Egg white at night: how to eat to lose weight? How to lose weight fast with egg whites

Chicken eggs are one of the healthiest natural foods (contrary to popular belief).

They are a source of quality protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals and are therefore very popular in bodybuilding for gaining muscle mass.

In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to eat eggs while losing weight; Let's look at what makes them incredibly useful for this, as well as when to use them (for breakfast or dinner) and in what form (boiled, fried or cheese) for maximum effectiveness.

Main thoughts:

Useful properties of eggs for weight loss

1 Eggs are low in calories

The most effective and correct way to lose weight - eaten during the day.

One large egg contains only 78 cal but very rich in beneficial nutrients. Especially the yolk 1.

A 3 egg meal with a vegetable salad is an example of a great all round meal with about 300 calories (add ~50 calories when frying).

One egg contains ~78 calories

2 Eggs are very satiating

The more saturation from food, the less you want to eat, the less calories you end up eating.

This property of eggs, useful for weight loss, is primarily due to the fact that they contain a lot of protein, which, as you know, eliminates hunger for a longer time, in comparison with carbohydrates 2-4.

This property is called the saturation index - a measure of how well the food fills and reduces the desire to eat something else. The eggs have it very tall 8 .

Numerous scientific studies confirm that after eating eggs, cravings for snacks are significantly less compared to other types of food of the same calorie content 5-7 .

Interestingly, after protein foods and annoying thoughts about food visit much less often, about 60% 9 . No thoughts - no desire to explore the contents of the refrigerator at night.

Eggs are rich in protein and therefore have a high saturation index: after eating them, you want to eat less as well as think about food

3 Eggs stimulate internal metabolism

Egg white is complete (as, or) - it contains all the essential amino acids in the right amount.

This means that eggs as a food product are able to provide building materials for internal processes in the body, which are called metabolism.

Food rich in protein has another effect useful for weight loss: it stimulates the internal metabolism. This is the so-called thermogenic effect 10, 11 .

The thermogenic effect is the energy that the body needs in order to digest what it has eaten. Its value for protein is much greater than for fats and carbohydrates (approximately 30% of the calorie content of protein goes to its digestion; for fats and carbohydrates ~10%) 10.11.

For all those who lose weight, this means that protein foods like eggs burn more calories. Not much, but.. nonetheless.

Foods rich in protein (including eggs) require more energy to digest and are therefore beneficial for weight loss.

How and when is it better to eat eggs for weight loss?

It seems that the best time to eat eggs for weight loss is breakfast.

There are a lot of experiments proving this.

One of them showed that when overweight women ate eggs for breakfast instead of croissants (= buns) of the same calorie content, then they consumed significantly fewer calories over the next 36 hours 5 . A similar result was also obtained for men 12 .

- How much can you lose weight “on eggs”?

Approximately 65% ​​more than when breakfast does not include protein.

This figure was obtained by researchers in an experiment in which some of the experimental women were fed eggs for breakfast for 8 weeks, the other croissants 7 . But there is one important caveat.

An important addition is that in the experiment, some of the women were on a calorie-restricted diet (~1000 calories), while the other ate in their usual manner. So here it is: only those who ate eggs and restricted calories lost weight!

We spoke about the paramount importance of calorie restriction, and not sports, in a large-scale scientific study of the issue of weight loss.

Scientific experiment: "Eggs for breakfast are good for weight loss, but only in combination with limiting the total calorie intake during the day"

On a hormonal level, eating eggs stabilizes blood glucose levels, as does the level of insulin that controls it. At the same time, the action of the hunger hormone ghrelin 12 is also suppressed.

And some more experiments.

Scientists compared the effectiveness of three types of breakfast (1 - eggs on toast, 2 - cereal and toast, 3 - croissant with orange juice) for weight loss in 30 young people.

Result: Breakfast with eggs was reported by participants to be more satiating, satisfy hunger better, and ultimately lead to less food eaten afterwards (approximately for 300-500 calories!) 13 .

Moreover, as the researchers note, a significant reduction in the calorie content of food in subsequent meals did not require any effort from the participants on themselves, but it was involuntary. All it took was a breakfast of eggs.

-Does this mean that if you eat eggs for dinner or lunch or before going to bed when losing weight, then there will be no effect?

Of course not. It's just that the issue of appetite control (for those for whom it is a problem) is much more relevant during the day than at night. The thermogenic effect will do its job at any time of the day.


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Eating eggs for breakfast reduces appetite and total calories for 24 hours

Which eggs are better for weight loss: boiled, fried or raw?

Chicken eggs today are very affordable and very inexpensive. This makes them an almost ideal product for both bodybuilding (for building muscle mass) and losing weight (for the reasons described above).

What is the best way to eat them: raw? boiled or fried?

A common myth is that raw eggs for weight loss have certain undeniable benefits... They are also said to be healthier...

This is a MYTH, the non-recognition of which can lead to disastrous consequences. Let's see why.

Boiled, fried and raw eggs have almost the same nutritional composition: the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates does not change, only some nutrients are destroyed during heat treatment.

From the point of view of losing weight, only protein is important for us, or rather, its quantity: in both raw and fried eggs, protein remains protein.

However, there are a few BUTs.

Raw Egg Facts:

  • raw egg protein is much less digestible(only 50%, compared to 90% boiled) 14
  • when eating raw eggs for weight loss is very high risk of catching an unpleasant disease salmonellosis 15 - acute infectious intestinal disease, which is characterized by general intoxication and damage to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • in raw eggs, a certain substance - avidin (found in egg white) - interferes with the absorption of certain B vitamins(in particular, B7 or biotin), which is found in large quantities in the yolk. During heat treatment, avidin is destroyed.

Raw eggs for weight loss are significantly less effective; in addition, their use is associated with the risk of serious infectious disease


Chicken eggs are one of the best natural foods for weight loss. In addition, they are very beneficial for health, since the egg yolk contains a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals, due to their poor content in a typical diet.

The benefits of eggs for weight loss are explained by the fact that they saturate well, reducing appetite and the total number of calories eaten during the day, and also, like any protein food, have a thermogenic effect.

The best time to eat eggs for weight loss is probably breakfast. But the effect will be if they are eaten at lunch, dinner or before bedtime.

The benefits of raw eggs for both weight loss and health are a myth.

Scientific references

2 RainsTM, Leidy HJ. A randomized, controlled, crossover trial to assess the acute appetitive and metabolic effects of sausage and egg-based convenience breakfast meals in overweight premenopausal women. Nutr J. 2015 Feb 10;14:17. doi: 10.1186/s12937-015-0002-7.
3 P.Clifton. High protein diets and weight control. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. Volume 19, Issue 6 react-text: 68 , /react-text react-text: 69 July 2009 /react-text react-text: 70 , Pages 379-382
4 Westerterp-Plantenga MS. The significance of protein in food intake and body weight regulation. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2003 Nov;6(6):635-8.
5 Vander Wal JS, Marth JM. Short-term effect of eggs on satiety in overweight and obese subjects. J Am Call Nutr. 2005 Dec;24(6):510-5.
6 Fallaize R, Wilson L Variation in the effects of three different breakfast meals on subjective satiety and subsequent intake of energy at lunch and evening meal. Eur J Nutr. Jun 2013;52(4):1353-9
7 Vander Wal JS, Gupta A. Egg breakfast enhances weight loss. Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 Oct;32(10):1545-51
8 Holt SH, Miller JC. A satiety index of common foods. Eur J Clinic Nutr. 1995 Sep;49(9):675-90.
9 Leidy HJ, Tang M. The effects of consuming frequent, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in overweight/obese men. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2011 Apr;19(4):818-24
10 Johnston CS, Day CS, Swan PD. Postprandial thermogenesis is increased 100% on a high-protein, low-fat diet versus a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet in healthy, young women. J Am Call Nutr. 2002 Feb;21(1):55-61.
11 Crovetti R, Porrini M. The influence of thermic effect of food on satiety. Eur J Clinic Nutr. 1998 Jul;52(7):482-8.
12 Ratliff J, Leite JO. Consuming eggs for breakfast influences plasma glucose and ghrelin, while reducing energy intake during the next 24 hours in adult men. Nutr Res. 2010 Feb;30(2):96-103
13 Fallaize R, Wilson L Variation in the effects of three different breakfast meals on subjective satiety and subsequent intake of energy at lunch and evening meal. Eur J Nutr. Jun 2013;52(4):1353-9
14 Evenepoel P, Geypens B. Digestibility of cooked and raw egg protein in humans as assessed by stable isotope techniques. J Nutr. 1998 Oct;128(10):1716-22.
15 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Outbreaks of Salmonella serotype enteritidis infection associated with eating raw or undercooked shell eggs--United States, 1996-1998. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2000 Feb 4;49(4):73-9.

    The benefits and harms of fish for human health: the result of an analysis of more than 40 scientific studies

Chicken protein - composition and nutritional value

Of all protein foods, chicken proteins are considered the most easily digestible and beneficial for the body.

Egg white is a clear, odorless, viscous liquid. It consists of 90% water, the rest is occupied by ovoalbumin, ovomucin, lysozyme proteins. Also in the composition are choline, glucose, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6,, minerals - calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, enzymes - protease, dipepsidase, diastase.

Nutritional value of chicken egg white per 100 g:

  • calories - 44;
  • proteins - 12.7 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7 g.

Egg white is considered the best protein, as it contains 8 essential amino acids.

Useful and harmful properties of egg white

People who adhere to a healthy diet are interested in the question, is it possible to eat eggs at night? Nutritionists recommend eating egg whites in the evening. There are two reasons for this. The first is that there are practically no fats and carbohydrates in egg whites. They are considered the easiest in terms of absorption by the body. The second reason is the presence of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other substances in the composition. Therefore, proteins are recommended for weight loss, after protracted illnesses and to boost immunity. It is known that chicken egg whites have a beneficial effect on brain cells, have bactericidal properties, and are also a prophylactic against cataracts.

Useful qualities of chicken egg proteins:

  • contribute to the rapid growth of muscle mass;
  • help in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • remove toxins and excess fluid from the body;
  • saturate well;
  • regulate the acid-base balance in the body;
  • lower the level of glucose and bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • improve metabolism.

If you abuse egg whites and eat too much of them, then unpleasant consequences are possible - raising the level of bad cholesterol and allergic reactions. It is also forbidden to consume a lot of egg whites during pregnancy, lactation and patients with diabetes.

Can Egg White Help You Lose Weight?

Is it possible to eat an egg at night while losing weight? Many people are afraid to eat eggs because they think they raise cholesterol and contain too much fat. But this only applies to chicken yolks. Egg whites do not contain fat and carbohydrates, they are easily digestible and, if consumed before bedtime, contribute to weight loss.

Losing weight is recommended to use boiled egg whites, because after the protein enters the stomach, the hormone serotonin begins to be produced, which promotes cell renewal and rapid growth of muscle mass. If you replace regular food with egg whites in the evening, then a person will gradually lose weight and be enriched with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other useful substances. A person weighing more than 80 kg is enough to eat two egg whites at night.

How to eat eggs for weight loss

In order for eggs to help a person lose weight, it is necessary to consume only protein in the evening. The fact is that after eating protein in combination with fats (yolk, lard, butter), starchy carbohydrates (bread, cereals) or starchy vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes), the body begins to actively secrete insulin, which blocks the hormone serotonin. As a result, a person does not lose weight, but, on the contrary, gains weight. It is also recommended to use only boiled eggs.

How to eat chicken eggs to lose weight:

  • For weight loss, you need boiled proteins. The digestion process in the stomach continues all night without affecting sleep;
  • people weighing less than 80 kg for weight loss within 7 days need to eat one protein before bedtime;
  • people weighing more than 80 kg for weight loss within 7 days need to eat 2 egg whites at night;
  • for weight loss in the evening, 2-3 hours before bedtime, it is useful to drink a glass of kefir and eat one boiled protein (the course is 7 days);
  • overweight people are advised to eat a steamed omelet of two egg whites in the evening;
  • for weight loss, it is recommended to eat two boiled chicken proteins and half a grapefruit in the evening (course - 3-4 days);
  • it is recommended to divide the boiled egg - eat the yolk in the morning, and leave the protein in the evening;
  • the yolk should be eaten with fresh vegetables, herbs and, of course, without bread;
  • boiled eggs are healthier than fried and raw;
  • it is enough for a person to eat 1 boiled chicken egg or 2 quail eggs per day.

Such a protein diet helps to lose a few kilograms of weight in a week.

Do not eat raw egg whites! They contain a harmful enzyme that destroys trypsin enzymes that are beneficial for digestion. Therefore, raw proteins are difficult to digest and overload the digestive organs.

If you eat eggs at night when losing weight, or rather egg white, then you will quickly achieve the desired result. You just need to follow some rules. It is necessary to consume chicken proteins every evening for no more than 7 days, otherwise it is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the body. Also, when dieting, it is important to monitor what you eat during the day. You need to eat low-calorie foods. A protein diet combined with regular physical activity guarantees a quick and effective result.

How to lose weight fast with eggs can be seen in the video below.

Egg white contains components that can normalize the functioning of the internal systems of the body and metabolic processes in a short period of time. This property of the product has led to its widespread use in nutrition.

Thanks to the use of protein at night, you can quickly get rid of an impressive amount of extra pounds. An important nuance is the observance of certain rules. Violation of the recommendations may cause a short-term result or ineffectiveness of the method.

Is it possible to lose weight?

Thanks to this property, food is better digested, fat is eliminated and cell metabolism improves.. The result of regular consumption of protein is getting rid of extra pounds.

The mechanism of action of egg white on the body:

  • supplying the body with the protein necessary for building muscle mass;
  • acceleration of the process of burning fat during physical exertion;
  • improving the performance of the digestive tract;
  • removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • providing a long feeling of satiety;
  • exclusion of the appearance of new fat deposits;
  • maintaining acid-base balance in the body;
  • acceleration of the breakdown of deposited fat cells;
  • normalization of glucose and insulin levels in the blood;
  • slight diuretic effect;
  • improving the biosynthesis of immune cells;
  • removal of toxins and other harmful substances from the body;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.

Harm and contraindications

Egg white contains many useful substances, but this product has its own contraindications. For example, weight loss diets not recommended for use during gestation or lactation.

Excessive consumption of protein in the presence of certain diseases is strictly prohibited. Before using the product as a means of weight loss, it is recommended to consult with a nutritionist or other specialized doctors in advance.

Contraindications for using the method of losing weight with the help of egg white are the following conditions:

  • serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • allergic reaction to eggs;
  • diabetes.

Egg white can harm the body not only if there are contraindications, but if consumed excessively. Negative consequences can be avoided by strict adherence to temporary dietary restrictions.

You need to repeat courses only after a break.. If you have an individual intolerance to eggs or diseases that prohibit excessive consumption of this product, there is a risk of formation of cholesterol plaques and stroke.

How to use correctly?

When reducing excess weight with the help of egg whites, it is important to follow the main rule - the product must be boiled. The raw version is worse absorbed by the body and takes longer to digest. The effect of weight loss when eating raw protein will not occur. When choosing a recipe, you must take into account your own weight and general health.

  • 2 egg whites overnight(before going to bed, you need to use two boiled egg whites, this method of losing weight is recommended for body weight more than 80 kg, the duration of the course is one week, after a while the technique can be repeated);
  • boiled egg white(one egg white at bedtime is recommended if you have a body weight of up to 80 kg, the duration of the course will be seven days);
  • egg white and kefir(2-3 hours before bedtime, you need to drink a glass of low-fat kefir and one boiled egg white, it is recommended to adhere to such a diet for at least seven days);
  • egg white omelet(within 7-10 days at night you need to use an omelet from two egg whites, it is better to cook the dish with a double boiler or in a regular frying pan, but with a small amount of olive oil).

Doctors' opinions

The effectiveness of weight loss with the help of egg white is confirmed by nutritionists. Doctors note the numerous properties of this product, which allow not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to build muscle mass instead of eliminated fat deposits.

For maximum results, it is recommended to combine the use of egg whites with the rules of dietary nutrition and regular physical activity. It is not necessary to go to the gym. It is enough to do minimal sets of exercises, but daily.

Rules for the use of egg white for weight loss:

  • in the process of regular consumption of egg whites, it is necessary to provide the body with a drinking regimen (at least two liters of water should be consumed per day);
  • nutrition during the diet should be balanced and include low-calorie, but healthy foods (compliance with the usual diet will reduce the effectiveness of the weight loss technique);
  • egg white and half a grapefruit at night (citrus fruits complement and enhance the properties of egg white, it is recommended to use one or two boiled proteins and half a grapefruit before bedtime, the weight loss course is reduced to three or four days);
  • the deposition of fat occurs mainly at night, when the body is at rest, taking egg whites before bedtime can stop this process (instead of accumulating fat deposits, they will be actively burned);
  • within a few days after the protein diet, you need to monitor the number of calories in the diet (if you immediately return to the usual menu, the result of the weight loss course will quickly be eliminated).

Nutritionists say that if you use egg white at night for weight loss, you can get rid of excess weight quickly enough. At first glance, this may seem strange, but the reviews of those who have lost weight indicate the effectiveness of this method. Egg white is an important part of the diet. It contains useful components, and the body spends a lot of energy to digest the product. This is where its fat-burning properties lie.

On a note! Unlike protein, chicken egg yolk is high in calories, so they try not to use it when losing weight.

The role of egg white in the process of losing weight

Egg whites contain proteins that are actively involved in the production of growth hormone somatotropin and the joy hormone serotonin. It is they who accelerate the renewal processes in cells, keep muscles in good shape and cheer up. However, not all high protein foods can be used for dinner. Some of them are quite high in calories, so there can be no talk of any weight loss. As for egg white, 100 g contains only 44 kcal.

Despite the low calorie content, egg white gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, it restores metabolism, which also contributes to weight loss. It is enough to replace dinner with them to start the fat burning process.

Beneficial features

Since egg white is considered a nutritious food that contains a minimum of calories, it is often included in diet menus. It is useful for athletes. They drink it raw or make a protein shake based on it to build muscle.

Important beneficial properties of chicken egg protein are:

  • reduction in cholesterol levels;
  • rich in vitamins from group B;
  • improves metabolism;
  • builds muscle mass, which is useful not only for athletes, but also for losing weight;
  • accelerates the process of decomposition of fat cells;
  • restores the acid-base balance in the body;
  • removes harmful substances from the body;
  • has a slight diuretic effect;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • positively affects the functioning of the digestive system;
  • provides satiety for a long time and does not harm the figure;
  • protein source.

On a note! Unlike fermented milk products, which are also a source of protein, chicken egg protein does not cause puffiness. Therefore, people with a tendency to edema, it is not contraindicated.

In addition to oral administration, this product is used externally. Based on it, nourishing and cleansing face masks are made.


Despite the fact that the benefits of egg white are significant, it is far from always possible to consume it at night.

It is also forbidden to use it for certain diseases. Therefore, before using it for weight loss, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo certain studies.

Egg white is contraindicated at bedtime for weight loss in such conditions:

  • serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • allergies to eggs.

It is important to note that the cause of undesirable effects can be not only the presence of contraindications, but also the use of the product in excess. It is important to adhere to the established norms so as not to harm.

Proper use of egg white at night for weight loss

Raw egg white at night for weight loss is not used because it is digested for a relatively long time. Nutritionists recommend eating a boiled product at night for weight loss. In their opinion, if you drink it, the fat burning process will not start.

When choosing the amount of protein consumed at night when losing weight, you should consider your weight and health status. In general, the following recipes are used:

  • two boiled proteins at night - eat before bedtime or instead of dinner, this method is suitable for a person weighing more than 80 kg, the diet lasts 1 week, then you need to take a break for a month and repeat again;
  • one boiled egg white - if the weight does not reach 80 kg, the duration of the diet is 7 days;
  • egg white with kefir - 2 hours before going to bed, you need to eat boiled egg white and drink a glass of kefir with a small percentage of fat, the course is 7 days or longer;
  • protein omelet - for a week at night there is an omelet steamed from two proteins.

Nutritionists confirm the benefits of egg whites for weight loss. In addition to getting rid of extra pounds, this product is known for other useful properties. First of all, it enriches the human body with valuable substances, makes it work properly. If you combine such a diet with physical activity, you can lose weight in a short time.

  • drink plenty of water during the day (up to 2 liters);
  • eat right, eating only healthy food;
  • exclude high-calorie foods from the diet;
  • after the end of the diet based on egg whites, you need to stick to a low-calorie diet for some time to consolidate the result, otherwise the lost weight will quickly return.

Since the process of fat deposition occurs in the evening, and egg white is able to stop it, it is recommended to use them at night when losing weight. You can enhance the effect with citrus fruits. If you additionally eat an orange or grapefruit, you will become thin and slender faster. In general, you need to monitor your health. If after eating egg whites at night the state of health worsens, the diet should be stopped. If the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor.

Eggs can be seen on the menu of various diets, as they are considered a balanced product in their composition. Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight, in what form should they be consumed?

Is it possible to eat boiled eggs while losing weight?

The calorie content of this popular product averages 158 kcal / 100 g (about 70 kcal 1 pc.). Most of the calories are provided by the yolk (it contains 3 times more calories than protein). During the diet, eggs can and should be consumed - it is recommended to boil them soft-boiled (cooking time: 2-3 minutes), in a bag (cooking time: 5-6 minutes), hard-boiled (cooking time: 8-9 minutes). It is perfectly acceptable to cook poached eggs - the shell is broken and the contents are released directly into boiling water. For those who need to reduce their calorie intake as much as possible, protein alone is recommended. The egg diet can be supplemented with vegetables, herbs, cereals, lean meat products.

The egg allows you to quickly feel the feeling of fullness and keep it for a long time (after an egg meal you feel less hungry, so you can easily reduce the number of calories you eat). It is a source of complete protein, necessary for the body to build tissues (1 piece provides about 14% of the daily requirement). Interestingly, cooked protein is digested better than raw protein (97-98% versus 60%). Eggs provide the human body with amino acids, vitamins (including K, A, E, B) and minerals (they contain calcium, iodine, phosphorus, iron and 13 more elements). Such vitamin and mineral support is especially important when dieting. It is also worth considering that the chemical composition of the product contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes, which favorably affects the figure. It is especially important to eat boiled eggs if the diet is combined with sports activities. The number of eggs that can be safely consumed during the diet is 1-2 pcs. in a day.

Is it possible to eat fried eggs while losing weight?

Nutritionists believe that eggs should not be combined with fats. The calorie content of a product fried in fat can increase by 3-5 times - it all depends on the amount of fat used (100 g of fat provides about 900 kcal). If you fry an egg in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating, then you can not be afraid of an increase in calories.

Is it possible to eat eggs at night while losing weight?

Eggs are quite acceptable to eat in the evening (for dinner) - it is recommended to complete the meal 2-3 hours before a night's rest. You should not eat them immediately before going to bed - it takes about 3 hours to fully assimilate the product. Such a meal will lead to indigestion.

Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight? Nutritionists confirm the benefits of this product for the body and recommend introducing it into the diet menu. If you follow reasonable standards, then you can not be afraid of the harmful effects of cholesterol.

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