Spasm of the abdominal muscles. What to do with pain and cramps in the abdomen. Actions that cannot be harmed

Abdominal cramps are pain that feels like cramping in the area below the ribs behind the anterior abdominal wall. Behind the peritoneum there are many organs that have their own muscle tissue. Also, each internal organ has its own fascia and ligamentous apparatus, which holds it in place. Therefore, spastic pains can be caused both by a spasm of the smooth muscles of the smooth muscles directly lining the internal organs, and by tension of the ligamentous apparatus. Only an experienced doctor can determine the true cause of abdominal cramps with the help of special laboratory tests. Therefore, if you experience discomfort, you should immediately seek medical help.

Spasmodic pain in the abdomen can occur when the stomach, liver, pancreas, small and large intestine and reproductive organs are affected. There are also large blood vessels in the abdomen, which can suffer from thrombosis and spasms.

Serious causes of abdominal cramps include the pathology of pregnancy. However, most abdominal cramps are harmless and resolve without surgery.

Most people only need symptom relief. Sometimes abdominal pain may suddenly stop and the cause will never be determined. In cases of development of chronic diseases of the abdominal organs, the cause becomes more obvious over time.

Among the common causes can be called a violation. If abdominal cramps occur after eating fatty, sweet or irritating foods, then discomfort can be caused by a massive discharge of bile into the lumen of the small intestine. This is accompanied by burning along the intestines, a feeling of diffuse heat throughout the abdominal cavity, loose stools within 20-30 minutes after the first discomfort. All this may be accompanied by active intestinal motility, rumbling in the abdomen, dizziness, mild nausea.

Why does a child experience abdominal cramps?

In children, spastic pain in the abdominal cavity occurs more often in infancy. This is due to the incomplete development of the gastrointestinal tract. The intestines are not yet fully prepared for the digestion of food. Therefore, any errors in the nutrition of a breastfeeding woman can lead to spasms and intestinal colic. Particular care should be taken during the introduction of complementary foods.

At school age, periodic abdominal cramps in children occur during active physical exertion. Usually the pain is felt in the right hypochondrium. This is due to a violation of the activity of the liver and overstrain of the abdominal muscles.

When to See a Doctor

Contact your doctor or the nearest hospital emergency room immediately if you have any of the following symptoms of abdominal cramps:

  1. the attack lasts for several hours;
  2. vaginal bleeding, especially if you are pregnant;
  3. there is pain in the scrotum if you are a man;
  4. vomiting and difficulty breathing;
  5. admixture of blood in vomit;
  6. hematuria or black stools;
  7. pain spreads to the chest, neck or radiates to the shoulder;
  8. fever and cold clammy sweat;
  9. pallor of the skin;
  10. no urination for 10 hours;
  11. inability to empty the bowels and severe bloating.

What are abdominal cramps?

The type of pain syndrome during spasms can vary greatly. Spasm can be of the following character:

  • Sharp, blunt, stabbing, cramping, in the form of twisting.
  • Brief, pains come and go in waves or there may be constant spasm.

These symptoms of abdominal cramps may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, fever, severe chills, and dizziness. A sick person is usually restless, constantly changing the position of his body, trying to find a position that is comfortable for pain relief. In most of these cases, immediate surgery is required.

Non-obvious causes of spastic abdominal pain

There are many reasons why you may experience abdominal pain. People often worry about appendicitis, stomach ulcers, infections, and pregnancy problems.

The doctor during the initial examination also, first of all, excludes these possible causes. However, abdominal cramps can come from other internal organs that are not in contact with the abdominal cavity. Some causes include heart attacks and pneumonia, injuries to the pelvis or groin area, certain skin rashes such as shingles and problems with the abdominal muscles and tension. In some cases, abdominal cramps occur with diseases of the urinary tract. These symptoms can give a wandering kidney, chronic pyelonephritis, the movement of a stone through the ureter.

Diagnosis of abdominal cramps

In a clinical setting, the doctor may prescribe a series of laboratory tests to establish an accurate diagnosis of the disease that provoked these discomforts.

  1. A rectal exam to check for occult blood or other bowel problems.
  2. If you are a man, your doctor may examine your penis and scrotum.
  3. If you are a woman, your doctor may do a pelvic exam to check for problems in your uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, as well as a pregnancy test.
  4. A blood test to look for infection (leading to an increase in white blood cells) or bleeding (leading to poor blood clotting or low hemoglobin levels).
  5. Biochemical blood tests can show enzymes in the liver, pancreas, and heart to help figure out which organ might be producing similar symptoms.
  6. Urinalysis to check for urinary tract infections or the presence of blood (if there are kidney stones).
  7. An ECG (cardiac electrocardiogram) to rule out a heart attack or myocardial infarction.
  8. Other tests, including X-ray, ultrasound, or CT.
  9. Sometimes you may be referred to a doctor with a different specialty to help find the cause of the problem.

Endoscopy is an examination method in which a flexible tube with a light source and a video camera at the tip is used to examine certain internal organs without surgery. Different names are used depending on which organ is being examined. With cramps in the abdomen, FGDS (fibrogastroduodenoscopy) is most often prescribed. The cavity of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is examined. Samples may be collected for research.

Treatment of abdominal cramps

The course of treatment depends on the cause that is causing your pain. General therapy may include:

  • Pain Relief - Unpleasant sensations may not go away completely after taking painkillers, but they should be relieved.
  • Restoration of the fluid level - intravenous infusion of solutions allows you to unload functionally the intestines and create favorable conditions for the nutrition of muscle fibers that cause spasm.
  • Antiemetic activities.
  • Eating and drinking rest - you should not eat or drink liquid until the cause of abdominal cramps is established.

Taking care of yourself at home

Most abdominal pain resolves without special treatment. There are some things you can do to help ease the pain, including.

Spasm is a pain sensation caused by convulsive contraction of the muscles of the arms and legs, stomach, intestines, blood vessels, etc. As a result of spasm, the lumen of hollow organs temporarily narrows. Approximately 60% of all visits to the doctor are due to spastic pain.

Causes of abdominal cramps

Spasms can occur both independently and accompany existing diseases. Their reasons may be:

  • errors in nutrition (spicy, heavy, sour food);
  • worms;
  • constipation;
  • adhesions in the abdominal cavity;
  • nervous excitement;
  • poisoning, etc.

By the way, it has been noticed that different types of emotions can be accompanied by spasms of certain muscle groups. So, for example, muscle spasm of the abdomen can be observed with anxiety and sudden fright.

In gynecology, the concept of spastic menstrual pain that occurs at the beginning of menstruation is considered. The pain is accompanied by nausea, chills, cramps in the lower abdomen. It often happens in women under 25 years old and stops bothering after the birth of the first child.

Hepatic and renal colic can also be manifested by abdominal cramps, including very strong ones. Intestinal colic can occur with diabetes mellitus, with disorders of fat metabolism, with lead poisoning, porphyrin disease. A formidable disease in which there may be spastic pain is acute appendicitis. They occur due to painful contractions of the appendix, which responds to the occlusion of the lumen. This situation is very life-threatening and requires emergency surgical care.

In men, cramps in the lower abdomen can indicate problems with the genitourinary system, with the prostate gland, and therefore require close attention and examination by a urologist.

Severe abdominal cramps and pain can accompany mechanical intestinal obstruction as a manifestation of a reflex reaction to blockage of the intestinal lumen. In addition, spasms of the muscular wall of the intestine can themselves cause intestinal obstruction. The causes of such spasms can be damage to the brain and spinal cord (including metastases of malignant tumors), hysteria, etc.

Symptoms of cramps in the abdomen

The clinic of intestinal colic (intestinal spasms) may be similar to the clinic of acute inflammatory processes in the abdomen, hernias. But there are significant differences. First of all, abdominal cramps are manifested by severe grasping pain. Most often, the pain is localized around the navel. Relief comes with pressure on the area. Therefore, the patient bends, lies on his stomach or rolls from pain. And, for example, with inflammatory diseases of the intestine or abdominal cavity, the pain can be so intense that a person not only does not allow to touch the stomach, but is even afraid to take a breath.

Spasms may be accompanied by constipation. At the same time, there are frequent unsuccessful urges to the act of defecation. Periodically, spastic pain recedes, almost to complete relief, i.e. characterized by painless intervals. Fever is usually not observed. With a hernia, a tumor-like formation is observed.

Thus, intestinal colic is characterized by:


You can remove intestinal colic with antispasmodic and analgesic drugs: no-shpoy, papaverine, spasmalgon, baralgin. However, it must be remembered that severe abdominal cramps can be a manifestation of serious diseases. Ignoring this possibility can lead to serious consequences, including death. Therefore, any pain and cramps in the abdomen require a visit to a doctor, preferably before taking analgesics, so as not to erase the clinical picture and not complicate diagnosis.

There are many reasons for spasms. It is important to determine why the stomach reduces in a particular case, only then can we talk about treatment. Often, muscle spasm can be provoked by:

  • Frequent stress. Fear is one of the most common causes of stomach cramps.
  • Wrong nutrition. The abundance of sweets, fatty foods in the diet can lead to gallbladder dysfunction.
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle. Frequent consumption of alcohol in large doses, smoking lead to muscle spasms.
  • Appendicitis. In this case, the stomach reduces due to contraction of the process of the caecum - the appendix.
  • Diseases of the internal organs. Renal or hepatic colic, diseases of the pancreas and stomach lead to convulsions.
  • The presence of blood clots in the blood vessels.
  • The use of certain hormonal drugs. For example, contraceptives.

All of these factors can cause abdominal cramps. Pain is always a symptom of this phenomenon. It can have a different character: be dull or sharp, cramping or prolonged. Usually the pain is localized in the navel. It is worth a little pressure on it, and the pain becomes less noticeable. Sometimes there are additional symptoms: vomiting, nausea, dizziness, flatulence, weakness.

What to do if the abdominal muscles are cramped? At such moments, in order for relief to come, you need to take the most comfortable position: bend over or lie on your stomach. There are several recommendations on how to deal with such situations. For example:

  • Try to relax as much as possible and take a few deep breaths in and out.
  • Lightly massage the area where the spasm is observed.
  • Take antispasmodics. Papaverine, spazmalgon, baralgin have proven themselves well. But this is only if the spasm is not a symptom of a serious illness.
  • thermal procedures. You can apply a hot water bottle to the area with pain or take a warm bath. But! In no case should this be done with appendicitis.

To avoid abdominal cramps in the future, you need to review your diet, monitor timely bowel movements, drink more fluids (but avoid coffee and carbonated drinks). Sometimes it makes sense to visit a reflexologist.

Take care of your health, and stomach cramps will stop tormenting you.

This article will focus on this type of cramps, like muscle cramps. The most common of muscle cramps are cramps in the calf muscles - calves. An entire article is dedicated to them.

  • Epilepsy
  • Encephalitis of various etiologies
  • Meningitis
  • Injuries
  • Tumors
  • Eclampsia of pregnant women
  • With general infections and intoxications occurring with fever. Such convulsions are often observed in childhood.

Local convulsions are observed:

  • With overstrain of individual muscle groups. The reason for their occurrence is often repeated the same fast movements. Local cramps, cramps in the muscles of the arms and legs, can occur in athletes, musicians, etc. Even if this condition quickly disappears on its own, the muscle hurts after the cramps for a long time, sometimes for several hours.
  • hypothermia
  • Elderly age
  • Abuse of coffee and cigarettes

So, why the muscles cramp, figured out, let's talk in more detail about some types of convulsive contractions.

Leg muscle cramps

The most common type of cramp that many people experience is leg cramps associated with overexertion, wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, and hypothermia. Medical care for cramps in the calf muscles caused by the listed reasons is not required. It is enough to eliminate the factors that provoked them. If there are frequent nocturnal cramps of the calf muscles, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination. The doctor will determine exactly why there are cramps in the calf muscles, and prescribe adequate treatment. If painful muscle contractions are caused by a deficiency in the blood of potassium, magnesium, calcium, you will be prescribed drugs that make up for this deficiency. The most common drugs for the treatment of calf muscle cramps are:

  • Asparkam
  • Potassium Orotate
  • Panangin
  • Calcium, magnesium, vitamin D preparations

It should be remembered that taking medications is possible only after they are prescribed by a doctor! If you take them correctly and follow additional medical recommendations on diet and nutrition, the treatment of leg muscle cramps will quickly give positive results. It should be noted that spasms of the calf muscles are not often treated with drugs - usually it is enough to eliminate external causes.

Other seizures

Back muscle cramps

Sometimes, with an awkward turn of the body or a long stay in one position (sitting at a computer), cramps of the back muscles occur. Less commonly, they can be caused by hypothermia, a large load on the spine. First aid for such cramps is warming procedures. A heating pad or any warming ointment is well suited for this.

Abdominal muscle cramps

Abdominal cramps can occur:

  • In pregnant women
  • For various diseases of the abdominal cavity
  • With intestinal colic
  • With tumor processes localized in the abdominal cavity
  • In women during the menstrual period

They are quite rare, and each individual case requires a detailed diagnosis.

Thigh muscle cramp

Cramps the thigh muscles usually for the same reason as the calf muscles. Sometimes these two types of convulsions are combined, delivering unbearable pain to a person. Additional causes of hip cramps include a violation of the innervation of the femoral muscles. This condition can be caused by various diseases of the spine.

Treatment of muscle cramps

Like any other, drug treatment of muscle spasms of the body is prescribed only by a doctor! The correct implementation of medical recommendations, the organization of the correct regimen and the correction of the diet depend on you. Medicines for muscle cramps are prescribed for long courses if they are caused by a serious illness, such as epilepsy, meningitis. For prophylactic purposes, drugs for muscle cramps can be prescribed to children with hyperthermic convulsive syndrome or children with congenital encephalopathy. But no matter what convulsions you encounter, remember that a specialist consultation is necessary, because a convulsive attack can be the first symptom of a formidable disease.

Abdominal pain caused by muscle spasms is quite common. With spastic pain, there is a convulsive contraction and narrowing of the lumen of the muscles of the smooth muscles of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, walls of blood vessels and other internal organs. Moreover, a spasm of the abdominal muscles can be caused not only by contraction of smooth muscles, but also by tension in the ligamentous apparatus, which holds the abdominal organs in their places. Of course, any person experiences real torment with muscle spasms accompanied by pain.

The reasons

Most often, spastic pains in the abdomen occur due to disruption of the digestive organs due to malnutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, and often recurring psychological stress. For example, a muscle spasm can cause a sudden fright. Also, the cause of pain is often diseases of the internal organs. Pain syndrome can develop with damage to the liver (hepatic colic), kidneys and genitourinary system (renal colic), stomach and pancreas. And disorders of fat metabolism, various poisonings, diabetes mellitus, porphyrin disease, as a rule, cause intestinal colic. Blood vessels located in the abdominal cavity also suffer from spasms and thrombosis. Many people know spastic pain during an attack of appendicitis, when painful contractions of the appendix occur - the vermiform appendix of the caecum.

Most women of reproductive age experience monthly muscle pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. This natural phenomenon occurs due to a temporary change in the hormonal background, in which there is a contraction of the muscles of the uterus due to an increased level of prostaglandins. At the same time, the muscles of nearby organs located near the uterus can also contract.

A characteristic phenomenon of the present is irritable bowel syndrome. This disease, accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen, usually affects young and middle-aged people. This pathology occurs due to emotional failure and disruption of the nervous system under the influence of frequent stressful situations. In addition to muscle spasms, nausea, flatulence, psycho-vegetative symptoms also develop with irritable bowel syndrome: fatigue, sweating, headache, arterial hypotension, tachycardia.


The main symptom of abdominal muscle spasms is cramping pain, which is localized in the navel. If you press on the localization of the pain syndrome, then relief comes. Therefore, when a spasm occurs, a person tries to lie on his stomach or bend over. And if spasms occur against the background of inflammatory diseases of the abdominal organs, then the patient cannot even take a normal breath. The pain periodically recedes, then resumes again. As a rule, body temperature does not rise.


First of all, with functional disorders associated with the occurrence of spastic pain, it is necessary to normalize the diet, treat concomitant diseases and try to avoid stressful situations. It is necessary to give up bad habits, exclude the use of alcohol, carbonated drinks and other foods that irritate the stomach, practice frequent meals in small portions.

If muscle spasms in the abdominal organs are not the result of serious diseases, pain can be eliminated with painkillers and antispasmodics such as Baralgin, Spazmalgon, Papaverine, No-Shpa. A very effective antispasmodic is hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan). This is a quaternary ammonium compound that can accumulate in intestinal smooth muscle cells and block muscarinic cholinergic receptors, thereby relaxing spasmodic areas.

Of course, medications make a person feel better, but it is necessary to find out the causes of spastic pains. Strong spasms of the abdominal muscles that occur at regular intervals should not be ignored. Such a careless attitude can lead to dire consequences. In these cases, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, who, after diagnosing and identifying the true causes of muscle spasms, will prescribe the appropriate treatment. Take care of your health!

And why exactly in the slope it worked, I wonder.

If this is a hernia, then when you tilt, the abdominal muscles relax and disperse where there is a hole between them. It hurt there. Classic hernia.

Another option: you have an infringement in the lumbar spine. You leaned over - the nerve abduction from this vertebra, which goes into the stomach, was restrained - the corresponding muscle was innervated and remains in tension. And you feel this reduced muscle as a lump protruding from your stomach.

After a warm bath, I almost let go.

This fact is more for the option with the spine. Where would the hernia go, I think?

word of mouth

I had this when I pumped the press. There was a sharp pain, as something stretched and tore inside.

A small soldering could burst. Just as an option.

Severe pain of a compressive nature, which is localized in the area (left or center), in medicine is called a spasm in the stomach. This pathological condition is not a separate / independent disease, but is recognized as a symptom of many diseases that can pose a danger to human health and life.

Table of contents:

Causes of stomach cramps

In medicine, the symptom under consideration is conditionally divided into organic and functional.

Organic appearance of stomach cramps

They may be evidence of the progression of acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system:

  • gastroduodenitis;
  • erosive or mucous membranes of the stomach and / or duodenum.

Note: often intestinal and pancreatic colic by the patient is perceived as a stomach spasm.

Functional stomach cramps

This type of symptom under consideration develops against the background of the absence of the above pathologies of the digestive system. In this case, doctors identify the following causes of stomach cramps:

  • the use of certain drugs;
  • frequent and;
  • (there are so-called nerve pains in the stomach);
  • on some specific food products;
  • improper / irrational nutrition;
  • drinking coffee and strong tea in large quantities;

Manifestations of stomach cramps

B olny characterize the symptom in question as follows:

  • "under the spoon" dull pain;
  • if you take a bent position, it becomes much easier;
  • there are urges to

Spasm differentiation

Gastric cramps are characteristic of the following pathological conditions:

  1. Spicy. At the beginning of the development of the pathology, the pain is localized specifically in the epigastric region, a little later it moves to the right side of the abdomen (rarely to the left), there may be vomiting no more than 2 times in a row, the patient's general condition is disturbed.
  2. Spicy. Most often in this case, a spasm in the stomach develops after eating spicy foods, acids or alkalis (this can happen by accident). Gastric spasm against the background of acute gastritis is always accompanied by vomiting, which does not bring relief.
  3. . In addition to severe pain in the anatomical location of the stomach, the patient has an urge to defecate, after which it becomes much easier. The general condition of a person with such spasms in the stomach does not suffer, he remains active.
  4. . Gastric spasm in this case will be mild, the patient feels normal, but his stool will be mucous, there is constant bloating.
  5. . The symptom in question will be localized more in the lower abdomen, necessarily accompanied by the urge to defecate, and in the stool the patient himself finds mucus and blood.

Gastric spasm is also characteristic of biliary colic, which develops after eating fatty or fried foods. Spasms in this case will be localized in the region of the right hypochondrium, accompanied by bitterness in the mouth, vomiting, the body temperature may slightly increase (up to subfebrile temperatures).

If there is too intense spasm in the stomach, then this may indicate the development of acute or pancreatic colic, which appear after eating spicy foods or alcoholic beverages.
. In this case, the pain is very severe, can radiate to the back or shoulder blade, accompanied by vomiting and nausea. If a spasm in the stomach is associated with the development of acute pancreatitis, then you need to measure the body temperature - its increase is a characteristic symptom for this pathological condition, but with pancreatic colic, the body temperature remains within the normal range.

If a spasm in the stomach appears immediately after eating, then this will be a characteristic sign.. Such spasms are very painful, pass on their own after a certain time and do not depend on the act of defecation.

Cramps in the stomach can be combined with diarrhea, in which case this may indicate:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • intestinal infection or (feces become slimy with greens and / or streaks of blood);
  • acute pancreatitis.

Note:a spasm in the stomach can also occur on a nervous basis, which develops after suffering some exciting or unpleasant event. Of course, the symptom in question on a nervous basis appears only in extremely suspicious and emotional people. Such a nervous attack can last several hours, while the person’s appetite completely disappears. .

Stomach cramps in pregnancy

The symptom in question during the period of bearing a child in a woman is generally not uncommon. The causes of spasm in the stomach in this category of patients will be as follows:

  1. Pressure on the stomach from an enlarged uterus. This takes place in the last months of pregnancy, a spasm in the stomach will be accompanied and always occur after eating.
  2. Level up. For this reason, stomach cramps can appear only at the very beginning of pregnancy, when the hormonal system is just set to work hard. Progesterone, produced at the beginning of pregnancy in large quantities, affects not only the uterus, but also the gastric mucosa, which provokes the appearance of the symptom in question.
  3. in early pregnancy. In this case, a spasm in the stomach will always be associated with food intake, or be a reaction to the forced starvation of the expectant mother - pregnant women with toxicosis consciously refuse food in order to avoid nausea and vomiting.

Note:cramps in the stomach should not be confused with the contraction of the uterine muscles, which provoke the appearance. Such spasms are a sign or premature birth, which requires immediate medical attention.

During pregnancy, a woman can develop all those dangerous conditions that are described above - gastritis, intestinal colic, ulcerative changes in the gastric / duodenal mucosa, and so on.

Causes of stomach cramps in a child

If the symptom in question takes place in a child under the age of one year, then it may indicate the following pathological conditions:

  1. Enzyme Deficiency. It is located in the intestines and takes an active part in the breakdown of milk and non-adapted milk mixtures. Parents can pay attention not only to the strong crying and anxiety of the baby, but also to poor weight gain.
  2. . This pathology develops after taking antibacterial drugs by a child or a nursing mother (). This condition will be characterized by stomach cramps, bloating, stool variability (from to constipation), the presence of mucus and / or blood in the baby's feces.
  3. Pylorospasm or pyloric stenosis. This disease develops in infants at the age of one and a half to three months, vomiting will be characteristic of it, signs, since food and liquid either do not enter the intestines at all, or come in too small quantities.

Note:if a spasm in the stomach worries a child under the age of one year, then he will cry and scream, press his legs to his stomach, it is unlikely that he will be able to calm him down quickly.

Older children can experience stomach cramps under the same pathological conditions as adults (they are listed above), and against the background.

How is the diagnosis of diseases that are accompanied by gastric spasm

Doctors insist that when cramps appear in the stomach, a person seeks qualified medical help. Only a specialist in an outpatient setting will be able to establish the true cause of the condition in question. And as part of the diagnosis can be carried out:

  • ultrasonic;
  • bacteriological examination of feces;

Treatment of stomach cramps

So, a person has a spasm in the stomach, the pain in this case is always quite intense and forcing to take some measures to alleviate the condition. What do most patients do? That's right - they are trying to find a solution to the problem on the Internet. Remember! In no case should you use any advice, and even more so pay attention to the miracles of traditional medicine, if a stomach cramp is accompanied by at least one of the following symptoms:

  1. The pain appeared after a strong, some powerful emotional outbursts. If the spasm in the stomach disappeared after a few hours, the pain does not recur, and the general condition of the person remains unchanged.
  2. If a spasm in the stomach is the result of a violation of the diet, and after the normalization of nutrition, the condition has fully recovered.
  3. The pain was short-lived, not accompanied by vomiting or general disturbance of well-being.

If no dangerous symptoms have been identified against the background of a spasm in the stomach, then to alleviate the condition, you can act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Count the pulse (should be 100 beats per minute at the peak of the pain attack), measure blood pressure (should not be higher than 140/90 and not lower than 100/60), measure body temperature (should not be higher than 37.3 degrees). If there are any deviations from the indicated indicators, then you should immediately call a doctor.
  2. If all indicators are normal, then the patient should take a supine position and apply a warm heating pad to the stomach.
  3. It is allowed to take an antispasmodic pill or use rectal suppositories with a similar therapeutic effect. But such drugs are allowed only in the case of normal blood pressure.
  4. If the patient was previously diagnosed and the doctor has already prescribed him treatment, then you can take the drug from this list.

Note:in no case should you cleanse the intestines and take any painkillers.

If the patient is not allergic to herbs and plants, there are no diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, then it is possible to alleviate his condition with a spasm in the stomach with folk remedies:

  • 2 teaspoons of dry and crushed leaves should be poured with a glass of boiling water, insist for 30 minutes. Then the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and drunk during the day in small portions;
  • mix nettle, St. John's wort and meadowsweet in an amount of 2 tablespoons and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. The agent is infused for 60 minutes, then filtered and consumed immediately in an amount of 200-250 ml. The rest of the infusion should be drunk during the day in several doses.

After the spasm in the stomach disappears, doctors recommend sticking to a diet for some time - this will reduce the load on the stomach, it will calmly recover and begin to work as usual. The diet implies the exclusion of alcoholic beverages, fried / smoked / spicy / sour / pickled foods.

Spasm in the stomach is a symptom that can indicate both dangerous pathologies and minor health problems. In any case, to prevent the development of complications, you should undergo an examination and consult a gastroenterologist.

Konev Alexander, therapist

Our body is wisely arranged. If something is not right, there is discomfort or pain. There is no point in ignoring these feelings. After all, their main task is to save life, that is, the instinct of self-preservation works through pain or fear.

Stomach pain can be a sign of anything from eating a fatty meal to serious illnesses such as malignant tumors and so on. You need to go to the doctor, undergo an examination and, if necessary, be treated.

Often, colic in the abdomen occurs due to muscle spasms, in which the muscles of the smooth muscles contract convulsively.

Most often, pain in the abdomen occurs due to improper functioning of the digestive tract.

In order to avoid unpleasant and serious consequences, it is better to listen to your body and try to rid it of disturbing factors. Of course, you don’t have to run around the clinics if the pain occasionally appears and disappears without a trace, but if this happens regularly, then you need to contact a specialist.

Abdominal cramps may be accompanied by fever. This symptom occurs with inflammation of the appendix or with another inflammatory process.

Symptoms of abdominal muscle spasm

Spasmodic pain often occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle, when a person does not eat right and is constantly under stress. Pain can appear due to problems in the work of internal organs: the liver, stomach, pancreas, kidneys, and so on. The blood vessels that are located in the abdominal cavity also suffer from spasms.

Symptoms of abdominal muscle spasm may occur during menstruation. This is quite normal, because in women of reproductive age, the hormonal background changes once a month, as a result of which the uterus contracts. Cramping pain appears in the lower abdomen. If you press a little on the painful point, then the pain goes away.

Spasm of the abdominal muscles causes

There can be many reasons for pain. In order to establish the true one, it is necessary to analyze what preceded the spasm. If it is completely unclear for what reason the pain appeared, then it is better to visit a doctor and undergo an examination.

Causes of spasm of the abdominal muscles in diseases of the internal organs, in stress, and so on. If the pain in the abdomen is inexplicable and unbearable, then it is better to call an ambulance.

How to relieve spasm of the abdominal muscles?

In order to alleviate the situation, it is necessary to press on the center of painful sensations. This will relax the muscles and increase blood circulation. Massage will help, which is desirable to do after a warm bath. Some people find contrast showers helpful. Hot water dilates blood vessels, while cold water constricts them. After the massage, a warm heating pad or a bottle of water should be placed on the source of pain.

How to relieve spasm of the abdominal muscles? In order to make it easier, you need to tighten and relax the abdominal muscles several times. Exercise will allow you to release lactic acid and, thereby, relax muscle tissue. It is also useful to drink a glass of warm milk, which will reduce the acidity in the stomach and relieve tension.

Doctors prescribe medication if spasms are caused by diseases such as anemia, diabetes, osteochondrosis, and others. Antispasmodics are usually prescribed, such as Ketorol, Ananlgin, No-shpa, Spazmalgon or Ketonal.

For pain in the abdomen, you need to lie on your side and try to relax. It will be easier if you lightly press your legs to your stomach. Warm drinks, a bath, and painkillers will provide temporary relief.

Spasms of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes occur in a woman's body that cause some discomfort. The uterus grows, the ligaments on which it rests stretch and become elastic, and the abdominal organs change their position. All this gives discomfort.

Cramping of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon that you should not be afraid of. In order to alleviate the situation, you need to rest more, less physically strain and wear a bandage.

If the pain becomes severe, while the woman sees some kind of discharge from the vagina, then an ambulance should be urgently called. After all, there is always a threat of premature birth, which should take place under the supervision of doctors or not take place at all, if the time has not come.

In general, pregnant women should take care of themselves. It is natural not to work, if to work, then without much stress. Receive only positive emotions - watch cartoons and romantic comedies. If something or someone is trying to spoil the mood, do not pay any attention to this fact.

If forty weeks have passed since conception, and cramps have appeared in the abdomen, then this is most likely a sign of the onset of the birth process. A pregnant woman needs to detect the time between spasms - contractions and call an ambulance. There is no need to panic, although this is painful, it is a normal process from which you cannot escape.

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