the cause, the therapy is carried out by a narrower specialist - a cardiologist, pulmonologist, orthopedist.

Treatment is carried out with medical methods, massages, physiotherapy, nerve blocks. What matters is how quickly the diagnosis was made. Do not try to delay the moment of going to the doctor, because in some cases the disease develops rapidly and requires urgent decisions from qualified specialists.

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