Accelerated intestinal peristalsis. Creation of a rational menu. Recipes for constipation

Well-established work of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract- the foundation wellness. absorption occurs in the gastrointestinal tract useful substances from food. Man receives most nutrients and elements necessary for the body through the work of the intestines. It is important to keep it working properly. At modern image life, he is most susceptible to negative influences, the action of irritants. The incidence of the population of Russia with gastroenterological diseases is more than 10%. Common diseases are dyspepsia, poor peristalsis intestines.

The cause of intestinal motility disorders are various factors starting from malnutrition ending with stress. We will analyze them in more detail below. This disease entails a number of consequences that are detrimental to the human body. Pay close attention to work digestive system and go to the hospital, noticing the first symptoms of the disorder.

Important! You can't ignore stomach pain. It indicates serious violations.

How the intestines work

In order to recognize the symptoms of dyskinesia and get rid of the disease in a timely manner, we will analyze the specifics of the work of this organ, possible diseases, their reasons.

The intestine is a hollow tube lined with muscle fibers. total length intestine reaches 6 meters. It is divided into two sections: thick and thin. The length of the large intestine is 2 meters, the small intestine - 4 meters. Muscle fibers are lined with two layers. One is longitudinal, the other is circular. Due to this structure, the intestines are able to contract in waves. There is a phenomenon of peristalsis.

Peristalsis plays important role for the digestive process. When food enters the esophagus, then into the stomach and intestines, due to the contraction of the intestines, it moves to the lower sections, then to the anus, then it is brought out. Good motor skills ensure the full absorption of nutrients.

Passing along its path, digested food "gives" everything needed by the body substances. Certain zones are responsible for the absorption of useful substances, others for the removal of toxins. AT different parts digestive system food bolus lingers for an unequal amount of time. This is due to the fact that each department is reduced from different strength and frequency.

So, for the small intestine, up to 12 contractions per minute are characteristic, for the thick - 3-4, for the duodenum - up to 12, for the rectum, the norm is up to 3 contractions per minute. These indicators are typical for organs healthy condition. In case of failures, increased intestinal peristalsis is observed. This leads to various diseases.

Motility disorder

With poor peristalsis, food that enters the abdominal organs does not move well, lingering there. This leads to the retention of toxins, the inability to assimilate useful substances, as a result of which waste products accumulate and create an environment for the development of pathogens that provoke inflammation, the formation of polyps, ulcers, and impaired stools.

95% of people have suffered from a bowel disorder at least once in their lives. The most common consequence is a change in stool (diarrhea or constipation).

Causes of pathology

To control the work of the intestine, you need to know the reasons that disrupt its functioning.

Causes of poor gastrointestinal motility fall into two categories. The first includes pathological processes occurring in the abdominal cavity. These include growths and ulcers on inside intestines, surgery on this area, pressure from the outside. How pathological processes are considered by specialists genetic predisposition, weak tone of the muscle tissues of the internal organs.

The second category includes a violation of the regulation of the digestive system of the nervous and endocrine systems oh. The causes of the disorder are constant stress, nervous tension, overwork, lack of sleep, imbalance of hormones. These factors affect the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems that regulate the activity of the digestive tract.

The main causes of violations of intestinal motility:

  • lack of diet, eating junk food;
  • hypodynamia;
  • predisposition due to genetic factors;
  • weak muscles of internal organs, atony;
  • transferred operations on the abdominal organs;
  • taking antibiotics that affect digestion;
  • tumors on inner walls body;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, permanent stressful situations.

Poor nutrition is the most main reason disrupting the digestive system. Fatty, salty, fried foods irritate the intestinal walls, which leads to a deterioration in motility. Quick snacks, no good nutrition render Negative influence to work gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of dyskinesia

The following signs usually indicate a violation of intestinal motility:

  • pain in different parts of the abdomen;
  • stool change;
  • bloating;
  • weakness, irritability;
  • weight gain;
  • skin rashes.

Here are the main symptoms that indicate a violation of intestinal motility. You shouldn't ignore them. Not the fact that skin rashes can be a consequence this violation(possible imbalance of hormones), but this cause cannot be ruled out, and you need to check for malfunctions in the digestive system. 60% of cases show that acne is the result of an intestinal disorder.

The most common symptom is a change in stool. No need to panic. The intestine reacts to minor changes in external and internal factors which may result in diarrhea. You can get rid of it yourself, it is enough to purchase over-the-counter diarrhea drugs: such as Linex (a form for children is available), Imodium, Smecta, Bifiform.

With constipation, drugs that increase peristalsis will help. Constipation occurs due to poor muscle contraction, as a result of which food cannot move through the digestive tract. These symptoms are not difficult for a person to diagnose and eliminate on their own. If diarrhea or constipation continues after taking the appropriate drug, you should immediately go to the hospital. When the phenomena are of a protracted nature, they may indicate serious violations, develop into a chronic form.

Important! If diarrhea or constipation persists for more than a day, see a doctor immediately!

Constant pains of different dislocation in the abdomen clearly indicate a violation of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They can be called various reasons including weak peristalsis. Pain can disturb the patient both constantly and in waves, periodically disappearing. They may become smaller in the evening, after the release of gases or stool. Unpleasant belching, heartburn may indicate dyskinesia. Frequent recurrence of these symptoms should alert the person and encourage them to go to the hospital.

With a deterioration in the general condition, the appearance of weakness, insomnia, an unexpected weight gain, it is worth checking the state of the digestive system, as it reacts sharply to stressful situations. Sudden changes in body temperature heavy sweating may indicate peristalsis disorders.

Poor functioning of the digestive organs leads to a painful state of the whole organism. The symptoms listed above may be a signal that you need to check the functioning of the digestive system. Neglecting the symptoms, there is a risk of developing acute and chronic diseases.

What is dangerous bowel dysfunction

Good peristalsis ensures the coordinated work of the whole organism. In case of failure, changes occur. They can become inevitable, lead to protracted diseases, if you ignore the symptoms, do not start treatment on time.

Enhanced intestinal peristalsis contributes to frequent stools up to 8-10 times a day. This leads to a violation of the water-electrolyte balance. Useful substances from digested food do not have time to be absorbed in the small intestine and are excreted along with toxins. So the person doesn't get vital necessary elements, which leads to a general weakening of the body, a painful condition. During frequent bowel movements, dehydration occurs, resulting in exhaustion of the body. If you do not take action in time, it can even lead to death.

Reduced peristalsis is no less dangerous. At correct work The intestines remove waste products and waste products from the body. If motility is impaired, reabsorption occurs harmful substances from feces. This leads to intoxication of the body. Fecal retention in the intestine causes the formation of polyps, ulcers, papillomas, and tumors. Weak peristalsis is the cause of the development of hemorrhoids due to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs. Observed inflammatory process causing internal bleeding.

The main function of the intestine is the absorption of nutrients from incoming food and the removal of toxins. If peristalsis is disturbed, this function is not performed. The intestinal microflora is disturbed, immunity is weakened, as a result of which the risk of developing not only diseases of the digestive system, but also other organs in general, increases. Violation can cause both mild malaise and lead to death.

Important! Be attentive to changes in the state of the intestine. Timely treatment can prevent death.

Treatment of dyskinesia

Before starting treatment, the patient needs to undergo a series of studies to determine the cause, localization of the disorder to determine the methods of therapy and appropriate medical preparations. The doctor should refer the patient to such studies:

  • scatology;
  • endoscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • checking secretions for dysbacteriosis and occult blood.

These studies are necessary to exclude other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In accordance with the general complaints of the patient, it is difficult to diagnose poor intestinal motility.

Treatment should be comprehensive, it will consist of taking medicines, performing appropriate gymnastics, dieting. For constipation, the doctor prescribes drugs that enhance peristalsis. From diarrhea - lowering.

Power adjustments are being made. With increased peristalsis, the diet should contain fresh pastries, hot drinks, chocolate, warm cereals, eggs, meat dishes, pears, quince, black chokeberry, preferably red wine. With reduced - sour-milk products, juices and other cold drinks, vegetables, sour varieties of apples, apricots, gooseberries, dried fruits, herbs, seafood, bread with bran.

Moderate physical activity in this condition is used for treatment. Running, yoga, swimming are recommended. Mandatory daily long stays fresh air. A set of therapeutic exercises, abdominal massage is also prescribed.

How to cope with the disease at home

If the symptoms of violations are minor, you can cope with them at home on your own. Folk remedies are used to provide first aid.

For constipation, laxative mixtures are used.

Recipe 1

You will need:

  • sprouted wheat grains (1 tablespoon);
  • apples (2 pieces);
  • honey (1 tablespoon);
  • crushed walnuts(1 tablespoon);
  • oatmeal (2 tablespoons);
  • Half a lemon.

Grate the apples, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Add 2 tablespoons of warm boiled water, stir. Take 3-4 times a day.

Recipe 2


  • prunes (400 grams);
  • dried apricots (400 grams);
  • propolis tincture (2 tablespoons);
  • liquid honey (200 grams).

Grind dried fruits in a blender, add the remaining ingredients, let it brew for half an hour. Take orally 2 teaspoons at night to normalize peristalsis and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

With weak intestinal motility, decoctions of herbs are used to stop diarrhea.

It helps to normalize the stool with a decoction of consolid flowers (popularly - juices). Pour a tablespoon of herbs with 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew. Take as a tea after meals.

Help reduce peristalsis wheat bran- take 1-2 tablespoons half an hour before meals. Wash down large quantity water. Plantain seeds are a good remedy. You can buy them at the pharmacy without a prescription. They need to be crushed with a coffee grinder, take 1 teaspoon of bran before meals.

To prevent violations of intestinal motility, it is enough to follow simple rules. Adjust power:

  • use more products rich in fiber;
  • use first courses;
  • observe the drinking regime;
  • Minimize fast food snacks.

Try not to drink alcohol.

Outdoor walks are a must. Experts recommend spending at least a third of the day outdoors. Do not forget about charging, moderate physical activity. Recommended yoga, swimming, running, tennis. Introduce these simple rules into your life, and your intestines will be healthy.

When the contractions of the intestinal walls become insufficient, they speak of reduced intestinal motility, and if they are strengthened, they are increased. Both of these conditions require correction. Often it is enough to change the diet and increase physical activity, but in some cases, medication is needed.

The physiological basis of intestinal peristalsis

Intestinal peristalsis: what is it? Sequential wave-like contractions of the muscles of the walls of the organ, necessary to move the contents.

Intestinal peristalsis is controlled vegetative department nervous system. The muscles in the walls are located in two layers: in one - longitudinally, in the other - circularly (ring-shaped). From the brain to nerve fibers receive information about their contraction or relaxation.

The successive change of these states ensures the movement of food, and then feces to the anus. The process of evacuation (defecation) also requires peristaltic movements of the intestinal walls.

Thanks to peristalsis, the supply of fluids to the digestive system necessary for the absorption of nutrients and the processing of the remaining ones is ensured: from to small intestine there is an outflow from - . Therefore, motor skills are important not only for transportation, but also for the digestion of food.

Intestinal peristalsis in each of the departments digestive tract has its own specifics. First, the contents enter the duodenum. Muscle contractions in it occur in response to stimulation of the walls with food, they can be slow, increased or rapid. Usually several types of peristaltic waves move at the same time.

In skinny and ileum motor skills are less intense. In the thick section, food is digested for a long time. Contractions occur only a few times a day and move the contents to the anal sphincter.

Reasons for violation

Enhanced, active intestinal motility is one of the types of its violation, in which contractions occur frequently, and food moves very quickly without having time to digest.

The reasons for this dysfunction may be:

  • substances that excessively irritate the intestinal walls - drugs, sour or spicy foods;
  • a large amount of food;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestine -, enterocolitis,;
  • psycho-emotional overload, stress,.

Inhibition or absence of peristalsis, when wall contractions are rare, slow or absent at all, occurs for the following reasons:

  • frequent and uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - colitis, gastritis;
  • tumors - polyps, cancer;
  • abdominal surgery;
  • age-related changes muscular atrophy, hormonal disbalance, chronic pathologies;
  • hypodynamic lifestyle;
  • the effect of drugs.


Symptoms of intestinal peristalsis depend on its type.

With increased, frequent contraction of the muscle walls,:

  • Spasmodic pains. Irritation of the intestinal walls and increased peristalsis lead to a sharp and intense contraction of its walls. The symptom intensifies after eating, taking medication, decreases during sleep.
  • Frequent stools, sometimes loose (diarrhea).
  • Increased gas formation, bloating.
  • Changes in the nature of the feces: it becomes liquid, mucus appears, sometimes streaks of blood.
  • After going to the toilet, there is a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied.
Weak intestinal motility has the following symptoms:
  • Pain in the abdomen of various localization and intensity. During the day, they can manifest themselves either as a barely noticeable discomfort, or as severe spasms. Often this symptom subsides after defecation, passing gases, during sleep, and intensifies after eating.
  • Excessive gas formation, bloating.
  • Constipation. Stool disorders of this type are persistent, but in rare cases alternate with diarrhea, in the absence of treatment they become chronic.
  • Weight gain occurs due to a violation of digestion and metabolic processes in the body.
  • Signs of intoxication: deterioration general well-being weakness, headaches, Bad mood, allergic reactions, skin rashes. Prolonged exposure to processed foods in the intestines leads to the absorption of toxins from them.


To know how to restore, normalize intestinal motility, it is necessary to find out the nature of the violation and its causes.

Minimum set diagnostic methods includes:

  • Finger examination.
  • Coprogram - analysis of feces to identify other digestive disorders.
  • Endoscopy - instrumental examination intestines.
  • Irrigoscopy - X-ray examination with the introduction of a contrast agent into the intestine.

In difficult cases, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis may be prescribed, CT scan. Based on the results of the data obtained, the doctor establishes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

What causes intestinal motility disorders

Poor intestinal motility contributes to the stagnation of feces. As a result, bacteria actively multiply there, and decay processes begin. The resulting toxins are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter various organs, disrupting their work.

First of all, the liver suffers. receiving increased load, it does not cope with the filtering function. Signs of intoxication of the body are growing: headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, decreased mood, deterioration of the skin in the hair, the appearance of acne and other rashes.

Reverse peristalsis of the small intestine and stomach can lead to belching, vomiting. Strengthened and frequent contractions of the walls provoke diarrhea, which is dangerous due to dehydration.

With a large loss of fluid, chills, tachycardia, and dizziness develop. If not provided health care, these conditions develop into shortness of breath, convulsions, vomiting, increased heart rate.

Another complication increased peristalsis intestines - insufficient absorption of nutrients, which can lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the body.


Violation of intestinal motility requires treatment, as it worsens well-being and can lead to complications. Therapy is carried out in a complex way, it implies nutrition correction, performing special physical exercises and taking medications. The doctor makes all appointments after establishing the cause of the violations and determining their nature.

Treatment of sluggish peristalsis of the intestines and stomach is aimed at its stimulation. From the diet it is necessary to exclude high-calorie foods: sweets, fatty meals. Also banned are foods that increase gas formation and fermentation: legumes, boiled eggs, fresh pastries, fresh milk.

basis daily menu should be vegetables, fruits, cereals, bran - sources of fiber. Eating should be frequent and in small portions. Drink about 2 liters of water throughout the day.

When changes in nutrition are not enough, the doctor prescribes drugs to increase intestinal motility:

  • increasing the muscle tone of the walls (Vasopressin, Prozerin);
  • laxatives ( Epsom salt, castor oil, Senade, Regulax, magnesia).
Medicines are not always prescribed by a doctor, since intestinal motility can be increased by correcting nutrition and physical exercises aimed at stimulating blood flow and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Approximate complex morning exercises could be like this:

  1. Exercise "bicycle" lying on your back. Perform 25 times.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your legs and pull them to your chest, hold for 5 seconds, return to the starting position. Perform 10-12 times.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your straight legs and bring them over your head, slowly lower them. Perform 10-12 times.
  4. Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, twist the body to the left and right. Perform 10-12 times in each direction.
  5. Walking in place for 3-5 minutes.

With increased and frequent contraction of the intestinal walls, another treatment is prescribed, since in this case it is necessary to reduce peristalsis. The diet is compiled individually, based on the observations of the patient.

It is necessary to determine which foods cause irritation and the development of spasms. Most often these are spicy, smoked, fatty foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol, milk. Products to reduce intestinal motility - stewed and boiled vegetables, rice, oats, kissel.

To eliminate increased intestinal motility, drugs are prescribed that slow it down: Imodium, Loperamide, Lopedium, Diara. Physiotherapy is aimed at relaxing muscles, physical exercises are combined with breathing exercises. When choosing them, the main thing is to avoid stress on the abdominal muscles.

Starting position: standing on all fours or lying on your back. Suitable exercises from yoga, Pilates ("kitty", stretching oblique muscles).


Since it is most often not easy to establish peristalsis in an adult, it is worth paying attention to the prevention of its violations:

  • visit a gastroenterologist at least once a year in order to timely identify and eliminate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • maintain moderate physical activity - walk and cycle, visit the pool, etc .;
  • keep a diet and adhere to healthy diet- a diet for normal intestinal motility includes the use of foods with high content fiber, avoiding sweets, legumes, pastries, spicy and spicy foods.

Peristalsis of the intestine is its ability to rhythmically contract the walls. It is necessary for moving food from the stomach to the anus, as well as for its digestion.

When peristalsis is disturbed, it is weakened or strengthened. Both conditions bring discomfort, complications and require treatment. Recovery normal operation intestines, correction of nutrition, medication, and exercise are necessary.

Useful video about the normalization of bowel function

According to statistics, many people from developed cities suffer from diseases of the digestive system.

Gradually, the intestinal canal loses its functionality. This is affected by insufficient intestinal motility.

The concept of motor function

What is intestinal peristalsis, many patients have heard. But what is included in this concept and is this process necessary for the body?

Intestinal motility is a wave-like contraction of the walls of the intestinal canal. This process allows you to further push the food bolus from the top to lower divisions organ.

Peristalsis of the intestinal tract plays one of the main roles. It allows food to be digested, promoted and excreted. naturally in the form of feces.

This phenomenon involves smooth muscle structures that are in the intestine in two layers. In the initial layer, the muscle structures are located longitudinally, in the other - circularly. All movements are coordinated. This ensures the creation of a peristaltic wave. The frequency of such movements can be varied.

Often, patients have poor peristalsis. It slows down absorption. useful components, impairs the passage of food and complicates the process of removing waste products from the body.

Against this background, the patient begins to complain of constipation, diarrhea, pain stomach, nausea. This can lead to ulcers and polyps.

Causes of impaired motor functionality

How to improve intestinal peristalsis? This question worries most people who are faced with this problem. But before you start taking any measures, you need to identify the cause of the manifestation of the disease.

The causes of weak peristalsis in adults lie in:

In the presence of these pathologies, it is urgent to begin treatment. If no action is taken, there will be adverse consequences.

Sluggish peristalsis can also occur in infants and young children.

The reasons that slow down the digestion of food lie in:

  • the presence of a hereditary predisposition;
  • stressful situations;
  • change in nutrition. This process is observed with the introduction of complementary foods or during weaning;
  • small amount of water.

To get rid of the problem, a newborn or baby needs to be massaged. Rotational movements reduce pain and restore the functionality of the alimentary canal.

The absence of peristalsis is very often observed in old age, the reason for this is the loss of elasticity due to age.

Also, surgical interventions that are carried out on abdominal cavity. AT this case enhances intestinal motility chamomile enema.


If there is reduced intestinal motility, the symptoms will appear in:

  • constant pain in the abdomen. Their intensity may vary. Some complain about slight discomfort, others for spasms of an acute nature;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • stool disorders. With weakened motor functionality, prolonged constipation will be observed;
  • increase in body weight;
  • deterioration of the general condition due to intoxication of the body in the form of weakness, irritability, insomnia;
  • occurrence of allergic reactions.

If the patient is concerned about such symptoms, then an urgent need to visit a doctor.

In some cases, the opposite situation is observed - increased intestinal peristalsis. This process is accompanied permanent chair, the amount of which per day can reach up to eight times.

The increase in peristalsis occurs against the background of the active work of the muscular structure. As a result, a person receives less useful trace elements, loses the necessary salts, and the body is severely dehydrated.

Increased intestinal peristalsis occurs for several reasons, which include intestinal infections and exacerbation of chronic diseases. The patient may be disturbed by flatulence and gas formation. And in the stool, mucus or the remains of undigested food may appear.


If there is a violation of intestinal motility and cannot be eliminated on its own unpleasant symptoms you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Many diseases are similar to this pathology, and therefore require a thorough examination of the patient.

To identify the cause of reduced or active peristalsis, you need to tell the doctor about the presence of complaints, accompanying symptoms and diseases.

After that, a diagnosis is assigned, which includes:

  • endoscopy;
  • x-ray diagnostics;
  • histological examination of the material;
  • donation of blood and feces for analysis.

After identifying the cause, drugs are prescribed that improve intestinal motility.

Therapeutic manipulations

How to restore intestinal motility? Treatment of pathology involves the implementation of complex actions.

Medical therapy

How to increase intestinal peristalsis? Treatment and restoration of motility consists in the use of laxatives that stimulate the release of feces.

They are divided into several types:

  1. Means for improving intestinal motility, which stimulate the entire digestive canal. Epsom and Glauber's salts are among the strongest and fastest acting. When they are used, there is pressure on the intestinal lumen. Reinforcing effects are based on the obstruction of fluid absorption. The result is visible in one to two hours.
  2. Medications that stimulate the small intestine. Castor oil is one of these types. With its use, there is a relief in the movement of the contents through the intestinal tract. It is good for motor skills, but it should be taken carefully, observing a strict dosage.
  3. Drugs that normalize the work of the large intestine. Their structure is of vegetable and synthetic nature. Their effect is aimed at strengthening the tone of the colon.

Bowel dysmotility is also treated with:

  • enzyme medicines - Pancreatin and Creon;
  • sorbents - Activated carbon and Espumizan. They absorb gas bubbles, which allows you to normalize peristalsis. Are issued in the form of tablets. If it is necessary to treat the disease in a child, then it is better to purchase syrups.

How to make the digestive system work? Antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and antidepressants may be prescribed to improve intestinal motility. But they must be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Creating a rational menu

How to establish digestive processes if the intestinal canal does not work? The correct diet perfectly normalizes the functionality of organs.

To normalize nutrition, the menu should include products that improve intestinal motility in the form of:

  • cool decoctions;
  • juices based on berries and fruits;
  • mineral water and white wine;
  • fresh sour milk in the form of sour cream, yogurt, curdled milk, kefir;
  • ice cream;
  • vegetable crops with an increased presence of fiber. These include cabbage, radish, turnips, radishes, carrots, beets;
  • berry and fruit crops. These include apricot, plum, persimmon, grapes;
  • porridge from oatmeal, buckwheat and eggs;
  • wheat bran;
  • greens and nuts.

To increase motor functionality and avoid various disorders, vegetables, fruits and berries should be consumed raw.

Good stimulants for children, adults and elderly people are freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, vegetable oils.

The mixture of bran always made motor skills work well. It is enough to eat two tablespoons after a night's rest for one month.

Small intervals between meals contribute to the constant work of the digestive system. But portions should be small. Overeating should not be allowed, otherwise stagnation will form.

For accelerated motor function, it is necessary to exclude fatty, fried, dishes, smoked meats, sweets, pastries and flour, canned food.

In the child's diet, accelerated work intestines, it is necessary to include products in the form of:

  • white fresh bread, sweet pastries;
  • chocolate
  • berry kissels;
  • barley porridge, rice, semolina;
  • rice infusions;
  • grated soups and vegetable purees;
  • meat dishes, eggs and butter;
  • fruits and berries. These include mountain ash, bird cherry, pear, compotes.

These principles of nutrition improve motor function and bring all processes back to normal.

Folk ways

Functionality improvements digestive organs can be achieved with traditional medicine. But refuse medicines not worth it. This method of treatment acts as an additional.

First way

Laxative mixtures increase the motility of the intestinal tract. To do this, take a spoonful of wheat, two apples, two tablespoons of oatmeal, honey and lemon.

Apples are peeled and rubbed on a fine grater. Mixed with other ingredients. Pour in two tablespoons of water and mix well.

This recipe is a good stimulation for the digestive system, so it is better to use the mixture in the morning or before bedtime.

Second way

Increase motor function and avoid severe constipation a mixture of dried fruits will help.

For the manufacture of the medicine, 400 grams of prunes and dried apricots are taken. Pass through a grater or blender. Senna grass, honey and propolis are added to the mass. Everything is well mixed until a homogeneous mass.

You need to take the remedy at night. This will facilitate the emptying of the intestinal canal.

Third way

Treatment folk remedies, which reduce intestinal motility, is used much less frequently. With their use, it is possible to reduce the amount of stool, and ensure the saturation of the body with useful elements.

This remedy includes a decoction of raisins. For its manufacture, 100 grams of fruit are taken. They are poured with a cup of boiled water and put on the stove for 10-15 minutes. After that, the broth is infused for two to three hours.

Accept finished product followed after meals up to three times a day. This recipe will quickly restore the digestive tract.

If intestinal motility fails, what it is and how to cope with such a condition, only a doctor can answer. A well-chosen diet improves motor skills.

Overlay system absorbs suction better useful elements Therefore, it is worth carefully monitoring the work of the intestinal tract.

The digestive system is one of the most important mechanisms in human life. With age, he loses his abilities, which is why problems begin. Therefore, everyone should know why intestinal motility is needed and how to fix it?

Few people know what intestinal peristalsis is. This concept is understood as bowel contractions of a wave-like nature, which allow food to pass further along the intestinal canal and form into feces. With proper contractions, normal digestive processes are observed. With well-coordinated work, all microelements should remain in the body, and everything else comes out with feces during the emptying of the intestinal cavity.

Let's figure out what intestinal peristalsis is and how to prevent problems with it. For the successful functioning of the intestinal tract, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and physical activity. If two rules are not observed and there is bad habits, a person's ability to work decreases, he becomes lethargic and irritable.

Peristalsis begins to occur when the stomach is filled with food. Normally, the duodenum contracts up to ten to twelve times per minute, the small intestine - nine times per minute, colon and rectum - three times a minute. If problems are observed in intestinal motility, then the patient complains of constipation or diarrhea.

Causes of peristalsis disorders

Violation of intestinal motility can be observed at any age.

The reasons for the unfavorable process are:

  • constant stressful situations and overload of the nervous system;
  • irrational nutrition in the form of starvation, overeating, refusal to eat, consumption of heavy and harmful foods;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • long-term use of anesthetics;
  • the occurrence of regular dysbacteriosis;
  • infection of the intestinal canal;
  • the appearance of tumor formations;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • detection of helminth infection;
  • mental breakdowns;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

In some cases, harbingers of intestinal motility disorders are the occurrence of various diseases that affect the direct functioning of the digestive canal.

AT childhood reasons may be:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • regular experiences;
  • malnutrition or weaning;
  • small amount of water supply.

Doctors often advise children to massage and provide them drinking regimen. In childhood digestive function recovers much faster than an adult.

In older people, the reasons lie in the small motor activity. They prefer to lie down or sitting position resulting in constipation. Also, intestinal motility may be disturbed as a result of a previously transferred surgical intervention. At this age, patients are much more difficult to endure all procedures, and the body recovers several times longer.

Violation of the peristalsis of the intestinal canal is observed at the stage of gestation. In the first trimester, the problem occurs due to a change hormonal background. Due to sufficient production of progesterone, there are prolonged constipation. Starting from the second trimester, the fetus is actively growing. The enlarged uterus squeezes more and more each time internal organs, including the intestinal tract.

Symptoms of intestinal peristalsis

Poor peristalsis does not allow a person to fully live. He is constantly tormented by discomfort.

The main symptoms of the development of the problem are usually attributed to:

  1. increased pain in the abdomen;
  2. periodic occurrence of spasms;
  3. flatulence and bloating;
  4. violation of the stool in the form of diarrhea or constipation;
  5. weight gain or loss;
  6. deterioration in general condition;
  7. development of symptoms of intoxication.

In childhood, the symptoms of intestinal motility disorders lie in the following:

  • irritability and nervousness;
  • restless sleep;
  • causeless crying.

If such unpleasant symptoms are observed, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible.

Increased peristalsis of the intestinal canal

Peristalsis may be different character: be weakened or strengthened. But in both cases, it leads to the development of adverse consequences.

Increased intestinal peristalsis is characterized by symptoms such as regular diarrhea up to eight times a day. In this case, a person loses a lot of water, salts and microorganisms, which leads to direct dehydration.

Common causes are:

  • the occurrence of oncological diseases;
  • intestinal infection;
  • diseases of the intestinal canal of acute and chronic nature;
  • dysbacteriosis.

Increased intestinal peristalsis can act as protective function under the influence of a detrimental nature. To all this, the patient complains of flatulence and flatulence.

Before we start medical measures, you must first recognize the causes.

When the first symptoms appear, the patient should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. The doctor listens to complaints and palpates the abdomen. Based on the data after palpation, an examination is already scheduled. This includes:

  • delivery of feces for analysis;
  • blood donation for general analysis;
  • conducting x-ray examination with a contrast agent;
  • performing colonoscopy and endoscopy;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • biopsy for histological examination.

The entire examination takes from seven to fourteen days. If the body is found pathological process and the cause of development is recognized, the patient is prescribed therapeutic measures.

Treatment of disorders of intestinal motility

How to improve intestinal motility? This question interests many patients. Treatment of impaired functioning of the digestive system consists in carrying out integrated approach. The patient is prescribed medication, adjusts the diet and is advised to perform gymnastic exercises. Good results are shown by treatment with folk remedies.

Medical therapy

How to increase intestinal peristalsis? AT modern time pharmaceutical companies offer big list drugs. But they should be taken only after the recommendation of a doctor.

If the patient has a weak intestinal motility, then he is prescribed:

  • laxatives that affect the entire intestinal canal. This includes Epsom salt and Glauber's salt. These funds are the strongest and fastest acting. The result can be seen within one hour;
  • laxatives that act on small intestine. This includes castor oil. Its use ensures the movement of the contents in the intestinal canal, and the effect occurs after two to three hours;
  • laxatives that affect the large intestine. They are of vegetable and synthetic origin. These include glycerin suppositories, drops based on herbal extracts, Guttalax or Phenolphthalein.

To improve intestinal motility, drugs from antipsychotics, tranquilizers and antidepressants can be prescribed. They act on the nervous system and improve psychological condition sick.


How to restore intestinal motility? In most cases, patients are helped by following a simple diet.

You can select products that improve intestinal motility, in the form of:

  • cold drinks in the form of berry and fruit juices, compotes, kvass, wine;
  • fresh dairy products;
  • ice cream;
  • vegetables with great content fiber in the form of cabbage, radish, beets, carrots;
  • fruits. These include watermelons, melons, sour apples, apricots and plums, persimmons;
  • dried fruits. These include raisins, dried apricots, figs, prunes;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat and barley porridge;
  • greens and nuts.

If the digestive canal does not work, then vegetable oils from olives, sesame seeds, and flax seeds are prescribed as products that stimulate intestinal motility.

Treatment that enhances motor function should be directed towards consumption a large number fresh vegetables. No need to allow long breaks between meals. An excellent option would be five meals a day.

To reduce the motor function of the intestinal tract, you need to include foods in the diet in the form of:

  • hot tea, coffee and cocoa;
  • red wine;
  • white bread;
  • chocolate
  • berry kissel;
  • barley, rice and semolina porridge;
  • ground soups and mashed potatoes;
  • meat dishes;
  • eggs and butter.

With increased work of the intestinal canal, it is better to drink milk instead of kefir.

Folk methods of treatment

How to increase intestinal peristalsis? To improve the functioning of the digestive canal, you can resort to the use of folk methods.

There are several effective recipes.

  1. First way. relaxing mixture.

    To prepare it, you need to take one spoon of wheat grains, two apples, two spoons of herculean flakes, honey, nuts and lemon. All ingredients are crushed and mixed together. Then add a spoonful of water and lemon juice. Everything is well mixed.

    The finished product should be consumed several times a day, one or two tablespoons.

  2. The second way. Mixture based on dried fruits.

    To make a medicine, you need to take four hundred grams of prunes and pitted dried apricots. The ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, after which two tablespoons of propolis, a pack of senna grass and two hundred milliliters of honey are added to them.

    All components are well mixed with each other. The finished medicine should be taken two tablespoons before a night's rest. At the same time drink plenty of liquid.

Gymnastics for the abdomen

Sports such as tennis, swimming, running and horseback riding are suitable for the normalization of the digestive canal. You can do some exercises at home.

  1. First exercise.

    The patient needs to lie on his back and raise his legs up. It is necessary to perform movements, like on a bicycle, only the tone of the muscle structures of the press is additionally produced. This will increase blood flow in the pelvic organs.

  2. Second exercise.

    The patient needs to take lying position and grab the legs bent at the knees, and then. In this position, you need to stay for a few seconds.

  3. Third exercise.

    It is necessary to download the press daily. It is best to do the workout in the morning after sleep, without getting out of bed. It is enough to swing from ten to twenty times.

All therapeutic measures to improve peristalsis should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. It is better to follow gymnastics and diet all the time, and periodically you need to clean the intestinal canal.

Intestinal peristalsis is one of the main physiological elements in the process of digestion. Under the influence of internal and predominantly external factors Peristalsis can slow down, and it is within the power of any person to restore it on their own.

What are the main causes of dysmotility, how to improve intestinal motility by adjusting nutrition, exercise, folk recipes and modern pharmaceuticals.

What is peristalsis

Peristalsis or intestinal motility is a wave-like contraction of its walls, which are activated due to fibers smooth muscle located perpendicular to each other. The purpose of peristalsis is to promote food bolus from upper divisions intestines to anus, so contractions occur immediately after food enters the stomach.

Throughout the entire intestine, the rate of contractions may be different. There are abbreviations:

  • very slow
  • slow,
  • fast,
  • swift.

Moreover, the higher the intestinal section is located, the more active its peristalsis. Therefore, in the large intestine, contractions are the slowest, and only a few times a day they intensify when a person feels a strong urge to defecate.

The maximum rate of contraction of the smooth muscles of the intestine is 12 times per minute (in duodenum), the minimum is 3 contractions per minute (in the large intestine).

In addition, the process of absorption of nutrients obtained from food is also disrupted, that is, the human body begins to suffer from a lack of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Reasons for the weakening of peristalsis

Before considering in detail the question of how to strengthen motility, it is necessary to find out the main causes of the weakening of intestinal motility.

The two most common causes are:

  • malnutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Under the wrong, unhealthy diet means an unbalanced diet, the predominance of fried, salty, smoked foods, fast food and carbonated drinks. But even if a person does not use harmful products, his diet may be wrong if the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is not observed, there is no fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits in the menu. Also, the cause of slow peristalsis is the wrong diet, for example, when a person fasts most of the day, and in the evening absorbs big portion food.

Less commonly, the motility of the intestinal tract suffers due to various internal factors, that is, diseases. It is noteworthy that the list of reasons includes not only somatic diseases and consequences surgical operations but also psychogenic disorders. For example, chronic stress or depression can adversely affect the digestive process. This happens because during excitements and experiences, the autonomic nervous system, which controls the work of organs, activates its sympathetic department, wherein parasympathetic division, during the work of which the process of digestion of food proceeds, is inactivated.

Sometimes the disruption of the digestive tract can be temporary, for example, if the medications taken have this side effect on the body. In this case, it is necessary, after consulting a doctor, or to replace the medicine with a more safe analog or use the tips below.

How to improve intestinal motility

Improved peristalsis is whole complex various measures aimed at:

  • development of the correct menu;
  • treatment of chronic diseases;
  • avoidance of stress;
  • performing a set of exercises.

Proper nutrition

Considering the fact that malnutrition is the main cause of intestinal peristalsis disorders, it is best to consider how to improve intestinal motility, it is best to develop the right menu.

  1. First of all, it is important to learn how to eat fractionally, that is, in small portions every 3-4 hours. At the same time, the use of products should also be correct, for example, it is better to eat meat with fresh vegetables in order to improve the digestion process.
  2. Secondly, it is important to remember the balance of nutrients. Carbohydrates should be at least half daily ration, while it is better to make a choice in favor of cereals from cereals, and not in favor of muffins. Proteins should take up about 30% of the diet and come from low-fat varieties meat and dairy products. Fats are given 20% of total nutrients, and it is better to give preference to fats of vegetable rather than animal origin.
  3. In addition, the menu should include every day fresh vegetables and fruits, fiber, and enough liquids - from one and a half to 2 liters.

Such rules are universal, but each person should receive personal recommendations from the attending physician, taking into account their age, health status, and level of physical activity.

Drugs to stimulate peristalsis

Any drugs that regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Laxatives help to restore intestinal motility. 2 drugs positively affect the motility of all parts of the intestine:

  • magnesia (epsom salt);
  • sodium sulfate (Glauber's salt).

Salts have a stimulating effect on peristalsis in the following way: they provoke growth osmotic pressure, as a result of which the liquid from the intestine begins to be absorbed into the blood more slowly. The abundance of fluid in the intestines causes increased motility, and a person feels the urge to defecate within 1-2 hours after taking these drugs.

There are also drugs that affect the intestines selectively: only on its thin or, on the contrary, thick section.

Medicines that affect the small intestine

most famous and effective tool to stimulate intestinal motility is castor oil. Once ingested, it is converted into ricinoleic acid, which irritates the small intestine, causing its walls to contract faster.

Price castor oil from 40 to 120 rubles for a bottle of 30 ml.

Means that activate the motility of the large intestine

To enhance the peristalsis of the large intestine, not only tablets and solutions are used, but also suppositories.

To the number known drugs that have the claimed effect include:

  • Guttalax - the price is about 400 rubles per bottle with drops of 30 ml;
  • Bisacodyl - the price is about 30 rubles for 30 tablets, 40-50 rubles for 10 suppositories;
  • Laxigal - the price is about 250 rubles per bottle with 25 ml drops.

Any laxative drugs should not be used constantly. For safe treatment you need to visit a therapist or gastroenterologist who will draw up a therapeutic plan.

Gymnastics to improve peristalsis

Exercises to improve intestinal motility can be chosen for yourself, given the level of your physical training, age, presence of contraindications. Even regular exercise or a walk at a fast pace already has a positive effect on the digestive system.

But most strong impact on peristalsis, exercises are performed to develop muscles abdominals. These include:

  • twisting the torso in the prone position;
  • swing legs in a prone position or "bike";
  • abduction of the leg, bent at the knee, back, from a standing position on all fours.

Exercises should be performed in a mode that is comfortable for well-being, choosing for yourself the right number of approaches and repetitions. It is best to finish the gymnastics with squats.

Folk methods and means

Treatment with folk remedies is popular in almost any branch of medicine, but it is to enhance intestinal motility that they are the safest and most effective, and sometimes they can eliminate the need to take medications.

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