Unique healing properties of chokeberry and contraindications: a modest berry with a long track record. Black chokeberry. Contraindications and medicinal properties

People often pass by familiar plants, unaware of their healing power. One of these natural healers is chokeberry. What are its medicinal properties, are there any contraindications?

Why chokeberry is useful - medicinal properties

Chokeberry (aronia chokeberry) has a unique composition, contains many vitamins, is used to treat various diseases.

Most often, fresh or dry chokeberry is used. Its medicinal properties help to overcome diabetes, atherosclerosis, rheumatism. Berries help improve vision, strengthen the immune system, and restore hormonal balance.

Important! Chokeberry is effective in the fight against excess weight and fat deposits on the abdomen and thighs.

Medicinal properties:

  • a powerful natural immunomodulator, compensates for the lack of essential vitamins in the body;
  • reduces intracranial and arterial pressure;
  • removes toxic and radioactive waste, salts of heavy metals from the body;
  • improves digestion, is used to treat gastritis;
  • reduces cholesterol levels, a powerful prophylactic drug against atherosclerosis.

It is recommended to use chokeberry for various bleeding, insomnia, and problems with the nervous system. Aronia well eliminates spasms, pain, fights pathogenic microorganisms. The plant has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and endocrine system.

How to dry

To prepare a mountain ash, you first need to know about it in order to bring the maximum benefit. Berries are best dried in the oven, so they do not become moldy, do not start to rot.

  1. Spread in a thin layer on a baking sheet.
  2. Heat the oven to 50 degrees.
  3. Place the berries in the oven, stir occasionally.

Properly cooked fruits acquire a cherry-red color, they retain all the vitamins. Store them in paper bags or in glass jars with a tight lid.

Important! Contraindications for leaves are the same as for berries.

How to apply for various diseases

Aronia-based medicines are best taken before each meal.

For the prevention of various diseases, it is enough to consume 50 g of fresh berries 2 times a week.

To normalize pressure

Before using the remedy, find out. With increased pressure, you need to eat 100 g of chokeberry three times a day.

To prepare a medicinal drink, you need to pour 15 g of fresh or dried fruits into 240 ml of boiling water. Drink warm 120 ml.

Hemorrhagic diathesis

Mix 50 ml of chokeberry juice and 15 g of honey. Use three times a day for a month.

Anemia, asthenia, hypovitaminosis

Mix 300 g of chokeberry and black currant, divided into 3 doses. Berries should be washed down with a decoction. Continue treatment for 3 weeks.

In the evening, pour 50 g of dried fruits into a thermos, pour boiling water (400 ml). In the morning, divide the drink into 3 servings, drink in 1 day.

For thyroid diseases

  1. Mix equal proportions of sugar and chokeberry.
  2. Take 5 g of medicine three times a day.

This remedy also helps to get rid of sclerosis. Problems with the heart and blood vessels.

With a cold

Mix 100 ml of chokeberry juice, lemon, carrot. Drink the resulting daily allowance in 3 doses.

For headaches, dizziness, VVD

Take 50 ml of juice daily before each meal.

In cold weather, you can prepare an infusion of dried fruits. For 520 ml of boiling water, 45 g of berries are required. Leave the mixture overnight. Strain, take as well as juice.

constipation remedy

  • chokeberry - 10 g;
  • bird cherry berries - 60 g;
  • blueberries - 40 g.

Pour 260 ml of boiling water over 15 g of the mixture, filter after 5 minutes. Take 15 ml 5 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

For diabetes

For diabetics, chokeberry is an indispensable remedy. Normalizes sugar levels, promotes the production of insulin, reduces the severity of concomitant ailments. These berries are recommended to patients by nutritionists and endocrinologists.

To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to crush 15 g of berries, pour 240 ml of boiling water. After half an hour, strain the drink. Daily dose - 150 ml.

Important! The daily dose of berries in their pure form should not exceed 50 g.

The main benefit of chokeberry for women is its high content of antioxidants. Rowan helps prevent the appearance of tumors, prolongs youth.

Aronia effectively fights PMS and menopause - a few berries help to cope with apathy, aggressiveness, depression and weakness.

During pregnancy

Aronia in Greek means "helper". And women in position need safe helpers to maintain health. Berries contain many useful trace elements for a woman in position - folic acid, iron, fluorine, boron.

Why chokeberry is good for pregnant women:

  • the high content of vitamins B1, B6 helps the fetus develop correctly, prevents the development of congenital malformations in the baby, problems with the nervous system;
  • ascorbic acid eliminates signs of toxicosis;
  • antioxidants have a beneficial effect on the cells of mom and baby;
  • anthocyanins help prevent inflammation;
  • increases hemoglobin, normalizes blood pressure.

Aronia does not cause allergies, it is enough to consume fresh berries 3 times a week to provide the body with all the useful substances.

Juice, chokeberry jam help prevent the appearance in pregnant women.

Aronia in cosmetology

The extract of these fruits is part of many expensive cosmetic products. But you can make healthy masks yourself.

From the juice you can make ice cubes, use them for morning washing. The skin will become elastic, fresh, the contour of the face will tighten.

Refreshing mask

This tool will help eliminate all signs of sleepless nights and fatigue.

  1. Mash 15 g of aronia berries.
  2. Grate 2 small cucumbers.
  3. Add 3 kali lemon juice.

Stir, apply on the skin of the face and neck, wash off after a quarter of an hour.

Nourishing mask

Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, eliminates fine wrinkles.

  1. Grind 25 g of fresh yeast with 15 ml of olive oil.
  2. Make a gruel from 120 g of chokeberry.
  3. Mix everything, hold for 20 minutes on the face.

For hair

Aronia helps to get rid of dandruff, oily, nourishes the skin of the head with vitamins.

  1. Grind 270 g of berries, squeeze out the juice. Rub into scalp 20 minutes before washing hair.
  2. Pour 15 g of berries with 420 ml of boiling water, hold the mixture on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After cooling, strain, use as a rinse.

Chokeberry for children

Aronia is a hypoallergenic berry, so it is practically safe for children. Despite the astringent taste, even small children like the berry because it contains a lot of organic sugar.

Juice from chokeberry fruits contains a lot of iron, which helps to save children from anemia, normalize hemoglobin levels. Just do not give the child pure juice - you need to dilute it with 4-6 parts of water. For the winter, you can dry the berries, use them to make jelly, compotes.

In the summer, you should make jam from an equal amount of blackcurrant and chokeberry - you won’t find the best prophylactic against colds. You can make a puree of these berries with the addition of a small amount of sugar or honey.

Violet pigments of berries effectively fight ultraviolet radiation. If you have a trip to the sea, you can take dried berries with you - a few berries a day and the child's skin will be reliably protected from burns and redness.

  1. Puree from fresh berries helps to restore damaged cells, it is effective for combating inflammatory diseases of the lungs, stomach, and oral cavity.
  2. Chokeberry retains all useful substances in frozen form. You can cook compote for children without adding sugar. This drink will saturate the body with iodine, selenium, pectins, B vitamins.
  3. Delicious aronia berries protect the child from diabetes, cancer, increase stamina and protective functions of the body. With regular use, the circulatory and hormonal system works much better.
  4. Chokeberry improves blood clotting, which helps prevent nosebleeds and other bleeding in children.

Important! With an overdose of chokeberry in children, blood pressure may drop, they will become lethargic and sleepy.

In cooking

Many drinks and desserts are prepared from chokeberry. In addition to a pleasant taste, all useful and medicinal properties are preserved in all dishes.


Helps with hypertension, it is useful to use to restore strength. Sugar and chokeberry fruits should be taken in equal proportions.

  1. Pour boiling water over berries for 2 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with sugar.
  3. Put the mixture on a small fire, cook until it boils, stir constantly.
  4. Transfer to prepared jars, roll up the lids.

Take 10 g after each meal.


This drink contains several times more antioxidants than dry red wine.

  1. Mix 100 g of chokeberry and cherry leaves.
  2. Boil for a quarter of an hour in 1.5 liters of water.
  3. Strain, squeeze, add 375 g of sugar, and 750 ml of quality vodka.
  4. After 2 months, the tincture will be ready.

Helps. During epidemics of viral diseases, it is necessary to take 30 ml of tincture daily.


The delicacy will appeal to children, it will help strengthen the protective functions of the body.

  1. Prepare a syrup from 1.1 kg of sugar and 750 ml of water.
  2. Pour 1.5 kg of fruits over them, put on fire.
  3. After boiling, cook the dessert for 25 minutes, add 7 g of citric acid.

Cool, put in a colander. When the berries are completely dry, lay them out in a thin layer on parchment, dry at room temperature for 5-7 days. You can make jelly, compote from syrup.

Put the finished raisins into jars. You can add to tea, pastries, or just eat 5-10 raisins daily.

Aronia chokeberry - a thunderstorm for hypertension and anemia

The homeland of the chokeberry is the eastern part of North America (Canada), where it occupies a vast territory with a variety of natural conditions from Ontario in the north to the Florida peninsula in the south, covering the Atlantic Lowland, the Appalic Mountains and the Central Plain. It was cultivated there long before the arrival of white people. The Delaware and Dakota Indian tribes treated skin burns with the juice of its fruits, made flour. Aronia was brought to Europe at the end of the 19th century and quickly gained recognition as an interesting ornamental plant that adorned streets, gardens, parks and squares. Despite the fact that the existence of chokeberry was known in Russia at that time, it was still not cultivated. After lengthy laboratory studies and clinical trials, the beneficial properties of chokeberry could not leave researchers indifferent. And in 1961, the Ministry of Health of the USSR allowed the use of fruits and natural juice of chokeberry for medicinal purposes to cure anacid gastritis, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Useful properties of chokeberry

Aronia chokeberry (or as chokeberry is also called) is a small densely branched deciduous shrub with a flexible, not very thick, easily bent trunk up to 1.5-2.5 m high, a medicinal plant of the Rosaceae family. The flowers are collected 10-35 in an inflorescence - shield. The flowers are white, rarely pink. Blossoms in May - June, fruits ripen in August - September. Fruits are edible, dark brown or black-purple, with a slight wax coating and dark ruby ​​flesh, spherical berries with a diameter of 8-10 mm. The weight of one fruit is up to 1.3 g. The fruits are collected in clusters, with 8 dark brown seeds. The pulp of the fruit is dark red, the juice is dark ruby.

The beneficial properties of chokeberry are due to the content of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, E, P, PP, carotene, manganese, copper, boron, iodine, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, anthocyanates. Aronia fruits contain sugars, folic, nicotinic, malic and other organic acids, riboflavin, phylloquinone, tocopherols, cyanine, pyrodoxine, thiamine, tannins and pectin substances. The fruits of chokeberry (as well as feijoa fruits) contain a lot of iodine, so they are useful for diffuse toxic goiter. Amygdalin, coumarin and other compounds have also been found in the pulp of the berries. Quercetin derivatives, large amounts of neochlorogenic acid, rutin and hyproside were found in the leaves and flowers of chokeberry. Dried chokeberry berries are also valuable medicinal raw materials. It was revealed that 3 tablespoons (50 g of dry fruits) of chokeberry contained so much vitamin P, which provides its daily dose in this beriberi. The astringent taste of chokeberry reminds us that it contains a lot of tannins, organic acids and pectins, which means it has a great effect on digestion.

Contraindications. Since chokeberry contains a large amount of organic acids, therefore, with hyperacid gastritis and peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, it should be consumed moderately and only without exacerbations. In such situations, special herbal preparations containing chokeberry can help. Also, the use of fruits and juice of medicinal chokeberry is contraindicated in duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, low blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, frequent constipation, as well as those who have increased blood clotting.

Due to the content of pectin substances, chokeberry helps to eliminate heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, retains and removes various types of pathogenic microorganisms. Pectins normalize the functioning of the intestines, eliminate spasms and have a choleretic effect. The beneficial properties of chokeberry help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improving their firmness and elasticity.

One of the most useful properties of this berry is the normalization of blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. Chokeberry fruits are prescribed for various disorders in the blood coagulation system, bleeding, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and allergic diseases. Recent studies have shown that chokeberry improves liver function, and regular use of this berry improves immunity and has a positive effect on the endocrine system.

Treatment of chokeberry
General strengthening decoction. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 20 g of dry fruits of chokeberry, set on a small fire and heat for 5-10 minutes. Wait 20 minutes until the broth cools down, strain it, squeeze it out and drink 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

With hypertension. Mix 50 g of fresh chokeberry juice with a tablespoon of honey, drink three times a day half an hour before meals for 10-45 days of treatment.
Or drink chokeberry juice 50 ml 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 10 days or 100 g of fresh fruits 3 times a day.

Prevention of atherosclerosis. Daily use 100 g of fruits for 2-6 weeks three times a day half an hour before meals. And additionally consume a decoction of medicinal rose hips or an infusion of black currant or a vitamin C preparation.
Or take 2-3 times a day 100 g of pureed berries at the rate of 1 kg of berries per 700 g of sugar.

Pressure remedy. Rowan juice from pressed berries is taken 0.25 cup 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals with hypertension, hemorrhoids, gastritis with low acidity.

Multivitamin tea. 1/2 tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 2 cups of hot water, boiled for 10 minutes and insisted for 5-6 hours. Before use, you can add sugar to taste. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

With asthenia, anemia and hypovitaminosis. It is necessary to eat 2-3 times a day 250 g of fresh fruits daily, along with blackcurrant, rosehip broth or ascorbic acid dragees.

Aronia wine

Chokeberry is perfect for winemaking. The wine from its fruits turns out to be thick, extractive, rich ruby ​​color with a very beautiful shade. The wine clears up nicely. It should be noted a special property of chokeberry wine - it affects a person's pressure, lowering the latter. So people with low blood pressure should drink blackberry wine only in small quantities.

All types of wines can be made from aronia, but strong and sweet wines (dessert and liquor) are better. Dry wines are rarely prepared, as they get too "heavy" astringent taste. Very often, chokeberry is used to make blended wines, in particular, wine is perfectly obtained from a mixture of autumn apple and chokeberry juices.

There are several ways to make wine from aronia, differing mainly in extracting juice and making must. With each of these methods, it is also possible to add juices of other fruits and berries to the chokeberry juice (blending).

Purchase and storage

Aronia fruits are harvested at full maturity, in September - October. Use them fresh and dried. Fresh fruits are distinguished by keeping quality, which allows them to be consumed fresh for a long time.

For long-term storage, rowan fruits are cut with a shield, strung on a wire and hung in a barn. So they can be stored in frosts and are suitable for consumption throughout the winter, but when fresh fruits are frozen, the P-vitamin substance is partially destroyed, and its amount decreases with each thawing and freezing. Aronia is dried in the open air or in drying chambers at a temperature of 40-50 °. Dried fruits are sold by pharmacies.

Recipes from chokeberry

Aronia jam. You will need: chokeberry - 1 kg, sugar - 1.3 kg, water - 2 cups, juice (any) - 1 cup, rum - 2 tablespoons, citric acid - 1/2 cup.
Cooking method. Rowan is better to collect after the first frost. Separate the berries from the brushes, wash, keep covered in a not too hot oven for 2-5 hours. From sugar, water and the resulting juice, boil the syrup, dip the berries into it, add the rum and cook until the berries are transparent. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. The finished jam is poured hot into jars and corked.

Black chokeberry pie. You will need: wheat bread - 200g, chokeberry - 2 cups, apples - 2 pieces, sugar - 1/2 cup, butter - 2 tbsp, breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp, sweet sauce - to taste .
Cooking method. Cut the bread into thin slices, moisten in a mixture of milk, eggs and sugar. Rinse chokeberry berries, sprinkle with sugar, add grated Antonovka apples. Place the soaked slices of bread on a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs frying pan, minced meat on top and cover with the remaining slices of bread. Pour in the egg-milk mixture and bake in the oven until golden brown. Serve with sweet sauce.

Tincture of black chokeberry. You will need: chokeberry - 100g, cherry leaves - 100 pieces, vodka - 700g, sugar - 1.3 cups, water - 1.5 l.
Cooking method. Pour berries and leaves with 1.5 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and add 700 g of vodka and 1.3 cups of sand.

Aronia chokeberry, thanks to the substances contained in its composition, favors the active expansion of blood vessels and capillaries. It was experimentally found that for the treatment of hypertension, chokeberry

Aronia chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa), or chokeberry. Its generic name comes from the Greek aros - benefit, help, which indicates the usefulness of the plant. From two Greek words, a specific definition was formed: melanos means black, and karpos means fruit, and speaks of the color of the fruit.

Plant species and family: This is a highly branched shrub, it belongs to the Rosaceae family. Aronia has a great shoot-recovery ability. Annual shoots are red-brown in color, later becoming dark gray. Chokeberry is often grown as an ornamental, medicinal or fruit plant. Many amateur gardeners and summer residents plant chokeberry in their area.

Botanical characteristic

Root (rhizome): the shrub has a powerful root system.

Leaves, crown: the crown at a young age is compact and tight, but then it becomes sprawling, reaches 1.5-2 meters in diameter. The leaves are entire and simple, obovate or elliptical in shape, have short petioles, their length is 4-8 centimeters, their width is 3-5 centimeters. The edges of the leaves are serrated and have a sharp transition to a sharp and short tip. The upper surface of the leaves is glossy, leathery, has a dark green color. The lower one has a slight pubescence, because of this it acquires a whitish tint. In red-purple bright colors, the leaves turn after the second half of September.

Flowers and inflorescences: small, bisexual, five-petaled, white, collected in dense thyroid inflorescences, which are 5-6 centimeters in diameter.

Fruits: this is a berry, quite juicy and sour-sweet, has an astringent tart taste. The fruits are rounded, less often they are compressed-rounded, slightly pubescent, green in color, when ripe they are naked, shiny, black in color, have a bluish coating. The weight of the fruit ranges from 0.6 to 1.5 grams, the diameter is up to 12 millimeters. The fruits of aronia (rowan) chokeberry have a dense skin, this contributes to the fact that they are well preserved fresh. Ripe fruits do not crumble and hold firmly on the branches.

Height: up to 2.5-3 meters.

Flowering time: Flowering depends on weather conditions and can last from 12 to 16 days. The late flowering of Aronia Aronia eliminates the possibility that its flowers will be damaged by spring frosts, this mainly ensures its annual fruiting.

Ripening time: end of August and beginning of September.

Reproduction: grafting, cuttings, dividing the bush, layering, sowing stratified seeds.

Distribution: in the Altai Territory there are large industrial arrays of chokeberry. The eastern part of North America is considered the homeland of the chokeberry. It was from there that in 1935 it first came to Altai, and then spread to other regions. Chokeberry loves light, tolerates frosts easily, grows well on both podzolic and chernozem soils.

What part of the plant is used: medicinal raw materials of chokeberry are its fruits and leaves.

The chemical composition of the plant: chokeberry (aronia chokeberry) is by no means deprived of useful properties, it contains: vitamins A (beta-carotene), B1, B2, B3 (aka PP), B6, C, E, K, micro- and macronutrients, pectin, tannins.

Collection and preparation of raw materials

The harvest of aronia fruits is carried out in September and the first half of October. The fruits are harvested by hand, cut with secateurs and stacked in boxes and baskets. Store in a cool place for no more than 3 days. If the temperature does not exceed 5°C, then they can be stored for 2 months. To dry the fruits, they are scattered in a thin layer, and if in dryers, the temperature should not exceed 60 ° C.

Dried leaves and berries are stored in paper boxes or bags, of course, only in a dry room and no more than 2 years.

If the goal is to keep the fresh fruits of chokeberry as long as possible, then its fruits are plucked with stalks and leaves and placed in a cool place where the temperature should not be higher than 1 ° C, so they can last up to six months. Aronia berries can be used for various purposes, including their use in cooking.

Pharmacological properties (action)

The fruits of black chokeberry show a hypotensive effect.

Leaves are harvested immediately after flowering. The fruits contain a substance called sorbitol, it is used as a sugar substitute for those with diabetes. Aronia juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels. The leaves contain substances that improve liver function, which contribute to the formation of bile and its outflow.

Chokeberry is characterized by many medicinal properties. It normalizes blood pressure, lowers blood cholesterol, strengthens blood vessels, increases their firmness and elasticity.

Aronia chokeberry, thanks to the substances contained in its composition, favors the active expansion of blood vessels and capillaries. It was experimentally found that chokeberry is one of the best remedies for the treatment of hypertension due to its vasodilating and capillary-strengthening properties. It is consumed in the form of juice, 3 times a day and no more than 2 tbsp. for one take. Aronia can be taken as a tea and infusion.

Chokeberry has a positive effect on the endocrine system and improves immunity. It is used as a vasodilator, hemostatic, antispasmodic, diuretic, choleretic, hematopoietic and appetizing agent.

Also, this plant improves appetite, increases acidity, helps regulate digestion, and activates the liver.

The use of chokeberry

The use of fruits. They are used for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes in such pathological conditions that are accompanied by fragility and capillary permeability: atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis (kidney disease), capillary toxicosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, radiation sickness, etc. As an auxiliary drug, chokeberry fruits are recommended and preparations derived from them, in rheumatism, septic endocarditis, measles, arachnoiditis, allergic conditions, scarlet fever, typhus.

Juice application. With bleeding that has a different origin, hypertension (initial stage), anacid gastritis; externally used to treat burns. It is considered an effective tool for the prevention of P-vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis.

The use of chokeberry juice and a decoction of its berries expands blood vessels, as a result of which their permeability increases, the functions of the hematopoietic organs are activated, and this is very useful for bleeding and radiation sickness. With radiation sickness and rheumatism, chokeberry juice is a good preventive and therapeutic agent.

Aronia juice lubricates burns. A combination of juice and fruits of aronia chokeberry with rose hips and black currant, with the addition of honey, is useful.

Recipes and method of application

Fresh fruits: take three times a day for 50-100 grams.

Chokeberry juice is taken 3 times a day for 1-3 tables. spoons, do this half an hour before eating. Or eat 5-7 pieces of berries daily, with the diseases listed above.

Making chokeberry juice: You can also use this recipe to make juice. Grind fresh fruits, and warm up this pulp. 1 kg of pulp in ½-3.4 cups of water and heat for 10 minutes at t to 60°C. Put under pressure. Next, the pressed raw material is placed in an enamel pan. Pour warm clean water (1:10), stirring, soak for 3-4 hours, then squeeze again. Then the juice of the first and second extraction must be combined and filtered. Heat to 80°C and pour into sterilized jars.

A decoction of chokeberry berries: pour a glass of water 1 table. a spoonful of berries and boil them for 1 minute. After which they need to insist for one hour. The decoction is taken three times a day for 0.25-0.5 cups.

Aronia decoction: this decoction activates energy, gives strength and strengthens the immune system. To prepare it, you will need 20 grams of dried fruits and 200 ml of boiling water, then cook on low heat for 10 minutes, and leave for 20 minutes. Squeeze strain. Decoction drink half a cup 3-4 times a day.

Aronia compote (for preservation): put the washed berries into boiling water for at least 3 minutes (for sterilization). Then, the jars need to be filled with these berries by 1/3 and pour boiling syrup. Cover with sterile lids and roll up. Sugar is taken from the calculation - half a cup per 1-liter jar.

Aronia tea: pour 1 liter of boiling water over 6 tbsp. leaves and insist them for half an hour. This remedy is recommended to be taken three times a day, one glass. This tea increases blood clotting and lowers blood pressure.

Decoction of chokeberry bark: 5 heaped tablespoons of crushed bark pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 10 minutes. Cool and squeeze. It is taken as an anti-sclerotic agent for atherosclerosis of the vessels.

Aronia fruit jam is prepared in this way: 2 kilograms of mountain ash should be poured with sugar syrup (hot). For this syrup, take 2 kg of sugar per half liter of water, stir until dissolved and then boil. Let the future jam stand for 8 hours, after which it will be necessary to boil and stand again for 8 hours. After that, it will need to be cooked until tender, until the berries settle to the bottom.

They also make wine from chokeberry (rowan). This wine is highly vitaminized and has medicinal properties. It is prepared as follows: washed berries must be crushed (in a mortar, meat grinder or food processor), then dilute this mass with clean water 1: 1. The next step is to add sugar, you need to take it ½ cup per 1 liter.

It is necessary that the sugar dissolves, for this it is good to interfere, place under a water seal. Leave to ferment in a warm place. After 5-7 days, the berries will float, and the young wine will begin to ferment, now you need to strain the must through a colander, squeeze the berries and discard.

The wine is again placed under a water seal, now until the end of fermentation. Then it will need to be carefully drained through a hose into another container. The sediment is ejected. Now you can add sugar to your liking and put in a cool place. The chokeberry wine is almost ready, it has to stand for several months to become clean and transparent.

Contraindications and side effects

The fruits of chokeberry (rowan) aronia are contraindicated if there is a high acidity of gastric juice, in the presence of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, high blood clotting. Also, it is not recommended to take it for hypotensive patients. under reduced pressure.

Black Rowan, or chokeberry, has useful properties, which we will discuss in this article. Ripening and harvesting rowan occurs in the fall. The juice of these black, round berries is used to treat many diseases.

In the people there is another name - chokeberry. Black mountain ash came to Europe at the end of the 19th century, but people knew about the healing properties for a long time and successfully treated various skin diseases.

Until the XX century. in Europe, rowan was grown as an ornamental tree. Only after the studies were carried out, the plant was recognized as a medicinal plant and began to be widely used both in traditional and folk medicine.

Round chokeberry fruits reach a diameter of 12 mm, have a pleasant and sweet taste. The unripe berry is slightly tart. Harvest black mountain ash in late September - early October, depending on climatic conditions. Juice from berries for treatment is used fresh, or harvested for the winter.

Below we will share with you recipes on how to get rid of various diseases with the help of this small but very useful berry.

Black rowan - useful properties (chemical composition)

The flavonoid rutin is able to slow down the aging of cells in the body and is considered a very important component, without which a person cannot exist.

Rowan contains:

  • Vitamins: , , , , , , K, PP beta-carotene
  • Micro and macro elements, iron, copper, manganese, boron, chromium, iodine, molybdenum, potassium, fluorine, sodium.
  • Acids: folic, nicotinic, oxalic, citric and malic.
  • Fructose, glucose, sucrose, fiber, tannins.
  • Aronia contains flavonoids, starch, ash, pectins, sorbitol, glycosides.

Black mountain ash does not contain fats and has a fairly low calorie content (55 kcal per 100 grams). A significant part of the berry is carbohydrates.

The healing properties of black mountain ash photo

Aronia is able to cure many diseases, thanks to the healing properties of the juice.

  • Rowan chokeberry normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • According to scientists, berries are used to treat atherosclerosis, they promote blood clotting and stop bleeding.
  • Aronia berries are used in diabetes mellitus, restore damaged capillaries.
  • Juice lowers blood pressure. This is an excellent remedy for hypertension, has diuretic properties. By the way, most medicines for the treatment of hypertension are diuretics.
  • The high content of potassium strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole. Potassium prevents swelling.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the entire respiratory system. It is recommended to take during the rehabilitation period after suffering diseases associated with the respiratory system.
  • Aronia is an excellent antiseptic. It is recommended to take people with low acidity. Juice activates the secretion of gastric juice, increasing acidity.
  • Stimulates the excretion and production of bile.
  • Promotes the processes of digestion.
  • The composition of black mountain ash includes iodine, which is necessary for the treatment of radiation sickness, thyroid gland, thyrotoxicosis, Graves' disease.
  • It is recommended to take people with nervous disorders, with nervousness, irascibility, lethargy and overexcitation.
  • The pectin contained in the berries removes heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body, stops the development of cancer and successfully fights the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Rowan berries are recommended to be taken as a prophylactic in the off-season to strengthen the immune system, to fight the common cold. Great hippo remedy.
  • Juice helps to cope with headaches and dizziness.
  • In combination with other fruits, an excellent remedy for constipation.
  • Useful for visual impairment and optic nerve atrophy.

How to take black ash for treatment

  • Black rowan can be consumed fresh, frozen and dried, while it will not lose its medicinal properties.
  • Drink juice from berries in its pure form, or in combination with juices of other fruits.
  • Various jams, preserves, marmalade, both as a separate product and in combination with apples, rose hips.
  • As decoctions and infusions. The tincture is made from vodka, or medical alcohol, the recipe of which we will describe later in the article.
  • For external use, compresses and lotions are used.
  • For prevention, they drink tea from brewed berries. You can add leaves or other fruits.
  • Excellent wine is prepared from mountain ash, which is drunk little by little in winter as a preventive measure, to increase immunity, lower blood pressure, improve the functioning of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole.

In addition to medicinal properties, mountain ash is an excellent tool in cooking. It is added to dishes, juice is squeezed out, which serves as an additive to sauces.

How to choose black rowan

First of all, it is the appearance. A ripe berry should be not only black, but also juicy. If you press a little, you should feel the pulp. It should not be rotten and wrinkled. A hard surface indicates early stripping.

Choose berries that are shiny and large. The collection is carried out in the fall until the first frost, only then the taste will be sweet. During the ripening period, chokeberry is best eaten fresh, but when frozen, it does not lose its qualities.

If possible, squeeze the juice and make mousses. Some of the berries are dried and harvested in this form for the winter.

Black rowan - traditional medicine recipes

Photo of black rowan berries

In folk medicine, black mountain ash is considered one of the few plants whose medicinal properties are used for almost any disease. Berries are consumed raw, or prepared as a decoction or infusion.

Black rowan decoction

  1. Pour 20 grams of dried rowan fruits with 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Then the broth is allowed to brew for half an hour.
  4. Filter and drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day.
  5. A decoction is taken for prevention as a general tonic.

Fresh Black Rowan Berries for Low Acidity and Hypertension

  1. It is necessary to eat 100 g of berries, 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for 1-1.5 months.
  2. In addition, it is recommended to use a decoction of blackcurrant, wild rose, or any other plant with a high content of vitamin C.
  3. You can take the drug vitamin C in its pure form.

Treatment of hypertension

  1. Drink squeezed juice from mountain ash with honey.
  2. For 100 ml of juice, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  3. Take 2 times a day, 50 ml 20 minutes before meals.
  4. The course of treatment is 6 weeks.

  1. 1 st. pour a spoonful of dry berries with a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Drink 1 time per day for half a glass.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

  1. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar per 100 grams of black ashberries.
  2. Eat 100 grams 1 time per day.

Treatment of hypovitaminosis and anemia

You need to eat 200-250 grams of fresh berries throughout the day. As an addition to berries, they drink a decoction of wild rose, or blackcurrant.

Treatment of diabetes

Rowan juice is allowed for people suffering from diabetes, but it must be taken with caution, because a strong concentration of juice contains a large amount of sugar. Juice must be diluted with water, or other acidic juices. So you will significantly reduce the concentration of sugar, without diminishing the beneficial properties.

Chokeberry for gastrointestinal disorders

Drink juice for diarrhea. The tannins and pectin substances contained in mountain ash cleanse the liver, stimulate intestinal motility, promote the release of enzymes, have a choleretic effect, relieve pain and spasms. Juice is allowed for ingestion by adults and children. But people with cholelithiasis and gastritis should first consult a doctor.

The effect of rowan juice on the thyroid gland

It is recommended to take black ashberry juice to restore the functioning of the thyroid gland, due to its properties to remove radioactive substances and heavy metals from the body. Reception of berries neutralizes the impact on the body of harmful substances.

The volume of raw materials indicated in the recipe for 5 liters of wine.


  • Rowan berries - 3 kg
  • Sugar 2 kg
  • Black raisins 250 grams
  • water 3 l


  1. Rinse the berries and place in a container.
  2. Add raisins and add 1 kg of sugar.
  3. Fill with 3 liters of water.
  4. Close tightly and place in a dry and dark place, shaking the container occasionally.
  5. Over the next 15 days, gradually add the remaining ingredients, then leave the container for 1 month to age.
  6. The fruits should completely sink to the bottom.
  7. Then the liquid is filtered and insisted for another 1 month. All wine is ready to drink.

Preparation of blackberry syrup


  • 1 kg rowan berries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • Cherry leaves 100 grams
  • Citric acid 20 grams
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Pour the fruits of chokeberry and cherry, pour water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Strain and add citric acid and bring to a boil again.
  3. Allow to cool, pour into a container, close tightly and put in a dark place for 1 day.
  4. Then sugar is added to the syrup, brought to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly so that the sugar does not burn.
  5. At the end, pour into a bowl and close tightly. The syrup is ready.

Black rowan tincture at home


  • 1 cup ripe berries
  • Cherry leaves 100 grams
  • Sugar 0.5 kg
  • 0.5 liters of vodka (diluted medical alcohol)
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Add rowan fruits and cherry leaves to the water, bring to a boil and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Then add sugar and stir constantly until completely dissolved.
  3. Remove from fire and cool.
  4. Add vodka to the container, close tightly in a glass container and put in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  5. At the end of the term, strain the liqueur.

mousse recipe

Crush the berries, or blend with a blender, add banana, strawberries and natural yogurt to taste. Whisk everything thoroughly and enjoy the yummy.

Making Black Rowan Jam

Photo of black ashberry jam

An excellent tool as an additive to tea in the winter as a preventive measure. Aronia is slightly tart in taste, so other sweet berries can be added.


  • 1 kg chokeberry berries
  • 1 cup of sugar

Syrup preparation:

    Before preparing the syrup, chokeberry berries are boiled for 5 minutes in water, so they become a little softer.

  1. Mix 2 cups of water (you can take the water in which the berries were just boiled) and 1 cup of sugar, mix and put on a small fire until the sugar is completely dissolved, remembering to stir regularly.
  2. Then rowan berries are added (if necessary, other components are raspberries, strawberries, finely chopped orange peels, apples, plums).
  3. Boil 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, let cool, cover and infuse for 6-8 hours (or overnight).
  5. Then again bring to a boil, and again insist the same time.
  6. The third time, the syrup is boiled for 10 minutes, allowed to cool, poured into glass containers and rolled into jars for the winter (if necessary).

Black rowan in traditional medicine

Based on chokeberry, many medical preparations are used. Rowan juice has become an integral part of drugs for diabetes, hypertension, heart failure and the cardiovascular system. Juice prevents the occurrence of plaques in the blood, prevents cholesterol, cleanses the blood and normalizes blood circulation.

The composition includes flavonoids, which have a beneficial effect on the human body, and there are no prohibitions on ingestion for pregnant women. On the contrary, juice prevents fragility of capillaries, makes vessels elastic. The fruits have a beneficial effect on the digestion of a pregnant woman, increase appetite, normalize blood pressure, and prevent anemia.

The use of fresh fruits has a positive effect on immunity, and also saturates the body with vitamins. Folic acid, which is contained in berries, is essential for both the mother and the fetus for its growth.

But eating large amounts of black ashberry can lower blood pressure. If a woman has a constant low pressure, you must first consult a doctor, and the daily rate should not exceed 100 grams of fresh fruit.

We have already described how and when to collect, but how to store black ash in winter without losing its beneficial properties?

There are several storage methods:

  • Freezing freshly picked berries. Everything is pretty simple. Pluck the berries and immediately place in the freezer. In winter, you can add to mousses, compotes, decoctions, jam, use whole. The benefits of thawing chokeberry are practically not reduced, with the exception of part of the vitamin P.
  • Drying after collection. Compared to the previous method, all useful qualities remain, and the berries are stored for quite a long time. After collection, they are strung on a thread or wire and hung in a well-ventilated, dry place in the shade. Can be dried with the shield.
  • Dried black rowan. This method also retains all the taste and useful properties well. Pick, wash and dry the berries, then spread them out on a flat surface in a single layer in the sun, or use the oven. Dried on low heat no higher than 60 degrees. In the sun, the procedure takes 1-2 hours. In the oven, drying - 30 minutes at a temperature of 40 degrees, then 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 60 degrees. The color must not change, otherwise all (or part) of the properties will be lost.


Black rowan is very beneficial for humans, but there are a few cautions when consuming chokeberry is not recommended.

  • Blood clotting is too great. The juice is able to stop bleeding and thereby increase blood clotting.
  • With thrombophlebitis.
  • Varicose veins and varicose veins.
  • Gastritis (if acidity is high). Juice increases acidity, with gastritis with low acidity, the intake is not prohibited.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • People who have had a stroke or heart attack.

Even if you have not been affected by the above diseases, it is recommended that you pass all tests before use and obtain permission from a doctor.

Let your health never bother you, and take black ash only as a preventive measure. Be healthy!

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Hello, friends. On the pages of the blog, I continue to acquaint you with the gifts of nature that allow a person to remain healthy and strong for many years. Today it's the turn of chokeberry - a berry that has not yet fully revealed its healing capabilities, but is very revered by herbalists and herbalists. I am happy to share my knowledge about the beneficial and healing properties of chokeberry, contraindications to its use and recipes for the treatment of a variety of diseases. At the beginning of the 16th century, the first contact between the Lenape Indians and Dutch traders took place. The whites gave this tribe a name familiar to us from the books of Fenimore Cooper - Delaware. The Dutch are exceptionally practical people. They were interested not only in beaver skins offered by hunters, but also in flour made from sweet and sour tart berries. So chokeberry appeared in Europe.

Chokeberry in Europe was used exclusively for decorative purposes. And, true, the American relative of the common mountain ash is an attractive plant. White flowers in spring, chic greenery in summer, and purplish-red leaf lace stitched with anthracite berries in autumn.

We have something to be proud of, large-fruited chokeberry (chokeberry) appeared in the post-Soviet space thanks to Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. It is this famous breeder who is the author of the Michurin chokeberry that adorns our gardens (the variety was named after the great breeder). Unlike the North American original, the domestic variety has an attractive appearance, yield and frost resistance.

In Europe, they also “tasted” chokeberry, but later, in the second half of the 20th century. Some of the Western European researchers consider it the most effective herbal remedy for cancer, and in every possible way extol the health benefits of chokeberry.

Health benefits of chokeberry

Aronia "multifunctional" culture. It has many advantages. First, the high content of tumor suppressing substances. Secondly, a large number of trace elements necessary for human health. Thirdly, chokeberry strengthens the vascular walls, making them more elastic. Fourthly, the chokeberry is distinguished by a high content of vitamins, especially P and PP, and they, to paraphrase the words of Stendhal, are a means of unfading perfection.

Growing a shrub or small tree is easy. It is not demanding on the soil, is not affected by pests and tolerates frost well. It is extremely beneficial to have it on the site. The seedling quickly takes root and grows, requiring almost no care, and in return:

  • the site becomes beautiful and decorative - trees with large black berries look great in the garden;
  • blooming rowan attracts the attention of bees, which is useful for all flowering trees and garden crops;
  • chokeberry consistently produces a large crop of berries, which allows you to cook many tasty and healthy preparations;

In folk medicine, aronia berries (dry, fresh, frozen), their products (juice, jam, jam) and leaves are used. The high content of iodine makes chokeberry indispensable in the treatment of the endocrine system. As an adjuvant, it is used in the treatment of serious diseases such as typhus, rheumatism and scarlet fever. This is a good anti-allergic agent. Aronia strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and fresh leaves improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys. This type of mountain ash is used for blood clotting disorders. Chokeberry is used to minimize autoimmune disorders during pregnancy.

Aronia is used as an antispasmodic, vasodilator and hemostatic agent. It has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis, improves appetite and activates the immune system. It can be used as a diuretic and choleretic agent. It is used for burns and as an antiallergic drug. Chokeberry is prescribed for radiation sickness, cancer and toxic goiter.

Why such a wide range of applications? Aronia liqueur or chokeberry has a unique biochemical composition. Its berries contain a huge amount of useful substances necessary for human health:

  • Vitamins. A, C, PP and group B. Beta-carotene and beta-manganese are also present.
  • Trace elements including boron, iodine, molybdenum and phosphorus.
  • Sugar, folic acid and pectin.
  • Anthocyanin.

For treatment and prevention, chokeberry is recommended for:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • vision problems;
  • low immunity and a tendency to chronic bronchial diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • overweight problems.

Harm: when it is better to refuse chokeberry

Along with the huge health benefits of chokeberry, it can also bring considerable harm. To prevent this from happening, you need to be treated taking into account contraindications. With caution, you need to use black mountain ash for those who suffer from:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypotension and frequent low blood pressure;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • tendency to increased blood clotting, thrombosis, varicose veins.

Medicinal properties of chokeberry and contraindications

Aronia received official drug status in 1961. Its positive healing effect on the human body has been scientifically proven and experimentally confirmed. Let you have no doubts about the useful and healing properties of chokeberry, you should simply not forget about contraindications.

The use of chokeberry for medicinal purposes is quite wide. I offer the most common recipes for the treatment of various diseases.

♦ For sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and goiter, you can use the following recipe. Take a kilogram of berries and grind them in the same amount of sugar. You need to take one teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is carried out for two weeks, then take a break for three months and repeat if necessary.

♦ For the treatment of persistent headache, you can drink fifty milliliters of berry juice three times a day half an hour before meals. In winter, you can replace the juice with an infusion of aronia berries, steamed in hot water. To do this, take three tablespoons of dried fruits and pour half a liter of boiling water. The whole mixture must be insisted throughout the night, and in the morning strain and drink as well as juice.

♦ Dizziness, disturbances in the work of the vascular system. It is necessary to drink fifty grams of juice from the fruits of chokeberry three times a day for half an hour before meals for a month. You can also drink an hour after. In winter, it is worth preparing an infusion of dried berries. To do this, take three tablespoons of fruits and brew them in half a liter of boiling water. You need to drink during the day for three doses half an hour before meals.

♦ Constipation. Take 0.5 parts of chokeberry fruits, three parts of bird cherry fruits and two parts of blueberries. A tablespoon of the mixture should be poured with a glass of boiling water and strained after five minutes. You need to drink a tablespoon five times a day twenty minutes before meals.

♦ Endocrine diseases. We take three parts of chokeberry flowers, five parts of five-lobed motherwort, one part of dyeing gorse and two parts of May lily of the valley. We brew one tablespoon of the collection with 1.5 liters of boiling water and insist. You need to drink thirty grams three times a day.

♦ With atrophy of the optic nerve. We take one hundred grams of chokeberry, seeds of mordovnik, initial letter, mistletoe, rose hips, cornflower flowers and seventy-five grams of rue, periwinkle and ephedra. A tablespoon of the collection should be poured with a glass of boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, strain and drink one hundred grams four times a day.

Does chokeberry increase or decrease blood pressure?

When people read about the benefits of chokeberry, they usually miss out on its effects on blood pressure. But in vain. During treatment, it is imperative to know whether chokeberry lowers or increases blood pressure, since the effectiveness of this plant and its safety for human health directly depend on this. Remember! Chokeberry significantly reduces blood pressure. Hypotonic patients should use it with extreme caution. This applies to both medicinal decoctions and infusions, as well as black chokeberry liqueurs, tinctures, cognacs, as well as jams, syrups, jelly and jam from black mountain ash.

How does chokeberry affect blood pressure?

  • To reduce pressure, you can drink fifty milliliters of fresh juices of chokeberry, viburnum and black currant twice a day. Also, for the best effect, you can combine the intake of juice with walnuts and honey.
  • It is necessary to mix equally black chokeberry, horsetail and yarrow grass, birch leaves, crushed dandelion roots, wheatgrass grass and corn stigmas. One tablespoon of the mixture should be poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour. You need to drink half a glass three times a day, and the course itself should be carried out for no more than a month. The collection perfectly cleanses blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and helps with hypertension. For a better effect, you can add rose hips or currants.

Aronia berries for hypertensive patients are a wonderful medicine.

  • For the treatment of hypertension, you can use the following recipe. We take a three-liter bottle and fill it 4/5 with dry chokeberry berries, and fill the rest with warm water with sugar. You need to drink a glass a day for twenty days. You also need to use wormwood and cloves once a week.
  • With hypertension. Take two tablespoons of chokeberry, viburnum () and rosehip. All herbs must be poured with two liters of boiling water and brought to a boil. Insist in a thermos for two hours and drink a glass three times a day. You can add some honey or sugar.
  • Take a glass of plant berries and fill them with half a liter of vodka. Each berry should be pierced with a needle, and the infusion itself should be left for a week in a dark place. After that, you need to strain and take a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. For the treatment of hypertension, the course should be carried out for two weeks, but no more.

Natural, tasty and mildly acting remedy that reduces pressure in a short time. But be careful! If you eat a large amount of berries for people with normal blood pressure, your health can deteriorate significantly due to its sharp decrease. Hypotension patients cannot be treated with chokeberry, because it does not affect low blood pressure in the best way - it can be reduced to a critical level with prolonged use.

Chokeberry jam for hypertensive patients and debilitated people

To make jam, you need to take a kilogram of berries and half a kilogram of sugar. Within a couple of minutes, the berries should be blanched in boiling water, and then transferred to a saucepan or other container in which the jam will be prepared. Add sugar to the berries, and send to low heat. Cook with constant stirring until it starts to boil. Before boiling, you need to lay out the jam in dry sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Take this yummy should be 1-2 teaspoons three times a day, after meals.

Dried chokeberry, application

The use of dried chokeberry berries is due to their excellent healing properties.

Dried chokeberry is indicated for violations of the secretory function of the stomach (low acidity). Chew a few berries before eating - and you will immediately feel better.

With a lack of vitamin C and iodine, chokeberry will help to quickly fill the deficiency, so dried berries are useful for goiter, thyroid diseases and endocrine diseases.

♦ It is necessary to take four tablespoons of berries and pour them with a glass of boiling water. Leave the decoction for two hours, then strain and take a glass three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is carried out from ten days to a month. After two months, you can repeat the treatment if necessary. This infusion will help cure inflammation of the thyroid gland.

♦ For goiter, take an equal amount of crushed fresh or dried fruits of chokeberry and hawthorn, cocklebur grass, sweet clover, St. John's wort, lemon balm, motherwort and cudweed. Two tablespoons of the mixture should be poured into a thermos and pour 0.7 liters of boiling water. Leave the decoction to infuse throughout the night, and in the morning strain and drink one hundred milliliters three times a day. You can also drink the juice of black or red mountain ash, it also perfectly removes the goiter.

Fresh and dried chokeberry berries prevent the accumulation of "bad" cholesterol in the body, have an antitumor effect and increase hemoglobin.

♦ Treatment of atherosclerosis. Take equal amounts of crushed dried fruits of chokeberry, red hawthorn and wild strawberry. Two tablespoons of the mixture should be poured with half a liter of water and sent to a water bath for ten minutes. Strain the mixture and dilute with boiled water at room temperature to the original volume. You need to drink half a glass four times a day, and the course of treatment should be carried out for a month. After that, you need to take a break for a week or even twelve days, and if necessary, repeat the course.

♦ For the treatment of anemia and radiation sickness, you need to take chokeberry berries and drink yarrow tincture for a year.

♦ Vitamin tea according to the following recipe will help with sclerosis. We take the crushed fruits of chokeberry and wild rose in equal quantities and pour one tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a glass of boiling water. Insist fifteen minutes and drink twenty minutes before meals.

♦ To raise the level of hemoglobin, you need to regularly take fresh or dry chokeberries and raw beets, chopped on a grater.

Aronia increases the body's resistance to infections, strengthening the immune system and purifying the blood.

♦ It is necessary to take two parts of chokeberry fruits, large plantain leaves, blood-red hawthorn, officinalis marigold flowers, tripartite herb and three parts of Manchurian aralia root and safflower-like leuzea. You need to drink the infusion in a third of a glass three times a day as a tonic and immunostimulating agent for cardiovascular diseases.

♦ From allergies. You need to eat fifty or one hundred grams of fresh fruits three times a day or drink a decoction of dried berries. To prepare it, you need to take twenty grams of berries and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. When the decoction has cooled, strain the decoction and drink half a glass three or four times a day.

♦ Take two tablespoons of dried fruit and pour half a liter of boiling water. You need to drink like tea, and eat berries. You can also blanch fresh berries and pass through a meat grinder, then mix with sugar in a ratio of one to one. Helps with allergies, fatigue and severe stress.

♦ With vegetative-vascular dystonia against the background of high pressure, it is necessary to treat with such a collection. Take two parts of the roots with rhizomes of valerian and blue cyanosis, chicory roots and the ground part of heather, one part of peppermint and three parts of lemon balm. You need to focus on the fact that one part is thirty milliliters of herbs. Three tablespoons of the mixture should be poured with 400 milliliters of boiling water, add one teaspoon of chopped dry chokeberry berries and a tablespoon of hawthorn berries. Send for half an hour under the lid in a water bath. Ten minutes later, the broth should be filtered and drunk fifty milliliters four times a day an hour after meals.

How to dry aronia in the oven

Aronia berries are harvested in late summer - early autumn. Better after the first frost. Don't be late! Aronia is extremely attractive to birds, especially thrushes. They peck berries without leaving a single fruit on the branches, so it is not so easy to collect it.

Berries can be dried outdoors, but in this case, the fruits often rot or become moldy. It is best to dry the chokeberry in the oven.

How to dry chokeberry in the oven: the harvested crop is scattered in a thin layer on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. The temperature in the oven or electric dryer should not exceed 50 degrees. Periodically, the berries are turned over by simply shaking the baking sheet or stirring them with a wooden spatula. Properly dried berries change color, becoming cherry red. This shade shows that the PP vitamin complex is completely preserved in the fruits. It is better to store medicinal raw materials in paper bags or glass containers with a tight lid.

Does black ash thicken or thin the blood?

Excessively "rare" or "thick" blood is an equally unfavorable factor. In the first case, even small wounds heal poorly, in the second, blood clots may form. The blood can thicken with the abuse of sugar or fatty meat foods. Before starting treatment, it must be borne in mind that chokeberry thickens rather than thins the blood. Therefore, long-term use of rowan berries with thrombophlebitis or varicose veins is contraindicated. It should be added that we are talking about the abuse of berries, and not about occasional use.

Chokeberry strengthens or weakens?

Aronia has a unique taste and inimitable aroma. Berry juice is a real health elixir. It has astringent, choleretic and laxative properties. This applies not only to juice, but also boiled berries. Therefore, keep in mind that chokeberry weakens, not strengthens, and should not be used by people prone to frequent diarrhea and indigestion.

Is it possible to freeze chokeberry for the winter?

The tart taste of chokeberry is completely preserved in frozen berries, as are all useful properties. Many people are interested in whether it is possible to freeze chokeberry for the winter so that all medicinal qualities are preserved in it? Of course! The main thing is to use a quick freeze so that the sugar contained in the chokeberry does not have time to turn into starch.

Gather aronia at the end of fruiting. Brushes are carefully cut off, disassembled, separating strong berries from substandard ones. Wash, recline in a colander, letting the water drain, and dry on a clean cloth. Then you can freeze the berries in several ways:

  1. Each berry is separate. This method allows you to achieve such a freezing, as in supermarkets, when each berry can be taken separately, pouring the right amount. For such a freezing, the berries are laid out in one layer on sheets of cardboard or cutting boards covered with cling film (the berries will not stick to the cardboard or board) and sent to freezers in this form. It is necessary to lay out so that the berries do not touch each other.
  2. Home or simple. To do this, dried berries are put in containers (bags, plastic containers) and frozen.

Store frozen food separately from meat and fish. After defrosting, the berries can be whipped in a blender and added to tea, compote or jelly. Whole berries can be used as a filling for pies. Without defrosting, the fruits are thrown into boiling water and compotes, fruit drinks are boiled, brewed in a thermos for medicinal infusions, etc.

Medicinal chokeberry liqueur with cherry leaves

Recipe 1.

We take one hundred chokeberry berries, one hundred cherry leaves, two teaspoons of citric acid, 800 grams of sugar, two glasses of vodka and one liter of water. Berries and leaves must be crushed and poured with water. Boil the mixture for ten minutes and add sugar, citric acid to it and put it on a slow fire again for twenty minutes. Cool the broth and add vodka, mixing thoroughly. You need to take thirty milliliters during the flu epidemic.

Recipe 2.

To prepare the liquor, take one hundred or two hundred grams of berries. They need to be crushed in a blender and mixed with one hundred grams of cherry leaves. Dilute the whole mixture with a liter of water and send it to the fire for ten minutes. After that, you need to add 800 grams of sugar and two teaspoons of citric acid and send it back to the fire for twenty minutes. Once the mixture has cooled, add half a liter of vodka, stir and bottle.


Dear readers. Once again I am trying to convince everyone that nature has taken care of us in full - it has given us such wonderful healing plants. And the modest chokeberry only confirms this. In addition to the fact that chokeberry is very beneficial for health, it is also very tasty. The berries make excellent jam, compotes, jelly and jam. Aronia liquor is extremely tasty and healthy, it is only important not to abuse it.

I tried, as always, to fully reveal the beneficial and healing properties of chokeberry, talk about contraindications and give many different recipes. I sincerely hope that many readers will find useful and necessary information for themselves.

All health!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

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