Sun, Venus and Mercury in different signs. Conjunction of Uranus with the Moon. Conjunction of the Moon with the Sun

/ Connection, square, opposition, trine (trine), sextile of the Sun and Venus in the synastry.

Synastry - aspects of the Sun Venus in the synastry. Connection, square, opposition, trine (trine), sextile of the Sun and Venus in the synastry. Astrology.

Aspects of the Sun Venus in the synastry very important, especially in love and marriage compatibility. Harmonious aspects between the Sun and Venus in the synastry, and the connection to an even greater extent, these are the main indicators of the compatibility of a man and a woman. Mutual harmonious synastric aspects or conjunction of the Sun and Venus. Tense aspects (opposition and square) of the Sun - Venus in the synastry cannot destroy the marriage union if there are not many other tense aspects.

Sun Venus conjunction in synastry.

In the synastry of a man and a woman, it is better that in the Sun-Venus conjunction, the Sun belongs to the woman, and Venus to the man, but the reverse option also has a positive effect on compatibility. The sun and Venus in the same zodiac sign is also already a big plus in the synastry and attracts people to each other.

Venus in the male chart shows the desired image of the beloved. For both women and men, Venus is the planet of relationships and love. determines how a person receives and gives love, how he knows how to express his feelings.

With the synastric conjunction of the Sun Venus, the man of the Sun, by his presence, turns on the Venus of his partner. The person of Venus wants to show signs of attention, speak tender words, or in some other way express feelings towards his partner. If the synastric conjunction of the Sun Venus is in the earthly signs of the zodiac, then the person of Venus will want to prove his reliability or help the person of the Sun with something specific. Venus in a fire sign will want to impress with an original surprise or a bright outfit (if Venus is female). Water Venus can be very romantic and caring, and air Venus will amaze with her sense of humor, try to interest her partner with fascinating stories and “shine” with her knowledge.

When the Sun connects Venus in the synastry, when the person of Venus shows interest in his partner of the Sun, the person of the Sun also in response begins to warm the person of Venus with his warmth. The man of the Sun in the presence of his partner can behave more openly, naturally, at ease, and usually the behavior of the man of the Sun is very appealing to the man of Venus.

Square and opposition Sun Venus in the synastry.

With the square or opposition of the Sun Venus in the synastry, there will be no special conflicts in relations between partners. But the person of the Sun may not perceive (not understand) the love manifestations of the person of Venus or not adequately respond to the expression of his feelings (unless both Venus partners in the synastry are in favorable aspects or in conjunction). With tense aspects of the Sun Venus in the synastry, the self-expression of a person of the Sun may not like the person of Venus or cause him discomfort. With the opposition or the square of the Sun-Venus in the synastry, it will be more difficult for a person of Venus (especially if Venus belongs to a woman), because. The sun is an active planet, and Venus is a receptive, feminine. An exception may be if the Sun is weak. The man of Venus can sometimes be offended by the antics of the man of the Sun, but it will be difficult for Venus to object to the Sun.

With the square or opposition of the Sun Venus in the synastry, a Venus person may feel dissatisfied on an emotional level, may feel that his feelings are not appreciated or not understood. The man of the Sun may make claims that he is not loved enough or get annoyed with the man of Venus when he tries to express his feelings, his love, care, in a way that is not desirable for the man of the Sun.

The square or opposition of the Sun and Venus in the synastry, with a general favorable compatibility and with many exact harmonious aspects, will not destroy the relationship of partners.

Of course, you need to take into account what signs of the zodiac the Sun and Venus of the partners are in in order to find out possible problems in a couple arising from this aspect (square or opposition to the Sun Venus). I will give a couple of examples to make it clearer how to do this.

For example, if Venus of the first partner is in Capricorn, and the Sun of the second is in Libra, then the Sun person may lack tender feelings from the Venus person (the Sun is weak in Libra).

If the Sun of one partner is in Sagittarius, and the Venus of the other is in Virgo, then the concern of the Venus person can sometimes seem too annoying and annoying to the Sun person.

Trine (trine) and sextile Sun Venus in the synastry.

Trine (trine) and sextile Sun Venus in the synastry is one of the indicators of the compatibility of partners. The man of the Sun is pleased with the care and love of the man of Venus. And the man of Venus feels a response from the man of the Sun to his manifestations of feelings, feels that his love is valued, that he is valued. In any synastry, the trine and sextile Sun Venus bring warmth, care for each other to the relationship of partners, it is pleasant for people to be around. Trine and sextile between the Sun and Venus is quite an effective aspect for bonding relationships.

A planet conjunct the Sun denotes a principle whose manifestations are vital and perfectly natural for a person born with a conjunction. The distance from the Sun to the planet in conjunction matters. It is believed that the orb of conjunction with the Sun can be up to 17 degrees, the "burning" zone - 3 degrees, the Kazimi zone, or in the "heart of the Sun" - 17 minutes.

Venus, located in the rays of the Sun (as this connection can be called), indicates the need for the manifestation of any of the qualities of Venus - love, beauty, harmony, sociality, or financial well-being. Venus themes can change throughout life. Either as some results are achieved, new heights are opened, or, having despaired of achieving the desired, attention (and energy) switches to other topics of the planet.

Much or little love (we take love as a basic value) in the life of a person with Venus in the rays of the Sun? From the outside it looks like a lot! And from the inside, there is little, very little and does not warm! The desire for love will be constant, but contentment? This is another question, there are no guarantees that the native knows how to enjoy, appreciate comfort and have emotional stability (this can be some opinion based on the aspect of both Venus and the Sun, the house and the signs of their location).

The feeling of ownership and the desire to rule in love are hardly realized, but are almost mandatory. The light of charm, friendliness, kindness, caring overshadows this "shadow side" of the aspect.

Often there is a feeling of a standard of beauty, harmony, perfection, but this is from the inside, and others do not always agree with such a vision of the virtues of the native.

Marriage can be quite late, there are few children. If there is no defeat of 2 and 5 houses in the map - success in life is an opportunity to get rich.

For the development of the aspect, any art classes, both professional and amateur, are very useful. The innate sense of beauty is enhanced, which indirectly improves the ability to perceive (and enjoy) love. The aesthetic criterion for an important choice, as well as reliance on the concepts of "I love" - ​​"I do not like" noticeably eases the severity and complexity of the choice, without such support, numerous hesitation and doubts are possible.

There is quite a big difference between the Superior Sun-Venus Conjunction (conjunction with direct Venus) and the Inferior (conjunction with retrograde Venus). The first is the culminating in the karmic work of the Soul on the themes of the planet, and the second is the beginning of a new stage in the same work.

In a period of time historically close to us, under the rays of the Sun are Venus in the signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn. (See Venusian family).

Venus and Sun in Aries- Venus softens the Aries Sun. Love is perceived as a reward, and beauty is included in the circle of main interests, which is not typical for Aries. But get ready for "wars" for love! And blinded by love. To do this, tons of "balm of kindness" for the wounds of the Soul will be needed. But each new spring bloom will be soft pink!

Venus and Sun in Gemini- this is not just a moth, but the most beautiful moth in the world! In two seconds, the charm of such a connection will fill the entire space and will shine with reflected light in the eyes of admiring spectators (and listeners) for a long time. The gentle rays of light love are very fragile, do not hurt with a word to which there is a special sensitivity.

Venus and Sun in Leo- the true kingdom of Roses! Romanticism and brightness. But love owns a person or does he (she) love? stable feelings. Nobility in relationships enhances the external manifestations of beauty. Be generous with compliments!

Venus and Sun in Scorpio- a powerful force of transformation, makes each new revival more beautiful than the previous one. The passion of nature and the desire to change, improve, each beloved (beloved). Until self-love is found as the basis (and main balm), suffering and passion destroy relationships. Unusually attractive and a wonderful magnet for the opposite sex.

Venus and Sun in Capricorn- cold and inaccessible Snow Queen! Love shines, but warms little. Rigid framework for yourself and your loved one (beloved). The importance of social achievement. It is advisable to keep the correct distance and gradually approach each other.

The Sun and Venus are never more than 48° apart. The only major aspect between them is connection.
Just as in the case of Mercury, we can distinguish three types of conjunction:
1) normal connection (with a convergent aspect, it starts 17° before the exact aspect and ends 7° before the exact aspect; with a divergent one, it starts 5° after the exact aspect and ends 12° after the exact aspect);
2) Kazimi - Venus is within a radius of 17 minutes from the center of the Sun;
3) burning - an intermediate position of Venus.

In the usual connection, the desire to love and be loved is very manifest. It is very important to be considered pleasant in all respects, by all means to win the sympathy of others and look in a good light.
The importance of partnerships is great. Such a person builds an idea of ​​himself solely on the basis of the response received as a result of partnership.
The tendency to smooth sharp corners, to avoid conflict situations is very strong. One of the main life priorities is the achievement of universal harmony, peace, justice, and, of course, comfort.
When burned, very often a person sees in life only what he wants to see. And presumably loves himself much more than anyone else.
Boris Izraitel

Venus does not move further from the Sun than 48 °, so the aspects that it can form with it are a conjunction to a semi-sextile. The conjunction of Venus with the Sun, like that of Mercury, is of two types, depending on the orb - the orb of the conjunction in the great-grandfathers is from 2° to 8°. With such a connection, there may be negative manifestations: disappointments, losses, extravagance; increased love for pleasures, entertainment, inconstancy in affections, amorousness, frivolity. The good side of this aspect is sincerity, tenderness, constancy, desire to help, refinement, talent, love of art, striving for excellence.

An exact connection or more than 8 °, as well as a semi-sextile, characterizes cuteness, charm, artistry, beauty, sophistication, courtesy, culture, friendliness, harmony, impressionability, fun, success in life and with the opposite sex, good taste. The negative side of these aspects is frivolity, amorousness, indulgence of one's feelings, inconstancy of affections, love for gifts, beautiful things, philistinism, lack of desire for improvement and self-education.
S.V. Shestopalov

Gives strength of feelings, love of life, joy, optimism, love of fun and entertainment, although narcissism. Beauty and grace in self-expression, ability in art. If the II and V houses are not affected, you can get rich on speculation. Thanks to love and a romantic streak, they can give happiness to others. They understand children well.
Francis Sakoyan

Planets and important points of the horoscope

> Aspects

You can find out what aspects were between the planets at the time of your birth.

Francis Sakoyan. Aspects.

Gives strength of feelings, love of life, joy, optimism, love of fun and entertainment, although narcissism. Beauty and grace in self-expression, ability in art. If the II and V houses are not affected, you can get rich on speculation. Thanks to love and a romantic streak, they can give happiness to others. They understand children well.

Your charming child can "express himself" in a sophisticated artistic way, with attraction and charm, and self-admiration is possible. With age, he may show interest in performing arts, mastering public speaking, or working in the modeling business (top model). He has optimism, love of fun, games and entertainment.

S.V. Shestopalov. Aspects.

Venus does not move further from the Sun than 48 °, so the aspects that she can form with him are a conjunction to a semi-sextile. The conjunction of Venus with the Sun, like that of Mercury, is of two types, depending on the orb - the orb of the conjunction in the great-grandfathers is from 2 ° to 8 °. With such a connection, there may be negative manifestations: disappointments, losses, extravagance; increased love for pleasures, entertainment, inconstancy in affections, amorousness, frivolity. The good side of this aspect is sincerity, tenderness, constancy, desire to help, refinement, talent, love of art, striving for excellence.
An exact connection or more than 8 °, as well as a semi-sextile, characterizes cuteness, charm, artistry, beauty, sophistication, courtesy, culture, friendliness, harmony, impressionability, fun, success in life and with the opposite sex, good taste. The negative side of these aspects is frivolity, amorousness, indulgence of one's feelings, inconstancy of affections, love for gifts, beautiful things, philistinism, lack of desire for improvement and self-education.

Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Connection: a combination of conscious and emotional, and as a result of this - the desire to please, be appreciated, deservedly, the need to love and be loved. Such people are friendly, have a natural charm, which acquires its own special features depending on which sign the connection is in.

Het monster. Aspects.

Strength of feelings, optimism, love of fun, entertainment. Sometimes self-love. Beauty and grace in the ways of self-expression, the ability to arts. If the II and V houses are not affected - the opportunity to get rich on speculation. Success in life through brothers or wife. Women are born very kind. Venus behind the Sun - eternal troubles and failures with girls, and with an empty or affected IV house - and in marriage (in men).

K.V. Selchenok. Anatomy of fate. Interpretation of horoscopes.

It communicates an enviable charm, friendliness, love of life, an optimistic worldview and a desire for various social circles. Such a person has a developed strong and constant feeling of love, all the time yearns to love and be loved. He is highly erotic, loves a comfortable and in every way pleasant life. Due to the considerable love of love and the desire to "stretch the pleasure", marriage is often postponed. This is also due to the small number of children in the family. The exact connection often contributes to the development of selfishness, arrogance, pretentiousness, and also determines the formation of excessive expectations, which are most often not justified.
This aspect informs a person of softness and kindness, caring and friendliness, it determines a persistent inclination to pleasure and a developed sense of ownership. Such a person is well aware of the importance of comfort and wonderfully enjoys even the smallest joys of life. It is not uncommon for other people to provide prosperity to such a person in strange ways, admiring his deep understanding of art and beauty, as well as the high intensity of feelings. Contacts with nature and the living world are absolutely necessary for such a person, as they help maintain the potential of his viability and ensure the achievement of a stable emotional balance.

Venus and the Sun do not depart far from each other, and therefore can form only two aspects with each other, of which the conjunction is the most striking and powerful interaction.

The conjunction of the Sun and Venus gives the personality of the native a pronounced creative orientation. The sun symbolizes the spark of God in a person, and Venus, closely interacting with the Sun, makes it possible for the creative potential of a person, laid down from above, to manifest itself in a harmonious earthly form.

The influence of the aspect on the personal qualities and worldview of a person

People who have two good planets in their birth charts have such qualities of character as kindness, peacefulness, sincerity, striving for balance and diplomacy. They do not like to be with anyone in a state of enmity. Their task is to make the environment in which they find themselves warm, peaceful, calm and harmonious.

People with such a creative connection always strive to learn and penetrate the world of beauty. On the one hand, they take care of their appearance: they create an attractive image, buy clothes that emphasize their dignity, regularly visit beauty salons and follow fashion trends. On the other hand, they also care about spiritual development: they visit exhibitions, concerts, museums and theaters with pleasure.

A large number of people with this aspect devote themselves entirely to creative activity. The rest show a deep interest in poetry, painting, music, dance and other arts, devoting a lot of time to their hobby.

The conjunction of the Sun and Venus in the horoscope can also be interpreted as an urgent need for relationships and love. Such people are very romantic and attractive, they radiate a magical sensual aura around them and therefore enjoy great success with the opposite sex.

Despite the fact that the Sun and Venus are good planets, their conjunction can cause laziness, love of entertainment, amorousness and frivolity. Such people should understand that it is impossible to live in indulgence and wasting their time on empty entertainment.

The conjunction of the Sun and Venus in the female and male horoscope

Since the Sun and Venus are marriage significators, it is important to consider their influence both in the natal of men and in the birth charts of women.

A woman in whose horoscope there is this connection, in most cases, strives for a stable and strong relationship. She is impressed if the partner is in any way connected with the world of art, demonstrates excellent manners, disposes to herself and does not skimp on gifts.

In the male horoscope, the conjunction aspect of the Sun and Venus means a craving for women who are bright, self-confident, stylish, talented and artistic. This constellation also indicates sincerity in love and fidelity in relationships.

Conjunction of the Sun and Venus in some signs of the zodiac

This aspect is especially strong in the signs of the zodiac Taurus, Libra and Leo.

The Sun and Venus, closely interacting with each other in the sign of Taurus, are conducive to stability and the pursuit of simple earthly goals. The native desires most of all to build a house, start a family and achieve financial well-being. These people are hard workers, and in order to achieve their beautiful dreams, they will work hard and hard. They love to create beauty with their own hands and surround themselves only with things of excellent quality that please the eye.

When the Sun and Venus act together in the sign of Libra, then the person considers one of his life priorities to create harmony and balance in partnership. Such people are masters of building relationships, finding compromises in the most difficult situations. They easily captivate others and win their hearts with their kindness, affection and unique charm.

If the Sun and Venus form a conjunction in Leo, then the native impresses his surroundings by his refined appearance and regal bearing. Such people love to perform on stage and give the public the beauty of their soul. They endow others with positive, optimistic, powerful energy of love and joy.

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