The main gas-forming products during breastfeeding and methods of combating flatulence. Gas and fecal incontinence after childbirth

Increased gas formation after childbirth worries every third new mother. Its causes are physiological processes that do not require treatment, or pathologies that require mandatory correction. You can independently try to find out why bloating occurs in the postpartum period, but it is better to consult a doctor.

The causes of swollen intestines are often hidden in malnutrition. After the birth of a child, a woman tries to eat healthy food, but does not always choose the right foods. Increase flatulence can:

  • yeast products, black and white bread, buns;
  • dairy products, ice cream;
  • cabbage, potatoes, radishes, radishes and all legumes;
  • most cereals;
  • carbonated drinks, sweets.

If these foods predominate in a woman’s diet, then simply changing the diet is enough to eliminate increased flatulence. It is necessary to give preference to protein dishes, replace raw vegetables with thermally processed ones, exclude all gas-forming foods. Dairy products should be replaced with dairy products.

Gases in the intestines are formed due to the fact that during pregnancy the fetus squeezes the digestive tract, and immediately after childbirth it relaxes. The loops cannot immediately take their usual position, which is why food stagnates, constipation and flatulence occur. Moderate physical activity and the use of laxatives that do not affect intestinal motility will help eliminate this problem.


Signs of flatulence after childbirth increase with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Additionally, a woman may experience abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, indigestion, unpleasant belching, or other concerns. Such symptoms may indicate pathology:

Treatment is chosen according to the type of disease. Be sure to consider whether a woman is breastfeeding, since many drugs in this case are prohibited. It is unacceptable to self-medicate, because the improper use of drugs can aggravate the condition of a woman whose body is already weakened after childbirth.

Caesarean section and gas

In a separate group, women can be distinguished who have severe flatulence after surgery. Often, a complaint of increased gas formation is associated with the fact that a child is born by caesarean section. This procedure requires the use of drugs that turn off the work of the digestive tract for a while. Recovery does not occur immediately, and a decrease in peristalsis leads to temporary constipation and gas formation.

Symptoms of flatulence after caesarean section disappear within a few weeks. If the pain in the abdomen continues to bother or the incision does not heal well, then you should definitely contact a gynecologist with these complaints.

Symptomatic treatment

Most new mothers do not have enough time to go to the doctors, so they try to get rid of a delicate problem on their own. You should start with your diet. It is also necessary to ensure that the stool is regular.

As symptomatic remedies for emergency care, it is permissible to use drugs: Espumizan, Sab Simplex, children's Bobotic or dill water.

Such funds are allowed during breastfeeding, they will also have a beneficial effect on the baby's digestive system. Medications for flatulence will break up accumulations of gases and gently bring them out in a natural way.

A small child suffers from colic due to weak intestinal motility, and therefore a young mother, when breastfeeding, must carefully choose foods for her menu. A reasonable approach to the choice of dishes will allow you to make the daily table of a young mother varied, and the baby will not suffer from pain in the tummy.

The usefulness and nutritional value of breast milk and the health of the baby largely depend on the diet of the nursing mother. At the same time, you don’t need to eat everything and more, this approach is basically wrong, even if the child has already grown up enough and perceives any products in the mother’s diet without problems and an allergic reaction. Breast milk should be balanced, and therefore a nursing mother should build her diet on the following principles:

Before the introduction of complementary foods in a child, a young mother should keep a food diary for herself in order to determine the food allergen in time if the child reacts with a rash. It is also worth abandoning the uncontrolled use of gas-producing foods or combinations of foods that provide increased gas formation in the intestines. Alternatively, it is worth using special food products that neutralize the effect of gas formation.

Gas generating products

If flatulence only causes inconvenience to an adult, then for a baby up to three months and even older, this is the cause of acute pain in the intestines. Of course, gas formation during breastfeeding can always be suppressed with the help of special medications for babies, but this often cannot be done. It is the poet who should exclude or consume the following products in small quantities:

Interesting on the net:

  • cabbage of any variety and color (white and red, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.)
  • legumes (beans, peas, lentils, beans, soybeans, lentils, beans, etc.)
  • carrot,
  • turnip/rutabaga
  • celery
  • mushrooms
  • milk
  • fruits (pears, apples, bananas, grapes, watermelons)
  • carbonated drinks
  • bakery products
  • fish, meat, eggs (gas formation is negligible)
  • vegetable oils

All these products provoke one or another degree of gas formation. If we note the most dangerous foods for a child suffering from colic, then it will be cabbage, legumes, turnips and milk. These products should not be in the diet of a nursing mother at all in the first three months after the birth of a baby. As for foods that can only provoke moderate gas in the intestines, these include vegetables and fruits, carbonated drinks, bread, mushrooms. Such components of breastfeeding meals can be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding as early as 3 weeks after birth. As for potatoes, meat, fish, eggs, due to slight gas formation, they appear on the table of a nursing mother immediately after childbirth.

Combination of foods that cause gas

As practice shows, unsuccessful combinations of products, which individually do not create any inconvenience for the body of a mother or baby, together can produce a negative reaction and increased gas formation. So, what foods should not be combined while breastfeeding:

  1. Protein and starchy salty foods with juices and sweets. In practice, this means that main courses should not be washed down with juices, and it is better to eat dessert for an afternoon snack. Even choosing a sandwich with sausage for a snack, it is better to choose unsweetened green tea as a drink.
  2. Dairy products in combination with meat, fish, sour fruits and bread. That is why it is worth abandoning the habit of drinking a sandwich or even a full meal with kefir. In general, dairy and sour-milk products are best consumed separately for the second dinner before bedtime.
  3. Carbonated drinks combined with any food can provoke bloating. In general, soda is of no value to the body. Moreover, the abundance of concentrates and preservatives in it makes it look like a chemical cocktail, poisoning all the food that came with it.
  4. The combination of legumes with bread can cause fermentation, indigestion, and therefore this combination should also be abandoned.

When forming her diet, a nursing mother should focus on the individual characteristics of her own body, that is, if a woman’s gastrointestinal tract has a tendency to flatulence, then you should avoid eating foods that cause increased gas formation - most likely this is how the child will react to food.

How to deal with flatulence

With frequent cases of flatulence, you should consult your doctor. If the cause of the disruption of the digestive tract is not malnutrition, but some kind of disease, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment. Treatment is prescribed after the examination. In any case, when breastfeeding, a young mother should avoid the wrong combination of dairy products, sweet carbonated drinks and sweets, which will help, even with normal digestion and the absence of allergies and individual intolerance, not to provoke bloating in the baby.

The birth of a long-awaited baby is always accompanied by great joy of parents and relatives. However, after pregnancy, mothers may experience more than just the joy of childbirth. It is not uncommon for them to experience less than pleasant bodily changes that are accompanied by certain health problems such as gas and incontinence.

One of the most common problems for young mothers is increased gas formation in the intestines. Due to the delicacy of the problem, many women do not go to the doctor about this and try to get rid of the inconvenience on their own. However, if you are breastfeeding, and three months after giving birth you notice that you fart too often and this is accompanied by incontinence, rumbling in the abdomen, pain and bloating, it is better to make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The specialist will find out the cause of increased gas formation and draw up an individual treatment plan for you that will not harm your baby.

What causes flatulence

  • Most often, increased gas formation is associated with the diet of a young mother. In order to avoid flatulence, it is necessary to adjust the menu, and eat only those foods that do not cause gas formation.
  • Flatulence can cause the following foods: black bread, white cabbage, beans, milk. In addition, increased gas formation can be caused by the combination of some incompatible foods. For example, foods that contain starch and protein are incompatible. That is, meat should not be served with potatoes or pasta, it is better to use neutral vegetables as a side dish, such as broccoli. Also, after giving birth, avoid eating exotic foods, it will be easier for your intestines to cope with the usual food. Pay attention to the diet. You need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions at the same time. If you are not sure about the correct menu you have compiled, seek the advice of a nutritionist who will give the necessary recommendations on the diet during breastfeeding.
  • Another cause of flatulence after childbirth is the displacement of the internal organs of a woman. As you know, the growing uterus displaces all the organs of a woman, including the intestines. After childbirth, the organs need time to return to their original places, and during this time the intestines and other organs may work with some failures. For a faster restoration of the functions of internal organs, you need to perform special exercises that your doctor can prescribe for you.

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If you suspect the presence of these diseases, immediately seek help from a specialist.

Nutrition in the postpartum period

Due to the fact that the intestines of a pregnant woman shrink significantly in the last months of bearing a baby, it takes time and a special diet to restore its normal functioning. The nutrition of the woman in labor should be as sparing as possible. Soups, broths, non-carbonated water, juices - these are the foods that you need to eat in the first days after childbirth. Gradually, cereals, boiled meat, eggs and vegetables should be included in the diet. At that stage of recovery, bread and bakery products should be excluded from the diet, they can be replaced with crackers and dry cookies.

The right products for a young mother include: sour-milk products, boiled meat, zucchini, thermally processed carrots, pumpkin, beets, broccoli, bananas.

Flatulence and caesarean section

Caesarean section has a more detrimental effect on bowel function than natural childbirth. The reason for this is the introduction during the operation of special drugs that block the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Later, a woman is given another drug that restores bowel activity, but during the recovery process, bloating and gas formation can often occur. An important point for preventing problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the postoperative period is early physical activity. As soon as the effect of anesthesia has passed, the woman must get up and walk. This will help restore the normal functioning of internal organs as soon as possible.

When to see a doctor

A visit to a specialist should not be delayed if several months have passed since the birth, and dietary restrictions do not bring the desired result. In this case, often the cause of the formation of gases is the development of dysbacteriosis. This disease is easily treated with the help of modern drugs. Remember! There is no need to self-medicate, because taking drugs that are not prescribed by a specialist can adversely affect the health of the baby. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor who will select for you an individual, most sparing treatment schedule.

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It is also necessary to remember that for normal bowel function it is necessary to consume enough water. This is especially important in the first days after the birth of the baby.

Traditional medicine for flatulence

In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes that are recommended for use in flatulence. However, their use must be agreed with the attending physician, especially this rule applies to nursing mothers, because everything you eat or drink can affect the health of the baby.

Of the most common recipes for increased gas formation, you can safely take a decoction of chamomile, a decoction of dill seeds, a decoction of mint, etc.

Also, an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle can affect the increased formation of gases in the intestines. The intestine reacts negatively to stress, fatigue, negative emotions. Malfunctions in the work of the intestines can occur with lack of sleep or a sedentary lifestyle. In order for your digestive organs to work properly, it is necessary to observe the sleep and wakefulness regimen. Sleep should be given at least 8 hours, before going to bed it is advisable to take a walk. Try to lead a more active lifestyle, walk, ride a bike, go in for sports, this will help not only solve problems with flatulence, but also restore elasticity and harmony to your figure after childbirth.

Fecal incontinence

In addition to flatulence, women in labor often face the problem of fecal incontinence. Involuntary bowel movements and unrestrained gas can occur due to ruptures and injuries in the sphincter area, vaginal ruptures, changes that have occurred during the bearing of a child with nerve endings and muscles of the pelvic floor. Most often, these deviations in the work of the intestines affect women in labor older than 40 years. At this age, the body no longer recovers so quickly and reacts more painfully to forced changes during pregnancy.

An additional factor in the development of the syndrome can be overweight and the presence of chronic bowel diseases.

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How long does it take for bowel function to normalize?

As you know, each person is individual. The recovery time depends on the individual characteristics of the body, however, if the disorder continues after 6 months from the birth of the child, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice.

Anal Incontinence Treatment Methods

With prolonged fecal incontinence after childbirth, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct a complete examination to identify the true causes of incontinence and prescribe adequate treatment. Most often, with such a deviation, the performance of certain physical exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor helps.

If gymnastics does not bring positive results, a woman may be prescribed a course of physiotherapy. In extreme cases, when conservative treatment is ineffective for incontinence, doctors recommend surgical treatment methods that are carried out using new technologies and are as gentle as possible for a woman.

The birth of a long-awaited child is certainly a joyful event for a woman. Time is spent in happy cares for the baby, joyful moments of communication with him. However, often after childbirth, the condition of a woman is complicated by unpleasant symptoms, which darkens this bright life period a lot. For example, in the postnatal period, young mothers often complain of bloating, accompanied by pain, a feeling of heaviness and involuntary gas emission.

What are the causes of bloating in women after childbirth? Why does the stomach swell after a caesarean section? What medicines for bloating can be used while breastfeeding? Is it possible to get by with traditional medicine? Let's talk about it in the article.

Causes of bloating after childbirth

A common problem of women who have recently given birth is bloating with severe intestinal obstruction and painful constipation. The situation is much more complicated if the birth took place with anomalies, there are gaps and sutures were applied. In an attempt to empty the intestines, a woman is afraid to push, because the seams may disperse. But for what reason does the stomach swell after childbirth and intestinal obstruction occurs?

The fact is that during pregnancy a huge amount of the so-called "pregnancy hormone"- human chorionic gonadotropin, which relaxes the muscles of the body and reduces muscle tone. Including intestinal motility is also weakened, due to which the natural movement of processed food along the gastrointestinal tract slows down significantly, gases accumulate and constipation occurs. Over time, peristalsis returns to normal and bloating disappears.

However causes of bloating and constipation after childbirth may be the following factors:

  • Violation of the diet and abuse of protein products (eggs, dairy products, meat);
  • Bed rest. The problem is that prolonged horizontal positioning of the body contributes to excess gas formation and accumulation. With weakened peristalsis, this condition can be complicated by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other dysfunctions of the woman's body.

Do not worry if bouts of flatulence and bloating are annoying in the morning. These symptoms are completely normal for the first few weeks after childbirth. However, if bloating takes you by surprise during the day, accompanied by severe pain, reminiscent of contractions, it is better to consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate postpartum complications.

After caesarean section

Abdominal distention after caesarean section may occur due to the following: reasons:

  • Painkillers and anesthetics. Both during the operation and after it, the woman takes a large number of drugs that suppress pain. However, one of the side effects of most painkillers is inhibition of the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, a significant accumulation of gases in the intestines and bloating in a woman who has recently given birth is possible;
  • Surgical excision of the peritoneum. The incision and adhesions in the abdominal cavity prevent the rapid recovery of the internal organs and systems of a woman;
  • Lack of physical activity. As mentioned earlier, in the case of bed rest, gases accumulate in the intestines in large quantities.

Flatulence after caesarean section is a very painful phenomenon, because the gases accumulating in the intestines press from the inside on the damaged tissues and the postoperative suture. For this reason, a woman needs to take measures against bloating as soon as possible.


In order to get rid of bloating after childbirth, a woman should consult with her doctor, especially if she is breastfeeding her baby. The fact is that not all drugs are suitable. If the active substance of the drug is excreted along with the mother's milk, this pharmacological drug should be avoided, since its use can significantly harm the health of the child.

The attending physician may prescribe the following medicines to the young mother:

  • Espumizan - a mild drug that has practically no side effects, is excreted from the intestines without being absorbed into the patient's blood;
  • Ecoflor - a medicine based on bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. It should not be used in only one case - with lactose intolerance;
  • Iberogast - a drug for bloating on a herbal basis that is safe for nursing mothers;
  • metiospasm- a drug similar in pharmacological action to Espumizan, since it is based on the same active substance - simethicone;
  • Linex - another medicine for bloating during pregnancy based on lactobacilli.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the attending physician, and then the unpleasant symptoms in the form of a feeling of heaviness, fullness, fullness and bloating will quickly pass. The course of treatment in most cases does not exceed 14 days.

How to get rid of bloating after cesarean?

To get rid of bloating after caesarean section, a woman should:

  • Adhere to a strict diet, which can only be prescribed by the attending physician. In particular, you should refuse fried, spicy, smoked, too salty and fatty foods. You should give preference to cereals (oatmeal or buckwheat), dried fruits (especially dried apricots and figs), low-fat cottage cheese, bio-yogurt;
  • Do vigorous physical exercise. If you feel too unwell, it is recommended at least sometimes to get out of bed, to walk accompanied by relatives. If this is not done, the accumulation of gases and bloating cannot be avoided;
  • To do a massage. To do this, a woman should bend her legs and very carefully, so as not to touch the seam, gently massage her stomach in a clockwise direction for 5-10 minutes.

Also, a woman after such a birth is recommended to replenish the water balance disturbed by the operation with a plentiful drink. Stabilization of the water balance in the body of a woman also helps to get rid of bloating and constipation, which is especially painful in such a delicate situation.

Folk recipes

Also, to get rid of bloating after childbirth, the following drugs from the archives are suitable folk medicine:

  • Chamomile flower tea. This pleasant aromatic drink has not only a carminative, but also an analgesic effect, and also acts as a mild sedative. To brew tea, two tablespoons of dried raw materials and ½ liter of boiling water are enough. The drink is infused, filtered through a strainer or gauze, drunk 3-4 times during the day;
  • Dill water. Dill seeds are soaked in cold water for 10-12 hours. The resulting infusion is boiled for 2 minutes, filtered. Drink a tablespoon every morning on an empty stomach;
  • Infusion of thyme and dill seeds. Dill seeds and dried and chopped thyme are used in the same proportions - 1 teaspoon. The raw material is diluted in 250 ml of boiling water, closed with a lid and a dry towel and infused in this form for 10 minutes. Drink a teaspoon of the infusion throughout the day. The last reception is half an hour before dinner;
  • Ginger. ¼ teaspoon of ginger to dissolve after each meal. This method helps to cope not only with bloating, but also with bad breath (halitosis);
  • Mint tea. 2 tablespoons of dried peppermint leaves pour ½ liter of boiling water. The drink is recommended to be stored in a thermos, as it is used to relieve bloating after childbirth only in a warm form.

All these traditional medicines will help to cope with painful postpartum symptoms, such as bloating and intestinal colic, and allow a woman to fully immerse herself in the joys of motherhood.

Most women are sure that urinary incontinence after childbirth will go away on its own, so they are in no hurry to contact a specialist. However, even if over time this condition only worsens, the patient, as a rule, is embarrassed to go to the doctor and simply puts up with this state of affairs.

Urination to a specialist Incontinence
intrauterine menstrual cycle
Difficult degree Development to be together

Some women consider this condition to be the norm, so they do nothing. Here we are talking about a complication after childbirth, which is called stress urinary incontinence. It not only worsens the patient's condition, but reduces the quality of her life.

Causes of this disease

Urinary incontinence in women after childbirth is a pathology that is characterized by the involuntary release of urine during coughing, sneezing or laughing.

This problem is not only physiological, but also psychological. Very often, young mothers are silent about such an ailment, rot themselves for inferiority, their self-esteem drops, which negatively affects their future lifestyle.

Physiological problem in urination

The causes of such an ailment after the birth of a child can be:

  • violation of the correct innervation of the muscular membrane of the bladder, as well as the muscles of the pelvic floor;
  • pathology, which is characterized by the mobility of the urethra;
  • violation of the closing function of the bladder and urethra;
  • shaky position of the bladder - a violation of the stability of intravesical pressure.

Involuntary release of gases

Gas incontinence after the birth process is a very common ailment in women who have become mothers. Almost a quarter of women in labor in the first six months after childbirth complain of involuntary gas emission. The cause of gas incontinence after childbirth may be the effect that “interesting position” and labor activity have on the pelvic floor muscles or nerve endings. In addition, trauma to the posterior sphincter during childbirth can lead to such undesirable consequences.

Severe tears that involve the posterior sphincter area most often occur during vaginal delivery (especially if syringes were used) or episiotomy. Also, a gap is possible if a woman has a large fetus or it is in a breech presentation (legs down).

Causes of gas incontinence after childbirth can be:

  • anatomical disorders - for example, fistulas in the anus or anal fissures;
  • causes of organic origin - damage to the spinal cord or brain, trauma after childbirth or after surgery;
  • factors of a psychogenic nature - psychoses, neuroses, tantrums.

Gas incontinence after childbirth can be a sign of certain diseases. Such as epilepsy, dementia, catatonic syndrome.

The problem with feces

Fecal incontinence after childbirth is a violation of the ability to contain and control the discharge of feces from the anus. This ailment is quite common, but due to social prejudice, a woman rarely consults a specialist. About 46% of mothers suffer from this pathology immediately after the birth of their first child.

The causes of this disease can be:

  • large body weight;
  • smoking, long period of childbirth;
  • the use of forceps during the birth process;
  • ruptures of the vagina 3 and 4 degrees.

Also, possible causes may be trauma to the muscles of the anus, decreased tone of the muscles of the perineum, or trauma to the vagina during childbirth.

The most common cause is trauma to the anal canal. This can cause rupture of muscles and nerve endings in the anus. Symptoms of this disease can occur immediately after childbirth or later - after a few years.

Contacting a specialist

Specialist examination

If there is urinary incontinence after childbirth, the first thing to do is to consult a specialist. The doctor will immediately find out the history of the birth process. Urinary incontinence after childbirth can be caused by:

  • large child;
  • the use of obstetric syringes during the birth process;
  • taking certain medications;
  • associated chronic diseases.

The doctor carries out the following activities.

  1. Examines the crotch area.
  2. Performs palpation of the anus and rectum.
  3. Assigns ultrasound to determine the state of the structure of the anal canal and possible pathologies.
  4. Performing anal manometry, which involves measuring and recording the parameters of the muscles of the posterior canal in a state of both compression and relaxation using a thin catheter. This method allows you to determine the level of muscle strength.
  5. Additional study to check the proper functioning of the nerve endings of the anal muscles.

Basic therapies

In accordance with the results of a comprehensive examination, the optimal tactics for the treatment of urinary incontinence in women after childbirth is chosen.

  1. If urinary incontinence after childbirth is a complication, then conservative treatment is preferable. A feature of this therapy is the performance of certain exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor. For example, the well-known step-free therapy, when specially created “weights” with increasing weight should be held by the muscles of the vagina. The effectiveness of this treatment can be assessed after a year.
  2. If there is a weak positive or negative dynamics, then doctors offer a surgical method of treatment.
  3. In combination with special exercises, electrical stimulation and electromagnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor muscles can be performed.

Generally, postpartum urinary incontinence can be treated conservatively if you start treating it within the next year. The efficiency in this case is quite high.

Also note that there is no medical treatment for this disease.

Maybe there is a psychological problem

The main method of therapy is considered to be a surgical method, the purpose of which is to create an auxiliary support for the urethra in order to eliminate its pathological mobility.

The choice of method is determined by the degree of this disease.

  1. It is possible to introduce a special gel into the space near the urethra. This operation can be performed both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital under general or local anesthesia. The duration of such an intervention does not exceed half an hour. However, after this type of therapy, there is a high probability of recurrence of the disease.
  2. Fixation of the urethra, cervix, bladder. There are various options (operation Raz, Birch, Gittis), but they all act as full-fledged surgical interventions that require a long postoperative recovery. Nowadays, this method is rarely used.
  3. Loop surgery in different versions. This is the most common type of operation. To date, there are many such types of surgical interventions, as a result of which urinary incontinence disappears when an auxiliary support for the urethra is created by placing loops of different materials under the central part of the urinary system.

In our time, loop operations with minimal surgical intervention have received the greatest popularity. They are characterized by a number of advantages:

  • excellent tolerance (this method can be used at any stage of this disease);
  • minimal skin incisions through which surgery is performed;
  • the use of mesh made of synthetic materials (polypropylene) as a loop material;
  • the possibility of performing surgery under local anesthesia;
  • the speed of the operation (no more than half an hour);
  • a short postoperative period (a woman can be discharged on the day of the operation or the next day);
  • impressive functional results - a very low probability of recurrence of this disease.

Folk methods of struggle

There are many popular recipes that will tell you what to do if a woman has incontinence after childbirth. Consider the most effective and safe of them.

Yarrow herb:

  • take 3 tbsp. spoons of yarrow herb, 1 liter of water;
  • to boil water;
  • pour boiling water over the grass;
  • boil the broth for about 10 minutes;
  • insist under the lid until cool;
  • strain.


  1. Consume ½ cup 3 times/day.
  2. The duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

Carrot juice:

  • take 3 large carrots;
  • wash;
  • clear;
  • put in a juicer;
  • Pour the resulting juice into a decanter.


  1. Drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. The duration of therapy is 1 month.

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