Is it possible to have pea soup for weight loss. Recipes for dieters. Pea porridge puree

What would you eat to lose weight? This is a question every woman has probably asked herself at least once in her life. Some are joking, some are quite serious. After all, it is the feeling of hunger that is one of the most common reasons for diet failure. Kilograms leave with great difficulty, but they return instantly. One has only to relax a little and eat something "forbidden" - and all efforts go to waste. Therefore, diets that do not have to suffer from constant desire pounce on the refrigerator and destroy all the contents of the shelves, enjoy well-deserved popularity. These include the pea porridge diet, about which will be discussed in this article.

About the benefits of peas for our body

This legume occupied a worthy place in the diet of our ancestors. Later, peas lost ground a little, but now we are rediscovering its benefits.

A pack of peas is in almost every kitchen, along with other cereals. It can be used to prepare many nutritious and healthy meals: soups, cereals, salads and even pies. This culture is rightfully considered the champion in the content of vegetable protein. That is why peas are present on the menu of vegetarians, replacing meat products. Also, pea dishes are recommended to be eaten by athletes, people engaged in heavy physical work and patients during the recovery period.

In addition to protein, peas contain many vitamins, amino acids and minerals required human body for normal life. It contains iron and potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Peas also help to synthesize an amino acid such as lysine.

Peas - a faithful assistant on the way to a slim figure

Sometimes you can hear that dishes with the addition of legumes are very high in calories and it is undesirable to use them if you want to get rid of extra pounds. There is some truth in this statement: if you combine peas with fatty meat or sausages and season everything with mayonnaise or other high-calorie sauces, you can forget about losing weight once and for all.

But the pea itself is quite diet dish: 100 grams of dry product contains only 90 calories! Therefore, it can be safely included in the menu of the correct and healthy eating. Subject to certain rules Not only will peas not harm your waist, but they will also help you lose a few pounds without much effort.

Try the pea porridge diet and see for yourself.

Simple pea diet rules

There are several options for such a diet. Let's start with its most strict and radical variety, consisting exclusively of pea porridge. Preparing this dish is quite simple. All you need is peas and water.

What kind of peas to take? It all depends on your desire and available opportunities. delicious porridge it will turn out both from fresh, and from dry peas. Only dry peas are recommended to be pre-soaked for a couple of hours in cold water to make it swell. Significantly save time and use the crushed version - it boils much faster.

  • Pour four cups of water into a saucepan, add peas and cook over low heat. If you have a pressure cooker or slow cooker in your house, you can cook porridge there. It is not recommended to add salt to the dish, because. salty food promotes fluid retention in the body and slows down the process of losing weight. But the ban is not strict: if you cannot eat dishes without this seasoning, you can add a little salt.
  • You need to cook the peas until soft, and then turn the resulting mass into a puree (manually or using a blender). You will have porridge.

And then everything is simple. Divide the entire volume into 4-5 meals - and enjoy your meal! Such a mono-diet consists exclusively of pea porridge. In addition, you can afford only a couple of cups of coffee without sugar and two liters drinking water. You can’t “sit” on such a diet for more than three days. During this time, you will get rid of about 3-4 kilograms of excess weight.

There is also a more gentle version of the pea diet. Here you only need to eat porridge once a day. Optimal choice- dinner. And in other meals, you can afford vegetables, cottage cheese, lean varieties meat and fish. Naturally, sweets flour products and fatty foods need to be excluded. This diet can be followed for 5-7 days. Weight loss should be the same 3-4 kilograms.

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Benefits of the pea porridge diet

One advantage of using peas as a means for losing weight has already been mentioned here. This feeling of satiety that will stay with you for for a long time. The feeling of hunger will not provoke you to break the rules and eat something that is not included in the diet. But that's not all the benefits!

Peas provide the body with the protein it needs. Weight loss will come from fat, not muscle mass, as is often the case with other strict diets. Along the way, the intestines are effectively cleansed, cells are renewed, and skin color improves. That is, you become not only slimmer, but also look more attractive.

Peas are a product available at any time of the year and easy to prepare. Even the most inexperienced hostess can handle dishes from it. Pea porridge is very difficult to spoil during the cooking process. It simply cannot fail to turn out delicious and healthy!

The pea diet goes well with physical activity. You will have enough energy for everyday activities and sports.

Disadvantages of the pea diet

The pea diet, like many others, has its contraindications. It should not be used by people suffering from gout or nephritis in acute stage. The presence of an inflammatory process in the digestive organs is also a reason to refuse peas. With an ulcer duodenum it is recommended to use this legume exclusively in puree form.

Be prepared for the fact that it takes a certain amount of time to cook peas. But with modern kitchen appliances, this is no longer a problem. The main difficulty is to soak the peas in time.

At long-term use possible discomfort in the stomach, bloating and flatulence. In this case, the diet should be stopped immediately.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the pea diet. It is as simple as possible, affordable and very effective. Try it and see for yourself!.

Everyone wants to look slim and tries to overcome overweight different methods that received reviews: gym, strict diet, dietary supplements. If you are still looking new way get rid of extra pounds, then pea porridge for weight loss will become great dish day, which, due to its properties, brings only benefits to the body. Find out how you can lose weight with a familiar dish.

What is useful pea porridge

Before considering this dish as the main food assistant in the matter of losing weight, it is worth knowing what is useful for peas? Peas are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements for our blood vessels and muscles, so it is very useful to eat porridge for those who monitor their health and want to always feel great. It is able to lower blood pressure, which will benefit those suffering from hypertension. Pea BJU is suitable for people with anemia, anemia, and high content protein will help maintain its level in the body when giving up meat, or during strict diet.


Peas themselves are high-calorie - it the energy value is 300 kcal per 100 g, while not yet finished product is taken into account. After boiling, its size increases at least three times, so the portion will not seem small. Given this, it will be very convenient to eat pea porridge for weight loss during a diet: only 100 g of peas can be divided into the whole daily ration, combining with vegetables, while there will be no feeling of hunger.

Is it possible to lose weight on pea porridge

The cheapness and calorie content of peas often becomes the main advantage in building a diet on peas. Is it possible to eat pea porridge while losing weight? The answer is unequivocal - yes! You just need to make the right diet and follow all the instructions. So, for example, if you eat only peas, then you can get reverse effect, therefore it is necessary to combine this product with others - suitable fresh vegetables, boiled meat or fish. Arranging a fasting day once a week is quite a useful event for your body and figure: the risk of getting fat in this case is reduced.

Pea porridge for weight loss

Is it possible to eat pea porridge on a diet? This dish will definitely be a great option for diet menu. Given the rich vitamin composition, as well as high protein content, pea porridge for weight loss will help to cope with hunger. If you add to it a light vegetable salad on the vegetable oil, then such a dinner will turn out to be very satisfying and healthy. Peas can be eaten for lunch or dinner.

There are also disadvantages of this method to improve your figure. Frequent use peas when losing weight in some people causes heartburn, increased gas formation. With such side effects it is undesirable to use a pea diet, because it can even cause a backlash: food will be digested longer and worse, so there is a risk of gaining weight even more.

Diet on pea porridge

There are several options for what a pea porridge diet can be:

  • One of them includes a menu for those who like or are comfortable eating three times a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is no specific menu, but you can not eat fried, floury, sweet, drink alcohol and carbonated drinks. Such restrictions will have to endure from 7 to 10 days, but often this becomes a habit. Pea when losing weight should become a must-have dish for every day - at lunch or dinner - you decide.
  • The second way to eat pea porridge in order to lose weight is a diet that includes only fruits and vegetables, low-fat soups, natural juices and cottage cheese (milk and yoghurts are undesirable). At the same time, peas should be eaten only at lunch, and the serving should be no more than 200 g finished product. Nutrition must be made crushed in equal proportions, that is, 5 times a day in small portions. This method helps to get rid of 3 to 7 kilograms per week.

Pea porridge recipe

Cooking peas is not so difficult, since there is only one recipe: soak the peas in water for 2-3 hours, then rinse it well and set it to boil. Pour enough water to cover the product by 2 fingers. After the peas begin to boil, reduce the heat and cook, stirring, until the state you need. Salt, add Bay leaf or garlic - all to taste. The longer the porridge is cooked, the more the peas boil and you don’t have to knead it separately. Additionally, you can fry the onion for butter, it goes well with sour cream.

Video: pea porridge with a diet

Wise ancestors knew about healing properties peas: the great Hippocrates treated them with anemia, obesity, heart disease and thyroid gland. Peas were treated with invariable respect in Russia, where in the middle lane it ripened in the last ten days of August. Today, in an era of food abundance, the modest pea is almost forgotten. And in vain!

It’s a pity, but today many people know only the anecdotal side of the impact of peas on the gastrointestinal tract, which is why its nutritional value is completely ignored and taste qualities. Let's try to restore historical justice in relation to the most ancient product.

From the royal table

Peas have long been considered not only tasty and useful product, but also medicinal plant. A decoction of leaves and pods was used to dissolve kidney stones and bladder. Powder from ground dried peas - excellent tool from constipation. The best (and fastest) way to get rid of heartburn is to chew on a few boiled peas. Tea from rhizomes of peas helps to strengthen memory. A mask of pea flour is a great tool for cleansing the skin of acne and blackheads. Modern studies have shown that regular consumption of peas reduces the risk of cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Do you think that pea porridge and stew are from an unpretentious peasant menu? Not at all. In medieval France, pea dishes were always present on the royal table. Peas were honored in the Middle Kingdom, in India and Tibet - liquid pea soup was always given to the sick in order to purify the blood and speed up recovery. It was also believed that peas remove excess bile and excess fat from the body (and modern research confirm this). In Germany of the 19th century, peas were considered not only tasty, but also strategically important food: steamed peas with cracklings (fried lard) were served on the table both in the Kaiser's palace and in a roadside inn, and hearty and delicious pea sausage was included in the diet of German soldiers. and the Spaniards are still figuring out who and where was the first to cook pea soup with ham - both countries consider this delicacy national dish. Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Slovenia dispute the primacy in the invention of pea jelly (the calorie content of this dish can be judged by its ancient Slavic name - "sat"). And no one doubts the origin of pease pudding - pea pudding: it obviously comes from Britain.

Composition and nutritional value

There are three types of peas:

sugar (fresh, from the garden) - low-calorie, very useful;

shelling (the one from which we prepare the soup) - contains a lot of starch, very high-calorie;

brain (in a tin) - contains sugar, but low in calories.

Peas have the highest nutritional value: he contains mineral salts, iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, great amount vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, PP, C, E, calcium, phosphorus and potassium (due to potassium, excess fluid). vegetable protein pea consists of amino acids that are very important for the body - cystine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine and other necessary animal proteins. As a source of protein, peas may well replace meat, while it is much better digested and absorbed. And in terms of calories, peas even surpass beef. No wonder peas are so popular in countries with vegetarian food traditions, especially in India and Sri Lanka.

Myths about peas

Most useful peas- fresh or frozen. In second place - dried, closes the top three canned. When choosing peas, pay attention to the color: quality peas should be bright yellow or green. The composition of canned peas should include only 4 ingredients: peas, water, sugar and salt. It is better to store dry peas in glass jar. Sprinkle a little salt on the bottom, and bugs will not start in the peas. fresh peas store in the refrigerator.

The main prejudice against peas is due to the fact that increased flatulence is considered to be an invariable companion of the use of this product. However, the danger gas attack" is highly exaggerated.

Firstly, "pea syndrome" affects mainly people with an oversensitive stomach and any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Secondly, only thick skins of mature shelling peas have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Before cooking, it is enough to soak dry peas for several hours in cold water to neutralize "explosive" ones.

Thirdly, green pea completely safe, as well as mashed peas, which does not contain "dangerous" skins.

Another myth: peas make you fat. Indeed, those who monitor their weight should be on the alert with peas - they are quite high in calories. 100 grams of peas contain 303-323 kcal - twice as much as potatoes! However, this applies only to dry peas - whole or shelled. So those who want to lose weight are not at all obliged to exclude peas from their menu - it is enough to prefer dishes from fresh, fresh-frozen or canned peas, in which there are very few calories: 100 g of green peas - 72 kcal, and canned - only 47 kcal! Agree, nice numbers!

Grigorieva Alexandra

Weight loss up to 5 kg in 7 days.
Medium daily calorie content 720 kcal.

Pea porridge- wonderful side dish and excellent low calorie meal. And its main ingredient is a real storehouse of useful substances that help the body to function properly.

Pea Diet Requirements

On a pea diet, you can eat cereal cereals, vegetables, vegetable soups, fruit, fermented milk drinks low fat. Under strict prohibition during the diet course there are fried foods, sweets, flour products, smoked meats, any drinks containing alcohol. Drink 1.5 to 2 liters throughout the day pure water without gas. And, if you can, devote at least some time daily to sports loads.

As for weight loss parameters, you can lose from 3 to 10 unnecessary kilograms per week if you follow the recommended calorie intake of 1300-1500 energy units. Of course, the result depends on which menu you follow and how strictly you can do it. Undoubtedly, an important role in this process is played by individual characteristics body and the initial amount of really extra pounds.

Consider various ways pea slimming. The first popular version of this diet, which I would like to draw your attention to, is recommended for those who are used to eating three times a day. All week you need to adhere to the same menu, using, in addition to pea porridge, hercules, lean meat and fish, fruits and vegetables. A clear portion size is not prescribed, but overeating, of course, is not worth it. Distribute meals evenly throughout the day, refusing food pampering 3-4 hours before a night's rest. By the way, according to reviews, it is this type of pea weight loss that is the most effective, allowing you to lose up to as much as 10 kg in a week.

On another version of the pea porridge diet, weight loss, as a rule, ranges from 3 to 5 kilograms. Here, any vegetables and fruits, low-fat soups, freshly squeezed juices, cottage cheese are allowed to be consumed. Based on this, the menu can be compiled at your discretion. But the unshakable rule of this technique is the need to always eat 200 g of pea porridge for lunch (the weight is indicated in finished form). Unlike the previous menu, you should eat five times a day, introducing the rules of fractional nutrition.

Similar to the previous one is the third version of the pea diet. But in this case instead of pea porridge for lunch, you need to eat puree soup made from peas. The rest of the wishes remain the same. A dietary soup is prepared as follows. Send about 400 g of frozen peas to the pan, add one teaspoon of sugar, parsley and other chopped herbs, then salt a little and pour 400 ml of water over it. Bringing to a boil, the soup must be boiled for about 15 minutes. Then beat everything with a blender and add up to 100 ml of cream minimum fat content. Boil again and turn off the stove. The dish is ready.

Another variation of the technique - a diet on green peas - will help reduce weight by 4 kg. It prescribes four meals a day of pea soup, fresh peas, chicken eggs, fruits and vegetables. All seven diet days should be eaten the same way. You can stay on this diet for a maximum of one week.

No matter what version of the pea diet and no matter how great you lose weight, in order to maintain the result, after the expiration of the methodology, you need to eat right. Eliminate food before bed and at night, minimize the presence in the diet of sweet foods, fried, fatty, smoked, pickled and overly salty foods, as well as drinks that have a place for sugar and alcohol.

Pea diet menu

The diet of the seven-day effective pea diet

Breakfast: portion oatmeal porridge, boiled in water, with the addition a small amount grated apple. Lunch: vegetable low-fat soup or vegetable stew; pea porridge. Dinner: canned peas (up to 200 g) plus a piece of boiled chicken breast or a little lean fish prepared also without adding oil.

An example of a diet diet on pea porridge

Breakfast: a serving of cottage cheese with halves of a pear and an apple; tea or coffee without sugar.
Snack: orange or other citrus.
Lunch: pea porridge plus boiled vegetables.
Afternoon snack: a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice.
Dinner: boiled fish fillet and vegetable stew without oil.

An example of a diet diet on pea soup puree

Breakfast: apple-orange salad and a cup of unsweetened tea.
Snack: a couple of carrots.
Lunch: pea soup puree; salad from white cabbage, cucumbers and radishes.
Afternoon snack: cucumber and tomato salad.
Dinner: a piece of boiled or baked chicken fillet without skin.

Green pea diet plan

Breakfast: unsweetened muesli or plain oatmeal in the amount of 30 g (dry weight); a glass of low-fat milk; a small bran bun or a piece of bread of a similar consistency.
Lunch (optional):
- a bowl of pea soup; omelette of two chicken eggs and handfuls of green peas, cooked in a pan without oil or steamed;
- pea soup-puree; pea and corn salad.
Snack: 100 g grapes or pear; a glass of kefir.
Dinner: one of the lunch dishes or a slice bran bread with 50 g of unsalted cheese of minimum fat content.

Pea diet contraindications

  • Not everyone is suitable for the rules of the pea diet. It is impossible to observe the proposed method in the presence of inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract, acute nephritis, gout, people prone to flatulence.
  • In the presence of a stomach or duodenal ulcer, only mashed potatoes can be consumed from all the mentioned pea dishes, and then after consulting a doctor.
  • Any of the pea diet options is contraindicated for pregnant women, during breastfeeding, for persons who have not reached the age of majority and for the elderly.

Benefits of a pea diet

  1. According to the reviews of people who have tried the pea method, it is characterized by easy tolerance.
  2. There is no sensation of an acute feeling of hunger and, as a result, a desire to break loose.
  3. This diet is effective, in a short time you can significantly modify the body.
  4. In addition, diet products do not require tangible financial costs.
  5. Nutritionists are pleased that the diet is quite balanced in terms of the content of the components necessary for the body.
  6. Of course, the usefulness of peas adds to the merits of the diet. This representative of legumes is famous great content protein, amino acids (methionine, lysine, cysteine, tryptophan). It is no accident that this product is included in the diet of vegetarians, fasting people, as well as athletes. Introduction to the menu of peas and dishes based on it promotes proper digestion, helps to remove toxins and toxic formations from the body, and improves metabolism. Peas also provide positive influence on the cardiovascular system helps to cope with severe swelling, gently removes sand from the kidneys, while being a wonderful way to prevent urolithiasis.
  7. The antioxidants present in peas normalize cholesterol levels, promote cell rejuvenation and are considered prophylactic fight against cancer. Peas are especially rich in B vitamins, which has a positive effect on mental activity, increasing concentration and improving memory, and also gives the body vigor and energy. So weakness for those who are losing weight on a pea diet is unlikely to threaten.

Disadvantages of the pea diet

No matter how good pea diet, did not bypass it and certain disadvantages.

  • So, for example, some people complain about increased gas formation and discomfort in the intestine.
  • Also, many are not happy that it takes more time to cook pea-based dishes than to cook the usual food. The fact is that peas, as a rule, need to be soaked for at least two hours before cooking.

Repeated pea diet

resort to re-holding Experts strongly do not recommend any of the options for the pea diet earlier than a month and a half after its completion.

Perhaps someone will be surprised, but the pea diet allows you to lose weight in a week up to 5 kg, and it's actually tasty and healthy! Pea porridge is rich in. The composition has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and muscles,. Sufficiently saturates the body, and therefore it is very easy and simple to carry out such a diet.

Peas promote building, increase energy balance, act as a natural antioxidant. Thanks to all these useful properties porridge can be eaten exclusively by all people, it can be consumed with, chronic constipation and problems with the digestive system.

Pea also acts as a powerful diuretic, removes fluid from the body along with harmful radicals and toxins. Strengthens, helps to translate subcutaneous fat into energy.

Features of the pea diet

The diet is very simple, pea dishes go well with the rest of the ingredients. Suitable for people with high physical exertion, saturates the body and has a great effect on the digestive system.

You should not abuse the diet, because it can cause bouts of flatulence. Such a power system is contraindicated only for those who have serious problems with gastrointestinal tract. And everyone else can freely lose weight on pea dishes.

Porridge needs to be cooked in a certain way, first soak the peas for 2 hours in water, and then it needs to be boiled over low heat for about 60 minutes. Salting and adding various seasonings is not recommended; you can drop a few drops of lemon juice into the finished dish.

Sitting on peas for a whole week is certainly difficult, but you can alternate dishes. For example, eat soup with peas for lunch, cook porridge tomorrow, stew peas with vegetables the day after tomorrow, drink water or. Also, for breakfast, it is allowed to eat one egg, a small toast with a slice of cheese, it is advisable to use fat-free cottage cheese. For dinner, you can bake potatoes with peas, drink fruit juice.

During the pea diet, you need to drink more fluids. Such a nutrition system will allow you to lose 4-6 kg in 7 days without much effort and hungry fainting.

Pea soup on a diet

The pea diet for weight loss gives users a great opportunity to try a wonderful soup with peas and vegetables, potatoes, greens and tomatoes. Both adults and children will like this dish, and even saturate the body useful substances, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Sitting on such a soup, you can burn subcutaneous fat without losing muscle mass. And also rejuvenate the body. The product helps to cleanse the skin of the face from acne, remove inflammatory processes at allergic rashes, improve the structure of hair and nails.

This is one of the most satisfying foods, so you can start a delicious and healthy pea diet without painful regrets.

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