Cucumber and green tea diet. Cucumbers for weight loss

When deciding to lose weight, people tend to find a simplified diet option, in which you can lose weight quickly and without the previous return. As a rule, the choice falls on mono-diets - a nutritional option in which only one product is eaten, but in different forms. cucumber diet- one of the presented mono-diets, often used in the summer, since the abundance of vegetables is attractive, and the ability to quench thirst perfectly prevails over fatty and high-calorie foods.

The cucumber diet helps everyone to lose weight, due to the presence of fiber and water in the composition - a cucumber is 90% water. As a result, its calorie content does not exceed 14 kcal per 100 g of product. It turns out that you can easily eat up to several kilograms of fresh cucumbers per day. Losing weight note that in a week of such nutrition, you can lose up to 7 kg. But can only cucumbers be consumed on the presented diet? What is the diet menu for losing weight on cucumbers?

The composition of cucumbers, in addition to the mentioned fiber, includes vitamins B and C, as well as a large amount of minerals. The benefits for weight loss are associated with the presence of tartronic acid in the composition, which helps to eliminate carbohydrates as they enter the body. As a result, the body begins to process the already existing fat cells, which contributes to weight loss.

The cucumber diet is difficult to tolerate, since all nutrition is based on the use of fresh vegetables. Processed cucumbers lose most of the beneficial trace elements and are not able to burn fat cells with the same intensity.

Practical advice: If you decide to lose weight on a cucumber diet, consult a dietitian and your doctor if you have a medical condition. Cucumber diet, despite the benefits in losing weight, can provoke the development of diseases of the digestive tract.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The benefits of a cucumber diet include the following factors:

  • with the help of the presented nutrition, you can lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per day;
  • cucumber perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, which starts and speeds up metabolism;
  • vegetables quickly eliminate problems with the intestines;
  • a large amount of incoming moisture improves the color and condition of the skin;
  • cucumbers help to restore the balance of salt in the body, which prevents the formation of edema;
  • most note the financial affordability of the diet.

The negative sides include a meager menu and monotony, which leads to a shortage of necessary and useful trace elements. Often, as a result of this fact, those who lose weight develop dizziness, weakness.

This is important: The practice of the cucumber diet requires the mandatory intake of a course of multivitamins - this will relieve weakness and other ailments.

The cucumber diet promotes rapid weight loss, as evidenced by the reviews and results of those who have lost weight. But efficiency is achieved due to compliance with the basic rules of nutrition, which include:

  • for efficiency, it is allowed to consume no more than a kilogram of the main product daily;
  • the amount used is recommended to be divided into 4-5 meals;
  • it is allowed to make vegetable salads with the addition of greens and radishes;
  • it is allowed to add olive oil, mayonnaise or sour cream to salads, but not more than a teaspoon per serving;
  • in each meal, you can additionally eat a slice of black bread;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water during the day;
  • in the morning you can treat yourself to fruits - apples, plums, oranges, grapefruits;
  • it is allowed to adhere to the cucumber diet for no more than a week.

The diet is forbidden to people with diseases of the kidneys, bladder and cardiovascular lesions.

Diet for 3 days

A diet for 3 days will be a salvation before an important event, when you should lose no more than 2-3 kg of weight in order to look perfect. Nutrition is not difficult and it is quite possible to withstand 3 days with restrictions. The daily diet allows you to consume up to 2 kg of vegetables - they can be eaten fresh without additives, smoothies or salads can be prepared from them with the addition of herbs and spices. For salads, dressing in the form of lemon juice is allowed. During the day, it is allowed to drink water without gas and herbal teas without sugar without restrictions. After 3 days, you can return to the previous diet, but without flour, sweet and fatty - this will help to fix the weight.

Diet for a week

A diet designed for a week allows you to lose up to 10 kg of weight, subject to regular sports exercises. During the week, you can eat eggs, grain bread and other foods that are useful for weight loss.

The menu is presented in a table

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Monday A couple of fresh cucumbers and black bread toast, herbal tea without sugar and other additives Okroshka on kefir without adding potatoes, green apple Salad of fresh cucumber and herbs without adding vegetable oil
Tuesday Fresh cucumbers, a slice of black bread and a small piece of hard cheese Vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice. It is allowed to add a little lean meat to the salad Traditional salad of tomato, cucumber, herbs and vegetable oil
Wednesday Cucumbers - no more than 2 pieces, bread Boiled brown rice - 100 g, boiled fish - 100 g, vegetable salad Salad of the main product, cabbage and other greens, seasoned with lemon juice
Thursday Fresh cucumber, black bread toast Vegetable stew without oil, fresh cucumber, a small piece of hard cheese Vegetable salad with zucchini, cucumber, herbs and vegetable oil
Friday main vegetable, loaf Salad with vegetables (cabbage, cucumber, herbs, carrots) seasoned with vegetable oil, orange or grapefruit Salad with herbs and lemon juice, toast and a slice of cheese
Saturday One boiled egg, you can fry scrambled eggs, but without oil, fresh cucumber, toast Boiled vegetables in the form of puree soup, a portion of vegetable salad with cucumbers, cabbage and vegetable oil, boiled beef no more than 80 g, one pear or apple Salad with herbs and lemon juice
Sunday Toast and fresh cucumber Okroshka on kefir without potatoes and a green apple Salad with zucchini, cucumber, herbs and lemon juice

During the week, you can drink no more than 2 liters of liquid daily, which includes pure water, herbal and green teas. It is also recommended to take a multivitamin complex so as not to provoke general malaise.

Kefir-cucumber diet

The cucumber and kefir diet is popular due to its effectiveness - you can lose up to 1.5 kg of excess weight daily. During the day, no more than 6 glasses, they drink a cocktail of kefir and cucumber.

To prepare a drink, mix 1.5 liters of fermented milk product and 2-3 cucumbers, you can add a lot of greens. Everything is mixed with a blender and consumed every day in the main meals in a glass.

Of course, not a single cucumber diet can be followed without a multivitamin complex, because otherwise you may encounter general weakness, malaise, and even loss of consciousness. You should not use salted vegetables - they do not have the same benefit for weight loss, and the water will linger, and the process will slow down. The diet on cucumbers is quite difficult to maintain, but the result is worth it.

Alla Pugacheva, Anastasia Stotskaya and Ksenia Borodina know the secret of harmony for sure. It's the cucumber diet! On it you can throw up to 1.5 kg per day! Check out celebrity diet options, get the menu and transform!

Cucumber diet is an affordable, uncomplicated, most effective, and therefore a very popular method of losing weight. Cucumbers are 95% water, contain a lot of fiber, have a low energy value - 15 kcal per 100 g, which makes them an indispensable dietary food product. You can get rid of excess weight with the help of these vegetables in different ways - by arranging fasting days or withstanding multi-day programs. The effectiveness of any cucumber diet is based on providing the body with a large amount of vegetable dietary fiber and liquid, because eating 2 kg of fruit is equivalent to taking 1.9 liters of water. At the same time, due to the beneficial properties of the vegetables themselves, the work of the intestines is normalized, the water-salt balance is restored, the metabolism is activated, which leads to a healthy disposal of extra pounds.

The benefits of cucumbers for weight loss

The composition of the fruits of this very common vegetable crop contains many valuable substances:

  • vitamins - C, PP, group B;
  • minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iodine);
  • various macro- and microelements.

Of particular importance for the normalization of body weight is the tartronic acid present in them, which slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates from food, preventing the appearance of fatty deposits. In addition, these vegetables are rich in complex organic substances that are actively involved in metabolism, promote the absorption of food, and improve digestive processes. A significant part of the structure of the fruit is fiber, which is not absorbed by the intestines, but regulates its activity, helps to eliminate cholesterol, toxins, and other harmful substances.

It should be borne in mind that only fresh vegetables have these beneficial qualities. Therefore, canned cucumbers should not be used for weight loss or treatment. But a diet based on the properties of natural cucumbers has a number of benefits before many similar methods:

  • provides effective, high-quality, fast weight loss, which is especially relevant for putting the figure in order before an important event;
  • removes salts, toxins, toxins, decay products;
  • normalizes intestinal peristalsis;
  • cleanses the body, saturates the cells with moisture;
  • restores water-salt balance;
  • does not require large expenditures.

In addition, a meager menu with severe dietary restrictions makes the cucumber diet quite difficult to follow, and can also cause other serious problems. shortcomings of this power system:

  • the body does not receive all the necessary nutrients;
  • dizziness, weakness, headaches may appear;
  • if you go wrong or continue to not follow a low-calorie diet, weight can quickly return.

In addition, the cucumber diet has restrictions for use in the presence of the following health problems:

  • renal failure, cystitis;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis, diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • anemia, beriberi;
  • infectious diseases;
  • reduced immunity, depletion of the body.

Also, contraindications to this method of losing weight can be associated with pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, intense physical activity.

Following a diet on cucumbers, you can lose about 1.5 kg in one day. The reason for such a high efficiency is the ability of cucumber juice to break down fats, and then remove them along with excess fluid.

This diet is often referred to as the slim waist diet. It is in this problem area that the largest amount of fats settles, which are sensitive to the action of the active substances of cucumber juice, which primarily allows you to reduce the stomach, while for most other diets this is an impossible task. However, this can be achieved only if you strictly follow all the rules, and also choose the right diet option that will be able to be completed.

Basic principles of the cucumber diet

To ensure maximum effectiveness of weight loss on cucumbers, the following requirements must be met:

  • completely eliminate salt from the diet;
  • use only ground vegetables;
  • be sure to take a vitamin and mineral complex.

There are also some relaxations to overly strict restrictions:

  • you can add any greens, herbs, onion feathers;
  • in addition to pure water, it is allowed to drink herbal or green tea.

If the dietary conditions limit the number of cucumbers, then if necessary, it can be increased to satisfy severe hunger. The energy value of these vegetables is so small that an additional serving will have little or no effect on calories.

The best period for a cucumber diet is the summer-autumn season, when ground vegetables become available. Unlike greenhouses, they do not contain nitrates or other harmful chemicals, but they contain a large amount of nutrients that contribute to rapid healthy weight loss.

Moreover, many other vegetables and fruits ripen at this time, which can be supplemented with a cucumber diet, which will make it somewhat softer without reducing efficiency. Depending on such additives, there are many varieties of methods for losing weight on cucumbers, both in duration and in the composition of the products.

Menu options by duration

Despite all the usefulness and effectiveness of the cucumber diet, it is very difficult to eat almost the same water that these vegetables consist of. Therefore, the most stringent mono-diet is designed for only 2 days, although many of those who want to lose weight can withstand it much more.

For 2 days

The simplest and toughest version of cucumber weight loss is the use of cucumbers and pure water in unlimited quantities during the day. It is advisable to stay on such a diet for 2 days, then the result will be more stable than in 1 day. There are also other variants of the tough cucumber weight loss method of similar duration, in which cucumbers are used in salads, smoothies, or as a juice.

On salads

By eating salads, you can make your diet a little more varied, and, therefore, comfortable to follow. In this case, they can be received according to one of the following schemes:

  • daily use 1.5 kg of cucumber salad with greens and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil - the entire amount of the resulting cut is divided into 5-6 equal portions;
  • use the previous recipe, but replace the olive oil with lemon juice, add 250 g of fat-free cottage cheese to the diet, divide into portions, and then consume it all, alternating salad and cottage cheese with a 2-hour interval;
  • prepare a cucumber-kefir mixture (smoothie) from 1.5 liters of lactic acid drink, a small amount of greens and 1 kg of grated cucumbers, beat it with a blender, eat it in small portions a day. If you don’t like this mixture, you can use the indicated amount of kefir and vegetables separately.

It should be borne in mind that with such a diet, the body will have to experience a lot of stress, so such a strict diet is only suitable for people with very good health. Moreover, after such an unloading, you need to adhere to a low-calorie diet for at least 1 week so that the lost kilograms do not return.

On cucumber juice

There is another very strict cucumber juice diet for 2 days. Its rules allow you to consume juice in any quantity throughout the day, excluding all foods and even water from the diet. It should be borne in mind that the diuretic and laxative effect of the juice is more pronounced than that of the cucumber itself.

In addition, you can lose weight on cucumber juice in a more gentle way by drinking a glass of freshly prepared drink before each meal. It is allowed to mix it with all other vegetable juices, as well as add herbs or natural spices. In addition, it is allowed to supplement any diet or fasting days with such fresh juice in order to increase their effectiveness.

This drink helps:

  • awakening the digestive system, preparing it for eating;
  • improving the work of the stomach, intestines, abdominal organs;
  • high-quality digestion of food;
  • more complete absorption of nutrients;
  • active cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • removal of excess fluid.

Cucumber juice is useful not only for weight loss, but also as a source of important minerals. It can be consumed on an empty stomach on its own or by adding honey and lemon, as well as diluting sour-milk drinks, increasing the volume of drinking without increasing calories, enriching the diet with useful substances.

Cucumber juice is allowed to be consumed even with complete starvation to maintain the water-salt balance. Like the juice of any plant, it is absorbed by the body much better than the fruits themselves, so it turns out to be much more effective for weight loss.

Each of these methods makes it possible to get rid of 1.5–2 kg of excess weight in 2 days. If health and willpower allow, you can try longer programs, for example, five-day ones.

For 5 days

The basis of this food option is cucumber salads with herbs and various vegetables, seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. healthy vegetable oil - olive, linseed or sesame, but without salt. You can add natural spices or herbs. At the same time, cucumbers should make up at least half of the total volume of the cooked dish.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - prefabricated sliced ​​\u200b\u200b(cucumbers, cabbage, greens), rye bread;
  • lunch - team cutting (cucumbers, carrots, greens);
  • afternoon snack - prefabricated cuts (cucumbers, greens);
  • dinner - team cutting (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions).

Additionally, these vegetables can be replaced with any other. The only exception is potatoes. Given the low calorie content of cucumbers, they can be consumed indefinitely in order to constantly feel full. The technique is designed for 5 days, after which you can lose up to 5 kg of weight. To lose a little more, you will have to limit your food for at least a week.

For 7 days

The seven-day weight loss program is less strict than the previous ones, since it includes a small amount of other products besides vegetables. The diet of such a diet is compiled taking into account that the basis of nutrition is at least 2.5 kg of cucumbers.

sample menu

Daily breakfast - a slice of rye bread, unlimited cucumbers.

Lunch by day:

  • the first - cucumber salad seasoned with herbs, vegetable soup, 1 apple;
  • the second - salad (cucumbers, cabbage), 50 g of boiled veal;
  • the third is a salad (cucumbers, bell peppers), 100 g of boiled fish, 50 g of boiled rice;
  • fourth - salad (cucumbers, tomatoes), 100 g of boiled rice, 30 g of hard cheese;
  • fifth - salad (cucumbers, green onions), 1 egg, 1 grapefruit;
  • sixth - salad (cucumbers, radishes), 100 g of boiled chicken breast, 1 pear;
  • seventh - salad (cucumbers, carrots), 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, 1 orange.

Daily afternoon snack - unlimited cucumbers, any fruit.

Dinner daily - salad (cucumbers, herbs), seasoned with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil.

At night, you can eat no more than 1 cucumber. Exceeding the amount is undesirable, since the pronounced diuretic effect of these vegetables will interfere with proper sleep.

The average daily calorie content of this diet is approximately 500-600 kcal, which ensures weight loss of up to 7-8 kg over the entire period. It is not recommended to continue such a diet for more than 7 days, so as not to undermine health. Moreover, such strict diets are effective only in the first days, and then the body adapts, begins to save energy, because of which the weight ceases to go away, and further continuation of the diet becomes impractical. If you want to get rid of more kilograms, you can resort to a less strict method, designed for 14 days and involving a more high-calorie diet.

For 14 days

The two-week cucumber weight loss program exists in two versions - classic and American.

Classic variant

This technique is a combination of cucumbers with the most popular dietary products - buckwheat and kefir. They must be combined daily according to the following scheme:

from 1 to 6 days alternate:

  • buckwheat-cucumber day - you can use an unlimited number of cucumbers and buckwheat porridge, steamed with boiling water overnight in the ratio of 1 cup of cereal to 2 cups of boiling water;
  • cucumber-kefir day - the diet consists of 1.5 liters of kefir and 1.5 kg of cucumbers, which can be consumed together or separately.

from 7 to 14 days - for breakfast 200 g of steamed buckwheat with 1 glass of kefir, then until the end of the day only cucumbers and 1 liter of kefir.

With this method of nutrition, you can lose 8–12 kg of excess weight, as well as seriously correct your figure - get rid of cellulite, tighten your stomach, and remove your sides. For those who do not like buckwheat porridge, you can use another similar weight loss system for 14 days - the American one.

American variant

Such a nutrition program is less strict, so the result is also somewhat lower - up to 7-9 kg for the entire period. The daily diet in this case is based on the following products:

  • cucumbers in any quantity;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • to choose from - 2 boiled eggs, 150 g of fish canned in its juice or 150 g of boiled chicken breast;
  • 0.5 kg of apples.

You can prepare a salad from cucumbers, seasoning it with kefir or natural yogurt (2 tablespoons per 0.5 kg of vegetables), as well as a thick drink (smoothie) with herbs and apples. All products are used in random order. In addition, you need to drink 1.5 liters of water daily.

Any version of the strict cucumber diet shows great results, allowing you to lose from 1 to 12 kg of weight, depending on how strict it is and how long you can sit on it without harm to health.

At the same time, all such methods of losing weight are based on an unbalanced menu, which can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, the best option for strict weight loss on cucumbers is considered to be a fasting day, carried out once a week according to any of the above diets. You can also use combined cucumber diets, which additionally use other dietary products that do not reduce their effectiveness, but even more contribute to active weight loss.


Cucumbers as a source of water and fiber can be combined in a diet with different types of foods. First of all, these are fruits, berries or vegetables, as well as proteins - milk, meat, eggs. The presence of such a variety of diets allows you to choose a diet that suits your taste - cabbage, tomato, watermelon, kefir or protein-cucumber.


Eating cucumbers with cabbage, you can get rid of 5-7 extra pounds in a week, while improving your appearance.

To make the cucumber-cabbage diet more varied, you can combine several types of cabbage (white, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), although the lowest calorie of them is white cabbage, containing only 20 kcal.

Considering that the energy value of a cucumber is even lower - 15 kcal, then as a result of eating only these two vegetables, the body will spend more energy on digesting food than it receives. Therefore, the result of such a technique becomes noticeable literally in 2-3 days, because up to 1.5 kg of excess weight can go daily.

According to the rules, in one day you can eat 1 kg of cucumbers and 1 kg of cabbage. Although, if necessary, this amount can be increased, since the caloric content of the diet will practically not change. You can take both vegetables at will, but the greatest efficiency can be achieved by alternating them according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast - cabbage;
  • lunch - cabbage, cucumbers;
  • lunch - cabbage;
  • afternoon snack - cabbage, cucumbers;
  • dinner - cabbage;
  • at 20 o'clock - no more than 2 cucumbers.

When combining vegetables, you can prepare a salad from them, seasoning it with lemon juice, and add 1 tsp for a second breakfast. olive oil. It is allowed to observe such a diet for 7-10 days, then you need to take a break for 1-2 months, after which the course can be repeated.


Cucumbers and tomatoes are in the category of foods that are great for weight loss because they are high in water, making them very low in calories. (15 and 18 kcal per 100 g, respectively). In addition, both vegetables have a whole range of beneficial properties that contribute to weight loss. So, the pigment lycopene, which is part of tomatoes, is able to break down fats, activate digestive processes, and speed up metabolism.

At its core, the cucumber-tomato diet is based on daily eating only salads from these vegetables, as well as observing a drinking regimen that includes at least 1.5 liters of pure water. There are no restrictions on the size of servings - you need to use allowed foods until you are slightly saturated.

The strictest short-term version of this technique is designed for 5 days, during which you can lose about 5 extra pounds. An example menu looks like this:

  • breakfast - a salad of the indicated vegetables with herbs, seasoned with lemon juice from 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • lunch - cucumber juice;
  • lunch - a similar salad, but with natural yogurt dressing, fresh tomato;
  • afternoon snack - tomatoes with herbs;
  • dinner - the same salad only with herbs and lemon juice without oil.

A big plus of such a diet is its benefits for the body along with high efficiency.

The duration of the diet should be chosen independently, focusing on well-being, results or goals in weight loss.

If you only need to slightly correct the figure, you should not turn to a too strict diet option. It is enough to include these salads in the daily menu, replacing them with harmful foods or arrange fasting days on a similar diet.


Watermelons and cucumbers have a very similar composition - they contain more than 90% water, a lot of fiber, as well as minerals, folic acid, vitamins, pectins, and other useful substances. These products speed up the course of metabolic processes, improve digestion, normalize intestinal motility, promote the removal of fluid, which greatly facilitates the fight against extra pounds.

The watermelon-cucumber diet has several options, each of which is equally effective, so it can be chosen based on your own preferences. You can lose weight on these products according to the following schemes:

Daily use 1 kg of cucumbers and watermelon pulp, alternating their intake throughout the day, and drinking from 1.5 liters of pure water.

Arrange "cucumber" and "watermelon" days alternately, using the appropriate products in such quantities:

  • cucumbers - unlimited;
  • watermelons - at the rate of 1 kg of pulp for every 10 kg of its weight.

You can stick to a similar nutrition system from 2 to 14 days, depending on individual tolerance and the necessary weight loss. On average, 1 kg will go away in 1 day.

Given the too limited diet and the lack of protein in it, at this time you should give up physical activity or sports training, as well as take vitamin-mineral complexes. You should also take into account the diuretic effect of both products, because of which it is better to follow such a diet on weekends.


Weight loss on cucumbers and kefir is one of the most famous and popular, because it allows you to achieve the desired results in the shortest possible time. Weight loss in this case is very active, but unlike other strict diets, it is not too harmful to health, thanks to the beneficial properties of each of the two products. Both of them are components of a healthy diet, do not supply extra calories to the body, and have a beneficial effect on the functions of the digestive system. Kefir improves intestinal microflora, creates a mild laxative effect, and cucumber provides a diuretic effect. Therefore, the kefir-cucumber diet allows you to quickly lose weight, while cleansing the body of all harmful substances.

Depending on the number of extra pounds or your goals, you can follow this method of losing weight for 2-7 days. It is not recommended to eat cucumbers with kefir for longer, as muscle tissue will begin to burn.

The rules of this diet allow daily consumption of 2 kg of vegetables with 1 liter of fermented milk drink. Additionally, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, as the body will experience an urgent need for it.

The intake of both products participating in the diet can be carried out separately, at the same time, or combined in one dish, using the following options:

  • eat cucumbers in slices, washing them down with kefir or alternating separate meals throughout the day;
  • cut cucumber salad with herbs and lemon juice, and then consume, as in the previous version;
  • make a smoothie cocktail by smashing both products with a blender along with herbs or cinnamon;
  • prepare a cold soup - add greens to finely chopped cucumbers, then pour kefir.

At the same time, it is necessary to observe fractional nutrition, eating food 5-6 times, so as not to experience a strong feeling of hunger or not to eat too much.

Like any strict diet, the cucumber-kefir diet stresses the body without supplying it with all the necessary substances. Therefore, for this period, it is necessary to exclude excessive physical activity, including visiting the gym. During such a diet, you can lose about 1–1.5 kg daily. But, even without reaching the desired result, it can be repeated only after 2-3 months.


The advantages of combining animal proteins with cucumbers in one menu is that the former are able to saturate the body, preventing the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger, and the latter - remove liquid from it along with all harmful substances. The basis of the diet is cucumbers (at least 1 kg), low-fat meats or fish, a small amount of vegetables for salad.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast - salad (cucumbers, herbs, green onions, lemon juice), 1 boiled egg;
  • lunch - cucumbers;
  • lunch - salad (cucumbers, cabbage, lemon juice), 100 g of boiled chicken breast, a slice of bread;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers;
  • dinner - salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, green bell peppers, 1 tsp olive oil).

You also need to drink 1.5 liters of water, herbal or green tea. Salt, sugar, other additives are completely excluded.

You can stick to this diet for 7-14 days. If necessary, the diet is allowed to be repeated after a month, as the body gets used to the lack of nutrition, stops burning fat, starting to save reserves. The range of weight loss for the specified period is 5-10 kg.


The effectiveness of losing weight with the help of cucumbers is confirmed by their incredible popularity among the stars of Russian show business. The most famous pop divas are very successful in losing weight by eating these vegetables and combining them with other healthy foods. The most popular methods of losing weight are Alla Pugacheva, Anastasia Stotskaya, Ksenia Borodina.

Alla Pugacheva

The prima donna of the stage is very fond of kefir diets, which are most often combined with a cucumber diet. The duration of such methods usually does not exceed 5 days, during which it is possible to get rid of 1.5 kg of excess weight daily.

The essence of dietary nutrition is to take 1.5 liters of kefir, from which a drink is prepared in the morning for the whole day, and according to a special recipe:

  • 1.5 l of lactic acid drink is mixed with grated cucumbers and herbs - dill, cilantro, parsley, arugula, green onion feathers;
  • the mixture is whipped with a blender.

The finished cocktail should be consumed throughout the day - 1 glass every 2 hours.

The second version of Alla Pugacheva's cucumber diet is designed for 10 days and weight loss up to 8 kg.

Sample menu:

  • breakfast (12:00) - coffee without additives, cucumber salad with any greens and 1 tsp. olive oil or 1 tbsp. l. natural yogurt;
  • lunch (16:00) - salad according to a similar recipe;
  • dinner (19:00) - 2 cucumbers, grapefruit or apple.

You can switch to such a diet no more than once every 2 months, and also arrange fasting days once a week.

Greek diet of Aphrodite from Anastasia Stotskaya

Among the inhabitants of Greece, the system of losing weight on cucumbers and goat cheese with the beautiful name "Aphrodite's diet" is very popular. In Russia, it was introduced into fashion by singer Anastasia Stotskaya, who lost 12 kg in 2 weeks using this method.

Goat cheese is not only rich in vitamins, minerals, saturated acids, but also contains less lactose than traditional cow cheese. Therefore, when it is used, less insulin is produced, which contributes to the formation of body fat, which, in combination with cucumbers, gives a very high weight loss efficiency.

According to the rules, you need to eat 1 kg of cucumbers and 0.5 kg of goat cheese per day according to one of the following schemes:

  • alternating food intake every hour;
  • eating a salad of these two ingredients 5 times a day.
  • cut 0.3 kg of cucumbers;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. soft cottage cheese;
  • fill 1 tsp. olive oil;
  • cut into cubes 0.1 kg goat cheese:
  • put them on top;
  • sprinkle with herbs.

In order to withstand a too limited diet for several days, you need to have good health and great willpower. In other cases, it is better to use this technique as a fasting day before an important event.

The benefits of the Aphrodite diet are not only to reduce weight, but also to improve appearance - it rejuvenates, improves complexion, hair and nails.

Xenia Borodina

Very much thinner Borodina, who literally in a month was able to get rid of 16 kg of excess weight, is credited with using a variety of techniques. But in fact, the famous actress followed a low-calorie cucumber diet.

A sample TV star menu consists of the following meals:

  • breakfast - 2 cucumbers, 2 rye crackers, unsweetened coffee;
  • lunch - a portion of vegetable soup, cucumber salad with herbs, lemon juice, 1 tsp. linseed, olive or other healthy vegetable oil;
  • dinner - a serving of a similar salad.

In addition, during the day it is allowed to eat cucumbers when a strong feeling of hunger appears. Twice a week, instead of soup, you can eat 200 g of boiled chicken breast or veal for lunch. Required - 2 liters of plain water. To make nutrition more complete, you should take a multivitamin complex.

You need to adhere to such a diet for two weeks, then take a break for 1 month, but be sure to follow the principles of proper nutrition. You can repeat the course several times until you get the desired result.

All the cucumber diets described above are highly effective. But, using any of them, you should always think first of all about health, and then about harmony. It is very important to correctly assess the capabilities of your body, as well as listen to the recommendations and reviews of doctors.

Diet for weight loss on cucumbers is simple, affordable, quite effective, which makes it a common way to lose weight. Cucumbers are 95% water, they contain a lot of fiber, a small amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The energy value is 15 kcal per 100 g, due to which the cucumber becomes an indispensable food product for a diet. There are several options for how to lose weight with this vegetable - doing fasting days or planning multi-day programs.

How to lose weight by 3 kg in 2 days?

You can lose 3 kg in 2 days on a cucumber diet easily and quickly, thanks to the low calorie content of the vegetable. On the day, with this method of losing weight, it is allowed to eat 1 cucumber and 1.5 liters of kefir. It is necessary to chop the vegetable (preferably on a grater) and add kefir to it. This mass should be taken every two hours.

Adhering to this weight loss option, you should not force yourself to drink a lot of fluids. At the same time, the water consumed does not stay in the body for long: the fruits have a weak diuretic effect, which contributes to the rapid removal of fluid from the body.

Cucumber-kefir diet for weight loss

Cucumber kefir diet for weight loss, although strict, is very life-giving and effective. Dairy products do not harm the walls of the stomach and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system. And cucumbers, due to their composition, effectively cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. There are several types of cucumber-kefir diet. One-day detox diet or fasting day. This option can be used before or after a number of holidays. For this diet, it is better to choose a day off. The diet includes: 1.5 kg of cucumbers (preferably outdoors) and 1.5 liters of fermented milk product (low percentage). Divide all products into 8 parts and take throughout the day.

Three-day cucumber-kefir diet. This option requires the use of a mixture of chopped cucumber and low percentage kefir. (1 vegetable per 1.5 liters of fermented milk product). It is forbidden to eat any other food during these 3 days. In one day, you can throw off up to 2 kg of excess weight. But it is recommended to use this option for no more than three days, otherwise unpleasant consequences may occur.

Cucumber-kefir diet for 7 days. This method is not so demanding, the diet may include several low-calorie foods: 100 g of boiled meat or fish. The main ingredients are cucumbers and kefir. From vegetables, you can prepare a salad without salt, adding cilantro, dill, parsley, lemon juice, garlic to taste and seasoning with olive oil.

You read about, it really helps to lose weight.

Reviews and results

Olga, 31 years old.

Hello girls! My height is 165 cm and my weight is 72 kg. They advised me a cucumber diet, I have been sitting for the fourth day. The result amazed not only myself, but also my loved ones - minus 4 kilos. Before that, I used many diets, but nothing helped. Plus, my skin on my face has become soft and smooth, and the weakness and dizziness that I experienced with other diets does not appear. So I advise you to use this diet, the main thing here is not to break loose and follow all the recommendations. The result will not keep you waiting. Good luck everyone.

Natalia, 26 years old.

Hello! I have been on a cucumber diet for almost a week. Diet, I will not hide, for people with great willpower. This weight loss option is very cool! I did not expect that you can lose those extra kilos so quickly! With a height of 168 cm, she weighed almost 76 kg. A few months ago I was already on a diet, in 3.5 months I lost 8 kg. (Ie before her I weighed even more). And no matter how much I tried to lose more after that, the weight did not fall below. But the cucumber diet already in the first days helps to burn kilograms and cleanse the body. Marvelous! I recommend to all!

Ekaterina, 23 years old.

I had to put myself in order before graduation at the university - during the session and other nervous situations, I gained excess weight. And at the event I wanted to look slim and fit. She sat down on a cucumber-kefir diet for seven days. I want to note right away that the diet was difficult for me - my stomach twisted a little, a headache appeared. In a week I threw off 6 kg, which made me very happy. Almost a kilo a day. I will use this method again, but only in emergency cases.

Cucumbers are one of the best foods for a healthy diet. Its use helps to reduce the calorie content of the diet, which leads to weight loss. I would not recommend using such a diet for more than one day, even adding some other foods to the menu. By doing such unloading, a person may experience a violation of metabolic and digestive processes. In addition, experiencing a shortage of the necessary substances, and, consequently, energy, the body makes reserves of fat. Here, the best option would be to use these vegetables as a one-day unloading or eating them instead of dinner or a snack. In this case, weight loss will occur gradually, without the consequences of the return of the previous forms and the load on the digestive system.

In the summer, the most convenient and affordable diet is cucumber. It is quite simple and cheap, therefore it attracts many people who want to lose weight in a very short time without much effort.

The basic principles of the cucumber diet for weight loss

Cucumbers are the main food of the cucumber diet, you need to eat about 2 kilograms of cucumbers for the whole day. From cucumbers there can be various salads that you like more. There may be fresh cucumbers, and pickles are also on the menu. Salads are prepared with herbs and dressings from sour cream, vegetable oil, mayonnaise in small doses. The most important thing is to reduce the amount of salt, which is so accustomed to and without which almost nothing is cooked. In cucumbers, the water content is quite high, there is no need to drink additional liters of water, as suggested in other diets.

Cucumber diet contraindications

Cucumber diet is not used for intestinal diseases, gastritis and peptic ulcer. You need to start a diet after the advice of a doctor, you need to consult with specialists, since any drastic change in nutrition can cause an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

The cucumber diet menu includes pickles, which are contraindicated in kidney disease or kidney stones.

Advantages and disadvantages of cucumber diet for weight loss

The cucumber diet is very easy to maintain, it does not give a constant tangible feeling of hunger. Cucumbers contain a large amount of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestines, and at the same time very few calories. A big plus of this diet is the cleansing of the intestines from toxins, various toxins, in a very short time the skin becomes fresh. In the first days, the body restores normal metabolism, extra pounds begin to go away.

But the lack of fat-soluble vitamins can affect your well-being - with weakness and fatigue, tablet vitamins should be added to the diet. Cucumbers act on the body as a diuretic, potassium and magnesium minerals are excreted from the body with fluid. Therefore, it is necessary to support nutrition with preparations with these minerals throughout the diet.

Products for the cucumber diet, their preparation

Although the cucumber diet is based on cucumbers, it also includes other products on the menu. From drinks - tea, coffee (preferably without sugar, sugar can be replaced with honey, but also in a small amount). From dairy products - kefir, sour cream, low-fat cheese. You can eat almost everything, only low-fat, not fried and in small doses: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, vegetable oil, rye bread, fruits, vegetables, cereals, potatoes, pasta. But as in all diets, the conditions are the same: boiled or steamed meat, steamed or boiled fish, boiled chicken meat, only boiled eggs. It is advisable not to eat buckwheat porridge, boiled rice, boiled potatoes, pasta for dinner, but only for lunch in small quantities - no more than 250 grams.

Regarding soups - only vegetable soups are used. Broths in which meat, chicken or fish were boiled are not included in the cucumber diet menu.

Salads that can be prepared while following a cucumber diet include the following products: cucumbers, tomatoes, boiled eggs, boiled meat, kefir, sour cream, mayonnaise (not fatty and in small doses), vegetable oil. Greens: dill, celery, parsley, onion, garlic, basil, green fat and Asian cabbage. White cabbage should not be used, it wanders in the stomach, causing discomfort.

It is advisable not to add salt to cooked salads with the addition of filling. You can immediately prepare the norm for the whole day - cut 2 kilograms of ground cucumbers, season with light mayonnaise in a small amount, add your favorite greens. And eat salad all day according to the daily menu.

They also prepare salads from cucumbers and boiled eggs, dress the salad with sour cream. Another variant of the cucumber salad, which is prepared with the addition of boiled lean meat, is seasoned with vegetable oil. The best option is olive oil, refined olive oil will soothe an "outraged" gallbladder. It is allowed to prepare a salad with the addition of tomatoes, but tomatoes should be put less than cucumbers, about half. dressing salad you can kefir, sour cream, olive oil. Some nutritionists recommend adding lemon juice to a salad with cucumbers, but this is not entirely appropriate. This will not bring harm, but the acid quickly causes a feeling of hunger. And with any diet, you always want to eat something extra. Therefore, it is better not to provoke hunger with “sour” foods.

From cucumbers, you can prepare light salads-cocktails by mixing a cucumber grated on a fine grater with low-fat yogurt.

The duration of the cucumber diet for weight loss

Cucumber diet can be of two types: a short, designed for 5 days, and a seven-day diet. The menus of short and long diets are somewhat different, so you can choose a more suitable diet for yourself based on the time or products that are included in the menu. To test the tolerance of the cucumber diet, you can first try to hold out on cucumbers for one day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner must include cucumber or cucumber salad.

Sample cucumber diet menu for a day-week

There is an approximate menu of what to eat during a diet - a cucumber salad, for lunch - a piece of meat, chicken or fish, for dinner an apple, pear or tangerine. But some prefer clear instructions for the day, so as not to think, but simply follow the diet. To do this, we give a clear table of what to use when. To all menu olive oil is preferred. It is desirable to drink drinks without sugar.Soups are cooked without adding frying.

First day "Semidnevka"

Breakfast - rye bread, cucumber, tea (you can coffee).
Lunch - lean vegetable soup, apple (soup products - carrots, cucumber, radish, bell pepper).
Snack - orange fruit.
Dinner - a salad of finely chopped cucumbers, herbs, vegetable oil.

Second day "Seven days"

Breakfast - rye bread, tea (you can coffee), cucumber.
Lunch - boiled lean meat in the amount of 50 grams, be sure to have a salad of finely chopped cucumbers, herbs, vegetable oil.
Snack - apple fruit.
Dinner - two hours before bedtime, no later - a salad of finely chopped cucumbers, herbs, vegetable oil.

Third day "Seven days"

Lunch - rice and boiled fish (only 200 grams), pickled cucumber.
Snack is a fruit or vegetable.

Fourth day "Semidnevka"

Lunch - rice (100 grams) and cheese (20 grams), cucumber.
Snack - pear fruit.
Dinner - again a salad of finely chopped cucumbers, herbs, vegetable oil.

Fifth day "Semidnevka"

Breakfast - rye bread, cucumber, tea.
Lunch - cabbage, cucumber, carrots, radishes - finely chopped.
Dessert - orange.
Snack - apple fruit.
Dinner - again a salad of finely chopped cucumbers, herbs, vegetable oil, cheese (20 grams)

Sixth day "Semidnevka"

Breakfast - rye bread, cucumber, coffee.
Lunch - lean soup, egg. P Snack - pear fruit.
Dinner - a salad of finely chopped cucumbers, herbs, vegetable oil.

Seventh day "Semidnevka"

Breakfast - rye bread, tea, cucumber.
Lunch - lean soup, an apple. Psoup products - carrots, cucumbers, radishes, bell peppers.
Snack - vegetable cucumber.
Dinner - again a salad of finely chopped cucumbers, herbs, vegetable oil

This is a diet that can be followed for effective weight loss. But there are variations where you can include cereals and salads for lunch, cook them according to the recipes suggested above.

The five-day cucumber diet includes food options prepared according to the same principles.It is less violent, we will describe it as a whole as follows:

Breakfast includes: salad and rye bread.
Lunch includes: lean meat and salad.
Snack: salad and black bread.
Dinner: already without bread, just a salad

Menu for every day: only at lunch the next day we replace the meat with fish, then with chicken. One day you can include rice, potatoes or buckwheat. Just do not combine meat and cereals together, eat separately on different days. Salads can be prepared with different dressings every day. Then there will be a small variety in the diet.

It is allowed in case of severe hunger before going to bed to eat fruit or cucumber. It is necessary to refuse completely to comply with the diet strictly from white bread, any pastries, sugar, sweets.

If you need to check the tolerance of the cucumber diet or just lose a couple of kilograms in a day, the diet is as follows:

Cucumbers about two kilograms and 2 boiled eggs - we divide the food into 5 servings and eat all day. The first kilograms go away due to the removal of fluid from the body, so you observe weight loss immediately.

Forecast of weight loss on a cucumber diet

The effect of losing weight will be noticeable in a day, when the body begins to rid itself of toxins. With a seven-day diet, the body loses up to 5 kilograms, it is not recommended to lose more than a week. With a "five-day" it takes about 3-4 kilograms of weight.

Cucumber diet is a very effective way to reduce weight and cleanse the body, you need to start a diet thoughtfully, tune in in advance and be in a healthy state. Many of the famous artists and singers used this particular diet and achieved the desired results. And good luck with your weight loss!

If you have experience of losing weight on the cucumber diet, leave your feedback in the comments: is it difficult to follow this diet or not, how much have you lost, have you gained weight again?

A cucumber diet will help a person who wants to quickly and effectively lose weight. This is a unique way to remove toxins from the body, completely cleanse the intestines from other harmful accumulations. There are several options for such nutrition, in which you can get rid of 3-10 kg.

What is the effect of cucumber-based nutrition?

This vegetable has a diuretic effect, which makes it possible to remove retained fluid from the body. Daily use of cucumbers improves metabolism, restores water-salt balance, and helps cleanse the skin. Along with this, the vegetable crop does not cause an allergic reaction, which is very important for allergy sufferers.

The basis of nutrition is cucumbers, they are saturated with fiber and water. If you eat them every day for 2 kg, then there will be no feeling of hunger. Therefore, the dietary menu is designed in such a way that a person eats 1.5-2.5 kg of cucumbers daily in several doses. With the help of this diet, it is possible to lose unnecessary 10 kilograms in a week.

Menu for the week


  • Breakfast: one small slice of rye bread, a couple of fresh cucumbers
  • Snack: one orange
  • Lunch: liquid lunch of 1 cucumber, 1 radish, 1 carrot (without stewing). Eat one green apple
  • Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber
  • Dinner: a mix of one cucumber with parsley, seasoned with vegetable oil


  • Breakfast: rye bread - 1 slice, fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Snack: one green apple
  • Lunch: prepare a salad of one radish and cucumber, eat 50 g of boiled veal
  • Afternoon snack: fresh cucumber
  • Dinner: mix of cucumber and parsley seasoned with vegetable oil


  • Breakfast: a small piece of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers
  • Snack: one medium-sized apple
  • Lunch: eat boiled lean fish - 100 g, boiled rice - 100 g along with one pickled cucumber
  • Snack: mix of one fresh cucumber, herbs in oil (vegetable)
  • Dinner: one fresh cucumber


  • Breakfast: rye bread - 1 piece, fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Snack: one large pear
  • Lunch: boiled rice - 100 g, fresh cucumber - 1 pc., take hard cheese - 20 g.
  • Afternoon snack: season one chopped cucumber with chopped parsley with vegetable oil
  • Dinner: fresh cucumber


  • Breakfast: a piece of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers
  • Snack: one green apple
  • Lunch: chop and mix 1 cucumber, 200 g cabbage, 1 carrot, 1 radish. Separately eat a small orange
  • Afternoon snack: prepare a salad of one cucumber and parsley in vegetable oil, eat 20 g of hard cheese
  • Dinner: one fresh cucumber


  • Breakfast: a small piece of rye bread, fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Snack: medium tangerine
  • Lunch: cook a soup of 1 carrot, 1 radish, 1 cucumber without roasting. Eat one hard boiled egg, one pear
  • Snack: a mix of one cucumber and parsley in vegetable oil
  • Dinner: medium cucumber


  • Breakfast: a slice of rye bread, a couple of cucumbers
  • Snack: pear
  • Lunch: a liquid vegetable lunch without pre-roasting: radish, carrot, cucumber - 1 each. Separately eat an apple
  • Afternoon snack: prepare a mix of one cucumber and parsley seasoned with vegetable oil
  • Dinner: cucumber

As practice shows, this type of diet helps to lose extra 10 kg of weight in 7 days. If hunger is felt, then in the intervals between meals it is allowed to eat more cucumbers. One such vegetable is also recommended 2 hours before bedtime. Just remember that the number of cucumbers in one day should be a maximum of 2.5 kg. Before going to bed, you are allowed to eat an orange or a large green apple.

If you really want to eat, it is recommended to drink one glass of low-fat kefir. Throughout the week, you can consume plain water, as well as green or black tea without added sugar. Decoctions of useful herbs are recommended. Do not use carbonated or alcoholic drinks.

How to live after a diet so that the weight does not return?

For a person who has lost weight, maintaining weight is an important step. Therefore, you need to learn how to properly exit the diet. After the seventh day of nutrition, a light diet should be continued, including cucumbers for the first two days. You can not immediately switch to fatty foods. Otherwise, there will be pain in the stomach, indigestion and the result will be an unwanted, rapid return of weight.

It is forbidden to use the first week after the diet an immense amount of sweets, flour products. It is necessary to gradually include chocolate, meat, white bread in small portions.

Pros of the Cucumber Diet:

  1. The low cost of products allows everyone to sit on such a diet.
  2. Such nutrition helps to normalize metabolism.
  3. The intestines are cleansed in a safe and natural way.
  4. The skin condition improves.
  5. The 7-day menu is especially suitable for overweight people.
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