What to cook a child after vomiting. In gentle mode. Nutrition for children after food poisoning

  • What to give?
  • Diet
  • All mothers and fathers are well aware that vomiting in children is not such a rare occurrence. However, in practice, faced with an attack, many simply get lost and do not know how to give the baby first aid, what to do and where to call. Authoritative children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, the author of numerous articles and books on children's health, tells why vomiting occurs and what adults should do about it.

    About vomiting

    Vomiting is a protective mechanism, a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach through the mouth (or through the nose). During an attack, the abdominals contract, the esophagus expands, the stomach itself relaxes and pushes everything in it up the esophagus. This rather complex process regulates the vomiting center, which in all people is located in the medulla oblongata. Most often, vomit is a mixture of undigested food debris and gastric juice. Sometimes they can be observed impurities of pus or blood, bile.

    The most common cause of children's vomiting is food poisoning. Vomiting can be observed in various infectious diseases: rotavirus infection, scarlet fever, typhoid.

    Less commonly, this problem is triggered by accumulated toxins, this condition can occur with serious kidney disease.

    Other causes of vomiting include diseases of the stomach and intestines, neurological diagnoses, and head injuries.

    In children, vomiting can often be triggered by strong emotional upheavals.


    Doctors distinguish several types of children's vomiting:

    • Cyclic vomiting (acetonemic).
    • Renal.
    • Hepatogenic.
    • Diabetic.
    • Cardiac.
    • Psychogenic.
    • Cerebral.
    • Bloody.

    In most cases, vomiting in children begins at night. The baby wakes up with severe nausea. In this situation, it is important not to be afraid and not to get confused. The actions of parents should be calm and confident.

    The younger the child, the more dangerous vomiting is for him, since dehydration can occur, which can be fatal for babies.

    A single vomiting (without any additional symptoms) in a child should not cause much concern for parents, Yevgeny Komarovsky believes. The fact is that in this way the body is “cleansed” of accumulated toxins, food elements that the child could not digest. However, parental inaction can be fraught with tragic consequences in cases where vomiting is repeated, and also if there are other symptoms that indicate disorders in the body.

    The most common cause of vomiting in children is food poisoning. Poison in the body of the crumbs can get with different products: dairy, meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

    In the vast majority of cases gag reflex caused by nitrates and pesticides, used to process fruits and vegetables. Even very high-quality products of meat origin can cause severe poisoning if they are cooked incorrectly.

    Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that the first symptoms of food poisoning usually begin to appear between 4 and 48 hours after eating. Quite often, you can stop vomiting, which is provoked by food, on your own, at home. However, Yevgeny Komarovsky recalls that there are situations in which mothers and fathers should not engage in independent healing. Medical assistance is required:

    • Children from 0 to 3 years old.
    • Children who vomit occurs against the background of elevated body temperature.
    • Children who have vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (all or part of the symptoms) have lasted more than two days.
    • Children who are not "alone" in their illness (if others in the household have similar symptoms)

    There are situations in which a child needs urgent medical attention as soon as possible. An ambulance should be called under one or more of the following conditions:

    • Vomiting occurred after eating mushrooms.
    • Vomiting is so intense that the baby cannot drink water.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by clouding of consciousness, incoherent speech, impaired coordination of movements, yellowing of the skin, dry mucous membranes, and a rash.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by a visual increase (swelling) of the joints.
    • Against the background of repeated vomiting, there is no urination for more than 6 hours, urine has a dark tint.
    • In the vomit and (or) feces there are impurities of blood, pus.

    While waiting for the arrival of the doctor, the child should be placed on its side so that during the next vomiting attack the child does not choke on the vomit. The baby needs to be held in his arms, on his side. You don't need to give any medication.

    In order for the doctor to be able to quickly understand the true cause of the child's condition, parents should remember in as much detail as possible what the baby ate over the past day, what he drank, where he was and what he did. In addition, mom and dad will have to carefully examine the vomit, so that later they can tell the doctor about what color they are, the consistency, whether there is an unusual smell, whether they contain blood or pus.

    Analyzing color

    Dark vomit (coffee ground color) may indicate serious problems with the stomach, up to a peptic ulcer.

    If there is an admixture of bile in the masses and there is a bittersweet smell, you can suspect a malfunction in the gallbladder and biliary tract.

    Green color vomit may indicate the neurological nature of the reflex, the same happens with vomiting in a strong stressful situation, when the child cannot cope with excitement and feelings in a different way.

    It is recommended to leave samples of vomit and feces of a sick child until the doctor arrives in order to show them to a specialist. This will contribute to the most rapid and accurate diagnosis of the true cause of the condition.

    Vomiting in an infant may be a completely natural process for the formation of digestive functions, but it is better if a doctor states this. Komarovsky emphasizes that often in infants, vomiting is a completely expected cause of banal overeating if parents are too zealous in their desire to feed their child more and more calories.

    Vomiting can also be of a different nature - allergic, traumatic, and also inflammatory. In other words, this reflex accompanies a great variety of various diseases, some of which require prompt hospitalization with subsequent surgical care, and therefore vomiting attacks should not be underestimated.

    So, parents should make every effort not to stop vomiting at any cost and try to treat something with folk remedies, but in order to carefully observe. It will be just fine if they can provide the following data to the doctor who came to the call:

    • The frequency and frequency of attacks (at what intervals does vomiting occur, how long does it last).
    • Does the child feel better after the next attack, does the pain in the abdomen decrease.
    • What is the approximate volume of vomit, their color and whether there are any impurities.
    • What has the baby been ill with over the past year, over the past two weeks.
    • What did the baby eat, do the parents also suspect food poisoning.
    • Has the child's weight changed in the last 2 weeks?

    If the child has some of the above symptoms, but there is no vomiting, Komarovsky advises calling the reflex on his own. To do this, let the baby drink 2-3 glasses of warm water or milk, and then gently insert your fingers into the oropharynx and move them slightly. You can use your fingers or a spoon to lightly press on the root of the tongue.

    There is no need to feed the child. However, drinking is a must. At the same time, you should know that soldering a child with vomiting is a whole science, it must be carried out strictly according to the rules. Firstly, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, drinking should be fractional, but very frequent. One-time amount - a few sips. Secondly, the temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature, so the liquid will be absorbed more quickly, which will protect the child from dehydration. When asked what to drink, the doctor replies that oral rehydration solutions or home-made saline solutions are the best option. If desired, you can give the child non-carbonated mineral water, tea, compote.

    In no case should you add sugar, jam, honey to your drink. If the child flatly refuses to drink what is supposed to, offer him what he likes - juice or a sweet drink, but at the same time dilute it with water so that the resulting drink is as clear as possible.

    Vomiting is an extremely unpleasant symptom. It delivers all sorts of discomfort - physical pain, aesthetic dislike, the appearance of fear (why did vomiting appear?). This condition in children is more common than in adults, since it can be not only associated with pathology, but also be a symptom of nervous strain. But parents are still worried about the question: what can a child eat after vomiting? Which foods will not harm the digestive tract, and which ones should you refrain from?

    In children, vomiting can be a form of reaction to various stressful situations for the body.

    Table. Some causes of vomiting in children.

    These can be family scandals, moving, the birth of a brother / sister, moving to a new group or class, etc.In this case, no special diet is required. After vomiting, the child should be given water - pure or mineral, as well as time to restore psychological balance. Eating should take place no earlier than an hour after vomiting. Food should be familiar, not greasy. It is worth giving up dessert and other sweets on this day.
    "Sunstroke" or overheating develops when a child is in the open sun without a hat or for a long time in the heat.It is very important to drink plenty of water and rest in a cool room. Eating should take place 3-5 hours after vomiting. You can give any food, but it should not be greasy, not hot.

    Child vaccination

    As a reaction to the administered immunizing substance, vomiting often develops. This is not evidence of allergy or intolerance, not a sign of developing complications, but only evidence of an actively working drug.Plentiful drink, habitual food, but in small portions. Exclude obligate allergens for several days - fish, nuts, citrus fruits, wheat, soybeans, fast food, carbonated drinks.


    Vomiting can be one of the first symptoms of an acute respiratory viral illness, most often influenza, although this is not a dogma. In this case, in addition to vomiting, there are:

    • increase in body temperature;
    • chills;
    • sweating;
    • weakness;
    • capriciousness;
    • refusal to eat;
    • drowsiness;
    • coughing;
    • muscle pain.

    Due to the fact that the body needs to fight infection, the diet should be rich in proteins. At the same time, digestion should not take a lot of effort, so foods that are easy to digest are recommended. Chicken broth or soup, vegetable soups, boiled beef, turkey, duck are suitable for eating 12 hours after the episode of vomiting. Until this period, it is recommended to feed the child with cereals, vegetable purees, fermented milk products are acceptable. It is important to enrich the diet with vitamins, so fresh fruits and vegetables (for example, bell peppers) should be introduced. Drinking should be plentiful and fortified - mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes, rosehip broth. Juices are acceptable, but diluted with water in a ratio of not less than 1:3, respectively. You can give weak tea, chicory.

    Thermal sparing is not necessary, but it is better to process food mechanically, especially in the presence of high temperature, weakness, and when the child is young. However, it must be remembered that children often refuse food because of its unpretentious appearance or taste (which can be said about vegetable purees, etc.), and a sick child needs to eat fully. Therefore, salt and a minimum set of mild spices should not be excluded from the diet (if the child is older than 3 years old, transferred to the general table and usually uses them), for example, oregano, dill, parsley.


    In acute intestinal infection, the work of the entire digestive tract is disrupted. The toxins of the bacteria that caused the poisoning disrupt the functioning of the enzyme systems, the digestion of food is disturbed and requires a slow and careful recovery. In addition, as a result of vomiting and diarrhea, often intense, as well as sweating, the water and electrolyte balance in the body is disturbed and dehydration may even occur.

    Under these conditions, you should maintain an average caloric intake corresponding to the age of the child. Most of the diet should be proteins, a third - carbohydrates, a small proportion - fats. Reducing the amount of fat and slightly increasing the amount of protein is necessary in order to support the strength of the body. At the same time, it is very important to spare the digestive system. Products should be easy to digest, not have a fixing effect. Be sure to drink enough fluids, more than 2 liters per day. You need to take food in small portions, 5-7 times a day.

    It is necessary to exclude coarse fiber, reduce the amount of salt. Of the prohibited foods - fatty meats and poultry, rich broths, fresh pastries, spicy and spicy dishes, fried vegetables and meat, cabbage and legumes. Recommended foods such as cereals, lean poultry, meat, steamed fish, chicken eggs. An excellent option is the use of dairy products.

    All food should be well thermally and mechanically processed, served warm. It can be cereals, broths or soups, mashed in a blender, as well as mashed potatoes.

    Pathology of the stomach

    After vomiting caused by gastritis or an ulcer, it is important to follow a specialized diet. Moreover, it is worth noting that it should be followed for about six months after the exacerbation. The purpose of the diet is a sparing regime for the digestive system, which helps to reduce the activity of food digestion processes, heal ulcers, return to normal motility and secretion of the digestive organs. It is important to restore the normal acidity of the stomach, to balance the intestinal microflora. Regular stools must be maintained.

    The diet should be complete, with sufficient daily calories, but sparing in terms of impact on the mucous membrane, with no stimulating effect on secretory function, with the exception of products that irritate the mucous membrane.

    Food should be boiled or steamed, soups and purees are recommended. Thermally, food should be in medium values, too hot or cold dishes are unacceptable. The number of receptions varies from 5 to 7 per day, in small portions.

    • fatty rich broths;
    • soups on fatty first broths;
    • fatty meat and poultry;
    • grilled meat;
    • canned food;
    • smoked meats;
    • some fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, natural sour yoghurts);
    • sorrel;
    • onion and garlic;
    • spinach;
    • any mushrooms;
    • smoked, pickled, canned foods;
    • sour or unripe fruits and berries;
    • chocolate;
    • soda;
    • sauces, spices;
    • kvass;
    • coffee.

    Liver pathology

    The main goal of restrictions is to reduce the burden on food by changing the chemical composition of the diet, but to maintain good nutrition, which will help restore the functioning of the biliary system.

    In the diet, it is recommended to only slightly reduce the fat content, leaving the amount of carbohydrates and protein at a normal level. Only with severe liver damage, cirrhosis and liver failure may it be necessary to limit protein. It is important to exclude foods rich in purine bases (meat, sweets, alcohol - relevant for teenagers, fatty fish, anchovies). You can not eat fried foods in order to reduce the intake of cholesterol, essential oils and fat oxidation products.

    Mechanical sparing in this case is not shown (only on the first day after vomiting), a special thermal regime is not required (excessively cold dishes should be excluded). You need to eat 5 times a day, avoid eating at night and before physical exertion.

    Any soups on low-fat broths are acceptable and recommended - meat, vegetable, dairy. The only restriction is the ban on frying in oil. Vegetables can only be dried a little in a dry frying pan or stewed in water. Any bread products, including pastries with any filling (including meat), but yesterday and not fried in butter (thus, whites, pasties, etc. are completely excluded). Any dairy products up to 10% fat (sour cream can be 20%, but only as a seasoning in small quantities), as well as cheese, but not spicy. Chicken yolk is allowed, but not more than 1 per day, in any form other than fried. Any cereals, vegetables (except garlic, onions in any form, except boiled, spinach).

    Intestinal pathology

    Inflammatory bowel diseases such as enterocolitis, duodenitis, proctitis of bacterial etiology require the same diet as in acute intestinal infection. But more severe diseases, such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, require more attention.

    It is worth noting that these diseases cause vomiting quite rarely and it is not a specific symptom. However, it occurs in both pathologies. With Crohn's disease, which affects the intestines, it can be with blood, mucus, painful. And with nonspecific ulcerative colitis, it often develops during exacerbations in more severe cases. It happens both on an empty and full stomach, with an admixture of mucus and with a pinkish color. With these diseases, it is very important to constantly take maintenance therapy and follow a diet in order to prevent the development of exacerbations.

    Thanks to this diet, there should be an accumulation of glycogen in the liver, stimulating the secretion of bile to improve the digestion of food. At the same time, it is very important to spare the intestines and stomach mechanically, thermally and chemically, so as not to provoke exacerbations.

    The energy value of the diet should not be cut in any way. The intestines are already working "not at full strength", taking into account inflammatory and ulcerative changes in it, many substances are not fully absorbed. Therefore, there is no need to cut calories in the diet. A complete protein composition will compensate for inflammation, carbohydrates will provide energy, but the amount of fat should be slightly reduced. It is necessary to exclude coarse fiber, any products that produce gas formation (legumes, cabbage, carbonated drinks, fresh pastries). Any spices, sauces, peppers are prohibited; onions and garlic, radish, mushrooms are not allowed. You can not use marinades, pickles and smoked meats. From meat, low-fat varieties are preferred, steamed or boiled: non-wiry beef, rabbit, chicken, turkey.

    You can cook milk soups by mixing milk and water in a 1:1 ratio, vegetable soups with mashed vegetables and cereals. You can make steam soufflés, kissels, casseroles. Non-bread cookies are allowed, you should not refuse marshmallows, honey, marshmallows. Non-acid fruits are also allowed in small quantities.

    Kidney pathology

    Vomiting in children with kidney disease is a common symptom. Moreover, it develops not only in renal failure, when toxins and metabolic products are not excreted and irritate the body, but also in inflammatory diseases, especially pyelonephritis.

    It does not make sense to correct vomiting as a symptom in renal pathology by prescribing a diet that is gentle on the stomach. Until the kidneys are cured, this symptom may not disappear even with the most competent diet in terms of digestion. However, there is a diet aimed at normalizing renal function.

    The main task is to reduce the amount of metabolic products with the simplification of their excretion, as well as the elimination of edema, if any. The main "stumbling block" is salt. It is very strictly limited. Food is not salted during cooking, sodium chloride is consumed separately in the amount prescribed by the attending doctor (from 3 g). You should also reduce the amount of protein.

    Soups are recommended to cook vegetable and dairy in limited quantities. Meat broths are prohibited. All pastries are prepared without salt, this also applies to bread - you need to select salt-free. Meat can be consumed, but in small quantities. Low-fat varieties are preferred - beef, pork without fat, turkey. You can boil lean fish. Any other types of processing are prohibited - salting, smoking, canning. The use of caviar is not recommended. You can eat any cereals, but it is advised to feed the child with legumes.

    Vomiting is not always an indication for restricting or changing a child's diet. However, it is important to understand why it appeared in order to adjust the diet in time to maintain normal digestion in the body.

    Video - Diet after food poisoning

    Vomiting is the body's natural response to poisoning. In babies, it occurs when taking low-quality food or food that the body cannot digest. Vomiting can also occur as a reaction to elevated temperature. In this case, it will stop as soon as the fever subsides. After the vomiting has been managed, it is necessary to take care of proper dietary nutrition to help the body overcome the effects of poisoning. Diet diet is especially important in case of vomiting accompanied by diarrhea, because this can lead to dehydration. How to feed a child after nausea, how to support a weakened body?

    When a child vomits, overall well-being can drop sharply.

    Why does the child vomit?

    There are many reasons for vomiting in children. In some cases, the attack is one-time. These reasons include:

    • head injury;
    • stress;
    • tooth growth;
    • unusual food;
    • the use of hot spices and seasonings in the child's menu.

    In the last two situations, it is enough to follow a diet for several days, and then return to the usual menu. Otherwise, you should consult a doctor. Vomiting caused by causes such as high fever, food poisoning, and diseases of the digestive system or diseases of the central nervous system requires serious attention. In a child older than 2 years, the symptoms of the disease are more pronounced than in a baby, and it is easier for a doctor to make a diagnosis.

    Until the vomiting has passed, the child does not want to eat, there is no need to insist on eating (see also:). But during this period, the baby needs to drink a lot, for this purpose, water-salt solutions, infusions, still mineral water and teas are suitable. During the recovery period, nutrition is resumed gradually, while one must clearly imagine what can be given to children and what not.

    What fits and what doesn't?

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    A weakened body of a child after poisoning is shown a diet consisting of products easily digestible by the stomach. Babies in such a situation are left only with milk feedings, temporarily refusing complementary foods. Mother's milk is the most beneficial product for digestion. Complementary foods will have to be introduced again, adding it in small portions in the same way as it was done before the illness.

    The best food for a baby is mother's milk

    It is recommended to start with a thin porridge, preferably buckwheat or rice. It is recommended to cook cereals by taking milk and water in equal amounts. After a couple of days, you can include cottage cheese in the diet, then the turn of boiled vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes will come, the next step will be fruit juices.

    Kissel is a good product for an irritated stomach, it envelops the mucous membrane and helps to reduce inflammation. You can also give your baby soaked biscuits or white crackers, which are best made at home.

    Easily digestible:

    • dried fruits compote;
    • boiled carrots;
    • boiled broccoli;
    • baked apples;
    • bananas;
    • fresh non-acidic kefir;
    • natural yogurt without fillers.

    Rosehip decoction will help restore the weakened body of the child (see also:)

    On the contrary, the products listed below are hard to digest, and therefore you should not rush to add them to the child's menu:

    • fruit juices;
    • sweets;
    • meat;
    • fish;
    • fresh bread and pastries;
    • flour products;
    • some cereals: millet, barley, barley;
    • raw fruits and vegetables, as well as berries;
    • butter, both butter and sunflower, other fats.

    It is best to cook meat and fish in the form of a soufflé. Sausages, chips, pickles, hot sauces, soda, and other foods that irritate the gastrointestinal tract should not be given to a child who has just recovered from poisoning or has had an attack of vomiting for another reason.

    Care must be taken when introducing potatoes into food. Puree prepared without adding oil can be given for the first time after a few days. The high content of carbohydrates in potatoes makes it difficult to digest in the digestive tract.

    Cooking methods

    Food is best given in crushed or pureed form. You can use a blender for this purpose. Chopped foods are easier to digest, which is very important for a weakened body. Cereals should be boiled for a long time, and then it is also desirable to process them with a blender or rub through a sieve. It is good to prepare a decoction of rice or oats.

    Ready-made children's products are perfect for eating: meat or fish soufflé, cereals, vegetable puree. You need to choose those that do not contain sugar. However, it should be remembered that if meals are prepared at home from fresh products, then they are more nutritious. Products must be boiled or stewed, it is also good to steam them. Dishes should be given warm, too cold or hot food also irritates the walls of the stomach.

    When restoring the body after poisoning, introduce low-fat porridge into the diet. Avoid sugar in it

    What to give the child in the first days?

    The portion size and frequency of food intake after poisoning and the attacks of vomiting caused by it are significantly different from usual:

    1. On the first day, it is desirable to drink as much as possible. This is due to the fact that in case of poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea are protective mechanisms for removing harmful substances from the body. Therefore, even at a time when the child is sick, let him drink: the attack following the intake of liquid, along with the drink, will remove some of the toxic substances from the stomach. A well-known pediatrician - Dr. Komarovsky - recommends using rosehip broth, weak tea with sugar, as well as water-salt solutions, because with diarrhea and vomiting, the salts necessary for life are removed from the body. For this purpose, Regidron, Glucosolan, Oralit are suitable. To prevent vomiting from happening again, it is necessary to drink liquid in small portions. The first 6 hours after an attack, it is enough to give a drink containing salt or glucose.
    2. After 6 hours you can start eating. It is necessary to feed at least 7 times a day, but in small portions. Between meals should pass 2-2.5 hours. It is not necessary to force it, let the baby eat as much as he wants. After 3-5 days, the normal amount of food will be restored to him.
    3. Restrictions in the diet should be maintained for 1 to 3 weeks after the end of the disease.

    Don't force your child to eat

    Not only vomiting, but also diarrhea: what to feed?

    Food poisoning, as a rule, leads not only to vomiting, but also to diarrhea (see also:). This happens because the inflammatory process also captures the intestines. Vomiting and diarrhea lead to the loss of salts and water from the body, which children already do not have very much, so replenishing the amount of fluid is a priority. Diarrhea will increase if you give your child milk, so you need to replace it with sour-milk products.

    When choosing dishes, remember that:

    • prunes, beets, as well as fresh kefir weaken;
    • rice, hard-boiled eggs and cottage cheese have a fixing effect.

    Fiber-rich vegetables should be excluded from the diet. Cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, legumes and radishes are not recommended. You can include tomatoes in the menu, but only stewed. Oil, both vegetable and butter, must be introduced gradually, in very small doses.

    The most important thing is to give your child as much to drink as possible.

    Summing up

    • Refusal to eat in the first hours after vomiting is in itself a remedy. You can't force a child to eat.
    • After 6 hours, not earlier, you can offer him light food: jelly, white crackers, buckwheat or rice liquid porridge.
    • Gradually it is recommended to add boiled vegetables, as well as chopped meat and fish. All food should be warm and pureed.
    • It takes from 5 days to several weeks to follow a therapeutic diet, depending on the severity of the disease.

    Usually very scary parents. In most cases, there is nothing to be afraid of, vomiting is a mechanism developed by the body to protect against the introduction of toxic substances through the walls of the stomach and intestines. It can be one-time, or it can be repeated several times. In any case, even with small similar manifestations, you need to show the child to a specialist who examines him, prescribes treatment, and gives advice on how to feed the child after vomiting.

    After vomiting - the main drink!

    If the child's condition does not inspire concern, and the vomiting was not gushing, but single and not very strong, you can try to stabilize his condition on your own. Possible causes of childhood vomiting may include:

    • Head injury. This condition, which threatens the life of the child, may be accompanied by fainting.
    • Brain concussion.
    • . Accompanied by high fever, diarrhea.
    • stomach and intestines.
    • An increase in temperature with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.
    • Gastrointestinal disorders (gastritis, and stomach). The vomit may be streaked with blood. Additionally, there are pains in the abdomen.
    • Pylorospasm in newborns.
    • Unusual food, excessive consumption of spices and food additives, sweets.
    • Eruption of milk teeth.

    Be sure to find out the cause of vomiting in order to avoid complications. Particular attention is given to infants, newborns and children with chronic diseases. Symptoms such as vomiting with bile and blood, frequent pulse, pallor of the skin, a combination of vomiting and constant drowsiness or excessive overexcitation, refusal of the breast and strong crying in an infant make you fear serious consequences. In these cases, you should immediately seek emergency medical attention.

    Recovery of digestion immediately after vomiting

    Vomiting is a warning signal!

    This unpleasant phenomenon is accompanied by such side effects as a violation of the water-salt balance and the loss of a large amount of fluid by the body. Before feeding the child, you need to restore this balance, if medical tactics do not provide for other measures. Before bringing these indicators back to normal, feeding may be inappropriate, and even harmful to children's health.

    It is recommended to replenish the lost fluid and additionally take preparations containing salt, soda, calcium, glucose to replenish lost nutrients. These can be drugs such as Glucosolan, Oralit. Water-salt solutions prepared from them give 1-2 tsp each. babies, older children - 1-2 tbsp. spoons at a time. Required volume:

    1. Children up to a year - 150-200 ml per kg of body weight per day.
    2. Children older than a year - 120-170 ml per kg of weight.

    It is better to drink sweet tea, rosehip broth, dried fruit compote. If the child does not show appetite, these measures can be dispensed with for the next 5-6 hours.

    Severe vomiting may be a symptom of a rotavirus infection

    Most importantly, don't force feed your baby. Abstinence from food is one of the methods for the speedy rehabilitation of the body after suffering vomiting. The child is offered food every 2-2.5 hours, the total number of meals can be up to 6-7 times. Portion size also changes compared to the usual diet, servings become smaller.

    After 3-5 days, a return to the previous amount of food is possible if there are no more problems with vomiting. A sparing diet and diet should be followed for 1-3 weeks after vomiting. Basic requirements for the diet of children:

    1. products should be easily digestible,
    2. rich in protein and vitamins,
    3. contain a minimum amount of fats and carbohydrates,
    4. be rich in minerals.

    The diet after vomiting should be agreed with the pediatrician or the attending physician. You need to start with no aromatics and flavors, at least on the first day of the problem. If a child has a desire to gnaw a cracker from white bread, this is not forbidden to him.

    The next day, offer him liquid buckwheat, oatmeal or rice porridge cooked in milk diluted with water. After 1-2 days, children are given weak chicken jelly with wheat bread croutons. A little later, mashed soups, steamed meat and fish cutlets, meatballs are introduced into the diet.
    Preferred meats are chicken, rabbit.

    Products under the ban

    Vomiting can appear in a child with various diseases, for example, it is a common symptom of poisoning and intestinal infections. Also, an attack of vomiting may occur in a child with a high fever or severe cough. There is also vomiting caused by irritation of the vomiting center in the brain, for example, with meningitis or concussion.

    Almost always, vomiting in children is a reason to seek medical help. The doctor will determine why such an unpleasant symptom appeared and tell you how to treat the baby. It is very important to pay maximum attention to the drink that is given to the child when vomiting. But equally important is proper nutrition. What should it be like during and after vomiting?

    Every child needs to follow a special diet after vomiting.

    Nutrition principles

    1. During bouts of vomiting, the child usually has no appetite. Parents should not force-feed the baby, it is enough just to ensure the correct drinking regimen (give saline solutions, compote, water and other permitted drinks).
    2. The diet after vomiting should be as gentle as possible for the digestive tract. It should include easily digestible foods that will not be an additional burden on the baby's digestive organs.
    3. The severity and duration of the diet after vomiting will be affected by the cause of this symptom. If vomiting appeared after trauma, stress, malnutrition, and was single, the diet is recommended for one to two days. If vomiting is a symptom of an intestinal infection or food poisoning, the child's nutrition will have to be controlled much longer (one to two weeks).
    4. It is important to reduce the intake of fats with food, as they are digested for a long time and load the digestive tract. Restriction of carbohydrates is also recommended due to their ability to enhance fermentation processes in the intestines.


    Breastfeeding with vomiting does not stop, but on the contrary, the baby is often applied to the breast. Mom's milk is easy to digest and helps replenish fluid waste. Formula-fed babies continue to be given their usual formula. Also, such children can be given mixtures with the addition of rice or buckwheat flour.

    If a nursing baby has already begun to be given complementary foods, it should be canceled for a while, and as soon as the baby's digestion improves, start introducing complementary foods again with small portions. First, cereals and mashed vegetables, as well as sour-milk products, are returned to the baby's diet.

    Older children

    Children older than a year during vomiting are recommended to feed according to appetite. In most babies, bouts of vomiting are combined with a decrease in appetite, while the child does not need to be forced to eat, provided that he is provided with sufficient fluid intake. As soon as the child asks for food, give him the foods allowed in the diet in small portions. Expanding the menu, as well as increasing the amount of food, should be done very carefully.

    • Liquid cereals (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal), boiled in water. You can also offer porridge in milk with water 1 to 1.
    • Vegetable purees.
    • Wheat bread croutons, biscuit biscuits.
    • Bananas.
    • Baked apples.
    • Boiled carrots.
    • Boiled eggs.

    Do not force your child to eat "a couple more spoons"

    What can't be eaten?

    During the recovery period of a baby who had vomiting, it is worthwhile to wait a little with fish and meat dishes. They are given only two to four days after the bouts of vomiting have stopped, while soufflé or steamed meatballs are prepared for the child.

    Other foods that should not be given to the baby until his digestive tract is finally strong include:

    • Fresh fruits and juices from them.
    • Sweets.
    • Fresh pastries.
    • Millet, barley and barley porridge.
    • Meat and fish broths.
    • Raw vegetables.
    • Rye bread and crackers from it.
    • Fatty foods (oils and others).
    • Mushrooms.
    • Fast food, smoked products.

    If vomiting is combined with diarrhea, milk and dairy products, prunes, beets, fresh kefir, legumes should be excluded from the baby's diet. Give the baby eggs, rice and cottage cheese as foods with a fixing effect.

    First of all, give the baby foods with a fixing effect.

    What is the best way to prepare food?

    It is advisable to prepare fresh food for children. In order to improve the absorption of food consumed during the recovery period, as well as to prevent its harmful effects on the stomach, it is better to boil, rub and grind the products strongly. Highly boiled cereals, jelly, vegetable puree, soufflé are very useful for babies. You can give ready-made baby food.

    All products allowed after bouts of vomiting are boiled, steamed or stewed. Only warm food is given to the child, since very hot or cold food will injure the gastric mucosa and is less digestible.

    Feeding mode

    During vomiting, the child is given a lot to drink, while all permitted drinks should be offered in small portions - literally a teaspoonful. This way you won't provoke repeated bouts of vomiting. Food while vomiting continues, it is better not to offer the child. It is recommended to wait with feeding for about 5-6 hours after vomiting.

    Offer water to the child very often, but in small portions.

    Once the episodes of vomiting have stopped and the child wants to eat, give him food in small quantities. It is optimal to feed the baby up to seven times a day with intervals of two hours. Recall that you should not force the child to eat, as well as offer the crumbs food in large volumes. Regular meals should be returned three to five days after vomiting stops.

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