Fragrant and healthy - green dill, let's talk about its medicinal properties and contraindications. Dill infusion for cosmetology. The best early ripe varieties of dill

Of all the herbs, dill is the richest in vitamins. That is why it is simply necessary to use dill for children under one year old. It is also recommended to add dill to children's food a year. fresh greens has a beneficial effect on digestion and increases appetite.

Dill, as well as parsley, are a storehouse of vitamins. Moreover, these herbs have a beneficial effect on the gastric mucosa without causing irritation. That is why it is advised to eat dill almost from infancy. The leaves of this plant contain many vitamins B1, B2, iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus.

Fragrant leaves not only fit almost every dish, but also decorate it. Of course, kids are unlikely to be able to appreciate the aesthetic design, but they may well like the new vegetable puree with the addition of dill juice. Even half a spoonful of dill drink can not only change the usual diet, but also awaken the baby's appetite. In addition, dill has an excellent diuretic effect and treats constipation. That is why dill for children up to a year is so necessary.

Almost all babies in the first months of life suffer from colic in the abdomen. Excellent medicine from this - an infusion of dill seeds. To prepare it, you need to buy fennel seeds (also the name of dill) in a pharmacy, and pour a teaspoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water.

In an hour, the infusion will be ready. You can give it to your baby from the first days of his life. In this case, do not forget about the precautions. For a newborn, any vegetables, herbs and fruits should be washed especially carefully. It will be better if the dill leaves lie a little in the water. After a while, mud and sand will sink to the bottom. And only after that the dill should be washed in running water several more times.

Dill juice can be given to the baby both in a bottle with a nipple, and to drink it from a spoon. In most cases, the child likes the taste of dill. Although adverse allergic reactions are not excluded. When they occur, dill infusion should not be given to a newborn.

You can continue to take dill water and add the juice of this plant to food further. It is better to give dill to children a year along with vegetable soups and salads. The kid has become more mature, which means he is ready for heavier food. Complementary foods are gradually introduced starting from the 5th month of the baby's life. Initially, it is a fruit or vegetable puree. You can also gradually include cereals in the diet. Especially useful are buckwheat and rice. semolina porridge Recommended for children from 1 year old.

Few people know, but dill is also very useful for nursing mothers. It helps with the production of more milk, fights cystitis and insomnia, and normalizes the work of the heart. In combination with other herbs, such as chamomile or lemon balm, you can make an aromatic and healthy tea.

We should not forget about the varied diet of the baby and his mother. Meals should include vegetables, fruits, lean meats and eggs. Despite the fact that dill is considered very useful plant, all herbs should be given to the baby from the first weeks of his life. Should be excluded from the diet Bay leaf, cloves and cinnamon. These products are strictly contraindicated for children under two years of age. Celery and parsley should be gradually added to food from 9-10 months. Garlic and onion only after heat treatment.

After each meal, the condition of the baby should be assessed in order to avoid allergic reactions to one or another component of the prepared dish.

For cooking more healthy drink, fennel seeds are best crushed. So, in the infusion is preserved more vitamins and nutrients. Drink a decoction should be several times a day, you can on an empty stomach. A newborn can drip dill water on the tongue with a pipette.

Of course, dill is not a panacea for all diseases, but eating this plant can significantly improve the functioning of many body systems. Primarily, gastrointestinal tract. This is especially true in the first months of a baby's life, when babies have problems with their intestines. Dill will be no less useful for nursing mothers.

Hello dear readers! Now there is hardly a person who does not know what dill is. Most people use dill,as a condiment for many dishes. This is the most popular herb that is added to soups and salads. But dill grass has other beneficial properties. Today I will talk about the medicinal properties and contraindications of dill, hardly many of us know this.

According to Wikipedia, Asia is considered the true homeland of dill, and now dill is cultivated and grown throughout Europe and northern Africa. Dill was used by Egyptian physicians 5,000 years ago and remains have been found in Roman ruins and in Britain. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that dill protects against witchcraft. Dill came to Russia from the countries of southwestern and central Asia.

It turns out that dill is a kind of panacea for many diseases. Like any drug, the effect on the body is due to its unique composition. There are many vitamins here (A, C, PP, nicotinic, folic acid, carotene), essential oils, phytoncides, bioflavonoids, proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements. And each of these components has a beneficial effect and restores something in our body. And at the same time, it is extremely low in calories, 100 grams contains only 38 kcal.

This is a list of useful and medicinal properties of dill.

  • Dill is a plant that can make any dish tasty and increase appetite.
  • The bactericidal, antimicrobial effect of dill is used in diseases such as dysentery, salmonellosis, etc.
  • The essential oils contained in dill contribute to enhanced secretion gastric juice and bile, due to the antispasmodic effect, it can be used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and constipation.
  • Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action is also manifested in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract especially if they are accompanied by a cough with an asthmatic (allergic) component.
  • Anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and wound-healing effect: if you prepare a gruel from young shoots of dill and apply on infected wounds or pustules on the skin at night and do this several times, then as a result the wound will be cleansed of pus, inflammation and swelling will be removed. You can also relieve itching and burning after the bites of bees, mosquitoes.
  • The antioxidant effect of dill is manifested by neutralizing carcinogens.
  • The deodorizing property is manifested when dill water is used as a mouth rinse, as well as when washing the body, since it is manifested here antibacterial action dill. It is the bacteria that cause unpleasant and stale odor from the mouth or body.
  • The hormones contained in dill stimulate the work of the female gonads and the hormones they secrete, which in turn regulates menstrual cycle.

Dill seeds - medicinal properties and contraindications

  • Dill water helps relieve spasm smooth muscle blood vessels, thereby reducing the increased arterial pressure. With atherosclerotic headaches, dill water relieves pain, soothes with neurosis and promotes fast falling asleep with insomnia.
  • A compress of dill seeds relieves fatigue from the eyes, especially when long work at a computer or working in a poorly lit room.
  • Gruel from dill leaves is used in the preparation of face masks, as in pure form, as well as in other masks. This results in smoothing of wrinkles and skin rejuvenation.
  • Dill water helps to increase lactation in nursing mothers and relieve intestinal colic and flatulence (bloating) in newborns and young children.
  • The undoubted benefits of drinking dill water to increase hemoglobin in the blood in anemia.
  • It's beautiful sedative, it calms and promotes fast falling asleep.


Despite the fact that we can use dill every day, but its excessive use or dill water is also not recommended. It should be used with caution both for food and as medicinal product people suffering from low blood pressure, those who have a breakdown, as well as a temporary deterioration in vision. Do not get carried away with dill and dill water also for pregnant women.

How to prepare dill water

Very often, young mothers do not know what to do when their baby just rolls up from colic in the tummy. An attack can be provoked if the child is transferred to another diet, if the child is overfed, if it is not properly attached to the breast, when the child swallows air with milk, and also because of the nutrition of the nursing mother. On the help will come Dill water. How to cook it right?

To prepare dill water, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dill seeds and pour 1 liter of boiling water, let it brew for an hour, strain and drink 100 ml 3 times a day for adults and young children and newborns, 1 teaspoon.

If you didn't have in home first aid kit dill seeds, you can buy them at the pharmacy. Dill oil can also help, which must be diluted: 1 part oil and 1000 parts water, shake well, drink 20 drops 4-5 times a day.

Prepare dill seeds in advance, they may come in handy if the family plans to have a newborn or already has a baby. In addition, you may need dill seeds when pickling cabbage. For harvesting, seeds are harvested at the end of summer, when they turn yellow-brown. The collected seeds are laid out on paper and left to dry in a ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight. Dried seeds are stored in a dry container.

How to prepare dill for the winter

It is a pity that in winter you can’t pick a sprig of fresh dill to put it in a salad or soup. If you use the methods listed below and prepare dill for the winter, then the fragrant seasoning will be on your table all year round.

Mandatory conditions: to harvest dill greens for the winter, it is necessary to take sprigs of milky ripeness when the stems are soft and the plant has not gone into color. Collect plants grown far away in ecologically clean places for drying.

  1. Dill can be dried. To do this, rinse the branches with water and then lay on a towel to dry. If dill grows in your garden and away from busy roads, then you can do without pre-washing. Finely chop the greens and lay them out on clean paper (but not on newspapers) or cloth and leave to dry in the shade away from direct sunlight, otherwise the greens will simply turn yellow. Store dried herbs in a dry, tightly closed jar.
  2. Someone pickles young dill. To do this, clean prepared chopped greens are mixed with salt, mixed thoroughly, and then folded into glass jar and closed with a polyethylene lid. Store in a dark place in a closet.
  3. It is best to freeze young dill. Now many refrigerators are equipped with large freezers so take advantage of this opportunity. Place dry, finely chopped dill in a plastic bag or container and simply place in the freezer. With this method of storage, the plant retains all useful material and vitamins.

And for everyone else, I recommend, on the contrary, to use dill in fresh, add it to any dish, it will improve its taste and also bring you a lot of health.

The range of useful properties of dill is extremely wide and includes its ability to stimulate digestion, relieve hiccups, diarrhea, flatulence, help with insomnia, menstrual irregularities, viral diseases And so on.

Dill is good for oral care, is a powerful helper immune system and bone tissue. In addition, it is a well-known anti-inflammatory substance that helps with arthritis and osteochondrosis. Dill can also be used in complex therapy cancer.

Dill, known to science as "anethum graveolens", has long been used in cooking and traditional medicine for hundreds of years. Both leaves and seeds of the plant are valuable. Spicy flavor dill is due to the presence of essential oils, flavonoids and monoterpenes in it. Therapeutic effect dill is also explained by the presence in it of a number essential amino acids and minerals.

Dill is cultivated both as a perennial and as an annual. herbaceous plant. Greens and dill seeds universally applied in cooking all over the world. Its homeland is Asia Minor and Southern Europe. In Western and Northern Europe, dill gained popularity around the 16th century. Dill is widely cultivated at home and, due to its unpretentiousness, can be grown as a box or pot crop all year round.

As already mentioned, the medicinal properties of dill are due to great content in him organic compounds, vitamins and microelements. It is especially worth highlighting such powerful monoterpenes as carvone, limonene and anetofuran, and besides this flavonoids kaemferol and vicenin. As for vitamins and trace elements, dill contains vitamin A and vitamin C, folic acid , iron and manganese.

Useful properties of dill for digestion

Dill is one of the most cultivated in the world herbs and is widely used in cooking. The essential oils contained in dill stimulate the secretion of bile and digestive juices.

They improve intestinal motility, reduce gas formation and are the best carminative.

Dill is also used to prevent constipation, fast withdrawal bouts of hiccups.

There is scientific evidence on the effectiveness of dill preparations in the treatment of dysentery. Essential oils, monoterpenes and dill flavonoids inhibit the development of the causative agent of dysentery.

Useful properties of dill from insomnia

Substances found in dill leaves have specific properties. They are gentle on nervous system person and have a moderate calming and relaxing effect, thereby normalizing sleep and making it deeper without resorting to powerful drugs.

If three times a day before meals, use one teaspoon of dill seeds with warm water, you can improve sleep, reduce pressure in hypertension and get a diuretic effect.

Useful properties of dill for k awn tissue

Dill leaves contain important elements that protect the body from bone loss and decrease in bone density. This circumstance makes dill a valuable tool in comprehensive prevention and therapy of osteoporosis, which affects millions of people in the world, and the age limit of the disease in last years decreased markedly.

Medicinal properties of dill and Diabetes

dill already for a long time used to treat diabetes. Despite the fact that large clinical trials in this area has not been conducted, a number of studies prove the ability of dill to reduce fluctuations in serum lipids and lower blood sugar levels.

Medicinal properties of dill and Immunity

Dill has long been known for its antimicrobial activity. Essential oils of dill have the ability to suppress putrefactive processes and the development of pathogenic flora. Systematic use of dill is one of the pretty effective means that increase the body's resistance to bacterial viral infections.

Medicinal properties of dill and Arthritis

Dill is excellent for reducing inflammation and reducing pain in common diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout and arthrosis. This property plants have been known since ancient times.

Medicinal properties of dill with n disruption of the menstrual cycle

Essential oils and flavonoids of dill stimulate the secretion of a number of hormones that support the normal menstrual cycle in women.

L medicinal properties of dill at p respiratoryX diseases

Kaempferol, like other flavonoids, as well as monoterpenes and essential oils, are natural antihistamines and decongestants and help a lot with allergic rhinitis and cough.

Medicinal properties of dill oral care

Dill seeds and leaves are very good breath fresheners. In addition, dill essential oils, which have bactericidal, disinfectant and antioxidant properties, have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity, suppressing putrefactive pathogenic flora and minimizing the damage caused to teeth and gums by free radicals.

Medicinal properties and about cancer diseases

The monoterpenes found in dill are considered natural chemopreventive agents that stimulate the secretion of an enzyme called glutathione-S-transferase. This enzyme is very effective in neutralizing carcinogens. Other antioxidants in dill essential oils also contribute to protecting the body from cancer, so dill must be present in daily diet person.

Medicinal properties of dill, traditional medicine recipes

A decoction of dill, from hypertension and diseases of the biliary tract.

One tablespoon of dill herb is boiled in a glass of water for 10-15 minutes, then the broth is allowed to cool. Take ½ cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

Dill decoction for cough

Dill has the ability to remove phlegm from the respiratory tract. Dill decoction is a strong expectorant.

Recipe: 10 gr. Dill seeds are boiled for 5-7 minutes in 250-300 ml of water, then cooled and allowed to brew, after which honey is added to taste. Use 2-3 times a day, 100 ml.

Dill infusion for nursing mothers

Take 3-4 times a day, one tablespoon of dill infusion - this will stimulate increased output breast milk.

Dill water for a child from colic

It is prepared easily and effectively one spoonful of dill seeds is poured into 250-300 ml. water and infused until cool, after which it is ready for use.

Give the child in a warm and necessarily strained one spoon a quarter of an hour before feeding. Dill water eliminates spasms and excess gases in the intestines of the child. Must be present

Dill infusion for cosmetology

Useful and medicinal properties of dill are also used in cosmetology, due to its antiseptic properties not bad helps with acne, . For this problem areas on the skin 3-4 times a day are rubbed with dill infusion (for example, using a cotton pad).

Other useful propertiesdill

Dill Recognized a good remedy for relaxation and strengthening of the nervous system, it enhances urination, which is important when removing toxins, excess salts and water from the body. Dill strong carminative, which contributes removal of excess gases from the intestines.

Dill has a moderate antispasmodic effect, is a anticonvulsant and stimulates lactation. It is impossible not to say about the ability of dill to stimulate the secretion of a number of hormones, increase libido (due to the presence of arginine), as well as renders beneficial effect on the bones and teeth.

dill in baby food will help to diversify the diet of the baby with a new taste. Therefore, today we will talk about dill, its beneficial features for children's nutrition, is it possible for children to dill, at what age, in what form to cook and how much and how to serve on the children's table, we will answer all the questions of young parents. Read more…

What is dill?

Dill - annual aromatic plant, which can reach 60 cm in height and often has a single stem. Its seeds are small flattened granules, with small wings, which are also used in cooking. Its French name comes from the Greek "anethon", meaning "fennel", with which it is often confused. However, they are two different plants. Dill is mainly used in Scandinavia, Russia, North Africa and Central Europe.

History of dill

Dill is native to the Mediterranean Basin and Western Asia. It is mentioned in the Bible and Egyptian writings. In Russia, dill appeared at the beginning of the 16th century (although some sources claim more early appearance dill around the 12th-13th centuries), quickly spread and took its place in Russian garden beds. Dill was used not only in cooking, but also for medicinal purposes.

The benefits of dill in baby food

Dill contains such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, as well as potassium, copper, magnesium, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, fiber. Moreover, only 43 calories are packed in 100 g of dill. The plant also contains flavonoids, various acids.

Dill leaves and seeds contain essential oil and active ingredients that give the plant its characteristic aroma and taste, and have a beneficial effect on skin condition. Only fresh leaves contain active ingredients, and the seeds are only effective when dried.

Dill is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight cellular aging due to oxidative stress.

Dill facilitates digestion, which helps to eliminate intestinal gas. The anti-spasmodic property of dill soothes colic. In addition, it protects the intestines because it limits the spread of pathogenic bacteria.

Dill, helping the intestines, removes gas, bloating, rotting, and also creates optimal conditions for development beneficial microflora and has anthelmintic properties. And this plant also reduces the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, especially useful for chronic pancreatitis, gastritis with reduced secretion. The work of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion improves, appetite appears, the secretion of gastric juice and bile increases. Dill is very useful for fighting bad smell from mouth natural way enough to chew it. Dill also has diarrhea properties.

rich in vitamins and mineral composition dill normalizes metabolic processes helps to lose weight. Regular use of dill in the diet helps the body to better protect itself from infections, improves immunity.

Has a diuretic effect, used to treat inflammation urinary tract, for quick removal harmful substances from the body. Infusion and dill powder are used for cystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney disease, hemorrhoids.

Dill has a positive effect on the nervous system, eliminates insomnia, and has a moderately calming effect.

Dill seeds are used to treat pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, asthma. They have expectorant properties, promote the excretion of phlegm and help eliminate inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Dill helps to improve the condition in diseases of the heart and atherosclerosis. Dill seed tea increases breast milk in breastfeeding mothers.

And dill seeds have anti-inflammatory and healing properties, relieve signs of fatigue around the eyes.

Dill powder is useful for seasickness. By holding it in your mouth, you can cope with nausea and dizziness.

In baby food, dill seeds are used to eliminate colic in a child and normalize bowel function.

Dill greens are added to baby food to give them a unique new flavor for a variety of baby foods.

Can children have dill and when?

Dill in baby food as greens can be present with. Tea from dill seeds or dill water can be given after 28 days of the baby's life, earlier it is not recommended due to the fact that the baby's body adapts to the external environment, breast milk or mixtures, recommendation .

Daily dosage dill should be no more than 5 grams. Usually it is added to children's dishes 2-3 minutes before readiness. The dill should boil a little so that there is no allergic reaction. After 18 months, you can increase the dosage of dill to 10 grams.

So fresh dill you can introduce the baby closer to 2-3 years, if before that there was no reaction from the baby to this product. To acquaint means a couple of leaves in a salad or just as a separate snack, but not like a whole bunch, so that the child eats dill, because an overdose is possible.

Fresh dill can be added to salads, to legumes, to make pickles, such as pickles and tomatoes. You can also mix cottage cheese with herbs or dill with yogurt and use these mixtures to cook delicious meat.

Foods that go well with dill:

Herbs and spices that perfectly complement the taste of dill:

We are not afraid and add me to

Dill is added

In the brine, in the marinade.

Fragrant and pleasant

His scent.

Pickled cucumber

Looks so strong.

He smells like dill

And crispy delicious!

Dill is the most fragrant of leafy vegetables. Remember how fresh and pleasant it smells.

What does dill look like, you know?

It has a rather dense tall elastic stem, beautiful carved leaves, small yellow-green flowers are collected in an umbrella inflorescence, after flowering, seeds form in their place. Pleasant aroma possess not only fresh green leaves of dill, but also the seeds themselves, because they contain volatile essential oils that smell strongly.

homeland of dill- East coast of the Mediterranean. There and now there are thickets of wild dill.

This plant has been known to people for several thousand years. The ancient Greeks, Romans and other peoples did not use it for food, but grew it as a wild herb.

The famous ancient poetess Sappho wrote about dill in one of her poems:

Cover with wreaths...

Waves of beautiful curls

Narvi for a wreath with a gentle hand

Fresh dill branches.

The ancient Greeks not only wove fragrant sprigs of dill into wreaths and bouquets, but also knew about its healing properties.

In Western and Northern Europe, dill has spread since the 16th century.

Dill contains a rich mineral and vitamin set: salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin C and carotene.

Dill seeds, which have a wonderful fresh aroma, are used in perfumery, in the manufacture of creams and lotions, in the medical and confectionery industries.

Good housewives use dill when pickling and pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini. Young dill is eaten raw, dried and salted for winter storage.

Dill grows rapidly and produces several crops during the warm season. Experienced gardeners sow dill in spring and closer to autumn. When it is sown on greens, it is harvested after 20-30 days. Young dill is pulled out along with the roots, and the old one, intended for pickling, is cut off.

Answer the questions

What does dill look like?

Where does dill come from?

How was dill used in ancient times?

What nutrients are found in dill?

What dishes are dill added to?

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