Regular bloating causes. Reasons why bloating or flatulence occurs

Flatulence - as a syndrome of excessive formation or accumulation of gaseous waste products of the process of digestion of food - can occur when more than 600-700 cubic meters are formed in the small and large intestines during the day. see gas.

According to the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD 10 flatulence is assigned to the XVIII class of symptoms and abnormalities that are observed during clinical examinations. In this class, bloating or flatulence occupies a place in R14, which combines signs of pathologies of the digestive system.

There are three main complaints associated with "gassing": excessive belching, bloating (flatulence), and excessive passing of flatus through the anus.

Gas is usually present in the intestines, either by swallowing air (aerophagia), by direct formation in the intestines, or by diffusion from the blood into the intestinal lumen. The gas diffuses between the intestinal lumen and the blood in direct proportion to the difference in partial pressure. Thus, nitrogen (N) enters the intestinal lumen from the bloodstream, and hydrogen (H) enters the bloodstream from the intestinal lumen.

Causes of flatulence

First of all, the causes of flatulence can lie in elementary overeating, when the amount of food consumed simply does not have time to be qualitatively processed by the body. Often severe flatulence after eating occurs due to the foods that a person eats. Foods that increase gas formation in the intestines include complex carbohydrates, animal fats, milk, and various vegetable crops.

The causes of flatulence may be rooted in a congenital or acquired deficiency of digestive enzymes (dyspepsia), which leads to incomplete digestion of food. With this etiology, constant flatulence is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and a feeling of increased intra-abdominal pressure (in the upper part of the cavity), and sometimes cramping pains. With enzyme deficiency, diarrhea and flatulence are very common. One example of an enzyme deficiency is hypolactasia, an intolerance to milk sugar due to a deficiency of the enzyme beta-galactosidase.

However, in the vast majority of cases, the causes of flatulence are functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and pathologies of the organs of the middle part of the digestive system: stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gallbladder, small and large intestines.

In what diseases is flatulence one of their symptoms?

Flatulence in gastritis, that is, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, is manifested by rumbling in the abdomen, mainly during an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, which occurs against the background of low acidity of gastric juice. Most patients with this diagnosis complain of heaviness in the stomach and flatulence.

Nausea, belching, flatulence in the evenings and nocturnal pain in the hypochondrium are classic symptoms of duodenal ulcer. While irritable bowel syndrome, as well as intestinal dyskinesia, is characterized by flatulence in the morning.

Flatulence in pancreatitis, caused by a malfunction of the pancreas, provokes bloating of the abdominal wall and rumbling, frequent loose stools with undigested particles of food and fat. With this pathology, fetid flatulence is noted, which is associated with the predominance of hydrogen sulfide in the intestinal gases (the smell of which is compared with the smell of rotten eggs), indole (it has the smell of naphthalene), skatole and thiols. The 3-methylindole (skatol) released during the decomposition of amino acids has a pronounced fecal odor, and the sulfur-containing thiol (mercaptan) smells simply disgusting and is not in vain part of the protective secretion of skunks.

By the way, odorless flatulence, in the sense of increased flatulence, as well as belching with air, most often occurs with aerophagia (physiological pneumatosis of the stomach) - increased swallowing of air when eating and drinking, poor grinding of food in the oral cavity, with the abuse of carbonated drinks, as well as with prolonged nasal breathing disorder. According to research, the air that enters the intestinal lumen as a result of aerophagia accounts for at least a third, or even half, of intestinal gases. According to the chemical composition, flatus with odorless flatulence consists of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane.

Flatulence in cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder - develops in parallel with nausea and bitter belching. Heartburn with flatulence constantly occurs in those who have increased acidity of gastric juice or gallstones. And flatulence and temperature above + 37.5-38 ° C are fixed during exacerbation of inflammation of the gallbladder and the occurrence of cholangitis - an infectious inflammatory process in the bile ducts.

Flatulence after surgery accompanies almost all clinical cases of intracavitary surgery, but especially surgery on the stomach, duodenum and gallbladder. Flatulence after removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is a common and almost inevitable phenomenon, like other symptoms of this clinical condition. So, patients after such an operation for at least another six months are tormented by flatulence and back pain (girdle pain), pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, diarrhea, duodenal reflux, etc.

Flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen, as well as diarrhea and flatulence, are on the list of symptoms of inflammation of the small intestine - enteritis, in which digestion in the small intestine is significantly impaired, as well as chronic enterocolitis and stomach ulcers with low acidity.

Flatulence in colitis (inflammation of the large intestine), especially chronic, has the closest connection with the pathology of digestion. Gastroenterologists emphasize that with this disease, belching, bitterness in the mouth constantly appear, nausea, flatulence and fever (up to fever), constipation and flatulence, diarrhea and flatulence with tenesmus - false urge to defecate.

Dull aching pains in the abdomen with flatulence in patients with chronic colitis are felt in the lower abdomen and on the sides of the abdominal cavity, they become more intense after eating, when walking, and also before defecation. Flatulence and mucus in the feces are also characteristic of an exacerbation of chronic colitis, especially for the muco-membranous variety of this disease.

Many women have flatulence before menstruation, which is explained by the specifics of hormonal changes in the premenstrual period. Nervous flatulence - the so-called psychogenic flatulence - experts associate with increased stress loads, in which the synthesis of adrenaline increases and, as a result, malfunctions in the intestines appear, in particular, its normal motility is disturbed.

Dysbacteriosis and flatulence

The issue of dysbacteriosis and flatulence deserves special consideration because the imbalance of the obligate microbiological environment of the large intestine is one of the key causes of pathological gas formation.

The formation of intestinal gases refers to natural, biochemically determined processes, in which colonies of microorganisms living in the intestines that perform enzymatic functions take part. These are gram-positive bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium), lactobacilli (Lactobacillus), gram-negative bacteria - Escherichia coli (E. coli), Eubacteria, Fusobacteria, as well as various types of bacteroids (Acidifaciens, Biacutis, Distasonis, Gracilis, Fragilis, Ovatus, Putredinis, etc. ).

In addition, conditionally pathogenic gram-positive bacteria of the genus Peptostreptococcus anaerobius - Peptostreptococcus Clostridia, enterobacteria Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella, anaerobes of the Propionibacterium family (propionobacteria), etc., help maintain a normal microbiological climate of the intestine.

Dysbacteriosis is expressed, on the one hand, in the disappearance or significant reduction in the number of bifido-and lactobacilli and E. coli. On the other hand, the proportion of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria is increasing. If there is dysbacteriosis and flatulence, then this means that:

  • due to the lack of bifidobacteria, the intensity of enzymatic parietal digestion in the small intestine decreases, the volume of unsplit carbohydrates and amino acids and unabsorbed nutrients increases;
  • deficiency of lactobacilli leads to alkalization of the intestinal environment, and, therefore, the activity of decay processes, accompanied by the release of hydrogen and methane, increases;
  • the breakdown of lactose in the intestine worsens, which is facilitated by E. coli.

It should be taken into account the fact that if all the gases formed during the digestion of food exited the intestines through the rectum, then this would not be 600-700 cubic meters. cm, and on average not less than 25000-40000 cubic meters. see per day...

But, fortunately, in the intestinal microflora there are not only bacteria that produce carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen and methane, but also microorganisms that absorb these gases. And when the biological balance of their symbiotic relationships is disturbed, it comes to the occurrence of flatulence.

The pathogenesis of bloating

It has been suggested that recurrent periods of crying in 2- to 4-month-old infants are due to a pain termed "colic" that has been associated with occasional bowel spasms or gas. However, studies of infants with colic have not shown any increase in H production or transit time from the mouth to the caecum. Therefore, the cause of infantile colic remains unclear.

Excessive burping

Belching (eructation) occurs due to swallowed air or gas from carbonated drinks. Aerophagia is usually observed in small amounts during eating and drinking, but some people subconsciously constantly swallow air while eating, smoking, and in other cases, especially when they are excited. Excessive salivation increases aerophagia and may be associated with various gastrointestinal disorders (gastroesophageal reflux disease), ill-fitting dentures, certain medications, chewing gum, or nausea of ​​any etiology.

The most common cause of belching is swallowed air. Only a small amount enters the small intestine; the amount of air probably depends on the position of the body. In a vertical position, a person has a free burp of air; in the supine position, the air is located above the liquid level in the stomach, which contributes to its advancement into the duodenum. Excessive belching may also be involuntary; patients who belch after taking antacids may attribute improvement to the belching rather than the antacids, and may therefore intentionally belch in the hope of reducing their symptoms.

The appearance of flatulence can be the result of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (eg, aerophagia, non-ulcer dyspepsia, gastrostasis, irritable bowel syndrome), as well as disorders not related to the gastrointestinal tract (eg, myocardial ischemia). However, excessive intestinal gas is not directly related to these complaints. In most healthy people, 1 l/h of gas can be injected into the intestine with minimal symptoms. Probably many of the symptoms are mistakenly associated with "too much gas."

On the other hand, some patients with recurrent gastrointestinal symptoms are often intolerant of even small accumulations of gas: retrograde expansion of the colon during air injection or distension of the balloon inserted into the colon, or air insufflation during colonoscopy often causes severe discomfort in some patients (eg, patients with irritable bowel syndrome), but minimal in others. Similarly, patients with eating disorders (eg, anorexia, bulimia) are often sensitive and especially stressed when symptoms such as bloating appear. Thus, the underlying disturbances in patients with "gas" complaints may be due to an overly sensitive bowel. Motility changes can be effective with symptomatic treatment.

Excessive flatus (excessive gas from the intestines)

There is great variability in the amount and frequency of gas discharge from the rectum. As with frequent stools, some people complain of frequent gas, having the wrong idea of ​​what is normal. The average number of flatus is approximately 13-21 per day. Objective fixation by the patient of flatus (the use of a diary by the patient) is the first step in the assessment of violations.

Flatus is a by-product of the metabolism of intestinal bacteria; none of the flatus originates from swallowed air or backdiffusion of gases (primarily N) from the bloodstream. Bacterial metabolism results in the formation of significant amounts of H, methane (CH) and is formed in large quantities after eating certain fruits and vegetables containing indigestible carbohydrates (eg, baked beans), and in patients with malabsorption syndromes. In patients with disaccharidase deficiency (usually lactase deficiency), large amounts of disaccharides enter the colon and are fermented to form N. Celiac disease, sprue, pancreatic insufficiency, and other causes of carbohydrate malabsorption should also be considered cases of excessive gas production in the colon.

CH is formed when bacteria metabolize exogenous (dietary fiber) and endogenous (intestinal mucus) substances in the colon; the amount of gas produced depends on the nature of the food. Some people constantly excrete large amounts of CH. The tendency to produce large amounts of gas is hereditary, beginning in infancy and continuing throughout life.

It is also formed during the metabolism of bacteria in the reaction of HCO _ and H. The source of H can be gastric HCI or fatty acids; H is released during the digestion of fats, sometimes several hundred meq are formed

Acid residues formed during bacterial fermentation of unabsorbed carbohydrates in the colon can also react with HCO _ to form CO 2 . In this case, bloating of the intestines can sometimes occur, but the rapid absorption of CO 2 into the blood prevents flatulence.

Food plays a major role in gas production patterns in different people, but some factors that are not yet fully understood (eg, differences in colon motility and bacterial flora) may also play a role.

Despite the flammable nature of H and CH 4 , when gases are released to the outside, a nearby open fire is not dangerous. However, there are reports of gas explosions, even with fatal results, during operations on the small and large intestine, as well as when using diathermy during colonoscopy; however, the procedures were performed in patients with inadequate bowel preparation.

flatulence symptoms

The symptoms of flatulence - in terms of severity and concomitant factors - depend on the disease that causes this phenomenon.

With problems with the gastrointestinal tract, symptoms of flatulence such as:

  • sensations of fullness and increased intra-abdominal pressure;
  • feeling of discomfort in the epigastrium;
  • bloating or bloating;
  • borborygmy (rumbling in the stomach);
  • increased flatulence (increased frequency and volume of gases excreted through the rectum);
  • belching;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • stomach ache.

It is worth a little more detail on the pain in the abdomen with flatulence. With the accumulation of gases, squeezing and uneven stretching of the intestines occurs, which irritates the parasympathetic pain receptors. It is they who transmit signals to the axons of the peripheral nervous system of the spinal cord, and they, in turn, convey this signal to the brain.

It happens that pain during increased gas formation is felt not in the abdomen, but in the chest on the left - as if the heart aches with angina pectoris. In clinical medicine, such pains are clearly distinguished with flatulence associated with the accumulation of gas in the formed left-sided (splenic) flexure of the colon under the diaphragm itself. By the way, such an anatomical anomaly may appear in those who wear too tight clothes or have problems with posture.

And flatulence and pain in the lower back on the right, in the back and right hypochondrium can occur in the presence of a similar bend of the colon, but already between the diaphragm and the liver.

Diagnosis of flatulence

In patients with complaints of belching, a history of the immediate cause of aerophagia, especially nutritionally related, should be identified. Complaints of patients on gas formation and bloating require clarification in the anamnesis of somatic (organic) causes (especially cardiac causes in patients with risk factors). Belching with a long history in young patients without evidence of weight loss is unlikely to be caused by a serious physical illness, although it is necessary to assume a possible eating disorder predominantly in young women. Older patients, especially when new symptoms appear, deserve a full evaluation before proceeding with treatment for increased real or imagined gas.

Physical examination

Examination is rarely informative in patients with belching or flatus. Patients with complaints of bloating, gas formation and pain in the left side require a more detailed objective assessment of symptoms due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other pathology.


In the absence of suspicion of a specific somatic etiology, investigation is limited. A rare cause may be an extremely rapid proliferation of bacteria in the small intestine, diagnosed by the H-respiratory test (hydrogen breath test).

Flatulence, which can be a cause of great psychosocial stress, is informally described according to its characteristic features: a "crawler" (a type of "crowded elevator") that is released slowly and silently, sometimes with detrimental effect; open sphincter or "fu" type, in which the higher the temperature, the stronger the odor of the flatus; a type of staccato or drumbeat, pleasant in solitude; and the "barking" type (described in a personal communication), characterized by a sharp, noisy eruption that can quickly break off (and often ends) when speaking. The nature of the smell is not a noticeable feature. Le Pétoman, a French meteorist and entertainer, was known for his phenomenal control of the abdominal muscles, which allowed him to control the emission of intestinal gases. He played melodies with rectal gas on the stage of the Moulin Rouge.

Which doctor should I contact for flatulence? Clarification of the etiology of this symptom complex, the diagnosis of flatulence, as well as recommendations for treatment are within the competence of gastroenterologists.

First of all, the doctor will study the patient's medical history in detail, as well as find out how and what he eats.

To determine the cause of flatulence, an examination should be carried out, which includes:

  • general blood analysis:
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis of feces for helminths;
  • physicochemical and bacteriological examination of feces (coprogram);
  • analysis of the level of acidity of gastric juice;
  • gastroscopy or colonoscopy;
  • radiography of the abdominal organs;
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis.

Treatment for bloating

Belching and flatulence are difficult to reduce, as they are usually caused by unconscious aerophagia or hypersensitivity to the usual accumulation of gas in the intestines. To reduce aerophagia, the patient should avoid habits such as chewing gum or smoking. Upper GI disease (eg, peptic ulcer) may be suspected and may cause reflex salivation. Carbonated drinks or antacids should be avoided if burping is associated with them. Foods containing indigestible carbohydrates should be avoided. Dairy products should be excluded from the diet in case of lactose intolerance.

The mechanism of frequent belching must be explained and proven. If aerophagia is uncomfortable for the patient, biofeedback and relaxation therapy can help them learn to swallow and chew more effectively and reverse the pathological aerophagia-discomfort-burp-relief cycle.

Medicines are not very effective. The drug simethicone destroys small gas bubbles, and various anticholinergic drugs have not been effective enough. Some patients with dyspepsia and a feeling of postprandial fullness in the upper abdomen often find an effect from the use of antacids.

Treatment for complaints of increased flatus is aimed at eliminating trigger factors. Coarse food (eg, bran, flaxseed) may be added to the diet to speed up passage through the colon; however, in some patients, on the contrary, an increase in symptoms may occur. Activated charcoal helps to reduce gas formation and unpleasant odor, but its ability to stain clothes and the oral mucosa makes it undesirable to use. Chlorophyll tablets reduce odor and are better accepted by patients.

Thus, functional bloating, flatulence, and flatus indicate an intermittent, chronic course that is only partially treatable. It is important to convince the patient that these manifestations are not harmful to health.


Intoxication is extremely rare. Zinc intake in the range of 100-150 mg/day disrupts copper metabolism and leads to a decrease in the level of copper in the blood, microcytosis, neutropenia, weakening of the immune system. Absorption of large amounts of zinc (200-800 mg/day), usually from foods and drinks stored in galvanized containers, causes vomiting and diarrhea. Metal fume fever, also called foundry fever or zinc chill, is caused by inhalation of industrial zinc oxide fumes; this leads to neurological disorders. Symptoms resolve after 12–24 hours in a zinc-free medium.

How to treat flatulence?

To the question - how to get rid of flatulence and where to start treatment - any physician will answer: you need to eat right, cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and establish the normal functioning of the digestive system, including the intestines. This requires combined etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy.

But flatulence is most often treated with symptomatic medications, trying to reduce excess gas formation and, if possible, prevent it.

How to treat flatulence? By limiting certain foods and taking drugs: sorbents, defoamers that suppress gas formation and carminatives that accelerate the evacuation of gases from the intestines.

You can reduce the intensity of gas formation and bloating by taking the most popular adsorbent - activated charcoal tablets. But he has the ability to absorb not only harmful substances, but also the vitamins, minerals and beneficial intestinal microbes necessary for the body.

The drug Smecta - dioctahedral smectite (double silicate of magnesium and aluminum) - is used as a symptomatic remedy for chronic diarrhea, has absorbent properties. The dose for an adult is 2-3 sachets of powder (for suspension) per day, and the recommended duration of treatment is no more than 7 days. Among the side effects of Smecta are constipation, vomiting and ... flatulence.

The adsorbents also include the drug Polyphepan (375 mg tablets containing hydrolytic lignin), which is recommended for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the symptoms of which include diarrhea and flatulence. Tablets are taken orally (1-1.5 hours before meals); for adults, the daily dose is 12-16 tablets; in chronic pathologies, the reception is carried out within 10-15 days with breaks of 7-10 days. As a rule, Polyphepan is well tolerated and does not lead to dysbacteriosis. However, it is contraindicated in patients with anacid gastritis, intestinal atony, and in case of exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The drug Almagel (other trade names - Alumag, Maalox, Gestide, Gastal, Palmagel) contains aluminum and magnesium hydroxides, which neutralize the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice. This drug is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases associated with increased acidity of gastric juice. In addition, due to the content of benzocaine, it acts as a local anesthetic for stomach pain; has an adsorbing, laxative and choleretic effect. Almagel is prescribed for adults 1-2 teaspoons 4 times a day (half an hour before meals and at bedtime). The course of treatment is 10-12 days.

Among the carminative antifoam drugs, doctors distinguish (and most often recommend) Simethicone (trade names - Espumizan, Simecon, Espuzin, Alverin, Pepfiz, Sab Simplex, Disflatil, Colikid, Meteospasmyl, Bobotic) - in the form of an emulsion, suspension and capsules. The therapeutic effect of this agent is based on the organosilicon polymer polydimethylsiloxane, which is a surface active substance (surfactant). It breaks the bubbles of gases accumulated in the intestines, and they are freely absorbed through the mucous membranes of the intestines or excreted from the body during defecation. Dosage of the drug for adults: 1-2 capsules, or 1-2 teaspoon of emulsion, or 25-50 drops of suspension at a time (after meals, drinking water); should be taken 3 to 5 times a day.

Severe flatulence after eating, many doctors suggest treating with Motilium, which refers to drugs that stimulate intestinal motility and stop vomiting, as well as reduce belching and bloating in the abdomen. A rapidly dissolving tablet of the drug should be put on the tongue and swallowed without washing down. The active substance of Motilium - domperidone - acts as an antipsychotic agent (neuroleptic), and its side effect is expressed in increased production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland, so that undesirable neuroendocrine effects are possible: galactorrhea, gynecomastia, amenorrhea. In the presence of problems with the liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, as well as during pregnancy, this remedy is contraindicated.

Finally, flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen are successfully treated with carminative medicinal plants: infusions and decoctions of chamomile, dill, fennel or cumin. In the famous medieval medical treatise, the Salerno Code of Health, one can read the following: “The accumulation of gases outwardly removes the seed from the fennel.” And today, the fruits and essential oil of fennel (a relative of dill) are widely used for flatulence - in the form of dill water and infusions. To prepare a medicinal infusion, you need to take 2 tablespoons of seeds, brew a glass of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for at least 60 minutes. During the day, drink the infusion several times, 50 ml each.

Exercises for flatulence

For those who like to lie down after a hearty meal, doctors warn: you can “lay down” a lot of problems with the intestines, including flatulence. And for those who want to improve their well-being, they are advised to perform the following exercises daily for flatulence.

  • Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, raise them above the floor and “pedal” an imaginary bicycle - for 20 seconds three times with breaks of a few seconds.
  • Remain in the supine position, bend your legs at the knees and put them shoulder-width apart, stretch your straight arms along the body. Resting on the feet and shoulder blades, raise the pelvis off the floor, remain in this position for a count of 1-2-3-4, and then slowly lower to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10.
  • Lie on your stomach; straight legs at the knees and feet are pressed to each other; arms bent at the elbows are located along the chest. Raise the body from the floor, leaning on the palms of straightened arms, bend your back, tilting your head back. Stay in this position for 5 seconds, then slowly lower back to the starting position. The number of repetitions is 10.
  • Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your bent arms, clasped “in the lock”, behind your head. On inspiration, a forward bend is performed (without bending the legs at the knees), on exhalation - straightening with a backward bend. The number of repetitions is 8-12.
  • Starting position, as in the previous exercise, but hands on the waist. At the expense of 1 - raise your hands up, at the expense of 2-3, perform a springy tilt forward with your fingers touching the floor. On account 4 - return to the original position. The number of repetitions is 8-10.

Foods for flatulence: what can and cannot be eaten?

Part of what you can’t eat with flatulence has already been named above (see the Causes of flatulence section), but we will once again list foods that increase gas formation.

These are rye flour bread and fresh white bread (as well as all rich pastries); all legumes (beans, beans, peas, lentils); millet, oats, barley and semolina; fatty meat, all sweets (with the exception of natural honey); whole milk (including powdered milk): pasta; all carbonated drinks.

Flatulent vegetables that cause gas formation: cabbage (white, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, broccoli), potatoes, corn, raw onions, radishes, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, spinach, asparagus, artichokes.

Fruits with flatulence, contributing to increased flatulence: pears, apples, apricots, peaches, grapes, cherries, gooseberries, figs, dates, prunes.

In addition, nutritionists say that some foods with flatulence simply cannot be combined with each other so as not to increase gas formation in the intestines. For example, you should not mix dairy products with anything, eat grain products and sour fruits and berries at the same time, any raw vegetables should not be mixed with any fruits, and potatoes should be used as a side dish for meat.

A logical question arises: what can you eat with flatulence? Everything except what is impossible. That is, you can fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese, crumbly cereal side dishes (buckwheat, rice), chicken eggs, boiled or stewed vegetables and lean meat, fruit and berry juices, vegetable and butter, wheat bread is better stale or dried.

Prevention of flatulence

Prevention of flatulence includes several points, namely:

  1. It is necessary to eat right (see the section Foods for flatulence).
  2. Avoid intestinal dysbacteriosis (systematically consume foods with Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics).
  3. Treat existing pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Maintain physical activity in any form - walking, cycling, swimming, jogging and, of course, daily exercises (see section Exercises for flatulence).

And in conclusion, take note of the conspiracy against flatulence, which is supposed to be done at dawn or at sunset.

Pour holy water into a large vessel and throw a pinch of salt into it; prepare clean cutlery - a spoon, fork and knife, a church candle, a sheet of white paper and an empty glass jar. The patient should sit next to him.

The following actions: they take a bowl with a jar in their left hand and hold it over the stomach of the person being spoken to, read the words of the conspiracy from flatulence and at the same time baptize the water - with a knife, fork and spoon - in turn. After the end of the conspiracy, it is necessary for the patient to breathe several times over the container.

The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced only once: “The night dreamer is brewed, spoken from bones, from relics, from lived, from half-lived, from a white body, from red blood, from a zealous heart, from a violent head. Do not be in a white body, in red blood, in a violent head, do not get sick, do not prick, do not swell. I do not pronounce, but call the twelve apostles and all the saints. Save, Lord, save, Lord, cover, protect from all sorrows and illnesses, from the night dreamer. Amen".

Bloating brings not only internal discomfort and pain, but also social problems. But this is not the most important thing. Bloating and increased gas formation can be a symptom of serious diseases of the digestive system, their treatment cannot be ignored, and for this you need to find out the causes of the appearance.

Why does bloating happen?

In medicine, bloating is called flatulence. This is an unhealthy condition that occurs with increased formation of gases and their accumulation in the abdominal organs. It is accompanied by pain (often severe but short-lived), belching, and excess gas through the rectum (flatulence).

Where does excess gas in the body come from? Its formation is a natural reaction that accompanies digestion. Normally, daily, the human body brings it out in an amount of 50 to 500 ml. In a pathological state, this volume reaches 3 liters. Up to 50% comes from outside (exogenous way), the other half is formed inside (endogenous).

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Outside air enters by swallowing it with food, while smoking, chewing gum, talking while eating, as a result of the rapid absorption of food. This condition is called alimentary flatulence.

From the inside, the pathology develops for the following reasons:

  • Nervous and mental disorders.
  • Changes in the intestinal microflora with a predominance of gas-producing bacteria.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the intestines.
  • Lack of enzymes.
  • Muscular weakness of the intestine (decreased peristalsis).
  • Reduced atmospheric pressure.

One of the main causes of increased gas production is the consumption of foods that are either incompatible with each other or cause bloating on their own.

The accumulation of gases in the stomach, intestines occurs due to a violation of some processes:


A change in the acidity of gastric juice worsens the breakdown of proteins, intestinal motility is disturbed and the removal of gases to the outside slows down.

  • Belching.
  • Heartburn.
  • Pain, heaviness in the stomach.


Inflammation prevents the normal flow of enzymes into the duodenum through the sphincter of Oddi, as a result, digestion is slower, fermentation and putrefaction begin.

  • Sensation of distended abdomen in upper part.
  • Constipation.
  • Nausea with vomiting.
  • Weakness.


Bile is an essential component of digestion. When the gallbladder becomes inflamed, its outflow is disrupted, which leads to inadequate digestion in the intestines, where bile performs its function.

  • Belching.
  • Bitter or sour taste.
  • Nausea, vomiting.


Structural changes in the pancreatic tissue significantly reduce the secretion of pancreatic juice. This causes bloating after eating, as the normal process of digestion is disrupted. Without pancreatic juice enzymes, it is almost impossible to digest what you eat.

  • Severe pain, often girdle.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Flatulence.

Liver disease

Severe bloating often occurs after eating fatty foods, this happens when bile secretion is impaired, its deficiency leads to incomplete breakdown of fats and the appearance of toxic substances.

  • Bitterness in the mouth.
  • Skin itching.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Weakness.


In a state of increased excitability, the central nervous system is quickly depleted, one of the consequences is a violation of intestinal innervation. Gases are no longer normally excreted and absorbed, various dyspeptic disorders occur.

  • Irritability.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Anxious state.


If the balance is disturbed, the opportunistic microflora begins to actively multiply, causing bloating and many other side effects.

  • Diarrhea.
  • Excessive gas formation in the intestines.
  • Pain in the abdomen.

All types of intestinal pathologies cause flatulence due to changes in motility and microflora composition. The cause of accumulation of gases and bloating after eating may be mechanical obstacles in the form of internal adhesions, narrowing of the intestine or neoplasms.

In newborns, this condition occurs due to the lack of certain digestive enzymes. In elderly people - due to the weakening of the work of individual glands, age-related stretching of the intestine and atrophy of sections of its muscular wall.

Nutritional disorders

Frequent bloating does not necessarily indicate illness. It can be an incorrectly formulated diet, food on the run, or an unacceptable combination of products. Many of them cause fermentation, accompanied by the release of excess gas.

Bloating accompanies weight loss diets. They cause constipation, which traps gases. A cardinal change in the diet, for example, switching to a vegetarian diet or a raw food diet, is also a factor in trouble in the digestive system.

The condition may be caused by the person frequently eating warm food. Not all housewives think about this when preparing food for the future for several days, and heating in the microwave or on the stove can be one of the causes of digestive problems. Those who often eat away from home also suffer from this; in establishments, the quality of food varies greatly and not for the better.

Bloating in women

The causes of bloating and gas formation in women, in addition to those described above, are associated with the hormonal background. Throughout the childbearing period, a woman may suffer from this before menstruation. This condition is associated with hormonal cycles that cause a violation of water metabolism, leading not only to bloating in the lower abdomen, but even to pain, swelling of the limbs, and short-term weight gain. Also, as a result of hormonal changes, during menopause, a woman suffers from malfunctions in the digestive system, causing unpleasant disturbances.

If there is a feeling of accumulated gases, but there are no visible natural reasons for this, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist. This condition can occur with inflammation of the ovaries or uterus, and also be a symptom of the appearance of cysts or tumors.


If the abdomen is regularly swollen, the causes must be established together with the doctor using special examination methods. It begins with an examination, clarification of the anamnesis and symptoms from the patient's words. Already with palpation, percussion (tapping), auscultation (listening), the doctor will determine what examinations he needs for an accurate diagnosis. The following methods are commonly used:

  • X-ray examination (irrigoscopy) will help to establish mechanical obstacles in the intestine (adhesions, polyps), the relief of the mucosa, the functional state of various departments.
  • Endoscopic - will reveal the condition of the stomach, duodenum, large, small intestine. The probe will visually show all disorders, inflammations and other possible pathologies.
  • Ultrasound will show the structure and condition of the abdominal organs.

The first thing to do is adjust your diet. And this applies to both the composition of food and eating habits. Proper nutrition is not only a diet for bloating. You need to train yourself:

  • Eat fractionally - often and in small portions.
  • Set a period between meals of at least 3 hours so that it has time to be digested.
  • Chew food thoroughly, so less air enters the stomach with it.
  • Do not eat hot or very cold food, the same goes for drinks.
  • Avoid fried, smoked foods.
  • Do not seize lunch or dinner with fruits, eat them at least 2 hours after eating other food.
  • To prevent constipation, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

As for the diet, it should be limited as much as possible, and if possible completely eliminated, products that cause fermentation - peas, beans, cabbage, fresh bread and pastries, dairy products (except sour-milk), soda, bran, black bread and others. It is better to prefer grains (crumbly cereals), baked fruits and vegetables, and easily digestible meats to them.

By following such a diet, you can forever get rid of the unpleasant sensations that greatly poison life.


Any mother knows how to help a newborn baby get rid of gases. She massages his stomach in a circular motion, bends the legs, pressing them to the tummy. And the baby gets better.

Such exercises for bloating exist for adults. Simple and effective gymnastics, which can be done constantly for prevention, but can only be done at times of strong accumulation of gases:

  1. Basic gymnastics tense and relax the abdominal muscles 10-15 times.
  2. Lie on your back, pull your legs bent at the knees to your stomach, wrapping your arms around them. Lie in this position for a couple of minutes.
  3. Bend your knees while lying down. As you exhale, press hard with your hands on the intestinal area, hold your breath for a few seconds. On a delay, make stroking movements with your hands towards the navel. Exhale, relax and inflate the stomach.
  4. Get on all fours and rest your arms outstretched on the floor. While inhaling, bend down, throw your head back, while exhaling, lower your head and arch your back up. During the exercise, the abdominal muscles contract and relax. Repeat several times.
  5. Starting position - on your knees. With one foot, a forward lunge is made, while with raised hands, bend back in the lower back and linger in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the lunge with the other leg.
  6. Starting position - sitting with one leg bent under you. The second is bent at the knee. Move the body in a spiral with a delay in this position for a few seconds. This exercise is an excellent massage of the abdominal organs.

Bloating does not pose a serious threat to health, but it can reduce the quality of life. It is easy to get rid of an unpleasant condition by following a normal diet and doctor's recommendations.

The problem of where flatulence comes from is not the most popular for discussion. An exception is an appointment in the office of a gastroenterologist. There are many common causes and causes of bloating, in a particular situation they manifest themselves in different ways, often combined. Identification and timely treatment of digestive disorders, diseases that cause increased gas formation, is necessary to maintain physical health and mental well-being.

Moderate or severe abdominal pain and bloating is not just an intestinal problem. The change in food products begins already in the oral cavity, and air enters the gastrointestinal tract along with food. The decomposition of proteins, carbohydrates and fats is provided by the digestive glands of the oral cavity, stomach, liver and pancreas.

The food bolus travels a path longer than 5 m and enters the small intestine, where the final digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place. Water is absorbed in the large intestine. Undigested residues are excreted through the rectum. The accumulated gases are partially absorbed by the intestinal walls, the rest go out naturally.

In case of violation of the functions of one of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the work of the entire digestive system changes. Flatulence is not necessarily a sign of a disease. The consumption of certain foods and drinks is often accompanied by bloating, and is resolved by eliminating the irritating substance from the diet.

Twelve questions about flatulence

Accumulation in the intestines from 100-150 ml to 0.9-1 l of gas does not necessarily lead to bloating, if gaseous molecules enter the bloodstream and are excreted naturally through the anus. Flatulence occurs when these processes are disturbed.

Answers to common questions about gases in the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. What is flatulence?

This is an excessive accumulation of gas and distension of the intestines.

  1. What is another name for flatulence?


  1. Where does air come from in the digestive tract?

Swallowed with food, drinks, swallowed while talking.

  1. What foods most often cause flatulence?

Legumes, cereals, confectionery, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits.

  1. Is it harmful to hold back gases?

Yes. The more air accumulates, the stronger the stretch and. To release gases, you should go to the toilet or go outside.

  1. How many gas outlets are considered normal?

10 to 25 times a day.

  1. What is chronic flatulence?

Bloating for more than 12 weeks.

  1. What is dangerous bloating with abdominal pain?

The appearance of intestinal obstruction.

  1. How to determine which product causes flatulence?

Eliminate “suspicious” dishes one by one from the menu to find out which one is associated with the appearance of bloating.

  1. Are food allergies and food intolerances the same disease?

No. Allergy is an immune problem and incompatibility is a metabolic reaction. Occurs in case of deficiency of an enzyme that breaks down a certain substance.

  1. How is flatulence treated?

They take carminatives, adsorbents, antispasmodics, probiotics.

  1. What plants are used to treat bloating?

Ginger root, fennel seed, dill, chamomile flowers, mint leaves, green tea.

Important! You can not treat severe bloating with a heating pad and enemas - they can worsen the condition of the intestines. The method is contraindicated in acute inflammation of the digestive tract.

Flatulence is accompanied by many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring immediate medical attention. Surgical intervention is necessary if there is intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, an ulcer has opened, a malignant tumor is growing.

The most common complaints of bloating

Flatulence is accompanied by physical discomfort, sometimes severe pain. Manifestations in different people vary depending on the composition of the food, the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the age of the patient.

Feelings and symptoms:

  • rumbling, seething and other characteristic sounds in the intestines;
  • feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach;
  • bloating of the upper abdomen;
  • heartburn, nausea, belching, vomiting (sometimes);

Exhaust gases have a complex chemical composition. The smell is absent when nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen predominate. The stench is explained by the release of hydrogen sulfide, volatile thiols, skatole, ammonia. The sound is caused by the vibration of the anal sphincter.

Constant flatulence occurs with many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Without establishing the cause, it is not always possible to cope with the discomfort. In such situations, the use of carminatives and adsorbents provides only temporary relief.

The specialist who examines the patient pays attention to his appearance, asks about the time of onset and the nature of the symptoms. Diagnosis includes ultrasound, X-ray examination, panoramic computed tomography of the abdominal organs.

The main causes of excess gas formation in the intestines

Consumed foods can irritate the stomach and intestines, causing an increase in the activity of intestinal bacteria that produce gas. Many diets involve eating large portions of vegetables or proteins. When the food bolus reaches the large intestine, there are a lot of undigested residues in it, so putrefaction occurs more actively with the formation of gases.

And bloating in a healthy person:

  1. Rapid absorption of food.
  2. Conversations while eating.
  3. Nervousness and haste.
  4. Soda.
  5. Fast food.
  6. Smoking.
  7. Stress.
  8. Alcohol.
  9. Binge eating.
  10. Physical inactivity.
  11. Change of diet.
  12. Moving, climate change.

Foods and drinks that most often cause bloating and stomach: legumes, milk and its products, fried foods, fatty meats, plums, grapes, carbonated drinks.

Attention! Active gas formation occurs even in people with a healthy digestive system after eating foods rich in complex carbohydrates.

Sweeteners enhance fermentation in the intestines. It is advisable to use a safe sweetener - stevia. Legumes, some grains, and vegetables cause less gas after soaking in water for 6-12 hours. Bread is best eaten on the second day when it dries up.

The occurrence of bloating in different populations

The intestines must cope with those gases that enter with food and are formed in the large intestine. For many reasons, the natural process is disrupted. Each population group has its own list of external and internal causes of excessive gas formation.

Among women

The most common causes of flatulence are hormonal disturbances during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause. The growing fetus in the body of a pregnant woman compresses the internal organs. This reason, together with fluctuations in the hormonal background, disrupts normal digestion, leads to excessive accumulation of gases. Proper nutrition and feasible physical activity somewhat alleviate the discomfort.

Increased blood flow to the pelvic organs, which causes pain and bloating in the lower abdomen in women at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. The use of antispasmodic and analgesic drugs alleviates premenstrual syndrome. Among the possible causes of severe flatulence, regardless of menstruation, are pathologies of the ovaries or uterus.

After 45 years, the work of the digestive glands worsens, the absorption function of the intestine is disturbed. During this period, the causes of bloating and gas formation in women are associated with the use of milk, coffee, and fresh pastries. It is necessary to avoid foods that cause flatulence, take enzyme preparations.

In men

Most often, belching and bloating are caused by dietary errors, a sedentary lifestyle, and stress. Men often drink food with beer, strong alcoholic beverages, eat protein and carbohydrate foods together, which contribute to the formation of gases. Alcohol enhances appetite, fatty foods serve as snacks. Food is digested more slowly, the load on the liver and pancreas increases.

It is harmful to eat at night when metabolic processes slow down. The appearance of the so-called beer belly also complicates digestion and absorption in the intestines. Such violations increase the risk of excessive gas formation.

The child has

Babies swallow air while suckling, then suffer from painful abdominal colic. The removal of gases through the blood by diffusion is difficult due to the immaturity of the digestive system. There are bloating and nausea in children against the background of food allergies, intolerance to certain products.

Attention! A child only by the age of 7 acquires the physiological ability to digest the food that prevails in the daily menu of most families.

The influence of diseases on increased gas formation

Abdominal pain and flatulence are a burden on the body. Since digestion is disturbed, tissues and cells do not receive the necessary amounts of nutrients. An aversion to food or a pathological appetite may appear. As a result, the condition of the digestive tract, heart and blood vessels worsens.

Functional dyspepsia, chronic gastritis - and their diagnosis is carried out in stages. Includes clinical blood tests, urine, feces, ultrasound endoscopy, biopsy and a number of other studies.

Drug treatment:

  • Almagel Neo or Maalox - adsorbents, carminatives and antacids.
  • Ranitidine, Cymtidine, blocking H2-histamine receptors.
  • Omeprazole as a proton pump inhibitor.
  • Motilium to stimulate gastrointestinal motility.

If you are concerned about constipation and constant bloating, the causes may be associated with impaired bile secretion as a result of inflammation of the gallbladder, liver disease. Frequent rumbling and seething after eating occurs with pancreatitis. Symptoms disappear after taking enzymes in the preparations Mezim, Panzinorm, Festal.

Violation of the optimal balance of microorganisms in the intestine leads to dysbacteriosis. The number of lactobacilli decreases, opportunistic and pathogenic fungi and bacteria multiply intensively. A person suffering from dysbacteriosis constantly feels severe bloating after eating.

Intestinal atony is accompanied by frequent constipation. All this time, the masses in the large intestine undergo putrefaction with the formation of fetid gases. Rumbling, bloating, constipation or diarrhea occur with irritable bowel syndrome.

Food intolerances and food allergies

The intensity of swelling and the smell of gases are due to the individual composition of the intestinal microflora. Severe flatulence is most often accompanied by the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates, which are poorly absorbed. Bloating begins shortly after eating a meal containing one or more "problem" carbohydrates.

Lactase enzyme deficiency causes lactose intolerance in milk. In old age, after drinking milk and dairy products, heaviness and bloating, abdominal cramps also occur.

Among the products, a group of strong allergens stands out, with which unusually strong reactions of the body to common food substances are more often associated. Often the disease is accompanied by flatulence and headache.

With food intolerance and food allergies, insufficiently digested masses enter the intestines. Bacteria and yeasts in the intestinal flora "pounce" on food. During the life of microbes and as a result of chemical reactions, gases are released. Foods and drinks that cause flatulence should be avoided. It is important to observe the diet, do not drink carbonated water while eating.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Bloating is the result of gas formation in the intestines. As a rule, this is nothing to worry about: constantly forming gases is normal. Most of them enter the bloodstream and then to the lungs, where they are excreted from the body. But if a person suffers from regular bloating and flatulence, this may be a symptom of an upset stomach and intestines. In the article, we will figure out why the stomach swells and gases often leave, what may be the cause of this and what methods of treatment will help.

It is not customary to talk about such things as flatulence, and people are often embarrassed to see a doctor because of such a problem, which, of course, is wrong. If this symptom does not leave for a long time, the doctor should definitely examine you.

The following gases usually accumulate in the intestines:

  • nitrogen (N 2);
  • carbon dioxide (CO 2 );
  • hydrogen (H 2 );
  • methane (CH 4);
  • oxygen (O 2).

They account for about 99 percent of intestinal gases and are odorless. A foul-smelling gas odor occurs when intestinal bacteria break down protein from food. As a rule, the following compounds cause it:

  • hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S);
  • ammonia (NH3);
  • dimethyl sulfide (C 2 H 6 S);
  • methanethiol (CH 4 S);
  • volatile (or gaseous) fatty acids (eg butyric acid, propionic acid).

Remember! Most often, short-term bloating is not a symptom of disease. In most cases, this is due to nutritional problems that can be dealt with by adjusting the diet.

Bloating is a common problem: in Russia, according to a study, about 13 percent of respondents say that they have suffered from flatulence in the last seven days. Approximately one in five adults experience stomach bloating at some point, especially for people with irritable bowel syndrome, which affects about 15 million people.

How does air appear in the intestines?

The fact that after a meal more air appears in the intestines is quite natural. However, flatulence can occur not only due to the peculiarities of digestion, but also due to stress, nervousness, or the habit of eating too quickly, which causes people to swallow a lot of air (aerophagia).

Most gases are released during digestion, such as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the neutralization of stomach acid and fatty acids in the intestines. Fatty acids come from dietary fats. In addition, they are formed together with CO 2 when sugar-containing compounds (carbohydrates) enter the large intestine and are fermented there by bacteria. This occurs, for example, with lactose intolerance, but can also be associated with eating foods high in fiber.

Part of the accumulated CO 2 , which is odorless, enters the lungs through the blood and is exhaled. The remaining air in the intestines - a mixture of CO 2 , hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, sulfur and other fermentation products (odor components) - leaves the intestines through the anus after about half an hour. In comparison, solid food needs careful digestion and takes one to two days to process.

Last but not least, certain foods often cause bloating or flatulence. Most often, these are fatty and sweet foods, convenience foods, as well as ready-to-eat foods containing flavors, lactose, sorbitol as a sugar substitute or fructose as a sweetener. These ingredients cause many stomach problems. Although simple fructose is naturally found in many fruits.

Why the stomach swells and gases often leave: reasons

Bloating and flatulence are caused by an imbalance in the normal intestinal microflora. Because of this, gas-forming intestinal bacteria develop very actively.

There are several reasons:

  • aerophagia - swallowing large amounts of air while eating;
  • increased gas production in the intestines;
  • deterioration in the process of removing gases through the blood;
  • malnutrition;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Diseases of the stomach or intestines - one of the causes of flatulence

Improper nutrition


In addition, some acute or chronic bowel diseases and irritable bowel syndrome are among the causes of flatulence. Constant bloating is almost always their symptom. Researchers believe that disturbed microflora is the cause of this disease and associated symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation and bloating.

Bowel disease can also cause a person to swell and often pass gases. These include:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • celiac disease;
  • diverticulosis;
  • diverticulitis;
  • intestinal stenosis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • short bowel syndrome;
  • elongated and non-standard curved colon;
  • adhesive disease;
  • intestinal atony.

In addition, diseases of other abdominal organs can cause flatulence, for example:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • exocrine pancreatic insufficiency;
  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • ovarian cancer or other cancers in the abdominal cavity.

Neuropathy often develops in diabetic patients. This can negatively affect the nerves in the intestines, leading to flatulence.

In addition, some medications can cause flatulence, such as:

  • antibiotics;
  • agents for the treatment of diabetes;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • strong analgesics (opioids);
  • laxative;
  • diet pills.

With portal hypertension (increased pressure in the portal vein) and a form of heart failure in which the blood in the veins stagnates (right ventricular failure), removal of intestinal gases through the blood is impaired, which contributes to flatulence.

Flatulence is common in pregnant women - and this is normal, since the growing fetus can put pressure on the intestines. Also during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), women often complain of bloating. This is due to the peculiarities of the reproductive system, which is next to the intestines. This symptom usually goes away after 2-3 days.

Video - Bloating, flatulence, gases in the intestines, flatulence. Causes and emergency self-help

Flatulence in a child

In children, flatulence and abdominal pain (colic) in the abdomen occur frequently, especially in the first three months of life. This occurs because their digestive system is not yet fully developed, and also depends on the mother's nutrition if the child is breastfed. Even drinking can contribute to bloating in a baby if he swallows too much air while breastfeeding or from a bottle. Therefore, parents should choose the right method of feeding the baby.

Associated symptoms

Simultaneously with flatulence and bloating often occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

If all the air cannot escape from the intestines, it creates pressure on the organs above the intestines. This may result in:

  • frequent belching;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting urge.

If the cause of bloating and flatulence is chronic inflammatory bowel disease, you may experience:

  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • vomit;
  • pallor;
  • unintentional weight loss;
  • fatigue, nervous exhaustion, general weakness;
  • "fatty" stools (steatorrhea).


Although bloating and frequent passing of flatus are most often harmless and do not carry any consequences, it is worth examining if they become permanent. Probably, the reason lies in diseases of the internal organs or intestines.

If gases often leave and the stomach swells, consult a specialist

Before sending the patient for examination, the doctor takes an anamnesis and asks some questions for this.

  1. How long have you been suffering from flatulence?
  2. Do gases smell?
  3. In addition to bloating and flatulence, do you suffer from other symptoms such as pain or rumbling?
  4. Do you have diarrhea, constipation, or both?
  5. Have you been stressed lately?
  6. Have you changed your usual diet?
  7. Do you get these symptoms especially after eating dairy or grains?
  8. Do you suffer from chronic diseases that may be associated with flatulence, such as diabetes?
  9. Do you take medication, and if so, which ones?
  • the specialist pays attention to whether the patient's stomach is swollen, whether rumbling is heard;
  • with the help of a stethoscope, he “listens” to the stomach and intestines;
  • the doctor presses on the abdominal wall to determine if it is tense.

If the bloating is suspected to be caused by a mass or stenosis, a digital rectal examination is performed, in which the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum.

If, after physical diagnostic methods, the doctor remains suspicious that flatulence is caused by some disease, additional examinations are prescribed:

  • fecal analysis (for example, occult blood);
  • complete blood count (when decoding, attention is drawn to the concentration of protein, ESR, sugar level);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • breath hydrogen test;
  • gastroscopy;
  • colonoscopy.


Bloating and therefore flatulence in most cases disappear on their own - treatment is not always necessary. However, if these symptoms become permanent, the main thing to do for the patient is:

  • exclude from the diet products containing gluten (baked goods, sauces, etc.) and lactose (milk, cream, kefir, etc.);
  • stop drugs that give such a side effect, and if necessary, replace them, after consulting with your doctor;
  • take digestive enzymes in violation of the digestive tract.
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • eat often in small portions - 5-6 times a day;

  • do not talk while eating - this will help to avoid swallowing a large amount of air;
  • drink plenty of water, but non-carbonated;
  • do not use sweeteners;
  • exercise - this will help keep the intestines in good shape;

  • avoid stress - because of them, problems with the gastrointestinal tract occur quite often;
  • do not abuse cigarettes.

Following these tips will help not only get rid of flatulence, but also not face it in the future.


Table 1. Medications for the treatment of flatulence

  • Activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Laktofiltrum";
  • "Polifepan".
  • The active ingredients of the drugs absorb gases in the intestines and remove them from the body. Not recommended for long-term use, because along with gases they also remove useful substances.
  • "Espumizan";
  • "Bobotik" (for children);
  • "Kuplaton";
  • "Simat";
  • "Colicid";
  • "Disflatil".
  • Preparations of this group have no contraindications and are suitable for both pregnant women and infants. Their action is based on the deposition of mucous foam, which contains gases. Due to this, they are more easily absorbed by the mucous membrane and are excreted either through the blood or through the anal passage. The drugs themselves do not enter the bloodstream and are not absorbed by the body. They are non-toxic and completely safe.
  • "Lineks";
  • "Yogulakt";
  • "Bifiliz";
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Hilak forte";
  • "Acipol".
  • These preparations contain strains of live lactobacilli that make up the intestinal microflora. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the drugs restore its balance, stimulate the immune system and inhibit the activity of gas-forming and putrefactive bacteria. This improves the digestion process.
  • "No-Shpa";
  • "Besalol";
  • "Spasmonet";
  • "Papazol";
  • "Trimedat";
  • "Papaverine";
  • Spazmol.
  • These remedies do not help with flatulence and bloating, but they relieve pain that can arise from pressure on the internal organs. However, antispasmodics are forbidden to drink for a long time, as they are addictive and impair intestinal motility. It is better to take them in combination with drugs that relieve the cause of pain - then the discomfort will be quickly eliminated.

    Folk remedies

    An effective remedy for flatulence and bloating is a tea made from four herbs: fennel, cumin, anise and mint. They are mixed in equal proportions and poured with 400 ml of boiling water, after which they are infused for 15-30 minutes. This tea is recommended to drink 2 glasses a day.

    The following herbs are also commonly used:

    • turmeric;
    • chamomile;
    • artichoke;
    • ginger;
    • gentian root;
    • dandelion.

    They can also be brewed as a tea, either individually or mixed together. Such drinks will relieve cramps and pain in the abdomen, flatulence and nausea.

    Gentle massage of the abdomen in a clockwise direction, application of moist heat or wrapping will also help with such symptoms. And warm baths with aromatic oils will not only relieve discomfort, but also contribute to relaxation.

    The causes of bloating in women can be different, ranging from eating certain foods to diseases.

    Most often, bloating of the lower abdomen is a symptom that is part of the complex clinical picture of a particular disorder of the body.

    To get rid of the effect, it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and for this you need to find out why excessive gas formation can be observed.

    How does this happen?

    Bloating is also called flatulence. This is the process of excessive accumulation of gases in a certain part of the intestine.

    Its walls are stretched, since excess gases do not go out, as a result of which a person feels bloating in the lower abdomen.

    An increase in the size of the intestinal area leads to pressure on the nerve endings and other internal organs, resulting in a sensation of pain.

    The danger of bloating is that when exposed to the internal organs adjacent to the intestines, symptoms similar to serious pathologies can occur.

    Acute pain may suggest inflamed appendicitis, and in women, emergency gynecological conditions may be suspected, such as inflammation of the ovaries or an ectopic pregnancy.

    Some people are familiar with such a pathological condition as lactose intolerance. This disease is characterized by a low content in the body of the enzyme lactase, which promotes the digestion of the disaccharide lactose.

    This substance is found in fresh milk and dairy products. Their excessive use by people with a similar disease contributes to flatulence and the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen.

    To get rid of this condition, you need to consult a doctor who will help you form a diet in such a way that the percentage of milk and dairy products consumed is optimal.

    In some cases, you have to completely abandon products containing lactose in their composition.

    In addition, there are products without this substance, which can also cause flatulence and pain in the lower abdomen.

    This list can include:

    • products with a high content of coarse fiber and cellulose that are poorly digested, such as honey, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc.;
    • products that cause fermentation, such as yeast, beer or kvass;
    • drinks with a high content of gas;
    • excessive consumption of sweets.

    The way you eat can also cause gas, such as overeating or eating too fast.

    Flatulence also contributes to insufficient water intake, because of this, the bacteria in the intestine begin to produce an excessive amount of gases.

    Another common cause of excess gas is food allergies.

    Gradually, you can trace the pattern by finding out which foods are not tolerated by the body. In this case, bloating and pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by itching, difficulty breathing, or a rash.

    Causes of constant flatulence

    If bloating in the lower abdomen is observed constantly, and it is accompanied by pain, then in most cases this indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body.

    There are several diseases whose symptoms are flatulence, so in order to find the right treatment without harm to health, you need to see a doctor.

    Most often, bloating indicates a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be gastritis or an ulcer, peritonitis, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, dysbacteriosis, cholelithiasis, etc.

    To get rid of bloating and pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of these symptoms.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in most cases are easily treatable if they have not become chronic and if the condition is not neglected.

    The situation is more complicated with pathologies of the genitourinary system, since they can have serious consequences for a woman.

    Diseases that are symptomatic of flatulence include:

    1. Thrush. In medicine, this disease is called candidiasis, it is caused by the Candida fungus. The main symptoms include itching, burning of the affected area, a rash that eventually turns into erosion, white curdled discharge from the vagina. Treatment should be comprehensive, it should include antifungal drugs for internal and external use, as well as measures to strengthen immunity and restore normal microflora;
    2. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. This pathology is often accompanied by cutting pains in the lower abdomen and bloating, as well as frequent painful urination, cloudy discharge and, in some cases, fever. Treatment of cystitis involves diet, taking the necessary medications, bed rest and drinking plenty of water;
    3. Myoma of the uterus. This is a benign formation on the uterus, formed from muscle tissue. In the early stages, this disease may be asymptomatic, but in advanced cases, when the size of the node becomes significant and puts pressure on nearby organs, pain, flatulence, and difficulty in stool can be observed. Depending on the severity of the situation, the doctor may prescribe both conservative treatment with medications and surgical intervention;
    4. Endometriosis. Pathology is characterized by the growth of cells of the inner layer of the uterine wall. Symptoms of the disease can be varied - it may include pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities, infertility, as well as symptoms characteristic of intoxication. Treatment can be carried out both with the help of drugs and surgery. In some cases, a combined method is used.

    morning flatulence

    The causes of bloating and gas formation in men are less serious, but also make you think.

    Most often, this phenomenon is facilitated by an improper diet, excessive consumption of harmful foods, frequent snacks instead of a full meal. In most cases, problems can be solved by properly balancing your diet.

    To understand how to do this, you can study several nutrition tutorials and find the one that suits you best.

    If there is not enough time for self-deepening into the subject, it is recommended to contact a nutritionist.

    In some cases, the body is not able to cope with the full digestion of food on its own, then the doctor prescribes additional medications.

    In addition, the occurrence of excess gas in the morning can be affected by the daily routine.

    Many people are accustomed to having their last meal just before bedtime, but doctors do not recommend doing so.

    Dinner should be at least 4 hours before bedtime. During this time, food can be digested without hindrance, as a result of which in the morning there will be not only bloating, but also heaviness in the stomach.

    During sleep, there is no release of excess gases from the body, so flatulence can be observed in the morning.

    Bloating during pregnancy

    During gestation, flatulence and excessive gas formation can also be observed. This can manifest itself from the first trimester until the very birth, and the reasons may be different.

    To exclude consequences dangerous for the health of a woman and a child, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist.

    In most cases, bloating during pregnancy is considered normal, so the doctor does not prescribe medication to eliminate these symptoms.

    The causes of flatulence during pregnancy may be as follows:

    1. Production of the hormone progesterone. Its activity is aimed at relaxing the muscles of the uterus, but at the same time, it reduces the motor activity of the digestive organs, as a result of which food is not digested intensively enough - an excess amount of gases is formed;
    2. At later stages of pregnancy, the uterus increases significantly in size, as a result of which pressure is exerted on the adjacent internal organs, in particular, on the intestines;
    3. Constantly wearing tight, uncomfortable clothing puts pressure on the intestinal wall, making it difficult for it to work;
    4. Unbalanced diet and excessive consumption of junk food.

    During pregnancy, the female body experiences severe stress, and additional discomfort only intensifies it.

    Frequent flatulence can provoke headaches, insomnia, depression, general weakness and lack of appetite.

    This adversely affects not only the mother, but also the child, so it is necessary to take effective measures.

    If necessary, the doctor prescribes treatment based on the cause of the excessive amount of gases.

    In addition, it is necessary to take preventive measures, for example, move more and be outdoors more often, balance the diet, and refuse junk food.

    The causes of bloating and gas formation in women are multifaceted, so do not delay contacting a specialist.

    Be healthy!

    The causes of bloating and gas formation in women and men are the same, but in women there are more such factors due to the structural features of the body. Bloating occurs as a result of the accumulation of gases in the stomach or intestines and is called flatulence.

    Why does flatulence occur?

    Whatever the cause, bloating and gas causes a lot of discomfort, such as:

    • there is heaviness in the stomach;
    • the impression that the abdomen has increased in size, although physically its increase usually does not occur;
    • a feeling of seething in the intestines, accompanied by characteristic sounds;
    • short-term or constant pain, colic;
    • sometimes there may be heartburn, belching, hiccups, nausea;
    • with large accumulations of gas, internal organs can be compressed, pains appear in them, sometimes acute.

    Such sensations arise due to the fact that gases accumulate in the stomach, bursting it and squeezing other organs, or gases collect in the intestines and cause significant discomfort while moving through it.

    Regular bloating and gas formation can be signs of illness or be caused by temporary causes. In order to effectively deal with this phenomenon, it is necessary to establish what causes them. The most common causes of bloating in women are:

    • malnutrition;
    • intolerance to a number of products;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • bad habits;
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • pregnancy;
    • climax.

    Each of these reasons should be studied in order to understand why gas formation occurs in one case or another, otherwise it is not always possible to cope with bouts of flatulence.

    Improper nutrition

    The most common cause of gas formation is malnutrition. Both a general wrong diet and a number of products can cause bloating.

    Regular milk becomes a common cause of flatulence. Since adults do not have enough enzymes to break it down in the stomach and intestines, intestinal gases form.

    Other foods that cause gas include vegetables, canned fruit products (including juices), sodas, sugar substitutes, bran, and other whole grains. Eating fruits is also often the cause of bloating. Especially if fruits are consumed after a heavy meal. The fact is that a fruit dessert is digested in the stomach much faster than, for example, meat or flour products. As a result, the process of fermentation begins in the stomach, during which a large amount of gases is formed. Therefore, fruits should be eaten either before meals or an hour after meals.

    Not only products can provoke gas formation, but also the form in which they are consumed. Rapid swallowing of food or swallowing large pieces of food is accompanied by a large intake of ordinary air into the stomach. It is involved in the process of digestion and leaves through the intestines, causing a feeling that the stomach is puffed up and enlarged.

    Entry into the stomach of a large amount of air also causes the regular use of chewing gum.

    In some people, gas formation can be triggered by eating reheated food. When heated, many foods change molecular compounds, as a result, their digestion proceeds differently than fresh ones. This problem is often faced by people who often eat in restaurants and cafes. In such establishments, as a rule, dishes are prepared in large volumes, warming them up in portions for customers. If the cause of gas formation is precisely reheated food, then you should be more careful about cooking and not purchase products for the home that require repeated thermal exposure. These products include even bread for making toast.

    With frequent heartburn, many take various drugs to suppress it. Sometimes baking soda is taken for these purposes. Both soda and other drugs to combat heartburn, when released into the acidic environment of the stomach, release a lot of gases. Therefore, trying to cope with heartburn, many often cause bloating.

    Another medication that causes bloating is antibiotics. When treated with them, general disorders of the digestive system can be observed. These side effects usually go away after the course of treatment is completed.

    Association with diseases

    Any disease of the gastrointestinal tract can be accompanied by increased gas formation and bloating. Constant flatulence with the right diet can be a sign of such diseases. Given that gas formation causes a number of serious diseases, you should carefully consider your condition. And if bloating is accompanied by pain, then you should consult a doctor to diagnose the gastrointestinal tract.

    If an attack of flatulence is accompanied by severe cutting or dull pain, and bleeding appears from the anus, then you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

    Gastritis, especially chronic in the period of exacerbation, and stomach ulcers cause a general disruption of the process of digestion of food in the stomach. As a result, when the products are split, many volatile gases are formed. In addition, gas formation in these diseases is caused by the vital activity of Helicobacter bacteria living on the mucous membranes. Gas formation caused by these causes can only be prevented temporarily. Complete disposal of it will be possible only with the treatment of the disease itself.

    Flatulence often becomes a sign of a violation of the intestinal microflora, its obstruction or acute bowel syndrome. It occurs in various diseases of the liver and pancreas. Such diseases, in addition to gas formation, also cause other serious disorders in the body, and they should be treated immediately.

    The inflammatory process in the appendix, cholelithiasis, various types of tumors also cause bloating and pain in the lower abdomen. It is extremely dangerous to treat such diseases with home remedies, you must seek medical help.

    In addition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergies can cause excessive gas formation. An improperly functioning immune system causes not only a runny nose, tearfulness and a rash on the body, but also disorders in other organs. Taking anti-allergic drugs relieves these effects.

    Stress and depression take a toll on the entire body. With them, there is often a decrease in appetite, tension in the intestines, or, conversely, its weakening. It is necessary to treat such phenomena comprehensively.

    Gas formation caused by any disease completely disappears after the cause of the disease is cured. Often, with this treatment, doctors prescribe drugs designed to reduce intestinal problems. You can take medications on your own, but without eliminating the cause, you will not be able to completely get rid of attacks of flatulence.

    Bad habits

    Smoking causes great harm to the intestines. When smoking, a large amount of toxic substances enter the body, which the body tries to remove in all possible ways. From smoke, blood circulation is disturbed, the intensity of acid production in the stomach increases. All this, especially with regular exposure, causes numerous problems in the body, including in the gastrointestinal tract.

    The use of alcoholic beverages also has a very negative effect on digestion. Trying to remove dangerous compounds from the body, the stomach begins to work in an enhanced mode. In addition, alcohol causes fermentation in the stomach, in which a large amount of gases is released.

    Hormonal causes

    Hormonal causes of gas formation are found only in women and cause them additional discomfort at certain periods of their lives.

    During pregnancy, all women experience disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and stomach due to the fact that the growing fetus pushes back and squeezes all the internal organs, interfering with their full-fledged work. The intestines are especially affected, the compression of which causes the accumulation of gases. Unfortunately, there is no effective way to treat such gas formation, but the right diet helps to reduce negative effects in the intestines.

    For many women, bloating occurs before, and sometimes during, menstruation. This is due to the cyclical change in the hormonal background, which causes a slowdown in water metabolism in the body. Before menstruation, a large amount of blood flows to the pelvic area, squeezing the internal organs. The result of this is not only pain in the lower abdomen in women and its swelling, but also an increase in body weight by 1-2 kilograms. After menstruation, these phenomena disappear. If bloating causes a woman serious inconvenience during menstruation, then the doctor may prescribe medications to alleviate premenstrual syndrome and, in particular, to reduce gas formation.

    During menopause, women experience not just a temporary change in hormonal levels, but a complete restructuring of it. The consequences of this are numerous failures in the work of the whole organism, including the gastrointestinal tract. It is best to cope with the negative consequences of the onset of menopause according to the recommendations of a doctor.

    If a woman has pain in her lower abdomen and there is a feeling of heaviness and bloating, and there are no natural causes for such a condition, then this condition may be a sign of diseases of the ovaries or uterus. Tumors, cysts, inflammatory processes in the female reproductive system often cause increased gas formation.

    Treatment Methods

    Any treatment for bloating and gas in women should begin by identifying the cause of their occurrence. However, there are drugs and ways to alleviate the condition before the long process of diagnosing the disease is completed.

    The easiest way to deal with discomfort in the stomach and intestines is activated charcoal. A simple, effective and harmless remedy is great for quickly relieving the feeling of bloating.

    With bloating, you should limit yourself to food intake, which can increase intestinal discomfort. To normalize its work, it is good to drink tea with chamomile or mint. A drink made from cumin or dill will help relieve gas formation. These spices have an excellent effect on the stomach and intestines. The healing drink itself is prepared simply: 1 tsp. seasonings are infused in a closed glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

    To prevent flatulence, you should follow the right diet and do not neglect healthy foods, such as oatmeal. But products that cause gas formation should be excluded. These are mainly beans, peas, milk and muffins.

    Be sure to ensure that the meal was leisurely. Food should be chewed thoroughly and not talk at the same time, in order to prevent air from entering the stomach. Food should be fresh, it is advisable to avoid reheating it.

    Physical exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles will also be useful - running, walking, squatting, swimming. All these sports contribute to the normalization of bowel function.

    It is best to give up bad habits. This will have a good effect not only on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, but also on all body systems.

    If gas formation continues despite all preventive measures, it is necessary to contact a specialist to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Flatulence caused by any disease should be treated only together with the underlying disease.

    Constantly bloated stomach is a pathological condition that occurs as a result of improper digestion. It can occur both in healthy people and in patients who have a variety of pathological processes.

    Causes of pathology

    Drinking carbonated drinks leads to bloating.

    Bloating can appear for a variety of reasons. It most often occurs when air is swallowed while eating.

    If a person consumes carbonated drinks in excessive amounts, this can lead to bloating. During the period of taking soda, which neutralizes the gastric secret, a pathological condition is also observed.

    If starch and fiber enter the human body in large quantities, this leads to gas formation. An immoderate amount of rich and sweet food that a person consumes also leads to the formation of gases.

    Bloating can occur as a result of various pathological conditions. The main cause of the pathology is fermenopathy. This disease is characterized by the absence in the human body of an enzyme that is responsible for the production of complex milk sugars.

    Very often the disease appears on the background of dysbacteriosis. In this disease, the intestinal microflora changes. In the presence of a swelling of a local type, one can judge the presence of mechanical barriers along the path of gas movement. Bloating can be observed against the background of mental pathologies, namely, hysterical disorders.

    A permanently bloated belly can occur as a result of malnutrition or pathological conditions. In the second case, it is imperative to seek help from a doctor.

    Symptoms of the disease

    In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, belching may occur.

    With constant flatulence, a person tries to find not only its causes, but also to identify additional symptoms.

    If the pathological condition occurs as a result of malnutrition, then in most cases it is not accompanied by additional symptoms and disappears on its own the very next day.

    If the cause of bloating is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then it may be accompanied by:

    • vomiting;
    • diarrhea;
    • Belching;
    • heartburn.

    In a pathological condition, there is a visual strong distension of the abdomen. He is constantly tearing up. The patient experiences pain. They can pass on their own or not stop for a long period. To eliminate this symptom, you need to drink special painkillers.

    With a bloated stomach, a person constantly thinks that he has overeaten, despite the fact that he consumes a minimal amount of food. Some patients with the appearance of this pathological condition complain of constant weakness.

    Some patients develop rumbling in the abdomen, which is explained by the movement of gases. In some cases, the pathological condition may be accompanied by a headache. Due to external changes, a person feels constantly insecure.

    Bloating is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. If the first of them appeared, then it is necessary to begin treatment.

    Features of treatment

    Duphalac is a remedy for constipation.

    With the appearance of bloating, it is necessary to immediately begin the treatment of this pathological condition.

    In this case, the treatment can be easily carried out at home. Treatment of the disease should be aimed at eliminating the causes of its occurrence.

    In order to eliminate or mitigate the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take adsorbents regularly. Doctors recommend taking activated charcoal for bloating.

    With its help, the amount of gases in the intestinal area is reduced, but also the removal of toxins. It is necessary to take traditional medicine as carefully as possible, otherwise constipation may occur.

    In order to prevent the formation of gases in the intestines, it is necessary to direct the treatment to eliminate problems with peristalsis. This is due to the fact that the situation can be aggravated not only by constipation, but also by diarrhea.

    In a modern pharmacy you can find laxatives in large quantities. The most effective in eliminating constipation is the drug Duphalac. The action of the drug is aimed at thinning the feces. Also, with the help of this traditional drug, dysbacteriosis is eliminated. This is due to the fact that the drug activates the activity of the intestine and eliminates harmful microorganisms.

    It is also widely used to stabilize the liver. You can provide first aid for flatulence at home with the help of traditional medicine. Despite their high effectiveness, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using a certain medication.


    A decoction of herbs will help get rid of flatulence.

    Treatment of bloating can be carried out using traditional medicine, which are highly effective.

    If a patient has flatulence against the background of an infectious bowel disease, then it can be eliminated with the help of willow and oak.

    The preparation of medicines is carried out on the basis of the bark of these plants. For this purpose, two tablespoons of crushed raw materials must be poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes.

    Herbal decoction is also effective in treating flatulence. To prepare it, you need to take St. John's wort, peppermint, pharmacy chamomile. All herbs are mixed in equal amounts and poured with boiling water.

    With the help of chamomile and St. John's wort, inflammatory processes are eliminated. Mint belongs to the category of antispasmodics. The decoction should be taken orally before meals. A single dose of the drug is half a glass.

    Very often, plantain is used to eliminate the disease. This plant is characterized by the presence of enveloping properties. It also stimulates the bowels. A tablespoon of crushed plantain leaves must be poured with boiling water.

    An unconventional medicine is infused for four hours. After this time, it must be filtered and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Reception of folk medicine is carried out before meals, two teaspoons.

    Traditional medicine in the treatment of flatulence are not only safe, but also the most effective, which allows them to be used to treat adults and children.

    Prevention of pathology

    Prevention of flatulence will allow a person to eliminate the possibility of developing this unpleasant disease.

    With the appearance of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is imperative to carry out their timely treatment. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. Also, a person should not consume carbonated drinks in excessive quantities.

    In order to eliminate the possibility of developing a pathological condition, the patient must be provided with proper nutrition. Do not eat baking soda to treat heartburn. Constant bloating is a rather unpleasant and alarming symptom. That is why, when it appears, the patient must without fail seek help from a doctor who will prescribe a rational treatment.

    Causes and treatment of bloating - the topic of the video:

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