Mineral salts: the role of mineral salts, daily intake, minerals in foods. Acid-base balance. The healing properties of table salt and the harm from its abuse What is the biological role of mineral salts

Mineral salts are needed by our body in the same way as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water. Almost the entire periodic system of Mendeleev is represented in the cells of our body, but the role and significance of some elements in metabolism has not yet been fully studied. With regard to mineral salts and water, it is known that they are important participants in the process of metabolism in the cell.

They are part of the cell, without them the metabolism is disturbed. And since our body does not have large reserves of salts, it is necessary to ensure their regular intake. In this we are helped by food products containing a large set of minerals.

mineral salts are essential components of a healthy life. They are actively involved not only in the process of metabolism, but also in the electrochemical processes of the nervous system of muscle tissue. They are also necessary in the formation of structures such as the skeleton and teeth. Some minerals also play the role of a catalyst in many biochemical reactions in our body.

Minerals are divided into two groups:

  • those that are needed by the body in relatively large quantities. These are macronutrients;
  • those needed in small quantities. These are micronutrients.

All of them not only act as catalysts, but also activate enzymes during chemical reactions. Therefore, trace elements, even if they act in infinitesimal amounts, are necessary for the body in the same way as macronutrients. At present, scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the amounts of microelements that should be ingested in the body in order for this to be considered ideal. Suffice it to say that the lack of trace elements can lead to various diseases.

We use more salts table salt which is composed of sodium and chlorine. Sodium is involved in regulating the amount of water in the body, and chlorine, combining with hydrogen, forms hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, which is very important in digestion.

Insufficient consumption of table salt leads to increased excretion of water from the body and insufficient formation of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. Excess salt leads to water retention in the body, which contributes to the appearance of edema. Together with potassium, sodium affects the functions of the brain and nerves.

Potassium- This is one of the most important elements contained in the cell. It is necessary to maintain the excitability of the nervous and muscle tissues. Without potassium, it is impossible to supply the brain with glucose. Potassium deficiency negatively affects the readiness of the brain to work. A person's ability to concentrate is weakened, and vomiting and diarrhea may even occur.

Potassium salts are found in sufficient quantities in potatoes, legumes, cabbage and many other vegetables. Including fish, meat and poultry in the diet, you get the required amount of this element. The need for potassium is about 4 grams per day, which can be met by drinking a glass of banana milk, for example, or eating a serving of vegetable salad.

Calcium salts necessary for the stabilization of the cell membranes of brain cells and nerve cells, as well as for the normal development of bone tissue. Calcium metabolism in the body is regulated by vitamin D and hormones. The lack of calcium in the body, as well as its excess, can have very harmful consequences.

The risk of calcium-containing kidney stones can be prevented by drinking enough mineral water. Calcium in high concentrations and in a good ratio with phosphorus (approximately from 1:1 to 2:1) is found in milk and dairy products, with the exception of ice cream, cottage cheese, and young, soft and processed cheese.

The ratio of calcium and potassium salts is important for the normal functioning of the heart muscle. In their absence or deficiency, cardiac activity slows down, and soon stops completely.

Phosphorus responsible for the production of energy from nutrients. By interacting with vitamin D and calcium, it provides the body with warmth and energy to support all its functions, including the functions of the brain and nerves. The leaders in phosphorus content are milk and dairy products. The daily need for phosphorus is from 800 to 1000 milligrams.

An insufficient supply of phosphorus to the body is practically impossible. When compiling your diet, try not to have a deficiency of phosphorus, but also do not allow it to be excessive, which negatively affects the supply of calcium to the body. Try to stick to a body-friendly 1:1 to 2:1 ratio of phosphorus to calcium, and you won't have to make sure you eat foods that are low in phosphorus.

Magnesium is one of the important minerals for our body. The intake of magnesium salts is simply necessary for all cells. It plays a decisive role in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and is responsible for all important body functions. This element, due to which conduction is carried out through the fibers of the nervous system, regulates the lumen of blood vessels, as well as the work of the intestines. Recent studies have shown that magnesium protects the body from the negative effects of stress by stabilizing the cell membranes of nerve cells.

With a lack of magnesium, severe disorders are possible in all areas of the body, for example, a weakening of memory and the ability to concentrate, as well as severe nervousness and irritability. An excess of magnesium in the body, as a rule, does not happen, since our body itself releases it through the kidneys, intestines and skin.

Iron is part of hemoglobin - a substance that carries oxygen from the lungs to cells and tissues. Therefore, we can safely say that iron is perhaps the most important element for the human body. With insufficient supply of iron to the body, various ailments associated with a lack of oxygen appear.

The brain is especially affected by this - the main consumer of oxygen, which instantly loses its ability to work. True, it should be noted that our body uses iron reserves very carefully, and its content usually decreases sharply only due to blood loss.

Fluorine is part of the tooth enamel, so people living in areas where drinking water is poor in this element, teeth deteriorate more often. Now modern toothpastes come to the rescue in such cases.

Iodine is also a vital element. It is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. With iodine deficiency, thyroid pathologies (“goiter”) gradually develop. A large amount of iodine is found in seafood of both animal and vegetable origin.

Copper and its salts are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis. Copper "works" in close cooperation with iron and vitamin C, supplying the body with oxygen and nourishing the nerve sheaths. With a deficiency of this element in the body, iron is poorly used for its intended purpose, anemia develops. Copper deficiency can also cause mental disorders.

Chromium plays an important role as an insulin regulator in its blood sugar management function. If there is not enough chromium, blood sugar levels rise, which can lead to diabetes. Chromium stimulates the activity of enzymes that are involved in the process of glucose metabolism and in the synthesis of fatty acids and proteins. A lack of chromium can cause an increase in blood cholesterol levels, which creates the risk of a stroke.

An integral part of more than 150 enzymes and hormones is zinc providing protein and fat metabolism. Recent studies suggest that zinc plays an important role in learning processes, because it controls the biochemical bonds between brain cells. Many experts believe that the lack of zinc affects the nervous system, because of this, states of fear, depressive disorders, incoherence of thoughts, speech are disturbed, and there are also difficulties in walking and moving.

Because zinc, like copper, is found in many foods, there is very little risk of deficiency. With a proper healthy diet, involving the use of meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, vegetables and fruits, the body receives a sufficient amount of this element. The daily requirement for zinc is 15 micrograms.

Cobalt- Another element that is responsible for supplying the brain with oxygen. Cobalt gives vitamin B12 a special quality: it is the only vitamin that has a metal atom in its molecule - and right in the middle. Together with its vitamin B12, cobalt is involved in the production of red blood cells and thus supplies the brain with oxygen. And if the body lacks vitamin B12, it means that it is deficient in cobalt, and vice versa.

The dish that I offer you today will provide the body not only with cobalt, but also with all other mineral salts, carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of protein and fat.

Veal liver in Provençal style

Prepare 4 servings of veal liver, 1 large onion, a few cloves of garlic, half a bunch of parsley. We will also need ½ teaspoon of aromatic ground spices, a pinch of dried thyme, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 teaspoon of ground sweet red pepper, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of margarine, salt and pepper to taste.

Chop the onion and garlic very finely, finely chop the parsley and mix with onion, garlic, thyme and spices. Mix the flour and sweet ground pepper and roll the liver in this mixture. Heat vegetable oil with margarine in a frying pan and fry the liver on both sides over medium heat for about 3 minutes. Liver pieces should be 1 cm thick.

Then salt the liver, pepper and put on a heated dish. Pour the previously prepared mixture into the fat remaining in the pan. Simmer this mixture for 1 minute and sprinkle it over the liver.

Serve with roasted tomatoes, fried potatoes or salad.

Salt enters the human body not only in its pure form as a food additive, but also together with the liquid. An excess of this stone, just like a deficiency, negatively affects the body as a whole. How much salt should be consumed per day, as well as how to remove it, is discussed in this article.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that each already contains a certain amount of salt. Therefore, for the whole day a person receives enough nutritional supplements. However, taste preferences today have changed dramatically - we add seasoning almost everywhere. It is impossible to say exactly the salt rate, since the scientists themselves have not decided on the figure. On average, no more than five grams of salt should be consumed per day. American doctors recommend limiting to four grams, Brazilian doctors recommend two, and doctors from Britain consider six grams to be the norm. Thus, the recommended dose also depends on the characteristics of a particular people, as well as the climatic location. In colder climatic zones, it is enough to consume 3-5 grams of salt per day, in hot areas - 6-8 grams. In addition, the need increases with physical exertion.

It is also worth noting that half of the five grams of salt allowed should come directly from food.

Salt deficiency and excess

Salt is the most important substance that maintains balance in the body. And, as you know, the body is 70% liquid.

The lack of salt manifests itself in different ways:

  • a person develops fatigue, a depressive state and a headache are observed;
  • the work of the digestive and cardiovascular systems is disrupted: nausea appears;
  • bones and muscles are destroyed, spasms appear;
  • osteoporosis, anorexia;
  • a less "painful" symptom is thirst, which is not quenched even with heavy drinking.

The function of mineral salts in the body

Salts perform a number of important functions in the human body:

  • they maintain acid-base balance;
  • regulate osmotic pressure in cells;
  • are directly involved in the formation of enzymes;
  • control the process of blood clotting.

In addition, salt is able to attract. Due to this property, fluid accumulates in the body in the right amount.

Magnesium salts

Magnesium salts are the most important substance, without which any processes in the body are impossible.

Magnesium ions are involved in metabolism, protein formation, pressure regulation, cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. Thus, without magnesium existence is impossible. Doctors noticed that if the expectant mother had a lack of these salts, the birth was delayed. The explanation for this is quite simple - all the processes in the body "drag out". Moreover, a newborn baby may experience seizures.

Symptoms of deficiency of magnesium ions:

  • dizziness, possible fainting;
  • short muscle cramps;
  • "spots" in the eyes;
  • various spasms;
  • hair becomes brittle, subsequently falls out, legs break easily;
  • depression, etc.

You can correct the situation by using vitamins that the doctor prescribes, and foods rich in magnesium.

Potassium salts in the body

As in the case of magnesium, potassium salts regulate not only the water balance in the body, but also the functioning of the nervous system, as well as the cardiovascular system. Potassium is essential for muscle fibers, in particular the brain, heart and liver, etc.

If there is little potassium, diseases such as dropsy and hypokalemia are possible. The work of the entire cardiac system is disrupted, and the bones are also resolved. However, an excess of this substance is harmful - an ulcer of the small intestine can form.

The largest amount of potassium is found in dry and fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, grains. In addition, mint is also rich in this element.

Calcium salts

As you know, calcium is the main component of the entire human skeleton, including teeth and nails. In addition, it supports the immune system, preventing the penetration of various viruses and microbes into the body. He is also involved in hematopoiesis, is an antidepressant, keeping the nervous system in good shape.

By themselves, calcium salts cannot be absorbed in the body without phosphorus salts. In this regard, the human body contains about two kilograms of calcium and 700 grams of phosphorus. In case of shortage of the first element in certain organs and systems, the body will "take" it from the skeleton. The daily norm of calcium is considered to be at least one gram.

urinary salts

Human urine consists of 95% water, the rest is salt. Depending on the person's diet and food preferences, this liquid may contain too much salt, which negatively affects overall health.

It is worth noting that too much salt in the urine is not yet evidence of a disease. There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • a person drinks little water during the day, due to which the salt concentration increases;
  • diet is inadequate. Most likely, too salty dishes are used;
  • in addition, oxalic acid, which is quite abundant in berries, tomatoes and chocolate, can become the cause of salts in the urine;
  • the body contains large amounts of ethylene glycol, which is contained in paints, varnishes, etc.;
  • metabolism is disturbed;
  • environmental factors may also play a role.

Dieting is the best way to normalize the amount of salt in the urine.

What is the biological role of water? mineral salts?

Water is the most common inorganic compound in living organisms. Its functions are largely determined by the dipole nature of the structure of its molecules.

1. Water is a universal polar solvent; many chemicals in the presence of water dissociate into ions - cations and anions.

2. Water is a medium where various chemical reactions take place between substances in the cell.

3. Water performs a transport function. Most substances are able to penetrate the cell membrane only in the form dissolved in water.

4. Water is an important reactant of hydration reactions and the end product of many biochemical reactions, including oxidation.

5. Water acts as a temperature regulator, which is ensured by its good thermal conductivity and heat capacity and allows you to maintain the temperature inside the cell during temperature fluctuations in the environment.

6. Water is the medium for the life of many living organisms.

Life without water is impossible.

Minerals are also important for the processes occurring in living organisms. Its buffering properties depend on the concentration of salts in the cell - the ability of the cell to maintain a slightly alkaline reaction of its contents at a constant level.

What are mineral salts, what and what role do they play in human life

As I wrote in a previous article about vitamins, no one can do without them. Mineral salts play an equally important role for our health. Why should we take minerals and vitamins.
Because not only vitamins, but also mineral salts contain everything necessary for our life. Mineral salts must be found in the food we eat.

For the life and activity of our body, mineral salts are simply necessary. After reading the article, you will definitely find out what these mineral salts are and what role they play in our lives.

mineral salts

In our food, as well as vitamins, there must be mineral salts. They are simply necessary for our body so that its vital activity is normal. Why do you think we should take minerals and vitamins?
But nature has endowed our food with both vitamins and minerals! Due to the fact that we do not eat properly, we do not receive enough mineral salts and vitamins necessary for life, which you can read about.

Now artificial fertilizer is very developed. Of course, it almost everywhere replaced such natural fertilizer as manure. As a result, artificial fertilizer gives growth, beauty and productivity.
But at the same time, plants do not have time to get natural juices from the earth, which are so necessary for plants to form vitamins. People and organizations that grow plant food spray it with a chemical solution.
This solution is used to control harmful insects and this is done instead of fumigation, which was done before. The trouble is that this solution contains arsenic.
Of course, this poison kills pests, but not only. Some of it remains on the plants and then goes to vegetables, fruits and cereals. Then, through these products, the poison enters our stomach, thereby poisoning the body.
For commercial purposes, the core is removed from wheat grains, thereby making them dead. Then, to obtain white varieties of bread, the bran is sifted out very carefully.
Without thinking about the fact that vitamins are mainly found in bran. Cattle are fed with bran, which means that the most valuable thing is given to animals. And people receive not only dead bread, but also harmful.
Now about sugar - dark sugar is natural, which is produced from fodder beets and cane. It contains many minerals and vitamins. But after purification, sugar loses all vitamins and most of the minerals.
We buy snow-white sugar and of course we consume it every day in large quantities about the dangers and benefits of sugar, read in. This is not only sugar, but also all kinds of sweets and muffins in which there are no vitamins or mineral salts.

What are mineral salts

This is Sodium, which is one of the main elements in our body. Iron, which is very important for our blood. Potassium, which is responsible for the structure of muscles.
Calcium, which gives our bones strength. Phosphorus, which is responsible for bone development. Sulfur, which should be found in all tissues and cells of our body.
Silicon is responsible for the construction of skin, nerves, nails, hair and muscles. Chlorine is needed to combine sodium, calcium and potassium like hydrochloric acid. A little muscle, blood and brain.
Iodine is generally responsible for the metabolism in our body, so it should be enough in the thyroid gland. Salt is also part of the mineral salts. It is very necessary for blood and tissues.
And finally Magnesium - this element gives special hardness to teeth and bones. What are mineral salts, I hope that I was able to answer this question.

calcium in the body

We all know how important calcium is for the body. Calcium builds muscles, strengthens the skeleton and all bones. In the human body, the amount of calcium is three-fourths of all the mineral elements that it contains.
The heart must receive seven times more calcium than any other organ. Since the heart muscles need calcium. Calcium is very important in the body for blood clotting.
What substance do you think supplies the blood with alkaline salts? Calcium is the main source and it is very important. After all, our blood is alkaline, if it is in a normal state.
Death can occur if the alkaline balance in the blood is disturbed. For this reason, our body will begin to age prematurely if the glands, cells, tissues do not have enough calcium.
Children and teenagers need four times more calcium than adults. To keep bones, teeth and tissues in order. Very little calcium is produced when you are sick, especially if you have a high fever.
Trouble and overwork also adversely affect health. Increases acidity in the blood, loses its activity and weakens the liver. After all, the liver destroys toxic substances.
The liver loses its activity and inflammation of the tonsils begins, stones appear in the gallbladder. The teeth begin to crumble and stagger, the rash covers mainly the hands.
If you introduce pure calcium into the body, it will not bring much benefit. You need to take calcium in the form of food. That is, eat food that contains alkali.
Eat egg yolks, beans, olives, lentils, yellow turnips, rutabagas, wine berries, whey, cauliflower, bran. Then calcium in the body will be normal.

sodium in the body

Sodium in the body is one of the main alkaline elements. Thanks to sodium, magnesium and lime are retained in blood solutions and tissues. If there is a lack of sodium in the body, hardening will begin in the walls of the arteries.
In the capillary vessels, blood stagnation occurs, and urinary, hepatic and bile stones are also formed. Sodium does a great job in our body.
Due to the lack of sodium, it is very difficult for people with diabetes and obese people to breathe, heart disease appears. With enough sodium in the body, iron safely captures oxygen from fresh air.

We all know that to maintain the health of our body, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and, of course, water are needed. Mineral salts are also an important component of food, playing the role of participants in metabolic processes, catalysts for biochemical reactions.

A significant part of the useful substances are chloride, carbonate, phosphate salts of sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium. In addition to them, compounds of copper, zinc, iron, manganese, iodine, cobalt and other elements are present in the body. Useful substances in the aquatic environment dissolve and exist in the form of ions.

Types of mineral salts

Salts can decompose into positive and negative ions. The former are called cations (charged particles of various metals), the latter are called anions. Negatively charged ions of phosphoric acid form a phosphate buffer system, the main significance of which is to regulate the pH of urine and interstitial fluid. Anions of carbonic acid form a bicarbonate buffer system, which is responsible for the activity of the lungs and maintains the pH of the blood plasma at the desired level. Thus, mineral salts, the composition of which is represented by various ions, have their own unique significance. For example, they participate in the synthesis of phospholipids, nucleotides, hemoglobin, ATP, chlorophyll, and so on.

The group of macronutrients includes sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and chlorine ions. These elements must be eaten in sufficient quantities. What is the importance of mineral salts of the macronutrient group? We'll figure out.

Salts of sodium and chlorine

One of the most common compounds that a person consumes every day is table salt. The substance is composed of sodium and chlorine. The first regulates the amount of fluid in the body, and the second, combining with a hydrogen ion, forms hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Sodium affects the growth of the body and the functioning of the heart. Lack of the element can lead to apathy and weakness, can cause hardening of the walls of the arteries, the formation of gallstones, as well as involuntary muscle twitching. Excess sodium chloride leads to the formation of edema. For a day you need to eat no more than 2 grams of salt.

Potassium salts

This ion is responsible for brain activity. The element helps to increase concentration, the development of memory. It maintains the excitability of muscle and nerve tissues, water-salt balance, blood pressure. The ion also catalyzes the formation of acetylcholine and regulates osmotic pressure. With a deficiency of potassium salts, a person feels disorientation, drowsiness, reflexes are disturbed, and mental activity decreases. The element is found in many foods, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts.

Salts of calcium and phosphorus

The calcium ion is involved in the stabilization of the membranes of brain cells, as well as nerve cells. The element is responsible for the normal development of bones, is necessary for blood clotting, helps to remove lead and heavy metals from the body. The ion is the main source of blood saturation with alkaline salts, which contributes to the maintenance of life. Human glands that secrete hormones should normally always contain a sufficient amount of calcium ions, otherwise the body will begin to age prematurely. Children require this ion three times more than adults. Excess calcium can lead to kidney stones. Its deficiency causes cessation of breathing, as well as a significant deterioration in the work of the heart.

The phosphorus ion is responsible for the production of energy from nutrients. When it interacts with calcium and vitamin D, the functions of the brain and nerve tissues are activated. Phosphorus ion deficiency can delay bone development. It should be consumed no more than 1 gram per day. For the body, a favorable ratio of this element and calcium is one to one. An excess of phosphorus ions can cause various tumors.

Magnesium salts

Mineral salts in the cell break down into various ions, one of them is magnesium. The element is indispensable in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. The magnesium ion is involved in the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers, stabilizes the cell membranes of nerve cells, thereby protecting the body from the effects of stress. The element regulates the work of the intestines. With a lack of magnesium, a person suffers from memory impairment, loses the ability to concentrate his attention for a long time, becomes irritable and nervous. It is enough to consume 400 milligrams of magnesium per day.

The group of trace elements includes ions of cobalt, copper, iron, chromium, fluorine, zinc, iodine, selenium, manganese and silicon. These elements are necessary for the body in minimal quantities.

Salts of iron, fluorine, iodine

The daily need for an iron ion is only 15 milligrams. This element is part of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen to tissues and cells from the lungs. Iron deficiency causes anemia.

Fluorine ions are present in tooth enamel, bones, muscles, blood and brain. With a lack of this element, the teeth lose their strength, begin to collapse. At the moment, the problem of fluorine deficiency is solved by using toothpastes containing it, as well as by eating a sufficient amount of foods rich in fluoride (nuts, cereals, fruits, and others).

Iodine is responsible for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, thereby regulating metabolism. With its deficiency, goiter develops and immunity decreases. With a lack of iodine ions in children, there is a delay in growth and development. An excess of element ions causes Graves' disease, and general weakness, irritability, weight loss, and muscle atrophy are also observed.

Salts of copper and zinc

Copper, in cooperation with the iron ion, saturates the body with oxygen. Therefore, copper deficiency causes disturbances in the synthesis of hemoglobin, the development of anemia. The lack of an element can lead to various diseases of the cardiovascular system, the appearance of bronchial asthma and mental disorders. An excess of copper ions provokes CNS disorders. The patient complains of depression, memory loss, insomnia. An excess of the element is more common in the body of workers in the production of copper. In this case, the ions enter the body through inhalation of vapors, which leads to the phenomenon of copper fever. Copper can accumulate in the tissues of the brain, as well as in the liver, skin, pancreas, causing various disorders of the body. A person needs 2.5 milligrams of an element per day.

A number of properties of copper ions are associated with zinc ions. Together, they participate in the activity of the superoxide dismutase enzyme, which has antioxidant, antiviral, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Zinc ions are involved in protein and fat metabolism. It is part of most hormones and enzymes, controls the biochemical bonds between brain cells. Zinc ions fight alcohol intoxication.

According to some scientists, the deficiency of the element can cause fear, depression, impaired speech, and difficulty in movement. An excess of ion is formed by the uncontrolled use of preparations containing zinc, including ointments, as well as during work in the production of this element. A large amount of the substance leads to a decrease in immunity, impaired functions of the liver, prostate, pancreas.

The value of mineral salts containing copper and zinc ions cannot be overestimated. And, following the rules of nutrition, the listed problems associated with an excess or lack of elements can always be avoided.

Salts of cobalt and chromium

Mineral salts containing chromium ions play an important role in the regulation of insulin. The element is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids, proteins, as well as in the process of glucose metabolism. A lack of chromium can cause an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and therefore increase the risk of a stroke.

One of the components of vitamin B 12 is the cobalt ion. He takes part in the production of thyroid hormones, as well as fats, proteins and carbohydrates, activates enzymes. Cobalt fights against the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, removing cholesterol from the vessels. This element is responsible for the production of RNA and DNA, promotes the growth of bone tissue, activates the synthesis of hemoglobin, and is able to inhibit the development of cancer cells.

Athletes and vegetarians often have a deficiency of cobalt ions, which can lead to various disorders in the body: anemia, arrhythmia, vegetovascular dystonia, memory disorders, etc. Abuse of vitamin B 12 or contact with this element at work causes an excess of cobalt in the body.

Salts of manganese, silicon and selenium

Three elements that are part of the micronutrient group also play an important role in maintaining the health of the body. So, manganese is involved in immune reactions, improves thinking processes, stimulates tissue respiration and hematopoiesis. The functions of mineral salts, in which silicon is present, are to give strength and elasticity to the walls of blood vessels. The element selenium in microdoses brings great benefits to humans. It is able to protect against cancer, supports the growth of the body, strengthens the immune system. With a lack of selenium, inflammation is formed in the joints, weakness in the muscles, the functioning of the thyroid gland is disturbed, masculine strength is lost, and visual acuity decreases. The daily requirement for this element is 400 micrograms.

Mineral exchange

What is included in this concept? This is a combination of the processes of absorption, assimilation, distribution, transformation and release of various substances. Mineral salts in the body create an internal environment with constant physical and chemical properties, which ensures the normal activity of cells and tissues.

Entering the digestive system with food, ions pass into the blood and lymph. The functions of mineral salts are to maintain the acid-base constancy of the blood, to regulate the osmotic pressure in the cells, as well as in the interstitial fluid. Useful substances take part in the formation of enzymes and in the process of blood clotting. Salts regulate the total amount of fluid in the body. Osmoregulation is based on the potassium-sodium pump. Potassium ions accumulate inside cells, and sodium ions accumulate in their environment. Due to the potential difference, the liquids are redistributed and thus the osmotic pressure is maintained constant.

Salts are excreted in three ways:

  1. Through the kidneys. In this way, potassium, iodine, sodium and chlorine ions are removed.
  2. Through the intestines. Salts of magnesium, calcium, iron and copper leave the body with feces.
  3. Through the skin (along with sweat).

In order to avoid salt retention in the body, it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of fluid.

Mineral metabolism disorders

The main reasons for deviations are:

  1. hereditary factors. In this case, the exchange of mineral salts can be expressed in such a phenomenon as salt-sensitivity. The kidneys and adrenal glands in this disorder produce substances that can disrupt the content of potassium and sodium in the walls of blood vessels, thereby causing a water-salt imbalance.
  2. Unfavorable ecology.
  3. Eating too much salt.
  4. Poor quality food.
  5. Professional hazard.
  6. Binge eating.
  7. Excessive use of tobacco and alcohol.
  8. Age disorders.

Despite the small percentage in food, the role of mineral salts cannot be overestimated. Some of the ions are the building material of the skeleton, others are involved in the regulation of the water-salt balance, and others are involved in the accumulation and release of energy. Deficiency, as well as an excess of minerals, harms the body.

With the daily use of plant and animal food, one should not forget about water. Some foods, such as seaweed, cereals, seafood, may not properly concentrate mineral salts in the cell, which is harmful to the body. For good digestibility, it is necessary to take breaks between taking the same salts for seven hours. A balanced diet is the key to our health.

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