Herbal collection for acne on the face. Suitable remedies for acne on the face: folk remedies and their application. Badyaga - an affordable remedy for acne

Herbal cosmetics are popular for a reason. Medicines prepared from plants have been used for personal care since ancient times.

Now, at the peak of the popularity of natural remedies, interest in old recipes has increased again. The range of use of medicinal herbs for acne on the face is very wide, it seems that magic roots and leaves can solve any problems associated with maintaining beauty.

Herbs for acne on the face: treatment

Acne, being a very common problem, also appears to be amenable to herbal treatment. Moreover, medicinal herbs have a more effective effect on acne compared to soap and cosmetic milk, and they differ from alcohol-based lotions in a mild and gentle effect. Although sometimes, to enhance the antiseptic and drying effect, for example, on oily skin, alcohol tinctures are also used.

The list of medicinal herbs used to treat acne is very large. Among them are exotic white lily and banal chamomile and plantain, mysterious elecampane and raspberries and parsley growing in any garden, nettle, burdock and many others!

You can buy a specialized herbal collection at any pharmacy or, with the appropriate knowledge, collect and prepare the plants yourself.

Using medicinal herbs for acne treatment, prepare for regular treatments over a fairly long period. To achieve a sustainable effect, it will take from several weeks to several months. Herbal treatments act slowly, but this method is completely natural, affordable and easy to use.

Herbs for acne on the face, you can take decoctions inside, put lotions, infusions for washing, compresses, masks and baths - there are many options for their use. Here are a few recipes of traditional medicine, tested and approved by more than one generation.

What herbs help with acne: recipes

People who have problem skin often ask what herbs help with acne, then we will look at folk recipes with which you can get rid of acne and acne on the face.


Cut an aloe leaf, squeeze out the juice. Wipe acne two to three times a day. For greater efficiency, you can put the cut leaves in the refrigerator for several days (from 7 to 10). The product is suitable for oily and combination skin types.

Chamomile and calendula are popular in cosmetology. Both of these flowers have powerful anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effects. In addition, chamomile softens, and calendula accelerates tissue regeneration.


Two tablespoons of dried flowers (you can mix in advance or take a spoonful of each) pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for about half an hour, strain the resulting broth. Wipe the face twice a day or use a gauze compress on acne, applying it for ten minutes. This method is good for any type of skin.

St. John's wort contains tannin and healing essential oils, sage is also rich in oils that have an antiseptic and soothing effect on inflamed areas.


To make a decoction of St. John's wort or sage, you need to take two tablespoons of dried grass, add water in the amount of one glass and boil over low heat for five to seven minutes. The finished broth is filtered and used in the same way as the previous recipe. It is recommended to use for the treatment of combination and problem skin.

Alcohol tincture.
To prepare medicinal herbs in the same proportions, it is required to pour alcohol or vodka diluted to forty percent, then insist in a dark, cool place from a week to ten days. Use to treat oily skin, inflammation, enlarged pores.

Birch buds and leaves contain a lot of resins, essential oils, they are also rich in vitamin C. Birch sap is saturated with minerals. It is an excellent natural tonic.


Buds and leaves
Add two hundred milliliters of hot water to the buds and leaves in the amount of two to three tablespoons and gradually bring to a boil. After boiling for five minutes, leave in a warm place for about thirty minutes. Strain.

Moisten a cotton swab in birch sap, wipe the skin several times daily. Application will help get rid of small acne, cleanse pores and refresh the face. Birch sap will also help remove pigmentation.

Acne on the face is a problem that can easily ruin your mood and even negatively affect your personal life. There can be many reasons for their appearance: these are hormonal imbalances, and digestive problems, and improperly selected cosmetics, as well as hereditary predisposition, etc. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find out why they appear, but you want to get rid of such a defect in appearance immediately. That is why you can try to cure acne with folk remedies that have a minimum of side effects.

Advantages of folk methods

The use of simple folk methods in the treatment of acne has some advantages over cosmetic and medical products:

  • As part of home medicines, there are no artificial colors and preservatives that are present in any factory products and whose influence can adversely affect the condition of the skin.
  • You choose the ingredients for your cosmetics yourself, so you can be sure of their quality and freshness.
  • The cost of folk treatment is much lower than professional. Most of the required components are available and inexpensive.

But you need to remember that the effectiveness of such treatment has not been proven, and if the situation worsens, only you will be to blame. When treated by professional doctors or cosmetologists, the risks are much lower.

Herbal remedies for acne

To combat acne, decoctions of herbs that have anti-inflammatory effects are usually used. Most often it is chamomile and calendula, birch leaves, celandine, mint, nettle, etc. are also used.

Chamomile decoction is an excellent remedy for acne

Chamomile contains many vitamins and valuable essential oils. A decoction of this herb helps to disinfect the skin, eliminate inflammation and get rid of edema.. Preparing it is very simple: for this you need to take 2-3 tbsp. l. raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, and then insist until the liquid becomes the color of strong tea leaves. The finished decoction is applied to the skin of the face with a cotton pad. You can add a little alcohol to the finished product - this will increase its effectiveness.

Very popular among the people and a decoction of celandine. It is prepared similarly to the previous one, but care must be taken when using it, as this is a rather aggressive agent that can cause irritation.

A decoction of celandine is an effective, but rather aggressive remedy.

According to the same recipe, you can prepare decoctions of green tea with mint, calendula, nettle and other herbs.. They can be combined, choosing the most suitable recipes for yourself. To increase the effectiveness of decoctions, in addition to alcohol, boric acid or aspirin can be added to them.

Folk lotion recipes (Video)

Lotions are usually more effective than simple decoctions, but they are also more difficult to prepare. They are made from both plant and chemical raw materials, often combining several different components.

To prepare a simple and effective acne lotion, you need a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. It is diluted in a glass of cool boiled water and left for a couple of hours. With the finished product, you just need to wipe the skin of the face and any other parts of the body covered with acne.

Homemade cucumber lotion helps get rid of acne

Cucumber is a very popular base for making lotions.. A few small young fruits should be grated on a coarse grater and poured with vodka, mix well and you can start using. Store this remedy in the refrigerator and use it twice a day after washing. You can add a little lemon juice, camphor alcohol and egg yolk with honey to the lotion.

A very effective remedy is obtained from grapefruit juice.. It must be mixed with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and vodka, and then insisted for two days in a cold place. It is also used after washing.

If you mix 2 tbsp. l. cabbage brine with half a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of kefir and mix well, you get another acne lotion. Before using it, it is advised to wash with laundry soap, and after applying it, wait for the skin to dry completely and repeat the procedure.

A good lotion is obtained from spruce or pine needles.. 100 g of raw materials must be mixed with crushed chamomile and calendula flowers, as well as with plantain leaves (25 g in total). The herbal mixture should be poured with a bottle of vodka and put in a dark place for a week, and then you can start applying. The finished product must be poured into a dark glass vessel, it can be stored for a year.

Effective home masks

Face masks, even those made with the simplest and most inexpensive ingredients, can help eliminate acne and visibly improve skin condition.

Very good for the skin egg white. The mask from it helps to get rid of acne and enlarged pores, and also evens out skin color. To prepare it, you just need to take an egg, separate the protein and beat it until a white foam. The resulting mass should be applied to the face with clean hands and hold for about 15 minutes. After that, you can wash with warm water and apply your favorite cream.

Egg white is an excellent base for masks

It is very easy to prepare a face mask from baking soda. First you need to thoroughly wash your face. Then pour a little soda into the palm of your hand, moisten it with water and mix, and then apply it to the skin of the face. After twenty minutes, wash with warm water. Do not use this mask more than 2-3 times a week.

Some compositions of masks can cause allergic reactions, so you need to be aware of the possible hypersensitivity of your body and take this into account.

Very simple and effective and potato mask. To prepare it, you need to boil one medium-sized tuber in milk, after cutting it finely. Then everything must be ground to a state of homogeneous mass and after cooling, apply to the skin. After 15 minutes, this mask is washed off with warm water.

Honey mask not only cleanses, but also nourishes the skin

Honey mask not only helps to get rid of acne, but also enriches the skin with beneficial substances.. To prepare it, you will need 50 g of honey and the same amount of vegetable (preferably olive) oil, and also one egg yolk. All ingredients must be mixed and applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. After twenty minutes, the composition is washed off with plain warm water.

An effective mask can be prepared from oatmeal. To do this, the porridge must be mixed with warm water and generously spread on the skin. After about 15-20 minutes, after pouring the mass, it must be washed off.

Acne treatment with plant and fruit juices

The juices of many plants and fruits familiar to all of us contain useful substances that help to significantly improve skin condition. For example, you can use cucumber. It is recommended to wipe the face with fresh juice from this vegetable, as well as make lotions from it. And if you use it for 3 tbsp. l. before eating, it will help get rid of acne and rejuvenate the body. It is very useful to lubricate acne with fig milky juice a couple of times a day. And on the affected areas of the skin, you can apply the juice of viburnum berries - it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Fruit and berry juice is a great alternative to expensive purchased products

You can use the juice of not only fruits, but also fresh plants: for example, stinging nettle, medicinal dandelion or odorous celery. They are not only applied to the skin, but also taken orally. It helps to purify the blood and get rid of acne. It is most effective to take them according to this scheme:

  • half a glass of nettle juice immediately after breakfast;
  • an hour later, half a glass of dandelion juice;
  • after another hour, half a glass of celery juice.

This procedure is carried out three times with a break of three days. It will be useful not only in the treatment of acne, but also in any chronic diseases. It is also often recommended to drink horseradish juice, but since it has a very pungent taste, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and taken in a tablespoon once a day.

Steam baths for acne

Steam baths are an excellent solution for oily and rough skin, with acne, wen and blackheads.. With such problems, they can be carried out once a week. With dry skin, they are done once or twice a month, and with normal skin - once every two weeks. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening before going to bed in a calm atmosphere.

Steam baths are contraindicated for too dry skin, as well as for bronchial asthma, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

First you need to prepare everything you need: boil water, prepare dishes and a terry towel to cover your head. Boiling water is poured into a vessel, they bend over it and cover their heads with a towel. Such a steam bath is carried out for 5-10 minutes with oily skin, 3-5 minutes with dry skin, and 2-3 minutes with dry and irritable skin.

Steam baths help cleanse and rejuvenate the skin

After the steam bath, it is necessary to carefully remove all exposed skin imperfections with a cotton swab and wash with warm water. Then you can make a mask or wipe your face with a piece of ice.

For such baths, it is often recommended to use herbal infusions - for example, medicinal chamomile or mint. To carry out the procedure, a tablespoon of raw materials must be poured with hot water and boiled, and then added to a vessel for a steam bath. You can also use wormwood - it not only treats acne, but also rejuvenates and brightens the skin. If you add rosemary to the bath, you can also treat the respiratory system at the same time.

Acne remedies for oral use

Acne medications can not only be applied to the skin, but also taken internally. They are also used for prevention.

Many herbal infusions are more effective when taken orally.

Consider the most popular means:

  • Nettle infusion is prepared from two tablespoons of dry raw materials and 400 ml. boiling water. After insisting for two hours, it can be consumed 100 g 3 times a day before each meal.
  • A decoction of dandelion root is prepared by pouring a tablespoon of raw materials into a glass of hot water. Then everyone is boiled for 15 minutes on low heat, cooled for about 45 minutes, then sipped and drunk in a third or half a glass 3 times a day about 15 minutes before meals. Such a medicine can be used not only for banal acne, but also for furunculosis and any skin rashes.
  • To prepare a decoction of burdock root, you need to bring half a liter of water to a boil, then take a tablespoon of ground dry raw materials and pour it in there, boil everything for 10 minutes. Then the broth is left at room temperature until cool and filtered. Take it in 100 ml. 4 times a day.
  • A little harder to find in pharmacies, spool herb, but it also makes a good remedy for acne. To prepare it, you need to pour 8.5 g of raw materials into 180 ml. boiling water, insist and consume during the day, dividing into several doses. Goldenseal can also be taken as a dry herb powder, 10 g twice a day, mixed with sugar.
  • To prepare the infusion of tricolor violet, pour two teaspoons of raw materials into 750 ml. boiling water and insist well. Then strain and take little by little throughout the day.
  • Very effective in the treatment of acne, as well as eczema wild rosemary. To prepare the infusion, you need to take a tablespoon of herbs and pour half a liter of boiling water. To make the product more effective, it can be left for 6-8 hours in a thermos. But you need to drink it carefully, with an eye on the state of your health and contraindications, since this plant is quite poisonous.

Medicinal herbs are actively used for the prevention of acne and their treatment. They are used both externally and internally. You can wash your face with infusions and decoctions or make lotions and tonics out of them, prepare masks and compresses. What herbs for acne help and how to use them, we will understand further.

Pros and cons

Even our grandmothers successfully used herbs to treat skin diseases. But they had no choice, unlike us.

Herbs contain useful components of natural origin and are completely free of chemical additives. And this is a big plus, since the likelihood of side effects is minimized. In addition, the tool is prepared independently, manually. And you decide what to put in it and how to cook. It can also be noted that all herbs for acne are available. They can be grown in the garden or on the window. And you can buy everything at the pharmacy. The price for them is low.

The disadvantages include the fact that the treatment of acne with herbs can take a long time. They do not act immediately, but gradually. The result can be seen after a couple of weeks, this is at best. Therefore, taking on this matter, you need to be patient.


Before embarking on the fight against acne, it is advisable to consult with a specialist and find out which herbs help acne and how they work. After all, medicinal plants are not as harmless as they seem. They contain substances similar in composition to medicines. And if you have an allergic reaction to any medication, the herb can cause allergies as well.

Another contraindication is individual intolerance. To reveal it, apply a small amount of the finished product to the elbow bend from the inside. If there are no rashes or redness, then you can use it.


It is very effective in the fight against acne, due to the presence of a large number of biologically active substances in the composition: flavonoids, carotenoids, sterols, triterpenoids, calendene. Influencing the skin in a complex, they restore the upper layer of the dermis, speeding up the regeneration process, and also saturate it with vitamins.

Calendula is an excellent antiseptic. It helps to relieve inflammation and irritation in a short time. The plant has a pronounced antioxidant effect and perfectly fights the first signs of aging. It hydrates the skin by retaining enough moisture inside. It also protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Calendula extract is often added to beauty products for skin care of any type. Alcohol tincture can treat problem areas, in particular inflamed acne with purulent contents. But it is better to do it pointwise, since alcohol dries healthy skin. An ointment with calendula, which can be found at a pharmacy at a very budget price, will save you from excessive dryness.


This plant is used even for babies, so chamomile has a beneficial effect on the skin. It soothes, disinfects, accelerates wound healing and helps reduce scars and scars, stimulates metabolic processes in the upper layers of the skin, and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

Chamomile is useful both for dry, irritated skin, and for oily skin, the main problem of which is acne and blackheads. Trace elements, amino acids, essential oils and vitamins in the composition of the plant do an excellent job with all skin problems. Ready-made cosmetics with an extract or extract from chamomile are also very useful and effective.


Most often, this herb is used to treat a sore throat or inhalation for a cold. Sage has a very powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibacterial action. Therefore, it is also used with great success in the treatment of acne. It is not only able to cope with an already existing problem, but is also an effective preventive measure. This is due to its effect on the sebaceous glands, the work of which it normalizes. Sage reduces oiliness of the skin, cleanses it and tightens pores. With its regular use, the appearance improves markedly. The skin becomes even, smooth and healthy.


An effective plant, but it must be used very carefully. In large quantities, it becomes toxic to the body due to the content of alkaloids in it. The high content of vitamins, organic acids, trace elements, bioflavonoids helps to maintain the health and beauty of the skin.

Celandine eliminates such unpleasant symptoms as irritation, peeling, dryness. It not only disinfects and soothes, but also increases the level of resistance of the epidermis to external adverse factors.

Celandine juice, which appears on the cut of the stem, has a particularly strong effect. It leaves traces on the skin that resemble iodine. Juice dries up acne and contributes to their faster disappearance.


This burning weed contains a large amount of vitamins: A, B, C, E, K, as well as tannins, phytoncides, trace elements. It copes well with inflammation, so nettle is the best option for pustular rashes. It also has an exfoliating effect and promotes renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis.

In addition, nettle rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, evens out the relief and skin color. From this herb you can prepare lotions, tonics, masks. It is used both externally and taken orally to cleanse the body.

The most effective grass is collected in May-June, before flowering. It can be prepared ahead of time. Dried nettle does not lose its medicinal properties, all useful substances are completely preserved in it.


The benefits of this plant are endless. In short, aloe has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, soothes inflamed skin, accelerates the healing of damaged tissues. Also, this houseplant has a detox effect: it penetrates deep into the dermis and removes toxins and toxins. Protects from ultraviolet radiation, neutralizing its effect. This herb for acne, according to reviews, is very useful for any skin.

In aloe, juice is used, which is obtained from the leaves. Based on it, infusions, lotions and masks are prepared. You can use the juice in its pure form.

If there is no desire to bother with the preparation of various kinds of potions, you can wipe the skin with leaves 2 times a day, cutting them in half. For deep subcutaneous formations, applications can be made: take part of the leaf with pulp and cut a small piece so that it can cover the entire pimple. Fix it with adhesive tape for a long time, ideally at night. Improvements will be noticeable after 2-3 treatments. Repeat until the inflammation disappears completely.

It is believed that a plant that is at least 3 years old is suitable for medicinal purposes. And in order for the effect to be more pronounced, it is necessary to place the cut leaves in the refrigerator and keep them there for at least 3-4 days at a temperature of 4-6 ° C. This will increase the activity of biological substances contained in aloe.

Aloe mask for oily skin: mix a tablespoon of juice with one protein, whipped into a strong foam, and add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on cleansed skin and hold for 15-20 minutes. Then wash with cool water and apply moisturizer. Apply 1-2 times a week. The mask mattifies and reduces oiliness of the skin, and also helps to whiten age spots and post-acne, lightens freckles.


This is the simplest thing you can make with herbs to fight acne. Take 1 tablespoon of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for at least 20 minutes. After that, strain the infusion and you can use it.

For the preparation of the infusion, both fresh herbs and dry ones are suitable. And if you can’t decide which herbs for acne on the face are best, make a mixture of several components.


It is often confused with infusion. The tincture is prepared with alcohol (or vodka). Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with alcohol and incubate for 10 days, then strain. Such a tool is quite aggressive and dries the skin very much, so it is better to use it pointwise or dilute it with water before use.


A more labor-intensive remedy to prepare, but this method allows you to "pull" more useful substances from the plant.

  1. Put a tablespoon of herbs in a small container, preferably with high walls, and pour hot water (1 cup).
  2. Place this container in a saucepan with a volume of a liter and a half and fill it with hot water, which should reach half the container with grass.
  3. Place this entire structure on the stove and wait for it to boil, then reduce the heat to a minimum. Boil for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove from fire and cool.

A decoction of herbs for acne is ready. You can use.


Washing is good to include in daily facial care. You can use both one and a collection of herbs. An infusion or decoction is suitable, but you will always have to prepare the product fresh. It can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two days.

If it is not possible to arrange a full wash, freeze the infusion or decoction and wipe your face with ice cubes at the end of the cleansing procedures.


Prepare the infusion and wait until it cools down to a temperature comfortable for the skin. Strain through cheesecloth or bandage. Do not throw away this gruel, but apply it to the problem area for 15 minutes. With the remaining liquid, wipe the face with a cotton pad or swab after removing the compress.


For the preparation of masks, both fresh herbs and dry ones are suitable. Of course, for maximum effect, it is better to use freshly harvested grass. You can take one or more. If you believe the reviews, then collecting herbs for acne is much more effective. Grind the greens (well, if you have a blender) into gruel and apply on the skin for 20 minutes. To enrich the mixture, add 1-2 drops of essential oils (coniferous plants, citrus, tea tree, rosemary), honey, lemon juice or aloe, clay. The mask of fresh herbs is unique in that it retains all the beneficial substances unchanged.

If you decide to use dry grass, then it is first crushed into powder and poured with a small amount of hot water to a mushy state, so that the herb is infused, and applied to the skin. Additional ingredients are added as needed.


Skin exfoliation is a must on the list of regular facial treatments. However, with acne, you must act with extreme caution so as not to aggravate the situation. Scrubbing in this case should be as gentle as possible, and abrasive particles should not be hard. An excellent option is a dry herbal scrub. It not only exfoliates dead cells, but also has a healing effect.

Would need:

  • a tablespoon of herbs or a mixture of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage);
  • a teaspoon of ground oatmeal;
  • a little aloe juice;
  • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Mix flakes and grass and pour warm water until gruel. Insist 5-10 minutes. Add essential oil and aloe juice. Mix and apply to the skin. Gently massage for 3-5 minutes and rinse.

How to get rid of post-acne

Winning the battle against acne can be overshadowed by the presence of acne blemishes. Chamomile and parsley, which have bleaching properties, will help get rid of them. A decoction or infusion is prepared from them and rubbed on their face. You can also freeze it and wash it with ice cubes.

Why is there no result

If the fight against acne brings a temporary result or it does not exist at all, you should look for the cause inside the body. These can be diseases, most often associated with hormonal imbalance or malnutrition. Then you should be examined by a doctor.

With poor nutrition, you need to adjust your diet. And the consequences of eating junk food neutralize decoctions of herbs (chamomile, nettle). The use of herbs inside from acne will cleanse the body, which will necessarily affect the condition of the skin.

Nature took care of us, giving us the opportunity to treat ailments in a safe way - with medicinal herbs. They are used to cure existing problems and for prevention. Cosmetology widely uses healing raw materials, helping women to maintain youth and beauty. At home, you can use these tools yourself. It is advisable to use ready-made fees purchased at a pharmacy. If you suffer from rashes, acne, herbs for acne on the face are presented in a wide range, you just need to know which herbs help with acne, and which ones are more effective.

Treatment of acne with herbs is a very common practice in traditional medicine.

Useful properties of medicinal herbs

Pimples, acne, age-related changes, pigmentation and freckles are just a few of the problems that plague women. Question: how to get rid of acne, relevant at any age. In each case, there should be an individual approach to solving the problem. You can find the necessary collection using the recommendations of specialists. The composition of medicinal plants includes phytoncides, tannins, organic acids with antiseptic, disinfectant properties. Treatment of skin problems should be comprehensive. Using at the same time external application: for washing, in the form of lotions, masks, compresses, and ingestion of decoctions, tinctures accelerates a positive result. There are many recipes that help in such a situation, you just need to choose the right raw materials and use them correctly.

  1. Herbs for acne on the face - sandy immortelle, three-year-old (and older) aloe, calendula flowers, chamomile, lavender, string.
  2. Problematic facial skin with high fat content - dioica nettle, linden inflorescences, horsetail, oak bark. The use of plantain, mint, butterbur, burdock root, birch buds will benefit.
  3. Dry skin - motherboard, thyme (bonnet is a common name).
  4. They remove wrinkles, make age-related changes less noticeable - coltsfoot flowers, chamomile, sage.
  5. Cleansing plants - raw materials of mountain ash, nettle.
  6. Destroy pigmentation, freckles, whiten the skin - parsley, dandelion caps.

Using herbs for acne on the face will help the correct recipes for their preparation and use. Do not think that they are completely harmless, like any medicine, they have their own contraindications and side effects. It is necessary to use herbs to get rid of skin problems competently, without violating the basic recipe. The condition for success will be regular procedures.

  1. To choose a collection of herbs for acne, contact a pharmacy, use as directed, following the instructions.
  2. If you have enough knowledge in herbal medicine and have the opportunity, collect the "green doctors" yourself. Do this in places far from the city and roads.
  3. An allergy test is mandatory in case of initial use.
  4. You can use fresh raw materials, it will bring more benefits for the treatment of acne than dried.
  5. Keep fresh for no more than two days.
  6. If skin problems are chronic, make your own or buy an herbal remedy for acne in advance so that it is always at hand.
  7. In the process of treatment, it is advisable not to wash with water, but with herbal decoctions.
  8. Make regular masks.
  9. Wipe your face with frozen cubes of healing decoctions several times a day.
  10. In addition to external use, you need to drink an infusion of herbs.

The use of herbs has long been proven effective in the fight against problem skin.

Methods of treatment

Herbs for acne are a powerful, effective remedy. Get rid of the disease in a short time, consolidate the result, helps diet. Saturation of the body with vitamins, microelements helps to increase the body's defenses. Strengthens the health of the use of omega-3 fatty acids. Primula and borage contain gamma-linolenic acid, which is essential for maintaining good health. Together with the diet, it is recommended to drink the necessary fees, it is advisable for adolescents and pregnant women to consult a doctor.

Herbal preparations for internal use

Recipe number 1:

  1. Mix birch buds, sage, nettle.
  2. Pour 3 large spoons of medicinal raw materials with half a liter of boiled water.
  3. Insist for half an hour.
  4. Strain, take twice, drinking ½ cup at a time.


  • removes inflammatory processes;
  • enhances protective functions;

Recipe #2:

  1. Grind dandelion root, large burdock, buckthorn bark, licorice and lime blossoms.
  2. Pour ½ l. water, put in a water bath.
  3. Strain, drink a glass once a day.


  • cleanses;
  • disinfects;
  • fights bacteria.

Herbal face masks

Recipe #3:

  1. Grind burdock roots into powder.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of raw materials into ½ l. water.
  3. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain, take three times ½ cup

Action (removes):

  • boils, carbuncles;
  • rash of various etiologies;
  • purulent formations.

Without deviating from the recipe, you will know which herbs help with acne by experiencing their beneficial effects. These funds, strengthening the protective functions, help to fight abscesses, acne, acne scars.

Celandine face products are widely used to combat purulent rashes, acne, local inflammation and other skin problems. The effectiveness of the magical action of celandine juice is confirmed by the positive feedback from people. Comprehensive treatment, according to reviews, allows you to completely cleanse the skin. Having achieved the result, continue to use herbs for a stable condition of the skin.

Outdoor use

To apply herbal remedies for acne on the face, you need to follow the rules for use. Before you get rid of acne with herbal preparations and remedies, be sure to test for allergies if you are using the remedy for the first time. Whatever charges you use - this is a prerequisite. Take a small amount and apply to the inside of the palm, wrist or elbow. If after a few minutes you do not feel discomfort: burning, itching, hyperemia or swelling does not appear, start the intended procedure. For the treatment of acne, tonics, masks, decoctions, ice cubes are most often used.

Mask for oily skin


  • St. John's wort - a teaspoon;
  • Chamomile - 1.5 tsp;
  • Horsetail - 1.5 tsp;
  • Marigold flowers - 1.5 tsp.


  1. Make a powder mixture from the collection.
  2. Pour two large spoons of herbal flour with boiling water (1/2 cup).
  3. Cover the container, leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Strain, apply the porridge-like herbal mixture on the skin of the face.
  5. Keep for half an hour.
  6. Rinse with warm water, moisturize the dermis with a tonic.
  7. The decoction left after straining, use for washing.

Decoction for any type of skin


  • Medicinal chamomile flowers;
  • inflorescences of calendula;


  1. Take a large spoonful of each ingredient.
  2. Pour in 250 ml of water.
  3. Insist on a water bath for 10 minutes.
  4. Use as a compress.
  5. Hold the cloth soaked in the decoction for half an hour. Moisten more as it dries or cools.

Frozen grass ice


  • Birch buds - 30 g;
  • Birch leaves - 30 g;
  • Celandine - tsp;
  • Calendula - tsp;


  1. Pour the above ingredients ½ l. water.
  2. Insist on a water bath for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain, if necessary, add water if it is less than half a liter after straining.
  4. When cool, pour into ice cube molds.
  5. Wash your face twice a day.

Professional skills: Chief physician of the medical center, practicing cosmetologist.

Brief biography and personal achievements: Teaching activity: teaching the subject "Social medicine and Health Organization", including for foreign (English-speaking) students, conducting consultations and pre-examination preparation.

Scientific and research activities: writing scientific publications, accompanying documents, organizing the interaction of the department with specialized leading clinical and cosmetology centers for joint research work, participation in conferences, symposiums, etc.

Acne and pimples are frequent companions of problem skin, they appear due to excessive production of sebaceous secretions that clog pores and provoke inflammation. Violation of the sebaceous glands can cause many factors. And if in youth a surge of hormones contributes to the appearance of acne, then in adulthood, more serious problems (diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, metabolic disorders) can become the cause of rashes. Tactics for treating skin rashes will depend on the underlying cause causing the problem. The most effective is a comprehensive approach with the use of antibacterial drugs, external treatment products (ointments, gels, creams, lotions), hardware cosmetic procedures.

An important point of complex therapy are folk remedies for acne and acne, which effectively complement drug therapy, and in some cases can completely replace drugs. Folk recipes are time-tested, based on the use of natural ingredients, which, unlike chemicals, do not have a negative effect on the body. With their help, you can successfully fight acne and quickly get rid of skin problems if you complement the treatment with proper facial skin care, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Let us dwell on the "grandmother's" recipes and tell you how to get rid of acne with folk remedies.

Treatment of skin rashes using folk recipes has several advantages over traditional methods of therapy:

Folk remedies for acne

There are many time-tested recipes that can effectively deal with skin problems. Some adherents of traditional medicine prefer face masks based on natural ingredients, others take care of their skin with lotions and balms from medicinal herbs, others prefer to heal the body from the inside and prepare decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants.

Everyone chooses the best folk remedy for acne, and we will try to fully reveal the secrets of nature and tell you how to cope with inflammatory processes on the skin using affordable and useful natural ingredients.

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs

Decoctions of medicinal plants help to fight acne, they are used to cleanse the skin, used for lotions and compresses. The most popular of them are decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint, nettle, birch leaves, celandine, succession, sage. Plants contain many vitamins, essential oils and other beneficial substances necessary to maintain healthy skin. Herbal preparations have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, cleansing and disinfecting effect, eliminate excessive oiliness of the skin, nourish and restore the skin.

home lotions

Homemade lotions are much more effective than decoctions. They help well with extensive lesions, help reduce rashes and eliminate inflammation.

Face masks

Masks at home can be prepared from inexpensive and affordable products that are in every home. Procedures with the use of masks help to heal the skin, improve complexion, reduce inflammation, and eliminate rashes.

Herbal infusions for oral administration

Decoctions of medicinal herbs can be used not only to treat the affected areas of the skin, but also taken orally. Such herbal preparations increase defenses, strengthen immunity and help the body fight skin problems.

steam baths

Steam baths will help to cope with acne, the procedure opens the pores and cleanses them of the sebaceous secret. If the skin is excessively oily, with black dots and comedones, steam baths can be done once a week, for dry skin it is enough to carry out the procedure once a month.

You need to take comfortable dishes and prepare a terry towel. First, boil water and pour it into a prepared container, add herbal infusions (chamomile, mint, wormwood, St. John's wort), cover your head with a towel and keep your face steamed. Water should not be too hot, otherwise you can burn yourself. The duration of the procedure for oily skin is 10 minutes, for dry skin - 5 minutes.

After a steam bath, the skin is wiped, removing excess sebaceous secretion, and washed with warm water. Then you can wipe your face with a tonic or a piece of ice to close the enlarged pores.

In adolescence, skin problems are especially pronounced. What folk remedies for acne on the face of a teenager will help to cope with unpleasant rashes? The treatment should be based on cleansing the skin, since the excess secretion produced by the sebaceous glands is an excellent breeding ground for pathogens that cause inflammation.

  • For oily skin, green tea lotion is suitable, it has a drying and antiseptic effect. First you should brew green tea, then mix equal amounts of tea leaves and freshly squeezed lemon juice. With this composition, you need to wipe your face three times a day.
  • With numerous rashes, antiseptic lotion from calendula tincture will help. To do this, take an equal amount of infusion of calendula, camphor alcohol and water. The resulting mixture is impregnated with cotton pads and the affected areas are treated. Calendula tincture is effective for scars left after acne removal, regular use of the product contributes to their disappearance.
  • If the acne is very inflamed, a raw potato mask will help. To do this, peeled potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater, a little honey is added to the resulting mass, applied to a gauze napkin and applied to the inflamed areas like a compress. Leave for 20 minutes, then wash with warm water.
Treatment of subcutaneous acne

Subcutaneous pimples are very painful, they look like red bumps and are formed as a result of an inflammatory process that occurs in the deep layers of the skin. Such acne matures for a long time, pus gradually accumulates in the clogged sebaceous duct, inflammation intensifies and causes significant discomfort to its owner. The following folk recipes will help to cope with painful acne and draw pus out of them:

Rosacea often occurs in adulthood. The skin becomes very sensitive to temperature changes, heat exposure, sunlight. The skin on the face becomes inflamed, acne and pustules appear, and extensive areas are affected. In addition to the medical treatment of rosacea, you can use folk remedies that reduce inflammation, relieve irritation, itching and other unpleasant sensations.

  • Well eliminates irritation and redness cranberry juice, you can make compresses with it. A sterile napkin or gauze is moistened with cranberry juice and applied to the face. Pure juice can cause a burning sensation, so it is recommended to dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3 (one part juice to 3 parts water).
  • Eliminate inflammation and reduce irritation of the skin will help infusion of valerian and mint. It has a calming effect and affects the condition of the skin from the inside. You should take the crushed valerian root, mint leaves and hop cones. Two tablespoons of the collection pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Filter the resulting infusion and take 100 ml twice a day.

In order for the treatment of acne with folk remedies to benefit, do not forget to consult a doctor, a specialist will help you choose the best procedures, taking into account your state of health, concomitant diseases and contraindications. This will avoid unwanted complications and unpredictable allergic reactions.

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