Why northern peoples drink fresh animal blood: an overview of the reasons. What is it used for. Storage rules and expiration date

The Nenets, Khanty, Evenki, Chukchi, Koryaks, as well as representatives of some other peoples of Siberia and the Far East drink the blood of deer. Moreover, it should be still warm. Therefore, entire families often gather around the carcass of a freshly slaughtered animal to start a joint meal. Why do they do it?

Vitamins and trace elements

Needless to say, how difficult a person's life is in the conditions of the Far North. In addition to 50-degree frosts, the polar night and the lack of the benefits of civilization, many generations of reindeer herders faced a deficiency of the most important microelements for health. Especially, we are talking about vitamins C and A, as well as iron, the deficiency of which can cause anemia in a person.

At the same time, the diet of deer in winter time year consists mainly of reindeer moss, and in summer these ungulates feed on herbs, berries and rare shrubs. Vitamins and minerals, which the tundra is able to give, are deposited in the body of deer, saturate their blood. Practically the only way get the microelements necessary for health in order to withstand the long polar night, for representatives of the northern peoples for a long time It was deer blood. This is how a national tradition unusual for Europeans developed.

As a result of numerous studies, scientists have found that a person who eats this product, the level of hemoglobin in the blood rises, more oxygen begins to enter the muscles and tissues, and this, in turn, increases the efficiency and endurance of reindeer herders. In the difficult conditions of the Arctic, deer blood increases the chances of people to survive.


It is no secret that the absence in the human diet essential vitamins and trace elements can lead to the development of numerous diseases. This is a metabolic disorder, and anemia, and hypertension, and asthma, and osteochondrosis, and cardiovascular dystonia. For centuries, the inhabitants of the Far North had to make do with such cases. folk remedies. And one of them was the blood of deer.

The essence of the treatment is clear: the disease caused by vitamin deficiency should be weakened if the human body receives these substances. In addition, deer blood has a tonic effect, promotes rapid healing various injuries, wounds and pustules.

It is noteworthy that the reindeer herders of the Far North did not always slaughter a deer to treat a sick family member. Sometimes they just made an incision in his neck and dialed required amount blood into a vessel. Then the wound of the animal was covered with clay. And the man recovered, and the deer remained alive.

Another of the ailments that the inhabitants of the tundra treated with the help of such traditional medicine, was impotence. Northerners noticed that eating blood naturally increases sexual activity people, getting rid of various problems in the pelvic area.

So the jokes about the loving nature of the inhabitants of the Arctic, perhaps, did not arise from scratch.

Not only deer

Representatives of the northern peoples drink not only deer blood, other animals also serve as a source of nourishing and life-giving fluid for them. For example, hunters are forced to hunt down game for a long time, spending a lot of time and effort on hunting walruses or fur animal. And they need to somehow make up for the energy costs of the body in the cold.

In the old days, successful hunting was a necessary condition for the survival of these people. For example, not a single family could manage a long polar night without walrus fat, which was used not only for food, but also for many household purposes. Sometimes all the men of the village went to the prey of a sea animal.

After the end of the hunt, people cut the throat of the animal and drank the still warm blood to keep warm and satiated.

Well, what about in the Far North without shamans? They not only allowed reindeer herders to eat like this, but also strongly recommended such a diet.

According to the version of the ministers of pagan cults, the soul of any living being is in his blood. And drinking it, a person symbolically takes away the power that a particular beast possessed. In other words, you can become powerful by drinking the blood of a bear. If you want to become cunning, kill the fox and eat its red liquid, a wolf can give courage to a person, and wolverine can give aggressiveness.

These beliefs have their roots in ancient totemism and animism, when people had not yet completely separated themselves from nature.

Probably the perception of blood as a source vitality gave rise to scary stories about vampires. After all, some criminals, believing in immortality, which this red liquid supposedly can give a person, could really kill people for the sake of prolonging their own lives.

Fuel economy

Another reason why the inhabitants of the Far North have been eating the warm blood of deer since ancient times is the pragmatic desire to save firewood and other fuel.

Building a fire and maintaining it for a long time requires a lot of logs and branches. This is an irreplaceable reserve, much needed throughout the polar night. Warm blood allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and saturate the body with useful substances, and people do not have to spend firewood.

Therefore, the Nenets, Khanty, Evenks, Chukchi, Koryaks and other northern peoples do not blood sausage- one of the favorite dishes of the inhabitants of some European countries. In addition, cooled blood loses many of its beneficial properties, it no longer saturates the body with life-giving energy.

Habecha Yaungad, Chief Editor Nenets newspaper "Nyarna Ngerm" ("Red North") is almost not offended when at photo exhibitions, as evaluations of their work, they hear expressions like: "Horror!" and "Savages!". He understands that not everyone is familiar with the realities of life in the tundra. Before getting scared and condemning, let's see if the "bloody" feast in the photo is so different from the menu of an ordinary Russian.

Many of us, obedient to our parents, in childhood ate fruits - a source of vitamins - and "Hematogen" - a delicacy useful in all respects. Its name, by the way, is translated from Greek as "giving birth to blood." And it consists of defibrinated blood of a large cattle with the addition of condensed milk. Yes, and for adults, doctors often advise to buy a couple of Hematogen tiles in a pharmacy to increase hemoglobin. But let's return to the Yamal Peninsula to the supposedly "bloodthirsty" Nenets, many of whom still lead a nomadic lifestyle. Where is a pharmacy with vitamins in the tundra? Where do you get the strength to manage the reindeer herd? Yes, even in 50-degree frost with wind ...

To make up for the lack of vitamins, which are very scarce in the tundra, and to increase hemoglobin, the Nenets have long been drinking the fresh blood of young deer, explains doctor from Salekhard Vera Horotetto . - Talk to the animal for a long time, soothe. They affectionately explain that it is time for him to join the heavenly herd, and his body is necessary for people. It is believed that the blood of a deer that is very frightened has beneficial properties to a much lesser extent.

Everything goes: fresh liver and the meat is cut into pieces, put into the blood for 10 minutes. Such a liver, according to the Nenets, helps even cancer patients. Those who eat this dish since childhood rarely get cancer. Blood is stored for the future, stored in bags from the peritoneum of a deer. Sometimes the blood is salted and meat or fish is dipped in it. In other words, they use instead of sauce.

It turns out that the Nenets love blood no less than other Russians love mayonnaise. Only we have from mayonnaise what happens? Obesity. And they have from the blood - hemoglobin rises!

It's hard in the North without such a "sauce," continues Vera Horotetto. - The old people say: "Without blood, a person will lose weight, he will walk pale, exhausted, there will be no physical strength and there will be no man." I wonder what city men would choose in place of the Nenets, to drink blood or? .. So it turns out that my people are right when they dip stroganina in blood and eat it!

Recent studies confirm that the tundra population is much healthier than the urban population. Under normal conditions, it simply does not get sick. These people start to get sick when they come to the city. On the Day of the reindeer herder, for example. There the sores of civilization cling to them. And in the tundra, as the Nenets themselves say, there are only burns, and appendicitis still sometimes happens.

In other words, northerners live as the harsh northern nature tells them. So maybe you should look at the photos differently?

Peter Egorshev

Iraida Fedorova
own correspondent (Novosibirsk)

The first enterprise in Yamal - so far the only certified supplier of venison in Russia to the EU countries - entered the international market with products of deep processing. Other local producers will soon follow. Reindeer herds are no longer just a sign of the North - they are becoming the national treasure of Russia.

Today, only six enterprises can boast of processing venison Russian regions: Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, Chukotka, Yakutia, Komi and Yamal (YaNAO). And everywhere reindeer breeding is subsidized by local authorities at the level of approximately 40 rubles per kilogram. And venison processing plants - for the time being, are basically just workshops for cutting carcasses and preparing simple semi-finished products, in best case- sausages.

Meanwhile, reindeer breeding itself - if you catch the development trend and set up the production of high-tech products - can not only subsidize, but literally support reindeer breeding communities. And the northern regions in general.

One of the first to understand this was the authorities and business representatives of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which is the largest of the reindeer breeding "centers" on the planet: today a third of the world's deer herd grazes on the Yamal and Taz Peninsulas.

The most "horned" of the regions

Map of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

If we talk about the all-Russian deer population, then more than 50% of it belongs to Yamal. The district here overtook all its neighbors. This means that it has a significant economic potential, taking into account the fact that the number of deer should increase in accordance with the development strategy of the region until 2020, and breeding work should be carried out constantly.

Reindeer meat is environmentally friendly dietary products With low content cholesterol and high - vitamins and minerals. Interest in the delicacy is fueled by fans healthy lifestyle life around the world.

This was used by the first innovative enterprise of Yamal, which took into circulation venison - in the direct, production and commercial sense.

There have been such attempts before. For example, at the beginning of the 2000s, with the participation of Swedish specialists the latest technology reindeer meat processing appeared in Chukotka and Murmansk. And yet, things did not go beyond seasonal work - two months a year - did not go. And the processing itself consisted only in cutting carcasses, albeit in a high-quality way. At that time, no biotechnologies were provided to credit the entire deer, entirely, including blood and such a valuable product for the medical and pharmaceutical industries as velvet antlers.

"Yamal Deer" also started small - with deliveries to Russian shelves and abroad dietary meat(Now 40% of the company's total production goes abroad). A well-established product this summer went to the markets of Finland and Germany, contracts with other countries are on the way. Belgium and Greece have already become interested in northern delicacies and products of deep processing, expecting to receive up to 400 tons of products ...

In Europe, reindeer meat has gained immense popularity over the past 20 years. Due to the limited Scandinavian livestock, which is due to natural conditions, the demand for venison in the West consistently exceeds supply. And the main buyers and consumers of venison in the world are the already mentioned Germany and Finland, as well as South Korea, Canada, UK, Japan, Norway, Sweden.

Consumers line up

Starting with food products and "accelerated", "Yamal deer" went ahead of world suppliers.

“Two years ago we thought about it and decided that we didn’t process everything,” admitted the director of the enterprise, Yevgeny Maltsev, “there weren’t enough high-quality raw materials for pharmaceuticals, which are in demand on the market, preparations from deer blood.”

... And the company's employees sent a test batch of blood to the Moscow enterprise Enzyme, which made the drug Hemolen out of it.

Almost at the same time, it turned out that China was interested in importing canned deer blood, which showed its readiness to become the main consumer of preparations containing biostimulants without further ado.

So Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, which is also called the "outpost of Russia in the Arctic", thanks to the "Yamal deer" became the first of the Russian regions to present its capabilities at the World Universal Exhibition EXPO in Shanghai.

Events developed quickly: in the summer of last year, Oleni had already built a new workshop with an area of ​​​​about one thousand square meters; by the end of the year, we installed conservation equipment (blood drying is done by freezing) and since the beginning of 2012 we began to produce freeze-dried blood, dry blood for antler baths and other high-tech products, having made a qualitative breakthrough not only for ourselves but for the entire North.

An innovative enterprise that used traditional crafts reached a different level of processing: modern complex provides for a closed technological cycle: from the civilized slaughter of animals and the production of many types of products - to its implementation.

Scarlet on white

Deer herd.

The indigenous peoples of the North - the Nenets, Khanty and Mansi - have always valued reindeer meat and blood and preferred these products to other sources of animal protein.

A wild animal, as everyone who grew up in the North claims, has a noble taste of game. It is considered “cleaner” than homemade, but despite this, it is rarely eaten raw, and then mainly in the fishery.

But reindeer herders in the region of the Gulf of Ob consumed freshly skinned meat regularly. The Khanty, the Mansi, and the Nenets used to slaughter domestic reindeer and are still arranging a real feast. They rush to butcher the deer carcass so that it does not have time to cool.

Raw eating is a habit that can surprise, if not shock, uninitiated residents of other, warmer places. Nevertheless, it is widespread in the region of the Gulf of Ob and throughout the North quite widely.

Here is how he wrote about the Khanty living today on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets districts traveler of the 19th century: “The time when a deer is beaten is in the Ostyak family ( Ostyaks - the former name of the Khanty. - I.F.) is a holiday and excites a special pleasure in all members. Here, in fact, a bloody feast opens. Around the deer, slaughtered so that all its blood remains in the inside, skinned and opened, the whole family, old and small, crowds; with knives in their hands, everyone greedily butchers and eats warm meat, dipping it in steaming blood or drinking it. Moreover, one must be surprised at the incomprehensible skill with which they cut off with a knife near their very mouth, up to the nose, pieces of meat grasped by their teeth; and so quickly and deftly that from the side it seems that he will certainly touch the nose. They swallow the meat in pieces, almost without chewing, and it is difficult to imagine how much each of them can eat it.

I must say that venison is much less high-calorie than beef, therefore, to be satiated, especially in the conditions of the North, it needs to be eaten more than the same beef.

Cooled reindeer meat is no longer eaten raw - it is boiled or fried. Another thing is if parts of the butchered carcass immediately freeze in severe frost. Then all the beneficial properties of fresh meat are preserved and it is eaten with sliced ​​meat.

Reindeer herders also use the blood of an animal: sometimes they drink it hot - directly from cervical vein live deer, from an incision.

Various treats are prepared from blood mixed with flour and berries - again, frying them in deer fat.

Even from a deer - in theory - you can get milk. Sometimes aboriginals milk deer, although it is a stretch to call the northern "cows" a milking animal. On the day, the female gives no more than a cup of milk, and even then only for the first time after calving. Reindeer milk is a seasonal delicacy for reindeer herders, but not part of the food system.

One of the recipes national cuisine, very unusual for Europeans: the inhabitants of the North take the stomach of a deer, wash it, fill it with the blood of the same animal, throw in pieces of the liver, kidneys, lips, various small joints - and keep it for several weeks in a warm place. The result is a fluid called "acidic blood". It is rich in trace elements, enzymes and is a strong immunomodulator. Khanty and Nenets use it to strengthen the body's defenses. Until recently, only the elderly used such a drug. Now young people have also tasted “sour blood”.

Glue, welded from horns and hooves, has long been used in the North for pulmonary, stomach bleeding. A reindeer lung was tied to the wounds - it played the role of a large sponge. Buckskin suede replaced dressing, and with threads from deer tendons they pulled the umbilical cord to the newborn and sewed up the wounds ...

A deer is a donor for a person. He remains so today. During the life of one animal can "give" up to 50 liters of blood.

Branchy ... fruits of pharmacology

Deer blood, both antler and vascular, is used today for cooking various medicines because she has a high biological activity. Preparations from it are both a psychostimulant and a means of treating anemia and the consequences of various infectious diseases. Not to mention the use of such drugs in the restoration of the sexual sphere, both men and women, such treatment is especially common in the Far North, the Far East, China and South Korea.

Well, there is nothing more amazing in northern nature than deer antlers: their exceptional medicinal properties are explained by the fact that during the period of the appearance of young horns, the animal's body produces up to 25 kilograms of bone tissue. The body of no other animal knows such growth rates!

Whatever is prepared from the blood of deer and their antlers - antlers (blood is taken from adult animals with syringes during the rut, when there are a lot of endorphins in it). Serum and enzymes are used to grow new generation antiviral drugs. They are produced by only a few laboratories in the country, including in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok - at the Research Institute of Lymphology of the SB RAS.

In addition, they also make dietary supplements - "Pantogemion" (based on dried deer blood) and "Pantokrin" (extract from deer antlers). They can be taken orally, baths, barrels and foot baths, wraps ...

According to doctors and pharmacists, it greatly invigorates the immune system, helps general recovery body and heals musculoskeletal system. And therefore - it can serve as an excellent basis for the development on Yamal special kind tourism - the creation of "reindeer" resorts with all types of SPA. Neighbors, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, the first attempts of this kind are already being made and presented as a finished tourist product. One of these presentations took place recently at a working meeting of tour operators in Omsk.

Blood Interest

The territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is almost 77 million hectares; the total area of ​​land suitable for use as reindeer pastures is 49 million hectares. That is, more than half of the Yamal tundra is suitable for grazing.

Reindeer in accordance with modern technologies can be processed by 95%. The market value of venison today on the world market is from 15 to 50 euros per kilogram.

The total volume of only the primary production of reindeer breeding - in the future should be up to four and a half billion rubles annually, given the fact that the number of deer in the region is now 660 thousand heads and will continue to grow.

Taking into account already secondary processing (and the use of valuable biological raw materials in pharmacology and cosmetology), the volume of production will jump by an order of magnitude.

But in general - a system of organization of production, based on modern technologies, can give the Russian Arctic a new impetus for sustainable economic development. And more importantly, this will happen at the expense of the traditional industries of the aboriginal peoples of the North.

The plans of the same enterprise "Yamal deer" include the expansion of technological production for waste-free processing of venison: skins (they are already supplied to Sweden), endocrine raw materials, blood. Factories on the basis of the Yuribey complex and in Salekhard will start operating, a project in the village of Aksarka will begin…

And the funds for the right thing are in the district budget. Following the example of "Yamal deer", the production "deep" and other complexes are being developed. There are five of them being created on the territory of the Yamal and Taz Peninsulas in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug!

Governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin is a candidate of economic sciences who defended his dissertation on the topic of life, life and interests of the indigenous peoples of the North "at the peak of its industrial development." He, as they say, and the cards in hand.

Not so long ago, the "chief of Yamal" visited the scientists of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok to discuss joint activities to introduce promising scientific developments. They also discussed the possibility of using Siberian know-how in the field of high medicine- in particular, the results of research by the Research Institute of Lymphology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

With an eye on the future

At the beginning of this summer, the Yamal delegation returned from Germany, where the annual exhibition "Green Week-2012" was held (the Okrug participated in it for the ninth time). The first result - the total amount of contracts for two and a half million euros.

And yet, deer blood, unique in composition and qualities, will become a discovery, an expensive export and foreign exchange commodity of the future for Yamal.

On its basis, they also plan to launch the production of drugs such as aldosterone and testosterone (not to mention those listed above - those that are leaving the Yamal Olelens assembly line right now). Or to produce nutrient media, as Siberian scientists suggest: peptone, sterile dry blood serum - they are much more expensive than meat prices.

Whey - 40 thousand rubles per kilogram. Price 1 gram steroid drug aldosterone on the world market - more than five thousand US dollars.

It remains for the people of Yamal to multiply all this and ... multiply!

On the azure field of the heraldic shield of the coat of arms of the district, a silver reindeer flaunts with full right. One of the largest animals of the tundra, which lives side by side with humans in the harsh conditions of the Far North for hundreds of years. And it helps him to survive even now, in the new economic realities.

Khanty and Mansi valued reindeer meat very much. As usual, local populations
wild reindeer were considered the property of the entire community, the places of their winter
pastures were protected, allowing fishing only in case of need and so that the meat
the extracted animals were divided among all the families of the settlement - paul. On the river
Sosva, for example, wild deer lived in the winter on the Sangitur swamps in
area of ​​the current village of Kimkyasui.

According to the Khanty and Mansi, wild deer meat has a noble taste of game. His
considered cleaner than domestic deer. After all, he is not averse to picking up scraps and sewage
around human habitation. But wild deer meat was rarely eaten raw, more often on
fishery. The shot was supposed to be boiled.

Domestic deer meat was regularly consumed only by reindeer herders in the foothills of the Urals,
owning more or less large herds. Family of six and worker
they ate up to 3 pounds of meat per day - half the carcass of an adult deer. Hunters and
fishermen exchanged meat and skins from reindeer herders for products of the trade - after all
transport deer from small hunting herds were avoided to be slaughtered for food ...

raw food

Both Khanty and Mansi, having slaughtered a domestic deer, arrange a real feast. AT
unlike elk and wild deer, domestic meat can be eaten raw like men,
and women, so the carcass is in a hurry to butcher so that it does not have time
cool down.

Here it is necessary to touch on the traditions of eating raw meat or
"raw diet" in the Ob region and throughout the North. Here's how he wrote about the Khanty
19th century traveler

"The time when a deer is beaten is a holiday in the Ostyak family and excites
special pleasure in all members. Here, in fact, bloody opens,
feast. Around the deer, slaughtered so that all his blood remains in his
insides, skinned and opened, the whole family, old and small, crowds; With
with knives in their hands, everyone greedily cuts and eats warm meat, dipping
usually in smoking blood or drinking it. One must also wonder with what
with an incomprehensible art they cut with a knife near their mouth up to their nose
pieces of meat captured by the teeth; and so quickly and deftly that from the outside it seems
which is sure to hit the nose. They swallow the meat in pieces, almost without chewing, and
it's hard to imagine how much each of them can eat it."

But it's not about greed at all. If you eat venison raw, then
it really needs to be eaten immediately - "steam". The expression "steam meat",
adopted in Russian this case very appropriate, as it means that
steam is coming from the meat, it is still warm and fresh. At this moment it has
very special delicate texture and taste, has many useful
properties. All the peoples of the North know that meat and still warm blood have just
a slaughtered deer is not only quickly satiated, but also regain strength after an illness,
prolonged hunger strikes and fatigue. The Komi-Zyrians are convinced that fresh blood can
heal even a person with tuberculosis. They drink it in big sips
pieces of meat and liver are dipped in it - the liver and kidneys. Reindeer herders - Khanty,
Nenets, Evenks - sometimes they drank hot blood directly from the neck vein of a deer or
mixed blood with deer milk.

Cooling down, venison loses its delicate texture and taste almost instantly. Here
why children and adults gather around the carcass, immediately butcher and eat
meat. It is possible to eat it especially quickly thanks to next appointment: separate
meat from a large piece, help themselves with a knife, swiping the blade from below at the very lips.
This technique is very ancient, it is used by all the peoples of the polar zone.

Khanty and Mansi eat raw, first of all, slices of meat from the thighs, liver,
lungs and kidneys, heart, eyes and even ear glands of a deer, dipping them in fresh
blood. When butchering deer legs, they remove and immediately eat joint fat and
bone marrow from the legs, breaking the hollow bones with the butt of an ax or stone.

Cooled meat can no longer be eaten raw. It begins the process of decay.
Therefore, it is boiled or fried. Another thing is if parts of the butchered carcass immediately,
immediately freeze in severe frost. Then all the useful properties of the pair
meat are preserved. Such meat is eaten with sliced ​​meat, not allowing it to thaw.

Unlike the elk, the head of a domestic deer does not need to be left. The brain of a deer
eat raw, and boil the head and tongue.

Cooking methods

Deer tenderloin - meat along the ridge, separated from the wide dorsal
tendons, - it is good to roast over the coals on the goat.

A tender, fatty brisket with ribs and a sacrum are immediately boiled. Fresh meat
cooked for a very short time, it turns out in literally"with blood". broth in
in this case, hateful, sometimes they don’t drink it. Meat that has already cooled down, and that
more lie down for a while, cook longer. Traditionally neither raw nor boiled,
neither fried venison is salted. The meat of domestic and especially wild deer contains
a lot of natural salts and trace elements, and even an unaccustomed person seems to
measure salty. The author of these lines has been convinced of this more than once from her own experience.

Deer bones should never be thrown on the ground. All of them go to work: even jelly is boiled from legs and hooves. The belly of a deer or elk used to be tightened
windows in Mansi huts.

Remaining deer blood is used to prepare a variety of dishes.
Fresh blood is boiled, for example, in a cauldron of flour, until
mushy mass.

"Old plagues on new monsters" - such a riddle is made when
the heads of domestic deer begin to swell tubercles of future horns. Sometimes in the spring
or at the very beginning of summer, reindeer herders cut off the growing antlers of domestic reindeer.
They are good for eating until they harden. They are singeed over the fire, clearing from
wool, and eat a gristly, blood-filled mass. As usual, this dish was eaten
older men as a tonic.

Another unusual product that has a tonic and firming effect,
largely forgotten today. It's about about the contents of a deer's stomach in summer,
when animals feed on leaves and grass. Plant mass processed in
rumen (the first chamber of the deer's stomach) with bacteria and protozoa living there,
well absorbed by the human body. In fact, it is also a kind
fermented food. This peculiar product was used in fresh or
smoked, added to stews and cereals or mixed with deer blood.
Deer stomach contents, cooked different ways, It was
an integral part of the diet of many peoples of the North and Siberia - the Chukchi, Koryaks,
Nenets, Nganasan - being a source of fiber and carbohydrates, as well as vitamin C.
There were such dishes among the Khanty and Mansi. For example, this mass was added to
stew of taimen and partridge. The use of this product in food goes
roots in ancient times: in the Khanty and Mansi cuisine, it is a kind of
a relic, more characteristic of tundra reindeer herders. These days summer content
deer stomach is used not for food, but as a wonderfully good remedy for
reindeer skins.

From the deer, another product is obtained - milk.

Sometimes in herds in the Northern Urals, Khanty and Mansi milk women, although to name
reindeer milking animals can be a stretch. On the day the lady gives no
more than a cup of milk, and even then only in the first time after calving. In hot weather
milk quickly curdles and thickens. In this form, it is eaten with bread or
berry. Fresh is added to tea and kneaded dough for cakes on it. reindeer
milk for reindeer herders is only a seasonal delicacy, a pleasant variety, but
it should not be considered as part of the power supply system.

All the indigenous inhabitants of the taiga and tundra are especially valuable, tasty and useful for
health was considered fresh meat. With the prey of deer or elk, the usual procedure
daily meals are disrupted. They cook and eat all day long.

Khanty always say: "As long as there is fresh, you need to eat, get fat,
to gain strength." So, probably, did the ancient hunters, who have a successful
fishing was interspersed with periods of hunger strikes. In this case, talk about
gluttony is inappropriate and wrong. Firstly, venison is much lower in calories than
beef, so you need to eat more to saturate it. Moreover, in the North
you have to move and work in warm clothes in the cold and wind, so
energy consumption is a quarter more than in the temperate zone. Can fill it up
only a large number of protein food - meat. That's why for the eater not in
curiosity to deal in one sitting with several kilograms of meat, and the family
out of several people, a reindeer carcass is only enough for a couple of days.

There are such periods in life when the body is overcome by weakness, loss of strength, dizziness and other ailments. In this situation, people try the most various means: vitamins, immunostimulants, sports, hardening, etc. It will help to improve health and restore vitality. Reviews about him say that after taking the drug, there is an extraordinary surge of strength, energy appears, and all things are done much faster.

Characteristics of the Altai balsam

Deer antlers - the substance on the basis of which this balm was created - are unique. They have miraculous properties. Heal the body. It has long been considered the best adaptogens, and antler blood cures many diseases.

Pantohematogen "Gornoaltaysky" liquid (reviews say that it not only improves, but also stimulates potency) is a biologically active food supplement. Contains such active substance, as a dry pantohematogen, which is obtained from the blood of a deer during active growth antlers in animals. In production active substance undergoes special treatment low temperatures, dehydration and sterilization technologies.

Release form and composition

Pantohematogen "Gornoaltaysky" liquid (reviews show that it restores the body in the most difficult everyday situations) is packaged in glass bottles of 100 and 250 ml, which, in turn, are enclosed in cardboard box one bubble. The balm comes with instructions for use.

The composition of the drug includes: dry pantogematogen, sugar, water, iodocasein, iron, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate. For every 100 grams of product, there are 9-12 mg of iron and 160-240 micrograms of iodine.

The effect of the balm on the body

Pantohematogen "Gornoaltaysky" liquid (reviews note that it is a reliable assistant for iron deficiency) effectively boosts the body's immune system. Strengthens health with severe exhaustion, weakened state, anemia. Helps to regain strength in time cardiovascular insufficiency, serves as a secondary means of saturating the body with iron and iodine.

The balm is made from donated blood Altai deer (maral), obtained during the cutting of antlers (non-ossified young during their active growth. This event takes place according to a specially designed scheme. They take the strongest individuals and pump out two kilograms of blood from each. This process does not cause any harm to animals.

Maral blood includes many useful substances. It's eighteen essential amino acids of the twenty-two possible that occur in nature. There are various macro- and microelements, such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, silicon, sodium, nickel. Contains lipids, enzymes, propylene and glycine, nitrogen, enzymes and many other valuable substances.

Pantohematogen is incomparable general tonic. Raises positive traits blood, improves its composition, increases hemoglobin, gives tone, energy. daily rate balm contains up to 80% of the human daily dose gland. In addition, the drug increases immunity, so people who use it get sick less often than others, even during an exacerbation. colds. The advantages of the Altai remedy include a rejuvenating effect, which reduces the biological age of a person.

It has been scientifically proven that active ingredients, which are part of the antlers and blood of these animals, the best way affect disease genitourinary system. Stimulate potency, cure prostatitis, increase women's fertility, restore menstrual cycle, accelerate the treatment of uterine fibroids.

The balm has a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of a person. Improves memory and performance brain activity. Reduces nervous tension.

Often, doctors advise taking pantohematogen after surgery, with serious injuries, during severe prolonged illness. In this case, the drug stimulates cell regeneration, promotes the speedy healing of tissues, and accelerates the fusion of bones and tissues. An indispensable balm will be in the offseason, with sharp drop temperatures, changing weather, poor ecology and poor nutrition. With strong mental and physical stress, it increases stress resistance, defensive forces person. It has antiparkinsonian properties.

Indications for use

Balm pantogematogen "Gornoaltaysky" (250 ml) is used as a active additive to food. It helps to saturate the body with iodine and iron during the period of lack of these substances in the body. Shown in preventive purposes, in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. Is good auxiliary means with asthenia, hypotension, severe physical and mental stress. The result gives in a complex combination with other drugs in the treatment of impotence.

Contraindications and side effects

Pantohematogen "Gornoaltaysky" liquid (reviews of doctors claim that it is indispensable for beriberi) should not be taken with:

  • intolerance to the ingredients that make up dietary supplements;
  • diabetes varying degrees gravity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • at elevated pressure;
  • excessive excitability;
  • malfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Do not use the remedy for children under the age of fourteen.

The drug is available without a prescription, but despite this, you should consult a doctor before using it, as the remedy in some cases can cause allergies. Therefore, persons predisposed to such phenomena, the first time you need to take the drug with extreme caution.

How to use pantohematogen "Gornoaltaysky" liquid

Reviews (the price of the balm is quite reasonable) speak of effective impact Dietary supplement on the body's immune system.

According to the instructions, the drug should be taken within two weeks. children age category over 14 years old and adults, the Altai remedy is prescribed two teaspoons, which should be diluted in one glass of liquid (this is tea, water, juice or other non-alcoholic non-hot drink). The resulting solution should be taken three times a day. The last dose is taken four hours before bedtime. 3-4 such courses can be held per year.

Non-alcoholic balm analogues

People left only positive reviews about pantohematogen “Altai bouquet. Gornoaltaysky. Currently available for sale similar means, which belong to the group of pantohematogens. All of them are related by the presence in the composition of the balm of deer blood, extracted from antlers at the time of their growth. These are the drugs:

  • "Gift of Altai";
  • "Lunar Altai";
  • "Narine";
  • "Pantohematogen - bio";
  • "Two lines";
  • "Altai maral" for children;
  • "Altai-Seligor".

All these and other means are similar in the presence of such a substance as pantohematogen, and differ in the additional elements included in their composition - these are various vitamins, extracts of herbs and fruits. The range is expanded with preparations with deer blood in powder form or in the form of capsules.

The cost of the drug

Pantohematogen "Gornoaltaysky" is a highly effective and inexpensive drug. So, 250 ml can be purchased for 150-200 rubles, and 100 ml - for 90-150 rubles. The price fluctuates depending on the outlet.

You can also buy goods on the official website of the Altai Bouquet company, where 100 ml will cost 95 rubles, and 250 ml - 165 rubles. The delivery fee will also be added to this cost, but despite this, various promotions and discounts are constantly held here, so the purchase can become profitable. The minimum order amount is 400 rubles.

To begin with, the client must register in the online store and choose a convenient delivery method. Calculate the rate. If the conditions are suitable, then you can proceed to place an order. When ordering in the amount of 4 thousand rubles, delivery by Russian post will be equal to 150 rubles. In addition, the company makes it possible, if necessary, to return the goods within ten days from the date of purchase. In this case, shipping costs are non-refundable.

Also, the balm is sold in pharmacies and company stores.

Storage rules and expiration date

Non-alcoholic balm "Gornoaltaysky" has a duration of a year. It should be stored in a dark, cool place, out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 8-25°C.

Balm "Pantogematogen": reviews

The instruction (the price according to a survey of most people is quite low for a product of this level) should be carefully studied before starting a course of treatment. Do not neglect contraindications.

For many women, the drug helped to recover from childbirth, when other iron-containing products did not help. Already after a week of application, the analyzes changed in better side increased the level of hemoglobin in the blood. A good help was during the period of beriberi "Pantohematogen" liquid. Reviews of buyers and doctors in this case indicate the effect of the drug, which for several weeks put people on their feet: they returned strength, energy, vitality, good long sleep.

Many athletes use the balm to restore vitality after long competitions, to increase efficiency. They only note positive result, and men also declare an improvement in potency. Antler baths containing the same active substance can also help in this matter.

Students often drink a course before taking exams. They note that intelligence increases, the brain works faster and better, memory improves.

Women note that after taking the drug, hair stopped splitting and falling out, nails became stronger, skin condition improved. Gone premenstrual symptoms, the cycle is normalized. Even after severe fatigue and a short sleep, the ladies easily lay down and got up. They were awake for several days in a row.

There are very few negative reviews, and those for whom the drug did not fit spoke about the exacerbation of chronic diseases, abdominal pain, feeling unwell and dizziness.

Pantohematogen is an amazing drug that can restore strength in a few days, energize the body and restore impaired health. With certain indications, it cannot be discounted, but you should not prescribe it yourself. It is necessary to consult a doctor before using it.

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