What products can be on the post. Lent: meals by day with recipes and a complete list of lean foods. How to keep an Orthodox fast

Voluntarily refusing food and not taking part in entertainment, a person fasts. Usually such a decision is made by Christians, knowing what you can eat in fasting and adhering to proper diet, even without fast food, you can maintain vigor and strength for work and full life.

Some novice Orthodox sometimes make the mistake of thinking that fasting means complete failure from eating. Not at all. To begin with, you should avoid all kinds of activities where a person is just having fun without doing anything:

  • no holiday festivities;
  • do not watch entertainment programs;
  • avoid all kinds of negative actions and misconduct;
  • not make love;
  • do not swear;
  • do not discuss anyone and do not gossip.

Only after that one should eat the indicated food during fasting, refusing the fast food.

What to eat during fasting - a list of staples

Anyone who wanted to fast should not bother to get acquainted with the list of the most popular products that are allowed to be consumed.

You can eat the following in the post:

  • Almost all varieties of cereal products: from semolina to pearl barley.
  • All possible vegetables.
  • Dishes from fruits and berries in any form (raw, fried, baked, boiled, canned).
  • Nuts available.
  • Any mushrooms.
  • Spices from plants and vegetables (ground and whole peppers, herbs, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, etc.).
  • Honey and other bee products.

It is necessary to eat during the fasting period, because no one forces you to pass a tough test of survival. This is just a certain test for the believer. In order for the body to work properly these days, it will need protein. What sources can there be if food of animal origin is banned?

Everything is simple. Vegetable protein will become a lifesaver. The diet includes peas, beans and other available legumes. They will help you to fast deliciously. It will not be difficult to cook a pleasant soup of vegetables, some cereals, chickpeas and season it with your favorite spices. However, even such a dish should be eaten in moderation, using it only to satisfy hunger.

When is it permissible to eat fish during fasting?

This product is prohibited in some cases. This applies to days strict post. To avoid mistakes, you need to know how to use it correctly.

Inclusion fish products in a lean diet is not forbidden if the fast itself coincides with a large church holiday. Usually this

  • Annunciation
  • Lazarus Saturday
  • Sunday before Easter
  • Transfiguration

On the days of Advent, fish is allowed on dinner table on Saturday and Sunday. On the same days of the week, you can eat it on Petrov Fast, plus on Thursday and Tuesday.

If health is too weak, it is better to eat fish on all days, having previously discussed this with the priest.

Meals on different days of the week

There are certain rules dictating food intake in different days differently. In some cases they don't eat at all. Sometimes relief is possible.

The strictest fast falls on three odd days:

  1. Monday
  2. Wednesday
  3. Friday

If you have the strength, it is better to refuse food or eat raw foods without adding any vegetable oil.

The main thing that will consist of a meal:

  • bread, preferably rye;
  • kissels or compotes, without sweet additives;
  • fruits vegetables.

The days allowing boiled or fried food without vegetable oils are Thursday and Tuesday.

On weekends, you are allowed to treat yourself to a soup prepared using sunflower or any other vegetable oil. Fish is not allowed.

Some Rules for Eating During Lent

For. in order to observe the strictest fast, first of all, you need to calculate your strength. The state of health of the one who is going to withstand it plays a big role. Sometimes mothers who are breastfeeding babies are not allowed to a large number of meat products. The same applies to those suffering from serious illnesses.

What are they giving up on the days of Great Lent?

  • seafood;
  • meat;
  • any fish;
  • milk and everything that is made from it
  • egg;
  • any pastries that have additives from the above;
  • sauces, mayonnaises of any kind, if they contain milk or eggs, egg powder;
  • alcohol.

An important rule: do not eat on Fridays and on the first day. The first and final weeks are the hardest. Drink only water, eat fruits and vegetables. At other times, honey is allowed, in some cases fish meals with vegetable oil.

Is it possible sweets?

Sometimes the question arises, is it allowed to drink tea with sweets or chocolate? Yes. If bitter, without milk and in small quantities. It is not forbidden to eat gozinaki, dried berries, marmalade.

More strict Orthodox, especially monastics, are against the use of honey. However, the clergy do not forbid. On their advice to have good source vitamins, better to eat linden honey or buckwheat.

Approximate daily menu

For those who decide to fast, we can recommend a proven meal plan:

  • In the morning, have breakfast with porridge (250 g) from any cereal boiled in water and a piece of bread, preferably black.
  • You can dine with a light salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, a leaf of lettuce, salted and sprinkled lemon juice.
  • They have an afternoon snack with fruit, berry compote.
  • It is recommended to have dinner with stew from a combination of potatoes, carrots and cabbage.

By abstaining physically and spiritually, a person becomes closer to the Creator.

great post nutrition implies special, certain foods should be absent from the diet. This time is intended for good deeds, prayers, the search for measures to become better, a comprehensive cleansing of the soul and body. The beginning of Lent is a chance for spiritual improvement and rest from animal food.

The right way to post

We celebrate Great Lent in 2019 with joy and special inspiration. it good chance improve your spiritual life and learn how to eat right. This will help the menu by day with recommendations, it is given below. From March 11 to April 27 - these are the days when there will be Lent. Some dietary restrictions should not be taken as a priority. The spiritual part of fasting is mainly aimed at working on oneself, taking care of loved ones, refraining from condemnation, anger, lies, envy and evil deeds, and the food component is insignificant.

You should not restrict yourself in food, practice diets and fasts if you are unhealthy, travel a lot, are weak, work hard, live in an unfavorable or cold geographical area, breastfeed a child or are pregnant. You are allowed to eat everything according to the recommendations of doctors and your needs. Children should not be forced to fast food, they can abstain from some food only if they themselves strive for this and are fully aware of the meaning of fasting. As an option, you can try to plan a children's fast before Easter so that the food is without desserts, sweets and harmful products, it had less heavy food. This is also a good way to cleanse.

It should also be said about how long Great Lent lasts, total days in it - 48. Correct preparation consists in smoothly lightening your diet, learning to analyze your inner world and learn more about Orthodox culture. Let's try to implement this ancient tradition into our life. Despite the fact that the essence of fasting is not a diet, the question of correct and varied diet is still relevant. Every person who accepts Orthodoxy as his worldview and way of life, undergoes the rite of baptism consciously should understand the topic of fasting. One of best calendars nutrition is presented in this article especially for your convenience.

Monastic lenten menu for every day

What foods can be eaten in fasting according to the charter of most Orthodox monasteries:

  • different types of vegetables (including pickled and salted vegetables, sauerkraut);
  • seasonal fruits;
  • mushrooms;
  • the whole range of dried fruits;
  • porridge from cereals cooked in water;
  • different varieties of nuts;
  • compote based on dried fruits;
  • natural kvass;
  • homemade jelly.

What not to eat in fasting:

  • meat products;
  • milk products;
  • eggs;
  • bakery products;
  • all alcoholic drinks;
  • candies;
  • fish;
  • mayonnaise;
  • White bread.

Food in fasting by day of the week:

  • Monday - dry food day (vegetables and fruit dishes, water, bread, compote);
  • Tuesday - hot dishes without oils (stewed vegetable dishes, porridge on the water, first courses, for example, pickle soup);
  • Wednesday - the day of dry eating (vegetable and fruit dishes, water, bread, compote);
  • Thursday - hot dishes without oils (stewed vegetable dishes, porridge on the water, first courses, for example, pickle soup);
  • Friday - dry eating (vegetable and fruit dishes, water, bread, compote);
  • Saturday - dishes seasoned with oil ( vegetable salads, stewed vegetable dishes, first courses);
  • Sunday - products with oils (stewed vegetable dishes, vegetable salads and soups).

In Lent there are special days:

  • Clean Monday(in the first week) - fasting;
  • 2, 3, 4, 5 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) days of fasting - food with bread and water;
  • Environment - the use of natural wines;
  • day 40 of the Holy Martyrs - food with vegetable oil and wine;
  • holiday Palm Sunday- fish dishes, caviar, wine, vegetable oil.

Power on Holy Week(final week):

  • Maundy Monday, Maundy Tuesday, Maundy Wednesday - a ban on processed food, raw food days;
  • Maundy Thursday - dishes with vegetable oil, wine;
  • Good Friday - fasting;
  • Great Saturday - fasting or minimal nutrition with olives, bread, dried fruits;
  • Easter holiday - on this day, all Lenten restrictions are removed, you can eat any food.

It should be noted that monastics do not eat meat even outside of fasting, but nevertheless it is provided in monasteries good food and their diet is rich in nutrients.

Now you have an idea about what foods you can eat in fasting and when you should starve. In fact, there is nothing complicated in planning a diet; for daily nutrition control, you can buy a special calendar, where there are many monastic recipes. We urge you to take the food of Great Lent seriously and be sure to combine it with spiritual perfection, otherwise you do not need to fast.

List of Nutritious Lenten Foods for the Laity

Here best products nutrition that fit into the framework of Great Lent and supply the body with many valuable substances for maintenance, health, vigor and good mood:

  • different types of table vinegars;
  • edible algae;
  • lean bread (lavash or other bread products with a neutral composition);
  • tomato paste and ketchup;
  • lean mayonnaise;
  • adjika and many other sauces;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • all kinds of seeds;
  • pasta and flour products without unnecessary ingredients;
  • dried fruits;
  • all kinds of cereals a good option- porridge with dried fruits);
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes (eg lentils, peas, beans);
  • fish and caviar (as well as shrimp, squid, all this is possible on certain days according to the calendar);
  • seasonal and Exotic fruits(the more variety of fruits, the better);
  • seasonal vegetables (from vegetables you can cook a mass healthy meals, use them pickled, salted, for example, cabbage, beets, carrots, celery);
  • homemade sweets (fruit and berry jam, jam);
  • lean chocolate;
  • milk (coconut, soy and other types);
  • drinks (decoctions and infusions of herbs, teas, coffee, jelly, compote, juices, fruit drinks);
  • soy yogurt and cheese;
  • lean marshmallows;
  • marmalade;
  • berries;
  • Turkish Delight;
  • halva and gozinaki;
  • sugar and lollipops;
  • Korean cuisine (salads).

When the Great Begins Orthodox post You don’t need to change your diet drastically and starve for a long time. As you already understood, by abstaining from all meat and dairy foods, the laity does not need to torture themselves and severely limit themselves during fasting. On the contrary, in home cooking Great Lent should reign diversity and lightness. Severe restrictions are intended for highly spiritual persons carrying a feat.

this time is intended for good deeds, prayers, search for measures to become better, comprehensive cleansing of the soul and body, acceptance light food, rest from animal products

How to keep an Orthodox fast?

Fasting in the monastery and in the world

We figured out what you can eat in fasting, and what to refrain from, and how to properly distribute your diet over the days. You understand that monastic food differs significantly from worldly food, since the monastery has a special charter and the most serious restrictions on food. We are ordinary people, strict fasting is not for us, we can observe fast days at your own discretion, because everyone has different possibilities. Thus, by eating right, you will be able to maintain and increase your health.

Leaving a post

It is important not only to start Great Lent correctly, but also to complete it with dignity. Everyone asks when you can eat after fasting. Usually all Orthodox begin to normal nutrition at the time of Easter. Ideally, a rich meal is arranged after the Liturgy. It is important not to overeat, but to switch to the usual diet gradually. After completing your post, you need to go to the Easter service. Before communion, the Orthodox experience special religious feelings, and after this sacrament they are overwhelmed with great inexpressible joy, compensating for all the efforts made earlier.

You will be interested meatless recipes, we will describe them below.

Recipes for meatless dishes without animal ingredients

Lenten first course - tomato soup


  • water - liter;
  • chopped tomatoes - 450 grams and tomato paste - 4 tablespoons;
  • canned white beans - 420 grams;
  • onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • olive oil- 2 large spoons;
  • chili pepper - a quarter of a small spoon;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • wine vinegar - 1-2 large spoons;
  • Provence herbs - 2 small spoons;
  • sugar - 1-2 large spoons, as much pepper and salt as you like;
  • for croutons - ciabatta or baguette, salt, garlic - 3 cloves, olive oil - 3 large spoons.

In the oil heated at the bottom of the pan, saute the onion for about 5 minutes, add pepper, garlic, fry for a couple of minutes, put the tomato paste, fry for another minute. Next, put the herbs and tomatoes, then pour water and wait for it to boil. Add the beans, draining the water from it, after cooking for a quarter of an hour, add black pepper, salt, sugar, vinegar. Cook under the lid for 10 minutes. Cook garlic croutons in the oven - fry the bread in oil with garlic.

Lenten second dish - stewed cabbage and mushrooms


  • cabbage - up to 1 kg;
  • champignons - 400 grams;
  • vegetable oil - about 3 large spoons;
  • salt, pepper, lemon juice - 2 small spoons.

Randomly cut the cabbage and mushrooms, heat the oil in a frying pan. Mushrooms are fried first, then cabbage is added to them. After pouring a small amount of water, simmer the dish under the lid until the food softens. If necessary, add water. Mature cooking time white cabbage- about an hour, if it is Beijing or young cabbage - 20 minutes is enough. Season the finished dish with pepper, salt, lemon juice, leave on fire without a lid for 3 minutes to evaporate moisture.

The main dishes for fasting can be prepared quickly and tasty on those days when it is necessary, and when correct selection products will not create the impression of inferiority of the diet.

lean salad


  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • apple - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • lemon - half;
  • vegetable oil - a large spoon;
  • herbs, salt, sugar.

Grate carrots with a Korean or simple grater. We cut onions, tomatoes, cucumbers. Grind the greens, cut the apple, removing the skin. Oil, salt with sugar, lemon juice squeezed out of a lemon - make dressing from these products, mix everything.

Lenten cookies


  • water - 200 ml;
  • flour - up to 400 grams;
  • baking powder - half a small spoon;
  • salt, sugar, nuts, dried fruits basil or other herbs;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml.

Pour oil into water. Mix flour, salt, baking powder, gradually combine the liquid with the dry component. Keep the resulting dough for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. From a layer of dough, with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm, make any shape - round, diamond-shaped, square, triangular. To make cookies sweet, dip them in sugar with chopped dried fruits and nuts. For salty cookies, use basil with salt. Bake cookies pierced with a fork in the oven for 15 to 25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Oatmeal cutlets


  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 1 piece;
  • carrot - 1 piece;
  • spices, garlic and herbs.

Lean cutlets are easy to prepare. Soak for about 20 minutes the flakes in hot water. Grate onions, potatoes, carrots, crush the garlic with a garlic press, chop the greens. Mix vegetables, garlic gruel and herbs with oatmeal, add salt and pepper (you can add any spices). Using a spoon, fry the cutlets on both sides. In this recipe, we also recommend including mushrooms and eggs on non-fast days.

Lenten nutrition is unthinkable without potato dishes, mashed soups. For lunch, you can cook hearty cabbage soup, for dinner, serve pancakes, pilaf, pancakes without animal ingredients. To make the dishes more interesting, you can make lean mayonnaise or various sauces. For a holiday feeling on ordinary days the best solution- Lenten cake or lean pizza.

So, we talked about all the generally accepted features of the diet and cooking. meatless dishes. Let there always be light, healthy, tasty lean food on your tables. Do not forget to attend church services, come to the temple not only with your troubles and problems, but at any free time. It is not difficult to observe the Great Lent of Christians, the main thing is to tune in to it correctly.

Fasting for a believer special time, time of prayers and deep thoughts.

During this period, human nutrition also changes greatly, serious restrictions are imposed on it. When wrong organized meals in the post possible deterioration general condition and even exacerbation of certain diseases. On the other hand, fasting is a time of purification, including the physical one. Therefore, from the point of view of medicine, fasting is a completely reasonable event, only with the proviso that you need to approach it thoughtfully.

I’ll make a reservation right away that you can find out about the spiritual meaning of fasting by contacting your spiritual guide. Here I want to consider the post from the point of view of a nutritionist.

Basic principles of proper nutrition in fasting

  1. The main rule is the exclusion of all animal food: meat, fish, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs. Respectively, the basis of the diet will be herbal products - grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, mushrooms.
  2. Try not to suffer during fasting diet. Do not skip breakfast, do not forget about snacks.
  3. In the absence of animal foods, which are rich in protein and contribute to a long feeling of satiety, frequent bouts of hunger are possible. During this period, there is a great temptation to overeat pastries and sweets. However, there is no question of any purification in this case. In order not to experience hunger, eat regularly, include in your daily diet foods rich in complex carbohydrates and containing vegetable protein - whole grains and legumes.
  4. Particular attention during the period of fasting should be given soy products. There are a great many of them now - soy milk, tofu cheese, all this should be included in your diet.
  5. Sometimes it's not as hard to start a post right as it is to end it. It would seem that everything is behind, the bans have been lifted, you can eat forbidden foods. However, I want to warn you against overeating after fasting. Start Incorporating Animal Foods into Your Diet After Fasting Gradually and be sure to combine it with plant foods - vegetables and grain products.

Lenten menu for the week


Nutritionist comment:

To begin Lenten menu I want a traditional breakfast in an unusual performance. Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates, alimentary fiber, vegetable proteins vitamins of group B.

To maintain health, an adult should consume at least 400 g of vegetables daily (and preferably more). Unfortunately, few people can boast of such a diet. One way to enrich your menu with vegetables is light vegetable salads. These salads are “light” both in execution and in terms of calories.

Lentils besides vegetable protein contains folic acid and iron.

Recipe for green beans butter should be replaced with olive oil.




In the old days, with the beginning of Lent, life in cities and villages literally froze - noisy Maslenitsa festivities ended, weddings were not played, they did not go to visit, they went to bed early.

This is not a diet!

For Orthodox believers main point fasting does not consist in observing some gastronomic rules, but in cleansing the spirit. Moreover, refusing food is not an end in itself. This is a kind of support necessary for deep inner work. You should not go hungry while fasting. You need to eat your fill, but do not overeat. It is necessary to satisfy the feeling of hunger so that one can work spiritually and physically.

Possible and impossible

During fasting, believers refrain from certain products, the so-called fast food. It includes meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, strong alcohol.

In fasting, you can afford grain products (bread, cereals, cereal products), vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, mushrooms, honey, vegetable oils, spices. On certain days, it is allowed to drink red wine (no more than 1 glass) and eat fish and seafood.

Fasting may not be observed by pregnant women, nursing mothers, the sick and children under five years of age. Children older than five can be gradually accustomed to fasting, but without too strict restrictions. For example, they may abstain from animal food not throughout the entire fast, but only for a few days.

February 19 - 25

1st week is called Feodorova. At this time, it is customary to remember all the defenders Orthodox faith. Church remembers final victory Orthodox doctrine over heresy.

Clean Monday. The name Clean Monday comes from the desire to spend the first day of fasting clean. On Clean Monday, a very strict fast is observed. As far as possible, believers try to abstain from food, pray harder, fight sinful passions.

According to the Church charter, hot food without oil is allowed.

The monastic charter suggests eating hot food without oil.

Allowed food with vegetable oil. On this day, the Orthodox venerate Holy Martyr Theodore Tyron, who, in response to the compulsion of the Roman emperor to sacrifice to idols, continued to profess the Christian faith.

For disobedience to the emperor, Theodore was imprisoned and tortured.

However, he did not renounce Christian faith and was burned.

The monastic charter allows food with vegetable oil.

The 2nd week of Great Lent is dedicated to commemoration Gregory Palamas. Saint Palamas, who lived in the 14th century, abandoned his court position and retired to the Athos Monastery to devote himself to the service of faith and preaching about the power of fasting and prayer.

Church charter prescribes dry eating. You can eat bread, vegetables, fruits.

Church allows hot food, boiled and baked dishes, but without vegetable oil.

You can eat hot food, but without vegetable oil.

Cook in a double boiler, bake, cook soups.

The charter prescribes dry eating. We'll have to limit ourselves to fresh vegetables, bread, fruits.

Parental Saturday is the day of remembrance of the dead. On this day, the Church calls on everyone to unite in a memorial prayer. The fact is that, according to the rules, during fasting it is not supposed to arrange memorial services, magpies and funeral services. But so that the departed would not be left without prayer, the Church set aside special days for commemoration. AT Parents' Saturday you need to visit the temple and, together with everyone, ask for repose for deceased relatives.

Hot food with vegetable oil is allowed, you can drink a little grape wine.

Memorial Day of Gregory Palamas. You can eat hot food with vegetable oil, drink wine.

March 5 - 11

The 3rd week of Great Lent is called the Adoration of the Cross. On the third Sunday of Lent in all churches, a cross decorated with flowers is taken out of the altar. Holy Cross reminds of suffering Jesus Christ and strengthens believers in continuing to fast.

Hot food without vegetable oil is allowed. Cook soups, bake and stew vegetables.

Xerophagy. Church allows food fresh vegetables, fruit, bread. You can use pickles, soaked berries, fruits and vegetables, sauerkraut.

You can eat hot food without vegetable oil.

Hot food is allowed, you can flavor it with vegetable oil. According to tradition, on this day, relatives went to visit each other and treated themselves to kissel - berry or oatmeal.

parent saturday. As on the second Saturday of Great Lent, it is supposed to go to the temple and pray for the repose of deceased relatives. On Parental Saturday, hot food with vegetable oil is allowed, you can drink some grape wine. Wine can only be dry, without added sugar, no more than 200 g.

On this day, they visit temples to worship the Cross, consecrate the prosphyra, read the legends about the lives of the saints. Hot food with vegetable oil, wine is allowed.

March 12 - 18

The 4th week of Great Lent is called the Week Saint John of the Ladder. John wrapped his reflections on spirituality in a book that Christians consider a reliable ladder to Heaven's gate. The book is called "The Ladder".

According to the charter, you can eat hot food without oil: soups, stewed vegetables, compotes and kissels.

The church charter prescribes dry eating. Only bread, vegetables and fruits are allowed.

The monastic charter allows hot food without vegetable oil.


parent saturday- day of commemoration of the dead. Despite the name Parental, Sabbath commemorations should not only refer to the deceased father and mother. On this day, all the departed are remembered.

Hot food with vegetable oil is allowed, you can drink a little grape wine. Wine can only be dry, without added sugar, no more than 1 glass (200 ml). It is better to dilute the wine with water.

Memorial Day of St. John of the Ladder. You can eat hot food with butter.

March 19 - 25

5th week of Great Lent is dedicated to venerable Mary of Egypt, this week is also called Praise, because on Saturday a special prayer is read in the Church - Praise Holy Mother of God. On Wednesday in the Week of Commendation, all-night vigil with canon Andrew of Crete- Christian preacher. In the old days, girls considered it obligatory to endure this service, believing that Andrew of Crete would help them get suitors for their zeal.

The Church prescribes dry eating. Fresh and soaked vegetables and fruits are allowed. You can eat pickles, bread and dried fruits.

But you will have to refrain from hot food.

According to the church charter, you can eat hot food, but without vegetable oil. Prepare soups, compotes, jelly, stew and bake vegetables.

March 21 (Wednesday)

According to the charter, you can eat hot food without vegetable oil.

Xerophagy. You can not eat anything other than bread, vegetables, fruits.

Praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday appeared in the 9th century in honor of the deliverance of Constantinople from the invaders. When crowds of pagan Persians moved to the Christian city, the Mother of God protected the city. In gratitude, in all the churches of Constantinople, in honor of the Mother of God, an all-night hymn of praise was offered up.

On this day, the church charter allows hot food seasoned with vegetable oil. You can drink some dry grape wine.

On this day the Church remembers Reverend Mary Egyptian. Maria was great sinner and then repented. On this day, you can eat hot food with butter and drink wine.

March 26 - April 1

The 6th week of Great Lent is dedicated to the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. People call it Palm Week. On this day, Jesus entered Jerusalem and revealed himself as the Messiah, and the believers greeted him with branches.

Xerophagy. Bread, vegetables, fruits

The church charter allows you to eat hot food without oil. Boil, stew vegetables, prepare jelly and compotes.

March 28 (Wednesday)

The Church prescribes dry eating. You can eat only fresh vegetables and fruits, bread. Do not neglect nuts, dried fruits, pickles.

The church permits eating hot food without oil.

The charter prescribes dry eating. You can eat vegetables and fruits that have not undergone heat treatment.

Lazarus Saturday. A few days after the death of Saint Lazarus, Jesus resurrected him. The news of the miracle spread throughout Judea, and it was after this that the Pharisees (at that time representatives of the most influential religious movement) decided to kill Jesus Christ. It is allowed to eat hot food with butter, fish caviar and a little wine. In the old days, bread was baked on Lazarus, in one of which a penny was invested. Who gets to be happy.

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. In churches on this day, the rite of consecration of the willow is performed.

It is allowed to eat hot food, fish dishes and some wine.

April 2 - 8

The 7th week of Great Lent is called Passion Week in memory of the suffering that Jesus endured in last days his earthly life. All days this week are called Great. At this time, the whole life of Christ and all His teachings pass before the believers. This is the strictest week of fasting.

The church charter prescribes dry eating - fresh vegetables, fruits, pickles, bread are allowed.

The day when the Orthodox remember various parables of Jesus, his denunciation of the Pharisees, who cared more about the cleanliness of their bodies than about their souls. Dry eating is recommended.

On this day, Judas decided to betray Jesus Christ to the Jewish elders and received 30 pieces of silver for this. The monastic charter prescribed dry eating.

among the people Maundy Thursday called Pure. On this day, it is supposed to clean the house, paint eggs and bake Easter cakes. The Church recommends dry eating.

On this day, Jesus was put on trial, torn to pieces, crucified and put to death on the cross. The church charter prescribes complete abstinence from food.

Annunciation. On this day to Virgin Mary appeared Archangel Gabriel with the good news that a son is to be born to Mary - Jesus Christ.

Usually it is allowed to eat fish on the Annunciation, but this year this day falls on Holy Saturday, so fish will have to be abandoned. However, some red wine is allowed.

Easter holiday. The end of Lent, you are allowed to eat any food.

Main Products

Since Great Lent falls at the end of winter and spring, it is worth taking care that the body does not lack vitamins.

Vitamin C is especially important during this period. Pay attention to sauerkraut. By content ascorbic acid it is second only to the wild rose. To make up for the lack of vitamin C, cabbage should be eaten every other day throughout the fast.

Do not forget about soaked apples, cucumbers and tomatoes - all pickled foods contain a large amount of probiotics, which are food for beneficial microflora.

During Lent, legumes and nuts must be present on your table. They will help fill the protein deficiency that occurs when you refuse meat and milk.

Do not bypass fresh vegetables - they will provide not only vitamins, but also valuable trace elements, and at the same time cleanse the intestines from the accumulated "garbage".

The body cannot do without unsaturated fatty acids. Some of them can be found in linseed oil(It is enough to take it 1 teaspoon per day). And the other part is found in fish and seafood. If during the fasting period you do not eat fish, take biological additives containing omega-3 acids.

Here's to chasing multivitamin complexes during fasting is not worth it. The fact is that acidification of the body interferes with the absorption of vitamins, so it is better to take them after the body has been cleansed.

During fasting, you can eat cereals, bread, vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, honey, sugar. On some days of Great Lent, it is allowed to add vegetable oil and spices to food, to cook fish dishes.
But meat, eggs, milk and dairy products to Lenten table don't fit at all.
Strong alcohol must also be abandoned for the entire period of fasting. The only thing you can afford is some red wine, but only in certain days.

Everything today large quantity people decide to fast. This is due to the desire of man to become closer to God. However, many mistakenly believe that fasting is just a strict diet designed to subdue the flesh.

They are deeply mistaken, in addition to restrictions on food, we must cleanse ourselves spiritually, not swear, be kinder to the people around us, and then a particle God's grace will surely fall on us.

Also if you are being followed addictions associated with excessive drinking or smoking, then at least for a while give them up.

Practical guide. How to eat during fasting?

During the fast, it is worth giving preference to products of plant origin.

Among them:

  • Cereals;
  • Fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Nuts.

On certain days you can eat fish and drink in small quantities red wine. However, there are days when eating is strictly not allowed - this is Good Friday, preceding the bright holiday of Easter. If a person does not strictly adhere to the fast due to feeling unwell, then on this day you can eat vegetables and fruits, as well as drink water.

In order not to make a mistake and during the fast to take the food that you can, you need to look into the Church orthodox calendar. According to it, it is forbidden to eat products of animal origin, which include:

  • Dairy products (as well as sour-milk);
  • Meat of domestic animals and game;
  • Eggs.

An exception is made only for nursing mothers, pregnant women, as well as sick people.

But not only all of the above is undesirable on our table during the preparation for the Great Easter. Delicacies such as chips, crackers, pastries, sweets and chocolate should also not be present in daily menu fasting.

Depriving yourself of the usual diet, you must take care to support the body with a full replacement for the products excluded from the diet. Here are some tips on how to do it right.

Since the main ban is imposed on foods containing a lot of protein, it is important to find a worthy replacement for animal protein with vegetable protein.

  • fish;
  • Beans;
  • Mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • Wheat
  • Nuts.

2. Since the meat and liver of animals contain iron in abundance, care must be taken to replenish its reserves and prevent the occurrence of anemia. To do this, you can include in your diet:

If you suffer from iron deficiency, then this may be a reason to eat meat even in fasting.

A couple of meal recipes

Here are a couple of fast food recipes that you can treat yourself and your loved ones without fear of violating church rules.

Recipe from lean products - dumplings with cabbage

Knead the dough in water without eggs. As a filling, we use sauerkraut, which should be thoroughly stewed with tomato. After you remove the finished dumplings from the boiling water with a slotted spoon, serve them on the table with a special frying. Prepare it as follows. finely chopped onion and sauté it until golden brown in a frying pan richly poured with vegetable oil.

Recipe from lean products - potatoes baked in uniforms

Medium size potato tubers Wash well under running water and cut into quarters. Salt and spread on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Potatoes should be baked at a temperature of 200 degrees. You can find out that the dish is ready by piercing the skin of a potato with a match or a toothpick, it should pierce the flesh through and through. Potatoes can be served as an independent dish or used as a side dish for fish.

How to get out of a post?

In addition to the fact that you need to fast correctly, you also need to be able to properly exit the fast. To do this, we recommend a smooth transition to the consumption of fast foods. If you do not adhere to this rule and on the very first day of the festival, leaning on rich dishes and meat, you can overload the stomach, pancreas and liver too much. Try to break your fast slowly and gradually, including new dishes in your menu every day.

We wish you to go through all the tests of Great Lent with dignity and meet the Easter holiday cleansed both spiritually and bodily!

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