Diet with phosphate salts in the urine. Diet for phosphaturia: basic principles. What not to do while on a diet

Elevated phosphates and salts in the urine do not always lead to phosphaturia, but they are definitely the first harbingers possible disease. To prevent the development of the disease, a diet with salts and phosphates in the urine must be observed. Well, if phosphaturia is still diagnosed, then nutrition in case of illness should be strictly verified, be sure to agree with the attending physician.

Therapeutic nutrition for phosphaturia and elevated phosphates in the urine

Phosphaturia is characterized by a violation acid-base balance towards alkalosis and prolapse into urinary tract insoluble calcium phosphate. The development of phosphaturia is associated with a violation of the ratio of calcium and phosphorus in the urine as a result of increased excretion of calcium in the urine and the loss of acidic valences by the body. With phosphaturia, there is a complex chain of neurohumoral-renal disorders.

Treatment for phosphaturia is mainly directed at acidifying the urine and limiting calcium-rich foods in the diet. From diet exclude spicy snacks, spices, drinks that stimulate nervous system, as well as foods and substances that are highly stimulating secretory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, especially with hypersecretion of gastric and pancreatic juice.

Sodium and potassium phosphates are soluble in both acidic and alkaline urine, calcium and magnesium phosphates are insoluble in alkaline urine.

It is recommended (if there are no contraindications) to be introduced into the diet for phosphaturia enough liquids (up to 2 l) in the form of weak tea, coffee without milk, fruit and berry juices. Bread, eggs and egg dishes are provided in limited quantity. AT clinical nutrition with phosphaturia, soups meat, fish, meat, fish, dough products are allowed in all forms.

Of the vegetables in the diet with phosphates in the urine, varieties are used that are poor in calcium and alkaline valencies (peas, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, pumpkin). Berries and fruits are limited, lingonberries, red currants, sour apples are recommended. During long-term use diets with elevated phosphates in the urine, it is necessary to periodically introduce calcium-containing products (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.) into it in the form of a zigzag.

Diet menu for phosphaturia in adults

Approximate one day menu diets for phosphaturia in adults are shown in the table:

Name of products and dishes Yield, g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
I breakfast
Fish cutlets (from cod) 105/5 14,9 4,8 8,7
Buckwheat porridge crumbly with butter 145/10 8,9 9,5 34,6
grapefruit juice 100 0,3 - 0,8
II breakfast
Sour fresh apples 100 0,3 0,3 8,6
Rosehip decoction 200 0,6 - 15,2
Meat broth with meatballs 450/40 10,6 -
Baked meat pies 130 4,4 21,7 40,2
Redcurrant jelly with sugar 100 - - 21,6
afternoon tea
Cranberries with sugar 75/30 0,3 - 32,7
Tea with lemon 200 0,2 - 15,2
Fish cutlets fried in vegetable oil 110 15,8 12,5 12,0
Belyashi baked 210 25,8 26,0 57,3
Tea with lemon 200/7/15 0,2 - 15,2
For the night
Apple juice 100/100 0,5 - 9,1
All day
white wheat bread 300 24,6 4,2 108,3


120,0 89,5 368,5


2760 kcal

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Primary phosphaturia occurs with many pathological conditions, but most often in metabolic disorders, diseases of the central nervous system and parathyroid glands. The primary appearance occurs with congenital fermentopathy, due to a violation of the reabsorption of phosphates at the cellular level. In the case of secondary phosphaturia, it always occurs with bacterial or viral infection and an increase in urine pH. This leads to the precipitation of phosphate compounds at their normal total in urine.

It must be remembered that with an alkaline or slightly acid reaction of urine, when it is kept warm, fermentation develops very quickly and phosphates, which were previously in a soluble state, precipitate, as a result of which it becomes cloudy.

Nutrition with phosphate in the urine

The diet for phosphaturia is aimed at preventing the following: pathological processes– recovery normal level pH and prevention of salt precipitation. AT this case No. 14 is considered the most suitable dietary table.

The main features of nutrition with phosphates in the urine:

  • daily the energy value should not exceed 2500 kcal;
  • liquid - no more than 2.5 liters per day;
  • daily dose table salt- no more than 5–7 g;
  • content simple and complex carbohydrates- from 300 to 500 g;
  • fat intake - up to 100 g;
  • vegetable and animal proteins - up to 100 g, and the first should be more (approximate ratio 70/30).

Basic rules of table number 14:

  1. Limit calcium capacious and alkalizing foods - milk, cheese, walnuts.
  2. The predominance of cereals, fish, lean meat i.e. increasing acidity.
  3. Plentiful drink.
  • green vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, onions, peas, sorrel);
  • fruits and berries (apples, pears, lingonberries, raspberries, pomegranates);
  • cereals, as well legumes and various cereals;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • chicken and quail eggs(preferably without yolk);
  • natural sweets (honey, beet sugar);
  • bakery products, in the preparation of which a small amount of yolk and milk is used;
  • vegetable oils;
  • drinks (compote, uzvar, tea and coffee);
  • mineral water (increasing acidity).
  • all alcoholic drinks;
  • cooked sweets (chocolate, marmalade, etc.);
  • cakes;
  • fatty animal meat and fish, lard;
  • all dairy products without exception;

Menu for phosphaturia

Food in without fail should be fractional and at least 4 times a day. For breakfast, you can eat several boiled egg whites, as well as buckwheat and oatmeal. It is recommended to drink no more than 150 milliliters of weak tea or insoluble coffee.

For lunch, you need to eat chicken and fish soup, boiled rice and juice (jelly).

In the afternoon, a few slices of bread and any berry juice.

For dinner, up to 50 grams of chicken or other lean meat is allowed, vegetable salad and tea (coffee).

Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of rosehip broth.

Diet in phosphaturia is the most important measure in the treatment of increased amounts of phosphate and the formation of their sediment in the urine. Strict compliance diet table No. 14 is guaranteed to normalize the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the human body.

Phosphaturia is a disease in which increased amount alkali salts- phosphates (formation of phosphate stones in the urinary tract.) Phosphaturia occurs due to alkaline reaction urine.

The diet for phosphaturia is aimed at converting the alkaline reaction of urine into an acidic reaction.

For this from the diet exclude or limit foods that promote alkalization of urine (vegetables, fruits, herbs).

From fruits and greens allow only peas, pumpkin, cranberries, sour apples, red currants, cranberries, asparagus.

-Restrict foods containing a lot of calcium salts (primarily dairy products). Cottage cheese and cheese, as the most calcium-rich dairy products, are excluded. But periodically these products are included in the diet, since a long-term exclusion of calcium compounds from food is harmful.

-Exclude substances that excite the nervous system (alcohol, spices, spicy snacks).

Diet for phosphaturia chemical composition:

Proteins - 90-100g.

Fats - 100g.

Carbohydrates - 380-400g.

Salt - 10-12g.

Free liquid - 1.5-2.5 liters.

Caloric content - 2800-3000 kcal.

Culinary processing of products for a diet with phosphaturia:

Food processing is normal, food temperature is normal.

Diet for phosphaturia diet:

Food is taken 4 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and between meals - drinking is recommended.

Exclude the following foods and dishes from the diet for phosphaturia:

1. Dairy, fruit, vegetable soups.

2. Smoked products.

3. Milk, dairy products, cottage cheese, cheese.

4. All vegetables except pumpkin, green peas, asparagus, mushrooms.

5. Vegetable salads, canned vegetables, vinaigrettes.

6. Fruits and berries, except for sour apples, red currants, lingonberries, cranberries.

7. Sweet products on milk.

8. Fruit, berry, vegetable juices.

9. Mustard, pepper, horseradish.

10. Salty and smoked fish and caviar.

11. Alcoholic drinks, bread kvass, black coffee.

First meal: soups on weak meat, fish, mushroom broths with noodles, various cereals, legumes.

Second courses:

- meat dishes: different kinds meat and poultry in a variety of preparations, except for smoked.

-fish dishes: various types of fish in any preparation, except for salted and smoked, canned fish - in small quantities.

- cereal dishes: various cereals in any preparation, pasta. Milk is not used for making cereals.

-egg dishes: 1 egg per day, various preparations, also used as an additive in dishes. Yolks - limited.

-vegetable dishes: pumpkin, green pea, asparagus, mushrooms - contain little calcium (excluding potatoes and other vegetables).

-dairy: a small amount of sour cream as an additive to dishes.

-sauces: mild sauces on fish, meat, mushroom broths.

-spices: very limited quantities.

Snacks: various snacks from meat, fish, seafood, soaked herring, caviar are allowed.

Third meals:

-fruits and berries: sour apples, lingonberries, red currants, cranberries. Kissels, compotes, jelly from these fruits.

-sweets: sugar, honey, meringues, snowballs, confectionery, popsicles.

-beverages: not strong tea and coffee without milk, fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, rosehip broth.

Bakery products: various types of bread, pastry products - with restriction of milk and eggs.

Fats: creamy, vegetable, ghee cow butter for cooking people and in its natural form. Limited - cooking and meat fats.

Diet menu for phosphaturia for 1 day:

Breakfast: soaked herring, crumbly buckwheat, tea.

Dinner: noodle soup on chicken broth, boiled rice, fried chicken, cranberry jelly.

afternoon tea: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: fried meat cutlets on vegetable oil, green peas, tea.

For the night: rosehip decoction.

Why does phosphaturia occur, why is it dangerous? Causes and symptoms in adults and children. A diet that reduces the amount of phosphate in the urine. Treatment with medicines, folk remedies and prevention.

What is phosphaturia?

Phosphorus is involved in all metabolic processes, performs a transport function - distributes energy to all organs and tissues, stimulates the production digestive enzymes. It enters the body with food.

A person rarely experiences a deficiency of phosphorus - in all daily menu enough products with this substance. high quantity nutrient in plant foods, alkaline mineral waters, fast food and sausages. The body tries to get rid of excess phosphates and removes them with urine.

Periodic turbidity of urine, especially when changing the diet, is not considered a pathology. Deterioration in the initial stage does not cause disease. If the stones in the urine fall out constantly, you need to see a doctor.

What do phosphates in the urine mean in an increased amount:
  • Development of osteoporosis;
  • Increased fragility of dentin (dental tissue);
  • Increased dryness of the skin;
  • Stratification of nails and hair.

The diagnosis of "phosphaturia" is made when several tests showed stable increased rate. One-time changes are not considered a disease.

The main causes of the appearance of phosphates in the urine

Violation of phosphorus metabolism may be associated with the nature of nutrition and pathological changes in the body.

Causes of Phosphaturia in Adults

Failure in the work of organs and systems causes urolithiasis. Forming calculi, tripelphosphates are phosphoric stones that do not dissolve under the influence of drugs.

A sediment in the urine appears:

  1. When changing the diet, when switching to a vegetarian diet, or when constantly adhering to starvation diets.
  2. When the daily menu is dominated by "harmful" food - canned food, fast food, alcohol, Coca-Cola and carbonated drinks with dyes.
  3. In case of violation metabolic processes causing a decrease in acidity.
  4. Due to tubular acidosis of the kidneys - with electrolyte disturbances, de Toni-Debre-Fanconi disease (rickets-like pathology), with a decrease in the glomerular filtration rate, cystitis, hypo- or hyperphosphatemia.
  5. For diseases that are symptomatic general intoxication and vomiting, prolonged diarrhea.
  6. During pregnancy, if urolithiasis worsens or inflammation of the kidneys appears.
  7. due to congenital disorders.
Violation of phosphorus metabolism can provoke inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

Causes of Phosphaturia in Children

At healthy child urine is clear, without foreign impurities. If phosphorus is washed out of the body, growth and physiological development slow down.

Phosphates in the urine of a child may appear:

  • In infants with a change in the mother's diet and with the introduction of supplementary food. In children under 5 years of age due to underdevelopment digestive system or due to imperfect metabolism.
  • because of congenital anomalies and genetic pathologies associated with a lack of enzymes responsible for the absorption of phosphorus.
  • due to rickets, pyelonephritis, diabetes.
  • With an illiterate diet, with a predominance of dairy products or cereals - buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal.
Secondary phosphaturia may be a symptom intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, peptic ulcer.

General symptoms of phosphaturia

At the initial stage, the disease in adults does not manifest itself. In children, parents immediately notice cloudy urine.

Non-specific symptoms anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite and constant fatigue. If parents of small children similar states cause anxiety, then adults attribute everything to fatigue and frequent stress and help official medicine deal with deterioration general condition, the signs of which are:

  1. Frequent urination;
  2. Pain in the lumbar region, aggravated by emptying the bladder;
  3. Flatulence, intestinal colic and bloating;
  4. Unstable stools, constipation followed by diarrhoea.
Patients complain of occasional nausea, heartburn, false urges to defecation. Diseases are getting worse digestive tract.

Diet for Phosphaturia

Proper nutrition is essential therapeutic event in the treatment of phosphaturia. The transition to a specific diet - table number 14 according to Pevzner - increases the acidity in the physiological fluids of the body and helps prevent the formation of insoluble stones in the urinary organs.

Diet basis: fractional nutrition(6 meals per day), small portions, total the nutritional value- 2600-2800 kcal per day. As part of daily ration 70 g of protein, 410 g of carbohydrates, 90 g of fat and no more than 9 g of salt. You can only salt ready meals. You need to drink 2-3 liters of fluid per day.

You will have to minimize the amount of dairy dishes in the diet and abandon fatty foods and alcohol. Do not eat: marinades, smoked sausages, oily fish and meat, chocolate, marshmallow, pastries, pastries and cakes, fresh bread, cooking oils, eggplant, potatoes, carrots, sorrel, spinach, Brussels sprouts, onion and horseradish.

Prohibited drinks: alcohol, coffee, cocoa and strong tea.

Allowed products: legumes, cereals of all kinds, egg whites, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, mushrooms, green peas, lean fish, shellfish, halva and honey. You can feast sweet and sour fruits and berries.

Allowed drinks: birch sap, compotes and fruit drinks, not strong tea and weak coffee from chicory, non-carbonated mineral water, juices - fruit and birch.

Long-term diet No. 14 is not suitable for children. Lack of calcium in the diet has a negative effect on physiological development- growth slows down and density decreases bone tissue. A glass of sour cream allowed per week cannot cover a calcium deficiency. To compensate for the mineral-vitamin deficiency, special complexes can be prescribed, the amount of fruit increases.

A sample menu for 1 day with phosphaturia is suitable for patients from 2 years old:
  • Breakfast - pasta casserole with sour cream, washed down with cranberry juice.
  • Snack - green apples or a glass of cherries.
  • Lunch - sour cabbage soup without potatoes, pea porridge and a piece of fresh fish, lingonberry jelly.
  • afternoon tea - green tea with fennel or chamomile, crackers.
  • Dinner - rice with stew chicken breast, currant juice.
  • 2 hours before bedtime - cereal bread and rosehip broth.
The diet has to be followed regardless of whether medications are prescribed to eliminate phosphaturia or not.

Recipes of dishes allowed with an increase in phosphates in the urine:

  1. fish pudding. Fish fillet, 100 g, divided into 2 parts, skin and bones removed. Pass through a meat grinder. A piece of wheat bread is soaked in water, added to the fish mass, a tablespoon of butter is added and kneaded. Salt to taste. Steam cooking.
  2. baked pumpkin. A piece of pumpkin, 200 g, cut into cubes, stew in a saucepan under the lid for 20 minutes with butter and sour cream. Baked in a skillet, in the oven. Before turning off, pour in a handful of fried flour.
  3. . Lean beef is cut into pieces, unsaturated broth is boiled with onion, draining the first water. Separately, boil rice of a friable variety, but not until final readiness. The soup is seasoned with grated carrots, parsley and rice. As soon as the vegetables and rice become soft, everything is turned off. Salt to taste. Before serving, you can add sour cream.
There are other dishes that can be included in diet number 14. The main thing is not to oversalt.

Features of the treatment of phosphaturia

Therapeutic regimen includes medicines to eliminate the underlying disease and primary pathology that cause phosphaturia. Methods traditional medicine accelerate recovery and restore acid-base balance urine.

Medicines for phosphate in the urine

To restore the functioning of the urinary system, it is necessary to completely eliminate inflammatory processes in the kidneys or bladder. Antibiotic therapy may be required. Preference is given integrated means: Augmentin and analogues - Ecobol, Amoxil, Bactoclav.

May be appointed antibacterial agents a wide range actions - Flemoxin Solutab, Ceftriaxone or Azithromycin, as well as narrow effects - Nolicin, Palin, Nitroxoline. Children are advised to choose medicines in the form of syrups or suspensions.

Antispasmodic drugs are used: No-shpa and Spazmalgon, analogues - Baralgin, Papaverine.

For diseases of the digestive tract and intestines, the following medicines may be required:

Drug groupThe main thingAnalogues
AntacidsMaaloxGastal or Rennie
proton pump inhibitorsOmezRabeprazole, Nolpaza, Pantoprazole
Enzymatic agentsMezim forte and FestalEnzistal, Creon, Pancreatin

Children are prescribed drugs that prevent the development of rickets. used oil solution vitamin D or its analogue - Akvadetrim. This drug can be given to babies from the first days of life to prevent rickets and increase the absorption of phosphorus and calcium.

If the patient has a significant excretion ( increased secretion phosphorus in the urine), prescribe drugs that reduce the rate of the process. In this case, it is recommended to use Almagel and analogues - Almagel A with an anesthetic component, Almagel Neo with a composition that eliminates flatulence, Gastracid or Phosphalugel.

The therapeutic scheme may include other pharmaceuticals aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that provoked phosphaturia.

Folk remedies for phosphaturia

Herbal preparations help to quickly remove excess phosphoric acid from the body. Birch sap and rosehip broth work effectively. Adults can take 2 glasses a day, children - one at a time.

Recipes from medicinal plants:

  • Collection number 1. Mix 1 part of veres leaves and lingonberries, fringed grass and 4 parts of madder root. Brew a tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, insist on a water bath. Drink 3 times a day, 3 tablespoons 40 minutes before food intake.
  • Collection number 2. Combine 1 part of madder root, 2 parts of pirnik and omentum leaves, 4 parts of flaxseed. Brew 1.5 tablespoons of 0.5 liters of boiling water. They insist and persevere. Drink 2 glasses per day: one half 1 hour before breakfast, the second - before dinner.
  • Decoctions of wild rose and bearberry. The proportions of the infusion are 2 tablespoons of shrub roots or bearberry per 250 ml of water. Boil for 5 minutes, insist in a wrapped form, filter. Treatment regimen: an hour after eating, first drink a decoction of wild rose, and then bearberry. During the day you need to drink a glass of each decoction.
  • Decoctions of oregano and infusion of knotweed. Oregano is brewed in a thermos, in the evening, 1 tablespoon per 300 ml. Knotweed, 1 tablespoon, pour 1 liter of water and let it brew for 2 hours. Before eating, drink 1/3 cup of oregano, after eating - 3 tablespoons of knotweed.
When treating children, juice therapy should be limited.

To prevent the accumulation of phosphates, adults are advised to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day, avoid hypothermia, and exercise regularly. Preference is given to cardio. Children expand drinking regimen, transfer to a special diet, treat the urinary organs and all infections in time, ensure the supply of vitamin D and walks in daytime.

How to treat phosphaturia - look at the video:

At the first sign of deterioration or the appearance of cloudy urine, you should consult a doctor. Phosphaturia has a tendency to relapse.

Diet for phosphaturia prohibits the use of dairy and fermented milk products, does not allow improvement taste qualities food with spices and hot spices, requires the rejection of coffee.

Urinalysis showed that the test sample contained phosphates in the urine. Should I immediately sound the alarm and start treating kidney disease? You don't need to be scared. The analysis should simply be retaken, preferably in two to three days.

Phosphate formation may be related to food regimen. In the urine of vegetarians, the presence of phosphates is characteristic. Reducing the intake of animal proteins in the body also causes their formation. Reduce the content of phosphates in the urine, metabolic products of an acidic consistency, and they are excreted by the body only if there is meat and meat products in the diet.

Phosphate sand is represented by gray and white inclusions, it consists of calcium salts and phosphoric acid. In case of violation of metabolic processes, sand lingers in the kidneys, forming stones that grow quite intensively.

At the first stage of their appearance, they are porous and dissolve easily if they begin to be supported. special diet with phosphaturia. In the event that the growth of stones has not been prevented, there is a danger that they will turn into coral stones with numerous growths and sharp edges. When such a fossil enters the ureter without surgical intervention it will be impossible to do.

The formation of phosphates is explained not only by the fact that the diet with phosphates in the urine was not observed. Stones of this type accumulate in diseases associated with disruption of the parathyroid glands, inflammatory diseases urinary system, with multiple myeloma, endocrine diseases and rickets. Also affects the formation of phosphates sedentary image life and impaired outflow and formation of urine.

The presence of phosphate stones is indicated by the same symptoms as the presence of stones of any kind. These are pain in the lower back or ureters, urinary retention, renal colic, segments of blood in the urine, cloudy urine and fever in acute cases.

The presence of phosphate stones can be detected by general analysis urine. The place of their localization is determined after examination by an ultrasound machine or after radiography. In the latter case, it must be injected into the kidney contrast agent. Treatment urolithiasis may be conservative or surgical.

In the first case, relieve spasm urinary tract, and prescribe drugs that dissolve phosphate stones. In the second, an operation is prescribed, during which the stones that cause pain are removed. After surgical operation there may be a recurrence of attacks of urolithiasis.

If it turns out that the formation of sand from phosphoric acid and calcium is not associated with the predominance of dairy and herbal products, it needs to be carefully examined. stop over-education Phosphates without definition of diseases - it is impossible. In the event that the disease is identified, and it became clear why phosphates are formed in the urine, the diet will help reduce their content.

Antiphosphate diet - a diet based on the exclusion and restriction of products of many categories in the diet. food, with high content calcium must be eliminated from your diet. These include dairy products and whole milk. It is necessary to abandon products that contribute to the formation of alkali urine. This group includes mushrooms, bird eggs.

Like any diet, the phosphate diet prohibits the use of smoked meats, sweet carbonated drinks, spicy snacks, spices, including plant origin. A categorical no to chocolate, coffee and cocoa. It is advisable to give up tea, especially strong tea.

What to eat? Cereals and pasta, fish and meat, sour and sweet and sour fruits and berries in their natural form and in compotes, jelly, in the form of jam or marshmallow.

The consumption of raw vegetables is limited. Since the diet prohibits many foods that contain nutrients, necessary for the body for normal functioning, you need to take a vitamin complex.

It is required to use more fluids, especially medicinal mineral waters: Naftusya, Narzan and others of a similar composition. Mineral water helps to reduce the amount of phosphates formed in the urine. There is a special therapy, which consists in its use. Calculated treatment course for a year. Water is drunk for two or three weeks, with a break for seven to ten days, half or a third of a glass before meals.

If there is phosphaturia, diet number 14 for a day will look something like this.

Fractional nutrition is not welcome, food should be ingested 4 or 5 times a day. Starvation is not welcome.

For breakfast, you can boil pasta. If baked with a small amount sour cream, making a casserole, processed milk product will do no harm. It is desirable to drink breakfast with cranberries or sour apples, and if you don’t eat enough, add cookies or dried bread to the liquid.

Snack - sour apples, tangerines or cherries. Depending on the season.

Dinner: meat soup or broth, pea cutlets, bread, jelly - less than one and a half glasses.

Snack: sweet bun with rosehip tincture or tea from the same berry.

Dinner: chicken meat or fish cutlet, rice - preferably brown, fruit drink.

Before going to bed, you can treat yourself to apple compote and cereal bread. Food can be boiled, fried, steamed, baked until golden brown. But at the same time avoid the use of cooking oil. Salo useful product does not count.

If phosphates are constantly formed in the urine, diet alone cannot cope with them. It is necessary to find what their education is connected with and treat systemic or chronic illness medically.

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