Tablets against gas formation in the intestines. They are natural sorbents. What causes flatulence

Abdominal bloating in adults is a congestion intestinal gases in the thin passages of the intestine. Flatulence manifests itself as an increased size of the abdomen, the release of gases, as well as severe pain from within. What to do with bloating? First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. Flatulence is not a disease, as it is characteristic of healthy people. But with excessive gas formation, both the person himself and his environment suffer.

Gases enter the intestines from the blood, along with food, as well as drinks. Air, mixed with food, forms such gases: methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide.

The presence of gas in the intestines is normal phenomenon, but in healthy people they are contained in small quantities and do not cause discomfort.

Bloating due to disease

In most cases, bloating and gas appear due to the use of "wrong" foods. But very often flatulence is a signal of the presence of such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

To diagnose these diseases, it is necessary to pass full examination under the guidance of a doctor. However, you need to go to the hospital constant bloating belly. If this phenomenon occurs from time to time, then all you need is just to adjust the diet.

Bloating after eating

Bloating after eating occurs if the process of absorption of food is very fast. At the same time, there is a lot of air in the stomach.

To avoid this, you must:

  • eat slowly, carefully chewing large pieces;
  • eat at the same time;
  • eat small portions and often;
  • do not watch TV while eating;
  • do not read the newspaper;
  • give up cigarettes and chewing gum;
  • do not talk while eating;
  • eat food at room temperature;
  • do not transfer;
  • do not abuse carbonated drinks.

Bloating and belching air can cause dairy products, as well as legumes: peas and beans. Pastries and sweets contain starch and carbohydrates, which also provoke flatulence.

How to get rid and what to do with bloating

Treatment for bloating falls into 3 categories:

  • medical intervention;
  • self-medication at home;
  • folk methods.

The first method involves examination in the clinic followed by a course of treatment. First, the cause of flatulence is found out, and then appropriate therapy is carried out.

In the presence of polyps that reduce the lumen in the intestine, which prevents the advancement of food, an operation is prescribed.

With dysbacteriosis, therapy is prescribed to correct the composition of the microflora. Neutralize first pathogenic bacteria, and then launch beneficial microbes with the help of medicines.

Worms bring out antihelminthic drugs. And when infectious diseases The gastrointestinal tract is treated with antibiotics.

If a person has not found serious illnesses, then rare manifestations of flatulence can be eliminated on their own.

Medicines for bloating are of the following types:

  1. Adsorbents- drugs that absorb toxins with gases and remove them from the intestines ( Activated carbon, Lactofiltrum).
  2. Defoamers- drugs that destroy gas bubbles (dimethicone, simethicone).
  3. Preparations accelerating digestion, as well as the assimilation of food (metoclopramide, domperidone).

Everyone knows such pills for bloating as activated charcoal. This simple medicine can be taken by both adults and children. It is released in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Activated carbon has an adsorbing effect. It neutralizes harmful toxins in the intestines and also reduces gas production. It is necessary to take coal in proportion: for 10 kilograms of a person's weight - 1 tablet.

Tablets for bloating and gas formation only help relieve symptoms. The main emphasis should be on a healthy diet and the intake of herbal infusions.

Diet for bloating

To avoid flatulence, it is enough to exclude some products that provoke the release of gases.

Foods that cause gas and bloating:

  1. Starchy foods: fresh bread, pastries, pasta, peas, beans, corn. These products are very poorly absorbed, resulting in a large amount of gases being released.
  2. Pickled vegetables: sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes.
  3. Raw vegetables and berries: plums, apples, apricots. Fruits and vegetables contain valuable fiber, but an excess of it in the body causes excessive gas formation.
  4. Dairy: raw milk, fatty cheeses. It is better to replace these products with fermented milk products, which have stood for at least 2-3 days. You should also not consume dairy products with flour and grains at the same time: cereals, cookies and pastries.
  5. Carbonated drinks: sweet drinks, champagne, kvass.
  6. Protein food. Fat varieties meat, as well as rich broth, complicates the digestive process, and also contributes to the excessive formation of gases. With the accumulation of a large amount of meat in the stomach, the body cannot cope with digestion. Because of this, the food begins to rot, releasing methane. It is better to eat dietary chicken, turkey meat, lean beef, and fish.

There is also special system separate power supply. According to her, you can not combine such products:

  • carbohydrate foods with acidic foods;
  • starches with proteins;
  • proteins of vegetable and animal origin;
  • fats with proteins;
  • proteins with sour fruits;
  • sugar and starch.

And also remember that foods such as melon, watermelon and milk should be consumed separately from all other food with an interval of 2 hours.

Main product groups:

  1. Proteins: meat, beans, eggs.
  2. Fats: lard, vegetable oil.
  3. Carbohydrates: cereals, bread, pasta, pastries.
  4. Starches: bread, potatoes, pasta.
  5. Sweet fruits: prunes, grapes, bananas.
  6. Acidic plant food: peach, tomato, orange, pomegranate.

The most successful combination meat products- with vegetables.

To exclude flatulence, it is necessary to prefer healthy food: dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits. It will also be useful to arrange for yourself once a week fasting days using rice.

Bloating after eating can be eliminated green tea or alkaline mineral water without gas.

Flatulence exercises

While at home, you can get rid of gases in the intestines with the help of physical exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs and pull your knees up to your chin, tightly wrapping your arms around them. Hold this position for 5 seconds and then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  2. Make a press, holding your breath with each inclination for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Squats 10-15 times with arms extended forward.
  4. Do a belly massage. To do this, with the palm of your right hand clockwise, stroke in the navel area.

Such exercises are excellent pain syndrome when bloated.

Treatment of bloating with folk remedies

Medicinal plants that normalize the digestive tract:

  • goose cinquefoil;
  • sagebrush;
  • liquorice root;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile officinalis.

Green tea will help get rid of bloating. Also green tea can be replaced chamomile decoction. To prepare, you need 1 tablespoon of dried flowers chamomile and 1 cup boiling water. Boil the composition over low heat for 5-7 minutes, and then cool, insist.

Severe bloating will relieve ginger tea. This unique product has antibacterial, antiviral action and is also actively involved in the digestion of food. After plentiful feasts with the use of alcoholic beverages, you need to drink a glass of ginger tea. Thus, not only flatulence will disappear, but also heartburn and even a hangover.

Do you want something interesting?

Dill seeds are great for helping with bloating. This remedy is so effective and safe that it is prescribed even for infants during intestinal colic.

To prepare an infusion for adults, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dried seeds and pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let this liquid brew in a cool place for 3-4 hours. Take tincture better in the morning on an empty stomach

Dill, even in green form, has a good effect on digestion. Therefore, as a seasoning, dill should be preferred along with bay leaf. Dill greens actively fights harmful microbes, and also actively promotes the absorption of food.

Lemon helps to remove bloating. This citrus kills everything harmful bacteria in the intestines and eliminates gas formation. With frequent manifestations of flatulence, a "cocktail" of lemon and ginger helps well. To do this, you need to grind these two products and take them in equal quantities. Add a pinch of salt to this mixture and place.

Place the mixture in the refrigerator and take daily after meals. After a week of such therapy, digestion will normalize, and appetite will also improve.

  1. Take in equal parts dry plants of St. John's wort, cudweed and yarrow. Pour the mixture with boiling water, in the proportion: 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water. Herbal cocktail should be boiled for 5-10 minutes, and then strain and drink 3 times a day for half a glass.
  2. Measure equally dry herb mint, valerian and dill seeds. For 1 tablespoon of the mixture there is 1 liter of boiling water. Insist herbal cocktail for 1 day in a dark, cool place, then strain and drink every day after meals.
  3. For women in the premenstrual period, which is accompanied by bloating, it is good to take an infusion of celery and horsetail. These herbs have a relaxing and calming effect.
  4. Well eliminates heaviness in the abdomen and bloating decoction of such herbs: rhubarb, calamus, centaury, and buckthorn. Take 3 tablespoons of this herbal mixture and boil in 0.5 liters of water. Ready infusion to take daily 3 times a day.

Bloating during pregnancy

Bloating and gas formation in women is typical at the beginning of pregnancy. This is facilitated by an altered hormonal background. Increased production of the hormone progesterone helps to relax the muscles of the intestines and the accumulation of gases there.

Bloating during pregnancy early dates Other factors also contribute:

  • swallowing air during meals;
  • the use of sour vegetables, which especially increases appetite during pregnancy;
  • drinking carbonated water;
  • wearing tight overalls that squeeze the stomach;
  • taking antacids;
  • in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.

Excessive gas formation is the norm for a pregnant woman, but this phenomenon can be reduced with the right diet.

You should reduce the use of such products:

  • black bread;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage;
  • pickled vegetables.

Your diet should be filled with fresh vegetables, fruits, as well as kefir and cottage cheese. Dairy products beneficial for both the mother and the developing fetus. Ryazhenka and kefir contain a large amount of calcium, as well as lactobacilli, which contribute to good assimilation food.

With excessive gas formation, you should not take medication on your own. Many, at first glance, harmless drugs can harm the unborn baby. For example, activated charcoal, while neutralizing toxins, can interfere with the absorption of beneficial trace elements.

If flatulence causes a lot of trouble for a pregnant woman, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. AT this case doctors resort to the use of phytotherapy - treatment based on herbs. Well proven herbal preparation Iberogast.

Salvation from flatulence for future mother are yoga, swimming and special physical exercises. Also, do not forget about the benefits of fresh air and good rest. Fulfilling all these recommendations, flatulence in future mother will manifest itself to a lesser extent, making pregnancy a pleasant period in life.

Bloating is associated with excessive accumulation of gases in the intestinal area, develops due to high gas production and impaired absorption of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Bloating is also called flatulence. Flatulence is considered enough known problem. Most people suffer from increased formation of gases in the stomach and, as a result, its bloating. Thanks to modern developments in the pharmaceutical industry in our time, everyone has the opportunity to purchase inexpensive and effective drugs, tablets for the treatment of flatulence.

Flatulence, why bloating appears, causes

Flatulence is not considered as such a pathology. But, at the same time, it indicates the presence in the body of more serious illnesses, for example, such as dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the abdominal organs, cirrhosis of the liver, etc. In addition to the accumulation of gases in the stomach, these diseases are sources of the appearance of heaviness of the stomach. Often, people suffering from bloating do not realize that its root cause is an unhealthy lifestyle.

The main and common sources of flatulence in a healthy person:

1 Abuse of foods and drinks that cause increased gas production or do not mix well enough with each other ( sauerkraut, legumes, grapes, Coca-Cola, soda, beer, kvass). If you use the above drinks in moderation, then gases are excreted from the body naturally. With excessive passion for these drinks, they can cause flatulence. Dairy products can often cause gas. Some people are intolerant to dairy products for a reason. congenital defect an enzyme that is responsible for digesting lactose.

2 Lack of certain enzymes in the human body, so the digestion process is disturbed. In this case, food residues not processed by gastric juice destroy bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract and produce gas.

3 Various kinds of adhesions, tumors and polyps in the gastrointestinal tract that prevent food from coming out, causing the accumulation of gases.

4 Stagnation of blood and impaired circulation in the intestines, which can lead to gas in the stomach and rumbling sounds.

5 Irritable stomach syndrome. The work of the intestinal walls is disturbed and chaotic, accompanied by pain.

6 stressful situations can also be one of the reasons for the development of flatulence.

Various medications are used to treat increased gas and bloating. medical devices, depending on what causes it.

Flatulence, bloating, gas, and following a therapeutic diet

In cases where flatulence is caused by a violation of the diet, it is enough to bring the nutrition system back to normal, remove from the menu or minimize the intake of foods that contribute to bloating. As a rule, such simple actions, along with taking inexpensive medicines, allow you to quickly get rid of signs of flatulence and normalize bowel function. In order for flatulence to no longer bother, it is possible to get rid of it by calculating the product that leads to its development, and in the future do not eat it or use it to a minimum. If changes in diet food do not bring relief, then you should be examined for the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Methods for examining the intestines include:

1 urinalysis;

2 general study blood and biochemistry;

3 check feces for dysbacteriosis;

4 analysis stool on the ovary;

5 scrapings to detect helminths;

6 ultrasound examination(ultrasound) of the liver, kidneys and stomach;

7 examination of the intestine (endoscopy, radiography).

If constipation is the root cause of bloating, it is recommended to perform a bowel cleansing procedure that will normalize gas formation.

What to do if there is bloating, gas formation, flatulence treatment

For the treatment of flatulence, bloating in the stomach and large cluster gases in the abdomen, a set of methods is used to alleviate the patient's condition. Effective drugs for gas formation are prescribed, which act in the following areas:

1 The sources of the disease are eliminated, the treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed, a sign of which is gas formation.

2 The intestinal microflora is normalized.

3 The active work of the intestine resumes.

4 Gases are removed from the gastrointestinal tract, measures are taken to prevent their further occurrence.

At the same time, the patient is given advice on proper nutrition during the treatment period.

If a person has symptoms and signs of flatulence, it is not recommended to include the following products in the menu:

1 some types of cereals (barley, millet);

2 products of the legume family (lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas);

3 certain types meat (lamb, pork, goose meat);

4 vegetables that contain coarse fiber (cabbage, tomatoes, radishes). They are forbidden to be taken both fresh and pickled.

5 some berries and fruits (raspberries, pears, cherries, apples);

6 dairy products (cream, milk, yoghurts);

7 bakery products(bread with bran, fresh baking, cakes, cookies, pastries);

8 carbonated water and drinks (lemonade, kvass, beer);

9 greens (green onion, sorrel, spinach);

10 alcoholic drinks.

According to the results of the diagnosis, drugs are prescribed that eliminate bloating in the abdomen and restore the intestinal microflora (probiotics and prebiotics). The former are a complex of microorganisms that have a beneficial effect on the intestines. Preparations containing probiotics include Linex, Lakutovid, Bifiform. The second - elements that are not absorbed into small intestine, but they contribute to the creation favorable conditions for growth and development beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Prebiotics include such drugs as: Laktofiltrum, Duphalac, Lactusan. Medicines are prescribed in order to reduce bloating in the stomach and remove gases from the body (enterosorbents). These include activated carbon, Polyphepan, Almagel and Smektu.

Apply medicinal methods for the destruction of fine bubble foam in the intestine and its further formation. Such drugs are called defoamers. These include Espumizan, Disflatil, Maalox. Some drugs have a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract and accelerate the elimination of gases, such as Motilium, Motilak, Ganaton. Preparations plant origin like Plantex. As a replacement for such medications, traditional medicine can be used.

Cheap, inexpensive enterosorbents for the treatment of bloating, increased gas formation and flatulence

The most famous and cheapest remedies for flatulence are drugs in the form of tablets, which include activated charcoal. They absorb pathogenic microbes, toxins, salts of heavy metals, and then are excreted from the body. naturally. Many of these medicines can even neutralize poisons. Possessing high sorbing properties, activated carbon is not expensive. It is practically safe for humans. However, during long-term use constipation or indigestion, impaired absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Activated charcoal is contraindicated in cases where a person has a stomach ulcer, duodenum, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract or with individual intolerance to the drug.

Currently heavily advertised white coal for the treatment of flatulence and bloating in the abdomen. Some people mistakenly think that it is an analogue of activated charcoal. In fact, this drug consists of silicon dioxide, cellulose. White color it is given powdered sugar and potato starch. The tool has an adsorbing effect, improving the functional ability of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. It is recommended to take three tablets before meals. Him more contraindications compared to conventional activated carbon and is slightly more expensive. It is forbidden to take white coal in cases of bleeding in the stomach or intestines, violations of the intestinal mucosa, intestinal obstruction, during pregnancy and lactation. It is also forbidden to take it to children under fourteen years of age.

One of inexpensive funds, helping in the fight against increased gas formation and flatulence, is Smekta. It is produced in powder form or in the form of a suspension. The composition of the Smecta includes natural ingredients and dioctahedral smectite, acting locally and not absorbed into the blood. This drug creates a protective film on the intestinal mucosa, which absorbs pathogens. Smekta is allowed for both adults and children. From the group of defoamers, round gelatin capsules - Espumisan are considered quite popular. He is appointed to remove unpleasant symptoms and reduce colic. Due to its bubble (gas) neutralizing properties, it is also prescribed for those who need to undergo ultrasound and x-rays. The goal is to get a better image. Espumizan is intended for the treatment of adults and children over six years of age. Its use is considered safe during pregnancy and lactation. Take three times a day, one to two capsules per dose. Of the contraindications is considered: individual intolerance to the components. If such a feature of the body is detected, the drug should be discontinued.

Of the enzymatic agents used in the formation of gases, a heavy feeling in the stomach, Mezim is considered the most famous. The medicine is produced in the form of tablets with a special shell. It is very resistant to acid. gastric juice. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually, paying attention to the degree of development of gastrointestinal diseases. Taking the drug to children under three years of age is prohibited. The most budgetary drug of the prebiotic group is Yogulakt. It contributes to the normalization intestinal microflora, strengthening immunity, increasing the body's resistance to an unfavorable environment. This remedy is hypoallergenic. Of the prebiotics, Bifiform, Hilak Forte, Linex are also considered effective drugs.

What are the cheap, inexpensive flatulence pills to choose?

If a person does not know which are effective and cheap pills for the treatment of flatulence, cheap drugs for the treatment of increased gas formation and bloating are better to choose, herbal preparations can help him natural origin. Thanks to herbal remedies for the treatment of flatulence, you can equally effectively achieve success and reduce the amount of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as accelerate their elimination from the body. The analogue of Espumizan and Bobotik is herbal preparation Simethicone. It does not lead to allergies. It is available in capsules or in suspension.

When treating a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, Herbion drops are often prescribed. They are made up of natural natural ingredients, improve gastrointestinal motility and digestion, relieve pain. However, it has certain contraindications: intolerance to individual components, liver failure, ulcer, epilepsy and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also pretty active herbal remedy Pancreoflat is considered, which allows in the shortest possible time to remove signs of bloating, improve digestion and prevent the possibility of developing pathology in the future. It is considered absolutely safe. It is taken one tablet at a time with meals.

Folk methods for the treatment of flatulence, how to treat bloating and gases in the abdomen at home?

Phytopreparations for the treatment of symptoms of flatulence are considered the most budgetary in financial terms and more natural than medical preparations. They are made from natural medicinal herbs. most popular and effective product fennel water (dill infusion) is considered from flatulence of the intestines. It is prescribed even for babies to get rid of colic. Cooking method dill infusion: one teaspoon of fennel seeds is poured into a container, poured with boiling water (200 ml) and left to infuse for one hour. Children are recommended to give one teaspoon three times a day, adults - one glass each. For some people, chamomile tea, taken warm, comes to the rescue in the fight against gas and bloating. Mint, valerian, cumin seeds, fennel can be added to this tea.

If the use of cheap and inexpensive folk medicines for the treatment of flatulence did not bring effect and the signs of flatulence did not disappear, then in without fail you should consult your doctor about how to further treat gas and bloating. He will appoint a number additional surveys and be able to make an accurate diagnosis.

Flatulence is one of frequent signs disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Pathological symptoms can be eliminated with the help of folk recipes and pharmaceutical preparations. Tablets from gas formation in the intestines are represented by an impressive list. It remains only to visit a gastroenterologist, who will prescribe suitable remedy.

Causes of bloating

Many factors contribute to active gas formation. These often become diseases of the organs digestive system:

  • Chronic form pancreatitis. Accompanied by enzyme deficiency. Bloating is noted after each meal.
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is characterized by a violation of peristalsis. The condition is expressed in prolonged constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, development painful spasms.
  • Dysbiosis. Pathology is accompanied by a violation of the intestinal microflora. generated harmful microorganisms gases - methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide - provoke severe bloating.
  • Lactose intolerance. In an adult, there are no enzymes responsible for the breakdown and assimilation milk sugar.
  • Violation of the patency of the intestine. The accumulation of gases is due to the presence of a tumor, polypous growths.

But most often, the main cause of gases is nutritional errors. The condition can be provoked by the use of large volumes of sweet carbonated lemonades or the presence on the menu gas-forming products, which include:

  • candies;
  • bakery products;
  • black bread;
  • beans;
  • peas.

Some contain a lot of fiber, others - starch or easily digestible carbohydrates.

The rapid absorption of food is accompanied by the ingestion of a certain volume of air into the stomach, which also causes increased gas formation.

Complex treatment

Condition therapy involves an extended approach and includes:

  • Diet review.
  • Eliminate the root cause of flatulence.
  • Restoration of intestinal microflora.

Bloating often occurs precisely because of malnutrition, so the basis therapeutic measures constitutes its correction.

Foods with a high percentage of coarse fiber cause increased gas formation. To reduce the symptoms of flatulence, you need to limit the consumption of legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Fermentation in the intestines is also provoked by dairy products. With lactose intolerance, you will need to exclude from the diet:

  • kefir;
  • cream.

Gives good results fractional nutrition. Eating small meals up to 6 times a day benefits the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Promotes better assimilation nutrients.
  • Prevents the development of fermentation processes.
  • Stabilizes the functioning of the digestive system.

Remedies for gas formation in the intestines in adults

From heaviness and bloating, the following groups are used medicines:

  • defoamers;
  • enterosorbents;
  • prokinetics;
  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics;
  • enzymes;
  • antispasmodics;
  • herbal medicines.

Defoamers for the intestines

Medicines in this group reduce gas formation as a result of the collapse of the bubbles. They are absorbed by the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and excreted naturally. Contraindications to the use of this group of drugs are intestinal obstruction and severe forms of digestive disorders.

A typical representative of defoamer preparations is Espumizan. It is offered in a capsule format and in the form of drops, which allows you to use the product for bloating tummies in infants. The drug does not penetrate into the bloodstream, so a long period can be used. It goes well with taking other medicines.


Treatment of flatulence is also carried out by adsorbing agents. These drugs are absorbed and excreted from the intestines. toxic substances.

Enterosgel is a new generation of enterosorbents. The active active ingredient is polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate. Passing through the intestines, it captures harmful particles and is excreted with them naturally. The tool is offered in the form of a paste and gel, has no contraindications and is combined with other medications.

Other enterosorbents include:

  • Activated carbon. Cheap but very effective drug. It is used to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, relieve the symptoms of flatulence. At frequent use causes damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes digestive tract.
  • "Polysorb". Approved for long term use. Does not cause the development of constipation, does not change the intestinal microflora.
  • "Filtrum". Recommended for admission fast elimination flatulence symptoms. It has high performance absorption, is not absorbed by the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Excreted naturally.
  • Lactofiltrum. The composition of the sorbent is represented by lignin and lactulose. Promotes the restoration of local microflora, reduces bloating, eliminates diarrhea. Approved for use in diagnosed obstruction of the intestinal tract.


Taking prokinetics leads to improvement motor function GIT. This group includes the following drugs:

  • "Motilium". Stimulates intestinal motility, which contributes to the removal of gases in a natural way.
  • "Duspatalin". Combines the properties of prikinetics and antispasmodics. Relieves pain, accelerates the discharge of gases. Not suitable for frequent use, as it violates the local microflora.
  • "Eglonil". Stimulates peristalsis, has a mild effect on the duodenum, helps to remove gases and reduce the rate of their formation.

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Prescribed to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. More often to the appointment are appointed:

  • "Hilak forte". It is considered the best effective drug for eliminating gas formation. Creates favorable environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria.
  • Lineks. Contains Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Enterococcus. It is used for colic in a child and flatulence in adults.
  • "Portalak". The active ingredient is lactulose. Recommended for use in constipation and dysbiosis.
  • "Bifidumbacterin". Contains only bifidobacteria. Has immunostimulating properties.
  • "Eubicor". The basis of the drug is fiber. It removes toxins, which causes an independent normalization of the local microflora.

Enzyme preparations

A group of medicines that are prescribed to eliminate problems with digestion.

Common drugs are the following:

  • "Abomin". The active ingredient is pepsin. A substance of organic origin that improves the processing of incoming food.
  • "Pancreatin". A commonly prescribed enzyme based on lipase. Provides the removal from the gastrointestinal tract of the waste products of pathogenic microflora, as well as the remains of rotting food, accumulation of gases and fecal stones.
  • "Oraza". An enzyme of plant origin, for the production of which lipase is used. It is recommended for the development of intoxication, violations of the digestive processes - active gas formation, loss of appetite, belching.
  • "Somilaza". Contains hemicellulose, which helps quick withdrawal flatulence symptoms. Used in the treatment of bloating due to malnutrition. Prohibited for use in pancreatitis and hepatitis.
  • "Festal". Contains enzymes necessary for the complete breakdown of incoming food.


To alleviate the condition can be assigned:

  • Mezim Forte. Active active ingredients - lipase, pancreatin. Relieves pain, reduces the feeling of heaviness, bloating. It is not used as an absorbent. Tablets are taken after meals.
  • "Motijekt". Initially this antiemetic. Among its capabilities is the removal of symptoms of flatulence.
  • "Motilium". The active ingredient is domperidone. It has a stimulating effect on the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves painful spasms, removes accumulated gases.

herbal medicines

The active components of this group of drugs are extracts from herbs, flowers and fruits:

  • Dill seed tincture. These are inexpensive drops used to treat colic and bloating. Contribute to the elimination of painful spasms, improve the functioning of the stomach.
  • Cumin berries. They have a powerful carminative effect.
  • "Herbion". Drops contain only components of plant origin - extracts from gentian, chamomile, cumin and yarrow. They relieve pain, remove accumulated gases.

Means for pregnant women

During the gestation period, the use of drugs is highly undesirable. To eliminate discomfort, it is better to use carminative herbs.


Known remedy from gases in the intestines, allowed even for newborns. In addition to relieving pathological symptoms, Dill water anesthetizes, reduces fermentation processes.

To prepare the product, brew 30 g of dill seeds in 500 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 30 minutes, filter and take in warm form.


Infusion from the inflorescences of the plant has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The drink relieves pain and reduces the amount of gases produced. To prepare medicinal tea, you need to pour a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour and drink before meals.

There are two other recipes for preparing a cure for flatulence:

  • Take a bag of green tea, as well as equal parts of chamomile and thyme. Pour the mixture with boiling water, insist. Take it warm.
  • Combine peppermint, chamomile color, Bay leaf in equal proportions. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Leave to insist. Drink ½ of a glass.

Lemon and ginger

To relieve pain in the intestines, you can chew the peel of citrus. good recipe to eliminate bloating during pregnancy - freshly squeezed fruit juice with ginger.

A small part of the root (5 cm long) is carefully chopped with a blender. Add lemon juice and some salt to the mixture. Take the received remedy before meals. The medicine helps to eliminate pain and increased gas formation, stimulates the stomach, improves appetite.


The medicinal drink must be prepared from next collection:

  • Combine fennel fruits, valerian root, mint grass in equal proportions.
  • Pour the mixture with water and bring to a boil.
  • Infuse for 15 minutes, filter.
  • Drink with flatulence and painful spasms.

It is highly undesirable to take medications during pregnancy. But there are two drugs that can be used:

  • "Espumizan". The drug works locally, without getting into the bloodstream, so it does not threaten anything. developing fetus.
  • Activated carbon. Safe for pregnant women and children.

To eliminate flatulence, drugs from the group of enzymes - Creon, Cisapride can be prescribed.

Doctor's conclusion

Bloating is an unpleasant condition that can be accompanied by pain that worsens the quality of life of a person. Before starting medication, the cause of the development of the pathology is established, a medical examination is carried out. The medicine for gases in the intestines will help the attending physician choose, based on the results obtained and taking into account the existing contraindications.

Enterosorbents, enzyme preparations, prokinetics, defoamers, and probiotics are a group of medicines for bloating and gas. They contribute to the breakdown of gases, toxins, and their removal from the digestive system in a natural way.

Enterosorbents are drugs that bind and remove harmful substances from the body (toxins, bacteria, allergens, poisons, cholesterol, fats). They do an excellent job of neutralizing gases. Funds have a wide range action and are completely eliminated from the body. Classification of enterosorbents:

  • silicon - means widely used to cleanse the body;
  • carbon - drugs that are different connections activated carbon;
  • organic - preparations made on the basis of natural fibers (cellulose, brown algae polysaccharides, chitin and others).

Together with gases, enterosorbents can remove useful microelements from the body, nutrients and vitamins, so they are not recommended to be used for a long time and during meals.

Activated carbon

The mechanism of action is based on the absorption and excretion of negative components, such as toxins, various toxic substances, heavy metals, and gases.

The method of taking the medicine is calculated according to the scheme 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. It is recommended to take activated charcoal one hour or several hours after eating and taking any medications.

Contraindications include:

  • ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • bleeding in the digestive organs.

The advantage of the tool is its availability and low price when the drug is effective.

White coal

The active components of the drug are silicon dioxide and cellulose. Distributed in the form of tablets and powder. The product is more effective than activated charcoal.

The drug promotes the absorption and elimination of toxins, bacteria, allergens, reduces the manifestation of toxic-allergic reactions. Adults and children over 7 years old take 1-2 tablets 1 hour before meals 3-4 times a day.


  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • peptic ulcers;
  • erosion of the intestinal mucosa;
  • obstruction.


Widely used to eliminate flatulence. The drug is able to positively affect the functioning of the entire digestive system, improve gastric motility, remove gases from the body. Distributed in the form of a powder.

The drug is considered safe and effective tool for the treatment of children and adults. Due to its natural composition, Smecta quickly absorbs and removes viruses from the digestive tract, pathogenic bacteria, toxins, gases, slags.

The medicine is allowed to be used by women during pregnancy, as well as by infants.

Among the contraindications are:

  • immunity to fructose by the body;
  • obstruction;
  • sucrose deficiency;
  • allergy to aluminosilicate, dioctahedral smectite.

In the absence of contraindications, the drug is well tolerated by patients, does not cause side effects and complications.


The agent based on silicon dioxide Polysorb is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a suspension. The medicine has an astringent antibacterial action, removes toxins, as well as other negative substances from the body.

Indications for use - flatulence, provoked by food poisoning.

Among the contraindications should be noted:

  1. duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer;
  2. gastrointestinal bleeding;
  3. intestinal atony.

Products containing enzymes

Enzyme agents are prescribed to patients if flatulence and discomfort are caused by a violation of the digestive process due to enzyme deficiency.

Prolonged use of the drug leads to addiction and a decrease in the body's production of its own enzymes.

You can not drink food enzymes with juice, which can only aggravate the situation with the pancreas.

Mezim forte

Thanks to the digestive enzymes in its composition, Mezim Forte helps to cope with problems such as flatulence, nausea and other dyspeptic disorders.

The components of the drug have a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, contribute to the establishment of absorption processes, help to cope with diseases leading to gas formation.

  • personal intolerance to the components of the remedy;
  • acute forms of pancreatitis;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects may include things like allergic rashes, constipation, vomiting, nausea, discomfort in the stomach and intestines.

If side effects occur, stop further treatment and consult with your doctor.


The drug has a release form in the form of capsules for chewing. Active ingredients - porcine pancreatin, amylase, lipase, protease.

With flatulence, the medicine helps to normalize the work of the stomach, to establish the processes of digestion, which helps to get rid of excessive gas formation and discomfort associated with the process.


  • acute course of pancreatitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the agent (macrogol, liquid paraffin, methylhydroxypropylcellulose phthalate, dimethicone, dibutyl phthalate).


The medicine is an analogue of Mezim and Creon. Available in several forms: tablets, dragees and capsules. Consists of food pancreatic enzyme isolated from the pancreas of animals. It is used 1-2 tablets before meals.


  • acute pancreatitis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


For various digestive disorders, including the formation of gases, drugs are used that can positively affect the functioning of the stomach and intestines, improving peristalsis. In addition, they have an antiemetic effect. Drugs are classified into:

  1. dopamine receptor blockers (selective 1st (Motilium, Motinorm, Motorix), 2nd generation (Ganatom, Itomed) and non-selective (Cerukal));
  2. Serotonin 5-HT4 receptor agonists. Possess strong adverse reactions. These include: Fractal, Zelmak and Propulsid, Coordinax).
  3. Selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. Representatives - Osetron and preparations with the active ingredient silansetron. They have minimal side effects.


Motilium can be used to eliminate strong gas formation. The tool belongs to the selective prokinetics of the 1st generation, which do not have strong side reactions.

The drug stimulates the intestines, which allows you to effectively cope with the problem. The active substance in the preparation is domperidone.

The release form of the drug is as follows:

  • tablets;
  • syrup;
  • absorption plates.

The active ingredients of the remedy help relieve symptoms of flatulence such as nausea, belching, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

The contraindications of the drug include:

  1. bleeding in the stomach or intestines;
  2. personal intolerance to the components of the drug;
  3. concomitant use of certain medications (Fluconazole, Telithromycin, Amiodarone).


A new generation medicine normalizes gastric motility and has a positive effect on the entire digestive system. Indications for use are various dyspeptic disorders, including flatulence.

The medicine is produced in the form of blisters, in packs of 7, 10 and 14 pieces. The regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account the disease and individual characteristics sick.

Among the contraindications are the following:

  • children under 16;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the agent or its components.


The mechanism of action of these drugs is to eliminate foam on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. This process contributes to the removal of gases to the outside or their rapid absorption into the intestinal wall. The components of the product are completely removed from the body, but they do not eliminate the problem of gas formation.


Reliable and effective medicine for children and adults is Espumizan. Thanks to simethicone, which is part of the drug, it is possible to reduce the process of flatulence, remove gases from the body in a natural way.

A feature of the drug is its narrow focus. Indications for use are as follows:

  1. flatulence of various etiologies;
  2. intestinal colic in infants;
  3. food poisoning, accompanied by gas formation;
  4. cleansing the stomach and intestines before various medical studies.

The product is available in the form of drops and capsules. Espumizan is used during childbearing and breastfeeding. The drug is well tolerated and does not cause side effects.

Contraindications include:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract of an obstructive nature;
  • personal intolerance to the drug.

Maalox Plus

It has adsorbing, carminative and enveloping properties. The medicine is used for various diseases of the digestive system, flatulence, decreased motility and tone of the stomach.


  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • children under 12 years old.


At the heart of the tool are 2 active component- dimethicone and guaiazule, mutually complementary. The medicine reduces gas and foaming in the intestines, eliminates flatulence and minimizes pain.

It has an enveloping, absorbent, antacid and anti-inflammatory effect. Available in the form of capsules and paste. Assign 1 capsule, regardless of food intake, 4 times a day. The gel in undiluted form is taken 10 g 3 times a day before meals or when pain occurs.

It is not prescribed for patients who have individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


probiotics in medical practice called means that have in their composition live microorganisms. They ensure the normal functioning of the human digestive system. With flatulence caused by dysbacteriosis and other diseases, after taking antibiotics due to a decrease in beneficial bacteria in the body, probiotics are essential.


Linex contains useful bifido- and lactobacilli, as well as enterococci, thanks to which it is possible to cope with many dyspeptic disorders in various diseases of the digestive system. Indications for the use of the drug is dysbacteriosis and its manifestations such as pain, diarrhea, nausea and excessive gas formation.

Contraindications include:

  • increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • blood in the stool;
  • individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

Linex is allowed during pregnancy. Does not cause side effects, well tolerated by patients.

Hilak forte

The drug Hilak Forte is used as effective medicine for any digestive disorders, accompanied by symptoms such as flatulence, nausea, belching, heaviness, diarrhea.

Drops for internal use have a small number of side effects, are allowed for women during pregnancy and lactation. The tool has no contraindications, with the exception of personal intolerance to the components of the drug and acute manifestation diarrhea.


The drug has antidiarrheal, anti-infectious and antitoxic action. Has a biological origin high concentration bifidobacteria activates the parietal digestion of the intestine, the synthesis of vitamins and amino acids, enhances the protective function of the intestine and immunity. Available in the form of tablets and powder. The medicine has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Increased gas formation in the stomach and intestines is caused by the most different factors. Before taking drugs for bloating - a medicine or a folk remedy, you need to establish the cause of the digestive disorder. Most often, this is poor-quality or heavy food for the stomach, individual intolerance to any products. But increased gas formation can be a sign of serious diseases, such as obstruction, worms, insufficient production of liver or pancreatic enzymes, or even bowel cancer. Therefore, when regular bloating without visible reasons you should consult a doctor.

In other cases, from bloating, the medicine can be taken based on general recommendations set out in the instructions. Drugs that reduce gas formation belong to different pharmacological groups.

Enzyme-based drugs

With insufficient production of enzymes that break down food in the intestines, useful material will be fermented by bacteria with the release of gas. This effect can be with overeating or diseases associated with the pancreas or impaired secretion. To replenish the necessary active substances taking drugs for bloating - a medicine containing the appropriate enzymes:

  • "Mezim forte" - contains three enzymes: lipase, protease and amylase, which break down proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates.
  • "Pancreatin" also contains a set of enzymes with proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic activity.

Enzyme preparations are taken 1-3 tablets immediately after meals, washed down with a small amount. warm water. Can not use enzymatic agent from bloating with exacerbation of pancreatitis.


If an increase in gas separation is associated with the use of poorly digested foods (milk, legumes, fresh bread), then the problem is solved with the help of preparations containing adsorbents. These substances absorb harmful products metabolism, poisons, toxins and together with them are excreted from the intestines in a natural way. Adsorbents include:

  • "Smekta". Preparation based on natural organosilicon compounds. Binds toxins, viruses, microbes, excess gases. Take 1-2 sachets when signs of bloating appear.
  • "Enterosgel" - wonderful Russian drug in the form of a paste. Contains methylsilicic acid converted into hydrogel form. Take 1 tablespoon in between meals.
  • White clay (kaolin) has a strong enveloping, light astringent action, absorbs excess water, adsorbs gases well and prevents decay processes. Take 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach.

  • taken in the absence of other drugs. The structure of this substance is such that, along with harmful substances and gases, it removes trace elements and vitamins from the body, which is undesirable with frequent use.

All absorbent drugs for bloating are taken separately from other drugs, otherwise their effect will be weakened. It is necessary to take a break for 0.5-1 hour.

Drugs that improve digestion

Increased gas formation can be in case of a violation of the normal microbial composition in the intestine. This happens when long-term use antibiotics, diarrhea, malnutrition. In such cases, prescribe microbiological preparations for bloating. The medicine can be of two types:

  • From the group of probiotics - products containing live cultures of beneficial bacteria or yeast. A characteristic representative is Linex, which includes enterococci.
  • Prebiotics do not contain live bacteria, but they include special substances that are an ideal nutrient medium for reproduction. beneficial microbes. For example, "Hilak-forte" is a drug based on fatty and organic acids.

It is necessary to take such medicines in a course for 7-21 days, depending on the degree of disorder of the intestinal biocenosis.

Medications that relieve spasms

At severe colic take an additional remedy for bloating, which relaxes the intestinal muscles. It can be:

  • "No-shpa" ("Drotaverine hydrochloride").
  • "Papaverine".

These drugs are contraindicated in low blood pressure and severe heart failure.

Separately, one should dwell on the drug "Espumizan". It contains simethicone, which lowers the surface tension of the shell of gas bubbles in the intestine, as a result of which the bubbles disintegrate, and the gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall. Take the drug two capsules 3-4 times a day. Contraindicated in intestinal obstruction.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies for bloating are based on the intake of products that absorb gases and improve the movement of food masses through the intestines.

  • Pour two tablespoons of boiling water (200 ml), leave for 15 minutes and drink half a glass before meals.
  • Soak millet in a glass of boiling water, then mash until milky water appears. Drink 100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  • One tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink two tablespoons on an empty stomach.
  • Reduce the formation of gases in the intestines cumin, parsley seeds, mint, thyme, yarrow. They can be added to regular green tea when brewing.

They act gently, you need to take them for a long time.

Products for newborns

Not all medicines for bloating are suitable for children under one year old. The following drugs are recommended for this group of patients:

  • Dill water;
  • "Espumizan";
  • "Smekta".

Do not immediately stuff your baby with medicines, normalize the feeding process, follow a lactation diet. If necessary, start treatment with gentle preparations based on dill, chamomile or fennel.

With increased gas formation in adults, first of all, it is necessary to normalize nutrition: exclude hard-to-digest foods (legumes, cabbage, grapes, beer, milk), switch to the consumption of cereals, boiled or stewed vegetables. AT acute cases to relieve symptoms, they take Espumizan, adsorbents - Smecta, Enterosgel, as well as drugs that normalize bowel function.

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