How to drink potato starch for diarrhea. How should starch be taken for diarrhea? Combination with herbs

Starch for diarrhea can help with mild indigestion. More serious cases, accompanied by acute pain and prolonged diarrhea, require immediate medical attention.

Why does diarrhea occur

Diarrhea is an upset stomach in the form of rapid loose stools, characterized by a large loss of fluid. The appearance of diarrhea often indicates the appearance of any problems in the body:

  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • viral infections;
  • food or chemical intoxication;
  • uncontrolled use of medicines;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • cancerous tumors.

The pathological condition is dangerous dehydration. When used correctly, folk recipes for diarrhea are considered absolutely harmless to health. One of the popular methods of getting rid of frequent watery stools is starch, which can improve a person’s well-being and eliminate symptoms in a short time.

Folk healers are often advised to treat an upset digestive tract with potato starch, however, if diarrhea becomes chronic, this method can only reduce the symptoms, but not get rid of the cause.

How starch can help

The substance is able to accumulate in plants during photosynthesis, and is part of cereals, wheat, potato tubers, corn, rice. This product, together with sucrose, is a supplier of carbohydrates, which are an integral part of the diet. Due to complex chemical reactions, the substance is processed into glucose, which, oxidized, splits into water and carbon dioxide. It is this property that launches the full-fledged work of all internal organs.

Starch is a natural substance that positively affects the functioning of the digestive system and has the following properties:

  • relieves inflammation of the mucous surfaces of the intestine;
  • improves intestinal peristalsis;
  • binds and envelops the intestinal contents;
  • heals damaged tissue.

Thanks to these properties, products that include this polysaccharide successfully eliminate not only loose stools, but also ulcerative pathologies. Kissels prepared on its basis are able to absorb harmful substances and toxins, acting as a sorbent.

In addition, the substance has the ability to reduce bad cholesterol and reduce the manifestations of atherosclerosis. Starch with diarrhea gently affects the gastrointestinal tract and perfectly binds toxic compounds.

The substance is often used for diarrhea in infants: it is completely harmless to their health. However, in these cases, self-medication should be done with caution: there is a high probability of rapid dehydration, which in newborns threatens to be fatal.

If diarrhea is accompanied by pain symptoms in the side or is protracted, the help of specialists is required immediately. These symptoms can be signs of irritable bowel disease and other serious illnesses.

Application methods

Starch powder can be used in a variety of ways, regardless of the causes of diarrhea.

In its purest form

The substance showed great effectiveness when used in its pure form. To eliminate a slight indigestion, it is necessary to swallow 1 tablespoon of the substance with a small amount of water. With severe diarrhea, the use of the remedy can be repeated.

Most often, in its pure form, starch is used for diarrhea in adults. In addition, this method is suitable for the treatment of pregnant women and during lactation.

If there is no improvement in the condition after using 2 tablespoons of the remedy, you should seek medical help.

With water

The substance can be diluted in warm water in the following proportion: 1 tablespoon per ½ cup of water. Repeated use of the dose is allowed if the diarrhea has not stopped.

Instead of water, you can use decoctions based on medicinal plants: chamomile, lemon balm, mint. For preparation, you will need 100 ml of herbal decoction and 3 tablespoons of dry powder. Use the remedy three times a day.


Most often, potato starch for diarrhea is used in the form of jelly. To do this, use various berry and fruit crops, as well as rice or oats.

Fruit drinks based on starch powder, made from pear and quince, as well as raspberry, cranberry, and blueberry jelly have astringent properties.

To prepare, you need to combine 50 g of powder with warm water, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The resulting composition is poured into 2 liters of a berry or fruit drink. Constantly stirring, the jelly is boiled for 4-5 minutes.

To make oatmeal jelly, you will need oatmeal, water, rye bread. The components are left for half a day, after which they are boiled and starch is added to the composition. The consistency of this jelly resembles ryazhenka.

Rice congee

Rice is high in starch and is an excellent remedy for diarrhea. A light concentrated infusion is prepared like this. Boil rice, dissolved in 500 g of water, over moderate heat for 1-1.5 hours. Filter the resulting product and drink ½ cup.

A more concentrated decoction is prepared as follows. 125 g of cereals are lightly fried in a pan and ground with a blender. Rice powder is poured into 600 g of water, brought to a boil and boiled for 30 minutes. Drink a decoction of 1/4 cup three times a day.

With iodine

You can eliminate diarrhea provoked by pathogenic factors using the following recipe:

  • 5 g of starch powder;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife.

The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained, diluted with 100 g of boiling water. The liquids are allowed to cool and 5 g of iodine are added.

The use of the solution leads to the neutralization of pathogenic bacteria that live in the intestines. Iodine in combination with the powder successfully eliminates fungi and microbes, suppresses viruses, relieving not only loose stools, but also the very cause of indigestion.

This tool is absolutely safe at any age. The maximum daily dose in childhood is 250 g, for an adult - 800 g.

With goat fat

Goat fat includes a large amount of vitamins and minerals, due to which it is quickly absorbed by the body. With frequent watery stools, it can be used both in pure form and mixed with starch powder.

For cooking, you will need starch, rice flour and goat fat. The resulting talker take one teaspoon three times a day on an empty stomach.

This recipe will help with chronic diarrhea.

Treatment of children

The substance is not contraindicated for use in diarrhea in children. With the right dosage, it showed excellent results.

In dry form, children most often refuse to take the product, however, jelly with the addition of starch will seem very pleasant to the baby. For the preparation of kissels, fruit and berry crops are used, to which the child does not have an allergy.

In infancy, jelly is prepared without the addition of sugar and a more liquid consistency. For this, the following proportions apply: for 1 teaspoon of powder - ½ cup of water. In the absence of allergic reactions, you can put a little honey in the composition.

If the baby is artificial, the powder is diluted with milk mixture in the same proportions.

It is not recommended to give concentrated rice water to infants: it can provoke constipation.

In addition, there is another interesting recipe. For him you will need:

  • 200 g of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 12 g starch powder.

Sugar is poured into milk, boiled over a fire, powder is added, constantly stirring. The pudding will be ready when the mass thickens.


The substance does not have a negative effect on internal organs, and is not capable of causing allergic reactions. That is why it can be used by almost everyone. In rare cases, the product provokes flatulence and excessive accumulation of gases, which leads to the appearance of pain symptoms in the abdomen in infants. However, this condition is observed in rare cases and quickly passes.

Use products containing starch, should only be mild symptoms. With a strong intensity of diarrhea in this way it is not recommended to be treated.

The main contraindications for treatment with the product are:

  • elevated temperature - more than 37 ° C;
  • the presence of spasms in the intestines;
  • the appearance of blood streaks in the stool;
  • flatulence;
  • pain when pressing on the abdomen.

Seek medical attention if diarrhea occurs in the elderly and children under six months of age.

Starch is one of those products that can be found in any home. A useful and affordable remedy can eliminate diarrhea in a short time. However, when using any, care should be taken: some cases of diarrhea may indicate severe pathological processes.

With loose stools, a person loses fluid and mineral salts. To prevent intoxication, pharmacy sorbents or folk remedies with a similar effect are used. Potato starch is an affordable dietary supplement that can help you get rid of diarrhea without harming your health. There are several proven ways to prepare homemade medicine.

starch properties

The substance is one of the main suppliers of carbohydrates for humans. Starch is found in plants, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Most of this carbohydrate contains foods: rice, wheat, corn, potatoes.

The tool helps to get rid of diarrhea, because it has the following properties:

  • reduces peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • absorbs water, toxins;
  • has a fixing effect;
  • relieves irritation of mucous membranes;
  • supports local immunity.

In what cases will the effect

Diarrhea can be caused by various reasons. Liquefaction of the stool is one of the symptoms of a general disease. Starch will not stop diarrhea if it is caused by an intestinal infection. This type of diarrhea is distinguished by a watery green stool with impurities of mucus and blood. Pathogenic microbes suppress the production of enzymes in the intestine. This process interferes with the absorption of carbohydrates, including starch. With the infectious nature of diarrhea, the remedy will only help to remove toxins secreted by bacteria and viruses.

The use of folk recipes with starch will bring the desired effect if the cause of diarrhea:

  • mild poisoning;
  • excitement, stress;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • eating fatty foods;
  • binge eating;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • traveler's diarrhea.

If the stool disorder is caused by chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the remedy will help relieve pain, because. has a wrapping effect.

Application methods

For the treatment of diarrhea, pure potato starch is best. It can be found in the supplement section. Dosage for adults - 1 tablespoon with a slide. The powder is washed down with warm water. Children from 3 years old with indigestion can take a teaspoon of the remedy, diluted in a small amount of liquid. For infants, this method of treatment is not suitable, because. the additive in its pure form can cause them persistent constipation.

There are several folk ways to use starch.

Dissolution in water

A tablespoon of the powder is diluted with ½ cup of warm water. The composition is mixed and drunk immediately. A white suspension is obtained: the crystals dissolve completely in water only when boiled. Such a tool is a home analogue of a suspension based on Smecta. Adults can drink the solution again if diarrhea has not passed after 1-2 hours, but not more than 3 times a day.

Combination with herbs

Potato starch for diarrhea can be diluted in a decoction of medicinal plants to enhance the effect. A combination of the two will help relieve inflammation, eliminate bloating, and restore intestinal microflora. To prepare a healing solution, they take mint, lemon balm or Ivan tea. In 100 ml of infusion add 3 tablespoons of powder.

To prepare the product, you need to take a container with a capacity of 250 ml. 50 ml of cold water is poured into it and a teaspoon of starch and the same amount of 5% iodine are added. Then 200 ml of hot water is slowly poured into the resulting mixture (after boiling, wait 5 minutes). At the same time, the contents are continuously stirred so that the starch dissolves. As a result of the reaction of the components, a jelly-like mixture of dark blue color is obtained. Dosage - 3 teaspoons per glass of water. The drug is taken 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 5 days.

"Blue iodine" is stored in the refrigerator. The mixture must be shaken before use. The shelf life expires after the color change of the solution.

The combination of iodine and starch with diarrhea has an antibacterial, antiviral effect. This remedy is used for intestinal disorders caused by colitis, food and alcohol poisoning.

Blue iodine was used to treat dysentery during World War II. The founder of the method is the Soviet doctor V.O. Mokhnach.

This method of treating diarrhea is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to iodine. The drug is used separately from other drugs.


Starch retains enveloping, absorbent and fixing properties in the composition of dishes. You can make liquid from it. Such a drink is useful for diarrhea caused by chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, food intoxication. It is best to take sweet berries and fruits as a basis: quince, pear, blueberries. Sour fruits with diarrhea can irritate the mucous membrane, which aggravates the situation.

The syrup is boiled for 15-20 minutes and filtered. You can add a little to it. Dissolved starch (at the rate of 5 teaspoons per liter of liquid) is poured into the pan with vigorous stirring. The drink is simmered over low heat until foam appears on the surface, about 3-5 minutes.

After getting rid of diarrhea, 2 times more starch can be added to jelly to get a thick mass. A rich jelly-like drink is drunk to prevent recurrent intestinal upset.

Small milk pudding based on potato powder. This dessert will help to cope with non-infectious diarrhea. If there is a suspicion of an intestinal disease, dairy products are not given to children. They can make diarrhea worse because the microbes inhibit the production of lactose-breaking enzymes.

For cooking take:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • egg yolk;
  • 2 tablespoons of starch;
  • honey to taste.

It is more convenient to cook pudding in a deep saucepan. During the cooking process, you will need a whisk. Pour 400 ml of milk into a saucepan and put on the stove. The remaining product is used to dilute starch and yolk. Beat the ingredients with a whisk for a minute.

When the milk is warm, honey is added to it, mixed. After boiling, diluted starch, whipped with yolk, is poured into the saucepan. In this case, the contents are continuously stirred with a whisk. After 2 minutes, the mixture is removed from the stove and poured into glasses to cool. It is advisable to give the child a pudding with diarrhea in a warm form.

Rice congee

A fixing agent can be prepared on the basis of cereals. To prepare a home remedy, take 4 teaspoons (it is better to use round-shaped cereals) and a liter of water. The rice should be well cooked. Cooking time - 1.5 hours. The finished product is drunk half a cup 3 times a day. To reduce the cooking time, the grains are ground with a coffee grinder.

Rice is not inferior in efficiency to starch made from potatoes, because. in the composition of cereals, 86% of this carbohydrate.

Astringent decoction can be given to children from 6 months. The tool has no contraindications.

Folk remedies from starch help with diarrhea of ​​various etiologies. If diarrhea does not go away within 2 days, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate! Be sure to contact a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and conducts treatment. Expert of the group on the study of inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

With diarrhea, a person experiences severe discomfort due to frequent bowel movements with loose stools, the urge for which cannot be restrained. In order to avoid dehydration with diarrhea, you should stop it as soon as possible. Productive, that is, removing harmful substances from the body, are only the first two bowel movements. Further, the body steadily loses the water necessary for normal life, as well as minerals, without which the full functioning of the internal organs is impossible. Dehydration is especially dangerous for children under the age of 3 years and the elderly, who are much more difficult to tolerate a lack of fluid in the tissues and can react to it very sharply, up to a coma. Self-medication with diarrhea is permissible only if the patient's condition is satisfactory, and there are no impurities of blood and pus in the feces. Also, you should not carry out therapy on your own, when the pain in the abdomen is unclear and the victim also has intense watery vomiting in addition to indigestion.

In order to eliminate the problem of diarrhea, drugs should be used immediately after the first liquid stool. You can use for therapy both pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies for treatment. One very effective home remedy that can be found in almost any home is starch. It must be used competently, because otherwise, instead of diarrhea, you can get very strong and persistent constipation.

How Starch Stops Diarrhea

Starch is the safest and most effective home remedy for diarrhea. Starch is a completely natural substance, and it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It eliminates increased intestinal peristalsis, relieves inflammation of the intestinal walls, effectively binds feces, envelops and heals tissues damaged by diarrhea. The safety of starch is so high that it can even be given to infants, but only if it is approved by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to engage in self-treatment of diarrhea with them due to the high risk of rapid dehydration, which is fraught with death. Diarrhea after eating starch in its pure form or medicine based on it is eliminated as quickly as possible, and at the same time, which is very important, the patient does not experience any discomfort.

Contraindications to the use of starch

Starch does not affect the functioning of internal organs and does not cause allergies, which is why everyone can use it without fear. The only thing to consider during therapy is that it can occasionally provoke bloating and flatulence, which can cause pain when starch is consumed in young children. This phenomenon is so rare that one should not be afraid of starch treatment.

How to use starch for diarrhea

Starch can be used in several ways. Depending on the age of the victim, therapy is required, the substance is used in one way or another.

The easiest way to consume starch, which is ideal for adults, including pregnant and lactating women, is to use it in its pure form. In order to stop diarrhea, you should eat 1 heaping tablespoon of starch and drink it with 3 sips of boiled, warm water. Usually a single dose of such a medicine is enough. However, if the diarrhea continues, 30 minutes after the first serving of starch, you can take the second. If even after 2 spoons there is no improvement, you should immediately seek medical help. The inability to quickly cope with diarrhea indicates that it is one of the symptoms of a very serious disease, which you definitely cannot cure on your own.

When treatment is required for children aged 2 years and over, starch can also be used in dry form, but reducing its dosage to 1 dessert spoon. They are not allowed to take starch again, because if the problem cannot be solved after the first dose of the medicine, then immediate medical assistance is required.

When to deal with diarrhea children under 2 years of age, it is necessary to prepare a solution of starch. For him, in a glass of warm boiled water, dissolve 1 teaspoon with a slide of potato starch and add a little sugar to it to improve the taste. Such a composition is given to babies to drink 2 tablespoons every 10 minutes for 1 hour, and children from the 1st year - the entire glass of the solution at a time.

You can cook from starch and liquid jelly. You should not add fruit juices to it, as they will only aggravate the situation. This tool can be used for victims of any age, only adjusting the dosage. To prepare such a medicinal composition, you need to take 1 liter of water and pour 35 g of starch into it, stirring well. After that, putting the dishes with the jelly on the fire, they simmer it, avoiding a strong boil and stirring constantly for 15 minutes. After that, the medicine is removed from the fire and, if it is intended for a child, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar are added to it. Adults should drink this medicine 1 cup 1 time per hour, children from 7 to 12 years old - ½ cup, and kids under 7 years old - 2 tablespoons per hour. The treatment lasts until the diarrhea stops. Usually, recovery occurs after 1-2 servings of such starchy jelly.

Diarrhea can catch anyone at the most inopportune moment. Sometimes it is caused by rather banal things (stress, indigestion), and sometimes loose stools accompany serious illnesses. In any case, to help the body cope with this problem faster, measures must be taken. This may be the use of pharmaceutical preparations or traditional medicine recipes. Starch for diarrhea is known to everyone and the most accessible of improvised means. In addition to being effective in the treatment of diarrhea, this product is attractive due to its low price and the fact that it is always at hand in the kitchen of any housewife.

Causes of Diarrhea

Loose stools can occur for various reasons. The most common ones are:

  • poisoning;
  • overeating, especially fatty foods;
  • intestinal infections;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • dysbacteriosis, for example, after antibiotic treatment;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Starch is a product of plant photosynthesis. Rice, corn, potatoes, and wheat are the richest in this substance. It supplies carbohydrates to the body, and also has an anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect. Thanks to this, foods containing starch help not only with diarrhea, but also with peptic ulcers. In addition, solutions and jelly from this powder absorb harmful toxins, acting as a sorbent.

How to use starch for diarrhea

Potato starch for diarrhea is used in different variations, regardless of the cause of this disease. However, it is worth remembering that diarrhea starch effectively relieves the symptom itself, but does not treat the underlying disease that causes diarrhea.


Kissel can be safely called the most delicious recipe using starch for diarrhea. It is prepared on the basis of fruits, berries and cereals (usually oatmeal or rice). The most effective will be pear and quince drinks, which already have an astringent and fixing effect. For the preparation of fruit drinks from berries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries are more often used.

To cook such a jelly, you need to dilute 4 tablespoons of starch in warm water. The consistency should be like sour cream. Pour the solution into 2-2.5 liters of fruit drink or compote in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Moreover, the compote must first be filtered from boiled fruits, and the berries in the fruit drink should be mashed into gruel. After adding starch, jelly is boiled for another 3-5 minutes. If lumps still form during the cooking process, they can be rubbed through a sieve or using a blender. You can drink such a drink in any quantity, but do not forget to use plain water as well.

Cooking oatmeal jelly takes much longer. It is necessary to take an equal amount of oatmeal and water, add a piece of rye bread and leave warm for 12 hours. Only after that the porridge is boiled and a little starch is poured in a thin stream. The consistency of such a jelly is quite liquid, like fermented baked milk.

In its purest form

Potato starch for diarrhea in adults is most effective when taken in its pure form. The dose is one tablespoon with a slide, which can be washed down with three sips of warm water. With a little frustration, this may be enough. If the diarrhea is severe, it is permissible to repeat the intake of such a medicine after a while.


Potato starch can also be diluted in warm water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. powder per 100 ml liquid. If diarrhea does not go away immediately, then after a few hours you can drink another half a glass of the mixture.

Rice congee

Rice, due to the high content of starch in it, will be an excellent remedy for diarrhea. A light decoction can be prepared by simmering 1.5 tsp. rice in 500 ml of water. Then the medicine is filtered and consumed in 100-150 ml.

A stronger decoction can be prepared in this way: fry 5 tablespoons of rice in a dry frying pan until golden brown and grind in a coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder with three glasses of water, let it boil and boil for half an hour. Take this decoction should be 50 ml 3-4 times a day.

How to give to children

Starch for diarrhea can be given to children. It will be absolutely harmless if you follow the dosage correctly.

It is difficult to force a small child to eat dry powder, but jelly can be quite tasty and pleasant medicine. For children, jelly is boiled more liquid. In addition, you should pay attention to the fruits and berries from which the drink is prepared, they should not cause allergies in the child. For babies, it is advisable not to add sugar to the jelly.

The starch mixture is made less concentrated than in adults, the ingredients must be taken in a ratio of 1 tsp. powder in 100 ml of warm water. To make the solution seem tastier, you can add a little honey, again, if there is no allergy to it.

When the baby is bottle-fed, starch can be diluted with warm milk mixture, in the same ratio as with water.

In the case of rice water, it is forbidden to give the child a stronger one. This can lead to constipation.

If the baby categorically refuses to take starch solutions and decoctions, you can cook a delicious milk pudding. To do this, one glass of milk is mixed with a tablespoon of sugar and put on fire. Then pour 1 tbsp. l. starch in a thin stream, stirring constantly. A healthy dessert will be ready as soon as it thickens completely.

Starch is a useful and affordable remedy that effectively fights any type of diarrhea. However, it is worth remembering that if diarrhea is caused by any disease or does not go away after a few days, you still need to consult a doctor. With special care, you should pay attention to diarrhea in a child, as this condition can become dangerous to health.

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Intestinal upset is an unpleasant problem, but with the right approach, it can be easily solved. There are many medicines and folk methods. Starch for diarrhea is another remedy with which you can cope with the disease.

With diarrhea, a starch-based remedy is common

In this article you will learn:

Starch Properties Affecting the Gut

Ordinary starch will help get rid of diarrhea at home. The naturalness of this substance, synthesized by plants for their own nutrition, has an attractive advantage. The product is a hygroscopic powder, in other words, it is a pure carbohydrate. Potatoes, rice, corn and wheat can boast the content of such a component in large volumes. In the human body, chemical processes take place, including fermentation, as a result of which starch is transformed into glucose, which in turn is oxidized and split into water and carbon dioxide. The result of such a reaction is the release of energy, which is so necessary for all human systems for full-fledged work.

The properties of starch in diarrhea, primarily potato starch, allow it to have a beneficial effect on the digestion process: peristalsis slows down, mucous membranes are enveloped, feces are held together.

Starch is good for digestion

A unique substance is endowed with the ability to lower blood cholesterol and minimize the likelihood of atherosclerosis. The effect of starch on the gastrointestinal tract is mild, the substance does an excellent job of binding toxic compounds.

Such a remedy for diarrhea is allowed for use by infants, it will not harm. But in such situations, it is dangerous to self-medicate, as dehydration can occur, which in babies can be fatal.

In the event that diarrhea is accompanied by pain in the side or is prolonged, you should seek help from specialists without delay, as we can talk about serious pathologies.

If you have severe pain in your side, you should immediately consult a doctor

Recipes with starch for diarrhea

Starch for diarrhea can be used in completely different ways, regardless of the nature of the pathology.

Important! Do not forget that this folk remedy is designed to eliminate only a symptom, but it does not deal with the treatment of the underlying disease.


Kissel is a delicious drink made from starch and helps to get rid of the problem of loose stools. For him, you will need fruits, berries or cereals. The drug that is made on the basis of quince or pear has the maximum effect, since it is these fruits that have a fixing effect. When planning to cook berry juice, most often they prefer raspberries, blueberries and cranberries.

To get a drink, you need to stock up on 4 tablespoons of starch, which are diluted in warm water until the composition becomes of medium density. The resulting product is poured into 2–2.5 liters of fruit drink or compote in a thin stream with constant stirring.

You can easily cook delicious berry jelly at home

After the starch is added, the jelly should boil for another 3-5 minutes. The lumps formed during the cooking process are ground using a sieve or blender.

Kissel is used in any volume, but you should not forget about ordinary water either.

Cooking jelly using oatmeal will take longer in time. Water and oatmeal are taken in equal proportions, a slice of rye bread is added. All this is left in a warm place for 12 hours. Then the porridge is boiled and starch is added to it in a thin stream. The drink turns out to be a liquidish consistency, reminiscent of fermented baked milk.

Very useful oatmeal jelly

In its purest form

Potato starch for diarrhea in adults will bring maximum benefit if consumed in powder form. One-time reception - no more than one tablespoon with a slide is washed down with warm water (three sips will be enough). If the disorder is minor, then this is quite enough. But with severe diarrhea, the same remedy should be drunk again, after a while.


A mixture based on potato starch, consisting of 100 ml of warm water and 1 tablespoon of powder, is another option. If the first time it was not possible to solve the problem, the remedy should be repeated after a while.

Rice congee

Rice contains a large amount of starch, so this cereal is the first remedy for diarrhea.

The easiest cooking method is to simmer 1.5 teaspoons of rice in 0.5 liters of water. The resulting composition is filtered, you can drink it in 100-150 ml.

From this video you will learn about the features of the use of starch in traditional medicine:

Starch to combat diarrhea of ​​​​infectious origin

With the help of starch, you can get rid of infectious diarrhea. 5 grams of this component is diluted in a glass of cool water. Sugar is added to the resulting composition, in the amount of 1 teaspoon and a little citric acid or juice. The mixture is brought to a state of uniform consistency, add 100–150 ml of boiled water. When the composition has cooled, 1 teaspoon of 5% iodine solution is added. Such measures provoke the death of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal section.

Application for children

Starch is also used for diarrhea in children. If you follow the recommendations for use, you will be able to achieve excellent results.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to force a child to use this product dry. But in the form of jelly, the baby will gladly drink the delicacy offered to him. Fruits and berries for jelly should be taken only those to which the baby will probably not be allergic.

Rice broth also contains a lot of starch, but it is contraindicated for babies

For babies, a drink is prepared without the use of sugar and more liquid. 1 teaspoon of starch is mixed with 0.5 cups of water. It is allowed to add a small amount of honey, provided there is no allergy. For artificial children, the powder is diluted with milk mixture in compliance with the same quantitative indicators.

Concentrated rice water is contraindicated in infants, as constipation can result from the use of such a product.

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