Antidepressants of natural origin. Natural antidepressants list. What is better than taking antidepressants? Psychotherapy and psychotraining

Unfortunately, depression is becoming a symbol of our era of high technology and an accelerated pace of life. Paradoxically, the better the conditions and standard of living, the more a person is prone to depression. It has been shown that in underdeveloped countries with low level life, the population knows about this condition only by hearsay. People are busy with survival, and their hands simply do not reach depression.

Apparently we don't have that much bad life, since depression covers an increasing number of people. It is unfortunate that the disease creeps up imperceptibly, so that when a person realizes that he is sick, antidepressants are unlikely to help him. plant origin- must be accepted

Chemical antidepressants are different high concentration of the active substance, which, on the one hand, is good, since the symptoms of the disease disappear faster, and on the other hand, not so much, since negative side effects appear. Quite often on initial stage taking antidepressants, there is a visible deterioration in well-being. That is why such drugs are dispensed strictly according to the doctor's prescription after a comprehensive examination.

It's better not to let that happen. If you had to go through stress, and maybe more than one, at work or at home, you should immediately pay attention to herbal antidepressants. All these stresses will definitely affect over time, which will have already been lost. But it is possible to avoid such negative consequences from taking medication antidepressants, such as nausea, vomiting, overexcitability and others.

The fact is that natural antidepressants have practically no contraindications. They act very gently, without disturbing the overall functioning of the internal systems of the body. In them, the concentration of active substances is much lower. Don't be afraid to get used to long-term use(taking such drugs usually requires a long course) - herbal antidepressants do not cause it.

A number of herbs, such as hawthorn, rosemary, chicory, have an antidepressant effect. The action of each herb is special, therefore, not a single plant is often used, but a collection is used that most effectively affects nervous system with minimal side effects.

One of these collections includes elecampane, hawthorn and rosemary in equal proportions. For ingestion, 400 g of boiling water is poured over one tablespoon of a mixture of herbs. In this case, it is worth listening to the reaction of the body, because rosemary is a potent drug.

One of the best, which has the most pronounced antidepressant effect on the central nervous system, is St. John's wort. As a rule, most of the fees announced as herbal antidepressants include St. Even taking St. John's wort alone helps relieve symptoms of fatigue, reduces anxiety states, improves sleep.

But you need to understand that if time has been lost, then herbal antidepressants alone may be ineffective in combating the disease. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Even if it is possible to buy a medication without a prescription, you should not do this - almost all antidepressants have a lot of side effects. And to minimize the risk negative impact on the body, you need to consult a specialist who, when prescribing a particular drug, will definitely take into account the condition of a particular patient.

Do not forget about the main principle of treatment with antidepressants. This is the regularity of the reception. In no case should you skip taking the drug, or even interrupt the treatment yourself. The duration of the course can only be determined by a doctor. Untreated depression can lead to a significant deterioration in health in the future.

Natural antidepressants for depression, stress, anxiety, irritability and anxiety can be used in addition to methods such as psychotherapy, acupuncture or, for example, light therapy. Recurring anxiety attacks are also stopped with the help of improvised means - usually these are natural antidepressants, cheap and available in any pharmacy and even in a supermarket.

Natural antidepressants for stress naturally help to cope with psychological problems. Below we provide a list of natural antidepressants ( natural products), which will help you not only treat depression, but also prevent its occurrence.

Natural antidepressants for depression

Rhodiola rosea (golden root) - natural antidepressants

Rhodiola rosea relieves both physical and mental fatigue. It is a common stimulant that is taken not only for overwork, but also for seasonal affective disorder and depression. Rhodiola rosea is beneficial because:

  • promotes active recovery: the golden root is effective for asthenia and fights stress
  • Regulates levels of adrenaline (a neurotransmitter released under stress): Rhodiola rosea is a natural alternative to tranquilizers
  • used at high physical activity to increase stamina and promote heart recovery; Rhodiola rosea has also been successfully used in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.

Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that helps fight depression by increasing stress tolerance and decreasing mental and physical fatigue. Thus, Rhodiola restores the natural "dynamism" of the body. An adaptogenic plant adapts to the needs of the body.

In the case of seasonal depression, Rhodiola can positively influence:

  • eating disorders (reduces symptoms of bulimia)
  • sleep disorders (relieves excessive drowsiness)
  • emotional state (increases the desire to act).

St. John's wort for depression

St. John's wort has been used for centuries as a remedy for mild treatment and moderate depression. For example, in Germany, even representatives of official medicine prescribe St. John's wort as a natural antidepressant.

St. John's wort is probably the most famous natural antidepressant! Recognized by the European Agency medicines(EMEA) and the World Health Organization, St. John's wort is effective against depression, anxiety, mood swings, nervous excitement and digestive problems.

St. John's wort does not cause addiction or withdrawal. However, it has been proven that the use of St. John's wort at the same time as some drugs is associated with side effects - that is, St. John's wort affects the action of other drugs. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to associate St. John's wort with antidepressants, cyclosporine drugs, birth control pills, some antiviral drugs and anticancer drugs. It is extremely important to get your doctor's permission to use St. John's wort as a natural antidepressant.

Saffron is a natural natural antidepressant

Saffron, also called "red gold", is a spice that is very powerful. natural remedy to combat depression, stress, bad mood and anxiety. Pigment Crocin and shafranal essential oil contained in saffron have antidepressant, antistress and anxiolytic properties. According to studies, the effects of saffron are equivalent to those of synthetic antidepressants, but without any side effects. Saffron may be the best choice than St. John's wort if you are already taking a regular antidepressant because it has less effect on how other drugs work.

depression is complex disease which can take many forms and affect each of us. It manifests itself in a sad mood, loss of interest in activities, a decrease in energy. These emotional disturbances affect family life, professional and social activities. You can fight depression with the help of effective natural antidepressants, which avoids many of the side effects of synthetic drugs.

Griffonia simplefolia for depression

Griffonia is an African plant great content 5-Hydroxytryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Griffonia simplefolia acts as an effective antidepressant, but naturally without the significant side effects of synthetic drugs. Griffonia is useful for dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders. Unlike synthetic antidepressants, Griffonia simplefolia acts on the brain, but on the entire body.

Valerian is a natural antidepressant

The Valerian plant has long been proven beneficial in treating depression and anxiety. Valerian has an effective effect on the body and effectively reduces nervous excitement, anxiety, stress and insomnia. The body as a whole feels renewed, later fatigue sets in.

Turmeric is a natural anti-depressant in your kitchen

Turmeric is a powerful spice that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. In addition to its many healing properties, turmeric is effective against depression and stress. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful antidepressant, making turmeric an ally in the fight against depression. According to various sources, turmeric is just as effective as conventional depression medications, but without the side effects! It activates serotonin, a hormone Have a good mood.

Omega-3 natural antidepressant

Omega-3 is an excellent natural antidepressant, although the general public is much more aware of its effect on cardiovascular diseases, dietary balance, pain and inflammation. But, adequate intake of omega-3s also helps in the treatment of depression. The only problem is that it is difficult to get from food required amount Omega-3s to effectively fight depression, so you can turn to certified natural food additives, without pesticides or heavy metals.

Hops - a natural antidepressant

Hops relieves symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. It has very interesting relaxing and calming properties. The European Medicines Commission has approved the use of hops to combat agitation, anxiety and sleep disorders.

Ginseng - life-giving natural antidepressant adaptogen

Ginseng effectively regulates the immune response and hormonal changes due to stress, thereby maintaining homeostasis. In addition to suppressing the occurrence of psychological illnesses such as anxiety and depression, ginseng also prevents stress-related physiological illnesses. ( Bibliography:

Ginseng is traditionally used as a medicinal herb in the Far East, Korea, Japan, and China. The reason for this is that ginseng contains natural antioxidant compounds. These ginsenosides, which are extracted from ginseng roots, leaves, stems, fruits, have several pharmacological effects. They are subdivided into about 100 various categories. Many studies have identified ginsenosides effective treatment organ damage and cell death, as well as immunological and metabolic diseases.

Ginseng is used as an adaptogen for the treatment various diseases as a tonic and rejuvenator. Ginseng is excellent at regulating stress, compared to other shown adaptogens. This effectiveness as an antistress agent has been demonstrated using various behavioral conditioned stress tests. AT vivo the study also showed that ginseng has excellent anti-stress effects.

Reishi - have you tried mushrooms for depression?

Reishi has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is especially useful for regulating the immune system - boosting it when it's weakened, or lowering it when the immune system is too active. The mushroom contains over 400 different biologically active compounds; Numerous studies have confirmed that in addition to modifying the immune system, Reishi has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, antidiabetic, antioxidant effects, calms the nervous system, reduces anxiety, improves mood and improves sleep ( Bibliography

Lemongrass to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression

Schisandra berry is a classic example of an adaptogenic herbal remedy, meaning that it is safe, non-toxic and specifically reduces both mental and physical stress. Lemongrass has been shown to improve coordination, concentration, and even endurance.

Institute of Traditional Chinese medicine and natural products concluded that regular consumption of schisandra extract reduces stress-related anxiety and also improves cognitive function. According to researchers, there is fairly strong evidence that lemongrass is a fairly potent natural andidepressan due to its ability to boost mood by reducing stress levels and boosting productivity in many aspects of life ( Bibliography:,

Melissa - natural aromatic antidepressant

The plant regulates mood, improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety, nervousness and irritability and anxiety. Melissa helps the body find peace and tranquility without causing harm ( Bibliography

Melissa officinalis is a perennial shrub plant from the mint family. Even in the Middle Ages this fragrant herb was distributed in Europe, it is now widely cultivated throughout the world. In the course of various studies, various biologically active substances have been isolated from lemon balm. HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) analyzes showed that pharmacological effects Melissa extract is provided with rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid ester and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid.

Studies in healthy volunteers have shown that lemon balm extract is able to modulate mood and can be considered a tranquilizer and antidepressant of limited use. However, there is no exact data on the gender factor and the duration of the effect, so be sure to coordinate the intake of lemon balm with your doctor.

Eleutherococcus, like many plant medicinal products, came to us from traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been used for more than 2000 years - oriental healers are sure that eleutherococcus is able to restore the lack vital energy qi.

Eleutherococcus is also considered a natural adaptogen, which means that it naturally enhances the body's resistance to various factors stress, helps to normalize and balance the immune and endocrine system organism.

Official pharmacology recognized eleutherococcus as an adaptogen in the 40s of the last century, when Soviet scientists began an active study of it. medicinal properties. In the USSR, Eleutherococcus was actively used to solve many health problems - from increasing the strength and endurance of athletes to combating radiation exposure after the catastrophe on Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986.

The plant improves adrenal function, which is associated with the fight against fatigue - chemical substances in Eleutherococcus inhibits the binding of stress hormones to their receptors. This means that the better your adrenal glands work, the less hormones that cause stress and anxiety are produced.
The consumption of eleutherococcus also causes mild sedative effects, which helps relieve symptoms of depression.

However, with all the benefits of eleutherococcus as a natural antidepressant, do not take it without consulting a doctor - eleutherococcus is contraindicated in high blood pressure and low blood sugar.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article on natural antidepressants is intended to inform the reader only. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a health professional.

Unfortunately, depression has long become a real symbol of our time of high technology, the crazy rhythm of life, constant nervous excitement. It's sad that a man for a long time lives in a state of stress, understands that he needs the help of a doctor, but finds time to visit him only when he needs serious treatment with the use of medications - antidepressants.

It must be said that chemical antidepressants are distinguished by a high concentration of the main therapeutic substance. Therefore, when they are used, the symptoms of the disease disappear quickly, which, of course, is very good. However, they all have a large list of side effects and contraindications. That is why pharmacies release them only on prescription.

Therefore, if a person experiences severe stress or is depressed, herbal antidepressants can be used. They do not have a harmful effect on the body, act more gently. However, it will also effectively help to calm down, eliminate the effects of stress. They will relieve anxiety, fear, help get rid of depression, normalize sleep.
Today we will talk about what antidepressants you can buy without doctor's prescriptions, herbal, herbal antidepressants:

What do pharmacies offer?

Non-prescription antidepressants:

Maprotiline(Ladiomil). It belongs to the group of tetracyclic antidepressants. The drug stabilizes psychomotor retardation, relieves anxiety, apathy, improves mood. Contraindicated in kidney disease, in violation of liver function. Should not be taken by pregnant women.

Zyban(Nousmoke, Wellbutrin). The tool increases efficiency, improves mood. It is often recommended to be taken to alleviate the condition during the period of quitting smoking, drug use.

Prozac. Effectively eliminates panic fear, anxiety states. After a course of treatment, balance and adequacy return. This medicine is often used in the treatment of premenstrual disorders.

Herbal antidepressants:

With the help of these herbal remedies, you can safely, and most importantly, effectively deal with the effects of stress. They are also dispensed by pharmacies without prescriptions:

Deprim. St. John's wort medicine. It is used to eliminate anxiety, stress. Increases efficiency, improves mood.

Leuzea extract. Effective for mental, physical overwork. Soothes, improves performance, gives positive attitude.

Ginseng tincture. Increases the tone of the body, helps not to lose self-control in a stressful situation. Effective for depression, some diseases of the nervous system.

Lure Tincture. The drug is taken for insomnia, which is caused by a state of depression. Also, this tool improves mood, returns the joy of life, increases efficiency.

herbal remedies sedative action:

Novo-Passit. The product includes extracts of medicinal plants: valerian, St. John's wort, passion flower. There are hawthorn fruits, hops, lemon balm and black elderberry in the composition. Effectively eliminates anxiety, relieves nervous tension. Helps to get rid of headaches. Reduces manifestations of climacteric, premenstrual syndrome.

Persen. The preparation contains valerian, mint, lemon balm. Renders sedative effect, is an effective antidepressant.

Herbs antidepressants

You can buy antidepressant herbs at any pharmacy. herbal preparations. With their help, you can also effectively deal with manifestations of depression, stress.

Infusions from plants such as St. John's wort, hops, dill, as well as lemon balm, motherwort and thyme have a calming effect, help with overwork, nervous exhaustion. They are considered natural, natural tranquilizers and are not
cause no harm to health.

Soothing herbal preparations are also very effective. For example, a collection of chamomile, oregano, cumin seeds, dill - excellent tool from seasonal depressions. Highly good effect provide fees, which includes angelica.

Antidepressant, calming preparations almost always include valerian. This plant is a well-known natural tranquilizer. Often medicinal fees contain borage. This plant improves mood, returns a positive attitude, helps fight apathy, blues.

To improve sleep, to eliminate insomnia, hop cones are used. It is recommended to fill small pillows with hops that you take with you to bed.

Healthy Recipe soothing decoction:

Pour into a saucepan (necessarily enameled) 1 tsp. dried flowers of cornflower, St. John's wort and motherwort. Pour boiling water, which take 3 cups. Wait 15 min. Then sweat over low heat, not for long, only 15 minutes. Now let the broth cool down. Drink the filtered remedy little by little, during the day. Be sure to drink some tea before bed.
All the remedies listed here are safe, effective and will definitely help you. Be healthy!

When you have a bad mood, a busy day, a post-stress situation or apathy, do not rush to take medications. You can be helped natural antidepressants: foods and medicinal herbs, aromatic oils.

Our mood and emotions depend not only on external circumstances and health, but also on the function endocrine glands: hypothalamus and epiphysis. Hormones that are produced by them, the state of the immune system, emotional mood and the degree of protection of the body in stressful situations.

The substance melatonin, which is produced by the pineal gland, helps to cope with stress, during which there is an intensive production of adrenaline, but blood sugar levels decrease.

It is no coincidence that in situations where there is apathy, loss of strength, nervous tension, you want something sweet: chocolate, sweets, cakes, sweet fruits - bananas or dates. It is these foods that contain carbohydrates that stimulate the production of melatonin, which helps to relax and calm down.

Products that improve mood.

Our mood is regulated by the hormone serotonin and we can control its level and stimulate increased output with certain products.

The most effective natural antidepressant is dark chocolate. To relieve tension, cheer up or cope with a stressful situation, just a few cubes of chocolate or a cup of aromatic cocoa, which contains phenylephylamine, the main function of which is precisely antidepressant. In addition, zinc is present in cocoa, which is indispensable for the beauty of hair and clean skin face, and substances that regulate the circulation of the brain.

Antidepressant products also include dried apricots, honey, marmalade, raspberries and strawberries, persimmons, and halva. Of the two evils: caloric content and tension or apathy, it is better to choose the least, and allow yourself, in reasonable quantities, sweet. The calories gained can be spent either in the pool, or.

If your mood long time changes like a barometer, you need to include in your menu products containing vitamins B1, B2, E and A, as well as trace elements: selenium and zinc.

Vitamin B1 - thiamine

Regulates the state of the nervous system: if it is not enough in the body, it becomes unprotected in stressful situations, and the nervous system is constantly “on the verge of collapse” and gradually begins to “loose”.

There is chronic irritability, dissatisfaction with everything: with oneself, with life, and with others, a depressive state. In addition, there are constant concerns and fears for any reason, sleep disturbances and a prolonged decline in strength, edema appears and the aging process of the body accelerates.

Largest Quantity vitamin B1 - in brewer's yeast. In the form of tablets, they are now sold in all pharmacies. But yeast is contraindicated in diseases: hypertension, diseases of the bile ducts, gallbladder and liver, obesity and a tendency to be overweight. In these cases, it is recommended to include in your menu increased amount cabbage of all kinds and green peas.

Vitamin B1 is also found in nuts and potatoes, rye bread and eggs, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. To increase the content of vitamin B1 in the body in a week, 100 g per day of walnuts or almonds is enough. Their calorie content can be offset by a low-calorie diet.

Vitamin B2 - riboflavin

Another vitamin that directly affects our mood. The main function of this vitamin is skin health, but it also affects vision, the state of the brain, immunity and nervous system. Its deficiency is characterized by fatigue, frequent nervous breakdowns and irritability, low resistance to infections.

With these symptoms, and for prevention, include in your menu liver, veal, brewer's yeast, dairy products, milk, cottage cheese, feta cheese and cheese, wheat germ, potatoes and leeks, tomatoes, turnips, green beans, cabbage and green pea.

Vitamin E - tocopherol

Eliminates nocturnal muscle cramps, accelerates tissue renewal, in the elderly gradually disappear dark spots improves vision, the condition of muscles, skin, blood and lungs. And American scientists have found that vitamin E is a vitamin of energy, positive and joy. In their opinion, it is thanks to this vitamin that a person becomes energetic and cheerful. Vitamin E is not only an antidepressant, but also a powerful antioxidant: it regulates oxidative processes in the body.

Therefore, products containing tocopherol are part of the "star" diets popular in Hollywood. But it is not recommended to start taking vitamin E in higher doses: it should accumulate in the body gradually. And you should not stay in the sun for too long - the content of tocopherol in the tissues begins to decrease, so you should always sunbathe in moderation - for health and beauty, and not to skin problems and health.

To make up for the deficiency of tocopherol in the body, it is necessary to include in your daily menu whole wheat bread, unrefined cereals, any vegetable oils, young nettle leaves, mint leaves, celery greens, bran, broccoli. But increased content vitamin E - only in seedlings: wheat, oats, peas, soybeans, pumpkins.

Natural antidepressants are all vegetables and fruits of orange, red and yellow flowers. Most of them contain vitamin A - retinol and provitamin A - carotene: carrots, apricots, pumpkin, beans.

Vitamin A

- a vitamin of beauty and youth, health of the skin, hair and nails. Its deficiency results in disease night blindness when a person begins to see poorly in the dark.

Vitamin A is also found in the liver, yolks, fish oil, cabbage, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

Of the trace elements, it has antidepressant properties. selenium. It is found in very small quantities in seedlings, walnuts, cashew, celery, asparagus. But with a full and varied diet, its amount that enters the body with food is enough.

Anti-stress diet.

In order to improve your emotional background, cheer you up, get out of apathy and depression, exclude alcohol from your menu, strong tea and coffee: your nervous system now needs not stimulants, but products that regulate hormonal levels.

For the same reason, exclude spicy, peppery, fried and fatty meals- you will reduce the load on the body. For a while, it is worth abandoning seasonings and spices: pepper, mustard, garlic.

Now you will be useful products: sour-milk and cottage cheese, feta cheese or cheese, cereals, dried fruits, eggs 2-3 per week, fish, chicken, turkey or veal meat, olive, corn or linseed vegetable oils, fish or beef liver, nuts, sprouts , vegetables.

Especially necessary: ​​raw or baked pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, green peas, cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli, parsley and dill. And, of course, dark chocolate and cocoa, fruits and juices, brewer's yeast.

Anti-stress diet menu - you can adjust it daily.

tsp sprouted and washed grains with sprouts 1.5-3 mm long, oatmeal muesli with dried apricots, raisins and nuts, a cup of cocoa, 2 slices of toaster-dried rye bread, banana.


orange, 2-3 chocolate cubes and a cup of green tea, rye or oatmeal bread.

1 option: vegetable soup, a side dish of brown rice or buckwheat, a piece of chicken or fish, a salad of tomatoes and sweet peppers with vegetable oil, Rye bread, green tea or mineral water.

Option 2: vegetable stew: cauliflower, celery greens, zucchini, 2 soft-boiled eggs, rye bun, juice and apple.

yogurt and lean cookies, raisins, dates, nuts.

stewed asparagus, pepper, kohlrabi, celery root and greens - vegetable stew to your taste, cheese or cheese. Juice or biokefir. Before going to bed - hot milk or a cup of cocoa with milk, rosehip infusion with honey, a tablet of brewer's yeast.

For a week of anti-stress diet, you may well improve your emotional state. It is only necessary to monitor the calorie content of the menu, but also not to arrange additional stress for yourself about a limited diet.

Now the main thing for you is to fill the deficiency of the necessary antidepressant vitamins and provide good nutrition to be able to adequately perceive the situation and use the brain as much as possible to find the right decision or way out of the current situation. And for this, the body needs healthy energy, which contains natural and healthy products.

They will help control appetite, adjust weight - on vegetable broth.

Soothing medicinal herbs and fees.

From medicinal herbs having sedative effect help to reduce emotional stress and for stress, valerian root and leaves, oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops.

With stress, depression, apathy, it is useful to brew tea from St. John's wort, rose hips, raspberry or strawberry leaves, oregano and mint. It is better to use a thermos: a handful of wild rose, tbsp. herbs, pour a liter of boiling water and leave for at least 2 hours. You can not filter, but add boiling water during the day. In the morning, prepare a new infusion. This soothing tea can be drunk throughout the day, 5-7 days. Then drink an infusion of wild rose, lemon balm, thyme.

An infusion of St. John's wort and valerian root will be more effective. Infusion: st.l. St. John's wort, ch.l. valerian root. Prepare and take in the same way as the previous collection.

Try brewing this soothing herbal tea instead of regular or green tea for a week - you will feel a noticeable improvement not only in your emotional state but of the whole organism as a whole.

An infusion of hop cones and mint acts as synthetic tranquilizers, but has no side effects and is safe for health. Infusion: tsp. hop cones and mint steamed with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes, strain and drink in 2 doses, adding a slice of lemon and tsp. honey.

In order for the sleep to be calm and refreshing, you can prepare a sachet from the collection of herbs: hop cones, lavender, oregano, lemon balm. Fill a small pillow made of cotton or linen. Such a fragrant sachet, if you live it at the head, normalizes sleep and calms the nervous system, helps to ease the tension of the body.

Aroma oils will help improve your mood: lavender will calm you down, ylang-ylang will relax and also reduce stress, cedar helps to cope with anxiety and fears. Aroma oils will help during the day: orange - tones, reduces mental fatigue, spruce oil also tones and strengthens self-confidence, pine oil stimulates the brain.

Natural antidepressants: herbs, foods and aromatic oils will surely and effectively help you cope with a bad mood, apathy and a stressful situation. Just keep confidence in yourself, your strengths and abilities. And that all bad things come to an end.

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Natural antidepressants are an additional therapeutic measure against depression, which many people mistakenly do not recognize as a disease, consider it a mere blues.

A negligent attitude to such issues is unacceptable, because psychological instability, a pronounced decrease in vital activity, a regular feeling of melancholy, depression caused by the onset of a depressive state, can significantly harm, provoking a lot of problems (external, internal).

Scale likely consequences serious, in addition to a deterioration in the quality of life (the appearance of problems at work, in the family), a mental disorder called depression is a weighty argument to fear the development of a number of diseases.

An untimely visit to a doctor, or a lack of desire to do anything at all, threatens with the risks of violations:

  • cardiovascular system (stroke, heart attack, symptoms of hypertension, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias);
  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • alcoholism;
  • deterioration of mental abilities;
  • allergy;
  • neuroses;
  • low immunity;
  • weakness, fatigue.

The disease has no clear age restrictions, however, adolescents and the elderly are at particular risk, since depression is an extremely common problem situation in these “life intervals”.

Depression predominantly arises as a negative background to the endless stresses that accompany our daily life.

To a greater extent, the disease has a social connotation - difficult life situations, no one is immune from them, nervous breakdowns, emotional upheavals. However, such circumstances do not always become catalysts. mental disorder and the onset of depression.

The female body, such a psychological state “overtakes” 2-3 times more often, especially the peak interval of the disease is considered to be the age of 15-25 years, and after overcoming the sixty-year milestone.

Treatment is provided by a psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist. To overcome a spiritual crisis without pills and outside help, there are chances, but only at an early stage, initial stage pathological process. Positive result largely based on personal qualities, the current physical state.

heavy clinical forms It is impossible to treat a depressive state on your own, the issue is serious, it requires mandatory qualified medical support.


The duo of fundamental causes for depression are:

  • psychological trauma;
  • systematic stressful situations.

In the first case, negative life circumstances can act as catalysts for the onset of depression, often arising quite unexpectedly:

  • conflict at work, dismissal;
  • discord in personal life (divorce);
  • serious illness, disability, death of a loved one;
  • a sharp deterioration in material well-being;
  • bankruptcy.

There are situations when the reason for the onset of a steady decline in mood, in conjunction with motor retardation (slowness), is a person's exit to a well-deserved rest (pension).

It is problematic to specify the etiology of mental disorders against the background of constant stress, since it can be very difficult for a doctor to clearly articulate the “traumatic factor” that has become the impetus for mental health disorders. During conversations, the patient finds it difficult to say what event served as the starting point for the start of depression.

Symptoms of depression

The primary alarm call is the duration similar condition. Pronounced sadness, apathy lasts more than two weeks - an indicator of the manifestation of the disease, and problems can become protracted, stretching for months.

People prone to depressive moods are required to carefully listen to their inner well-being.

The palette of clinical manifestations is diverse, acting on two fronts - affecting the emotional and physical background.
Emotional manifestations of depression:

  • increased irritability, unreasonable mood swings;
  • feeling of guilt;
  • self-flagellation;
  • despair, melancholy;
  • catastrophically low self-esteem
  • lack of desire to enjoy actions and deeds that previously brought pleasure, joy;
  • depressed mood;
  • partial or complete loss of faith in one's own strengths;
  • there are many unjustified fears, phobias;
  • interest in the surrounding world disappears, emotional “dullness” of feelings is observed.

Physical signs:

  • the desire to eat disappears, or on the contrary, the feeling of hunger constantly haunts;
  • it is stated, and diametrically opposite scenarios are possible (drowsiness, insomnia);
  • there are problems with the functionality of the intestine (mainly defecation occurs with a delay, constipation occurs);
  • lethargy, low concentration ability, fatigue;
  • discomfort, pain in muscles, joints, stomach.

Only a doctor can competently fix a mental disorder, “rewarding” you with a diagnosis of depression, it is extremely difficult to solve the problem without outside intervention (especially with moderate, severe degrees of the disease). The verdict is usually passed on the basis of two or three signs "demonstrating" themselves together, lasting more than a crescent.

Self-diagnosis will help to recognize the disease in a timely manner, for similar situation quite appropriate action.

It is important for people prone to depression, as well as their relatives, to know the above mentioned signs in order to apply for medical care help a loved one.

Alternative treatment

Weak (initial) degrees are treated on an outpatient basis, severe stages require hospitalization. Tactics of normalization of mental health ( treatment regimen) is selected individually, based on the stage and type of disease. There are two fundamental directions, they are used separately or combinatorially:

  • pharmacotherapy;
  • psychotherapy.

Antidepressants are the basis of drug assistance in overcoming a depressive state.

Reaction to medication different patients can significantly differ, there are plenty of etiological factors for this: the degree, form of the disorder, concomitant diseases.

Unfortunately, medications for depression have a very impressive list of side effects, which forces doctors to often adjust the chosen treatment regimen.

The appointment of the drug, the selection of the dosage - the actions performed by a purely doctor.

When developing tactics, choosing the necessary pharmacological agents, doctors are guided by:

  • generally accepted therapeutic standards for this issue;
  • knowledge (information) about the medicine;
  • personal clinical experience with the drug.

To independently carry out such manipulations after listening to the advice of friends, having seen advertising, is a dangerous, unpromising business. Seriously harm your health, it is unlikely that you will be able to get out of the pit of a depressive state, your mental well-being will not improve.

Uncontrolled reception, ignoring medical appointments(exceeding dosages) can significantly aggravate the situation of the patient, and the scale side effect can grow to catastrophic proportions:

  • at best, a banal decline in mood, apathy, lethargy;
  • the negative scenario is extremely dangerous (convulsive seizures, hemorrhagic stroke, schizophrenia);

Antidepressants are prescription drugs that must be dispensed strictly according to the prescriptions of a doctor, who individually determines the appropriateness of taking, dosage.

The list of remedies offered by pharmacies to solve such a problem is large, the choice of a specific drug is made by a doctor, depending on the stage of depression, clinical manifestations.

List of possible appointments


  • doxepin;
  • Amitriptyline;
  • Azaphen.


  • Nortriptyline;
  • fluoxetine;
  • Imipramine;
  • Bupropion;
  • Aurorix.


  • Maprotiline;
  • pyrazidol;
  • Tianeptine;

Among the new generation of antidepressants:

  • Stimuloton;
  • Serlift;
  • Efevelon;
  • Paxil;
  • Opipramol;
  • Paroxetine.

Once again, note that the drugs mentioned above can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, it is categorically not recommended to make any independent decisions. Each drug has an impressive list of contraindications, an overdose is fraught with serious consequences.

Primary expectations of positive dynamics, at best, are likely after at least two, sometimes three weeks of competent medication intake, selected by a qualified specialized medical specialist.

On the early stages treatment may include drugs that eliminate anxiety, minimizing psycho-emotional stress patient (tranquilizers) - the appointment varies from two weeks to a month.

Antidepressants are prescribed in a course, and tranquilizers are able to competently “work out” even after a single dose. Main negative side effects addiction - the withdrawal syndrome is distinctly pronounced, severe.

The list of possible negative consequences of illiterate use, abrupt cancellation after prolonged use:

  • increased slowness (inhibited reactions);
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • drowsiness;
  • unsteady gait;
  • speech disorder;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • incontinence (involuntary release of urine);
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • hypersensitivity to odors;
  • perception disorder;
  • paralysis of the respiratory center;
  • stop breathing.

The course of taking pills for depression lasts at least two months.

Herbal antidepressants

Unlike pharmacological ones, natural "stabilizers" of mental well-being work softer, with much less side effects.

To ensure psychological stability and get out of a depressive state, the main treatment, after agreeing with the doctor, is strengthened:

  • an extensive arsenal of folk remedies;
  • massage;
  • autotraining, acupuncture, aromatherapy.

Treatment herbs widely used in the elimination of the "consequences" of mental disorders, but it is required to realize that such a measure is only additional help. Severe stages clinical depression decoctions and infusions alone cannot be overcome, the issue is resolved exclusively by an integrated approach, medical supervision is required.

Now more about some of the “popular” natural antidepressants, which, if used correctly, can show positive results.

St. John's wort

Regular use helps “turn off” key indicators of depression:

  • anxiety;
  • fear;
  • irritability;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • persistent deterioration in mood.

The effectiveness of extract-based products Hypericum comparable to tablets (amitriptyline, imipramine), but side effects are incomparably less. However, it is still possible, the plant has contraindications, the use must be agreed with the doctor.

The plant is a structural component of official medicine drugs (Deprim, Negrustin) prescribed during depressive states.

Useful qualities:

  • restorative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • analgesic;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory.
Being powerful weapon against depression, the St. John's wort plant is able to fight diseases on other “fronts”:
  • good prevention of atherosclerosis (excellent antioxidant, improves the characteristics of lipid metabolism);
  • vascular, cardiac pathologies;
  • myalgia, joint pain;
  • colds, viral cataclysms;
  • , liver;
  • urination disorders;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • alopecia (pathological hair loss);
  • sagging, dry skin.

The composition of the plant is saturated with hypericin, which positively affects the level of serotonin - an “indicator” of good mood, which is especially important for those prone to depression.

Results of competent reception:

  • relief of feelings of anxiety;
  • removal of irritability;
  • elimination of anxiety;
  • mild calming effect;
  • sustained improvement in mood;
  • spiritual comfort and harmony in the body.

There is an impressive list of options for using this plant in the arsenal of the “green first-aid kit”, we will consider two that will not be difficult to prepare.


Preliminarily thoroughly dried St. John's wort (10 grams) is poured with 70% alcohol (50 ml.), Incubated for ten days. Daily dosage varies 10-15 drops, diluted a small amount water, before going to bed do not take.


Pour two full teaspoons of herbs with water, boil, let cool, filter. Drink two cups of decoction per day, the duration of the course is three weeks.


  • Pregnancy, lactation - internal intake is categorically unacceptable;
  • increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • photodermatitis;
  • the plant is unacceptable for persons planning transplantation, or those who have undergone this operation;
  • severe nature of hypertension.

The structural composition of any medicinal plant (St. John's wort is no exception) is complex, sometimes contains toxic substances. Let harmful components be present in microdoses, but their percentage negative influence they “transmit” to the body, especially the health of the liver is undermined.

Overdose, long-term treatment St. John's wort can serve as a catalyst for the emergence and development of a number of pathological conditions:

  • allergic response - rash, eczema, itching, hypersensitivity to animal hair;
  • CNS disorders - headaches, fatigue, irritation, anxiety;
  • stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation);
  • nausea;
  • eating disorder;
  • poor appetite;
  • iron deficiency;
  • pain discomfort in the liver, a feeling of bitterness;

The toxicity of St. John's wort is weak, but in order to avoid side effects, it is more expedient to limit the therapeutic course to a month, long periods can adversely affect the body.

Preparations based on St. John's wort are relevant for mild degrees of depression, against severe forms of such a mental disorder, the low effectiveness of the plant is mainly “fixed”.

Since only a doctor can adequately qualify the degree of the disorder, it is strongly recommended to coordinate your actions with him.


With its positive characteristics, the plant is comparable to ginseng, increases vitality relieves physical and mental stress.

FROM medicinal purposes since autumn, roots with a rhizome are harvested from a plant, which are previously thoroughly cleaned of soil, washed under cold water, cut into small fragments, dried, stored in a place protected from light.


  • neuroses;
  • asthenia;
  • CNS depression;
  • sluggish variant of schizophrenia;

Among other advantages of the lure, we note:

  • helps hypotension;
  • appoint at complex treatment heart failure;
  • reduces glucose levels, and quickly enough;
  • favorably reflects on female body during the menopause.


  • increased aggressiveness, agitation;
  • , fever;
  • acute infections;
  • hypertension;
  • frequent pulse;
  • lack of sleep;
  • sclerotic disorders in the vessels of the brain;
  • painful physical activity arising against the will of the patient (facial paraspasm, tremor, ballism, tic, myoclonus, athetosis, akathisia);
  • epilepsy.

To stabilize mental balance, tincture based on the root and rhizome of the lure shows the best effectiveness.

Dry, previously carefully crushed ingredients mentioned above are poured with 70% alcohol, kept for three weeks, where it is warm and there is no light. Take 30 drops before meals, course of 10 days, the storage container is opaque.


From Latin it translates "to be healthy", medicinal raw materials the plant has roots that contain a wide range of useful substances:

  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • essential oil;
  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids.

Actions taken:

  • minimizes the excitability of the central nervous system;
  • relaxes the muscles of the organs;
  • soothing;
  • sedative;
  • choleretic;
  • painkiller.


  • high pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • spasms;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • hysteria;
  • gallbladder problems.


The composition is enriched with flavonoids, bitterness, resins, essential oils, which allows the plant to have calming, hypnotic qualities. Neurosis, depression, anxiety, just the usual overwork - the negative of these conditions will weaken under the influence of this plant.


  • anti-inflammatory;
  • laxative;
  • anthelmintic;
  • against seizures;
  • painkiller;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • improves appetite.
  • Grind hop cones, mint leaves, or lemon balm in equal parts, take the ingredients in two teaspoons. To the resulting mixture, add 20 grams of carefully chopped valerian roots. The final collection with a volume of a tablespoon, brew a glass of boiling water. After wrapping the container with a warm cloth, let it brew for six hours. Take a third of a glass before meals.
  • After brewing with boiling water a tablespoon of crushed hop cones, leave for five hours. Drink before meals 50 ml.

A good alternative in addition to infusions and decoctions will be hop therapeutic baths, or corny stuff a pillow with hops.

These actions will help reduce anxiety, loosen the “grip” of depression, and improve sleep.

A glass of hops for five liters of boiling water, insist, strain. Add to bath with warm water. Very useful soothing treatment before bedtime.


Perfectly stabilizes and strengthens the psyche, nerves, positively affects the "work" of the heart muscle, reduces pressure, adds vitality.

B vitamins, flavonoids, plus magnesium allow Ivan tea to “boast” a set of qualities that are useful for stabilizing the psycho-emotional state:

  • reduces nervousness;
  • eliminates excitability, anxiety;
  • weakens;
  • restores sleep stability.



  • restorative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • tonic;
  • antiseptic;
  • painkiller;
  • sedative;
  • antitumor.

A pillow stuffed with loosestrife will help ease sleep, ease insomnia. A mixture of plakun-grass with astragalus is listed among the prescriptions for neurosis, schizophrenia. Such a collection helps to ease the depressive state.

The herbs required for collection are taken one tablespoon each, add one and a half glasses of water. Bringing to a boil, keep a quarter of an hour on low heat. Then after an hour, filter. I drink the infusion in equal parts throughout the day.


Component of many pharmacological agents, the status of a natural (natural) tranquilizer is assigned to the plant. For recipes use the herbaceous part. Increased saturation with alkaloids allows the passion flower (secondary name of the plant) to have a sedative, hypnotic effect on the body.

The composition of passionflower is enriched with a number of important nutrients:

  • coumarins;
  • phenolic compounds;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • proteins.


  • neurasthenia;
  • strong overexcitation;
  • anxiety;
  • depression;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • alcoholism,
  • sleep problems.

Passiflora acts on the nervous system gently, gently returning the body to normal activities from depression.

Applications: medicinal herbal collection, tincture, tea.


  • arrhythmia;
  • angina;
  • heart attacks;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • urates in the urine.

Passiflora tincture

Ingredients 60% alcohol and dry grass, the ratio of a liter per 200 grams. Withstand two weeks, not forgetting to shake occasionally. A single serving is 30 drops before meals.

medicinal tea

Pre-dried, crushed passionflower is brewed with boiling water, allowed to brew for ten minutes. Strain, use warm before going to bed for half an hour.


Required Components:

  • passion flower - 20 grams;
  • anise, valerian root - 15;
  • mint - 10.

After mixing the components, two tbsp. l. mixtures are brewed, insisted. This infusion is excellent sedative, 50 ml., three times a day.

Passionflower has an arsenal side effects limited, but the probability exists, therefore it is strongly recommended to coordinate the use with a doctor.

peony root

Another “health support tool”, saturated with beneficial substances that help counteract various pathological conditions:

  • women's diseases;
  • neuroses;
  • chronic depression;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety.

Peony deviant contributes to the activation of endorphins by the body, which are responsible for a good mood.

  • iron;
  • strontium;
  • magnesium;
  • chromium;
  • copper;
  • potassium;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • saponins;
  • essential oils;
  • alkaloids;
  • benzoic, gallic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides.

Grind the peony root, add boiled water, the ratio is 5 g / 500 ml. After insisting an hour, drink 30 ml., Three times a day. Store only in the refrigerator for a maximum of three days.

An alternative decoction pharmacy tincture peony, taking according to the instructions.



  • normalizes the "performance" of the heart muscle;
  • calms the nerves;
  • lowers the pressure.


  • neuroses;
  • neurasthenia;
  • the initial stage of hypertension;
  • asthenia.

The calming effect exceeds valerian three times, it is acceptable to combine with other medications, including sedatives.

Motherwort increases the “power” of analgesics and sleeping pills. After two weeks, it is permissible to expect primary changes.

Take the tincture according to the pharmacy instructions.

white gladiolus

Beautiful not only externally, the flower has a rich set of useful qualities.


  • depression;
  • stress;
  • neurosis;
  • irritability, various kinds fears, anxieties;
  • , headache.

To prepare the infusion, you will need flowers of wild violet, and gladiolus. The first need two teaspoons, and the second half a glass. Grind, mix, add a glass of boiling water. When cool, refrigerate for 72 hours. Take a tablespoon before meals.

Just a few words about the violet.

With a nervous breakdown, fragrant violet appears mainly in the recipes, which is harvested in late spring, in summer.


  • convulsions;
  • hysteria;
  • insomnia;
  • nervous attack;
  • epilepsy;
  • tachycardia.


The degree of influence is due to the composition (a set of biologically active substances), among the “popular” components are:

  • flavonoids;
  • glycopeptides;
  • glycosides;
  • polysaccharides.

For those who are in a state of depression, the help of adaptogens will be a significant support for the body in an effort to “wake up”, restore a shaken mental balance, and respond positively to external changes.

These plants include:

  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • astragalus;
  • ginseng;
  • Leuzea safflower;
  • echinacea;
  • lemongrass Chinese;
  • rhodiola rosea;
  • eleutherococcus.

Side effect:

  • increased libido;
  • bad sleep;
  • high pressure.

Requires small doses to be taken daytime be sure to check with your doctor.

Fundamental criteria for home treatment:

  • compliance with appointments, daily routine;
  • proper nutrition;
  • avoid emotional upheavals, stressful situations.

Overcome illness, restore mental health on your own is sometimes an extremely difficult task.

Competently conducted psychological trainings are of considerable benefit, thanks to which the patient begins to look at life more positively, feeling the meaning and joy of existence.

Unfortunately, getting advice from a clinical psychologist or a psychotherapist is a shameful and unacceptable act for many in such a situation, being afraid to hear a disappointing verdict from a doctor about mental disorders.

This point of view is erroneous, no one will label you as a “mental patient” for life, on the contrary, the doctor will help you understand the true reasons for what happened, understand what “pushed” the body to the onset of a depressive state.

Depression is a disease with characteristic clinical manifestations, flowing in various “scenarios” (severity) - requires qualified adequate treatment.

Only severe disorders are treated inpatiently, mainly the therapeutic issue is resolved on an outpatient basis, but in order to see positive changes, you should not be afraid of a visit to a specialized doctor, follow the instructions.

Synthetic or natural antidepressants will help you find a way out of the current problem situation, the main thing is not to leave yourself alone with depression, do not hesitate to consult a doctor in time.

Take an interest in health, goodbye.

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