How to treat viral enteritis in a puppy. Means with antiemetic action. How does enteritis manifest in dogs?

The mere mention of the word "enteritis" makes dog owners shudder. And it is not surprising, because theoretically even a vaccinated and practically healthy dog what can we say about weakened animals, young puppies or old pets. In order not only to save the animal, but also to prevent the disease, one should know the enemy-virus “by sight”. The article will be about enteritis in dogs- a disease that can lead to serious consequences and even death pet.
  • The dog is indifferent and sad;
  • Reusable foamy vomiting opens;
  • loose stool ( pathological color with a very unpleasant odor).
  • Decrease below the mark of 37 degrees;
  • Unsteadiness of gait, trembling;
  • Pain in the abdomen.
  • If the parvovirus "broke" into the cardiovascular system, then the disease can be recognized by the following signs:
    • Apathy;
    • Paleness and even blueing of the mucous membranes;
    • Dry exhausting cough;
    • Heavy breathing through the mouth;
    • Heart rhythm disturbances;
    • Dyspnea.
    When both the dog's heart and intestines are affected at the same time, the symptoms of parvovirus enteritis will be mixed (for example, the animal will have diarrhea, rapid pulse, breathing problems, etc.). Of particular danger is the intestinal type of parvovirus enteritis for puppies, elderly or debilitated animals, when dehydration against the background persistent vomiting and diarrhea develops too quickly.

    Gastroenteritis (coronavirus and parvovirus). Coronaviruses and parvoviruses already familiar to us can also incapacitate the stomach (and sometimes the intestines) of a dog. At risk are puppies under six months old, older dogs, individuals with weakened immune systems.

    At acute form crown viral gastroenteritis dogs have:

    • Bleeding of the stomach or intestines;
    • Frequent vomiting;
    • Diarrhea (possibly with an admixture of blood);
    • Unpleasant smell from the mouth;
    • Paleness and drying of the mucous membranes;
    • Painful sensations in the abdomen.
    In the acute form of parvovirus gastroenteritis, the symptoms will be as follows:
    • The dog does not eat or drink;
    • Diarrhea with blood (smell putrid);
    • Heavy breathing, pulmonary rales;
    • Flatulence;
    • Temperature rise is possible.
    It is worth noting that the symptoms of viral gastroenteritis may not appear in adult dogs with a latent form of the disease (the dog may be depressed and refuse food, no more). With a lightning-fast form, the death of a pet can occur within a couple of hours after the first symptoms of the disease appear.

    How to treat enteritis in dogs?

    First of all, noticing the first anxiety symptoms in a dog, you should contact your veterinarian for staging accurate diagnosis(examination of the animal, tests of feces, urine, blood). It can be problematic to independently determine what exactly the dog got sick with, since the symptoms of enteritis are almost the same as with other viral infections. When an animal is tormented by debilitating vomiting and diarrhea, there is a pain syndrome, it is advisable to refuse a trip to the veterinary clinic, insisting on a visit to the veterinarian at home.

    Before the arrival of a specialist, a dog with diarrhea to prevent dehydration can prepare such a solution for drinking (give at the rate of 40 ml ready solution per 1 kg of body weight):

    • 1 liter of water;
    • 3.5 g salt;
    • 2.5 g of soda;
    • 1.5 g of potassium chloride;
    • 20 g sugar.
    Feeding or watering a dog against its will is not worth it (and in the first day or two from the start of treatment, eating is not at all desirable). Abundant feeding will not help to cope with the virus, but it will bring additional flour to the animal. If the dog does not vomit, give it clean water and pills activated carbon(1 tablet per 1 kg of body weight). From the introduction of antipyretics, painkillers, antibiotics, it is better to refuse until the doctor arrives.
    • Antimicrobial agents and antibiotics ("Sulfatone", "Furacilin", "Amoxicillin");
    • Adsorbents ("Enterosgel", "Enterosorbent");
    • Astringents (decoction of oak bark or bird cherry);
    • Cleansing enemas (based on chamomile decoction, salicylic acid, potassium permanganate);
    • Painkillers ("No-Shpa", "Besalol");
    • Nutrient enemas and droppers;
    • Enzymatic medicines ("Enzistal", "Ferestal");
    • Immunoglobulins ("Globkan-5", "Vitakan-S");
    • Vitamins ("Beafar", "8 in 1 Excel").
    Apart from medicines dogs are prescribed a diet (but you should not force-feed a pet). An animal can eat with viral enteritis:
    • Kashi (oatmeal, rice, semolina) on water or low-fat broth;
    • Fish and meat broths(non-fat);
    • Boiled and chopped warm meat (veal, chicken);
    • Low-fat cottage cheese.
    With enteritis, it is necessary to exclude from the diet for a while fatty foods, bones, vegetables that contribute to intestinal upset. Sweets, spices, starchy foods are strictly prohibited. You need to feed the animal in small portions up to 6 times a day (it is important that the food is moderately warm, but not hot).

    The owner of a dog with enteritis will definitely have to disinfect the housing:

    • Dispose of (if possible) or boil all things that a sick animal has come into contact with;
    • Carpets, walls, floors and furniture disinfectant("Medilis-DEZ", "Medichlor" or others);
    • Carry out quartzization of the dwelling.

    Prevention of viral enteritis

    Not even 100% protected from virus infection. However, a vaccine made on time (for example, Nobivak, Multikan, etc.) almost completely eliminates the possibility of infection. Vaccination against enteritis is given to puppies at the age of 4-6 weeks, repeated after a month and then done annually throughout life.

    To protect the dog from disease, the owner must:

    • Do not forget about vaccination;
    • Try to bring the communication of your animal with stray dogs - potential carriers of viruses to zero;
    • Take care of your dog's health and nutrition. Animals with low immunity most often infected with enteritis;
    • Always be vigilant if the dog is not eating, suddenly becomes lethargic, vomits and has diarrhea. Timely call to the veterinarian with big share probability will help to avoid tragedy.

    Enteritis viral nature is one of the five most common and most dangerous infectious canine diseases. It is often caused by intestinal viruses, but in reality, in parallel with the defeat gastrointestinal system, kidneys, liver, heart and many other organs suffer. The disease should be detected quickly, and treatment should be provided in a timely manner, since the risks of death are very high.

    Mechanisms of development of viral enteritis in dogs

    The disease affects dogs of absolutely any age and breed - the difference is only in the course and the likelihood of recovery. Deadly enteritis is considered for small puppies 2-14 weeks of age, dangerous - for the age of 20 weeks to a year, relatively not dangerous and treatable - for older dogs. The virus does not have a breed predisposition, however, it has been recorded that whippets, Dobermans and East European Shepherds the disease is tolerated much harder than other breeds.

    The group of viral intestinal diseases unites three types of enteritis (depending on the pathogen):

    • rotavirus;
    • coronovirus;
    • parvovirus.

    All three types have common paths infections, the same clinic and the same treatment regimens. Fundamental difference- the severity of the course of the disease: parvovirus enteritis, which is considered the most dangerous for dogs and is especially highlighted by veterinary medicine, “wins” in this race.

    The intensity of the development of the disease is determined by three main factors:

    • the amount of the virus that entered the body and its strength;
    • the state of health of the dog during the period of infection;
    • the presence or absence of concomitant intestinal abnormalities.

    The target of viruses in the dog's body are cells during the period active growth and with an active metabolism. That is why puppies suffer the most, because. in them, in the first weeks after birth, it is precisely the cells of the heart muscle and the intestinal mucosa that are actively dividing. Next, the liver begins to suffer due to age-related inability to neutralize toxins, which in large quantities enter the bloodstream from the breakdown of intestinal cells.

    Enteritis is transmitted at the time of contact of the dog with the material, where it is most of all - feces and vomit from a sick animal at the time of their sniffing. The destructive power of enteroviruses is such that just 1 g of vomit or feces at the height of the disease can infect up to a million dogs (according to laboratory data).

    A distinctive feature of parvovirus enteritis in dogs is the sudden onset, i.e. the appearance of the disease cannot be associated either with a change in diet and walking, or with a change in places for walking, or with the presence or absence of stress, etc. The incubation period may vary from 1 to 5 (7) days.

    Immunity is included in the protection of the body almost immediately, but enough antibodies to fight the disease accumulate only by 5-6 days. But this rate of immune response is not enough compared to the rate of development clinical signs. Those. there is a chance of survival in animals that, with active medical therapy, crossed the line of five to seven days after the onset of the disease.

    Mortality with rotavirus enteritis - no more than 5%, coronavirus - up to 10%, parvovirus - above 80-85%.

    Symptomatic picture of the disease and the rate of its development

    All types of enteritis in dogs have exactly the same symptoms - the difference is only in the severity of the course and the rate of development of the disease. If the dog is ill with enteritis, then the most striking clinical signs accompany the infection with parvovirus.


    • a general state of oppression;
    • complete loss of appetite, refusal even from your favorite treat;
    • persistent vomiting with mucous impurities or foam;
    • fetid diarrhea of ​​​​not a natural color and often with impurities of mucus and blood (from black-yellow to burgundy-red), when examining feces, fragments of exfoliated intestinal mucosa are found;
    • a sharp jump in body temperature up to 40-41 ° C;
    • signs of dehydration;
    • enlargement of the liver and spleen (determined by the doctor upon examination);
    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • a decrease in the level of leukocytes (seen from the results of a blood test);
    • signs of heart failure heart rate, shortness of breath, cough).

    The disease has two forms - cardiac and intestinal. Usually intestinal (in adults) or both (in puppies) occurs, separately signs of myocarditis are very rare (and again only in young dogs).

    The first symptoms appear after 1-5 days after the viruses enter the body - refusal even from your favorite food, depression, fever. 3-20 hours after the first clinic, diarrhea and vomiting appear, which lead to exhaustion and a state of dehydration quite rapidly. Signs are getting stronger general intoxication, from which, against the background of dehydration, the animal dies. The dog dies from enteritis on the 3rd, sometimes on the 5th day if timely treatment. AT special occasions the animal manages to hold out for up to 7-9 days - basically everything is decided by age: it is very difficult to save puppies. This is a classic enteric (intestinal) form of the disease.

    With a cardiac form, shortness of breath is added to the symptoms, the pulse quickens, but with weak filling(because the work of the myocardium worsens), or tachycardia is noted. Possible slight cyanosis of the mucous membranes (blue) against the background oxygen starvation fabrics.

    Everyone's developmental momentum intestinal infections viral nature, regardless of the form, always rapid - a slight malaise and refusal to eat on the first day is abruptly replaced by vomiting, diarrhea, visible emaciation and heart failure on the second.

    Treatment of enteritis

    Some one perfect medicine from enteritis does not exist. Held symptomatic treatment in parallel with giving vitamins, as well as medicines to maintain the heart and liver. Full recovery dogs after clinical recovery takes a decent amount of time. If enteritis is suspected in dogs, treatment at home is pointless and risky!

    Differentiation by type of enteritis is not carried out due to the duration of the laboratory analysis and the rate of progression of the disease. In any of the cases, treatment is carried out, as for parvovirus enteritis, observing along the way the dynamics of the animal's condition, changes in the clinic and making adjustments according to medical preparations during therapy.

    Important: to treat enteritis of viral origin should only veterinarian under strict control! There are no folk or home ways to deal with these diseases, even taking into account the ease of flow of some mild forms!

    Treatment is carried out according to the following algorithm:

    • destruction of enteritis viruses;
    • removing the animal from dehydration;
    • elimination of vomiting and diarrhea;
    • detoxification therapy;
    • stimulation of immunity;
    • recovery normal operation gastrointestinal system;
    • restoration of normal operation of cardio-vascular system.

    Important: at the beginning of therapy, all drugs are administered only intravenously, subcutaneously and intramuscular injections. Frequent vomiting and disturbances in the work of the intestines and stomach exclude the possibility of oral (through the mouth) administration of drugs.

    The main goal of treatment is to support the work of all organs and systems of the body as efficiently as possible until the moment when the animal’s own immune forces enter the fight against the disease (by 5-6 days, when the production of its own antibodies begins to fight viruses). Given the rapid dynamics of the development of the disease, literally a day after the start of treatment, the animal will either get better (which will be the start to recovery), or the animal will die (if the treatment did not bring effective results). But it always makes sense to fight for the life of a pet!

    Etiotropic therapy (antiviral)

    The very first medical care to block the free circulation and reproduction of enteritis viruses in the body. For this, sera, immunoglobulins, interferons and interferonogens are used.

    • Fosprenil(veterinary antiviral drug). A single dose varies according to the weight of the dog: 0.1 ml per weight up to 1 kg; 0.25 ml - up to 5 kg; 0.5 ml - 5-10 kg; 1 ml - 10-20 kg; 1.5 ml - 20-30 kg; 2 ml - over 30 kg. It is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, through the mouth with a doubling of the dose, and intravenously with a doubling of the dose. Scheme: 1 day - 4 doses every 6 hours, 2-8 days - 3 doses every 8 hours, 9-11 days - 2 doses every 12 hours, 12-15 days - 1 dose daily.
    • Immunofan(a veterinary immunostimulating drug used in combination for the treatment and prevention of various microbial and viral infections). Maintenance dosage - 1 ml once a week for 1-2 months; therapeutic dose - 1 ml once a day (up to 5 injections in total, making every other day). Subcutaneously or intramuscularly.
    • Cycloferon(soft immunostimulating drug, increases the recovery of cells of the affected mucous membranes - an option for veterinary medicine): the dose varies from the weight of the dog: up to 1 kg - 0.8 ml / kg; up to 2 kg - 0.4 ml / kg; up to 5 kg - 0.2 ml / kg; 6-12 kg - 0.15 ml / kg; up to 25 kg - 0.12 ml / kg; 26-40 kg - 0.10 ml / kg; over 40 kg - 0.08 ml / kg. Enter intravenously, subcutaneously and intramuscularly on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th day. At acute course can be combined with globulins, serums and interferons.
    • Anti-enteroviral sera(sources of ready-made antibodies against enteroviruses. It is always used in combination with vitamins, antibiotics and other treatment-supportive drugs). Dose for dogs up to 5 kg - 2-3 ml, more than 5 kg - 5-6 ml (according to serum concentration according to the instructions for the drug).

    Pathogenetic treatment

    This animal treatment includes whole complex additional therapies:

    • rehydrating,
    • detox,
    • symptomatic.

    Rehydration Therapy

    aimed at removing the body from a state of dehydration. In this state, the use of any drugs is considered absolutely ineffective. Rehydration solutions restore alkaline balance blood and contain the necessary salt set of elements. Administered intravenously by stream or drip. Sometimes subcutaneous administration in small doses is allowed. All solutions should be brought to body temperature (38-40°C) and injected (dripped) until the dog begins to drink on its own without vomiting. After several times a day, it is recommended to pour into the mouth in small doses.

    • Ringer-Locke solution. The dose is 10-20 ml per kg of animal weight.
    • Trisol. Dose 7-10% of body weight.
    • Rehydration Blend: 200 ml saline + 20 ml 40% glucose solution + 4 ml 5% ascorbic solution. Dose: 30-100 ml/kg body weight once a day, depending on the general resistance of the animal's body.


    This is a set of measures aimed at removing toxic products from the body from the processes of viral vital activity and cellular decay of the intestinal mucosa. Often combined with hepatoprotective drugs.

    • Hemodez(pronounced detoxifier that binds toxins and removes them by the kidneys). Dose: 5-10 ml/kg body weight 1-2 times a day until signs of general intoxication pass.
    • Sirepar (veterinary drug with a pronounced hepatoprotective and detoxifying effect). Dose: 2-4 ml once a day until signs of intoxication disappear. Slowly intramuscularly or intravenously.
    • Hydrolysin(replenishes proteins in the body, removes toxins). It is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously in a mixture with saline. Dose: 5-15 ml for 3-5 days.

    Symptomatic therapy

    is aimed at the general maintenance of the body, as well as the elimination of common clinical symptoms that accompany the disease.

    • Antiemetics:
      • Cerucal. Dose 0.5-0.7 ml up to 3 times a day. Do not use in small puppies and pregnant bitches. Continuous use should not exceed three times a day for 7 days.
      • Cerenia(Serenia is an antiemetic veterinary drug specifically for dogs). Dose: 1-2 mg/kg. Enter only subcutaneously.
    • Hemostatic drugs (if blood is found in the stool or vomit).
      • Vikasol(a hemostatic drug that increases blood clotting - a synthetic analogue of vitamin K). Dose: 1-2 mg/kg body weight once a day for 3-5 days with general medical therapy. Intramuscularly.
      • Etamzilat(veterinary hemostatic agent of capillary direction). Dose: 10-12 mg/kg. Intramuscularly.
    • Supportive means for the cardiovascular system:
      • Sulfocamphocaine (cardiac drug stimulating the heart). Dose: 1-2 ml once a day for a month. Puppies are not assigned. It is impossible if heart failure is manifested by tachycardia.
      • Cordiamin(a cardiodrug used for weakness of the heart). Dose: 0.1 ml/kg intramuscularly or up to 3 drops orally.
      • Riboxin(cardiac remedy that improves nutrition and oxygen supply to the heart muscle). Dose: 5-10 mg/kg every 12 hours for two weeks.
    • Antibacterial drugs are prescribed for long-term elevated temperature and suspicion of secondary infection:
      • Cefazolin(cephalosporin antibiotic a wide range impact). Dose: 5-10 mg/kg dissolved in water for injection. The interval between injections is 6-8 hours daily for 5-7 days.
    • Probiotics for Recovery intestinal microflora administered when the animal's appetite returns.
      • Bioprotectin(hepatoprotector + probiotic). Dose: 1 caps. for weight up to 5 kg, 2 caps. - 5-10 kg, 4 caps. - more than 10 kg. Course - 23 days. Mix the contents of the capsules with food or drink.
      • Bactoneotim(probiotic for normalization of digestion). Dose: 1 tab. / 10 kg of body weight big dog, ½ tab. puppies. It is crushed, mixed with water and given half an hour before feeding twice a day.

    Feeding during the recovery period

    Feeding a sick animal can be started already when vomiting has been stopped and taken under control. Feeding should be strictly dietary and in small fractional portions.

    Important: it is forbidden to try to force-feed the dog - only after the appearance of a natural appetite and the cessation of vomiting!

    You can use special ready-made dietary complexes, or you can make up your own diet. Frequent crushed feeding should be maintained for at least a month.

    • limit carbohydrate food;
    • the first week to introduce fermented milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir);
    • low-fat and weak chicken broth is allowed;
    • a week or two after the appearance of appetite, boiled meat can be introduced;
    • later introduction of mucous porridges on the water into the diet;
    • you can gradually introduce boiled vegetables.
    • any sausages;
    • spices;
    • flour and sweet;
    • fatty meat or fish products;
    • bones.

    You will have to follow the dog's nutrition for quite a long time, because. one of the consequences of recovering from viral enteritis is a long-term disruption in work gastrointestinal tract. See also do's and don'ts.

    Preventive measures

    Prevention of enteritis in dogs is carried out only by vaccination - mono- or polyvalent vaccines. Even after recovering from illness, immunodeficiency states are possible, in which a recurrence of the disease is possible even in short terms. The risk of getting sick in a vaccinated dog is only 4-5%, the course of the disease is several times weaker, and mortality tends to zero.

    Vaccination schedule:

    • 1st: at 4-6 weeks of age with a vaccine for puppies;
    • 2nd: at 8 weeks with an "adult" vaccine;
    • 3rd: revaccination with the "adult" vaccine 3-4 weeks after the 2nd injection (11-12 weeks);
    • 4th: at 6-8 months (approximately after the change of teeth) planned;
    • 5th and all subsequent: annual - recommended 11 months after each previous one.

    Only clinically healthy animals that have been dewormed 2 weeks before vaccination are subject to vaccination.

    Important: it is forbidden to vaccinate bitches during estrus and at the time of pregnancy. After giving birth, adult dogs are vaccinated along with the 2nd vaccination of puppies (at 12 weeks).

    Due to the fact that parvovirus enteritis is a mortal danger for small puppies, you need to follow some more preventive measures to reduce the risk of infection:

    1. Unvaccinated puppies should not be allowed to free range.
    2. Unvaccinated puppies should not be approached in shoes and clothes in which they were on the street.
    3. Before petting a puppy, hands should be washed after the street.
    4. Before admitting a lactating bitch to offspring after a walk, you need to wash her stomach and paws.
    5. Do not allow small puppies to be squeezed by guests who come to the house and strangers- most often enteritis is brought in with such visits.

    The most commonly used vaccines for the prevention of viral enteritis

    All kinds of poly- and monovaccines against viral enteritis great amount. It is more convenient to apply polyvaccines. However, a complex vaccine preparation also has a corresponding cost, so the use of monovaccines is also justified.

    The most commonly used vaccines are:



    Nobivakpolyvaccinal preparation, including viral enteritis. Immunity - 12-14 months.

    Production: Netherlands.

    Price: 200-310 rubles.

    Multikanpolio vaccine with enteritis. Immunity is created in 2-3 weeks and lasts up to 12 months.

    Production: Russia.

    Price: 210-400 rubles.

    Biovac- polio vaccine together with enteritis. A tense immune response is created up to 1 year.

    Production: Russia.

    Price: 260-410 rubles.

    Eurikan complex vaccine including viral enteritis. Keeps the immune response up to 12 months.

    Production: France.

    Price: 350-490 rubles.

    Asteriontwo-component polio vaccine for dogs, which includes several diseases, including viral enteritis. Provides immunity: in adult dogs 12-15 months, in young animals - up to 8 months.

    Production: Russia.

    Price: 150-300 rubles.

    Enteritis of viral origin is a rather dangerous and difficult to treat disease in dogs. If your pet loses appetite and develops diarrhea, you should immediately seek the advice of a veterinarian. Timely diagnosis and correct medical therapy This is a guarantee for the survival of the animal.

    Canine viral enteritis- dangerous acute illness infectious nature. Development appears inflammatory processes thin department intestines, high fever, myocarditis. Note the defeat of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Viral enteritis is included in the group of the most dangerous, common.

    Dogs are especially dangerous parvovirus, coronovirus enteritis. It should be noted that if therapeutic measures are not taken in time, the disease ends in death. The most susceptible are small puppies up to 7-8 months old, with unstable, completely undeveloped immunity. Infection with enteritis in older dogs is not excluded, but at an older age the disease is less dangerous than in young animals. Breed predisposition to enteritis was not revealed. Gender, fertility also do not matter. The mortality rate of puppies born from unvaccinated bitches is 70-80%. Dogs vaccinated against enteritis get sick less often, acquire stable immunity.

    Enteritis in dogs requires prolonged, complex treatment. The main thing is to recognize the symptoms in time insidious disease, prevent the spread of infection by promptly seeking help from a veterinary clinic.

    Etiology, pathogenesis of enteritis

    Viral enteritis is caused by Canin Parvovirus, which is highly resistant to different conditions and factors. The enteritis virus is resistant to high, low temperature conditions, survives for a long period of time on dry surfaces, is resistant to conventional disinfectants.

    Infection of a dog with enteritis can occur by airborne, fecal-oral route, even with a short contact of a healthy individual with an infected animal. get infected dangerous disease the dog can when sniffing the feces, saliva of sick animals. The pathogen can enter the house on shoes, household items, clothes, hands. Contained in feces, secretions, so it can be found in grass, puddles, soil. pick up dangerous infection the dog can through infected food, feed, drinking water, objects of the external environment.

    Duration incubation period is from five to ten days, in small puppies - from one to three days.

    Symptoms and signs of enteritis

    Depending on the manifestation pathological manifestations, severity, the following forms of enteritis are distinguished:

      cardiac (myocarditis);

      intestinal (intestinal).

    The classic symptomatology of the cardiac form is manifested by an acute lesion of the heart muscle (myocardium), degenerative processes in the tissues of the myocardium. Viral myocarditis develops. The temperature rises to 40-41 degrees. This pathology, which proceeds at lightning speed, is noted in puppies aged from three weeks to two or three months. Symptoms appear suddenly, progress very quickly.

    Puppies have shortness of breath, shortness of breath. Dogs refuse offered food, babies cannot suckle mother's milk. Nausea, vomiting, apathy, decreased response to external stimuli, cardiac arrhythmia, arrhythmia. The death of animals occurs due to collapse in 24-48 hours from the moment of manifestation of the first manifestations.

    Most typical shape enteritis in dogs is intestinal form, flowing acutely, subacutely. To the main characteristics include: debilitating vomiting, a sharp decline body weight, anorexia ( complete failure from food and water), hemorrhagic lesions of the intestine, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, severe pain on palpation of the peritoneum, fever. In the first days from the onset of infection, the temperature is slightly increased, in the following days it may drop below the physiological norm. The vomit is frothy, has a yellowish-greenish tint. On the first or third day after infection, diarrhea appears. Fecal masses exude an unpleasant, sharp putrid smell, can be blood clots, mucus, white flakes. Initially, the fecal masses are slimy, watery, then become bloody, fetid. In places of destruction cell structures, intestinal tissues begin to intensively multiply bacteria, poisoning the body of the animal with endo- and exotoxins.

    Exhausting foamy vomiting, profuse diarrhea lead to dehydration, exhaustion, disruption of homeostasis processes. In the bloodstream, the number of monocytes decreases, persistent leukopenia develops, and blood viscosity increases. Animals are severely weakened, developing pulmonary, heart failure as the infection progresses.

    Often, dogs are diagnosed with a combined, mixed form of viral enteritis, which is characterized by pathologies varying degrees, the nature of the cardiovascular system, the respiratory tract. Most often observed in dogs, small puppies with a weakened immune system, in babies who were born from unvaccinated bitches, in the presence of associative (secondary) diseases, infections. Clinical manifestations are multifaceted, depend on the system and organs in which pathologies occur.

    In the case of progressive homeostasis, the mortality of puppies is 55-70%. With a super-acute, lightning-fast course, babies die on the first or second day.

    Diagnosis of enteritis

    When establishing a diagnosis, epizootological data for the region, the general condition of the dog, the severity clinical picture. Animals are prescribed a series of laboratory diagnostic studies, take a blood, feces, urine test. x-ray, ultrasound chest, peritoneum. Given the similarity of symptoms in enteritis with other infectious diseases, such as, differential diagnosis is additionally carried out.

    Effective Treatment for Canine Enteritis

    Treatment of enteritis in dogs is carried out on the basis of the results of the data obtained, after a comprehensive examination. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the greater the chance of a favorable prognosis. Therefore, if you notice a deterioration in your pet Please take your dog to the veterinarian immediately.

    The veterinarian selects treatment individually, taking into account the versatility of symptoms. Owners must strictly follow all regulations veterinary doctor regularly donate biomaterial for re-analysis.

    Treatment of enteritis in dogs is aimed at:

      destruction of the virus;

      elimination of symptoms of dehydration;

      removal of toxins, poisons;

      normalization, recovery physiological functions;

      normalization of cardiac activity, intestinal microflora, digestive processes;

      increase in resistance, resistance of immunity.

    Animals are assigned antiviral drugs, pathogenetic, etiotropic therapy, course of treatment with antibiotics. Polyvalent hyperimmune sera, monovalent immunoglobulin, nonspecific antigens are used for treatment.

    When diagnosing mixed infections in dogs, prescribe symptomatic drugs, antibacterial, cardiac, antipyretic drugs, analgesics, pacemakers (a group of cardiac medications). To eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, animals are given intravenous droppers based on physical ones. water-salt solutions enriched with vitamins, glucose. To remove exotoxins, a course of detoxification is prescribed.

    To increase immune forces, activate nonspecific immunity in animals, new generation immunomodulators are used: disol, trisol, lactasol, quattrosol. The choice, dosage of administered solutions depends on age, general condition quadrupedal patients.

    To restore the physiological functions of the body, a course is prescribed replacement therapy. Dogs are assigned a feeding regimen, therapeutic diet, which should be followed for several weeks after complete recovery, general strengthening drugs, multivitamin complexes, means for restoring intestinal microflora, normalizing metabolic processes. The feeding regimen should be as gentle as possible.

    In the case of a favorable prognosis, a specific stable immunity is formed in recovered dogs. But in puppies who have been ill before three one month old there is a risk of re-infection.

    Prevention of enteritis

    Prevention consists in the timely conduct of active immunization, vaccination of dogs. Puppies against viral enteritis are vaccinated at the age of two to three months. Revaccination - in a year. In regions unfavorable in terms of epizootological data, with the mass keeping of dogs in kennels, monospecific immunoglobulins, monovalent hyperimmune sera against.

    General preventive methods are aimed at maintaining the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions. Attention should be paid to the conditions of detention, feeding your pets. The diet should be of high quality, fully balanced, nutritious. Until everything is done necessary vaccinations, you should not walk with a puppy on the street, in places of mass walking of dogs, and even more so to allow contact with stray, homeless animals.

    What is this pathology

    Just like humans, our pets suffer from various diseases. Of course, long developed preventive vaccines for our tailed and shaggy friends. Such terrible diseases like the plague, rabies became much less likely to carry away dog life. However, caused by pathogens of a viral nature, enteritis in dogs is also a serious pathology, often leading to death. There are both domestic and imported vaccines against lesions digestive tract caused by parvovirus and enterovirus. However, these vaccinations are given to the puppy at the age of six to eight weeks. Until this age, unfortunately, even if the baby is not allowed out into the street, he can easily get enteritis. In dogs, the route of infection into the body is fecal-oral, as well as contact (with licking and sniffing). dirty hands of people, various items, shoes, a sick animal). The causative agents of enteritis are quite stable in environment and can get into the apartment as part of the dirt from the shoes of the owners or the paws of another dog. A baby up to 12 weeks is defenseless against infection to a greater extent than an adult dog, even if it is unvaccinated. Viral enteritis in dogs can begin as a result of infection with both specific pathogens that have destructive action in relation to the intestines, such as a group of parvo- and enteroviruses, and microorganisms that cause plague and hepatitis. Consider specific intestinal lesions.

    How does enteritis manifest in dogs?

    The disease progresses quite rapidly. fatal outcome may occur in 1-3 days. Toddler dies of dehydration, heart failure and pain syndrome. This pathology is difficult to miss, it has markedly pronounced signs. However, the disease begins with mild symptoms: depression, fever (more than 39 degrees). Symptoms of pain in the abdomen are noted: when touched, the animal shudders, can bend its back. Then the clinic becomes more expressive:

    • After about 24 hours, the dog begins to vomit. Next - diarrhea, at first the feces are pale yellow, then become bloody.
    • Pain in the abdomen does not allow the animal to lie down, the pet is standing.
    • He refuses food and water, this is due to massive inflammation of all parts of the intestine. By the way, when it is damaged by other viruses (for example, hepatitis or plague), sick animals drink water.


    It is carried out according to clinical signs and epidemiological anamnesis, the diagnosis is confirmed by methods of detecting the pathogen in feces (PCR, ELISA) and antibodies to it in the animal's blood serum (hemagglutination reaction).

    Disease therapy

    Very high mortality among puppies - up to 90% with a group content and up to 60% with an individual - is characterized by enteritis in dogs. Treatment should begin immediately as soon as the owner notices threatening symptoms. He can help in the following ways:

    1. The animal must be left alone, not watered, not fed.
    2. Applies Vaseline oil(to protect the intestinal wall, reduce the amount of absorption of toxins through it).
    3. Get the dog to the clinic as soon as possible.

    Principles of therapy

    Another specific pathogen from the parvovirus group is known to cause panleukopenia (cat distemper) in cats. Like enteritis in dogs, this is a severe and life threatening condition with similar symptoms and course. characteristic feature viruses of this group is their inevitable elimination from the body after a while. Another question is that it is quite difficult for an animal to survive this period. Because the specific therapy neither with distemper in cats, nor with canine enteritis, the treatment is aimed at maximally supporting the animal's body at the height of the disease. The following drugs are used:
    • immune sera;
    • Ringer's solutions, trisol, disol to relieve dehydration and replenish mineral balance;
    • 5% glucose solution with vitamin C;
    • antibiotics;
    • symptomatically: antiemetics, antidiarrheals, cardiac drugs, painkillers.

    Immunity in an animal after an illness is long.

    Features of feeding a sick dog

    For the first 48 hours, any food is excluded, on the third day a special diet is prescribed. It will include special prepared feed(or children food) in small portions and with high frequency. Next, the animal is fed lean meat, vegetables, rice in broth. All food is boiled. Dairy products are prohibited, as well as sausages, fatty meat, bones, fish. The usual diet is allowed to the dog only after three weeks.


    As already mentioned, this dangerous disease easily preventable with vaccines. The first of them should be done in one and a half to two months. Then two weeks later the puppy is revaccinated. Immunity is developed for about 6-12 months, then vaccination should be repeated annually. Before the specified period, it is pointless to vaccinate puppies, immunity will not form. If the epidemic situation is threatening and there are chances that the baby may get sick, you can create immune defense body through special serums.

    Many pet owners treat their pets as full members of their family, and therefore any deterioration in the well-being of animals does not cause enthusiasm.

    Among dog breeders, such diseases as or cause a special panic, but there is another disease that, when untimely treatment and with severe symptoms leads to the death of the pet. It's about about enteritis, which develops when the virus enters the body.

    A sick dog is considered the main source of the spread of the virus, and the pathogen can be isolated already in the incubation (latent) period of the disease. The virus enters the environment along with feces, vomit, saliva. The causative agent of the disease enters an apartment or a plot near the house in a variety of ways - a person can bring the virus on shoes or clothes, the microorganism can be on the fur and paws of other animals. Allocates the causative agent of enteritis for some time and has already been ill and treated animal.

    I must say that infectious enteritis in dogs not transmitted to humans and other breeds of animals in the house. That is, only dogs are susceptible to the disease, and most often these are puppies one and a half to six months old. Adult pets tolerate the disease much more easily, and vaccinated individuals do not become infected.

    The likelihood of death when puppies are infected increases if their mother is not vaccinated and at the same time suffers from.

    The enteritis virus is very resistant to the environment. In an apartment, the microorganism can live up to six months and during this period the dog can become infected at any time.

    From the moment of infection to the development of clinical signs of the disease, an average of up to 10 days can pass. The disease is insidious in its signs - most of the symptoms are characteristic of other animal diseases.

    Varieties of the disease and its signs

    Infectious enteritis is divided into parvovirus and coronovirus, the first form is registered more often. Enteritis virus destroys slime layer intestines, this leads to tissue death and an extensive inflammatory process.

    parvovirus species

    Parvovirus enteritis in turn, it is divided into three types - intestinal, cardiac and mixed.

    • intestinal form manifested by the lethargy of the animal, refusal of food, the temperature can rise only after two to three days. First, vomiting appears, by its nature it is viscous and foamy, repeated. After vomiting develops liquid stool- watery, putrid smell. After a few days, diarrhea can become bloody, the animal has severe pain in the abdomen, aggravated by touching the abdomen - the dog tucks its tail, whines. The main problem with persistent diarrhea and vomiting becomes dehydration, from which a young puppy can die in 2-3 days.
    • heart shape It is recorded most often in puppies up to 9 weeks. It is manifested by drowsiness, lethargy, refusal to feed. severe pain in the abdomen on palpation is not detected, diarrhea is usually absent. A rumbling can be heard at a distance, damage to the heart muscle leads to severe shortness of breath or, conversely, to imperceptible, quiet breathing. Registered in dogs weak pulse, all extremities are cold, pallor or cyanosis of the mucous membranes is revealed.
    • mixed form characterized by signs of damage to the intestines and heart muscle. Most often, this form develops in weakened dogs suffering from adenovirus and rotovirus. viral infections. The danger also increases for those puppies that are born from unvaccinated bitches.

    Coronavirus species

    Coronovirus form of enteritis is more favorable in terms of outcome compared to parvovirus. The dog may refuse to eat, while drinking regimen saved. Pain in the abdomen is minor, diarrhea and vomiting are rare.

    The incubation period for this type of infection lasts up to 5 days. Coronavirus infection occurs in acute and chronic forms:

    • acute form the disease develops rapidly, the dog becomes weak and lethargic. With the development of an acute form, often joins secondary infection. Usually, only weakened puppies die with such an infection, adult animals survive.
    • Light form coronovirus infection can even go unnoticed, especially if the infection has appeared in an adult dog. The animal does not eat well, is apathetic, there is no temperature, the condition improves after a few days.

    Infectious enteritis, occurring in an acute form in debilitated dogs and puppies, often ends in death.

    Treatment Methods

    Important for the treatment of viral enteritis A complex approach, the dog needs not only to choose the right medicine, but it is also necessary to organize competent care for the animal.

    What to do if enteritis is suspected?

    If the dog has symptoms characteristic of enteritis, the first thing to do is to visit veterinary clinic . Precise definition the diagnosis and choice of treatment regimen is important precisely in the first two days of the disease, if treatment is started during this period, then it will almost always be successful.

    Also, if enteritis is suspected, it is necessary:

    • Periodically. Temperature data will help the veterinarian to better understand the disease.
    • It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the emetic and stool. The appearance of bloody or white stools is a poor diagnostic sign.
    • A sick dog must be separated from other animals and placed in a room where there are no drafts.
    • All discharge should be removed as soon as possible.
    • Most puppies and adult dogs die from dehydration. Therefore, if you see that the animal does not touch the water at all, then you need to give it a drink through a syringe. Water should be boiled or mineral without gases.
    • because of inflamed intestine the pet will not eat at all and it is not necessary to force him.

    In order for the disease to pass quickly and without consequences, the doctor prescribes several drugs at once, their administration is necessary even if the signs of infection are insignificant.

    To drug treatment enteritis include the appointment:

    • Immunostimulating drugs.
    • Solutions in droppers. Intravenous administration glucose or physical solution with vitamins is necessary to maintain water balance and to enhance the body's resistance. In the early days of illness, often only glucose becomes the only source nutrition.
    • With enteritis, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.
    • If the puppy is not vaccinated, then vaccinating in some cases helps to cope with the disease.
    • To relieve pain, use no-shpu, Baralgin, Analgin.
    • It is necessary to choose drugs to support cardiac activity.

    All prescribed drugs are administered only intramuscularly or in droppers, since the tablets are not absorbed and further disrupt the intestinal mucosa.

    What to feed a dog with enteritis?

    In the first days of illness, puppies and adults almost completely refuse food. You can't force feed them., and if the animal retains its appetite, then the food should be easily digestible and dietary.

    After the crisis of the disease, it is necessary to feed the dog with extreme caution. The intestines throughout its entire length are a continuous, not yet fully healed wound, and rough food will certainly cause pain and practically will not be digested.

    After enteritis, the functionality of the intestine is restored for a long time. The dog can go on occasionally vilify pain may be experienced. It is important to get it right. For bowel recovery special preparations are needed that have a positive effect on the microflora.

    Experienced dog breeders in the first days of illness are advised to give dogs the following food:

    • Chicken or beef broth, and it is better if it is the second cooking.
    • heavily boiled rice porridge on the water.
    • In a day or two, you can try to give finely chopped lean meat, then kefir and fresh cottage cheese.

    All food should be warm and fresh at each feeding. You need to increase the number of servings gradually. After about two weeks, you can carefully move on to your usual diet.

    Consequences and complications

    Even a mild course of enteritis and the entire set of measures carried out in a timely manner is not a guarantee that the disease will end without complications.

    For the most common consequences infectious enteritis in dogs include:

    • Lameness, it can either disappear after a few months or remain for the rest of your life.
    • Recovered puppies are far behind in development from their litter.
    • After two to three weeks, dogs in oral cavity neoplasms are found - polyps. They must be removed surgically.
    • Bitches can remain infertile for several months or for life.
    • Puppies who recover from enteritis before 9 weeks of age are often left with a heart condition called myocarditis. And even adult dogs can develop heart failure.

    At mild form and full treatment enteritis all complications disappear within a year.


    The only way to prevent your pet from getting the virus is by vaccination. If there are small puppies in the house, then you need to protect them from the street until the vaccine is made.

    It is necessary to wash the floors in the room more often, after the street, the owners should take off their shoes and wash their hands. It is not recommended to let the mother of puppies to them without pre-treatment paws and wool.


    Puppies are vaccinated for the first time at 4-6 months of age. Adult dogs should be vaccinated annually. Among vaccines, Nobivak, Parvovac, Multikan, Biovac are popular.

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