Proper nutrition 3 times a day. th myth. Frequent meals speed up the metabolism. How often do you need to eat to lose weight

The concept of "nutrition" includes:

  • the amount and time of meals during the day
  • distribution daily ration according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight for breakfast, lunch
  • intervals between meals
  • time spent eating

The human body is extremely complex. The harmonic balance of this complex system, which is under the constant influence of the external environment, is what we call health.

An important role in maintaining the normal functioning of the body and its health is played by the rhythm of nutrition. The human body is designed in such a way that certain time the whole digestive tract prepares itself for eating and signals this. A person who is accustomed to a certain diet can check the clock by the signals of his stomach. If, for some reason, the next meal did not take place, the body is forced to rebuild, and this entails negative consequences.

At the hour allotted for eating, or some time later, at the thought of eating, the stomach begins to receive gastric juice, which has a great digestive capacity, and if at this time there is no food in the stomach, the secreted juice begins to act on the walls of the stomach and duodenum. Frequent violations diet leads to the formation of ulcers, gastritis and other diseases gastrointestinal tract. In order to avoid such consequences of violation normal nutrition it is recommended to eat something during normal meal hours if it is not possible to eat normally.

Human nutrition is regulated by the central nervous system. This is controlled by the so-called food center (appetite center) in the brain. And for normal and correct operation this center is extremely important correct mode nutrition. You need to eat a certain number of times during the day and at certain, strictly established intervals, if possible, correctly distributing food for each of the meals (both in terms of volume and calorie content, and in terms of the composition of nutrients).

As mentioned above, a person who is accustomed to a developed diet at a certain time has a feeling of hunger, an appetite appears. But you need to know that hunger and appetite are not the same thing. Hunger is what it is physiological state when the amount necessary for the normal functioning of the body ceases to flow into the blood nutrients. Appetite, on the other hand, can appear at the mere sight or even at the memory of delicious food(although physiological need in a new portion of food in the body in this moment No).

It happens and vice versa - there is no appetite, although the body already needs the next portion of food. Both increased appetite, not caused by physiological necessity, and its absence are disease state, most often caused by a systematic violation of the basic rules of nutrition. A normal food reflex is developed from childhood, when the body is formed and eating habits (including harmful ones) are laid. You need to know that in children the food center (reflex) is especially easily excited not only by the type of food, but also by the mention of it. Satisfaction of each unjustified physiological need for the manifestation of appetite will inevitably lead to a violation of proper digestion, to overeating.

The question of how many times to eat a day, at what intervals and what calorie content to take during each meal is one of the problems that is carefully studied by specialists, including the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Research by scientists has shown that one-time meals are generally unacceptable: the human body is in tension with such meals, not only does it work incorrectly. digestive system but also all other systems and organs of the body, especially nervous system. Two meals a day also causes bad feeling. A person with such nutrition experiences severe hunger, and the digestibility of the most important part diet- protein on average is no more than 75 percent of the intake. With three meals a day, a person feels better, food is eaten with good appetite, and the digestibility of protein at the same time increases to 85 percent. With four meals a day, protein digestibility remains at the same 85 percent, but a person’s well-being is even better than with three meals a day. In the experiment, scientists have proven that with five and six meals a day, appetite worsens and, in some cases, protein digestibility decreases.

Conclusion: for a healthy person, it is most rational to eat 4 times a day; three meals a day are also acceptable. As for medical nutrition with obesity, gastritis, colitis and other diseases, the doctor prescribes the diet and diet.

Now about the intervals between meals. From a physiological point of view, it would be ideal to start the next meal only when the digestion of the food eaten in the previous meal is over. To this must be added that digestive organs like any other organ human body need rest periods. And finally, digestion has a certain effect on all processes occurring in the body, including the activity of the central nervous system. The combination of these conditions leads to the fact that in a person accustomed to a measured diet, it is in right time there is a normal appetite.

One of the indicators of the duration of the act of digestion is the time of removal of food from the stomach. It has been established that at normal operation stomach and other digestive organs, the process of digestion of food lasts about 4 hours. Each meal results in more or less pronounced change states of the central nervous system. After eating, especially plentiful, some apathy sets in, attention decreases, the will relaxes, a person tends to sleep, that is, in the language of a physiologist, conditioned reflex activity decreases. This state of the central nervous system, which occurs immediately after eating, lasts depending on the abundance food taken for an hour or more. Then all these sensations smooth out, and finally, by the end of the fourth hour, the food center comes to normal condition- Appetite reappears. And if a person who is accustomed to the regime does not eat in a timely manner, he becomes weak, attention decreases, and working capacity decreases. And in the future, appetite may disappear. If you are systematically late with food or eat on a full stomach, normal activity digestive glands are disturbed, digestion is upset. More long span between meals falls on the period of night sleep, but it should not exceed 10-11 hours. General rule is the following: between small meals, the intervals can be short (2-3 hours), but it is not advisable to eat earlier than 2 hours after the previous meal. On average, the breaks between meals should be 4-5 hours.

Of great importance is the distribution of the daily diet, that is, the preparation of the menu. Here the questions of the quantity of food, its qualitative composition and the sequence in the intake of individual dishes are combined.

The total amount of food consumed by a person per day, along with liquid meals and drinks, averages about 3 kilograms. Breakfast is the first meal after sleep. During a night's sleep, everything eaten the day before was digested, all the organs of the body, including the digestive ones, rested and were created. favorable conditions for their future work. Scientists involved in nutrition are unanimous that it is necessary to have breakfast, regardless of whether physical or mental activity a person is doing. It can only be about what part of the diet should include breakfast. It is believed that if a person is engaged in physical labor, then breakfast should contain approximately 1/3 daily ration both in terms of volume and nutritional value. If a person of physical labor eats an insignificant volume and nutritional value breakfast or even worse - starts to work on an empty stomach, then he cannot work with full load, and his performance drops significantly. Now it has become fashionable, especially among workers mental labor limited to breakfast with a cup of coffee or tea. They refer to the lack of time and appetite. Both are the result wrong image life, general regime, including diet. Putting things in order in the diet (as, indeed, in the whole way of life) is quite within the power of a person, and anyone who wants to can overcome the bad habit of eating unhealthy food, and by the way, give up bad habits such as alcohol abuse and smoking.

Many mothers are nervous and wonder how many times a day a newborn should eat, and how often should they be fed? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally and draw up a general nutrition plan, since everything depends on individual characteristics sucking reflexes of the baby and mother's breast, as well as the presence of milk in it. However, let's figure out how to feed a child so that he grows up strong and healthy.

How many times a day should a newborn eat as soon as he is born

The first couple of postpartum days, the mother secretes a special substance - colostrum. It's fatter and more nutritious. breast milk. Since the baby is born very fragile and with a poorly developed sucking reflex, and is just beginning to get acquainted with the outside world and food, there is no need to be afraid that in the first days he will eat only a few drops of his mother's colostrum (about a teaspoon). In addition, the baby's stomach at the time of birth is from 7 to 10 ml and will not be able to accommodate more.

On the second day, the little one will eat a little more - 2-3 teaspoons of colostrum.

Already on the third day, the newborn will begin to develop rapidly, and he will need more milk (colostrum will go away). It takes longer to feed. The stomach will increase to 20-40 ml. In order for the baby to be satisfied, it is necessary to count on approximately the same amount of breast milk.

Since the baby will grow every day, the amount of milk consumed should also gradually increase. By two weeks daily intake a child should be approximately 500 grams of milk, with a single feeding 50-70 grams, and so on.

Over time, you will no longer have to increase the dose, portions will form and by 6-7 months the child will eat approximately 800-1000 grams per day.

It is definitely difficult to answer the question of how many times a day a newborn should eat. It would be correct to feed him when he is hungry and keep him at the breast until he is full. Usually infants eat 10-12 times a day every 2-3 hours.

All data provided is approximate. Every newborn baby eats differently - some more often and denser, some less often and less. Therefore, you can set a clear schedule for your baby only by experience and observation.

How to understand if the baby is getting enough milk

Many parents are afraid that the newborn will be hungry. To understand if he has enough milk, the mother needs to observe the behavior of the crumbs, his condition. If the child sleeps well, does not ask to eat more than it should be, gains weight, then everything is in order, and the child eats as much as he needs for growth and development. But if the baby behaves restlessly, or incredulous parents simply have doubts about the saturation of their child, then you can the easy way check whether the baby has enough food or not. You need to purchase special scales for babies and weigh the baby before and after he ate. The difference (plus or minus a few grams) will be the result of how much he ate. You can do it in another way: express milk from the breast and collect it in a bottle, so you can understand up to ml whether the baby has enough milk.

Unnecessary worries about the volume of milk consumed by the baby are in vain, as he will take required amount.

How many times a day should a newborn eat: features of the sucking instinct

The baby suckles the mother's breast not only because he wants to eat, but also because of his special physiological need for sucking. The structure of the oral cavity, cheeks and lips of the baby is designed in such a way that he can tightly grab the mother’s breast and stick to it, however, to strengthen them, it is necessary to constantly put the baby to the breast so that later he does not suck his finger or fist. Due to the baby's need to suck, the feeding process can be delayed up to an hour. All in all, approximate time the duration of feeding should be from 15 to 30 minutes. But do not strictly count the time of feeding. When the baby is full, he will let you know.

When feeding a newborn, it is important to ensure that he suckles at the breast, and does not chew or just hold it in his mouth. With prolonged feeding, if the child began to chew it, this means that he will soon fall asleep.

How many times a day should a newborn eat with artificial feeding?

A baby who is fed formula milk is drawn to eat about the same amount as a child on breastfeeding. Modern mixtures of milk for newborns have in their composition close, adapted to mother's milk elements that contribute to the development and full growth of the baby. But when feeding a child in this way, there is a risk of overeating. Therefore, if you do not watch how many times a day a newborn child should eat, he may experience bloating, digestive difficulties, and colic.

In order to choose the optimal amount of nutrition for the baby, it is best to contact the pediatrician. After inspection, considering physiological characteristics, height, weight of the child, he will advise how many times a day your newborn should eat.

Doctors usually say that it is better to underfeed a baby than to overfeed and then stay up at night because of problems with his stomach.

In practice, there is a simple way to calculate the volume of feeding the baby. It is necessary to multiply the number of days of the child from birth by 10 milliliters. The result is the amount of food consumed at one time (for example, on day 4, the child should eat 40 ml of milk formula at a time). But this is only the first 3 weeks.

Subsequently, up to 2 months, the calculation of the daily dose will be 1/5 of his body weight. For example, if your toddler weighs 3500 kg, then daily dose will be 3500/5 = 700 ml per day. A single will be equal to: 700 ml, divided by the number of doses (usually 6-7). Total approximately 100 ml per intake of milk formula.

With the growth of the child, the amount of food consumed will also increase: at 2-4 months - 1/6, from 4 months to 1.6 years - 1/7, at 6-8 months - 1/8, 8-12 months - 1 / 9 from body weight. In order to avoid overeating, the main thing is not to exceed the feeding volume of 1200 ml per day.

Unlike a baby-baby, it is advisable to feed an artificial one, observing the regimen: during the day - every 3 hours (a deviation of plus or minus half an hour is allowed), in the evening and at night the break between feeding is 4-5 hours.

You can focus on the diet, but it is necessary to take into account the baby's appetite, as well as the recommendations given by the pediatrician.

The key to the health of the baby is the issue of cleanliness of the dishes from which he drinks. Therefore, do not forget to boil or sterilize bottles and nipples with a special apparatus.

More information about how many times a day newborns should eat

It is important for mothers not only to know how many times a day a newborn baby should eat, but also other nutritional features.

Belching. Every baby, starting from the first days of life, when he drinks milk, swallows air with him, which remains in the stomach and causes anxiety to the child. To get rid of discomfort the little one has good way: hold the baby in your arms, putting his head on his shoulder and stroke his back. Beforehand, it is better to put a napkin on your shoulder in case the child suddenly burps. Not everyone can immediately burp air. Helps: put the baby in the crib for a couple of minutes, and then take it back in your arms. After the baby burps, you can continue feeding him.

Weight gain. Many parents worry that their baby is gaining weight much more slowly than other children. There is no need to worry about this. If the baby eats well, sleeps and general condition healthy, then a slow increase is nothing to worry about. However, it is better to play it safe and show the child to the pediatrician.

Toilet. When deciding how many times a day a newborn child should eat, it is necessary to look at the number of diapers soiled by him. Do not forget that when proper feeding the baby must have regular stool(at least 3 times a day). And healthy children can write from 10 to 20 times a day.

The most important need for a baby after birth is nutrition. Everything depends on how a child eats properly. physical development and condition. So, moms, good luck with feeding your little one!

How many times a day to eat important question for healthy and optimal nutrition. There is a lot of advice out there about the frequency of "optimal" meals. According to many "gurus" - be sure to eat breakfast with which fat burning begins and 5-6 small meals a day to prevent a slowdown in metabolism -.

"Breakfast is the most important trick food a day"- sounds familiar?

Conventional wisdom dictates that breakfast is a must, that it starts the metabolism of the day and helps you lose weight if needed.

How many times a day to eat

Observational studies consistently show that non-breakfast eaters are more likely to be obese than breakfast eaters. However, correlation does not equal causation. This data is not prove that breakfast helps you lose weight, that people who eat breakfast have more low risk be obese. This is rather due to the fact that many people prefer a donut at work for breakfast and then a big meal for lunch and dinner. And there really is no physiological need for breakfast, since not much energy is spent overnight. Therefore, people who have healthy habits in general, more inclined to eat breakfast.

The longer you wait between meals feeling hungry, the more likely you are to overeat.

Many nutrition experts agree that when it comes to losing weight by skipping meals, it can mean overall health trouble for most, and there's nothing close to a consensus that it's better to eat three regular meals a day, or spread out five or six. times, but with less food.

After about 3 hours without food, blood sugar begins to drop. And after 4 hours, the body is already digesting everything that was sent before, after you have already crossed the 5-hour break between meals, blood sugar levels begin to drop even more, and grab everything that is possible to “refuel”.

So given the tried and true equations for weight maintenance:

calories "in" = calories "out", it really comes down to the rule

five or six small meals a day helps us:

  • burn more calories at the end of the day
  • eat the fewest calories at the end of the day

So answering the question:

Nutritionists agree that eat every three hours(except at night) certainly helps some people control their appetite and feel more energetic, but also find that everyone is different. However, when normal amount meals are almost non-existent.

Where is the truth, and where is fiction? M.F. Vladimirsky Inna Sergeevna Pichugina.

Myth 1. There are special diets to "eliminate" fat only from the abdomen and hips.

Not true

I.P.:- There is no such diet that can correct certain parts of the body. To solve the problem in the hips and abdomen is possible only with a general weight loss. If you want to reduce the volume of the waist and hips in relation to the general proportions of the figure, various cosmetic procedures(SPA, body wraps, manual or hardware massage) and physical exercises that affect the subcutaneous adipose tissue in a specific area.

Myth 2. Before 12 you can eat anything, after 18 you can’t eat anything.

Not true

I.P.:- Recommendations to limit yourself in food after 18 hours have no scientific justification. A light dinner is not contraindicated, but the last meal should occur 3-4 hours before bedtime. As for the statement that you can eat as much and anything before 12, this also does not seem to be true. If in large quantities there are simple carbohydrates - that is, sweet and starchy foods, for example - I doubt very much that it is possible to avoid unpleasant consequences. And it doesn't matter how much you eat it all.

Myth 3. Even on a diet, breakfast should be hearty and regular.


I.P.:- Breakfast is a must! As a rule, most working people have the following full reception food is possible only in the evening, and in fact to save normal digestion, weight and, accordingly, health need regular meals. The intervals between meals should not exceed 5 hours, since food must not only be received, but also absorbed, providing nutrition to every cell of the body. So, by depriving yourself of breakfast, you are missing out on a rare opportunity to eat properly. What is for breakfast? Porridge will do dairy products, scrambled eggs, cereal bread.

Myth 4. Losing weight should give up bread.

Not true

I.P.:- Replace bread from premium flour with grain bread without flour - and there will be no problems with the figure. After all alimentary fiber bread contribute to the normalization of metabolism, which means that they help to reduce weight, cleanse the body of metabolic products and toxins, remove excess cholesterol and sugar, improve motor function intestines. In addition, in bread whole grain all remain biologically active substances and vitamin E.

Myth 5. To lose weight, you need to use sweeteners.

Not true

I.P.:- There is such a sweetener made from vegetable raw materials - stevia ( honey grass). An extract is isolated from it, which is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia does not increase blood sugar levels, thus it does not provoke the release of insulin. Then how exactly elevated level insulin contributes to weight gain, and fat is deposited mainly on the stomach.

However healthy person after all, there is no need to use foods for diabetics (and a sweetener is one of them). For weight loss I would recommend balanced diet with the exception of consumption simple carbohydrates: chocolate, cream products, pastries, cakes. Also exclude glazed cheese curds, curd mass, muffins (products from puff and shortbread dough), halva, ice cream. Those who cannot live without sweets can eat dried fruits, honey, sometimes marshmallows, marshmallows (in reasonable quantities).

Myth 6. With age, all women gain weight, nothing can be done about it.

Not true

I.P.:- Women at a certain age really begin to gain weight: during menopause, production decreases female hormones and this contributes to the formation of fatty deposits. The threat of hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, coronary disease hearts and more.

However, it is possible to treat the symptoms (and carry out prevention) of the menopausal syndrome - and correct image life and balanced diet occupy not the last place in this.

To keep fit, you need to reduce your fat intake. Exclude from the diet foods containing "hidden" fats: sausages, glazed curds, curd mass, pastries, chocolate. Food must be baked in the oven, boiled, stewed. Consumption of animal products combined with physical activity allows you to save muscle tissue. Introduce fish into the diet (2-3 times a week). Fat sea ​​fish contains polyunsaturated fatty acid(PUFAs), contributing to the reduction of cholesterol fractions in the blood. Besides, in fish oil contains vitamin D, which plays a key role in calcium metabolism, and therefore protects against osteoporosis. Seafood is also a source of protein: shrimp, squid, mussels, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, iron, calcium, iodine. Also in the arsenal modern medicine have and medications, which will help improve your well-being and control weight, they can be prescribed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Myth 7. Vitamins should be taken only in winter; in summer, fresh vegetables and fruits are enough.

Not true

I.P.:- According to the statistics of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, vitamin C deficiency occurs in 100% of the Russian population, vitamin B deficiency - in 70%, beta-carotene deficiency (a precursor of vitamin A) - in 60%. So everyone needs vitamins, but in order to prepare for the holidays and sunbathing- especially.

To get an adequate dose of vitamins, modern man you need to eat right and take additional vitamin complexes. Beta-carotene, B vitamins, especially PP and B12, help strengthen the protective upper layer of the skin; they are rich in vegetables and fruits, fish, cottage cheese, buckwheat, almonds, grain bread. The sun's rays reduce the content of vitamin C in the skin, so try to eat currants, citrus fruits, kiwi, bell pepper, greens, tomatoes, etc.

However technical progress, unfortunately, led to an increase in the share of refined and canned foods with a lower vitamin value. For example, when making flour higher grades up to 80-90% of all vitamins are lost, so it is better to use dark or grain varieties of bread. In general, every adult should use any available vitamin-mineral complex. The main thing is to focus on meeting the daily needs of the body.

Myth 8. Acne appears from sweets.

Not true

I.P.:- We are what we eat. The health of our skin really depends largely on the condition of the digestive organs and the nature of the food consumed. However, do not blame everything on sweets. Usually people with problematic skin First of all, a diet sparing the gastrointestinal tract is recommended. And this is the rejection of smoked meats, spicy foods, fried foods, meat broths, sausages, pickles, mayonnaise, ketchup, alcohol, coffee, cocoa, carbonated sweet and fizzy drinks. Don't eat canned food and semi-finished products. It is better to eat a sandwich of cereal bread with butter than a bowl of cereal with sugar and flavorings. Better drink green tea with honey or dried fruit than eating sweet yogurt with a one-month expiration date. It is better to make a sauce for pasta from tomatoes and greens than to pour ketchup over them. You are recommended natural food, no preservatives. Prepare yourself.

Myth 9. Pregnant women should eat whatever they want.

Not true

I.P.:- Nutrition in the first months of pregnancy should be balanced in terms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calorie intake. Because the child receives everything necessary for growth from the mother's blood. Animal proteins must be consumed necessarily: at the expense of meat and fish low-fat varieties, dairy products, eggs. This is about 100 - 150 g of veal or beef, or 150 g of cod, pike perch, sea bass, hake. Low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g, cheese - 50 g, fermented milk drink- 200 g. It is enough to eat no more than 2 - 3 pieces of eggs per week. The remaining proteins (vegetable) will come from the consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals. For example: buckwheat crumbly - 200 g, vegetables - 100 g, fruits - 300 g.

The amount of fat during this period is 80 g. It is enough to consume 25-30 g of unrefined vegetable oil per day. If you tend to be overweight, then you even need to reduce your fat intake per day.

But the need of a pregnant woman for carbohydrates increases - up to 400 g per day. Just keep in mind that with obesity and a tendency to it, the amount of carbohydrates must be gained through wholemeal bread, cereals, and not sweets. It is advisable to include rosehip decoction in the diet, use multivitamins for pregnant women as prescribed by a doctor. Milk and dairy products are the main suppliers of calcium. Natural pink salmon, mackerel, cod liver, dried mushrooms are rich in phosphorus, green pea. rich in magnesium herbal products, especially seaweed, watermelon, wheat bran, apricots, oat groats, beans, millet, peas, buckwheat and pearl barley, mackerel, squid, eggs. Including these products in the diet (egg - 1 piece, wholemeal bread - 100 g, oatmeal porridge with milk 50 g of cereal + 150 g of milk, 100 g of watermelon), you will provide daily requirement in magnesium for a pregnant woman (450 mg).

And be sure to take daily walks from 40 minutes to 1 hour. With a tendency to gain weight, 1 unloading day per week (meat or fish) is also recommended.

Myth 10. With gastritis, it is absolutely impossible to lose weight.

Not true

I.P.:- If you eat right, you can chronic gastritis successfully control your weight. Here are some recommendations for those who want to lose weight, but are afraid to harm the stomach:

1. Eat no more than 400-500 g of food at a time, try to eat every day at the same time.

2. It is important to eat at least 4 times a day, little by little. The last meal is desirable three hours before bedtime.

3. Eat slowly, chewing each bite for at least 25 seconds. So the stomach receives mushy food treated with saliva, which is easy for it to digest. Plus, when you chew food thoroughly, the central nervous system receives information about the composition of the food and instructs the secretory sections of the stomach to produce the appropriate enzymes in the right amount.

By the way, this rule is also very useful for those who want to lose weight: saturation is felt much faster, respectively, you eat less and do not get fat.

4. To restore the functions of the stomach as soon as possible in your diet should be enough protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products).

5. From the diet, exclude foods that linger in the stomach for a long time and stimulate the release of hydrochloric acid. it meat broths, sinewy meat, sausages, smoked fish, pickles, fried foods, saturated fat(beef, lamb, lard), margarine, Rye bread, canned food, mayonnaise, ketchup, vegetables, bloating intestines (white cabbage, legumes, onions), alcohol, natural coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated, sweet and fizzy drinks, chips.

Everyone knows the saying: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy." It gives precise instructions on how and how many times to eat. One of the first to give recommendations on the frequency of meals was Avicenna. His "Canon of Medicine" recommends three meals a day. Meals are distributed as follows - breakfast, dinner and lunch next day. It turns out that there should be no more than two meals a day?

DOUBLE nutrition system is based on the physiological capabilities of our body. It is necessary to refrain from subsequent food until the stomach is empty. Food must have time to go to duodenum. Only after that you can proceed to the next meal, and even better, give the stomach a little rest. Usually food is in it for 6-8 hours. So it turns out that from the moment of the first meal to the next, 8-10 hours should pass.

After the second meal, try not to eat at all. This will unload the stomach. In 14-16 hours, food will not only leave the stomach, but will also be completely removed from small intestine, which has additional recovery time.

Thus, the stomach will rest for half a day. The small intestine will be in working condition for 10-14 hours. The rest of the time is devoted to recovery period when there is an accumulation of enzymes, regeneration of the mucosa and restoration of normal contractile rhythms of the digestive system.

The need for such a regimen for the stomach is dictated by the fact that in the process of digestion, especially protein foods, acidic contents affect its walls. The cells that produce hydrochloric acid, mucus and stomach enzymes. The aggressiveness of the environment is such that the basis of the living is destroyed - proteins and others. organic compounds. The process of digestion in the stomach is traumatic for the gastric wall, so it needs more rest and recovery than other parts of the digestive tract.

The acid content enters the duodenum. It is neutralized by pancreatic juice and becomes alkaline. The activity of this substrate is very high. Therefore, rest and recovery in this zone should be at least half of the daily time.

We feed on the sun

OUR body adapts to a certain system of nutrition. Therefore, any changes in it at first cause rejection, which means a certain discomfort. You need to be ready for it. Try to listen subtly to the demands of the body during this process. My personal experience shows that full adaptation to new system nutrition occurs within three months. During this period, changes occur in the body, new ones are produced and old ones are inhibited. conditioned reflexes. But there comes a time when the body realizes that new mode in any case will be introduced, and after this moment there is complete agreement between the given program and its execution.

What is the best time to eat? The experience of mankind and scientific data find an unequivocal answer to this question. best time for the assimilation of food is the first half of the day from dawn until the moment when the Sun is at its zenith. The further south the point where you live, the earlier it is recommended to eat before the heat appears.

And along the meridians

AT CHINESE MEDICINE the day is divided into twelve parts, corresponding to the time of activity of the meridians. The meridian of the lungs is active at 5-7 o'clock, the large intestine - at 7-9, the stomach - at 9-11, the spleen - at 11-13, the heart - at 13-15, the small intestine - at 15-17, Bladder- at 17-19, kidneys - at 19-21, pericardium - at 21-23, etc.

Most interesting is the time of activity of the stomach and small intestine. The stomach is active at 7-9 o'clock, and the small intestine - at 13-15 o'clock, that is, after 6 hours. Meridian activity was understood as a change in functionality. Six hours is the average time it takes for food to pass from the stomach to the beginning of the small intestine, the duodenum. This is the time between the first and second meals.

Taking into account modern data of physiology, biorhythms of the gastrointestinal tract and biochemical parameters of blood, food should be taken between 7 and 10 in the morning. The second meal is carried out no earlier than after 6 hours - from 13 to 15. This ideal scheme nutrition, but its interpretations are possible. However, they must also be consistent with long breaks between meals.

The circadian rhythms of most of the studied biochemical parameters have a pronounced single-phase activity. The maximum levels of glucose, total protein, cholesterol, urea, sodium and potassium ions are observed in the evening hours - from 18 to 24 hours. The minimum of these indicators has a semi-diurnal opposition early morning from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m. That is, after sleep, a person has not only a decrease in the products necessary to maintain life, but also a decrease in the blood of circulating toxins. The body prepares for activity and necessary receipt food. In the evening, the maximum work of the cleansing organs begins, using the energy received for these processes. It is extremely unprofitable for the body to use the intestines in the evening, because this leads to a loss of energy. Strengthening its work during this period lowers the function of the excretory organs. So the choice two meals a day- After you.

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