Greens are not digested and come out. Undigested food in stool: what does it mean. Healthy lifestyle

Our work digestive system is felt by us not only by some sensations in the epigastric region, but also by the color, appearance and smell of feces.

Most often, such studies are carried out by young mothers, since the feces of a newborn are significant indicator baby's health status.

But adults should also pay attention to the fact that there is undigested food in the feces.

Is it a pathology or a variant of the norm?

stool disorders one year old baby, unfortunately, are often found, but what to do if undigested food particles appear in the feces? Such phenomena do happen and often become a cause of concern for young mothers. Often, experts devote entire programs to stool disorders in babies, for example, one of those is Dr. Komarovsky.

The saddest thing is that in most cases it is the parents who are to blame for such violations, because of the excessive effort to "do everything for the baby."

Although there are problems that require drug treatment in such cases, it is imperative to contact a specialist! Today we'll talk about why they meet undigested residues food in the feces of a child and what to do in such a situation.

Digestive system small child it takes a long time to form, so stool disorders at the age of up to a year are a common thing.

However, disorders are different, and sometimes there are such troubles as the appearance of food debris in the feces. It can be a peel from plant foods, small parts of nuts and much more.

Changes in the functioning of the digestive system can be reflected in the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the feces. In medicine, this process is called tentorrhea.

Undigested food particles in the feces are not considered a pathology with normal health and the use of fiber - some of its types are not completely absorbed by the body and are excreted unchanged. Pathological sign tenorrhea becomes when other symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction are attached.

Possible reasons

The process of digestion of chewed food occurs due to the work of the digestive tract and under the influence of accelerated peristalsis in two ways: in waves, or gradually, so the causes that caused failures in the system may differ.

  • In the first case, the failure occurs based on the nature and physiological characteristics organism, manifested against the background of improper selection of food or for other reasons, for example, swallowing unchewed pieces of food during meals.
  • Pathological changes occur against the background chronic diseases where lientorrhoea is one of the symptoms.


Like any of the diseases, lientorrhoea can have differences in the forms of manifestation. This symptom has a number of signs that can appear, either one-time, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, or constantly. The presence of mucus in the feces may be a cause for concern, blood clots or other manifestations that are not characteristic of the usual format of bowel movements.

Undigested pieces with mucus in feces

The digestive system is in very close contact with the external environment, often exposed to various pathogenic microorganisms, which disrupts its normal operation and, as a result, causes an upset stool. Other groups of factors also lead to the development of diarrhea: diseases of individual systems and organs.

Infectious processes (viruses, bacteria)

Reasons for the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the feces of an adult

Regarding the lumps of undigested food found in the feces, mothers of young children are most often worried.

Looking into the pot, finding feces with pieces of food, every mother, by virtue of the instinct of caring for her offspring, begins to suspect problems in her child.

However, just undigested food in the feces of a child may well be, since the children's digestive system is in a state of formation.

The digestive tract of the baby is not yet developed enough to cope with large volumes of solid food. Well, what if undigested food is found in the coprogram in an adult? Should I be worried about this?

Normal or symptom of a problem

If at the same time a person experiences discomfort, difficulty with defecation, pain in the abdomen, then you should consult a doctor and take feces for analysis.

The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond.

For example, if you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grains the day before, don't be surprised to see undigested food in your stool.

The fact is that herbal products rich in indigestible fiber. Consumption of such food in large numbers leads to faster progress food bolus on intestinal tract.

About fiber

Vegetable fiber is essentially a mixture of complex polymer compounds, lignin and various polysaccharides that make up all shells. plant cells.

Such alimentary fiber are not digested by the secrets of the gastrointestinal tract.

Possible reasons

Determination of causes by accompanying signs

It usually does not occur to a healthy person to look for undigested food residues in the feces. The exception is situations where food pieces are visible to the naked eye.

If at the same time a person experiences discomfort, difficulty with defecation, pain in the abdomen, then you should consult a doctor and take feces for analysis. The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond.

For example, if you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grains the day before, don't be surprised to see undigested food in your stool. The fact is that plant foods are rich in indigestible fiber.

The consumption of such food in large quantities leads to the accelerated movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tract. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract simply does not have time to digest even the food that it can completely break down.

Hence the remains of food in the stool. If a general well-being not broken, no worries.

But at discomfort and the regular presence in the feces of distinguishable pieces of undigested food, you should consult a doctor.

First symptoms

Main symptom obstruction in the stomach - vomiting. Food goes back because it cannot be digested and absorbed. For this reason, the vomit contains semi-digested pieces that have a rotten smell.

The following symptoms may appear:

frequent stool is not the only symptom that accompanies diarrhea.

Diarrhea itself can be considered as one of the main symptoms of any gastrointestinal disease.

The symptoms of diarrhea are numerous. AT clinical picture may be present as intestinal (when acute diarrhea caused by poisoning), and extraintestinal signs (when diarrhea acquires a prolonged course due to any chronic disease).

Diarrhea in an adult after each meal can be a sign of any disease. When contacting a doctor, you will need to talk in detail about the symptoms, so you need to pay attention to concomitant symptoms, and also remember after what approximately period of time diarrhea occurs.

In addition to diarrhea, correct setting diagnosis, it is important to record the presence or absence of the following symptoms;

  • fever;
  • pain (in what place, what kind);
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • loss or increase in appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • belching (sour, rotten);
  • heaviness in the abdomen.


How long ago did the diarrhea start? Does the rest of the family have diarrhea? How many and what foods were consumed the day before? The manifestation and nature of pain?

The localization and intensity of pain is established using the initial examination, with palpation of the abdomen.

Laboratory research include: Bacteriological analysis feces, detection of pathogens intestinal infection.

General analysis blood to establish violations of the functions of the pancreas, liver, the presence of allergies.

Biochemical analysis blood test for hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis and the presence of acute infection.

In addition, an external examination of the feces is done, the composition of the masses, color, and design are studied.

Diagnosis of diarrhea is aimed primarily at finding out the causes that caused this condition. In this case, a number of clinical, laboratory and instrumental procedures are used.

Clinical examination

Fecal analysis indicators

Consumed food, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, is subjected to chemical and mechanical processing. This is where water and nutrients are absorbed into the blood and lymphatic system, as well as the formation and removal of all undigested food residues from the body in the form of feces.

Its density depends on how long the food bolus passes through the entire gastrointestinal tract. During the normal functioning of the digestive system, feces should not be too loose or too dense.

If the consistency of the feces is very different from the norm, and their smell is too pungent, this is a reason to take a stool test for the digestibility of food.

If a person is healthy, mucus, blood, digestible vegetable fiber, and starch should not be present in the coprogram, big number muscle fibers and fats. And indigestible fiber in the feces of an adult can be in any volume. Depends this indicator from the usual diet.


Lientorrhoea refers to specific manifestations, which is classified as a symptom, and in some cases as a disease. Treatment of tentorrhea includes a set of measures using drugs that eliminate the consequences of the symptom. A preliminary study of feces is carried out, which will help to establish the cause of the lack of enzymes.

With the help of a coprogram, it is possible to determine with great accuracy the type of microorganism that caused infection. Based on research, experts prescribe enzymatic preparations that help digest food and restore intestinal microflora.

Enzymatic preparations

Preparations of this type are designed to help break down food:

  • Pancreatin, Penzital, Mezim, Licreaz, Creon. This type medicinal products made from the pancreas of a pig.
  • Degistal, Enzistad, Festal. Preparations are made on the basis of the pancreas cattle.
  • Wobenzym, Orazu, Unienzym, Pepfiz. The supplier for the manufacture of medicines are medicinal plants.

All of these drugs have a complex effect on strengthening the digestive system and improving the functioning of peristalsis.


All drugs of this type are prescribed by a gastroenterologist, depending on the nature and form of the disease.

  • Bacterial damage to organs. It is recommended to take drugs complex impact with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli: Linex, Bifidin, Bacteriobalance.
  • fungal infection organs. In these cases, preparations containing bifidobacteria are prescribed: Bifidobacterin, Biovestin, Probifor.
  • Viral damage to organs. Experts recommend using a medicine (regardless of the form of the disease) containing lactobacilli: Biobacton, Lactobacterin, Primadophilus, Narine.

Folk remedies

For troubleshooting and malfunctioning of the digestive system traditional healers recommend the use of a number of preparations prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs in tincture format.

Diarrhea is treated according to the cause. In this case, both means of neutral, preventive action and weak antibiotics against the growth of pathological microorganisms can help. In case of acute infection, a special strong drug under the supervision of a physician.

(and gastrolith) - drugs general purpose. Used for all types of diarrheal condition. Restore water-salt balance organism. Frequent stools in an adult lead to the fact that electrolytes such as sodium, calcium and potassium are quickly excreted. The preparations contain these trace elements for replenishment, as well as glucose.

The approximate price is 19 rubles for 1 sachet.

It is not advisable to restore fluid during bouts of vomiting.

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines - a victory in the fight against diseases gastrointestinal tract while not on your side...

And you already thought about surgical intervention? It is understandable, because the stomach is very important organ and its proper functioning is the guarantee of health and wellness. Frequent pain in the abdomen, heartburn, bloating, belching, nausea, impaired stool ... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

Given that diarrhea is a consequence of many diseases, when choosing a treatment strategy leading role plays the identification and elimination of the underlying pathology. In this case, the treatment of diarrhea in adults involves the use of complex therapy(diet, taking antibacterial and rehydrating drugs, etc.) depending on the type of diarrhea.

First aid for diarrhea in adults

First aid for diarrhea is not only to alleviate the patient's condition, but also to eliminate adverse effects for the body.

Treatment chronic diarrhea based on changing the nutrition plan and applying irrigation. The use of probiotics and retention aids is also recommended. intestinal peristalsis. good effect They also give antibiotics. If medications are the cause of diarrhea in adults, then it is better to refuse their use.

The main type of treatment reduced function pancreas is the complete exclusion of alcohol and other substances that can irritate the gastric mucosa.

Medical therapy proceeds from the initially discovered cause - insufficient production of enzymes. Therefore, in this situation, it would be advisable to prescribe substitution therapy, which compensate for the lack of enzymes.

Preparations such as Pancreatin, Mezim-Forte, Creon have a beneficial effect on the digestion of food by replacing the missing amount of enzymes.

There are a number of drugs that can affect the functioning of the stomach glands, namely, to enhance their work.

With a concentration shift gastric juice to the alkaline side, it is appropriate to introduce before meals meat broth or replacement therapy, which is the maintenance of gastric juice.

It can also lead to an increase in production of hydrochloric acid with the help of a number of drugs: Etimizol, Pentagastrin.

With accelerated evacuation of the contents of the stomach, diarrhea may occur. Similar state may be due to the presence of foci of inflammation in digestive tract that require special study and prescribing a further course of treatment.

Therapeutic measures with diarrhea after eating in an adult, they are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • elimination of symptoms;
  • prevention of dehydration;
  • body detoxification;
  • restoration of microflora balance.

In addition, depending on the identified cause, the treatment will be anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiviral or other.

Treatment for single diarrhea

Prevention of diarrhea

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system are considered difficult to treat, so experts advise adhering to certain rules and follow the recommendations of doctors regarding their prevention.

  • Eating less food at a time promotes better food processing. In this case, fractional and frequent meals Thus, two goals are achieved: overeating is excluded, and the digestive organs do not work in an enhanced mode.
  • Use separate meals. It is better for the digestive organs to absorb food of one group: proteins with proteins, carbohydrates with carbohydrates.
  • At the time of eating, it is important to focus on chewing food fragments: thoroughly chewed food will be processed by stomach enzymes faster.
  • Experts recommend not drinking food with water because of the difficulty of digesting it in this form: gastric juice and hydrochloric acid in low concentration or diluted with liquid reduce their effect on food that enters the stomach.
  • Daily use fermented milk products will help to constantly maintain the microflora of the body in good condition.
  • Application unloading diets as fruit and vegetable dishes.
  • Moderately treat the use of alcoholic, carbonated and strong in their concentration (coffee, tea) drinks.

Overeating, incomplete meals on the go with fast food, excessively salty or spicy dishes, this is far from full list factors that can adversely affect the work of the digestive tract. Experts advise taking responsibility for your health: the disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

washing hands before every meal; thorough washing of vegetables and fruits; correct heat treatment vegetables, meat, fish, etc.; clean drinking water; timely medical examination and timely examinations by the relevant specialists.

Remember self-treatment diarrhea that lasts longer than 3 days can cause irreparable consequences to the body, contact your doctor for a diagnosis.

Improper nutrition

When the causes are clarified and the treatment is prescribed, it is worth doing one more important step on the way to recovery, namely, to reconsider your diet. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.

To ease the task of the stomach, you should drink food a small amount liquids.

Natural pectins must be present in the composition of food. They are found in large quantities in yogurt, banana pulp and applesauce. Products that contain a lot of potassium (milk and dairy products, boiled potatoes, fresh fruits).

Do not forget to salt your food and use salt in enough. This component will help retain water in the body. The diet should have protein food. Eat boiled eggs, boiled chicken, roasted turkey meat.

Raw vegetables it is better to exclude from the menu, because fresh vegetable fibers can provoke a deterioration. Before use, they are blanched or doused with boiling water. Hard vegetables (zucchini, asparagus, celery) are immersed in boiling water for a few minutes.

Plant fiber belongs to the group of polysaccharides ( complex carbohydrates), which are the cell walls of plants. It is found in vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains.

Fiber is practically not digested and absorbed by the body, because the human body does not have digestive enzymes that can break it down. Only some of the fiber can be digested under the influence beneficial microflora intestines, while its bulk is removed from the body unchanged.

Fiber mechanically irritates nerve endings intestinal walls, thereby stimulating its peristalsis and promoting the movement of food through the digestive canal, removing undigested nutrients from the body.

Fiber also helps maintain normal microflora intestines, as the bacteria living in the intestines feed on coarse dietary fiber.

Digestible and indigestible plant fiber can be found in feces.

digestible plant fiber It is a large rounded cells that have a thin, easily collapsing membrane and a cellular structure. Digestible fiber cells are interconnected by a layer of pectin, which first dissolves under the action of gastric juice, and then in the contents. duodenum. With an insufficient amount or absence of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice, the cells of digestible fiber cannot be separated and appear in the feces in the form of groups (cells of carrots, potatoes, beets). At the same time, the body does not receive the nutrients from this fiber completely or does not receive it at all, even when eating a large amount of fruits and vegetables.

To indigestible fiber includes the skin of fruits and vegetables, the vessels and hairs of plants, the epidermis of cereals, etc. Cells of indigestible plant fiber have thick double-walled shells. They contain lignin, which gives the fiber its hardness and rigidity. Indigestible fiber is excreted in the feces almost unchanged. Basically, the amount of indigestible fiber depends on the nature of human nutrition.

in feces healthy person consuming plant foods, digestible plant fiber is not normally found, indigestible fiber is found constantly and in different quantities.

The main reasons for the detection of large amounts of digestible fiber in the feces are a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, accelerated evacuation from the intestines, pancreatic diseases, if they are accompanied by diarrhea. When eating a large amount of fiber, all of it may not have time to be digested and will be found in the feces.

Of course, not everyone scrupulously analyzes their excrement. And the design of the current toilet bowls does not encourage such research. However, the appearance of uncharacteristic impurities and inclusions in the feces may be the first "alarm signal", indicating the occurrence in the body serious problems. Some of them are a weight reason for going to the clinic and examination.

Usually our feces is a fairly homogeneous mass. The appearance of impurities or foreign inclusions in it can be due to both the nature of the diet and the development of diseases. Any sane person should be wary of the appearance in fecal matter visible:

  • blood;
  • pus;
  • mucus;
  • food leftovers;
  • foreign inclusions.


The detection of blood in feces is always serious symptom requiring immediate medical attention. It can be a manifestation (often the first):

  • inflammatory bowel (ulcerative colitis, );
  • major benign neoplasms(for example, polyps);
  • and anus(cracks, ulcers, hemorrhoids, proctitis, etc.)
  • ischemic colitis (due to the pathology of the vessels that feed the intestines);
  • intestinal angiodysplasia;
  • pathology of blood coagulation;
  • infectious lesions of the intestine (for example, dysentery, amoebiasis, intestinal tuberculosis, etc.);
  • drug damage to the intestine (due to taking antipyretics, etc.);
  • helminthic diseases (ascariasis, trichuriasis, etc.).

The amount of blood can be different: from barely noticeable streaks to several glasses. Sometimes, instead of stool, when the patient has a bowel movement, only blood or blood with mucus comes out. The color of the blood reflects the location of the source of blood loss. Scarlet fresh blood characteristic of a "low" location (anus, rectum, sigmoid colon or descending colon). Often it is located on top of the feces. Dark blood(especially if it is mixed with fecal matter) or blood clots indicate a "high" localization, that is pathological process located on the right side colon or in the small intestine.


The admixture of greenish or yellowish pus in the excrement is always a sign of a serious inflammatory process. She appears when:

Therefore, pus in the feces is also considered alarm signal. Self-medication for these diseases is ineffective and can result in dire consequences.


AT healthy intestines there are always cells that produce mucus. It is necessary for the timely passage of feces through the intestines. Therefore, a small amount clear slime in faeces can be found normally. In addition, small inclusions or lumps of mucus are characteristic of the stool of infants who feed on breast milk. They are associated with excessive fat content mother's milk, with which weak digestive enzymes are still unable to cope child's body. However, a large amount of mucus, its yellowish or brownish color are often manifestations of:

In addition, mucus is a companion and a harbinger of exacerbation of chronic autoimmune intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis).

leftover food

Some types of food cannot be completely digested, so the presence of seeds, poppy seeds, bones, fragments of a dense peel, veins and cartilage of meat, fish bones should not be a cause for concern. Digestive enzymes unable to cope with such coarse fiber and connective tissue.

You should be wary if the remains of meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fat are visible in the stool. Their presence reflects a severe deficiency in the formation of enzymes necessary for digestion. This happens when:

  • common and severe;
  • inhibition of the production of pancreatic juice (a consequence of pancreatitis or removal of a part);
  • insufficiency of intestinal enzymes.

Also, food residues in feces are observed with accelerated intestinal motility ().

Foreign inclusions

Sometimes, when examining feces, one can see rounded or oblong white or light yellow dense inclusions in them. These can be fragments of worms (tapeworms) or the worms themselves (pinworms, whipworm, roundworms, etc.). It is highly desirable to collect such feces with all foreign bodies and take it to the laboratory of the infectious disease clinic. After all, treatment largely depends not only on the very fact of the presence, but also on the type of worms detected.

Films in the stool can appear when serious defeat colon: pseudomembranous colitis associated with antibiotic treatment. Sometimes suspicious patients take dense lumps of mucus for films or worms. In addition, in some cases, excrement may contain residues of drug shells (usually granular) or the drugs themselves (for example, grains of activated charcoal).

Thus, the appearance of certain impurities in the fecal masses should alert patients. Most of these inclusions require comprehensive survey and active medical action.

Which doctor to contact

If you have impurities in your stool, see a gastroenterologist. If this is not possible, primary diagnosis performed by a therapist or family doctor. After clarifying the diagnosis, the patient may be assigned an examination by a proctologist, oncologist, surgeon, hematologist, infectious disease specialist. For diagnosis, the qualification of the endoscopist and the equipment used by him is very important.

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If at the same time a person experiences discomfort, difficulty with defecation, pain in the abdomen, then you should consult a doctor and take feces for analysis. The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond.

For example, if you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grains the day before, don't be surprised to see undigested food in your stool. The fact is that plant foods are rich in indigestible fiber.

The consumption of such food in large quantities leads to the accelerated movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tract. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract simply does not have time to digest even the food that it can completely break down.

Hence the remains of food in the stool. If the general state of health is not disturbed, do not worry.

Regarding the lumps of undigested food found in the feces, mothers of young children are most often worried.

Looking into the pot, finding feces with pieces of food, every mother, by virtue of the instinct of caring for her offspring, begins to suspect problems in her child.

However, just undigested food in the feces of a child may well be, since the children's digestive system is in a state of formation.

The digestive tract of the baby is not yet developed enough to cope with large volumes of solid food. Well, what if undigested food is found in the coprogram in an adult? Should I be worried about this?

It usually does not occur to a healthy person to look for undigested food residues in the feces. The exception is situations where food pieces are visible to the naked eye.

If at the same time a person experiences discomfort, difficulty with defecation, pain in the abdomen, then you should consult a doctor and take feces for analysis.

The presence of undigested food in the feces of an adult can be both within the normal range and beyond.

For example, if you ate a lot of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and coarse grains the day before, don't be surprised to see undigested food in your stool.

The fact is that plant foods are rich in indigestible fiber. The consumption of such food in large quantities leads to the accelerated movement of the food bolus through the intestinal tract.

But with discomfort and the regular presence of distinguishable pieces of undigested food in the feces, you should consult a doctor.

About fiber

Plant fiber is essentially a mixture of complex polymer compounds, lignin and various polysaccharides that make up all the shells of plant cells.

Such dietary fibers are not digested by the secrets of the gastrointestinal tract.

Unfortunately, stool disorders in a one-year-old child are not uncommon, but what if undigested food particles appear in the feces? Such phenomena do happen and often become a cause of concern for young mothers. Often, experts devote entire programs to stool disorders in babies, for example, one of those is Dr. Komarovsky.

The saddest thing is that in most cases it is the parents who are to blame for such violations, because of the excessive effort to "do everything for the baby."

Although there are problems that require medical treatment, in such cases, an appeal to a specialist is a must! Today we’ll talk about why there are undigested food residues in the feces of a child and what to do in such a situation.

The digestive system of a small child is formed for a long time, so stool disorders at the age of up to a year are a common thing.

However, disorders are different, and sometimes there are such troubles as the appearance of food debris in the feces. It can be a peel from plant foods, small parts of nuts and much more.

Changes in the functioning of the digestive system can be reflected in the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the feces. In medicine, this process is called tentorrhea.

Undigested food particles in the feces are not considered a pathology with normal health and the use of fiber - some of its types are not completely absorbed by the body and are excreted unchanged. Lientorrhoea becomes a pathological sign when other symptoms of impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are attached.

Possible reasons

Diarrhea is a symptom various diseases. It is necessary to establish the cause of diarrhea before starting a course of therapy. With diarrhea, treatment should be under the strict supervision of a physician.

Medical indications

There are 2 types of disease:

  • acute or infectious diarrhea;
  • chronic or hologenic diarrhea.

In medicine, the concept of tentorrhea is used when displaying disorders in the digestive system, in which fragments of undigested food products. Solitary manifestations are not classified as pathological changes.

This can happen if a type of fiber was eaten that is not digested by the digestive organs and causes rejection or malfunction of the digestive tract, similar situation can be observed with other types of hard-to-digest products.

Lientorrhoea, as a pathology, can then be a cause for concern, when two more symptoms are additionally added to the identified problems, directly indicating malfunctions in the digestive system.

Like any of the diseases, lientorrhoea can have differences in the forms of manifestation. This symptom has a number of signs that can appear, either one-time, at the time of exacerbation of the disease, or constantly. A cause for concern may be the presence in the stool of mucus, blood clots, or other manifestations that are not characteristic of the usual format of bowel movements.

Undigested pieces with mucus in feces

Diarrhea in an adult after each meal can be a sign of any disease. When contacting a doctor, you will need to talk in detail about the symptoms, so you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, and also remember how long the diarrhea occurs after.

In addition to diarrhea, it is important to record the presence or absence of the following symptoms for a correct diagnosis;

  • fever;
  • pain (in what place, what kind);
  • heartburn;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • loss or increase in appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • belching (sour, rotten);
  • heaviness in the abdomen.

Reasons for the appearance of undigested pieces of food in the feces of an adult

Possible reasons

The process of digestion of chewed food occurs due to the work of the digestive tract and under the influence of accelerated peristalsis in two ways: in waves, or gradually, so the reasons that caused failures in the system may differ.

  • In the first case, the failure occurs based on the nature and physiological characteristics of the body, manifested against the background of an incorrect selection of food or for other reasons, for example, swallowing unchewed pieces of food during meals.
  • Pathological changes occur against the background of chronic diseases, where lientorrhoea is one of the symptoms.


What to do?

There are many reasons why the digestive system does not always cope with its functions with high quality. The situation when food particles come out with feces can cause pathological changes, physiological and any of psychological factors, such as stress, which enhances the work of the stomach and other organs of the digestive tract. In such cases, experts recommend independently investigating the cause of the failure.

  • Do not be distracted while eating and chew food properly.
  • Reduce the amount of food by crushing.
  • Organize a diet using separate meals, for example: eat proteins with proteins and so on.
  • Exclude from the diet drinks (alcoholic, carbonated) and foods ( fatty varieties meat and fish) that can provoke malfunctions in the digestive system.

When organizing meals for meals, you should consider which of the products are most suitable for eating. Some of them are well absorbed, but there are also those in which there is fiber that is not digested by the body.

Experts advise paying attention to the format of food, the frequency of consumption and the amount of food eaten at a time. In the diagram, it looks like this:

  • Use a crushed way of eating, increasing the amount of food intake up to 5-6 times a day.
  • Pay attention to the quality of chewing food.
  • Apply a separate way of eating, in which meals are prepared according to the content of substances, for example, foods that contain carbohydrates separately, enriched with proteins separately.
  • Use on the menu products that are baked or well-cooked, this will facilitate their digestibility.
  • Refuse alcoholic beverages, strong coffee.

Experts recommend excluding from the diet food that is difficult and not completely perceived by the body in the process of assimilation, replacing it with an analogue of products taken from flora. You may need to use one of the diets that will help reduce body weight, this will also help partially solve the problem with organization and recovery. normal operation digestive organs.

Healthy lifestyle

How to treat?

Lientorrhoea refers to specific manifestations, which is classified as a symptom, and in some cases as a disease. Treatment of tentorrhea includes a set of measures using drugs that eliminate the consequences of the symptom. A preliminary study of feces is carried out, which will help to establish the cause of the lack of enzymes.

With the help of a coprogram, it is possible to determine with great accuracy the type of microorganism that caused the infection. Based on research, experts prescribe enzymatic preparations that help digest food and restore intestinal microflora.

Enzymatic preparations

Preparations of this type are designed to help break down food:

  • Pancreatin, Penzital, Mezim, Licreaz, Creon. This type of remedy is made from the pancreas of a pig.
  • Degistal, Enzistad, Festal. Preparations are made on the basis of the pancreas of cattle.
  • Wobenzym, Orazu, Unienzym, Pepfiz. The supplier for the manufacture of medicines are medicinal plants.

All of these drugs have a complex effect on strengthening the digestive system and improving the functioning of peristalsis.


All drugs of this type are prescribed by a gastroenterologist, depending on the nature and form of the disease.

  • Bacterial damage to organs. It is recommended to take complex drugs with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli: Linex, Bifidin, Bacteriobalance.
  • Fungal infection of organs. In these cases, preparations containing bifidobacteria are prescribed: Bifidobacterin, Biovestin, Probifor.
  • Viral damage to organs. Experts recommend using a medicine (regardless of the form of the disease) containing lactobacilli: Biobacton, Lactobacterin, Primadophilus, Narine.

Folk remedies

To troubleshoot and malfunction the digestive organs, traditional healers recommend using a number of preparations prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs in the format of tinctures.


Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system are considered difficult to treat, so experts advise adhering to certain rules and following doctors' recommendations regarding their prevention.

  • Eating less food at a time promotes better food processing. In this case, fractional and frequent meals will help, thus achieving two goals: overeating is excluded, and the digestive organs do not work in an enhanced mode.
  • Use a separate power supply. It is better for the digestive organs to absorb food of one group: proteins with proteins, carbohydrates with carbohydrates.
  • At the time of eating, it is important to focus on chewing food fragments: thoroughly chewed food will be processed by stomach enzymes faster.
  • Experts recommend not drinking food with water because of the difficulty of digesting it in this form: gastric juice and hydrochloric acid in low concentration or diluted with liquid reduce their effect on food that enters the stomach.
  • Daily consumption of fermented milk products will help to constantly maintain the microflora of the body in good condition.
  • The use of unloading diets in the form of fruit and vegetable dishes.
  • Moderately treat the use of alcoholic, carbonated and strong in their concentration (coffee, tea) drinks.

Overeating, incomplete meals on the go with the use of fast food, excessively salty or spicy dishes, this is not a complete list of factors that can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive tract. Experts advise taking responsibility for your health: the disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

The work of the digestive system can be judged not only by certain sensations in the stomach or intestines, but also by the appearance, smell and color of feces. Most often, such studies are carried out by young mothers, for whom the feces of newborns is perhaps the most important indicator of the state of health of children. But adults also have something to learn from inquisitive mothers, especially if certain changes were noticed in the feces.

Changes in the type of stool

Many people know firsthand about the change in color, smell and consistency of feces, because with such concepts as diarrhea, intestinal disorders or infection, constipation, every person has encountered at least once in their life. But undigested food in the stool in an adult For some, it can cause real panic. AT normal condition feces should not contain any inclusions, lumps or pieces of undigested food, mucus, blood, etc.

Very small white stools in both infants and adults may be present and are usually not noticeable without excessive examination of the stool. Such inclusions of undigested food are most often fragments of plant foods - seeds, nuts, grains, peels of vegetables or fruits, etc. If a person feels well, then undigested particles in the stool in an adult should not cause any anxiety and do not require specific treatment. If the pieces of food are large and noticeable without close attention, then this may be a symptom of a malfunction of the pancreas or accelerated process food evacuation.

Vegetable fiber in the human diet

As mentioned above, undigested food in the stool in an adult is most often food particles. plant origin, and to be more precise - vegetable fiber, which is not absorbed and digested human body. This is due to the lack of special enzymes in the body that can break down plant fiber. The bulk of fiber is removed unchanged from the body and only a small part of it is under the influence of useful and healthy microflora intestines can be digested and excreted from the body in a different form - the usual consistency of feces.

Digestible and indigestible fiber

There are two types of fiber that can be found in the feces of an adult - digestible and indigestible. Note that both species can be found in the feces of an adult.

At the same time, digestible fiber most often appears in feces due to a lack of hydrochloric acid, which separates the cells of digestible fiber and, in the absence of which, particles of vegetables or fruits appear in feces. Most often these are pieces of potatoes, carrots, beets, apples, grapes. Nutrients from such fiber, respectively, are not absorbed by the body. In a healthy person, digestible fiber is not found in the feces.

Indigestible fiber is just those particles of cereals, legumes, skins of vegetables and fruits, hairs and vessels of plants that are most often found in the feces of an adult. Due to the lengin, which is part of the double-circuit shells of such fiber, these products are not digested by the body and leave it unchanged after the chewing process. Such fiber is found in the feces of an adult constantly, depending on the diet.

Undigested food in the stool in an adult is a consequence low acidity gastric juice, diseases of the pancreas, as well as accelerated evacuation of food from the intestines. In this case, the inclusion of such food is accompanied by diarrhea. In all other cases, temporary inclusions of undigested food are considered the norm.

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