Laktofiltrum: healthy intestines - clear skin. The use of suppositories galavit in gynecology

"Estelle" is a brand of cosmetics, under which products for the care and restoration of hair, as well as for decorative coloring are presented. Consider Estel's innovative chromoenergy complex, how to use it at home.

Overview of the innovative tool

Estel Professional - created for hair restoration. It gives them health, smoothness and shine, so it is often confused with a hair lamination product, but it is based on a completely different principle. The product combines hair care components that strengthen the structure, give shine, elasticity, and promote gluing of split areas. The product is saturated with multivitamins in combination with an extract of chestnut fruits and chitosan.

The drug is sold via the Internet and is completed in 10 ampoules of 5 ml each. The inscription on the package reads: "For professional use." Ampoules are made of plastic and packed in a box. Please note: they do not have any inscriptions and stickers, and between themselves they must be fastened with a factory strip of the same material. All basic information on the use of the drug is indicated on the package. The liquid inside the ampoules is colorless, has a cloudy structure and easily flows out of the container.

Application area

Initially, the tool was developed for professional salons, but later it began to be used for independent use. Estel Professional - HEC (chromoenergetic complex) for quick resuscitation of severely damaged hair structure. It is used together with other drugs: paint, balm, mask. The tool is also effective when simply applied to curls.

In beauty salons, it is used in combination with paint. To achieve the effect, that is, strengthening inside and out, one to several ampoules with the active substance are used, depending on the condition of the curls and their length. To do this, the contents are added directly to the paint and applied to the hair. Active ingredients reduce the risk of splitting curls, while improving their structure. The exposure time depends only on the rules for applying the paint. Estel Professional Luxury chromoenergetic complex is recognized as the most effective for this process.

Who is the procedure for?

The procedure is suitable for owners of weak and prone to hair loss. The main task of the complex is to restore curls from the inside and protect their outer layer. This is a powerful tool for resuscitation of hair after chemical procedures: curling, straightening, coloring of any type (full or highlighting). The drug makes the curls heavier, reduces their chemical and mechanical damage in the future. Suitable for people who constantly eliminate this problem at the root. Another feature is giving the hairstyle smoothness and elasticity. Hair is straightened, resists natural curling at high humidity and high air temperature.

If your hairstyle is regularly subjected to heat treatment, be it a curling iron, a hair dryer or something like that, the Estel chromoenergy complex is right for you. Reviews about the drug are regularly left by both professional masters and people who have tried it at home.

The effect of using the remedy

The drug improves the condition of the hair both when used in its pure form, and mixed with a balm or paint. The effect depends on the choice of one of these means. In both cases, the curls will become visually healthy, and strong in structure. This procedure is confused with lamination, but, unlike it, the hair is not only covered with a protective layer on the outside, but also strengthened inside with the help of a multivitamin complex. There is simultaneous nutrition and hydration of curls. Recovery occurs due to the saturation of the hair from the inside with moisture, and the ceramides that make up the product penetrate deep into the structure, resuscitating damaged areas. Feature: the effect is more pronounced precisely on weak and brittle curls.

Damaged hair is prone to premature hair loss due to dryness, brittleness and split ends. All these problems are eliminated by the Estel chromoenergy complex. How to use it correctly at home, so that the effect manifests itself at 100%, read below.

Hair coloring with the addition of the drug

If you use the contents of the ampoules as an additional ingredient when dyeing, you can change the color of the curls, while maintaining and restoring their health. This is a safe option for hair shading, which is used by professional hairdressers.

The results of the procedure will be visible immediately, and the tone will last about a month. Color change is possible in a small range from your natural shade, while the hair is fully restored, become elastic and manageable.

If you simply add the complex to the coloring mixture, then this will secure the color change process, preserve the health and “life” of the curls. This is a mandatory measure for strong lightening of hair or coloring of strands that have previously been repeatedly subjected to chemical procedures. Therefore, the complex is recommended for unnatural blondes.

Terms of use

The drug is most often used in combination with other cosmetics or paint. But you can also use the product in its pure form, for this it is enough just to apply the contents of the ampoules to the curls.

For simple hair restoration you will need:

  • Estel chromoenergy complex (how to use for your length, see the package).
  • Hair balm, preferably from the same manufacturer, but you can choose any.

For safe staining:

  • HEC Estel Professional (chromoenergetic complex), the instruction will tell you the required number of ampoules.
  • Any hair dye, preferably from the same manufacturer, or a special coloring corrector for glazing.
  • Shampoo for deep cleansing.

In both cases, for medium hair length, you will need to pour 50 ml of the solution, that is, all 10 ampoules from the package. For short hair, you need to divide the proportions in half. In the case of hair dye, it is enough to withstand the time indicated in the instructions. If you're adding a restorative to a balm, stick to the average time, but don't exceed the 30 minute mark.

How often and where can the procedure be performed

The effect is fixed on the hair for up to one month, after which it is worth a second session. The drug has a cumulative effect, that is, a complex of 2-3 procedures will allow you to restore curls as much as possible. At the same time, the Estel chromoenergetic complex can be used with a balm or mask, or added to the paint, adjusting to the regular color correction of the hairstyle.

The tool is specially designed for salon procedures, only a professional master will be able to determine the degree of damage to your hair and the optimal number of ampoules for their length. For home use, it is worth changing the dosage with caution. The recommended interval between sessions is once every 30 days. It is also worth limiting the intake of additional fortified preparations for this time to prevent an overabundance of certain substances in the body.


cystone is a multicomponent herbal preparation that has both nephrolitholytic and antimicrobial effects. The nephrolitholytic action lies in the ability to dissolve kidney stones, as well as to remove various salts that contribute to their formation (oxalates, phosphates, uric acid). The antimicrobial effect consists in suppressing the growth and activity of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria that have entered the kidneys and urinary tract and are capable of provoking an infectious and inflammatory process due to congestion associated with stone blockage. Cystone is used in the complex therapy and prevention of urolithiasis, crystalluria (excretion of large salt crystals in the urine that scratch the mucous membranes of the ureters and urethra), gout, as well as infections of the urinary system (for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, etc.).

The name and form of release Cyston

Currently, the drug Cyston is available in a single dosage form - oral tablets. Tablets are produced by the Indian pharmaceutical concern Himalaya Drug Co., which specializes in the production and development of drugs based on herbal raw materials and natural ingredients. In other words, Himalaya produces factory-made herbal remedies, which include Cyston.

It is because of the natural composition that Cyston is often called not just a drug, but a herbal remedy. In addition, sometimes Cyston is called vegetable tablets, which fully reflects its qualitative composition.

Cyston tablets have a round, biconvex shape and are painted in a light brown color. On the surface of the tablets, you can see heterogeneous blotches of darker or lighter tones compared to the main light brown color. Tablets are packaged and sold in plastic jars of 100 pieces. Banks, in turn, are packed in a cardboard box.

The composition of the drug

The active components of Cyston tablets are extracts of medicinal plants obtained in various ways that have the properties of dissolving kidney stones and excreting various salts in the urine. The composition of the drug includes conventional plant extracts and steamed. This difference in obtaining extracts is dictated by considerations of giving the maximum possible therapeutic efficacy to the entire drug. That is, the extracts of some plants are most active when they are obtained in the usual way, and others - when steamed. There are no other fundamental differences in terms of therapeutic effects between conventional and steamed extracts of medicinal plants.

So, the composition of Cyston tablets as active ingredients includes the usual extracts of the following plants:

  • Flowers of the stalk bicarp (Didymocarpus pedicellata) - 65 mg per tablet;
  • Stalks of reed saxifrage (Saxifraga ligulata) - 49 mg;
  • Stems of heart-leaved madder (Rubia cordifolia) - 16 mg;
  • Rhizomes of membranous satiety (Cyperus scariosus) - 16 mg;
  • Rough strawflower seeds (Achyranthes aspera) - 16 mg;
  • Leaves, stem and flowers of osma bracteatum (Onosma bracteatum) - 16 mg;
  • Whole Vernonia cinerea (Vernonia cinerea) 16 mg

Also, the active components of Cyston tablets are steam-treated extracts from the following medicinal plants:
  • Aerial part (leaves, stem and flowers) of fragrant basil (Ocimum basilicum);
  • Horse bean seeds (Dolichos biflorus);
  • Tribulus terrestris fruits;
  • Seeds of bashful mimosa (Mimosa pudica);
  • Whole plant (roots, rhizomes, leaves, stem and flowers) of fragrant povonia (Pavonia odorata);
  • Whole plant (roots, rhizomes, leaves, stem and flowers) of horsetail (Equisetum arvense);
  • Teak seeds (Tectona grandis seed).
In addition, as active ingredients, each Cyston tablet contains powdered purified mumijo (Asphaltum purified) and lime silicate (Hajrul yahood bhasma) in the amount of 13 mg and 16 mg, respectively.

As auxiliary components, each Cyston tablet contains the following substances:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • Crospovidone;
  • Aerosil.

Cystone - therapeutic action

Thanks to its herbal extracts and natural ingredients, Cyston has the following therapeutic effects:
  • Diuretic action;
  • Nephrolitholytic action;
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Spasmolytic action;
  • Antimicrobial action;
  • Antiseptic action.

The diuretic effect consists in the diuretic effect, due to which the stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis is eliminated and its timely evacuation is ensured. This effect does not allow salts to precipitate and form crystals, from which stones will subsequently form.

The nephrolitholytic effect is to dissolve existing large kidney stones and remove small stones. The drug helps to weaken the chemical and physical bonds between the substances that form the stone, which leads to their cleavage. As a result, the stone decreases in size. Also, the nephrolitholytic effect is to remove and neutralize various substances in the urine that contribute to the formation of stones. In other words, Cyston prevents the formation of kidney stones, eliminating the factors that lead to this.

The anti-inflammatory effect is to reduce the severity or complete suppression of the inflammatory process occurring in the tissues of the kidneys or on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract.

The antispasmodic effect is to relax the bladder and urinary tract, thereby eliminating the difficulty of urination. Also, the antispasmodic effect eliminates pain caused by the movement of stones in the kidneys or along the urinary tract. In addition, due to the antispasmodic effect, Cyston relieves pain and burning during urination.

Antimicrobial and antiseptic action consists in the destruction of bacteria and other microorganisms that can provoke an infectious and inflammatory process in the kidneys and urinary tract.

All of these effects Cyston has due to the following pharmacological properties:

  • Removes oxalate and phosphate salts from the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as uric acid and small stones;
  • Normalizes the balance between the crystals and the colloidal matrix covering them in the urine, which prevents small scratches and wounds on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract;
  • Reduces the concentration of substances in the urine that contribute to the formation of kidney stones (oxalic acid, calcium, hydroxyproline);
  • Increases the concentration of urine elements that prevent and slow down the process of stone formation (sodium, magnesium and potassium);
  • Reduces the density of the mucin that covers the stones, as a result of which it becomes possible for them to partially dissolve and break into small pieces;
  • Prevents the accumulation of salt crystals and particles around the core of the stone, which significantly slows down its further growth and, accordingly, the increase in size;
  • Relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract and relieves spastic pain;
  • Provides normal separation of urine.
All therapeutic and pharmacological effects of Cyston do not depend on the acidity of urine (pH). Therefore, the drug can be used for any physical properties of urine, without acidifying or alkalizing it specifically with the help of various means.

Indications for use

Cyston tablets are indicated for use as part of complex therapy if a person has the following diseases or conditions:
  • Urolithiasis (nephrourolithiasis);
  • Prevention of the formation of kidney stones after surgical interventions;
  • Prevention of recurrence of kidney stones after their removal;
  • Crystalluria (urinary excretion of sharp salt crystals that injure the mucous membrane of the urinary tract with their edges);
  • Infectious diseases of the urinary tract (for example, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.);
  • urinary tract infections during pregnancy;
  • Acute urinary incontinence in women;
  • Gout;
  • Stones of the ducts of the salivary glands.

Cyston (tablets) - instructions for use

General provisions

Cyston tablets should be taken after meals with plenty of water (at least half a glass). The tablet must be swallowed whole, without crushing or chewing it. If a person for some reason cannot swallow a whole pill, then you can break it into two or four parts, which you can take one after the other. Against the background of the use of Cyston, at least 2 - 2.5 liters of fluid per day should be consumed. Moreover, this amount should include only water, tea, compote, juice and other drinks and do not take into account the liquid consumed in the composition of dishes.

Cystone can be used for any kind of urolithiasis and crystalluria, regardless of the composition of the stones and the acidity of the urine (pH). That is, Cyston tablets are effective in both oxalate, urate, and phosphate urolithiasis (kidney stones).

It is undesirable to use Cyston tablets with large stones, since their movement can cause blockage of the ureters and, accordingly, the inability to urinate. It is also not recommended to use Cyston for acute pain in the urinary tract.

If during treatment with Cyston a person develops acute pain, then the tablets should be stopped.

In the process of treatment with Cyston, it must be remembered that the therapeutic effect, like that of other herbal preparations, develops slowly, gradually, reaching its maximum severity after two weeks from the start of administration. That is, to obtain the effect, it is necessary to take Cyston for at least two weeks.

It must also be remembered that Cyston, like other herbal remedies, continues to exert its therapeutic effects for 2 to 4 weeks after the end of the intake.

Cyston - dosage for various diseases

Depending on the disease, its severity and speed of recovery, as well as on the age of the person, Cyston is used in various dosages and for different periods of time.

For urinary tract infections (for example, cystitis, urethritis, pyelitis, etc.), children and adults are recommended to take Cyston in the following dosages depending on age:

The duration of therapy for urinary tract infections ranges from 7 days to complete recovery and elimination of the pathological process.

With urolithiasis and crystalluria, Cyston should be taken by children and adults in the following dosages, depending on age:

  • Children aged 6 to 11 years - take 1 tablet 3 times a day;
  • Children aged 12 - 15 years - take 2 tablets 3 times a day;
  • Adults and adolescents over 15 years of age - take 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day.
The duration of therapy for urolithiasis and crystalluria is from 4 to 6 months or until the release of stones.

In order to prevent the formation of kidney stones again, for example, after surgical operations on the organ, removal of stones or remote lithotripsy (crushing of stones), it is recommended to take Cyston 1 tablet 3 times a day for 4 to 5 months, regardless of age. Sometimes, after surgical removal of stones from the kidneys, to prevent their re-formation, it is recommended to take Cyston according to the scheme - in the first month, 2 tablets 2 times a day, then for 4-5 months - 1 tablet 2 times a day.

For gout, Cyston should be taken 2 tablets 3 times a day in courses lasting 1 to 2 months. Courses of therapy can be used repeatedly, making intervals between them equal in duration to the period of taking the tablets.

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

Cystone does not affect the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, against the background of drug therapy, you can engage in any type of activity related to the need for a high reaction rate and concentration.


An overdose of Cyston was not registered even once during the entire period of observation of the clinical use of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Interactions with other drugs have not been found, so Cyston can be taken in combination with any other drugs.

cystone during pregnancy

General provisions

Cyston tablets are approved for use during pregnancy, since they contain exclusively herbal ingredients that cannot directly harm a woman or fetus.

Most often, Cyston during pregnancy is used in the complex therapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, such as pyelitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis (not associated with sexually transmitted diseases). Doctors also prescribe Cyston for urination difficulties associated with their strong spasm provoked by kidney stones, an inflammatory process, or strong pressure from the uterus.

How to take Cyston?

During pregnancy, Cyston should be taken in the same way as all other adults, without reducing or increasing the dosage. Tablets should be taken after meals with plenty of liquid (at least half a glass). During the entire course of therapy with Cyston, you should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day to ensure active diuresis.

If a pregnant woman suffers from urolithiasis, then without urgent need, Cyston therapy should not be started, since crushing and exit of stones can be accompanied by pain and other unpleasant sensations that can provoke uterine hypertonicity or miscarriage. Also, you should not take Cyston tablets during pregnancy in order to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones. The use of Cyston for the indicated purposes (dissolution of stones and prevention of re-formation) should be postponed until after the completion of pregnancy.

With crystalluria, when salts are collected in rather large crystals with sharp edges that injure the mucous membrane of the urethra and ureters during urination, pregnant women should take Cyston 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day for 4 to 6 months.

In infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, urethritis), Cyston should be taken 2 tablets 3 times a day until complete recovery. The minimum allowable duration of taking Cyston is 7 days.

Cyston with cystitis

Cyston tablets for cystitis have a number of effects:
  • Reduce pain, burning and pain during urination;
  • Enhance the effect of antibiotics, uroantiseptics and other antimicrobial agents;
  • Accelerate recovery by stopping the inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • Reduce spasm of the bladder;
  • Reduce the frequency of the urge to urinate.
Cystone is not a sufficient drug for the treatment of cystitis, therefore it should be used in combination with uroantiseptics (for example, Monural, Norbaktin, Nolitsin, etc.), which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms that caused the infectious and inflammatory process in the bladder. After antibiotic therapy is completed, Cyston can be continued for several more weeks in order to achieve a complete restoration of the normal structure of the bladder mucosa and the elimination of sluggish inflammation, thereby preventing future recurrences of the disease.

So, with cystitis, Cyston tablets should be used in the following dosages, depending on age:

  • Children aged 6 - 11 years - take one tablet 3 times a day;
  • Children aged 12 to 15 years - take 2 tablets 2 to 3 times a day;
  • Adults and adolescents over 15 years of age - take 2 tablets 3 times a day.
The duration of therapy depends on the speed of recovery, and can range from 7 days to 2 to 3 months.

Side effects

Cyston tablets as side effects can only provoke allergic reactions of a different nature (for example, skin rashes, itching, urticaria, bronchospasm, etc.) and severity.

Contraindications for use

Cyston tablets are contraindicated for use only in the following two cases:
  • Children under 6 years of age;
  • Increased individual sensitivity to any component of the drug.

Cyston - analogues

There are no drugs with an identical composition to Cyston, so this drug has no synonyms. But on the pharmaceutical market there is a wide range of other drugs with a similar therapeutic effect, but with a composition different from that of Cyston. Such drugs are called analogues.

The analogues of Cyston include the following drugs:

  • Afala tablets;
  • Bangshil tablets (only in Ukraine);
  • Kanefron N dragee and oral solution;
  • Nephrophyte with orthosiphon (herbal tea "Altai" No. 22) - filter bags and chopped herbs for brewing;
  • Pipemidine capsules for oral administration;
  • Spilled Super Capsules;
  • Renel tablets sublingual homeopathic;
  • Rowatinex capsules for oral administration;
  • Solidago compositum C homeopathic solution for injection;
  • Trinephron solution for oral administration;
  • Uro Veda oral tablets;
  • Uro-control tablets for oral administration;
  • Urokran tablets for oral administration;
  • Urolesan oral solution;
  • Uronefron oral syrup;
  • Urocholum syrup for oral administration;
  • Phytolysin paste for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration;
  • Flavia capsules.


Almost all reviews of Cyston (more than 95%) are positive. In about the same number of cases, people used the drug to dissolve kidney stones and remove sand, or to treat cystitis and pyelonephritis. In reviews of the use of Cyston to dissolve stones and remove sand from the kidneys, people note the high effectiveness of the drug, which allowed them to get rid of the existing problem without surgery.

In reviews of the use of Cyston for the treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis, people indicate that the drug helped to completely cure a long-standing and periodically exacerbating painful disease. In a number of reviews, women and men note that Cyston helps them prevent annual relapses of cystitis and pyelonephritis, which usually occur in the cold season. In addition, women note that the drug is literally a salvation if cystitis or pyelonephritis occurs during pregnancy, since it can be drunk in long courses without harm to the fetus.

In positive reviews, many point to the disadvantage of the drug, in their opinion, is the need for long-term use. However, given the high efficiency of Cyston, this drawback does not change the overall positive opinion about the drug.

Negative reviews were left by people who did not get the expected effect from Cyston. That is, they received some kind of clinical effect and improvement in their condition, but not as expected. This situation, in fact, is due to the discrepancy between the hopes placed and the real effect of the drug, in which the former is significantly overestimated. In this case, high expectations do not allow a person to objectively evaluate the drug, resulting in disappointment and negative feedback.

Kanefron or Cyston?

Both Canephron and Cyston are phytopreparations, that is, they contain extracts and extracts from medicinal plants as active, active ingredients. However, Cyston is produced by an Indian pharmaceutical concern, and Kanefron is produced by a German one.

Both drugs are indicated for use in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, etc.) and for reducing the size and preventing the recurrence of kidney stones. That is, the spectrum of action of Canephron and Cyston is almost the same, therefore both of these drugs are very popular and often prescribed for inflammation of the urinary system and urolithiasis.

In the reviews, both drugs are characterized positively, but some people like Cyston and are more suitable, while others prefer Kanefron, which is due to the individual characteristics of the body of each person. Thus, given the same therapeutic effect and similar effectiveness, we can say that choosing between Canephron and Cyston should be purely individual, based on your own impressions of taking the drugs.

However, there are some differences between Canephron and Cyston. So, Cyston contains many more components, which increases the risk of developing allergic reactions. Cases of an allergic reaction to Kanefron are not described. Therefore, with a tendency to allergies, Kanefron should be chosen. In addition, Cyston has a more pronounced antibacterial effect, therefore, with severe inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, this drug is preferable.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the ability of Canephron to reduce the excretion of protein in the urine during pregnancy, which is very important. Therefore, pregnant women suffering from preeclampsia or who have protein in their urine should opt for Kanefron.

Cyston (tablets) - price in Russia and Ukraine

Currently, in the pharmacy chains of Russian cities, the cost of a package of 100 Cyston tablets ranges from 305 to 401 rubles, and in Ukraine - from 83 to 149 hryvnias. Since the drug is imported to Russia and Ukraine from abroad, the differences in its cost in different pharmacies are not due to any factors related to its quality. The difference in price is usually due to customs duties, exchange rates, bulk price, transportation and storage costs, and trade margins. Therefore, there is no difference between more expensive and cheaper drugs. That is, you can buy Cyston, which is sold in pharmacies at the lowest price.

Among the wide variety of immunomodulating agents on the modern pharmaceutical market, Galavit is distinguished. This is a domestic drug that has been successfully used over the past 15 years in many branches of medicine. Galavit candles in gynecology deserve special attention. Patient reviews testify to its proven effectiveness. The main purpose of Galavit is to stimulate the body's defenses, increase its resistance during acute and chronic diseases.

Indications for use

Galavit is based on a synthetic compound called sodium aminodihydrophthalazinedione. It has no analogues in the domestic market. Unlike expensive imported drugs with immunomodulatory effects, Galavit has an acceptable price offer. This characteristic also arouses interest in its application among different social groups.

In addition to the immunomodulatory effect, the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This feature allows it to be used in many diseases.

The active substance of the drug activates the activity of macrophages, which destroy the pathogenic flora, digesting it. Galavit increases the body's resistance by increasing the synthesis of interferon and specific antibodies that act selectively on a specific type of pathogen. Their direct effect on cytokines, which regulate intercellular interaction, stimulate the growth and activity of cells of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems, was noted.

Thanks to its antioxidant action, the drug neutralizes free radicals, promotes epithelialization and tissue regeneration. Hepatoprotective action protects liver cells from possible intoxication caused by inflammatory processes in the body.

Galavit is made in tablet form, in the form of solutions for injections and suppositories. In gynecological practice, local treatment with Galavit is most often used. Candles Galavit in gynecology are used in combination with antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents of systemic action.

Indications for the appointment of the drug are the following circumstances:

Mode of application

Candles Galavit are not used vaginally. They are used only rectally. The course of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, the severity of the inflammatory process and the reactivity of the body.

The package of the drug Galavit (candles) contains detailed instructions for use, including in gynecology. Despite the general availability of medicines in the pharmacy environment, you should not self-medicate. The doctor develops the course and scheme for the use of suppositories individually, adjusting the dose throughout the treatment. The standard scheme provides for the use of the drug for 5-10 days. In complicated cases, longer use of the drug is required.

Before using Galavit, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components contained in the preparation. If at the first use of the suppository itching, burning sensation in the anus, as well as other unpleasant symptoms, the issue of further use of the drug is agreed with the attending physician.

The drug is produced in a dosage of 50 mg and 100 mg, 10 pieces in a plastic blister. It is more rational to purchase a package with a high content of suppositories that will be used during therapy.

Before inserting a candle into the rectum, you must first toilet the intimate area using body care cosmetics. Having taken a comfortable position, the candle is inserted into the rectum through the anal sphincter, without squeezing the muscles. After the introduction of the suppository, you need to take a horizontal position for 20 minutes. If the procedure is carried out in the morning, then it is necessary to provide for the presence of hygienic protective equipment. Enough to have pads for daily use.

Candles Galavit are part of complex therapy for many gynecological diseases. For preventive purposes, they can be used individually. However, in the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process, they are considered as an integral part of the treatment regimen. An integrated approach and adequate therapy contribute to the maximum effectiveness of the drug.

Calcium is the most important element involved in bone formation, related to inhibitors. Its deficiency leads to the fact that the bone, losing density, becomes fragile and fragile. Usually, a person has enough of those elements that are found in fermented milk products, fish, legumes, spinach, strawberries and other plant, vegetable, fruit and berry representatives. But sometimes the deficiency of Ca is such that nutrition alone cannot be saved here, and you have to take pharmacy ones for osteoporosis.

There are three age periods when the bone structure becomes very vulnerable, and it lacks the "bricks" -osteblasts for its own hardening:

  • Adolescence period of active and sharp growth (10 - 14 years)
  • Menopause in women:
    the critical period of bone loss in a woman is ten years after the onset of menopause, that is, 60 - 65 years
  • Old age (after 70 years)

Bone calcium deficiency and hypocalcemia are different things that people often confuse, which then leads to a misunderstanding of what drugs should be taken for.

If Ca is elevated in the blood (hypercalcemia), then this may indicate:

  • bone resorption, that is, their destruction
  • leaching of Ca from the bones and its entry into the blood, from where it is excreted by the kidneys
  • very fast intestinal absorption

Hypocalcemia (decreased Ca in the blood), on the contrary, is a sign that almost all Ca is retained in the bones.

Both extreme states need to be adjusted. Osteoporosis ultimately leads to:

  • Poor intestinal absorption
  • Increased excretion of Ca from bone tissue

The task of treating osteoporosis is therefore not an easy one. This is a targeted impact on the internal processes of bone formation from several sides:

  • delivery of Ca to the bones and its retention there
  • inhibition of bone resorption
  • stimulation of bone formation

Calcium alone is not enough to treat osteoporosis

Ca-drugs alone will not cure osteoporosis, they must be used in combination with other antiresorptive agents:

  • Calcium is a building material for cells
  • Antiresorptive drugs are regulators of the process of bone formation, monitoring:
    • balance of osteoclasts and osteoblasts
    • Ca concentration in the blood and regulation of its metabolism

Hormones are such drugs.:

PG and calcitonin are opposite in action:

  • If Ca in the blood is low, parathyroid hormone is stimulated, which in turn triggers the reproduction of osteoclasts that destroy bone cells.
  • As soon as Ca in the blood goes beyond the normal range, calcitonin is produced, which reduces the concentration of Ca and inhibits bone resorption.

With dysfunction of the parathyroid and thyroid glands, an excess of parathyroid hormone and a deficiency of calcitonin are possible.

So much for osteoporosis out of the blue, the cause of which is your endocrine system, and not a lack of calcium in foods.

What causes hypercalcemia

Even if you consume tons of calcium tablets, without regulating its metabolism, you will get hypercalcemia with serious consequences for:

  1. Central nervous and system - deterioration of brain activity and memory
  2. Gastrointestinal organs - ulcer, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis cholecystitis
  3. Urinary system - kidney stones, polyuria, renal failure
  4. Cardiovascular system - increased blood pressure, calcification of blood vessels and heart valves
  5. Organs of vision - conjunctivitis, cataract
  6. Skin - dermatosis, itching

With all this, the bones both collapsed and will continue to collapse.

To prevent hypercalcemia, it is necessary to periodically monitor the content of Ca in the blood when taking medications.

Proper calcium intake in osteoporosis, when combined with antiresorptive agents, not only slows down bone destruction, but also:

  • contributes to the normal concentration of this element in the blood plasma
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones

What calcium preparations are better to use

There are three types of Ca-drugs:

Gluconate, lactate, carbonate, citrate, calcium phosphate
Today, of all this series of monodrugs, calcium carbonate, as well as phosphate and citrate, are most preferred. The first two (gluconate and lactate) are now rarely used.
The funds are captivating with their cheapness, however, drugs have shown greater effectiveness (reducing the number of fractures during a fall):

Containing both Ca and vitamin D:

  • Nycomed Ca D3
  • Nycomed forte D3 and others.

They provide better absorption of the trace element in the intestines, thanks to vitamin D, which is extremely important in old age.

When taking the drug, do not forget:

  • With the accumulation of vitamin D in the body occurs hypervitaminosis
  • The increased content of Ca, in addition to clinical consequences, impairs the absorption of other important trace elements and drugs.:
    • Fluorine, iron
    • Antibiotics of the tetracycline group

In addition to calcium, other elements are also involved in building bones:
Phosphorus, magnesium, copper, etc.
Therefore, in osteoporosis,:

Combined calcium-containing preparations:

  • Calcemin Advance
  • Calcemin Silver

The composition includes:

  • calcium citrate or carbonate
  • Vitamin D3
  • Zinc, boron, copper, magnesium, manganese

If calcium carbonate requires mandatory intake with food, then citrate can be consumed on its own.

Very effective in osteoporosis, the combined use of calcemin and teraflex:
At the same time, not only the mineral bone composition is maintained, but also the restoration of destroyed cartilage occurs.

One combination drug:

  • Kaltsinova


  • Calcium phosphate, D3
  • Vitamins B6, A, C

Calcinova can be taken in childhood and adolescence, used not only to strengthen bones, but also as a treatment for caries

Composed with the help of a combination of B vitamins, the complex that ensures the optimal functioning of the nervous system and improves energy metabolism is called Kombilipen. When and why are Kombilipen injections prescribed: instructions for use, are there any analogues of the drug, its price, and patient reviews?

Combilipen contains vitamins B1, B6 and B12. This group has a restorative, tonic and supportive effect of the human nervous system, resulting in increased body resistance to adverse internal factors (with exacerbations of various chronic diseases), as well as external influences (ecology, chronic stress, bad habits and working conditions).

The positive qualities of the complex include:

  • high efficiency in the treatment of many neurological diseases;
  • affordability (from 146 rubles);
  • the presence of lidocaine in the composition, which ensures the painlessness of injections, due to the assistance in the rapid absorption of vitamins and the ability to dilate blood vessels.

Combilipen was developed by Russian pharmacists and is produced by Pharmstandard-Ufavita. These multivitamins do not contain mineral complexes.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is the ability to:

  • restore the sheath of the nerve fiber and damaged nerve tissue;
  • improve the passage of an impulse and the work of neurotransmitters responsible for excitability and inhibition;
  • relieve pain symptoms in case of damage to peripheral nerves;
  • influence the normalization of metabolism;
  • strengthen immune protection to the negative effects of external and internal space.

Group B strengthens the body (facilitates the general condition in various diseases) and positively affects the functioning of the brain (improves mental activity). The treatment complex has a positive effect on the joint functions of the brain and muscles.

The composition of the drug is represented by active ingredients: thiamine hydrochloride (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) - 50 mg each, cyanocobalamin (B12) - 500 mcg and lidocaine hydrochloride - 10 mg, as well as adjuvants (benzyl alcohol, water for injection, etc.) .

The benefits of vitamins

B1 nourishes nerve cells with glucose and normalizes the transmission of impulses.

B6 is involved in the metabolism of the central nervous system and its processes; participates in the production of catecholamines and the transport of components for the nervous sheath.

B12 synthesizes acetylcholine (necessary for impulse conduction), nucleotides; normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis and the production of components for nerve fiber tissues; promotes cellular regeneration.

Important! Combilipen is purchased in pharmacies only by prescription of the attending physician.

A complex of vitamins is used in the treatment of a number of neurological diseases. What Combilipen injections help with:

  1. Alzheimer's disease.
  2. (pathological changes in the spine; lumbar and radicular syndromes).
  3. Trigeminal neuralgia.
  4. Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  5. Alcoholic or diabetic polyneuritis.
  6. Intercostal neuralgia.
  7. Neck and shoulder syndrome.
  8. Shingles.
  9. Anemia treatment.
  10. Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  11. Avitaminosis (group B).
  12. Rehabilitation after surgical operations and severe pathologies.

In addition to the above indications, the complex is indicated for persistent long-term insomnia.

Important! Kombilipen strengthens the nervous system of the whole organism.

Forms of release and instructions for use

The injectable multivitamin complex is produced in 2 ml ampoules made of dark glass. The solution is sold in 5, 10 and 30 pieces in one package. The substance of the ampoules has a pink-red color and a peculiar specific aroma.

Vitamins are made inside the muscles of the buttocks in a conventional way.

Instructions for the use of injections Kombilipen suggests the following schemes for intramuscular injection therapy:

  • in acute conditions (severe pain) do 1 ampoule per day for the first week;
  • as a support, inject 2 ml once up to three times a week for 14 days;
  • mild form involves taking 2 ml of the drug two to three times in 7-10 days.

Since Kombilipen can cause allergic reactions, the first injection is recommended to be done in a medical institution.

Important! The duration of therapy depends on the diagnosis and doctor's prescriptions. The drug should not be taken for more than 2 weeks.

Treatment after a course of injections can be continued with Kombilipen tablets, taking them in accordance with the instructions for use, unless the doctor has prescribed another regimen.

The disadvantages of the vitamin complex include body reactions in the form of dizziness, increased heart rate, skin allergies and acne, excessive sweating.

Terrible side effects are angioedema (Quincke) and anaphylactic shock.

Contraindications for the appointment of Kombilipen include the following conditions:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • individual intolerance to vitamins;
  • the period of gestation or breastfeeding.

To prevent the occurrence of some side effects (tachycardia), a very slow administration of the complex is recommended. With a pronounced skin reaction, injections are canceled, side effects are reported to the doctor. Alcohol intake is prohibited.

Multivitamin injections are prohibited in patients who are taking epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Drug interactions and analogues

Multivitamins are not used in complex therapy with several drugs due to their incompatibility. So, for example, when taken simultaneously with vitamin C, the action of Kombilipen slows down.

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