What is bad for the prostate. Healthy and balanced food. Vegetable and fruit dishes

In many ways, the positive effect in the treatment of any disease depends not only on the medications used, but also on nutrition, on the patient's lifestyle. As soon as a person takes care of proper nutrition, how the forces of the body are mobilized, and it becomes easier to defeat the insidious disease.

This process is also typical in the treatment of male diseases. Useful products for prostatitis have, if not the main, but a very significant therapeutic effect.

Diagnosis first

Diseases of the prostate (male gonad) are diagnosed in our time very often. One of the first places in the distribution is prostatitis. With this disease, prostate cells become inflamed, which are responsible for full-fledged male health.

The causes of the disease can be both an infection that came through the genitourinary tract, and an infection from a focus in any other system of the body (respiratory, intestinal).

In the focus of inflammation, blood circulation worsens, tissue trophism suffers, and the normal process of producing sex hormones is disrupted.

What should be excluded from the diet?

Products for the treatment of prostatitis should contain a minimum amount of cholesterol, which, being deposited in the walls of blood vessels, impairs blood circulation in the genitals.

And at the same time, food with prostatitis must be balanced, rich in proteins, which play the role of a building material in the production of sex hormones and reduce the inflammatory process.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods rich in sugar and starch. They activate the fermentation process, increase flatulence.

Food should contain enough calories to provide energy for the healing process.

Products that can irritate the prostate gland are excluded from the diet (spices, hot sauces, fried and smoked foods, fatty meats, alcohol, tobacco, coffee and strong tea, carbonated drinks).

Basically, what is good for the prostate is good for the whole organism as a whole. But there are always little nuances. And therefore, only a qualified doctor will help you choose an individual diet, taking into account your concomitant diseases.

The most useful products

Starting to introduce healthy foods for the prostate into your daily diet, you need to understand their importance and effect in the body.

Proper meat and seafood

In the diet, a due place is given to low-fat meat and fish dishes, boiled or steamed. These foods are rich in proteins, essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, which in turn have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Vegetables and fruits

For the normal functioning of the prostate gland, many trace elements, vitamins, and essential amino acids are needed. In inflammation, the body needs them in twins. Many necessary substances can come with vegetables and fruits, aromatic herbs.

The predominant place is given to fresh vegetables and fruits. You can start eating them already at the first symptoms of the disease, without waiting for a doctor's consultation.

Carrots, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, watermelon, melon will help reduce the inflammatory process. It is advisable to eat them fresh or cooked in a double boiler. Lettuce, parsley, parsnips, celery and pumpkin seeds contain a lot of zinc, which directly potentiates the production of the male hormone (testosterone).


It should be noted the favorable properties of nuts on inflamed cells of the prostate. These products are beneficial for the prostate gland in that they contain a huge amount of vitamin E (also called the “reproduction” vitamin). It helps to restore cell walls destroyed by the inflammatory process.

When compiling a menu, enrich it with fermented milk products that will improve bowel function and reduce congestion in the pelvic vessels. Kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cottage cheese will improve the digestion process, help restore normal microflora in the gastrointestinal system.

Drink enough liquid!

The amount of fluid you drink in the treatment of prostatitis is very important. The daily volume of fluid consumed should be more than 2 liters. Sufficient urination promotes excretion. They will help to fill the lack of iron, potassium, sodium, rosehip tea, dried fruits.

Healing effect of honey

Treatment of prostatitis with bee products is widely used. This is due to the rich mineral, vitamin composition of honey. Biologically active substances of honey have anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and antioxidant effects in prostatitis. Monosaccharides from honey are well absorbed and play the role of an energy reserve.

Honey is able to absorb and remove harmful substances formed during inflammation. Thus, improve the general condition of the body.

Follow the easy rules of a healthy diet, and you are guaranteed to improve your overall well-being. Learn to heal and heal easily, pleasantly and effectively!

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, which is accompanied by a decrease in sexual function, pain when urinating, and other problems. Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the doctor prescribes pills in combination with exercises and procedures. The drug "Prostamol" is very popular, which has positive reviews from men and is approved by qualified doctors. In this article, we will talk in more detail about what kind of drug it is, whether Prostamol is effective for prostatitis, and what you need to pay attention to when taking it.

Indications for taking the drug

"Prostamol" can be used for the prevention of prostatitis and its treatment. Often it is prescribed in combination with other pills. The main indications for taking the drug can be:

  • BPH;
  • Inflammation of the prostate;
  • Violation of sexual function;
  • problems with urination;
  • Pain in the groin or perineum.

The medicine for prostatitis "Prostamol"

The drug is prescribed by a doctor and is not recommended for self-administration without consultation, selection of the duration of treatment and control by a doctor. Thanks to the herbal basis, the contraindications of these tablets have been minimized, which is demonstrated by patient reviews.

Features of tablets

The drug belongs to the category of phytopreparations. Many men like it because it acts quickly and eliminates all unpleasant symptoms, while it also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the cause of the disease.

The attending specialists note that the pills have the best effect if the adenoma was detected in the initial stages. Often used prostamol and chronic prostatitis. It is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations and not violate the direct instructions that come with the drug. Then, over a longer period, it will be possible to minimize pain, problems with going to the toilet and other symptoms caused by the disease.

Prostamol is most effective in the early stages of the disease

"Prostamol Uno" has an unusual composition, the list of ingredients includes the fruits of the sabal palm tree. Thanks to them, it is possible to turn testosterone into dihydrosterone, reduce the activity of harmful substances. The extract at the base of the tablets helps reduce urinary problems by increasing urine output and preventing bladder congestion.

Please note that the components of the drug can remain in the blood plasma for one and a half hours from the moment of taking the drug. This may be important when undergoing certain procedures, such as taking a blood test to detect PSA.

Reception "Prostamol" and dosage

Treatment of prostatitis with "Prostamol" is very simple and does not require supernatural efforts from you. As with other tablets, Prostamol Uno should be drunk only after consulting a doctor and observed during therapy. The tablets are taken once a day after meals. It is necessary to swallow one capsule without chewing and drink plenty of water or other liquid, it can be tea, juice or compote, but not alcohol.

There is no clear answer to the question "How long should the course of treatment last", since the urologist decides this, observing the positive dynamics from the treatment and the characteristics of the patient's physiology. For example, if a man feels unwell while taking the drug and the doctor detects intolerance to the body of individual components, then Prostamol Uno will need to be replaced with other tablets.

Recommended dosage of Prostamol

Speaking about the contraindications that can be caused by "Prostamol" in the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to highlight:

  • Allergy to the components of the tablets;
  • Pain in the stomach area;
  • Rash on the skin;
  • Individual intolerance.

Advantages of "Prostamol"

Now let's try to figure out why men and doctors unconditionally believe in Prostamol Uno and choose it for prostatitis? The first significant factor is the long term of the drug on the market. It is well known and tested, and therefore inspires confidence. Today, other tablets can be found on sale, similar in composition and therapeutic effect to Prostamol, but less popular. As a rule, this is due to the fact that they have recently come out and have not yet had time to establish themselves.

The second factor is the price. "Prostamol" is available in packs of 25 to 100 tablets. Depending on the duration of the course, you can buy a small pack and save on medicines. There is no need to buy a pack of 100 tablets if you have a short course and you will not need the drug in the future. After opening the pack, the tablets have a limited shelf life, which also indicates that they will not be stored forever.

The third factor can be considered its effectiveness. This drug has been on the market for ten years and helps men of different age categories. It is well suited for both the prevention and treatment of urological diseases, relieves pain and other symptoms, which has been clinically proven.


We systematized reviews from men who took the drug, and selected for you the most informative and clear, so that you can make up your mind about the pills.

The attitude to onanism (masturbation) is now ambiguous. Some people categorically condemn such a process, while others are sure that this is the best opportunity for self-knowledge and self-satisfaction. Masturbation is a long-standing way of satisfying sexual desires through stimulation of erogenous zones.

Harm of masturbation

Medical experts confirm that masturbation is recognized as an object of sexuality and is even needed at a certain stage in the formation of a man. However, the regularity of such a process plays an important role. Moderation is essential here.

According to studies, more than 60% of young men indulge in such studies of the body during puberty. This is due to the need for the release of the seed. To some extent, masturbation is beneficial. But with the abuse of such a process, a number of negative nuances arise:

  • Self-satisfaction takes a lot of physical strength and mental energy. If you masturbate often, then the body expends vitality. The result is a feeling of fatigue.
  • Frequent manipulation of the penis can lead to genital damage.
  • In some cases, neuroses and even dependence on masturbation form in men, it will be difficult to get rid of this, because the need to perform such manipulations will become a need for the body.

People addicted to masturbation feel bad without self-satisfaction. As a result, the intervals between such manipulations are reduced, a person often wants to do masturbation. But the peak of pleasure is no longer felt. All that remains is addiction.

Therefore, it should be emphasized that everything should be moderate. A lot has been said about the negative and beneficial effects of masturbation. If a person does not feel the need for self-satisfaction, and he is satisfied with sexual intercourse, then you should not even resort to masturbation. If the peak of pleasure is reached when engaging in masturbation, then you do not need to give up such sensations, condemning yourself in immorality, since masturbation makes it possible to be in harmony with yourself, it helps to increase sexuality.

Another thing is when onanism replaces intimacy. Sexual relations fade into the background, and self-satisfaction becomes a priority. But masturbation should not be a substitute for full sex. According to psychologists, it is dangerous to indulge in such an occupation. In a period of dissatisfaction or loneliness, masturbation helps to control oneself, one's desires. But systematic masturbation increases the risk that a person simply forgot how to live a full sexual life.

Most harmful is masturbation, which a man has been engaged in for a long time, since his youth. It often comes to the point that he simply prefers self-satisfaction, even with the possibility of full-fledged intimacy with a partner. In this case, only an experienced specialist will help to solve the problem.

If a man masturbates too often, then the spinal centers that regulate excitation are inhibited. This negatively affects reproductive function. In some cases, varicocele may develop, which is fraught with infertility. Many men who engage in self-gratification are often irritable, nervous, and have a poor memory. Excessively frequent masturbation leads to a weakening of the muscular frame of the prostate. This is fraught with congestion, prostatitis and even impotence. Increased excitability can lead to neuroses. The feeling of self-satisfaction after masturbation is often accompanied by a feeling of depression, weakness, oppression.

Is there any benefit?

Psychologists and sexologists agree that masturbation really helps to explore your own body, to learn how to achieve orgasm. Self-satisfaction can give self-confidence during intimacy. A person with the help of masturbation often overcomes his own complexes. As a result, when having sex, he indulges in pleasure, not embarrassed, not thinking about certain shortcomings.

Masturbation is a unique way to eliminate sexual tension. As a result, it improves mood. This process relieves emotional stress. This is especially true for those who temporarily do not have permanent partners.

Currently, masturbation is resorted to even for medical purposes. It is given to men when a semen sample needs to be taken. If a person is diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, then it is the process of self-satisfaction that sex therapists recommend. Such a prescription allows you to know the orgasm, learn to control your sexual energy.

That is, in fact, there are still positive aspects in onanism. Masturbation protects against viruses that are dangerous to the body. Among them are HIV, AIDS, hepatitis C. Such ailments are transmitted through intimacy. Self-satisfaction in this case is a safe way. It helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy.

Recent studies have found that people who masturbate have higher levels of T-lymphocytes. Therefore, the process of self-satisfaction helps to increase immunity. Australian scientists believe that periodic masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

Scottish experts have found that masturbation minimizes the risk of cardiac ischemia. Self-satisfaction contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. Men who masturbate improve the quality of seminal fluid by eliminating sperm with low motility. As a result, the number of highly motile spermatozoa increases. This has a positive effect on subsequent conception. Therefore, masturbation is useful for those who want to become a father, but for a long time cannot do this.

An important role is also played by a person's attitude to their own sexual needs and, of course, their manifestation. However, everything is useful in moderation.

The main contraindications for prostatitis in men

More than 30% of the male population suffers from inflammation of the prostate. The prostate gland for a man is like a second heart that should be protected. If prostatitis still struck this organ, certain behavioral measures should be observed. Prostatitis causes a lot of problems for the representatives of the stronger sex and requires the adoption of measures aimed at recovery.

The sooner a patient with complaints goes to a urologist, the more chances for a successful and quick cure.

Treatment of prostatitis includes a set of measures:

  1. Medical treatment
  2. Massage
  3. Physiotherapy activities
  4. Healthy lifestyle

In each case, the treatment is prescribed by a specialist, evaluating the results of the tests and conducting an examination.

However, both the doctor and the patient must remember that inflammation of the prostate gland has a number of contraindications.

It is required to know what is harmful for prostatitis, so as not to cause even more damage to health.

junk food for prostatitis

To fight the disease, you need a proper and balanced diet. You can not use the following products:

  • Fatty meat and meat broths;
  • Fatty fish and caviar;
  • Strong tonic drinks (including tea and coffee);
  • Preservation and smoked meats;
  • Offal (liver, heart, kidneys, etc.);
  • Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, beans), mushrooms, sorrel;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Sweet pastries
  • Spicy spices and lots of salt.

With all the prohibitions and contraindications, the attending physician will help you figure it out. Timely access to a specialist is the key to successful treatment!

It is recommended to eat foods that contribute to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and timely bowel movements (vegetable oil, fresh dairy products, cereals, vegetables, dried apricots, prunes). It is necessary to enrich the diet with foods rich in fiber, vitamins, consume a sufficiently large amount of water (about 2 liters per day, but avoid urinary retention).

Compliance with the diet allows you to reduce pressure on the prostate from the bladder and intestines, which reduces pain.

Down with bad habits

A patient with prostatitis should definitely give up bad habits.

  • Smoking adversely affects health. It provokes a spasm of the veins in the body, disrupting blood flow. Insufficient amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues of the gland, impairs the functioning of the excretory ducts, lowers the tone of the prostate, aggravating the stagnation of the secret;
  • Alcohol causes irritation of the prostate gland, increasing unpleasant, painful sensations. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent, often false, which is especially disturbing at night. Sleep and general well-being worsens;
  • A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of congestion in the prostate. Walking, running and swimming are very useful in the treatment of prostatitis. Morning exercises and a set of special exercises bring good results. Sedentary work, a large amount of time spent in the car, worsen the state of health, contributing to the stagnation of seminal fluid in the lobules of the prostate gland.
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    A separate discussion deserves contraindications regarding medical treatment. The most popular measure of influence on prostatitis is massage. Since they massage the prostate through the rectum, this topic is quite delicate and not every man will agree to subject himself to such an execution. And even fewer of those who seek the services of a massage therapist in a medical institution.

    But if prostatitis interferes with normal life, then there is a temptation to purchase a massager and do prostate massage yourself. Without a qualified diagnosis, it is highly not recommended to do this, since contraindications for massage with prostatitis should be taken into account:

    • acute bacterial prostatitis - often leads to urinary retention and is fraught with the spread of pus throughout the body;
    • tuberculosis of the prostate;
    • venous congestion - the risk of deterioration of the condition of the vein;
    • oncology of the prostate and rectum;
    • hemorrhoids - can cause bleeding;
    • the presence of stones or cysts in the ducts of the prostate - injures the duct and an inflammatory process occurs;

    Each of these conditions can be diagnosed by a urologist in a medical institution.

    Self-medication can lead to a significant deterioration in health, the growth of cancerous tumors, and damage to the prostate gland.

    Long abstinence is unfavorable for men's health, but frequent promiscuous sex is no less harmful. The most favorable regular sex life with a regular partner. Since an infection of the genitourinary system is considered one of the causes of prostatitis, casual sex should be protected. This measure will save not only from prostatitis, but also from many other diseases.

    Procedures that are harmful for prostatitis:

    • Mud therapy in the chronic stage, the presence of tumors
    • A combination of solar and water procedures, which, when combined, simultaneously overheat and supercool the body. A sudden change in temperature harms a diseased prostate.
    • Taking antibiotics for diabetes and kidney disease.

    Contraindications for the use of folk remedies

    Folk remedies based on herbal medicine can not be used for the treatment of prostatitis for everyone.

    The basis for this is:

    1. Individual intolerance to the components. Before starting the course, consult your doctor and get tested for allergens;
    2. Questionable origin of the recipe. Not everything that is written on the Internet can be trusted. Show the prescription to the doctor and chat on the forums with people who have been treated in this way in order to make sure that the prescription is effective;
    3. Incompatibility of components with other diseases of your body.

    Here is a small list of restrictions:

    • Garlic can not be used for epilepsy, stomach ulcers, gastritis and disorders of the kidneys;
    • Aspen bark will harm if you have cystitis, kidney disease, diabetes, joint pain, oncology, etc.
    • Pumpkin seeds are prohibited if the patient is overweight, as they are very high in calories;
    • An overdose of zinc can lead to poor absorption of other vitamins and minerals, in addition, it conflicts with a number of drugs: tetracycline, thiazide diuretics, captopril.
    • Propolis should not be taken with problems in the liver and gallbladder.

    Before introducing any drug of folk origin into the course of treatment, consult with your doctor.

    Traditional medicine will benefit only when all the nuances are observed and the means are selected individually, based on the physiological characteristics of the body.

    Summing up, it should be noted that the main contraindication for prostatitis in men is self-medication. Before taking any action, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease. The doctor will prescribe treatment, as a whole, evaluating the clinical picture. A healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits and adjusting the diet will give the desired results.

    Ecology of the environment. The group of increased mortality from prostate cancer includes men engaged in certain types of physical labor: rural workers, mechanics, welders, industrial workers. In men of other professions, it is lower. Scientists suggest that the influence of the external environment, and not nutrition or lifestyle, mainly affects here.

    Food. There is evidence to suggest that excess fat in the diet, especially saturated fat, may increase the risk of prostate disease. Studies have shown that men whose diets are high in fat are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer. Excessive calorie intake also increases the risk of disease.

    Scientists have concluded that a man can reduce the risk of prostate cancer by 50% by limiting fat intake to 30% of the total daily caloric intake. There is also evidence that substances found in soy products, some vegetables and fruits, may reduce the risk of disease.

    sexual activity. A man who has had a sexually transmitted disease has a very high chance of developing prostate cancer. Men who have had at least one sexually transmitted disease are 1.4-2.3 times more likely to have prostate cancer than those who have never had them.

    The more sexual partners a man had before age 64, the more likely he was to get prostate cancer. Statistics say that if a man in the period up to 20 years, from 20 to 30, from 30 to 40 and from 40 to 64 years had two or more female partners, the risk of developing prostate cancer for him is twice as high as that of having one partner. It is also estimated that if a man has had more than 30 partners in his life, he is at risk of a more severe form of prostate cancer.

    On the other hand, a relationship has been found between sexual activity and the incidence of prostate cancer: in the group of sexually inactive men, the incidence rate is about three times higher. Apparently, frequent ejaculation (up to 5 times a week) prevents the accumulation of carcinogens in the prostate gland. However, this applies to masturbation or sex with regular partners: an increase in the number of partners increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Smoking. Smoking increases the risk of prostate cancer among young people. There were three times more smokers among men younger than 55 who had their prostate removed due to cancer than among younger men with prostate cancer.

    Taking hormonal drugs. Taking large doses of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) can lead to prostate enlargement and malignant transformation of the tumor.

    DHEA supplements are taken by many as anti-aging, fat-burning, muscle-building, and immune-boosting supplements. Studies have not yet confirmed the effectiveness of these supplements.

    An organ called the prostate is considered so important in men that it is called the "second heart". Formed at the stage of the embryo, this unpaired endocrine gland reaches full development by the age of 20. But after 40 years, there is a secondary growth of the organ, which in some cases leads to the occurrence of a mass of diseases in men. Doctors tend to believe that this behavior of the prostate is associated precisely with age-related changes in the body and are signs of aging.

    The function of the prostate gland in a man's body is too important for his physical health.

    The location of an organ largely determines its function. The main responsibility for the genitourinary system lies with this small gland. Deviations in her work threaten not only a violation of urination, but also the development of male infertility.

    Maintaining the health and normal functioning of the prostate is one of the important problems of medicine.

    Prostatitis and its consequences

    • Vitamins A, E, C increase immunity, prevent the destructive action of free radicals and increase the body's resistance to various infectious diseases.
    • Zinc increases the ability to produce male hormones, inhibits the growth of the prostate in oncological diseases and helps to reduce the clinical signs of prostatitis, enhances potency.
    • Selenium is necessary to maintain sexual function, resists the increased growth of gland cells, acts as an antioxidant, has an anti-inflammatory effect, enhances immunity and the organ's resistance to the development of cancer cells.

    Based on the list of essential vitamins and elements, for quality work and maintaining its functions in working condition, you can make a list of products suitable for men's nutrition.

    What foods are good for men

    Women who care about the health of their beloved men need to remember that nutrition should contain not only what is tasty, but also what is healthy. Differences in women's and men's diets are too important for health. Therefore, when preparing dishes for your dear men, you need to think not only about your own figure and taste preferences, but more about healthy nutrition and longevity.

    Vitamin A

    The need per day is about 800 mcg.

    • vegetables: carrots, onions, spinach;
    • eggs;
    • liver;
    • fish fat;
    • milk, cream.

    Vitamin E

    You need up to 10 mg per day.

    • wheat germ;
    • corn;
    • vegetable oils (corn 250 mg per 100 g, soybean up to 120 mg);
    • bran;
    • eggs;
    • liver.

    Vitamin C

    The need is up to 60 mg per day.

    Hello, my name is Kirill, 46 years old. I take "Prostamol" from, but there is no special effect yet. Tell us what, besides drugs, is useful for inflammation of the prostate?

    Expert Answer

    Hello Kirill. Regular exercise is a preventive measure against many diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancer. And while relatively few studies have directly assessed the effects of exercise on prostate health, those that have been done have found that exercise is a good adjunct to the main treatment for inflammation of the prostate.

    Based on questionnaires completed by more than 30,000 men, researchers found an inverse relationship between physical activity and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Simply put, physically active people are less likely to develop BPH. This applies even to those who regularly walk at a moderate pace.

    Italian researchers investigating what's good for the prostate randomly assigned 231 people with chronic prostatitis to two groups doing different exercise programs: aerobic exercise, which included brisk walking, and non-aerobic exercise, which included leg raises, squats, and stretches. Each group worked out three times a week for 18 weeks. At the end of the study, men in both groups reported feeling better, but people who did aerobic exercise experienced significantly greater relief from prostatitis symptoms (pain and associated anxiety and depression).

    If you are interested in how to treat inflammation of the prostate in addition to drugs, then do not even look at dietary supplements. There is little evidence that they are beneficial for the prostate. Taking high doses of certain supplements and vitamins can even be harmful to your health. You can get all the nutrients you need by eating a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet and an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is optimal to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables (of different colors) every day.

    Eat plenty of whole grains, such as whole wheat bread, brown rice.

    Add to the diet only unsaturated fats, those found in fish, nuts and vegetable oils - olive, rapeseed or sunflower. But from the use of refined carbohydrates contained in products with the addition of food sugar or its substitutes, it is better to refuse. They provoke inflammation, metabolic problems and obesity.

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